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茂山日記 The Journals of Musan
05/12 (Sun) 07:30pm*
*導演朴庭範將出席視訊映後談 Director Park Jung-bum will attend the after-screening talk virtually.
南韓 South Korea | 2010 |128 mins|D-beta|彩色 Colour 韓語對白,中、英文字幕 In Korean with Chinese and English subtitles
導演 Director 朴庭範 Park Jung-bum
演員 Cast 朴庭範、陳龍玉、姜恩珍 Park Jung-bum, Jin Yong-uk, Kang Eun-jin
獎項 Awards 2011 鹿特丹國際電影節金虎獎、費比西國際影評人獎 Tiger Award and FIPRESCI Award, Rotterdam International Film Festival 2011 2011 翠貝卡電影節最佳敍事新導演獎 Best New Narrative Director, Tribeca Film Festival 2011 2011 韓國影評獎最佳新導演 Best New Director, Korean Association of Film Critics Awards 2011 2011 東京新作家主義影展評審團特別獎 Special Jury Prize, Tokyo FILMeX 2011 2010 釜山國際電影節新潮流獎、費比西國際影評人獎 New Currents Award and FIPRESCI Award, Busan International Film Festival 2010
作為李滄東《詩》的副導演,朴庭範 以這部作品開展其導演生涯,成為這 一代最出色的獨立導演之一。朴庭範 本人飾演脫北者勝喆,住在首爾郊外 的破爛公寓,既找不到工作,也沒有 朋友,更遑論接近教會認識的心儀女 生,身邊只有一隻流浪狗。勝喆掙扎 求存背後,隱藏不堪回首的過去。沒 有人是全然無辜或神聖,撕開假面, 照出人性本相。根據導演脫北者朋友 的真實經歷改編,《茂山日記》在 2010 年釜山國際電影節一鳴驚人,獲 新潮 流 獎及費比西國際影評人獎,及 後更橫掃世界各地多個影展獎項。
在自導自演首部劇情長片前,朴庭範憑 兩部短片《寺景徘徊》及《125全勝喆》 嶄露頭角,後者更為本片的延伸。其後 作品《活著》(2014)曾獲 2010 年釜山 影展亞洲電影基金劇本開發基金。他的 第四部作品《不在這世上》(2019)亦 獲亞洲電影基金支持,並於釜山國際電 影節放映。
映前映後 Before and After An assistant director on Lee Chang-dong’s Poetry, actordirector Park Jung-bum began his career as one of the best and most uncompromising independent auteurs of his generation with this startling and powerful social drama. Park himself stars as Seung-chul, a North Korean defector living in a ramshackle flat outside of Seoul. He works a dead-end job as a poster layer, which often gets him beaten by rivals around the city; he doesn’t have the guts to make friends, let alone approach the girl he likes at church; and his only friend is a stray dog. Based on the true experiences of Park’s friend, a North Korean defector who died of stomach cancer only six years after defecting to South Korea, The Journals of Musan portrays a societal outcast seeking to bury his past in a rapidly modernising society where no one appears to be who they seem. The Journals of Musan premiered at the 15th Busan International Film Festival, where it won both the New Current Award and the FIPRESCI Award before earning over a dozen more prizes at film festivals around the world.
Before directing and acting in feature films, Park Jung-bum made the critically acclaimed short films Templementary and 125 Jeon Seung-chul. The latter would become the basis for his feature directorial debut, The Journals of Musan (2010). His 2014 film, Alive, was a recipient of the Script Development Fund at BIFF’s Asian Cinema Fund in 2010. His fourth feature film Not in This World (2019), which also received production support from the Asian Cinema Fund, was also screened at BIFF.