1 minute read
天下第一拳 Five Fingers of Death
天下第一拳 Five Fingers of Death (a.k.a. King Boxer)
香港 Hong Kong | 1972 |102 mins|數碼 Digital|彩色 Colour 普通話對白,中、英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles
26/11 (Fri) 07:45pm*
*朴漢峻博士將出席映後談 Dr Aaron Han Joon Magnan-Park will attend the after-screening talk.
導演 Director 鄭昌和 Chung Chang-wha
演員 Cast 羅烈、汪萍、王金鳳、田豐 Lo Lieh , Wang Ping, Wang Chin-feng, Tien Feng
韓國導演鄭昌和以電影技藝圓熟見稱, 動作場面瀟灑俐落,在本片可見一斑。 故事講述趙志豪(羅烈飾)遵從師命, 赴尚武館進修武藝,備戰國術大賽。但 被邪派偷襲重傷,幸得歌女所救,康復 後更練成鐵掌絕技。影片巧妙借用《無 敵鐵探長》( 1967 )音樂的警報聲效 渲染情緒,善用剪接加強打鬥節奏,徒 手挖眼亦令人難忘。本片被當年美國影 評人形容為「盡皆過火,盡是癲狂」, 卻是塔倫天奴的心頭好,在《標殺令》 (2003)可明顯看到其影響。
鄭昌和早在 1958 年已執導港、韓合作 的《望鄉》, 1968 年獲邵氏招攬,正 式加盟香港公司,接拍《千面魔女》 ( 1969 )等六、七部動作片,其中以 《天下第一拳》成功打入歐美市場,比 李小龍更早在美國掀起功夫片熱潮。 鄭昌和於 1973 年轉投嘉禾,再執導了 五部動作片。 1977 年回韓國後轉任監 製,自此再沒執導。
Korean film director Chung Chang-wha was well-known for his consummate craftsmanship as well as gorgeous action sequences - both of which are evident in this work. The story follows the protagonist Chao Chi-ho (Lo Lieh) as he follows his master’s order to further his martial arts training at another school in preparation for participating in a major tournament. He is later seriously wounded in an ambush but is rescued by a young female singer. As he recovers, Chi-ho masters the lethal art of the Iron Palm. Cleverly using the siren-like theme from Ironside (1967) to create tension, which complements the film’s adroit editing to enhance the rhythm of the fight scenes. The scene in which a character is blinded with bare hands is especially memorable. Labelled “all too extravagant, too gratuitously wild” by American film critics, Five Fingers of Death was a favourite of Quentin Tarantino and served as an obvious inspiration for Kill Bill (2003).
Chung Chang-wha was the director of the Hong Kong-Korea coproduction Watching Home Town (1958). He was subsequently recruited by Shaw Brothers to work in Hong Kong and directed six to seven action films including Temptress of a Thousand Faces (1969) before successfully cracking the European and American markets with Five Fingers of Death, inaugurating a kung fu craze in the United States even before Bruce Lee came along. Chung later joined Golden Harvest in 1973, where he helmed 5 additional action films, after which he returned to Korea to work as a producer and never directed another film.
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