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秋霞 Chelsia, My Love
28/11 (Sun) 01:00pm*
*李尚埈博士將出席視訊映後談 Dr Sangjoon Lee will attend the after-screening talk virtually.
香港 Hong Kong | 1976 |105 mins|數碼 Digital|彩色 Colour 普通話對白,中、英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles
導演 Director 宋存壽 Sung Tsun-shou
演員 Cast 陳秋霞、李勝龍、鍾鎮濤、關山、朱青 Chelsia Chan, Lee Shing-Lung, Kenny Bee, Kwan San, Chu Ching
獎項 Awards 1977 金馬獎優等劇情片、最佳女主角、最佳非歌劇影片音樂 Best Feature Film - Runner Up, Best Leading Actress, Best Music, Golden Horse Awards 1977
回溯七、八十年代,港產片橫掃亞洲,刀 劍拳腳以外,還有其他選擇。由香港嘉禾 及韓國東亞電影聯合出品,香港唱作歌手 陳秋霞首部參演電影《秋霞》,1976年 在韓國上映後即成年度海外電影票房冠 軍,陳秋霞的清純氣質俘虜亞洲觀眾, 更為她帶來金馬獎最佳女主角。片中她 飾演患心漏症的唱作少女秋霞,與志趣 相投的國輝(李勝龍飾)互生情愫,無 奈感情最終敵不過命運。主題曲〈One Summer Night〉膾炙人口,連少女時代 前成員Jessica也曾翻唱,隔代連繫港韓 流行文化。
While Hong Kong’s action films swept across Asia and the rest of the world in the 1970s and 80s, one of the biggest Hong Kong films ever in Korea is actually this musical romance, a Hong Kong-South Korea co-production. Singer-songwriter Chelsia Chan – who was cast in her acting debut after director Sung Tsun-shou recognised her potential – co-stars alongside pop singer Kenny Bee as an aspiring musician whose life changes after falling for a fellow musician, only for their romance to be cut short by a fatal disease. Not only did Chan amazingly nab the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress with her very first film role, her theme song for the film, "One Summer Night", was such a hit in South Korea that even former Girl’s Generation member Jessica has covered it. Even three decades on, Chelsia, My Love remains such a popular work in Korean pop culture history that fans enthusiastically flocked to the locally held 30-year anniversary screening, which was attended by Chan herself.
映前映後 Before and After
台灣導演宋存壽早在1966年執導首部作 品《天之驕女》,作品多刻劃女性心事, 有「文人導演」之稱,曾發掘林青霞演出 首部電影《窗外》,而陳秋霞主演的《秋 霞》及《第二道彩虹》均成韓國票房神 話。《秋霞》中的催淚橋段,也啟發了當 代韓國愛情劇及電影。2006年《秋霞》在 韓國紀念上映30周年重映,人氣依然。
Making his directorial debut in 1966 with A Perturbed Girl, director Sung Tsun-shou was best known for giving screen icon Brigitte Lin her first acting role with Outside the Window (1973). Excelling at female-driven melodramas, Sung’s Chelsia, My Love (1976) and Rainbow in My Heart (1979) were both massive hits in South Korea. The former was even credited for being hugely influential on contemporary Korean romance melodramas.