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一個字頭的誕生 Too Many Ways to Be No. 1
#本節目亦將放映《毒戰》 This programme will also screen Drug War
30/12 (Thu) 07:45pm
香港 Hong Kong | 1997 |90 mins|35mm|彩色 Colour 粵語、普通話對白,中、英文字幕 In Cantonese and Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles
導演 Director 韋家輝 Wai Ka-fai
演員 Cast 劉青雲、李若彤、吳鎮宇、張達明、黃卓菱 Sean Lau, Carman Lee, Francis Ng, Cheung Tat-ming, Ruby Wong
獎項 Award 1997 香港電影評論學會大獎推薦電影 Film of Merit, Hong Kong Film Critics Society Awards 1997
提名 Nominations 1998 香港電影金像獎最佳編劇、最佳攝影及最佳原創電影音樂 Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography and Best Original Film Score, Hong Kong Film Awards, 1998
影展 Festival 1998 釜山國際電影節新潮流競賽單元 New Currents Award Selection, Busan International Film Festival 1998
據說32歲是個關口,手錶滴答在催促, 彷彿大限將至,古惑仔黃阿狗(劉青雲 飾)去看掌算命,注定面臨人生抉擇。 向左走還是向右走,也許都不是重點, 如果命運能選擇,究竟是渾渾噩噩,還 是拚死一搏,就視乎自己想做個怎樣的 人。韋家輝在香港主權移交前夕,拍出 自成一格之作,大膽揮灑創意與黑色幽 默,360度旋轉鏡頭,上下顛倒的畫面, 兩種選擇兩個結局,盡顯人心不定,反 照荒謬世情。
韋家輝創作過不少膾炙人口的電視劇 集。1995年首次執導電影《和平飯店》, 其後與杜琪峯合組銀河映像,並執導公司 創業作《一個字頭的誕生》,入選釜山 國際電影節競賽單元。他負責劇本創作並 與杜琪峯合導的《大隻佬》(2003)和 《神探》(2007)均獲香港電影金像獎 最佳編劇獎項,前者更贏得最佳電影殊 榮。他亦是《毒戰》編劇之一。最新作 品為自編自導的《神探大戰》(2021)。
映前映後 Before and After It has been said that the age of 32 is a crucial junction in one’s life, with every tick of the clock seeming to signal one’s impending demise. Small-time gangster Gau (Sean Lau) visits a fortune teller to help him make an important life choice. Whether to go to the left or right is perhaps not the main point, for even if people can choose their fate, it is perhaps their character that determines if they would take a risk or lay low. Wai Ka-fai directed this distinctively creative and darkly humorous work on the eve of the handover of Hong Kong to China. With its 360-degree turning camera and upside-down framing, the film’s duo ending is a reflection of the uncertain fate of the city and the absurdities of life.
Wai Ka-fai had been the creative force behind many classic television series, and made his big-screen debut with The Peace Hotel (1995). He later formed the production company Milkyway Image with Johnnie To, and directed its inaugural film, Too Many Ways to Be No. 1, which was chosen as part of the Main Competition at the Busan International Film Festival. He wrote and co-directed Running on Karma (2003) and Mad Detective (2007) with Johnnie To, and won the Best Screenplay award at the Hong Kong Film Awards with both films, while the former work also won Best Film. Wai was one of the writers of Drug War (2012), and his most recent work is Detective vs Sleuths (2021), which he wrote and directed.