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毒戰 Drug War
#本節目亦將放映《毒戰寒流》This programme will also screen Believer
11/12 (Sat) 03:00pm
中國、香港 China, Hong Kong| 2012 |107 mins|DCP|彩色 Colour 普通話、粵語對白,中、英文字幕 In Mandarin and Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles
導演 Director 杜琪峯 Johnnie To
演員 Cast 古天樂、孫紅雷、黃奕、鍾漢良 Louis Koo, Sun Honglei, Huang Yi, Wallace Chung
獎項 Awards 2013 香港電影評論學會大獎最佳導演、最佳編劇及推薦電影 Best Director, Best Screenplay and Film of Merit, Hong Kong Film Critics Society Awards 2013 2013 聖地牙哥影評人協會獎最佳外語片 Best Foreign Language Film, San Diego Film Critics Society 2013
提名 Nominations 2013 金馬獎最佳劇情片、最佳導演、最佳原著劇本及最佳剪輯 Best Feature Film, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay and Best Film Editing, Golden Horse Film Festival 2013 2013 亞洲電影大獎最佳電影、最佳編劇及最佳剪接 Best Film, Best Screenwriter and Best Editor, Asian Film Awards 2013
影展 Festival 2013 鹿特丹國際電影節大銀幕獎競賽單元 Big Screen Award Selections, Rotterdam International Film Festival 2013
毒販蔡添明(古天樂飾)撞車送院,被禁 毒大隊長張雷(孫紅雷飾)捕獲,查出他 與製毒工場爆炸案有關。蔡添明為求活 命,只好答應擔當臥底,協助搗破販毒集 團,然而表面妥協,卻是暗渡陳倉,一場 鬥智鬥力的危險博弈隨即展開。杜琪峯出 奇制勝之作,韋家輝、游乃海等編劇,突 破合拍片的創作規限,加入變奏自《神 探》(2007)的七人幫,延續《黑社會》 (2005)系列對時代轉變的敏銳觀察,再 沒有《暗戰》(1999)雙雄角力的惺惺相 惜,只有互相猜疑,最後讓子彈飛,拍出 了《非常突然》(1998)的冷酷宿命與黑 色風格。
這是杜琪峯執導的第50部電影,入選鹿 特丹電影節大銀幕競賽單元,也是大阪 亞洲電影節開幕及競賽電影,獲華語電 影傳媒大獎最佳電影獎。韓國導演李海 暎以本片為藍本,改編成《毒戰寒流》 (2018),成為韓國賣座電影。
映前映後 Before and After Drug trafficker Choi Tim-ming (Louis Koo) crashes his car and is sent to the hospital, where he is arrested by police captain Zhang Lei (Sun Honglei) because of his connection with an explosion at a drug lab. In order to avoid the death penalty for his crimes, he agrees to act as an informant and help the police capture a drug ring. However, Choi plays one side against the other, initiating a high stakes and dangerous game with lethal consequences. Johnnie To transcends the conventions of most Hong Kong-China co-productions with a script written by Wai Ka-fai, Yau Nai-hoi and others, incorporating variations of elements from his former films like the gang of seven from Mad Detective (2007), while the sharp observations of the changing era that was evident in the Election (2005) series continues with this work. Yet in keeping with the spirit of the times, the friendly rivalry between people on opposite sides of the law as seen in Running Out of Time (1999) is replaced by mistrust and suspicion here. The bulletfilled finale imparts the gloomy sense of predestination and black humour previously seen in Expect the Unexpected (1998).
Drug War is Johnnie To’s 50th feature, and was selected to compete in the Big Screen Competition section of the International Film Festival Rotterdam and as the opening film and part of the main competition in the Osaka Asian Film Festival. Korean film director Lee Hae-young adapted the story of Drug War into Believer (2018), which became a top-grossing film in the country.