Why does my one dog love to play with a ball, and my other seem totally disinterested?
The preference for playing with balls or other toys can vary widely among individual dogs, and several factors may contribute to these differences: 1. Breed characteristics: Some breeds are more predisposed to enjoy fetching and playing with balls due to their natural instincts. Retrievers, for example, as their name suggests, are often known for their love of retrieving objects. 2. Individual personality: Just like us, dogs have unique personalities. Some dogs are naturally more playful and enjoy interactive games, while others may be more laid-back and have different activities that they enjoy. 3. Puppyhood experiences: Early experiences during a dog's critical socialisation period can influence their preferences for play. Dogs exposed to a variety of toys and positive play experiences during puppyhood may develop a greater interest in play. 4. Socialisation and exposure: As with puppyhood exposure, dogs that have just generally been exposed to more toys and play experiences are more likely to have diverse interests.