Humor Times, Feb. 2021

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“My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over.” – Gerald R. Ford Issue #346

February, 2021

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Editor’s Letter Far-Right’s Insane Strategy: Destroy Democracy to Save It Urged on by the former (thank God!) president, a mindless mob descended on our country’s Capitol Building on January 6th. They were there to “save democracy” by destroying it, apparently. They believed the Liar-in-Chief’s constant barrage of misinformation, from even before the election. They had unwavering faith in their leader, so embedded in the Cult of Trump that they could not – or would not – think for themselves. If they had thought about it, they might have wondered why so many Republicans in various election offices who had direct knowledge of the election apparatus had declared that the election was, in fact, free and fair. They might also have wondered why so many judges who had been appointed by Republicans threw out the many dozens of cases seeking to overturn results all over the country, declaring that they had no merit whatsoever. If they had thought about it, they might conclude that since Trump had been lying to them for over four years that he might be the one misleading them now, not all these other people! But they weren’t thinking, they were simply following. It’s easier – so much easier. No need to take responsibility. Most of the insurrectionists the FBI have been investigating have said as much. They were “just following orders” from their Dear Leader. Now, we’re finally getting a fresh start, and none too soon. (At least, we hope there’s a peaceful transfer of power at the inauguration – we are going to press the night before.) Perhaps, if we’re lucky, after a time, some of those fooled by the con man known as Donald J. Trump will awaken from the spell. But one thing’s for sure: we have to do a much better job at educating our youth (and their parents) in civics. It’s obvious too many of our citizens have no idea how a democracy (okay, democratic republic – whatever!) is supposed to work. Our job is to elect competent people who will work hard to make the country better – as opposed to know-nothing, obnoxious, self-congratulating malignant narcissists like Trump. You’re also required as a participant in a democracy to do more than vote every four years. Keep track of what your representative is actually doing! Put pressure on them to do the people’s work, not fulfill their corporate sponsors’ every whim. If Republican voters did their homework, they’d know most of their so-called representatives are only passing bills that help the richest among us. That’s because their only concern is to get more campaign cash to keep themselves in power. The system is rotten, which is why the above works for them. Our biggest task as citizens now, as I see it, is to get the big money out of politics for good. It won’t be easy, seeing as how we have to convince those same people collecting campaign cash that it’s the right thing to do. We on the left must stay vigilant too. It’s not like moneyed interests haven’t corrupted many a Democrat in office through the years as well. So we must do our part to confront and replace any such person with a candidate that is committed to serving the people. – James Israel, Editor P.S. As always, we remind you that we need your support! As a small publication in a bad economy, we face a perpetual battle to survive. Please consider giving subscriptions, donating and/or becoming an ongoing patron at Thank you so much!

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The e-book “Ninety-Nine Stories” contains 99 stories by Barry Fiegel which is available for $9.99 on Amazon Kindle and other e-book publishers.

Ninety-Nine Stories by Barry Fiegel

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The Humor Times® (ISSN 1937 299X), Vol. 30, Issue 346, is published monthly by the Humor Times, 7271 Lindale Dr, Sacramento, CA 95828. (Not our mailing address, see “postmaster.”) Periodicals Postage Paid at Sacramento, CA and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Humor Times, P.O. Box 162429, Sacramento, CA 95816-2429. Subscriptions: Website: Editor: James Israel. Publisher: Jim LeDoux. Email: Phone: 916-758-8255. Printed by: Herburger Publications, Galt, CA 95632. Contributors: Ruben Bolling, Bill Bramhall, Chris Britt, Jon Carter, Ken Catalino, Diane de Anda, John Deering, Michael Egan, Roger Freed, Walt Handelsman, Phil Hands, Joe Heller, Jim Hightower, David Horsey, Paul Lander, Chan Lowe, Mike Luckovich, Andy Marlette, David Martin, Joel Pett, Dan Piraro, Rob Rogers, Harley Schwadron, Drew Sheneman, Scott Stantis, Dana Summers, Dan Wasserman & others. Contributions: Send artwork/submissions to address or email above. The Humor Times (formerly the Comic Press News) is printed on recycled paper, using at least 60% post-consumer fiber. All contents ©2021. No part may be reproduced without permission.

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February, 2021

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Post-Election Saga Congressional Republicans were slow to accept the truth...

Sadly, most put party over country.

if they ever did.

As they battled mightily with their collective conscience...

they pretended they were righteous martyrs...

but they were really just sacrificing the nation...

and democracy itself...


to the madness of King Don. (continued)


February, 2021

For the good of all, the mad king needed to be restrained...

but nothing could help the party that enabled him...

although one infamous Republican benefitted.

In the end, they had to wonder if it was worth it...

since it resulted in a Senate election in Georgia that reverberated throughout the land‌ and beyond.

Many more may yet pay a price...

February, 2021

for leading us down that dark path.



The Jerry Duncan Show Interviews Texas Senator Ted Cruz Wherein our intrepid talk radio show host interviews Texas Senator Ted Cruz. ANNOUNCER: Live from under a rock in your backyard, it’s The Jerry Duncan Show. Caption: Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Caricature by DonkeyHotey, JERRY: Good morning, Texas Senator Ted Cruz. TED CRUZ: Morning is wonderful. The only drawback is that it comes at an inconvenient time of the day. JERRY: Cruzster. Is it true you ate Hannibal Lecter’s son? CRUZ: Absolutely, Duncan. Eating organic really has its perks. JERRY: No wonder my mother told me to stay away from strangers when I was a kid. CRUZ: Look. My good friend Senator Lindsey Graham said that if he killed me on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict him. Your comment doesn’t bother me. I’m focused on starting a Civil War in the Republican Party. JERRY: On January 6th, you tried a coup attempt in objecting to the certification of the Electoral College votes to make Joe Biden president. You and your anarchist Republican colleagues failed like everything else during the past four years. CRUZ: I didn’t fail. The system did. Voting fraud. JERRY: You couldn’t find evidence. The election was free and fair. And I might add the Supreme Court turned down two challenges by the Trumpster. Even Attorney General Barr said there was no widespread election fraud. CRUZ: Fake news. JERRY: Cruz. You’re so ugly that when you tried to enter the ugly contest, they said your wife should be the judge. Put that mask back on your face, I just finished breakfast. CRUZ: Boo! JERRY: In 2015, Trump accused you of using a picture of Melania from a GQ shoot in your presidential campaign ad. He even compared an unflattering side by side photo of your wife Heidi to Melania with the caption “No Need to spill the beans. The images are worth a thousand words.” CRUZ: Looking back, Trump was right. I’m the one that has to wake up next to her every morning. JERRY: How about when Trump said your father was with Lee Harvey Oswald the day of the Ken-

nedy assassination? And I quote, “His father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s being…you know, shot. That was reported and nobody talks about it.” CRUZ: Where was that reported? JERRY: The National Enquirer. CRUZ: Then it’s true. Look, my old man came to the United States in 1957 from Castro’s Cuba with a $100 hidden in his underwear. He happened to be in Texas. JERRY: That stinks. CRUZ: You mean fleeing Cuba? Ted Cruz. Image by DonkeyHotey, JERRY: No. The $100 in his underwear. CRUZ: Are you serious, Duncan?! JERRY: Not really, but I’ll start. Why did you shut down the government in 2013? Hell, it was your first year in the Senate. We lost billions of dollars. CRUZ: Obamacare. Then and now. We will abolish it. Not everyone should be entitled to good health. Only Republicans. JERRY: Cruzster. I have an urgent mission for you. You gotta go back to 1945. Find Trump’s father and give him a condom. It’s not too late to save the country. CRUZ: I’d like to say a few words to all your listeners. JERRY: Go ahead, ‘Lyin’ Ted.’ CRUZ: There is no such thing as the coronavirus. It’s the flu. There is no climate change. The seals ate all the ice, so polar bears are hitchhiking to Minnesota. There is no such thing as bad world leaders. Putin and Kim are our friends. In fact, Donald Trump is setting up his presidential library in Moscow. The election was rigged. We found illegal votes from Martians and E.T. Finally, there is no such thing as the Republican Party. We are ReTrumplicans. JERRY: The last time I heard someone accuse someone else of cheating was in the 2016 Iowa Repub li can Cau cus. And that vic tim was you, Cruzster. Trump said in a Tweet, “Ted Cruz didn’t win Iowa, he stole it.” In another Tweet he said, “Based on the fraud committed by Senator Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, ei ther a new elec tion should take place or Cruz results nullified.” CRUZ: (em bar rassed) Hamina , Hamina , Hamina, Hamina. JERRY: It’s always fun lis ten ing to some one’s lies when you al ready know the truth. See you tomorrow. The Jerry Duncan Show, (c) Dean B. Kaner

Insurrection The actions of the mob and those who in cited them, the President most of all, are despicable and out ra geous, and those who com mit ted crimes need to be held accountable. But we should not lose sight of the fact that… This assault on our Constitutional order was inspired by people wearing suits and ties, and cloaked in the genteel language of Con gres sio nal de bate, but their purpose was no less ominous... As we read the sudden expressions of outrage from the likes of Bill Barr, Betsey DeVos, Mick Mulvaney and others, let us remember that these enablers wanted four more years of Donald Trump as president and worked hard to make that so. Their statements now are less about saving the country and more about saving what is left of their shattered reputations.

Donald Trump has been the worst president we have ever had and should be confined to the dustbin of history where he belongs — for this failed insurrection, and everything before it. Yet even when he’s gone, the evil he has perpetrated will live after him. We can fortify the defenses of the Capitol. We can reinforce doors and put up fences. But we cannot guard our democracy against those who walk the halls of the Capitol, have taken an oath to uphold our Constitution, but refuse to do so. – Rep. Adam Schiff



February, 2021

Insurrection Jan. 6th was a culmination of months of incitement...

but naturally, Trump claimed it was a “perfect” speech.

The Sedition Caucus also refused to take blame...

as they cheered on the attackers.

Trump watched with glee on TV, but was there in spirit...

And as these “patriotic” “law and order” types beat police...

February, 2021


satisfied as his minions did his bidding.

a sinking party sought revenge on its own. (continued)


Insurrection (continued) Law enforcement for the day was sadly lacking...

laying bare the awful truth of corruption in the ranks.

It was finally becoming clear to all...

that the Republican Party was dangerously unhinged...

and had completely lost its bearings.

a dangerous psychopath...


It had become subservient to a cult leader...

who cared only for himself and his “brand.� (continued)


February, 2021

In the aftermath, America took stock...

and Republicans regretted not being more subtle.

Many began looking for the exits...

but the worst of them just made excuses...

and pleaded for “unity.�

As the country debated what to do...

some called for immediate action.

February, 2021

Certainly, there must be consequences.



Cartertoons •

by Jon Carter

Cartertoons •

by Jon Carter

‘We Report, You Decry!’ Revealed: Trump Sought a Restraining Order Against the US Constitution By Ralph Lombard Vowing to sue America for “everything it’s got,” president-reject Donald Trump had hired Fanny Giuliani (identical twin-sister to legal mastermind Rudy, although the two have never been seen together in the same room) before he left office, in a desperate last-ditch effort to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

“The first thing we intend to do is issue a restraining order against the United States Constitution,” Ms Giuliani explained in early January. “For years the Constitution has been stalking and harassing President Trump in a relentless campaign designed to intimidate him and to cramp his style. I can produce hundreds of witnesses who, on numerous occasions, have observed the Constitution acting in a very suspicious and non-constitutional manner. What if the Constitution really isn’t the Constitution after all? What if it’s an imposter?!” “Once we have our protective order in place, we plan on suing the USA for punitive damages, naming the Constitution as a co-defendant, and we believe we have a very strong case. Throughout the 2020 election, the American people colluded directly with the Constitution to conspire against President Trump in what has now been shown to be nothing more than a blatantly un-American display of out-ofcontrol mob rule. So many mean, awful, hurtful things were said about the president that it caused grave personal injury to his innermost feelings. And most unforgivable of all, it made him look bad!” As an emergency back-up plan, the White House ordered 81 million pink slips.

Quirky New Varieties of Covid 19 Vaccine Released A dispatch from SNN, the Slobovian News Network - By Ted Holland Slobovian pharmaceutical giant Schnotteragge has announced that it is releasing both its Madonna and Michael Jackson varieties of its newly minted Covid 19 vaccine. The vaccines will be available free of charge. According to Schnotteragge’s chief medical officer, Dr. Mambo O’Schitte, the vaccine will be shipped to drugstores, hospitals and convenience stores worldwide immediately. She also states that the newly created vaccine varies sharply from the popular Pfizer and Moderna vaccines so much in the news recently… the Schnotteragge vaccine only requires one dose and it is self-injectible. The vaccine reportedly has a lifespan of 100 years. And unlike other varieties of Covid 19 vaccines, which are administered via intramuscular injection, the Schnotteragge vaccines must be injected into the genitals. Side advantages of the new vaccines are that they will cure most popular STD’s, and kill crabs and other genital vermin. In males the vaccine will prevent “blue balls” and in females will ward off the onset of Girl Flu. There are some side effects. The Madonna variety may cause uncontrollable fits of voguing and cause fits of screaming that you are a virgin. The Michael Jackson variety may cause an insatiable urge to ride a boogie and sleep with a chimp.


Headline News Section Aspiring to the High Standards Set by Cable News

Where to Go Now? A Place for Don By Lesley Leben After learning that the President had lost his legal right to reside at Mar-a-Lago years ago, White House officials were left scrambling to find a place for Don — that is, former president Donald J Trump — once he left office. New York City was ruled out, as 90% of the vote went for Joe Biden. “I’ll toss him out like a roll of paper towels,” Andrew Cuomo said. Even the First Lady was overheard saying: “I don’t vont him. He be worst, a real downer.” Vice President Pence came to the President’s aid by enlisting the services of the website “A Place for Mom,” an online site that helps people make informed decisions about senior care. “Look, I know people want me to invoke the 25th Amendment. I just can’t do that to him,"

Pence said in the final days. “I care for the guy. He’s done a lot for me and my family. He paid my nephew, John, a big salary to do nothing, Melania gave mother a full makeover — now I call her Mamita, and every morning he slicked my hair down and spit shined my head, just the way my momma used to. “Besides, they specialize in placing seniors who have memory loss, combative personalities, and delusional tendencies. It was a perfect fit,” added Pence. Although the website only places women, they agreed to take the President. Mary McDonald, a representative from the service, said, “With his dainty hands, coiffed hair, and well, did you see him dance? He’ll fit in nicely, the ladies won’t know the difference.” She then went on to ask for the President’s waist size and if he preferred flats or a kitten heel.

Trump Planned Posthumous Pardons By Diane de Anda To the dismay of the Attorney General and all legal consultants, it’s been revealed that President Trump had decided that if he could give preemptive pardons, it should also be within his powers to grant posthumous pardons. He began a list of both historical and recent figures on whom he pledged to bestow this questionable gift. The first person on the list was Benedict Arnold, who Trump insisted was completely misunderstood. “Just like the Left has unfairly criticized my relationships with Vladimir Putin and Kim Jon Un, it is very clear that this man was a victim of persecution.” Second on the list was another major historical figure in U.S.history, John Wilkes Booth.

Trump’s Desperation After Twitter Rejection By Diane de Anda Observers described Donald Trump’s behavior in his last days in the White House as frenetic. Since his humiliating Twitter Rejection, he had not been able to sit in a chair for more than five minutes, spending the days and far into

the night either pacing or meeting behind closed doors with family members. It was assumed that his agitation was due to his looming impeachment, but an aide revealed that his feelings of desperation stemmed instead from his Twitter rejection, his thumbs stuck in a constant twitching motion ever since. In an attempt to help her father, Ivanka gave him her Fidget that she used in junior high

school when she became agitated because she had to wait until high school for her nose job. This just increased his agitation as he kept pressing the Fidget furiously, trying to bring up a keyboard. The long term plan is now to develop their own social network platform to rival Twitter, using the 2020 campaign donations that they were able to slide into a secret account. All Trump supporters will be urged to drop Twitter and join the Trump network. Unlike Twitter, there will be a small monthly fee. The word fee will never be used, referring to it instead as “Patriot Dues.” A few groups, such as the Proud Boys, will be given free access. They claim there will be no censorship on this new social media, except for any negative, anti-Trump messages from liberal elites, which will be instantly purged, with the name and address of the offending person sent to all members. Trump and family members agreed that the name of the new platform should bear some resemblance to Twitter to be “in their face.” They are said to be currently debating between two names: “Bitter” and “Twits.”

Ripping the Headlines Today Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to By Paul Lander. All you need to do is follow one simple rule: barely pay attention and jump to conclusions. So, here are some headlines today and my first thoughts: Bill Belichick turns down Trump’s ‘Medal of Freedom’ offer Trump’s got to be thinking “the deflated balls on that guy.” Capitol rioter demanded organic food In jail That’s like R. Kelly demanding Girl Scout Cookies… delivered by actual Girl Scouts …

Dodger Stadium is now open as a vaccination ‘super site’ N o w ord i f Cl ay t on Kershaw will help out, because any vaccine he helps with is going to be more effective in August than October.

Rep. Liz Cheney is voting to impeach Trump Or, Trump can go hunting with her dad. His choice.

Trump calls in MyPillow guy to discuss possibility of instituting martial law Tha t s ounds l i ke t he MyPillow guy’s gone from making pillows to making ‘overthrow pillows.’

‘Vogue’ is under social-media fire for ‘disrespectful’ Kamala Harris cover No word if some of the critics will make the cover of ‘Get a Life Magazine.’

Blake Shelton facing backlash for song ‘Minimum Wage,’ which people are calling tone-deaf And that’s according to members of Nickleback who know a thing or two about tone deaf …

Trump impeached a second time in 232-197 House vote … hey, if Trump wants to look at the bright side, at least, this time he got a majority of votes …

Lindsey Graham travels with Trump to Texas a week after renouncing him All the books in any future Lindsey Graham library will be spineless.

GOP Sen. Josh Hawley was isolated ‘in a corner’ of a secure room “with no one talking to him or acknowledging him” during Capitol siege: WSJ Hawley’s also so unpopular back home in Missouri that the state’s motto’s gone from the ‘Show Me State’ to the ‘Show Me Out the Door State!’

Victoria Beckham’s son just shocked her by revealing this on Instagram That: “Mom, If you wanna be my friend, You gotta be friends with my lover. A zigazig ah!” Trump Administration appointees are resigning with just days left in Administration Like wearing a condom to the delivery room.

Read more columns by Paul Lander at


Benedict Arnold, painting by Thomas Hart.

After searching through various websites provided to him by the Grand Wizard, Trump declared that what the history books told us about John Wilkes Booth was based on the “fake news” of the time, planted by Left Wing abolitionists. One person on the list Trump claimed was “particularly dear to my heart,” was Charles Keating. He said he understood the mitigating circumstances, best because they have both been in the real estate business. “It’s the losers who were to blame, not the man who gave them their investment opportunity.” Drawn to colorful personalities, Trump placed Al Capone on the list. He justified his decision based on the fact that Capone was never convicted of a crime other than tax evasion, and “No one knows better than me about the dirty tactics the IRS uses against innocent people.” Trump was planning to pardon Charles Manson as well, “because the kind of loyalty he was able to inspire was very much like my own.” Trump reconsidered only after he saw a photo of Sharon Tate and noted she was both beautiful and blonde. He had even placed Mata Hari on the list after seeing her in what he calls her “belly dancing outfit.” When aides reminded him that she was not sentenced and executed in the U.S., but in France, he said it didn’t matter “because the U.S. saved France’s ass in two wars.” Even though the last person he wanted to pardon did not have any legal actions taken against him, Trump hoped to balance the character assassination to which he had been subjected. Risking alienation of his religious supporters, Trump decided that his final pardon would be to Judas Iscariot, on the basis that he was just taking advantage of a good business opportunity. ‘The thirty pieces of silver probably didn’t even make up for the three years of following Jesus around without pay.”

Surgeon General’s Warning: ‘Humor Times’ Habit-Forming The U.S. Surgeon General warned citizens about the national humor magazine the Humor Times today, saying it was “habit forming” and could lead to serious bouts of belly-laughter, upsetting the habitually pessimistic. “Sure, we all like to laugh, but at what price? Sudden guffaws can disturb those nearby. Tears of laughter can blur your vision. We’ve all heard the line, ‘laughter is the best medicine, but is it, really? Perhaps too much of a good thing is just that – too much!” (Ed. note: A subscription form can be found on page 3 – use at your own risk!)

February, 2021

‘Greatest Ever’ Impeached Again! He always insisted he was different from the rest...

and he certainly proved it.

Republicans, for the most part, just couldn’t see it...

but some in the House found courage to do the right thing.

Even the Senate Leader showed signs of a conscience...

They’ll be teaching this historic moment in schools...

February, 2021

but there’s still a lot of pressure to capitulate.

and with accountability, perhaps the nation can begin to heal.



Trumpexit He did all he could do...

until the time came to say goodbye.

The whole crew began moving out...

some leaving in a blaze of glory...

as they looked for any employer that would still have them.

but he hopes to keep the family brand going...


Trump had only a few regrets...

if he can.


February, 2021

Pandemic Blues After months of delay, the GOP finally relented...

and then basked in heroic glory.

The bill was like others before it...

and had about the same effect.

It took some convincing to get the president on board...

because he was busy with other things.

The rollout was much anticipated...

and, naturally, poorly managed. (continued)

February, 2021



The Hightower Lowdown Who Was Really Behind the Desecration of Our Capitol? The incompetence resulted in more pain than was necessary...

but we’re hoping to turn the page.

The public needs to be educated...

What exploded in our Capitol on Jan. 6 is an outrage, a desecration of America’s democratic ideals. I don’t merely mean the ransacking and terrorizing of our Capitol by violent Trumpeteers who were deluded by the lying, megalomaniacal president into thinking they could throw out the votes of 81 million citizens. Rather, let’s also shine a light on those pious establishment peers who’ve practically knocked one another over in their rush to the microphone so they could assail the mob and call for decorum and healing of the angry political division in our society. For example, the GOP’s Senate leader, Mitch McConnell, called the invading horde “thugs” and prissily lectured, “Self-government… requires a shared commitment to truth and shared respect for the ground rules of our system.” Excuse me, Mitch, but for the past four years, you have been President Donald Trump’s most destructive Machiavellian monkey-wrencher in Congress. You’ve relentlessly stomped on truth to amplify Trump’s lies, and you’ve recklessly rigged legislative ground rules to ram his plutocratic, autocratic agenda into law. You even stoked his depraved narcissism: For weeks after it was clear that Joe Biden had won the presidency, you cynically fed Trump’s fantasy that he had won, helping spread a furious disunity across America. The mob that you deplore for rampaging into your inner sanctum of power and privilege is of your making — they’re your angry political chickens coming home to roost. It’s a scream (and a disgrace) to see not only McConnell but also self-aggrandizing icks such as Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Ted Cruz now posing as righteous statesmen, clucking somberly about the sad excesses of Trump. The reprobate Cruz, for example, unctuously proclaimed, “we must come together and put this anger and division behind us.” Yes, legal authorities should investigate and prosecute the orchestrators and perpetrators of the mob violence, but the perpetrator in chief must be the first one called to account for his desecration of American democracy, along with McConnell, Pence, Cruz and the other fawning elites who selfishly enabled his madness. You can’t poke into any issue in Congress without stumbling over sacks full of corporate campaign donations, and the recent eruption of

JIM HIGHTOWER pro-Trump mob violence inside the U.S. Capitol exposed the boodles of that special-interest cash to public view. Much to the embarrassment of major Wall Street banks, Silicon Valley tech giants and CEOs of brand-name corporations, hundreds of thousands of their political dollars were traced to the mayhem in our Capitol. Specifically, their money was going into the coffers of 147 Republican lawmakers who backed the fraudulent Trumpster’s attempt to overthrow the presidential election. Acknowledging the damage these revelations did to their public image, the corporate funders responded forcefully. How? Well, many issued press releases firmly condemning violence and anti-democratic mobs. Wow… that’ll make things better! OK, in fairness, quite a few firms added a bit of bite to their bark by suggesting that maybe they wouldn’t be so cavalier about tossing out political contributions in the future. Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs announced they would “pause” donations to all candidates. Blue Cross Blue Shield, Marriott and Dow Chemical said they were “suspending” donations to the 147 congress critters who voted to reject the people’s choice. Delta, FedEx and Walmart declared they are “monitoring” the situation. And 3M said it is putting a hold on its political giving. Notice the profusion of wiggle words in these professions of corporate principle. The executives are really not biting the system but merely gumming it for a while. … Then, once public attention has drifted, the corporate-congressional complex will be back to business as usual. After all, while they deplore Trump’s racism, sexism, xenophobia and overall immorality, the profiteers have gleefully taken it all to the bank, rationalizing and legitimizing his corrupt presidency. It’s not armed rioters from outside the system who are the main threat to our democracy but the insiders who keep manipulating the system to take more money and power at our expense.

for its own good.



February, 2021

The Transition The final days were somewhat ignominious...

but the transition finally came...

and Trump will move on to the next phase of his life.

The White House will never be the same...

which even corporate America concedes is a good thing...

The new administration has been sworn in...

February, 2021

because it’s time to move on.

and things look very different already!



Miscellaneous Mischief



February, 2021

February, 2021



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