Humor Times, April 2021

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Issue #348

April, 2021

The News, in Cartoon Form, Since 1991! ®

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Anniversary Issue!


Congratulations, Humor Times on 30 years!

Congrats to the Humor Times from Ink Eats & Drinks!

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The Environmental Council of Sacramento thanks the Humor Times for 30 years of good news!

P.O. Box 1526 Sacramento, CA 95812 916-444-0022 April, 2021

Editor’s Letter 30 years! Hard to believe. It’s been a long, strange trip – and a fun one – following politics through the lens of the great political satire of the world’s best editorial cartoonists, as well as our own fine authors. In the past, we’d have thrown a big party, but that’s not possible in the Age of Covid. So, we celebrate this momentous occasion with a larger-than-usual, full-color edition. If you like this expanded version, help us grow, so we can do this every issue! By the way, great news... this issue is 85% Trump-free! It is indeed a new day. Finally, one orange blowhard isn’t dominating all the news. As the founder of the publication, once called the Comic Press News, I am proud that my baby has grown into a fine young adult. I’ve been doing this nearly half my life now, and it’s been great. Wouldn’t change a thing – except, perhaps, for the profitability factor. Running a small publication in these times ain’t easy, as you might imagine. We’ve been dealt some huge blows over the last couple decades: among other things, the digital revolution hit print hard, then it was the financial crash of ’08, which saw print advertising fall off a cliff, and the latest, of course, was the equal-opportunity economic and health curse of COVID 19. But, we’re a survivor, unlike thousands of other print publications that have unfortunately met their demise since the turn of the millennium – we’re still alive and kicking! Thanks to a few advertisers who have stuck with us (please do patronize them!) and to all you subscribers out there, we’re going to keep on muckraking – hitting bad political actors hard with zingers, zappers, zaniness and overall dedicated satirical zealotry. Take that, bad guys! We hope we are succeeding in our main mission, which has never changed or faltered: to help you laugh, rather than cry, about the news! Please continue to support the Humor Times, we need your help! You can do that by giving subscriptions, donating (via check or online at and/or becoming an ongoing patron at https://www.patreon .com/humortimes. We hope you enjoy this, our 348th issue. By the way, back issues are a fun way to relive the past, and to remember history in a humorous fashion. You may order any available back issue, in either print or digital format, by visiting our Single Issue Order page on our subscription site at Thank you very much! Meanwhile, a big congratulations to one of our favorite editorial cartoonists of all time – regularly featured on these pages – Rob Rogers, who has been named the winner of the 2021 Herblock Prize for editorial cartooning. Rogers’ work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, Time, Newsweek and of course, the Humor Times, among others. Rogers’ work received the 2000 Thomas Nast Award from the Overseas Press Club, the 1995 National Headliner Award, and numerous Golden Quills. In 1999 he was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. The Herblock Prize is awarded annually by The Herb Block Foundation for “distinguished examples of editorial cartooning that exemplify the courageous independent standard set by Herblock (1909-2001).” – James Israel, Editor NOTE TO SUBSCRIBERS: First of all, thank you so much for subscribing to the Humor Times! You keep us going. Secondly, if you subscribed through an online magazine agent, please do us a favor and subscribe directly with us at! For example, if you subscribed through a company like, we have to share your subscription fee with them, while our mailing and printing costs remain the same. So it would help us a lot if instead you renewed directly with us. To check your account type, look at the address label on the back cover. After your name, you will see two numbers: one beginning with “S” and one with “D”. “S” is your account number, and it has a dash and another letter after the number. That denotes Direct (“D”) or Agent (“A”). If it’s “A”, you subscribed through an agent. Please get in touch with the company you used, and tell them you do not wish to renew. (You will still get all the issues you paid for.) Then, be sure to contact us (see below) and let us know, as we’ll need to send you direct renewal reminders when it’s time. The price is the same if you’re set to auto-renew (as you likely are with them). By the way, the other number on the label, starting with “D”, is the issue Due number – the issue with which your subscription comes due.The current issue number is on the front cover, upper left. Thanks again!

The Humor Times® (ISSN 1937 299X), Vol. 30, Issue 348, is published monthly by the Humor Times, 7271 Lindale Dr, Sacramento, CA 95828. (Not our mailing address, see “postmaster.”) Periodicals Postage Paid at Sacramento, CA and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Humor Times, P.O. Box 162429, Sacramento, CA 95816-2429. Subscriptions: Website: Editor: James Israel. Publisher: Jim LeDoux. Email: Phone: 916-758-8255. Printed by: Herburger Publications, Galt, CA 95632. Contributors: Ruben Bolling, Bill Bramhall, Chris Britt, Jon Carter, Ken Catalino, Diane de Anda, John Deering, Michael Egan, Roger Freed, Walt Handelsman, Phil Hands, Joe Heller, Jim Hightower, David Horsey, Paul Lander, Chan Lowe, Mike Luckovich, Andy Marlette, David Martin, Joel Pett, Dan Piraro, Rob Rogers, Harley Schwadron, Drew Sheneman, Scott Stantis, Dana Summers, Dan Wasserman & others. Contributions: Send artwork/submissions to address or email above. The Humor Times (formerly the Comic Press News) is printed on recycled paper, using at least 60% post-consumer fiber. All contents ©2021. No part may be reproduced without permission.

Happy 30th, Humor Times, You Young Whippersnapper! We’re Celebrating Our 74th!


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April, 2021


“Free your mind and the rest will follow”

AOF congratulates the Humor Times on 30 fabulous years! • 916-304-3796 3

Big Time


Republicans insisted it was overreach...

because the relief wasn’t targeted.

They love to complain when they are out of power...

especially if helping people means the other side gets credit.

But a $15/hour minimum wage was not acceptable...

to CEOs who could not stomach it.

Dems blamed a Senate bureaucrat...

and “Do-Nothing” Senators. (continued)


April, 2021

The parties have contrasting styles, to be sure...

and differing thresholds for action.

All of this plays right into the hands of Democrats...

who just love to stick it to ’em.

Indeed, things are looking up for Biden and his party...

and while it’s true it’s not all sunshine and roses...

it’s also true that hypocrisy doesn’t help...

April, 2021

and that human nature is what it is.



Worst Anniversary Ever Such a huge number can hide a lot of personal suffering...

on this dark anniversary of the pandemic.

Even those who don’t catch it suffer...

and there’s plenty of blame to go around.

Vaccine appointments have been notoriously hard to get...

which is a supply – not demand – issue.


if you can get them at all...

Regardless, most will have to wait. (continued)


April, 2021

In Texas and elsewhere, they declared premature victory...

It’s been a tough year all around...

April, 2021

as spring breakers partied like there’s no tomorrow.

especially for the kids...

as we yearn to be set free.

It’ll be a real release...

once we can celebrate...

united, not divided.



The Jerry Duncan Show Interviews Prince Charles of Wales Wherein our intrepid talk radio show host interviews His Highness Prince Charles of Wales. ANNOUNCER: Live from under a rock in your backyard, it’s The Jerry Duncan Show. JERRY: Good morning, listeners nationwide. Is it a good morning? We’ll see. Today on the show my guest is His Royal Highness Prince Charles of Wales. JERRY: Good morning, Your Rear Hind Endness. PRINCE CHARLES: Just call me Charles. JERRY: Okay. Got a question, Charlie. How come your mother dresses you in kilts like a five-year-old? Do you have a clue why it’s called a kilt? CHARLES: No. JERRY: Because that’s what a British mob did to the last guy wearing them. CHARLES: Okay. I’m switching to Tommy Bahama shorts. I don’t care what my mum says. She’s not my boss. JERRY: Of course, she is. Queen Elizabeth is leader of the Commonwealth. I know you’ve been waiting 62 years to be promoted from a prince. CHARLES: Yeah. I hope my parents admit they’re too old to run the family business. Then I’ll be King! JERRY: And Godzilla will be Queen. CHARLES: You mean Camilla, the Duchess of Cornball. I mean Cornwall. Now you got me confused. JERRY: No, Godzilla. The monster you cheated with when you were married to Princess Diana.



C H A R L E S : C’mon, Duncan. Her n a me is Camilla. JERRY: And she is Cruella. The Queen had a bet with her staff that if you two ha d ki ds, t hey wo ul d be ug l i er than Regan in The Exorcist. CHARLES : I’m shocked. When I tell Camilla, it will make her head spin. Prince Charles caricature by Roberto Rizzato. JERRY: Here’s another tool I found in the toolbox. It is rumored you hired the profes sional fart er Mr. Meth ane to en ter tain guests at the Buckingham Palace holiday party. He ripped one to the tune of God Save The Queen. And the Queen’s crown shattered. CHARLES: I won’t confirm nor deny the story. JERRY: I give Methane a pass. Nobody listens to me until I fart. CHARLES: Can we talk about another subject? JERRY: Absolutely. Meghan and Harry. CHARLES: Do I know them? JERRY: Your daughter-in-law and son. CHARLES : A h . T h a t Meghan and Harry. JERRY: Meghan confessed to Oprah Winfrey on national television that you refused to take Harry’s calls. And som e r oyal s i n Buckingham Palace were concerned about the color of their baby’s skin before he was born. CHARLES: Not true. I called Harry to give him the good news that we balanced the budget by $100 million after cutting him off financially. As far as Meghan’s remark about some royals be ing prej u dice against people of color, I am not. In fact, I invited Black artists to sing for an audience with the Queen. JERRY: Like who? CHARLES: Michael Jackson. He was my favorite pop star. I can only summarize his tragic death by saying Mi chael was born a poor Black man and died a rich White woman. JERRY: Deep. Real deep. CHARLES: You re ally mean it? JERRY: Of course not. You’re an id iot. What is your relationship like with son William? CHARLES: He’s a good lad. JERRY: Well, I dug up a poem William wrote about you when he was in high school. Would you like to hear it? CHARLES: Ab so lutely. You jolly man. JERRY: (reads) There once w a s a pr i n c e f r om Buckingham Palace, Who left his wife for a woman in Dallas, Said he with a grin as he stroked his long chin, The press said I’m a bad parent and callous. CHARLES: That’s what William wrote? JERRY: Fooled you. I did! These are the lyrics for a new song by BTS. You stuffy clown. CHARLES: You are rude and disrespectful, Duncan. JERRY: Not really. Since the Oprah interview, even Cookie Mon ster de leted you as a Facebook friend. See you tomorrow. The Jerry Duncan Show (c) Dean B. Kaner Remember to watch “A Bit of Biden” on Instagram and TikTok. Go to @abitofbiden.

April, 2021

Fili-busted Mitch loves the filibuster...

The e-book “Ninety-Nine Stories” contains 99 stories by Barry Fiegel which is available for $9.99 on Amazon Kindle and other e-book publishers.

Ninety-Nine Stories by Barry Fiegel

“ Read 'Em—You'll Like 'Em. ” it’s been his go-to move whenever Dems are in power.

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Don’t Let Your Friends Go Without … April, 2021


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GOP (Gerrymandering Old Pols) For a brief moment, some Republicans found a spine...

The captain didn’t go down with the ship...

but they just can’t quit him...

and will keep consuming what he’s serving.

At CPAC, they bowed to their golden idol...

and clung to his teachings...


but it didn’t last long.

like any good “Christian” would. (continued)


April, 2021

There’s no changing course now...

they have to dance with the one that brought ’em.

At least they’ve got their up and comers...

who enjoy stoking fear of non-existent threats.

Meanwhile, a Republican media icon passed...

pillow guy needs a place to rest his head...

the Post Office is still a problem...

April, 2021

and Fox News is still Fox “News.”



Cartertoons •

by Jon Carter

Cartertoons •

by Jon Carter

‘We Report, You Decry!’

GOP Senators Unsurprised by McConnell Flip Flop ‘Swigging Mitch’ strikes again with another McConnell flip flop. By Lesley Leben Mitch McConnell stunned much of the country when he lambasted Trump for inciting the January 6th insurrection, then voted to acquit the ex-President of all charges. Those closest to the minority leader were not surprised, calling it “just another McConnell flip flop.”

Headline News Section Aspiring to the High Standards Set by Cable News

Study: Daily Whiskey Bath Prevents and Cures Covid 19

The Great Luigi’s Top Predictions for 2021

Dispatches from SNN (Slobovian News Network) – By Ted Holland According to Dr. Reallie Schmelsbadde, head of the Infectious Disease and Whoopie Cushion Department at the University of Stanckt at Schmukke, the most surefire way to cure and protect oneself from the Covid 19 virus is to take a daily whiskey bath. Dr. Schmelsbadde’s theory was tested over the past year on 637 political prisoners at Trallcaazze Prison and is being considered as a Governmental anti Covid mandate in the countries of Slobovia and Schnotzelvakia. When asked about the financial hardship that purchasing whiskey could pose, Dr. Schmelsbadde stated that in both countries organizations such as the NWF (National Winos Federation) and the AAOD (Associated Association of Drunks) will be offering grants to individuals and families. According to the program plan the older a person is the stronger a whiskey one should bathe in. Program guidelines suggest the following: Children under 10: Shirley Temple Mix with Grenadine

By Ralph Lombard Famed astrologer and soothsayer Luigi Bordeaux, professionally known as “The Great Luigi,” has just released his annual list of top predictions for 2021. “I would have done it sooner,” he explained, “but I couldn’t find my magic 8 ball. Besides, I really didn’t expect too much to be going on in the first couple of months of the year. But then, all of a sudden – insurrection, impeachment, Kim and Kayne marriage problems… I mean, who’d have thunk it?!” 11-15: Creme DE Menthe 16-18: Peach Schnapps 19-21: Scotch 22-25: Bourbon 26-30: Rum 31-40: Gin 41-60: Vodka 61-75: Crown Royal 76-90: Tequila 91-100: Absinthe 101: White Lightnin’ The program suggest that you drip dry and do not rinse… also that if you decide to use a chaser you should take 2 whisky baths a day.

‘Reputable Firm’ to Oversee Biden Racial Equity Program “Mitch has always been a swinger,” a source inside the GOP explained. “Mitch is a man who orders hot coffee then adds ice cubes to it, requests two slices of cake so he can eat his cake and still have it, and wears a tie to bed,” the source explained. Elaine Chao, Mitch’s wife, put out a statement: “My husband’s actions are consistent with his personality. Mitch likes things both ways. In fact, Mitch likes things all ways. Some may call it the ‘McConnell flip flop.’ We call it something else, and it keeps our marriage spicy. All I can say is that he’s quite limber despite his sickly appearance.” Asked what he thought of Trump calling him, “Dour, sullen, and unsmiling,” McConnell insisted that he smiles frequently. “My smile and my frown look exactly alike; politically I find that very useful,” McConnell said.

Dispatches from SNN (Slobovian News Network) – By Ted Holland SNN has learned that the Biden administration has contracted the internationally renown law firm of Grabbehall, Decash, and Scramme to oversee and dispense monies for its Racial Equity Program. The purpose of the program is to make all American Races financially equal. Since the Biden Administration has stated that all American Whites are rich, they are excluded. According to firm spokesman and senior partner Snattche DeCashe, “Our firm holds the Guinness Book of Records for catching Ambulances and has defended such famous defendants as The Deep Dish Apple Pie poisoner and Pharoah’s Army.” The US government will make a onetime

Ripping the Headlines Today

450,000 Sold! • Humor Times endorsed!

New Edition!

Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to By Paul Lander. All you need to do is follow one simple rule: barely pay attention and jump to conclusions. So, here are some headlines today and my first thoughts: The sounds of Mars: NASA releases first-ever audio from another planet Good job, Bruno! The Royal family is claiming they’re not racist … well, y’know, there is Queen Latifah… Kim Jong-un not talking to Joe Biden This is punishment? How?

payment of 10 quazillion (Merriam Webster defines a Quazillion as 10 followed by 245 zeroes) to the firm which will receive a fee of 33 1/3 percent plus expenses for their work. They in turn will verify who is illegible and dispense the funds. The Biden White House also considered other well-known law firms, such as The Ghreedie Group and Shoop, Shoop, Shangalang and Jiggyboppe for the job. According to the program literature, monies will be granted to the races as follows: • African Americans: 14 million dollars each • Native Americans: 12 million dollars each • Latin Americans: 10 million dollars each • Asian Americans: 8 million dollars each • Bongocongoam Americans: 237 dollars each • Slobovian Americans: 18 cents each Each payment will be subject to attorney fees, service charges, packing and mailing charges, Ethnicity determination fee, ook fee, federal tax, state tax, county tax, city tax, zipcode tax and a Covid 19 tax. After taxes and fees, each African American should expect a payment of $567.89.

Kanye West becomes the richest black man in US history And, six of the top ten if you divide it up a mongs t the voices in his head. Milo Yiannopoulos now claims to be ‘ex-gay’ So, the Q in LGBTQ does n’t stand for QANon.

Biden has now sent his 3 nominees for the USPS Board of Governors to the Senate Although, no word on whether he sent them ground or overnight.

Michael Cohen says Trump is in for a ‘proctological exam of the highest order’ by New York prosecutors On the upside, they’ll probably find Lindsey Graham’s missing cell phone.

Feeding cows seaweed could cut their methane emissions by 82%, scientists say/Greenhouse gas emissions study Especially, if they drown while eating.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she would take AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 shot But, only if the shots came with a Pilsner back….

People are complaining John Kerry wasn’t wearing a COVID mask In fairness, it’s hard to get one of those things over a horse bridle.

The Biden Admin let go some staffers who smoked pot … but, mostly to save money on deliveries of pizza, donuts and nachos…

Soleil Moon Frye reveals her first sexual partner was Charlie Sheen … look for the ‘E! True Hollywood Story: The Punky and the Junky.’

Florida Rabbi arrested in connection with deadly US Capitol riot The first clue something was up was when he lit the Hanukkah Lights with a Jewish Space Laser.

ADDICTED to WAR Why The U.S. Can't Kick Militarism

An Anti-War COMIC BOOK by Joel Andreas Endorsed by: Ralph Nader, Howard Zinn, Glenn Greenwald, Medea Benjamin, Susan Sarandon, Martin Sheen, Noam Chomsky & Woody Harrelson.

The clairvoyant, best known for predicting the Harlem Shake back in 2012, gives his top predictions for 2021 below: Church of Trump: Disillusioned by politics and intrigued by the tax- exempt status enjoyed by churches, Donald Trump decides to establish his own religion. The result is Confusionism, which preaches the power of positively not thinking and believes in the concept that ignorance is bliss. Needless to say, Trump himself is the first one to achieve Nirvana. Giuliani shunned: Rudy Giuliani, disgraced and shunned, becomes so desperate for legal work that he finally decides to change his identity and disguises himself as a woman. Surprisingly, he then enjoys amazing success in the courtroom until one fateful day when his falsies get tangled up in his briefs. A hit movie starring Dustin Hoffman is later made about the incident, called “Putzy.” The Ozzy Osbourne cure: It is discovered that Ozzy Osbourne is totally unaffected by COVID-19. This is due to the fact that he bit off so many bat heads back in the eighties that he developed a complete immunity to the illness. Scientists develop a vaccine from his blood which proves to be 100 percent effective against all strains of the coronavirus. Other predictions: Bigfoot is captured and signs a multi-million dollar deal with Nike. He later appears on “The Bachelorette” and “Dancing with the Stars”, but enjoys his greatest success as a contestant on “Name that Tune.” A devastating earthquake erupts along the San Andreas fault line, but instead of California falling into the Pacific Ocean, the rest of the country falls into the Atlantic. Marjorie Taylor Greene is abducted by space aliens, who shortly thereafter throw her back.

To order Addicted To War send $15 to: Frank Dorrel, PO Box 3261, Culver City, CA 90231 • 310-838-8131 •

Congratulations, Humor Times, on 30 great years! – From Tennessee John, a devoted longtime faithful subscriber!

Available at the Artists Collaborative Gallery 129 K St. Old Sacramento

Read more columns by Paul Lander at



April, 2021

Gov. Le Pew NY Governor Cuomo was once a hero...

but he was brought down by an old friend...

and the truth was laid bare.

News conferences aren’t what they used to be...

and neither are book sales.

He’s still getting a lot of female attention, though.

As he mulls over his next move...

April, 2021

the decision may be made for him.



Texas-Size Fail Texas strives to be fiercely independent...

and loves to brag about its barbeques.

Unfortunately, they elect leaders who are self-serving...

and delusional.

It all came back to bite them...

but many don’t see it that way...

as they look on the bright side.


Anyway, we can all learn from their misfortune.


April, 2021

Orange Blues


There was a secret January vaccination in the White House...

but it didn’t cure his addiction to the Big Lie.

Repubs say an investigation would be partisan...

so they are presenting their own case...

He’s a long way from his glory days now...

which stinks to high heaven.

and long-hidden secrets are seeing the light of day.

But, c’mon, we all saw what happened.

April, 2021



The Hightower Lowdown

Cause & Effect The killings in Atlanta were just the latest...

in a string of violence brought on by racism.

It seems to be springtime for Hitler...

Is Your Job in the Robot Kill Path? Some people find hunting for sport to be abhorrent, so hunters have come up with euphemisms to make what they do sound gentler on the ears of the nonhunting public. For example, animals aren’t killed; they’re “harvested.” And dead prey is not gutted but “processed.” Corporate America has taken note of this verbal ploy and is now adopting it, for CEOs urgently need euphemisms to soften the image of their constant hunt for ways to kill jobs and funnel more money to themselves and top investors. Their urgency is that they’re now pushing a huge new surge in job cuts — this time targeting college-educated, white-collar professionals! Their weapon is the same sort of neutron bomb they’ve used to dispatch millions of blue-collar workers: robots. But that term has a very bad reputation, so robots have been re-labeled with a nondescript acronym: RPA, “robotic process automation.” These are not your grandfather’s old bots merely doing repetitive mechanical tasks. Sophisticated automatons armed with artificial intelligence have quietly moved up the corporate ladder to take over cognitive work that had been the niche of such highly paid humans as financial analysts, lawyers, engineers, managers and doctors. This is more than just an incremental extension of a long, slow automation process. It’s a transformative Big Bang, presently ripping through America’s workforce at warp speed with no public or political attention, and most of the vulnerable employees have no idea of what’s coming. Corporate executives, boards and investors do know, however, for they’ve been rushing furtively in the past year or so to implement RPA initiatives. The New York Times reports that a survey of executives last year found that nearly 80% of them have already put some forms of RPA in place, with an additional 16% planning to do so within three years. Yes, that’s 96% of corporate employers. Seeing the current corporate stampede to impose RPAs on U.S. workplaces, analysts project 45 million job losses to RPA by 2030. Returning to the hunting analogy, professional jobs requiring human-level judgement have been presumed to be beyond the range of robotic firepower. But, as one economist who studies labor now notes, with

JIM HIGHTOWER the mass deployment of RPA technology, “that type of work is much more in the kill path.” The corporate vocabulary does not include the phrase “job cuts.” Rather, such unpleasantness is blandly referred to as “employment adjustment.” Moreover, terminations are hailed as universally beneficial — they’re said to “streamline” operations and “liberate” the workforce from tedious tasks. Now, though, corporate wordsmiths are going to need a new thesaurus of euphemisms to try glossing over the masses of job cuts coming for those in the higher echelons of the corporate structure. Don’t look now, but an unanticipated result of the ongoing pandemic is that it has given cover for CEOs to speed up the adoption of highly advanced RPAs to replace employees once assumed to be immune from displacement. As one analyst told a New York Times reporter, “With R.P.A., you can build a bot that costs $10,000 a year and take out two to four humans.” Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, many top executives feared a public backlash if they pushed automation too far too fast. But, ironically, the economic collapse caused by the pandemic has so discombobulated the workplace and diverted public attention that corporate bosses have been emboldened to rush ahead, declaring, “I don’t really care. I’m just going to do what’s right for my business.” While the nationwide shutdown of offices and furloughing of employees has caused misery for millions, one purveyor of RPA systems approvingly notes that it has “‘massively raised awareness’ among executives about the variety of work that no longer requires human involvement,” The New York Times says. He cheerfully declares, “We think any business process can be automated,” and his firm advises corporate bosses that half to two-thirds of all the tasks being done at their companies can be done by machines, putting them squarely in the robot kill path.

thanks to the tacit support of certain so-called “leaders.”



April, 2021

If You Can’t Win, Rig the Game Instead of changing to meet voters where they’re at...

lazy Republicans feel they can just take their votes away.

While the hypocrisy is blatantly obvious to all...

they’re betting that Americans are easily distracted.

They say they’re simply attacking the problem head on...

by relying on a two-part strategy.

They really don’t care how it makes them look...

April, 2021

as long as they succeed.



Miscellaneous Mischief



April, 2021

April, 2021



Parting Shots: Cancel Culture It is a problem of massive importance, they said...

and one dear to their heart.

It, shall we say, “trumps” all other issues...

and consumes all their brainpower.

People need to hear the truth, they said...

and there’s only one way to reach them.

But the absurdity is obvious...


and, after all, cartoons are just cartoons!


April, 2021

April, 2021



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Family Dentistry with Tender Loving Care. Traditional dentistry with holistic options offered in a warm, caring environment. Acupuncture • Mercury Free • Cerec Crowns Mercury Separators • GREEN Dentistry • Surgically Clean Air Acupuncture is offered for relaxation, anesthesia, pain control and healing. Holistic Resource Referral In keeping with holistic philosophy, we begin each day with our Healing Circle. We do conscious breath-work, meditation and affirmations for our patients and ourselves to create healing, transformation and peace on our planet.

California Stage Theater Creations presents Social Distance Theater: Music and Art in in the Courtyard 2021! Starting April 10th, 2021 “First Stop, Second Saturday” from 4-7 PM finds the Courtyard alive with an interesting free art exhibit in Sacramento’s newest Gallery with work by Sally Medlicott and Jane Black.

The e-book “Ninety-Nine Stories” contains 99 stories by Barry Fiegel which is available for $9.99 on Amazon Kindle and other e-book publishers.

Ninety-Nine Stories by Barry Fiegel

“ Read 'Em—You'll Like 'Em. ” Next up is music, April 17th with Peter Petty! Doors open at 7:00PM, music 8PM-10PM. $15.00 per person. Tickets on sale through All current COVID regulations will be followed for all events.

In the R25 Arts Complex, 25th & R St, Midtown • Free parking Reservations & Info:



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