“At Robb Elementary School, there were 376 good guys with guns, and they all, everyone of them, failed ” Lawrence O'Donnell, MSNBC Issue #364 August, 2022 ‘World’s FunniestNewsSource’ Featuring the finest in editorial cartoons and political satire. Don’t Miss Out, Subscribe Today! Makes a Great Gift! Formerly the “Comic Press News” Merely $2.98 ®

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August, 2022 HUMOR TIMES 3 Editor’s Letter
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Inc., Galt, CA 95632. Contributors: Nick Anderson, Ruben Bolling, Bill Bramhall, Chris Britt, Jon Carter, John Deering Hala Dika, Michael Egan, Walt Handelsman, Phil Hands, Joe Heller, Jim Hightower, Ted Holland, David Horsey, Dean Kaner, Paul Lander, Ralph Lombard, Mike Luckovich, Andy Marlette, Joel Pett, Dan Piraro, Marshall Ramsey, Rob Rogers, Steve Schneider, Harley Schwadron, Drew Sheneman, Scott Stantis, Dana Summers, JC Wade, Dan Wasserman & others. Contributions: Send artwork/submissions to address or email above. The Humor Times (formerly the Comic Press News) is printed on recycled paper, using at least 60% post-consumer fiber. All contents ©2022. No part may be reproduced without permission. – James Israel Editor Boris was shown the exit... in a parliamentary process we could use here. Meanwhile, Biden met with the Saudi leader. as the U.S. soul-selling tradition continues. Best Beer in Town Hoppy's Railyard Kitchen & Hopgarden 1022 2nd St. in Old Sacramento • 916-451-4677 Hoppy Hour: Tue-Fri 3-6pm • Sun 9:00-close Sat 10:00-close • All day Monday! Brewed in Sacramento! Acupuncture • Mercury Free • Cerec Crowns Mercury Separators • GREEN Dentistry • Surgically Clean Air Acupuncture is offered for relaxation, anesthesia, pain control and healing Holistic Resource Referral In keeping with holistic philosophy, we begin each day with our Healing Circle. We do conscious breath-work, meditation and affirmations for our patients and ourselve s to create healing, transformation and peace on our planet. Family Dentistry with Tender Loving Care. Traditional dentistry with holistic options offered in a warm, caring environment www.dentalandholistichealth.com Jeanette Midori Okazaki, DDS, Inc. • (916) 329-3400 2525 K Street, Suite 305, Sacramento • Most insurance plans accepted

4 HUMOR TIMES August, 2022 Good Guy Fail It’s simple, they’ve always assured us. all it takes is one 376 good guy(s) with a gun. with good training and that will set us all free. Just stand tall... and use your common sense, they said. And set your priorities straight... so we can protect the kids (continued)

August, 2022 HUMOR TIMES 5
Beware: The GOP Has Chosen to Embrace the Crazy
Today, however, the core of the Republican Party has gone so far beyond the fringe that they would boo Goldwater s right-wingism as insuf ficiently rabid. Instead, their new rallying cry is: “Nuttiness in the defense of extremism is no vice.”The GOP as a whole has mutated from a con servative party with some extremist factions to effectively proclaiming itself the Party of Ex tremism. Its mainline officialdom (governors, congressional leaders, state reps, judges, party chairs, et al.) are no longer just winking at such antidemocratic, far-right groups as neo-Confed erates, paranoid “replacement” theorists, seces sionists and QAnon cultists — they are openly embracing the crazy. Hoping to enlist the raw political fervor of dogmatic rightists, local, state and national Republican establishments are mainstreaming the extreme: Parroting many of those groups’wilder claims, adopting their code words and endorsing their adherents for elected and appointed offices. And, of course, all of this fanatical horsepower is quietly being hitched to the party’s true purpose of entrenching the supremacy of corporate and moneyed elites. Now, this embrace the crazy extremism is about to erupt in the GOP’s presidential pri mary, for a whole covey of these cooing right-wingers have fantasies of taking the groups’ radical agenda to the White House. All of them are trying to out-extreme each other with raw meat bigotry and autocratic posturing, but two wannabes have emerged as both the most bullish and bullying: Greg Abbott of Texas and Ron DeSantis of Florida For months, these big state governors have been locked in a far-right kook-off including outlawing free speech, banning books, vi ciously attacking immigrants, preempting local elections and governments and denying health care to poor people. Bear in mind that Abbott and DeSantis are not merely pontificating, pos turing and promising what they might do in the White House; as governors they’re actually practicing it right now! I don’t know if Abbott and DeSantis are the worst that the GOP will try to put in the Oval Office in 2024, but please pay attention now, for today’s Republican elites intend to pull our de mocracy down into the plutocratic, autocratic and theocratic maelstrom they are creating.
In the 1990s, the sharp-witted Texan and re nowned progressive writer Molly Ivins regaled (and appalled) readers with her reports on the tragicomic awfulness of George W. Bush’s two terms as the Lone Star State’s governor. His ten ure was notable for his deep ignorance, frat-boy arrogance and flagrant servility to corporate in terests. But those very qualities made Amer ica’s moneyed powers decide that — Wow! — wouldn’t he make a dandy president? Molly warned the general public about the folly of that choice, but in the 2000 race, W’s patrons stuffed him with money, buffed him up with a glossy coat of PR Shinola, pulled off a flagrant post-election political heist in Florida … and squeegeed him, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft and that whole regime of horrors into office. This is when the GOP began to embrace the crazyMany Americans soon began expressing as tonishment at how shallow, imperious, and dan gerous Bush & Co. were proving to be, leading Molly to say with a heavy sigh: “Next time I tell you someone from Texas should not be presi dent of the United States, please pay attention.”
The Hightower Lowdown JIM HIGHTOWER The situation is uniquely American… and it goes all the way to the top. There’s only one way to change things... but while you’re waiting, enjoy your freedom.
Don’t look now, but another Texas guberna torial goober, named Greg Abbott, is coming at you, insisting that he should be your next presi dent. Sadly, Molly is gone, but I knew her well enough that I think I can speak for her on this matter of national import: “Oh, hell no!” Excuse the redundancy here, but right-wing extremism has become extremely extreme, and Abbott is vying to be the “extremiest” of all. A clue to his loopiness is his vituperative anti-abortion absolutism, forcing victims of rape to give birth to their rapists’ spawn. Not a problem, proclaimed Abbott, for he’s the Lone Star Wizard. He declared that he intends to go out and arrest all rapists — get this — before they rape Abbott,anyone!agovernor with no talent for govern ing, has run up a record noted for spectacular program failures, corporate bootlicking, widen ing inequality, corruption, political buffoon ery… and so awful much more. If that’s your idea of a president, there he is Perhaps you remember Sen. Barry Goldwater, the GOP’s fringy, far-right-wing 1964 presidential nominee who famously said, “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.”

Wherein our intrepid talk radio show host interviews NFL star Herschel Walker and box ing champ Mike Tyson. ANNOUNCER: Live from under a rock in your backyard, it’s The Jerry Duncan Show JERRY DUNCAN: Good morning listeners nationwide. Is it a good morning? We’ll soon find out. Today on the show my guests are for mer NFL star Herschel Walker and boxing champ Mike Tyson. JERRY: Good morning, guys. MIKE TYSON: (speech impediment) Can I do my Buckwheat impwession? JERRY: Sure. TYSON: (impression) I want dat candy Otay? JERRY: You are deranged, Mikey. I better alert Bellevue Mental Hospital to see if there’s a bed open. JERRY: How are you doing, Herschel?
TYSON: I’m going stwaight, Duncan. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Amewica, and to the Wepublican for which it stands…
6 HUMOR TIMES August, 2022 The Jerry Duncan Show Interviews Herschel Walker
HERSCHEL WALKER: I’m depressed. JERRY: Why? WALKER: I thought my girlfriend was cheating after I found a text on her phone this morning. Fortunately, she’s not. It’s still the same guy JERRY: You’re 60 years old. Running as a Republican for Georgia Senator in 2022. WALKER: Yeah. I’m up against Senator Rapper Warthog. JERRY: You mean Raphael Warnock WALKER: That’s the dude. JERRY: Unlike you, he’s an honorable man. Apastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. WALKER: Here’s a fact, Duncan. Do you know why Ebenezer Baptist congregants love reindeer? JERRY: Because of Santa Claus? WALKER: No. Every buck is dear to them. JERRY: You had your head kicked in too many times playing football. Just sayin TYSON: What do you mean my buddy isn’t honowable? JERRY: He lied about his past. TYSON: Hewschel lied? You mean it’s not twue he intwoduced Adam to Eve? Had mo #1 hits than the Beatles, Elvis and the Wolling Stones combined? Wote Hamilton? WALKER: Okay. I exaggerated. But I worked for the Cobb County Police Depart ment and was an FBI agent. JERRY: Turned out to be false. TYSON: Jiminy Cwicket. And I thought I was bad when I bit off pawt of Evander Hollyfield’s ear JERRY: Well. Here’s a fact. Both of you voted for Trump. TYSON: I have wegwets Twumpster said he would make me Ambassador to the Moon. Didn’t hap pen. He lied JERRY: Only 50,000 times and counting. Anyway, wouldn’t have worked. You have a criminal record. Arrested 38 times by the age of 13. Even more assaults as you got older TYSON: Big deal. I knocked out 44 fightews out of 58 fights. I’m the undisputed WBA champ WALKER: I’m a winner, too. JERRY: What are you talking about, Her shey bar? You failed in several businesses stiffing investors. Took $180,000 in PPP loans during COVID, then mocked the program dur ing your Senate campaign. Physically abused and threatened your wife Cindy by pointing a gun to her head. Got an endorsement from the Trumpster, because you promoted “the big lie” about election fraud in the 2020 election.
TYSON: Can’t think of the west, but God bless Amewica JERRY: Mikey. Point your index finger to your head and tell me the abbreviation for mountain.
TYSON: (points finger to his temple) M T JERRY: That’s right. Empty JERRY: Mike Tyson and Herschel Walker everyone. See you tomorrow The Jerry Duncan Show, ©Dean B. Kaner Herschel Walker. Photo: public domain. As Heard at the Hearings
WALKER: Beautiful. Now I understand why I’m the poster boy for birth control.
“Today, almost two years after that fateful day in January 2021... Donald Trump and his allies and supporters are [still] a clear and present danger to American democracy That's not because of what happened on January 6th. It's be cause, to this very day, the former presi dent, his allies, and supporters pledge that, in the presiden tial election of 2024, if the former president or his anointed suc cessor as the Repub lican Party presidential candidate were to lose that elec tion, that they would attempt to overturn that 2024 election in the same way that they attempted to overturn the 2020 election, but succeed in 2024 where they failed in 2020. I don't speak those words lightly.”
“A bunch of pus sies.” – What Giuliani admitted calling any one who wouldn’t go along with Trump’s scheme.
– Former US Court of Appeals Judge J. Michael Luttig, at the June 16th House committee hearing. “After our last hear ing, President Trump tried to call a witness in our investigation.” – Co-Chair Liz Cheney “Witness intimida tion is a form of ob struction of justice and under 18 U.S. Code § 1512, it's a federal crime to inter fere with witness testi mony or cooperation in a criminal case... This includes interfer ing with individual's ability to participate in non-judicial proceed ings such as Con gressional or execu tive agency inquiries.” –nalattorneysthefederalcrimi.com

August, 2022 HUMOR TIMES 7 Team Blue The prez felt damned if he did, damned if he didn’t but at least Jill’s there to keep things steady. Many want him to bow out in 2024... and challengers are already making plans. The party has demographic issues and structural ones as well. They’ll have to play it very carefully... and hope to make it through somehow.

8 HUMOR TIMES August, 2022 Supremely Illegitimate They say you never know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone... and things have certainly changed Alito said that previous rulings were out of touch. but now everyone knows where they stand Judge Thomas says he keeps his home life separate... and loves his work and that he sleeps just fine, thank you very much. For now, the court rests (continued)

August, 2022 HUMOR TIMES 9 Kavanaugh insists on his right to privacy.. even as he works to deprive others of it. The result of recent rulings is becoming painfully clear but activists are fighting back For now, be very careful out there. Now that their work is done for this term the Supremes can look back and admire their work... and leave it to you to adjust.

Cartertoons • www.carterto

www.cartertoons.com • by Jon Carter

12 HUMOR TIMES August, 2022 The Big Lie, Revealed As the committee continued to follow the trail... the story it told was astonishing. It involves shady characters in high places. and one unhinged maniac. who acted like a spoiled brat.. because things didn’t go his way. Of course, he insists he’s not to blame.. for anything that happened or will happen. (continued)

August, 2022 HUMOR TIMES 13 Loyalists said they never saw anything. but to Trump, they were all a bunch of nobodies anyway. The partisan committee is just out to get him, he says. unlike his true believers. Prominent Republicans have testified, including a judge. and some witnesses report being “encouraged” to remain “loyal.” There ought to be a law... to keep the country safe. (continued)

14 HUMOR TIMES August, 2022 The Big Lie (conclusion) It’s been a trying time for many... yet it’s up to us to finish the job.
Trump always said he “loves the poorly educated”... and the complicit He doesn’t like “meddlers,” though... and is not a big fan of the truth. They’ve got him on the run… but all’s well that ends well.

It is clear DeSantis has his eye on the 2024 presidential campaign. He may have competition, however, including Texas Gov Greg Abbott. Obviously miffed, the Lone Star State governor said, “I invited you to the bor der, but you didn’t invite me to your shindig.” Abbott is understandably unhappy, but the apparent snub did not surprise anyone. Said one observer, “DeSantis sees Abbott as a rival for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination. It’s bound to get a little catty!
Aspiring to the Standards of Accuracy Set by Fox News!
By Lesley Leben Senator Susan Collins from Maine an nounced today that she had purchased the Brooklyn Bridge for an undisclosed sum. “I’ve had a unique opportunity presented to me,” Collins said The Senator’s financial advisor was quoted as saying, “Initially I was against such a large investment, but Senator Collins has impeccable judgment.”
Ripping the Headlines Today
When asked what he would do Bezo’s said: ‘I’ll dismantle that bridge when I got to it.’ Kyrie Irving bought a $3.7 Million mansion in Los Angeles yesterday Oh please, at 3.7 mil in LA, at best, it’s only a starter mansion. Cynthia Plaster Caster, artist known for rock-star penis sculptures dies at 74 Little known fact: A catalogue of the sculptures is the first known collection of dick pics Highland Park shooter suspect local rapper Robert Crimo aka ‘Awake’ Stop calling the Highland shooter a rapper, he ain’t Jay Z, he’s Cra Z! Rudy Giuliani says he needed stents after slap ‘assault’ On the upside, the doc tors said he’d be home hanging upside down to sleep in no time. Woman runs for her life ‘screaming’ after hearing telltale signs of landslide … that would be some one else screaming ‘land slide!’
Anti-Abortionists Face Supernatural Crisis By Diane de Anda An anonymous source has leaked informa tion about a major crisis among leaders of the anti-abortion movement. It appears that Satan was so pleased with their success that he visited and impregnated several of the movement’s most vociferous advocates. Because these women oppose abortion based on their strong religious beliefs, they are now completely conflicted. As religious indi viduals, they do not want to carry and give birth to a demon child. However, since the unborn was conceived from a human ova, and they believe any unborn baby is a person with the right to life from the moment of conception, abortion is not an op tion. They now concede that they may be forced to bring evil into the world. A secret meeting was convened to discuss the options. The argument that they were im pregnated without consent was not viable, it was decided, because the group has taken the position that abortion cannot be allowed in cases of rape and incest as it is still murder One idea was to say that since Satan is not human, the unborn is not really human, so the charge of murder would not apply. However, it was pointed out that the creature is a hybrid, and the devil had made sure it took a human form. If the ultrasound photos were leaked, it would kill the movement’s credibility One of the women shocked the group when she revealed that she had already had a D&C for her “fibroids.” As the others gasped, she yelled, “It’s easy to judge when it’s not happen ing to you,” and left the room. Marjorie Dannenfelser, the force behind the Susan B. Anthony List anti-abortion campaign, then revealed a supernatural event that she had Antichrist baby from “The Passion of Christ.”
Faux News Relegated to B&W! In a controversial move, the “Faux News” section of the Humor Times has been relegated to the black & white pages of the printed paper “Readers want an explanation,” said a pro tester, “we weren’t consulted! And why have black and white pages at all?!”
DeSantis, Proud Boys Protest Outside ‘The Birdcage’
Delta Air Lines offered $10,000 to passengers willing to give up their seat on overbooked do mestic flight The bad news: they said the money would be in a bag they could pick up at the baggage claim area. Mark Zuckerberg warns staff Facebook will be ‘turning up the heat’ to weed out underperformers Complainers were told to join ShutYourFacebook USC and UCLA’s moving to the Big Ten Or, as it’s also known The ATM. CNN’s Daniel Dale knocks down false claims by PAC Lauren Boebert’s past as an escort that also involved Ted Cruz … Too bad, because then it would’ve been pos sible ‘drill, baby, drill’ started as dirty talk be tween Boebert and Cruz …
Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to By Paul Lander. All you need to do is follow one simple rule: barely pay attention and jump to conclusions. So, here are some headlines today and my first thoughts:
The President explains, “There are billions and billions of cases of K Rations left over from the war in Vietnam, just sitting in warehouses K Rations sustained our troops during the war in Vietnam and have a shelf life of 200 years. The MREs that the troops ate in Iraq and Af ghanistan last only about 10 years. “Each month, every American will get 30 cases of K Rations free. They come in wonder ful appetizing flavors such as Chopped Egg with Bacon, Chopped Bacon with Egg, Chopped Ham with Lima Beans and Chopped Lima Beans with Ham.” Each case also includes packs of cigarettes, packs of gum and packs of condoms. The president also stated that in case they run out of K Rations, he has cut a deal with General Dissen Datte, head of the Slobovian Army Mess System, to supply the American people with quantities of the Slobovian Army staple known as Gavonski Gavonski is syn thetic Creamed Chip Beef on Toast. The President also stated that to help the American people with preparation of K Ra tions, the Food Network will debut a new cook ing show featuring former Marine mess sergeant K.P Chowline
Headline News Section
August, 2022 HUMOR TIMES 15 ‘We YouReport,Decry!’
Puerto Rican judge is sues restraining order against Ricky Martin So, while in Puerto Rico he can’t go ‘La Vida Local.’ Jeff Bezos calls out Joe Biden’s latest inflation claim: ‘Straight misdirection or a deep misun derstanding’
Proud Boys protest outside The Birdcage
President Biden Offers New Solution to Rising Food Prices
By Ted Holland, Dispatches from SNN (Slobovian News Network) Hot on the heels of its controversial over turning of Roe v Wade, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) will hear a case on another decisive issue — that being the right of the unborn to bear arms. The case stems from an incident that hap pened in Boogaloo, Mississippi in 1987. On April 18 of that year, Mrs. Annette Funicello Pulp went to the West Chitlin County Health Clinic for a pelvic exam. At the time she was 21 weeks pregnant with twin boys. Sometime during the exam by Dr. Peter Panne, two gunshots rang out and Dr Panne was found dead on the floor. When Sheriff Lutha Spreadum arrived, he arrested Mrs. Pulp for murder, even though no gun was found and there was no direct evidence linking her to the shooting.Mrs.Pulp stated that Dr Panne was shot by one of her unborn boys, who became frightened and feared for his life. When a vaginal speculum was inserted into his previously sac rosanct home, he fired the shots.
The court building will be surrounded by po lice and marines during the entire trial, which is expected to be quite explosive. Demonstrators from all corners of the earth, both pro and con, are expected to descend on Washington. Some of the presiding justices have already received death threats, a few from the unborn.
SCOTUS to Debate the Gun Rights of the Unborn
Senator Collins Buys Brooklyn Bridge
By Steve Schneider Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis joined a Proud Boys protest in South Florida last night, as members picketed outside a Miami Beach drag club. The probable 2024 presi dential candidate said he joined the picket line because of a “disgusting video that was made at a Texas drag club.”
As onlookers watched, the governor and Proud Boys chanted, “We’re Proud. We’re Here. Get Used to It.” Despite the chant, morally questionable people entered the club, according to “African American” billion aire Elon Musk, live-tweeting the event. A member from The Birdcage movie cast joined in on Twitter Gene Hackman, who played a politically ambitious conservative Senator in The Birdcage, tweeted, “I wish Ron the best. I really do. But someone needs to give the guy a pedicure or a chilled glass of Chardonnay.”
Read more columns by Paul Lander at humortimes.com.
Senator Susan Collins after her savvy purchase. Caricature by DonkeyHotey, flickr.com.
A spokesman said the move was only in tended to open up more space for color car toons, but that they’e always open to feedback. “Just send an email, contact us on our site, write a good ol’ letter, or call us,” he said. “And regarding b&w pages, see our online FAQ!”
Boris Johnson ‘deceived Queen and has re signed’ Well, in fairness, they’re not really Queen since Freddy Mercury died. Elon Musk pulled out of Twitter deal …Something he’s clearly not used to doing!
Famous Chitlin Rights attorney Shimmy Shuffle Downe took up Mrs. Pulp’s case and in troduced Forensic evidence that revealed gun powder residue in her vagina. Her first trial ended in a hung jury as did 17 more trials over the following 25 years. When her twins were born, the boys, now named Elvis and Elton, were charged with mur der and pleaded self-defense. They stated that the piece of medical equipment inserted into their mother looked like a bulldozer coming to get them. Their attorney, Oliver Wendell Grunt, asserted the rights of the unborn to take lethal action when their lives were in danger, siting “stand your ground” laws. Eight trials of the twins have ended in hung juries and two have ended in riots. Mississippi State Attorney General Big Mama Thornton Jones will argue the state’s case while UCLA (University of Claptrappe in Lower Alabama) law professor Perry Mason Kudzu will handle the defense.
Critics of the Senator will undoubtedly differ with her advisor’s assessment. As one detractor noted: “You may recall that Sena tor Collins believed President Trump ‘learned his lesson’ after the first impeach ment trial.” When Trump went on to com mit a second round of impeachable offenses, Collins said, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on you again.” In addition, the Senator cast a crucial vote for Justice Kavanaugh’s narrow confir mation, citing his assurances on Roe vs. Wade as precedent. However, Kavanaugh recently voted to overturn the decision, leaving Collins to make the following state ment to a group of reporters: “I feel misled, I’m all shook up.” She then performed an impressive rendition of Elvis Presley’s song by the same name. The Senator then excused herself. “I have to see a man about a bridge,” she said
recently experienced. The organization’s name sake, Susan B. Anthony, had materialized two nights ago in her home. She chased Ms. Dannenfelser throughout her house whacking her on the head with a protest sign that read “Protect All Women’s Rights.” The next day Susan B. Anthony’s name mys teriously disappeared from signage on the building and all the organization’s stationery and other materials. Since the organization’s historian could find no previous events to serve as guidelines, the meeting adjourned to watch Rosemary’s Baby
By Ted Holland, Dispatches from SNN (Slobovian News Network) In an exclusive interview with SNN finan cial correspondents Passe D. Bucke and Three Dollah Bille, U.S. President Joe Biden stated that he is deeply concerned about the pain in the wallet of most Americans when they visit the grocery store and face rising food prices, so he has come up with a plan that will ease the food shopping pain. The plan, which kicks off on July 4th, has been dubbed “OPERATION K RATION.”

Texan leaders continued to embrace the crazy.. and Georgia may elect even worse.
The GOP has sunk to new lows... even by comparison.
16 HUMOR TIMES August, 2022 Red Team Rudy barely survived and Gaetz may not.
They’ve been reduced to a strong man’s cult… under constant pressure to conform.

August, 2022 HUMOR TIMES 17 Hard Times As Americans try their best to make do it is only getting tougher which can lead to desperation. There are some jobs available. but prices are high. At least gas is getting more affordable... allowing people to get out more. Things could still get worse, though.

18 HUMOR TIMES August, 2022 Miscellaneous Mischief

August, 2022 HUMOR TIMES 19

In the Wilkerson Theater, 25th & R St, Midtown • Free parking Tickets & Reservations: CalStage.org Theater Creations California Stage DRSDMC1950’sandyatsonetectiveeriesadioramas! “The Egyptian Amulet” and “Jack Frost” Sunday, July 31st, 2pm and Saturday, August 6th, 2pm & 5pm $15 donation Featuring Linda Taylor, Richard Winters & Ray Tatar Subscriptions Make Great Gifts! Give, that others may laugh too! subs.humortimes.com