“The primary problem remains concentrated wealth itself, the huge gap between the wealthy and everyone else ” Sam Pizzigati, NationOfChange org Issue #366 October, 2022 Toon Into The News! Featuring the finest in editorial cartoons and political satire. Don’t Miss Out, Subscribe Today! Makes a Great Gift! Formerly the “Comic Press News” Merely $2.98 ®

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Our democracy is in greater danger now than at any time since the Civil War, and if these horribly misguided souls have their way, we’ll see another civil war. A very differ ent war this time, to be sure, but violent and bloody nonetheless. Even if we manage to avoid that, we are one or two elections away from an authoritarian state that would make it very difficult, if not impossible, to win back a functioning democracy.
Sure, conspiracy theorists have always been with us. But since the advent of social me dia, the phenomena of ever-more-insane sounding “theories” and the ranks of their believ ers seem to be growing exponentially.
Editor: James Israel Publisher: Jim LeDoux Email: info@humortimes.com. Phone: 916-758-8255. Printed by: Valley Oak Press, Inc., Galt, CA 95632.

Until now, the former president and top-secret document thief only deigned to humor QAnon types by saying things like, “I understand they like me very much,” and “if I can help save the world from problems, I’m willing to do it.” (Oh, so benevolent of him!) But now, finding himself in the desperate situation of finally having his life of lawlessness catch up with him, he is willing to promote the movement much more directly. Trump “re-truths” their crazy pronouncements on his so-called “Truth Social” platform, including some that claim that Joe Biden and the Democrats are out to destroy the country. One meme features Vice President Kamala Harris, Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, with the words “Your enemy … is not … in Russia” pasted over them
Most of all, please help spread the word that we provide an alternative to boring news coverage! Thank you!
Contributors: Nick Anderson, Ruben Bolling, Bill Bramhall, Chris Britt, Jon Carter, John Deering Hala Dika, Michael Egan, Walt Handelsman, Phil Hands, Joe Heller, Jim Hightower, Ted Holland, David Horsey, Dean Kaner, Paul Lander, Lesley Leben, Ralph Lombard, Mike Luckovich, Andy Marlette, Joel Pett, Dan Piraro, Rob Rogers, Steve Schneider, Harley Schwadron, Drew Sheneman, Scott Stantis, Dana Summers, Dan Wasserman, David Wollman & others.

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The Humor Times (formerly the Comic Press News) is printed on recycled paper, using at least 60% post-consumer fiber. All contents ©2022. No part may be reproduced without permission.
– James Israel, Editor
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With this direct approval of QAnon by their “Dear Leader,” radicalized MAGA Repub licans may feel they have permission for ever-more violence directed at the perceived un godly “enemy” – their own countrymen.
Along with the rise of the “Orange Jesus” – as some of his devotees in Congress have called him (according to Liz Cheney’s account of their behavior on January 6th) – came “QAnon,” a wild bunch of conspiracy theories that are so outlandish, adherence to them seems like it could only be confined to insane asylums.
If you think you can sit out this next midterm election and life will simply continue on as usual, please think again. The still-sane among us must turn out in overwhelming num bers, and make it very clear to the Republican Party that it must finally reject the Trump authoritarian movement that is rotting it out from its core. They must be shown, in no un certain terms, that they will never get back into power in Congress, the presidency or even in statehouses without rejecting this grievous insanity in their midst.
Welcome to the asylum.
October, 2022 HUMOR TIMES 3 Editor’s Letter ALWAYS A WELCOME GIFT IDEA! Name: Address: City: State: Zip: How did you discover us? Email (helps us keep renewal notice costs down): Card no.: Security code: Signature: _ Exp. date: Name (as it appears on the card): Phone: (OR include all this info on a sheet of paper. Please allow 4-6 weeks for first issue. Phone orders: 916-758-8255.) (3-digit # on back, or if AX, 4-digit # on front) Send check or money order payable to the Humor Times to: Humor Times, P.O. Box 162429, Sacramento, CA 95816 Or use your: Discover Visa Mastercard American Express a pp p p 12 issues (1 year) $26.95 12 issues/Canada $53.95 24 issues (2 years) $50.95 12 issues/Foreign Sub. $82.95 Trial Sub (3 issues) $8.95 12 issues/PDF download $9.95 Please Check if RENEWAL. Subscriber # (on label, starts w/‘S’): __________ Donation: I’d like to help the cause of political humor! $__________ SAVE $4 or more by ordering online at subs humortimes com!
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That’s apocalyptic video game stuff. And if you truly believed this, and that these babybarbecuers were stealing elections away from your infallible, divinely-appointed orangeglowing savior/master, you’d be ready for a civil war too. You would think those evil bastards need to die. And this is exactly why this whole thing is so very dangerous.
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Subscriptions: subs.humortimes.com. Website: www. humortimes.com.
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According to polls, nearly one fifth of Americans adhere to this very dangerous belief system. Until very recently, historically speaking, it was unthinkable that such a large group of people would readily believe such rubbish as that half of the political class were pedophile baby-eaters. I mean, yeah, we’ve been hearing this for a while now, and the still-sane ones among us are getting a bit numb to this kind of talk – but think about it.
Big Lie cult... and

Doubling Down are just in the are finally having to answer for it. promise if they don’t get their way... threaten much worse. they are the righteous ones, they claim only want a “strong leader”.. to not be criticized for doing... what it is they do.

4 HUMOR TIMES October, 2022
Some pretend “leaders”
Trucking used to be a good union job, with decent pay and conditions — until the deregula tion craze four decades ago brought in Wall Street profiteers and fast-buck hustlers who turned the industry into anti-union exploiters. As a result, the yearly quit rate for drivers is al most 100%! But rather than retaining drivers by upping pay and stopping their torturous treat ment, the corporate bosses have rushed to Washington demanding access to an even cheaper pool of low-wage workers: teenagers. Yes — put an 18-year-old in that 18-wheeler… and keep them profits rolling!
their workplace dignity stripped away. So, soli darity forever!
October, 2022 HUMOR TIMES 5

Confused About “Quiet Quitting”?
They’ve created new executive-level posi tions with titles like “Chief People Officer” and hired consulting firms with such names as “Woohoo” and “Happy Ltd” to come up with treats, trinkets and gimmicks, trying to make the workplace seem like a playscape: Beer tast ings! Ping-pong games! Meditation periods! A Lizzo concert! Office slides! Company water bottles! Wine Wednesdays!
For more than a year, America’s corporate chieftains have been moaning about the “Great Resignation”: the recent phenomenon of work ers just up and quitting their jobs. And now co mes “quiet quitting”: workers who don’t leave their jobs, but only do what they were hired to do, quietly rejecting the endless extra (unpaid) tasks and weekend assignments that bosses try to pile on. What’s at work in the heads of all theseSimworkers?ple,barked one taskmaster way back in 1894. “Nobody wants to work.” And here’s an anti-New Deal baron in 1940, snorting that “trouble is everybody is on relief or a pension — nobody wants to work.” Then in ’52 came the same refrain: Everybody is “too damned lazy and nobody wants to work anymore.” Year after year, the exact same wail is repeated from on high, including this group gripe expressed in a corporate survey this year: “One in five exec utive leaders agree (that) ‘No one wants to work.’”Given the historic continuum of execu tive-suite disdain for working stiffs, it’s no sur prise that the top dogs are still blaming “sluggish” workers for today’s rampant job dis satisfaction. But it’s both hilarious and pathetic that high-dollar bosses are so inept at employee relations that they can’t keep the rank and file on the job, much less keep them quasi-happy The corporate response has been to put a silly Band-Aid on this serious problem.
Seriously? Memo to CEOs: Try decent pay and benefits, rational scheduling, meaningful goals, real teamwork and personal respect. In a word: Dignity

In the world of work, what two occupations might seem to have the very least in common? How about long-haul truck drivers… and school librarians? Yes, an odd pairing, but both are prime examples of workers who’ve had
Start with truckers; the job is literally a gru eling haul. You’re wrangling massive 18-wheelers some 500 miles a day for 2-3 weeks straight, putting up with traffic jams, storms, bad roads, lunatic drivers, helter-skelter scheduling, truck-stop food, sleeping in the truck — and battling fatigue, aches, your blad der and loneliness.
The Hightower Lowdown JIM HIGHTOWER Only Pawns in Their Game Red state guvs like to think they’re five steps ahead and will have the last laugh. They’re doing their best to do their worst. but one day will reap what they sow

And here’s another good job suddenly turned ugly: school librarian. Yes, while student en rollments rise and the need for these nurturers of our society’s literacy is greater than ever, their quit rate is soaring — not because of low pay or long hours, but because of raw right-wing poli tics. These dedicated, invaluable educators are literally being abused by demagogic GOP poli ticians and their extremist partisans who’ve launched an anti-librarian crusade, including book banning and harebrained witch hunting. Come on — how twisted are you to pick on li brarians? Yet, they are under attack by political hacks, condemned by reprobate preachers and physically threatened by frenzied parents… and being fired by wimpy school boards.
Forget the “law” of supply and demand; to day’s job market is being ruled by greedmeisters and political lunatics.

TRUMP: I’m the real President. Will be back in the White House in 2024. I’m a very stable genius.
DONALD TRUMP: The FBI illegally raided my house. All they found were 55 empty buckets of KFC and 350 Big Mac wrappers.
6 HUMOR TIMES October, 2022
JERRYDUNCAN: Good morning listeners nationwide. Is it a good morning? We’ll soon find out. Today on the show my guest is former disgraced, twice impeached President Donald Trump.
– Laura Bronner & Nathaniel Rakich fivethirtyeight.com
JERRY: Are you sure you’re not hiding something else?
JERRY: But there are only 133 million reg istered voters.
JERRY: Joe. Why have you been so suc
TRUMP: Who’s there?
Institutions that have long kept our democracy balanced are now threatening to unravel it...
JERRY: Hold on. I got Joe Biden on the phone. Hi Joe.
BIDEN: When you were President, the coronavirus was out of control. You did noth ing to get shots in the arms of Americans. Within 6 months of my presidency, 66% of the country was vaccinated. I saved thousands of lives.
BIDEN: Knock, knock.
TRUMP: (sarcastic) I’ll give you a medal. I remember when I got a gold medal in track. I was so proud that I had it bronzed.
TRUMP: Of course, I am. Dead people voted for Joe Biden. I had 200 million votes.
TRUMP: Fake news. You forgot to add Russians. It’s all on Fox News.
JOE BIDEN: C’mon, man. Let me talk to that clown.
cessful since being in office?
BIDEN: I am fighting for the middle of the road, a little toad. I mean a commode. Bottom line, I make a helluva Vice President.
JERRY: You’re the President.
BIDEN: Annie.
ANNOUNCER ROD SERLING: Former twice impeached President Donald Trump will soon find out that his life doesn’t exist anymore at Mar-a-Lago. Rather a middle ground be tween light and shadow. Between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and summit of his knowledge. This is an area we call, The Jerry Duncan Show
BIDEN: Trump. You left me with a mi grant problem at the southern border COVID through the roof, and debt I haven’t seen since George W. Bush was in office.
BIDEN: Annie thing you can do, I can do better
BIDEN: Smart Aleck. You’re trying to get a cheap laugh at my expense.
JERRY: No. It’s the truth
JERRY: Ivana is dead.
BIDEN: Can I call a lifeline?
: Donald Trump, age 76. A loser, liar and cheat. Successful in nothing except in the one effort that a few men try at some time in their lives – dating Stormy Daniels. And perhaps across his empty mind, there will be a flit, a little errant wish. That a man might not have to become old. Never outgrow the parks and merry-gorounds of his youth, where his parents tried to abandon him. And Donald will smile, because he’ll know it is just an er rant wish. Some wisp of memory not too important really Some laughing ghosts that cross a man’s mind, on The Jerry Duncan Show
TRUMP: I’m the king of debt. I under stand debt probably better than anybody. Sim ple math, Sleepy Joe. If you owe the bank $100, that’s your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that’s the bank’s problem.
Simply put, Amer ica’s countermajoritarian institu tions have never been stacked so high against one party Because of this cu mulative tilt, Demo crats have to win increasingly large majorities in order to govern – and Repub licans increasingly don’t have to win ma jorities at all…
The Jerry Duncan B Kaner
TRUMP: I told you she wasn’t hot.
TRUMP: Annie who?
JERRY: Good morning, big fella. What’s new at Mar-a-Lago?
TRUMP: Who is Allen Weisselberg? Never heard of him. I got more important things to worry about. The DOJ is going to indict me. I’m trying to deport Melania and her parents back to Slovenia. Ivana isn’t hot anymore.
JERRY: (all three are on the line) Okay,
BIDEN: You mean evil genius. Lock him up, Merrick Garland.
The Jerry Duncan Show Interviews Trump in The Twilight Zone

Rod Serling does the prologue and epilogue for this very special edition of The Jerry Duncan Show: Twilight Zone.
TRUMP: Okay, I confess. 25 pairs of my underwear with skid marks. And Lindsey Gra ham’s inaugural gown.
Minority rule is not just a fact of life for the GOP – it is a strat egy encouraged by Republican politi cians who fear ced ing power to a more and more diverse majority And be cause political institu tions interact to shape the rules of our democracy they have created a vi cious cycle where mi nority rule can perpetuate itself.

JERRY: You’re still spreading baseless claims that the 2020 election was rigged. Do you really believe you are still the President?
JERRY: There are 15 tax fraud schemes against the Trump Organization during the past 16 years. Your CFO Allen Weisselberg plead guilty to charges of larceny, criminal tax fraud, and falsifying business records.
fellas. Go at it.
soldiering through.. and meeting kids where they are.
Education is at a crossroads but young students these days are pretty creative.

Torpid tyrants are cracking down on woke teachers accusing them of all manner of dirty deeds.

and of educating our youth. But the other side is fighting back
October, 2022 HUMOR TIMES 7 Teach ’em a Lesson

but suspect they may have missed something.
He said he was keeping it all perfectly safe in Florida.
to do with as he pleased.
The FBI retrieved a lot of government documents.

Keeping Secrets
Trump insisted everything was in order. and that it was all his anyway.

8 HUMOR TIMES October, 2022
in a secure location... so the FBI should just bow out. (continued)

October, 2022 HUMOR TIMES 9
Fawning sycophants reacted predictably... as did an angry MAGA base

The rationalizations kept coming. while Trump insisted on special treatment.

He assembled a crack team that gave their all... and slavish devotees dependably chimed in. with “patriotic” incitements to violence. In the end, they knew their brilliant strategy couldn’t miss.

• www.carterto

www.cartertoons.com • by Jon Carter

Meanwhile, Rudy has to testify before a grand jury. and Bannon has been charged with money laundering

With the primaries over, the field is set. and Republicans like their candidates

Only the Best People
12 HUMOR TIMES October, 2022

After all, they’re very special.. and charming in a very creepy way.
It’s all part of a cast of the “best people”... who know how to grow their big tent party.


October, 2022 HUMOR TIMES 13 Extinction Excommunicated

He’s out to save the Party.. lead them like no one else can. demands a lot of attention... blind loyalty. chose to with their core values.

stay put... sticking
Meanwhile, Liz Cheney keeps pushing. to do a little of her own.

Labor Day came and went... workers still don’t have a lot to celebrate.

Times are hard… and corporations want employees back in-house.
Meanwhile, good news for students finally arrived. but some said it just wasn’t unfair. a matter of stability, they say... they’ll outspend everyone to maintain it.

14 HUMOR TIMES October, 2022 Economic Indicators

Headline News Section
Gisele Bündchen tweets support for Tom Brady amid rumors of rift Calm down, people, like if they divorced any of us would have a shot… Kangaroo attacks and kills man, blocking para medics from saving life … Bringing new meaning to the term ‘hopping mad.’
• Ambassador to Afghanistan
By David Wollman
The other shoe has dropped. In the midst of her fight to trademark “Queen of Christmas,” Mariah Carey is trying to trademark the title “Queen of Hanukkah.”

The following is an excerpt obtained from an NRA study of 3500 pregnant volunteers. “Weaponettes were inserted into the wombs of hosts. 87% of hosts awoke during the proce dure, despite being given deep sedation. 78.6% of hosts experienced irreparable damage to the lining of their uterus. 92.3% of hosts surveyed reported severe to excruciating discomfort after the procedure. However, 4.3% of weaponettes floated into the vicinity of the fetus, with .003% close to the developing hand.” The NRA deemed the study a success and awarded participants free MAGA hats.
Aspiring the Standards
Heading the A-List of invitees is North Ko rean Dictator Kim Jung-un. “My little buddy,” said Trump. “I call him Little Kim. Not like Lil’ Kim the rapper. She’s mean to me.” Other VIPs are the usual MAGA Republicans, conspiracy theorists and anti-seatbelters. The former presi dent has personally invited Oscar-winning ac tor/ bitch-slapper, Will Smith. “Maybe a fight will break out and goose up the ratings,” Trump
Critics, like singers Elizabeth Chan and Darlene Love (who both petitioned against Carey’s Queen of Christmas bid) are outraged. “This is absurd. Utter nonsense,” wrote Love on social media. “Mariah’s not even Jewish.” Chan was more pointed, “Just an out-and-out Queen grab! It’s like Trump-speak: if you say something out loud often enough, it starts to seem reasonable.”Careyresponded with restraint. “First of all, many of my best friends know people who know people who know a few Jewish people. Second, what happened to the diversity we’re all supposedly fighting for? If not a shvartzer shiksa for Hanukkah Queen, then who?” Carey and her team offered no comment on rumors that the singer will also be trying to trademark Queen of Ramadan and Queen of Diwali
Ripping the Headlines Today
By Lesley Leben
With her political career on the skids, Con gresswoman Liz Cheney has turned to interna tional jobs expert Dr Lotta Sweat of the famed Slobovian Blue Collar Network for guidance in selection of her next career move.
In unison, Carlson joined in, “And it is cruel, cruel, cruel.” They said all this without a hint of irony
You’d think by now Russians would get the gravity of the situa tion…
Read more columns by Paul Lander at humortimes.com.
Mar-a-Lago, palace of Clown Prince Trump.
“Just send an email, contact us on our site, write a good ol’ letter, or call us,” he said. “And regarding b&w pages, see our online FAQ!”
• Humor Times unpaid intern
October, 2022 HUMOR TIMES 15 ‘We YouReport,Decry!’
As one activist stated: “Just because a fetus doesn’t HAVE arms doesn’t mean it shouldn’t BEAR arms.”
R. Kelly found guilty… again Dude, may believe he can fly all he wants, but that’s only gonna happen with an ankle bracelet and judge’s order!
I’m shocked, shocked he was able to find Kamala Harris.
• AEW lady wrestler (‘Colorado Hammer’)
A spokesman said the move was only in tended to open up more space for color car toons, but that they’e always open to feedback.
By Steve Schneider
enthused. Annie Leibovitz has confirmed that she will be the official photographer of all the whiteBlowpeopleinga kiss to an imaginary crowd, an emotional Trump cried “All of this will be for you. My beautiful, dedicated, uneducated min ions. I love you all!”
The U.S. Department of Justice bussed scores of Jan. 6 “tourists” to Fox News head quarters in Manhattan today
But after entering the conservative elite me dia building, the tourists declared they had been misled“We
Mistress Ilsa strode into the press con ference bolstered by the click-click of her 6-inch stilettos. At the podium, the most famous Special Master in history laid it on the line. “Ich bin the mas ter!” A sharp slap of her riding crop followed. “You will refer to me as master or mistress!” the Ger man-born American con tinued.Mistress
The original ‘Little Mermaid’ was green and talked to a floun der. If that ain’t fishy… Russian energy exec has died after he fell off his yacht near Vladivostok
“I was watching the whole QE2 Westminster Hall thing on FOX, and I got choked up seeing the outpouring of love. Celebrities. Miles of people waiting to get in,” gushed Trump. “This is like the hugest rally. Ever. I want my people to have the same opportunity to adore me. And to bask in my gaze. Glow in my blissful smile. And then leave a check.”
Mariah Carey to Trademark ‘Queen of Hanukkah’
Mexico City residents angered by influx of Americans speaking English, gentrifying area Hey, Mexico, should’ve built that wall when you had the chance.

“Readers want an explanation,” said a pro tester, “we weren’t consulted! And why have black and white pages at all?!”
The former president intends to create a Trump version of London’s Westminster Hall. Lounging in his favorite, 1885 antique carved Louis XIV bed, Trump will greet visitors filing past him with the signature slow, controlled royalLikewave.Queen Elizabeth, Trump will have an Honorable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms. Mickey, Goofy and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will stand guard over the lying former president.Aceremonial salute by the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan will take place on the 18th hole of the Mar-a-Lago golf course. In the Grand Ball room, the MAGABoys’Choir will sing a selec tion of Trump’s favorite hymns, including “Macho Man” by The Village People.
Ilsa de scribed her lengthy pro fessional career involving highly confiden tial, top secret, triple-X classified material. “I take a pain-staking approach to my work. But people learn to love it. This results in a satisfying, even pleasurable experience for all.” She expects the same will be true in the Mar-a-Lago case. Mistress Ilsa was the only non-partisan candidate that both the DOJ and the Trump team could agree on.
Liz Cheney Turns to Expert to Plot Next Career Move
By Ted Holland, Dispatches from SNN (Slobovian News Network)
After several meetings with Ms. Cheney and careful study of her qualifications, Dr. Sweat provided her with these career possibilities: Disbarred Lawyer
Greg Abbott shipped approx. 100 humans –mostly from Venezuela – on two buses to DC and had them dropped off outside the home of VP Kamala Harris
Reflecting upon his made-in-Florida event, Donald Trump mused, “It’s like that guy Macchiato (Editor’s Note: Machiavelli) said … “If you’re going to lie in state, pick a state that will really appreciate all your lying.”
• Texas border guard
Clown Prince Trump Lies … In State
• Joe Biden’s running mate in 2024
Faux News Relegated to B&W!
further their cause, the NRA has al ready financed the manufacture of microscopic weaponry called weaponettes. Dwayne LaDouche, a spokesman for the NRAsaid, “We have the technology to do surgery in-utero, there’s no reason why we can’t miniaturize fire arms and mobilize the unborn.”

Controversy over Disney’s casting a black ‘Little Mermaid’
This would mean that only the 53-year old pop singer could market a trade marked line of Hanukkah foods, sportswear, per fume, jewelry and even a traditional Hanukkah me norah (candelabra) that bears nine images of Carey’s face.
Carlson, with his obnoxious laugh echoing in the background, listened to Ingraham indict the Biden Justice Department.
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) was seen squirming in his seat. A wide-eyed Mike Pence stuttered and giggled when a re porter asked about the House Whip.
The lack of room at the so-called inn may be a fact, a member of the mainstream liberal me dia reported. The “fake news” outlet reporter
By David Wollman
“This move is unconstitutional,” she said. “It is illegal, and probably amounts to kidnapping and transporting human beings across state lines under false pretenses.”
Outraged, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham staged a joint news show to denounce the “cruelty of this Democrat stunt.”
then added, “DOJ placed ankle bracelets on the Jan. 6 tourists. And they will be arrested if they venture outside of the Fox building.”
Cardi B credits onions for restoring her hair back to health … and a way to keep stalkers the hell away Norway euthanizes Freya — the walrus that drew crowds Or, as a warning to John Bolton? You decide!
Mike Lindell: Feds seized cellphone at Hardee’s Or, as it will now be known, Hardee Har Hars
Donald Trump, aka The Clown Prince of Politics, has announced he will be lying in state at Mar-a-Lago so that devotees can shower him with love, respect and campaign donations.
In support of her application, the singer ar gues that her recently recorded duet with Adam Sandler, reprising his “Hanukkah Song” from Saturday Night Live (1994), and her current Broadway revival of “Fiddler on the Roof” (with Carey playing the title role, and featuring her best-selling pop songs in the new score) constitute proof that she is inseparably linked to Hanukkah.
• Online Witch Doctoress
Biden DOJ Busses January 6 ‘Tourists’ to Fox News Headquarters
Still, a DOJ spokesman expressed concern that the process might handcuff their efforts. Trump’s team expressed fears that a straitjacket might be placed around their ability to legally manoeuver Mistress Ilsa waved off their concerns. “Mistress Ilsa is demanding, but fair. If any hanky-panky, Ich mache spanky-spanky,” brandishing her riding crop.
In Georgia, a fetus now qualifies for tax credits and child support and is to be included in population counts and redistricting. And now, anti-abortion activists are looking to add the Second Amendment to the rights of the unborn.Andto
of Accuracy Set by Fox News!
Mariah Carey in “Fiddler on the Roof.”
• Greeter at Leavenworth federal prison
Former FBI official says Russian, Chinese, and Iranian spies could have tried to infiltrate Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence

In a controversial move, the “Faux News” section of the Humor Times has been relegated to the black & white pages of the printed paper
• Illegal immigrant bus hostess

When asked if the weaponettes were loaded, LaDouche responded: “Of course not. That would be nuts.”
Prince Harry & Prince William are reportedly struggling with Camilla’s new Queen title … I guess since Cruella was already taken…
were told Fox News had jobs for us,” one victim of the DOJ politically motivated stunt said. “But now our conservative comrades at Fox are telling us there is no room at the inn.”
Meet the Special Master … Mistress Ilsa

By David Wollman
Why Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s kids can now hold Prince and Princess titles Mostly, to piss off Piers Morgan…
Coulda? Good chance, and they got a discount on 2-for-1 coupons at the breakfast buffet.
Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to
• One of 87,000 new IRS agents
• Donald Trump’s maid
• MSNBC talk show host
• Hostess on The View
By Paul Lander. All you need to do is follow one simple rule: barely pay attention and jump to conclusions. So, here are some headlines today and my first thoughts:
Right to Choose Wisely
Draconian abortion bans are kicking in.. they’re just a start

because Republicans are playing the long game. big goal reached, it’s time to move on, they say... yet they just can’t help getting greedy. But women are paying close attention... to their election cycle… and there is no way to abort this revolution.

16 HUMOR TIMES October, 2022
Great Britain lost its longtime monarch.

October, 2022 HUMOR TIMES 17 Bad Loser Royal Brexit
because Russian is big and strong
but the mourning has been going on for a while.

and nothing can stop him, he says...
Putin made the best of bad news...

She will be missed. by all of her loyal subjects.
But poor Gorby passed with his beloved country in decline

18 HUMOR TIMES October, 2022 Miscellaneous Mischief

October, 2022 HUMOR TIMES 19

Three shows at Three Penny Theatre at California Stage/R25: Friday Oct 28 at 8:00 pm, Saturday Oct 29 at 8:00 pm and Sunday Oct 30 at 2:00 pm
Three Penny Theatre, 25th & R St, Midtown Sac • Free parking Tickets & Reservations: CalStage.org

Wherever we live, that bit of romantic Ireland seems to be with us Lyon appears more connected to the Old Country than to his present life in California And that is pure joy for his audience
TICKETS $20 available at CalStage org More info / buy by phone: 916 600 9536.


Theater Creations California Stage
Mark Lyon is a Master storyteller He appears as a charming leprechaun of a man, with rosy cheeks and an authentic Irish brogue

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