We provide these free samples for your viewing pleasure. Please enjoy this recent back issue of the World's Funniest News Magazine, the HUMOR TIMES! Subscribe to get the current issue hot off the press each month, in hard copy or digital format. Support the media you love! Featuring the finest in editorial cartoons, humor columns, fake news and more. Subscriptions to the hard-copy magazine are $24.95/year (12 issues) / $9.95 for the digital edition ($2 OFF when you order online).
If you're wondering why the cover doesn't fit the whole page, it's because the printed publication is quarter-folded (folded in half), so that the cover is only half of a regular page size, and turned sideways. So, when it is displayed, the cover is vertical, but smaller. When you open it, then you turn it and read normally. What was on the back of the printed cover (ads) is tacked onto the end of this digital publication, so it has an odd number of pages.