Humor Times, Sept 2017

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“When you have police officers who abuse citizens, you erode public confidence in law enforcement. That makes the job of good police officers unsafe.” – Mary Frances Berry Issue #305

September 2017

The News, Cartoon Style! Formerly the Comic Press News


The Humor Times: Taking No Prisoners with Political Cartoons Since 1991!


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Editor’s Letter Beyond the pale. That’s what this president has been since day one, but his remarks and behavior after Charlottesville were beyond beyond. He has proven over and over again – in so very many ways – that he is not qualified for the presidency, nor for any public office. This can no longer be ignored. Besides the obvious character flaws that make him the antithesis of what a president should be, there is his much-observed mental decline. Not what you want in the most difficult, important job there is in the country. Even Republican Senator Bob Corker (TN) said that Trump “has not yet been able to demonstrate the stability nor some of the competence” needed in a president. Psychiatrists have gone much further. The Independent UK reported recently that, “Donald Trump has a ‘dangerous mental illness’ and is not fit to lead the US, a group of psychiatrists has warned during a conference at Yale University.” These mental health experts claimed the President was “paranoid and delusional,” and said it was their “ethical responsibility” to warn the American public about the “dangers” Mr Trump’s psychological state poses to the country. Think about that. When have you ever heard such words uttered about a sitting president by not just one, but a group of highly qualified psychiatrists? To say that this is a worrisome state of affairs for the man with the finger on the nuclear button is putting it quite mildly. “I’ve worked with some of the most dangerous people our society produces, directing mental health programs in prisons,” said James Gilligan, a psychiatrist and professor at New York University. “I’ve worked with murderers and rapists. I can recognize dangerousness from a mile away. You don’t have to be an expert on dangerousness or spend fifty years studying it like I have in order to know how dangerous this man is.” Republicans in Congress, it’s time you recognized your duty to your country. Impeach this unpredictable, perilous demagogue, now.

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– James Israel, Editor P.S. The Humor Times is gearing up for a big expansion! Please see our ad on page 9, and if you are in a position to invest or donate, or know someone who is, we’d love to hear from you! Thank you.

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The Humor Times® (ISSN 1937 299X), Vol. 26, Issue 305, is published monthly by the Humor Times, 7271 Lindale Dr, Sacramento, CA 95828. Periodicals Postage Paid at Sacramento, CA and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Humor Times, P.O. Box 162429, Sacramento, CA 95816-2429. Editor: James Israel. Publisher: Jim LeDoux. Email: Phone: 916-758-8255. Printed by: Gold Country Printing, Auburn, CA 95603. Contributors: P. Beckert, Steve Benson, Ruben Bolling, Chris Britt, Jon Carter, Will Durst, Michael Egan, Walt Handelsman, Phil Hands, Jim Hightower, David Horsey, Paul Lander, Chan Lowe, Mike Luckovich, Gary Markstein, Jack Ohman, Dan Piraro, Marshall Ramsey, Rob Rogers, Harley Schwadron, Drew Sheneman, Scott Stantis, Dana Summers, Tom Toles, Roz Warren, Dan Wasserman and others. Contributions: Send artwork/submissions to address or email above. The Humor Times is available by subscription. It is printed on recycled paper, using 60% post-consumer fiber. All contents ©2017. No part may be reproduced without permission.

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September, 2017


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Many Sides, Many Sides Trump’s presidency has brought certain things to light...

that really belong back in the dark ages.

For a guy who loves to disparage...

he’s been awfully lovey-dovey with neo-Nazis & racists.

It seems that something deep in the national psyche...

was never really settled.

Now we can see it all around us...


and it’s disturbing, to say the least. (continued)


September, 2017

Trump says he can see both sides...

There are many who could educate him...

although he may be lacking some historical perspective.

and they stand ready to defend their country, again.

and now he has to own it.

Trump latched on to an “alt-right� invention...

So, he preaches to his choir...

September, 2017

and vilifies those who report on it. (continued)



Hateful Haters Hating Hate Someone please tell the radical left to stop getting their panties in a bundle and quit calling our president a Nazi. Donald Trump proved himself a great friend of freedom when he promoted equivalency between the organized hate movement and people disgusted by them. Anyone who hates haters is equally responsible for hateful hating. That is obvious. After a riot broke out during a Unite the Right March in Charlottesville, Virginia, there was, according to President Trump, violence “on many sides.” He then sagely observed there are two sides to every story. Which is true. There are two sides to every story; it’s just harder to distinguish them when one side is full of Nazis. Sure, one group carried bats and clubs and body armor and shouted slogans denigrating Jews and blacks but the counter-protestors purposefully dented those clubs and bats with their heads and various body parts. Many pieces of expensive defensive equipment now need to be replaced. At retail. And yeah, someone might have driven a car into a crowd but most of the casualties were caused by slow-footed liberals who refused to get out of the way and then lay down blocking further traffic littering the surface of a major metropolitan street with toxic substances such as blood. Without a permit. Easy to understand why the president refuses to announce there is no room in his administration for racists. All the slots are full. But then the weenie liberal outcry became so strident, the Tweeter of the Free World was forced to fire Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, even after assuring us, “he is not a racist.” That would have sufficed, but unfortunately 45 went on to say that neither was Bannon a drunk, fond of livestock or an incredibly bad dresser who more often that not sported gravy stains on his tie and

eyebrows. All the president wants is an even playing field. That is why he accused the media of being unfair to Nazis. Unlike the editorial room of the New York Times, our blue-collar billionaire leader hasn’t forgotten that white supremacists are people too. They have feelings just like normal human beings. And needs and desires. It just so happens that one of their desires is most of us don’t exist. They’re not asking us to change, they’re asking us to leave. We need to look inside ourselves: is it really our place to judge them based on the nature of their hate? If we prick a white supremacist, do they not bleed? If we tickle them, do they not laugh? If we poke them with a cobra do they not spawn? A single thoughtless remark can ruin a white supremacist’s entire day. We need to remind the children the correct term for someone who believes in the superiority of the white race is “alt-right.” The terms “Nazi” and “racist” and “detestable buttwipe” can be so hurtful. We must never forget that every white supremacist is as individual as a snowflake. Each of them is special. Some, more special than others. Quite a few-extra-crispy special. Many can’t even pronounce supremacist, much less spell it. As Donald Trump once said, “I love the poorly educated.” And now we know why: it’s his unbudgable base. Thermonuclear Chicken Time to dig a bomb shelter. Stockpile some Kool-Aid. Nibble some Tootsie Rolls while catching a double feature at the drive-in. Pull out your pedal pushers and Hula-Hoops. Stick a transistor radio in a front shirt pocket and Twist yourself into the


ground replicating the gyrations of Elvis. Presley. Not Costello. Hipsters with clunky glasses and skinny ties should feel right at home as the world sinks back into the Eisenhower Era, with a new Missile Crisis currently and clumsily unfolding before our very eyes. It’s a knock-down, drag-out battle of incendiary rhetoric between the US (of course) and North Korea. Another 50s connection. Can’t wait for Ed Sullivan to make a comeback. The bluster on both sides has ratcheted up to the trajectory of a supersonic missile attempting to intercept another supersonic missile beyond the top edge of the stratosphere. Once again, we ask ourselves, how is it possible to negotiate with a madman whose opening position is “Your tanks will swim in a sea of eyeballs?” The only difference being, this time around, that’s our guy. Apparently President Donald Trump is eager for people to believe he would go to war because someone looked at him funny. And although you could stuff the whole of his administration’s accomplishments in a shot glass and they would still rattle around like a golf ball in a railroad car, on that looking-funny count, he’s been fairly successful. We can’t be sure if 45 is responding to Kim Jong Un’s recent demonstration of an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile that could strike the East Coast or if once again, he’s trying to distract us from various Russian nooses tightening around sundry necks. After all, he does love his bright shiny objects. And the annihilation of the human species is about as shiny as they get. According to staffers, our Glorious Leader improvised his response to North Korean threats when he warned Pyongyang that if they didn’t halt their bombastic behavior, they would suffer “Fire and fury like the world has never seen.” Demonstrating the diplomatic acumen of a screech owl in a phone booth filled with field mice. The world holds its breath as these two tiny tyrants with daddy issues, masquerading as tough na tional lead ers, play a game of thermonuclear chicken on a chessboard contain ing 7 billion pawns. Quick, someone find a queen. Hopefully, one with drag ons. And a Dothraki Army. Because of Trump’s involvement, we can be certain that if an altercation does break out, it will be known as the “Greatest Nuclear War in the His tory of Man kind.” And most likely, the last. As Einstein said, “World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” But hope fully, be fore launching a thermonuclear strike, the Pres i dent will change out of his red pants and golf shirt and put on a suit. We know he’s in the middle of a 17 day vacation, but nobody wants their last image of civilization being the President of the United States sentencing billions to a thou sand years of nu clear winter while dressed as the Rodney Dangerfield character from “Caddyshack.” The only silver lining in this ever-darkening storm is that prices for package vacation trips to Guam are going for a song. Let’s hope that song isn’t “The Eve of Destruction.” Wi l l Durst i s a n award-win ning, na tion ally acclaimed political comic. Go to for info about the documentary film, “3 Still Standing” and calendar listings that feature future appearances such as his cur rent “Durst Case Scenario” show.



September, 2017

Many Sides (conclusion) Trump finally had to let one of his favorites go...

and word spread quickly.

His Charlotte remarks created a backlash...

though he does still have a soft spot for monuments.

But fighting racism is an ongoing task...

and one that the GOP must take on honestly.

Meanwhile, there’s only one way to unify the country...

September, 2017


and preparation for that has already begun.


Sleep Easy, America! Only those of a certain temperament should control nukes...

They have created a very volatile situation...


and everyone knows it’s not these two.

and time may be running out.

Being a total blowhard is one thing...

but that’s not all we’re dealing with.

Although the Sec. of State tried to reassure us...

some of us are not as patient as others.


September, 2017



Is Ready to Move to the Next Level! Calling for Investments, Donations for “YUGE” Subscriptions Push For 26 1/2 years, the Comic Press News, now known as the Humor Times, has been a veritable institution in the Sacramento area, providing sharp, penetrating political humor, fresh points of view and informed commentary on issues that affect our lives. But we need to expand our reach. We are looking to increase our subscription base, and we have a promotional strategy that we feel will accomplish that. We are calling it the “Three Issue Blitz.” In short, this is a mailing that blankets certain neighborhoods for three consecutive months. People of a certain political bent who discover the Humor Times tend to love it – but not enough potential readers have discovered it. So, our plan is to target liberal neighborhoods (our best demographic) in areas outside of Sacramento, introducing a whole new fan base to the magazine. Similar niche publications have used this technique very successfully. But we need funds to implement this strategy. That’s where you come in! Please contact us for more information and a detailed breakdown of our “patented” Three Issue Blitz strategy! (We welcome the help of experienced, inspired fundraisers too!) Serious inquiries only, please – get in touch with us today! Thank you.

Humor Times • PO Box 162429, Sacramento, CA 95816 •

Off the Cliff Republicans had been planning it for years...

but things didn’t go exactly as planned.

One of their own was instrumental in shooting it down...

September, 2017


but Trump is still pushing.


Cartertoons •

by Jon Carter

Cartertoons •

by Jon Carter

“We Report, You Decry!” Heroic Pole Steps in Front of Drunk Driver Poles usually hold up things Americans use to download porn, like electricity or cable lines, but this wasn’t the case today in Huntington, WV, when a valiant young pole stepped in front of a man who was drinking while driving.

“I felt I had to do something,” the pole told this reporter. “This drunk driver was swerving all over the road. Luckily, I didn’t have to move very much to stop him from potentially injuring more poles.” The pole involved in the crash wasn’t seriously injured. The West Virginia Electric Company stated that the pole will be moved to his natural upright position in no time. “This particular pole is lucky that he didn’t sustain any serious injuries. However, his age was a factor, as he is cut from the mightiest trees in the Amazon rain forest,” said a power com pany spokesman. People and poles from all over are describing the pole as “very brave” and even started a viral marketing campaign to have the pole run for president. “The pole can’t be any worse than what we have now,” said a spokeswoman from the “Pole for Prez” campaign. Reported by Lee Mays

Surgeon General’s Warning: Humor Times Habit-Forming The Surgeon General warned citizens about the national humor magazine the Humor Times today, saying it was “habit forming” and could lead to serious bouts of belly-laughter, upsetting the habitually pessimistic. “We’ve all heard the line, ‘laughter is the best medicine,’” the official said, “but is it, really? Perhaps too much of a good thing is just that – too much. Be careful out there, America.” (Ed: A subscription form is on page 3, if you can handle it. And please, give subscriptions responsibly!)

Melania wants to talk to someone but who? Surely not his children, who rule the White House. Saying their names aloud, Don, Ivanka, Eric, their initials spell the word, ‘DIE’! “Oh, my goodness,” Melania mutters. Then she adds a T, the initial for his younger daughter, Tiffany. “That’s better,” the initials now spell ‘DIET.’ The Situation Room door opens and FBI head Christopher Wray addresses Melania. “I’m sorry ma’am, we have distressing news. The autopsy shows your husband had a large quantity of Alprazolam in his blood. It seems someone deliberately wanted to kill him. “What kind of poison?” “Ma’am, we didn’t say poison. There were large quantities of Alprazolam in your husband’s blood – the active ingredient in Xanax.” Melania gasps and collapses. When she wakes up she’s been placed on the sofa with a cold compress on her forehead. Melania sits up and announces, “I have something


Aspiring to the High Standards Set by Cable News

God: ‘Eclipse Was a Warning Alright, But Not What Preachers Say’ “This eclipse went right across America – coincidence? I deemeth not,” sayeth the Lord in exclusive Humor Times interview The Humor Times obtained an exclusive interview with God via the new GoogleSeance™ technology recently, and we can report with certainty that He is Pissed. “I didn’t create America for this,” He said. “Yeah, that’s right, I made America — and that’s the only thing Sarah Palin got right.” The Lord made it clear that He did not intend for “unholy charlatans” like Donald J Trump, “nor the likes of Andrew Jackson and Warren G Harding for that matter,” to occupy His Oval Office. “I thought I was creating a ‘shining city upon a hill’ when I made America,” God said, “and — yeah, you guessed it — that’s the only thing Ronald Reagan got right.” “I certainly didn’t intend for a serial liar, adulterer, women’s genitals grabber, political con-artist, ignoramus, narcissist, dictator-lover, porn video actor, enemy of a free press, employee cheater, racist landlord, neo-Nazi lover, and violence inciter to become the 45th president of the United States of America,” God bellowed, light en ing strik ing all around His glorious countenance. The Lord made it clear that He does indeed

intend for His eclipses to send messages — just not what “most so-called preachers seem to think.” And although scien tists can pre dict the eclipses, “They are not so good at predicting what will be happening when they occur. But I know. Oh yeah, you can bet your fat mortal booty I know.” The Al mighty ended the in ter view abruptly, saying He had some real work to do, “like inspiring the hearts and minds of those help ing hur ri cane victims,” as well as “those brave souls fight ing this psy cho pathic Antichrist,” so they don’t get too discouraged. “And yeah,” He added, “Harvey was sent to warn you idiots to switch from fossil fuels ASAP! That’s why I hit America’s main refinery area with it. Duh!” “I made a decision when I started this whole mess to give you guys Free Will, and I regret it nearly every day, when I see what you’re doing with it. But a deal’s a deal,” He said. “So, I’ll just have to do what I can to help out. Like sending eclipse warnings.” Then, in a blinding flash, he was gone, leaving only a still-warm set of GoogleSeance™ headphones behind.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Thinks She’s So Cute When Using Snapchat White House Press Sec re tary Sa rah Huckabee Sanders is a busy woman these days. Taking over for the ousted Sean Spicer keeps Sarah very occupied, but she says she always has time to sit on her phone and play on Snapchat. “I like these cute little animal filters. They always manage to perk me up after I wipe President Trump’s spit from my face,” Sanders said. “I think I look absolutely adorable!” Al though Pres i dent Trump has banned smiles and happiness from the White House, his staff always manages to sneak a few grins on the photo app. “Sarah usually hogs the one cell phone,” a White House staffer told this reporter. “She’s

just a basic bitch who thinks she’s hot shit,” the staffer stated after requesting anonymity. “The one cell phone is our only connection to the outside world and she’s over there trying to look like a stupid bunny rabbit!” Reported by Lee Mays

A Calmer Donald J Trump Melania paces the West Wing In her mourning gown, waiting for the news. Even before the official autopsy report, rumors abound that President Donald Trump did not die of a heart attack as reported; he was poisoned.

Headline News Section Bestselling Donald Trump Erotica Author Stumped Over Uses of ‘Their, They’re & There’ HUNTINGTON, WV — Her bert “Herbdawg” Adkins’ bestselling Donald Trump erotica series of books came to a screeching halt today, when he got confused over the word usage of “their, they’re and there.”

Herbert Adkins, Donald Trump eroticaThis comes at a troubling time when West Virginia native “Herbdawg” Adkins is writing is most challenging piece of literature yet, the Donald Trump erotica themed coal mining book “Mine Inside Me.” “There, their and they’re are like the same words, but spelled diff’rent,” Adkins said. “I got a deadline to make, and if I can’t fig’re ‘dis out, them editors will have my hide.” “Herbdawg” tells the Humor Times that Mine Inside Me is about an unemployed coal miner’s love for President Donald Trump, and how Trump’s promises of bringing coal jobs back to the state of West Virginia brought the two close together over a series of emails. However, “Herbdawg” hit a snag during the writing of a pivotal scene in his book. “I got to the scene where Trump ‘n the miner meet, Trump still has a coal mining helmet on from one of his rallies, ‘n the miner is just wearing coal dust ‘n a smile, and Trump is all like, ‘That’s a beautiful smile you got they’re. Just beautiful. The most beautiful smile in America.’ I looked at the word ‘they’re’ and it sounded right but looked wrong, ya know?” Adkins said. “Herbdawg” will meet with his team of editors over some Little Debbie cakes and heroin over the next several weeks to discuss the future of his latest book. Meanwhile, you can still enjoy his works of Donald Trump erotica with his past titles including “Sugar, Spicer and Everything Nicer,” “She Likes It the Con-Way,” “Repeal, Replace, Romance,” and the bestselling “Putin Your Hand on My Heart.” Reported by Lee Mays

Ripping the Headlines Today

to say.” But nobody listens to her amid the cacophony of voices and cell phones ringing. “Please, please listen to me.” “You should lie down ma’am. You don’t look well. I know this is a shock.” “I need to speak. Last night, after my husband hung up on Vladimir, he began screaming and I couldn’t calm him down. His face turned red and he began pacing, back-and-forth. I told him I would give him herbal tea to relax him. I slipped in two of my Xanax pills. Just to calm him. Two pills, that’s all.” “Are you saying you… you killed your husband, Mrs. Trump?” “No, it was only two pills!” “Oh, my God. “ Ivanka walks over to Melania. “You did what? I told you I would take care of my father. I would keep him calm.” “But you didn’t!” “Yes, I did. I gave him three of my Xanax with his dessert at dinner. It takes time for the pills to work.” The room suddenly turns quiet. All heads are shifting between Melania and Ivanka. Christopher Wray bristles, “That meant he had five. Is that enough to kill a person? We’ll have to check with the medical examiner. Anybody else been giv ing the Pres i dent their Xanax?” Ivanka turns to Eric in the corner of the room. “Eric, did you?” “Mid-afternoon. Nothing later.” John Kelly screams, “This is unbelievable. How am I going to explain this? His family, the President’s own family kills the President. Look, my hands are shaking. My heart palpitations are back. Who has a Xanax?” Reported by Elaine Abraham

Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to By Paul Lander. All you need to do is follow one simple rule: barely pay attention and jump to conclusions. So, here are some headlines today and my first thoughts: Bear breaks into Colorado house, plays the piano but not very well Hey, it’s not his fault some one re quested he play ‘Despacito.’ University of Texas removes four Confederate statues from campus overnight It seems the only monument to the Confederacy not being removed from public property is Jeff Sessions. Mystery surrounds sonic attack that injuries up to 10 US officials in Cuba On the upside, everyone’s teeth were extra clean. Mayor of Phoenix: Trump not welcome here Marking the first time Phoenix hasn’t welcomed a senior citizen. Largest Powerball Jackpot won by single ticket Or, as I now call the winner, ‘Mom.’ Fox Sports hires Michael Vick as NFL studio analyst Way better than the Animal Planet… Russian Ambassador to Sudan found dead in swimming pool So, he died ‘Sudanly…’


Miley Cyrus victim of new nude photo hack Wouldn’t it be news if she were wearing clothes? How to tell if you damaged your eyes by looking at the solar eclipse without glasses If you’re read ing this, you’re probably ok. USS McCain crash is 4th Navy accident in Pacific this year Who the hell’s in charge Admiral Gilligan? House Speaker Paul Ryan criticizes President Trump’s presidential pardon for former Sheriff Arpaio In no uncertain whispers. Taylor Swift’s new teaser features an actual snake Guessing she felt it was too expensive to actually get Katie Perry. Trump ‘might refuse to leave the WH when his term ends,’ expert warns Which means it will be one of the few days he was actually there. Senators try to force Trump admin to declare Wikileaks a ‘hostile’ spy service They didn’t actually tell him, they sent an email to Podesta.

Read more columns by Paul Lander at

September, 2017

All the President’s Men He brought a new style into the White House...

and he won’t let go.

Trump has faced some criticism, however...

so he got some hired help to take care of it...

but the “adults in the room” may be in over their heads.

and Bannon finally had to go.

September, 2017

Meanwhile, there were some wild protests...

But who’s next?



Business Decision

Greatest Quagmire Ever

The Climate Report finally came out...

Trump was adamant about Afghanistan...

and his plan will be the best plan.

and Trump treated it as you’d expect.

As a people, we have to set our priorities...

But this is America’s longest war, ever...

and that will decide our future. with no end in sight.



September, 2017

Very Presidential Trump’s message seems to be losing some steam...

and he’s no longer fooling anyone.

because America’s patience is wearing thin.

It’s a good thing there are a few adults in the room...

and even his followers are having doubts.

The prez tends to confuse toughness with justice...

and mesmerized by the show.

But they remain drunk on the Kool Aid...

September, 2017



The Hightower Lowdown Corporate Supercell Spawning Hailstorm of Special Interest Legislation Just days after last November’s election, jubilant members and top staffers of the notorious corporate front group, American Legislative Exchange Council, gathered for a celebratory lunch and planning session at the group’s DC headquarters. But rather than looking toward Congress and the newly Republicanized White House, these schemers were drooling over so many right-wing state governments. “There’s a sea of red,” gushed an ALEC official, asking with delight, “What are we going to do with these new legislatures?” Corrupt them, of course. ALEC — funded and run by such multinational giants as AT&T, Exxon Mobil, the Koch brothers and Walmart — essentially functions as a hush-hush escort ser vice. Since 1973, it’s been hook ing up high -do l l a r c or p o r a te c u s to m ers w ith on-the-make state lawmakers willing and eager to sponsor special interest bills. In closed-door sessions convened by ALEC, state officials and corporate lobbyists make legislative whoopee, generating “model bills” that the participating legislators carry back and introduce almost simultaneously in their multiple states. For the last few years, ALEC has provided a major, nationwide burst of energy that’s power-

ing special interest state preemption laws. Its strategists realized that their corporate backers’ long legislative wish list (including holding down wages and freeing corporations to pollute water supplies) is repugnant and socially destructive. Preemption, however, provided a way for lawmakers to shift attention from the appalling substance of their corporate agenda to an arc a n e p r o c e s s de b a t e a b o ut s t a t e - l o c a l governance. This back-alley channel lets corporations and the right-wing fringe outlaw or repeal progressive responses by our communities, nul lify our elections and overturn court decisions favoring local people. ALEC has pushed preemption with a vengeance, rapidly turning it from a cautiously used power to the corporate-politico cabal’s weapon of choice. In 2014, for example, Jobs with Justice, Fight for 15 and other activist groups began winning campaigns in major cities for minimum wage hikes. ALEC responded by holding a how-to forum on stopping such local actions and circulated a model bill called the “Living Wage Preemption Act.” Sure enough, nearly half of states have passed a version of it, with Ohio being the latest. By a large margin, people in the Buckeye

State favor raising the wage floor, and Cleveland enacted its own increase last year. But a small group of corporate profiteers, including the National Restaurant Association, howled in fury. So, last December, the state’s Republican leaders rushed to appease them with a most generous Christmas gift: The Ohio legislature overruled the people’s will by suddenly hammering a preemption amendment onto a completely unrelated bill. It was lawmaking by sneak attack, a crude political mugging that retroactively negated Cleve land’s increase and outlawed increases by any other locality. Used properly, preemption can be a democracy-enhancing tool for balancing governing powers. But when perverted and used badly, as is increasingly the norm, it asserts corporate interests over public good. The anti-democracy extremism of corporate profiteers and their corrupted political hacks was bluntly expressed a couple of years ago by ALEC member, Howard Stephenson. The Utah state senator announced at one of the organization’s private forums: “We need to stamp out local control.” It’s hardly news to the great majority of Americans, including most Republicans, that corporations already have way too much power over us. Letting elites quash our local decisions — by pulling the money strings they’ve attached to state officials — goes against all that America stands for. Yet the arrogance of these

JIM HIGHTOWER autocratic state officials has no limit — they’re grabbing for total domination over grassroots democracy. Greg Abbott, my state’s goofy governor, is one of those consumed by his own grandiosity: “As opposed to the state having to take multiple rifle-shot approaches to overriding local regulations, I think a broad-based law by the state of Texas that says across the board, the state is going to preempt local regulations is a superior approach.” People hate, hate, hate such pomposity and political overreach. So, let’s run right at them. Protecting corporate profits and special interest power by overruling democratically made local policies is a crime that’s easily understood and loathed by nearly all Americans. As progressives, let’s take hold of this issue; passionately challenge the preemption thugs at all levels of p o l i t i c a l a c t i o n ; r a l l y a b r o a d - b a se d right-and-left, bottom-up coalition to reclaim our democratic rights; and beat the bejeezus out of these sorry bastards. Learn how to get involved by visiting




September, 2017

Qualified to Serve

On the Attack

The prez says certain people are unfit to serve...

Dems are at a big disadvantage...

but many would beg to differ.

yet they’re biding their time.

His message has changed a bit since his campaign...

Some things are rarely seen any more...

and some are just plain obvious.

but he says he knows what he’s doing.

September, 2017



Miscellaneous Mischief



September, 2017

September, 2017





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September 2017

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