Humor Times, Oct 2018

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Editor’s Letter

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As we get closer to the midterms, it’s looking like citizens are ready to restore some balance, and return the House to Democratic control. That this will happen is not a given, however, especially with the built-in advantages the Republican Party has managed to give itself over the years, what with gerrymandering, voter suppression techniques and their big money backers. So, if we’re to have any kind of check on a presidency that continues to spiral out of control, people need to turn out to vote in these midterms. Unfortunately, Democratic voters have not turned out very well historically for midterms. This needs to change, especially among young voters and minorities. You are what can turn this country around. Please, don’t shirk your (small-d) democratic responsibility! In other matters, I feel I need to address our editorial slant to readers at times, especially now, when one party has full control of the Congress, the Courts and the White House. Editorial cartoonists and political humor writers tend to want to target those in power with their work. This is natural — those who wield power are the ones who can and do affect change. The things that are happening — unfair tax cuts that only really benefit the rich, the weakening of health care and workplace and environmental protections, the lack of attention to protecting our elections from foreign interference, the ramming through of a historically unpopular Supreme Court pick, etc, etc — are being done because those in power can do them. Therefore, the party in control bears the brunt of the satirical slings and arrows in this publication. Now, I am not going to pretend that our editorial slant is right down the middle — we lean left, proudly. However, we do look to lampoon liberal and progressive candidates and politicians when we can, because nobody’s perfect, and because we all benefit from honest criticism. If you are a longtime reader, you will remember our treatment of Clinton and the Dems when they held power, as well as of Obama. We did not shy away from making them the brunt of many a joke. But the reality right now is that editorial cartoonists have a laser focus on Trump and the Republicans in power, and yes, our editorial content mainly satirizes the right. So, you want to see more balanced coverage in the Humor Times? Then help elect a Democratic congress! – James Israel, Editor

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Art by Fire Fall Show Sat., Oct. 27th, 10am-4pm Shepard Garden Art Center, 3330 McKinley Blvd., Sac.

Lucifer for Congress: Anthology #1 Available at Long-shot liberal congressional candidate Lucifer Sims launches a quixotic campaign in this hilarious anthology of the newspaper comic strip.

23rd Annual Fine Arts Festival Fri., Nov 16th, 4-8pm Sat., Nov 17th, 10am-5pm Spanos Community Center 920 W. March Ln., Stockton And anytime at the Artist Collaborative Gallery, 129 K St. in Old Sacramento

The Humor Times® (ISSN 1937 299X), Vol. 27, Issue 318, is published monthly by the Humor Times, 7271 Lindale Dr, Sacramento, CA 95828. Periodicals Postage Paid at Sacramento, CA and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Humor Times, P.O. Box 162429, Sacramento, CA 95816-2429. Editor: James Israel. Publisher: Jim LeDoux. Email: Phone: 916-758-8255. Printed by: Gold Country Printing, Auburn, CA 95603. Contributors: Rod Bartchy, Steve Benson, Ruben Bolling, Jennifer Hollie Bowles, Bill Bramhall, Chris Britt, Jeff Cahlon, Jon Carter, Diane de Anda, Larry Dell, Will Durst, Michael Egan, Walt Handelsman, Phil Hands, Joe Heller, Jim Hightower, David Horsey, Paul Lander, Chan Lowe, Mike Luckovich, Joel Pett, Dan Piraro, Marshall Ramsey, Rob Rogers, Harley Schwadron, Drew Sheneman, Scott Stantis, Dana Summers, Tom Toles, Roz Warren, Dan Wasserman & others. Contributions: Send artwork/submissions to address or email above. The Humor Times is available by subscription. It is printed on recycled paper, using 60% post-consumer fiber. All contents ©2018. No part may be reproduced without permission.

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October, 2018

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Adults in the Room The New York Times made up a letter...

just as a book of fiction by Bob Woodward came out...

which was not nearly as good as Trump’s, of course.

But luckily, there are “adults” in the room.

They may not act much like adults...

but they are taking responsibility.

As they babysit the prez...


they’re keeping him pacified. (continued)


October, 2018

Trump may crave attention...

but a stable genius needs to maintain control.

If anyone dares step out of line…

he’ll know.

He won’t stand for disobedience...

and will find the perpetrators.

After all, he’s done such a great job...

October, 2018

how could anyone think of crossing him?



All the President’s Con Men It’s almost impossible to measure the corruption surrounding Donald Trump and his faithful con men these days. It is huuuuuge, covering the White House with a blanket of sleaze deep enough to bury the 6 foot three inch unindicted Oval Office co-conspirator to the point he’s going to need a two-foot length of bamboo to continue breathing. His legal problems are growing like mold on the northwest corner of a Hawaiian greenhouse wall. Proliferating like that plastic garbage patch in the Pacific. In the same state of flourishment as dandelions after a week of thunderstorms on a Southern Illinois compost heap. Paul Manafort was just found guilty on five counts of tax fraud, 2 counts of bank fraud and one count of failure to disclose a foreign bank account. A single jury member was responsible for deadlocking the 10 other counts, and somehow all 12 let the defendant totally slide on his incredibly bad taste, incredibly ignoring a $15,000 ostrich-skin jacket and a haircut stolen from Gordon Gekko. At almost the exact same moment, Michael Cohen pled guilty to 8 felonies implicating the president in two of them. He received a plea agreement and is rumored to be making plans to testify against the president. They’re turning on Trump like preschoolers on a piñata with a rack full of Louisville Sluggers. One of the normal procedures for urging cooperation from co-conspirators is to offer leniency to culpable family members. And considering the lies and misdirections and conflicted testimony already in play, even Tiffany and Barron are probably seeking outside representation. The family that commits crime together, serves time together. And knowing the 45th POTUS’s philosophy of one-way loyalty, the only accommodation he’s likely to make is to dedicate an entire cell-block at a federal facility for members of staff and family. Probably try to brand it, by calling it the Trump Wing. The next family get-together is bound to feature looks as auspicious as the last shots of the season finale of a telenovela. These were not mere junior staffers who shared the ignominy of attaining convicted felon status on the same day, but Donald Trump’s former campaign manager and personal lawyer. MAGA now stands for Many Are Growing Anxious or My Attorney Got Arrested or Mueller Ain’t Going Away. In response, our Mob Boss President railed against the prosecutorial strategy. “It’s called flipping and it almost should be illegal” then called Cohen “a rat” while praising Manafort as still being “a good man.” He predictably resorted to his trusty Rainman refrain “No collusion. No collusion.” Starting to sound like a broken parrot. But bearing his teeth like a cornered wolverine.

Meanwhile, in San Diego, WILL DURST the second congressman to endorse Trump’s cam paign, Duncan Hunter, was indicted on 60 federal charges, following in the footsteps of the first c on gre s s ma n to e n dors e Trump, Christopher Collins, also indicted by the feds. Don’t know who the third congressman to endorse Trump was, but chances are high he’s looking over his shoulder about once every six seconds. All this proves is not only was Trump unable to pick the best people, he couldn’t even pick the best crooks. He keeps choosing crummy criminals. We can expect Bob Woodward’s book on this one to be titled “All the President’s Con Men.”

Battle of the DC Network Stars: Omarosa v Trump The ongoing warfare between Omarosa Manigault-Newman and President Donald Trump is more scarily delicious than an underbaked blueberry muffin covered in strawberry marshmallow sauce and wasabi sprinkles. This DC Battle of the Network Stars is escalating into mouth-to-mouth combat between the Master of Sleazy Opportunism and his star pupil. “Take the pebble from my hand, grasshopper. Hey, put the knife down. Oww.” Working with the Donald for 10 years and being fired 4 times by him has certainly taught the lady a thing or two. She’s the Frankenstein monster that he and reality television created. An intern who perfected the same kind of oblivious character assassination and complete lack of moral integrity as the Aerodynamic Coif himself. She has out-trumped Trump. He must be so proud. After she revealed secretly recorded conversations including her own firing in the Situation Room, the president called Omarosa a lowlife and a dog. Live by the scheming treachery, die by the scheming treachery. All this is detailed in her book about her time with the president, with the understated title of “Unhinged.” The next book will be called “Crackers and Nuts.” Trump’s lawyers contend she signed a non-disclosure agreement and have threatened to sue. But legal scholars argue she didn’t work for him, she worked for the American people and NDAs are not applicable or enforceable. And considering the multitudes of officials who’ve already left, negative books are going to rain down on this administration like an avalanche of righteous bile. When Dorothy was in Oz and said “people come and go so quickly here,” she might have been talking about the 45th POTUS’s White House. The New York Times reports Ms. Manigault-Newman may have 200 other tapes and claims to be able to get her hands on the legendary recording of the New York City real estate developer casually tossing around the N’ word on the set of “The Ap pren tice.” Spokes per son Sa r ah Huckabee Sanders said she can’t guarantee there’s not a tape of Trump using ra cial slurs. And when SHS starts distancing herself from the boss, it’s time to hunker down deep enough to feel the heat of hell on your backside. America doesn’t need a secret tape to tell us that Trump is a racist. His birther stance, statements after Charlottesville and lifetime of actions are proof of that. Then again, even if a tape does surface, his supporters wouldn’t care. They’d rationalize that its okay for him to use the N’ word because he was just quoting rap lyrics. “Eddie Murphy made a career out of it.” Trump distracted non-stop coverage of his former aide’s charges by stripping former CIA Director John Brennan of his security clearance and the Washington Post reports he has plans to cancel the clearances of other critics to dist r a c t t h e me d i a d u r i n g unfavorable news cycles. So, in the next year, expect approx i mately 365 se cu rity clearances to be revoked. But the prospect of further White House recordings has staffers trembling like a hyperac tive weasel with ec zema sliding down a ski jump. They routinely hear so much horrible stuff at work, who can be entirely positive they didn’t pull a Billy Bush and sycophantically agree with something absolutely dreadful said by some one else? Trump’s best people best be terrified. Will Durst is an award-winning, nationally acclaimed, often-touring political comic. Catch his weekly “Durst Case Scenario: Midterm Madness” at SF Marsh, 1036 Valencia St. See willdurst .com for calendar listings.



October, 2018

Which Hunt? Trump hires only the best people...

and Rudy Giuliani is no exception.

The prez may need to cut down on his TV habit, though…

The bad guys are everywhere, he says...

but they’ll soon be nailed.

It all depends on how factual your alternative facts are...

October, 2018

because it’s not looking good for him.


and whether or not they hold up to scrutiny.


Stormy – The ‘Very Wet’ Kind Reports from the scene were dramatic...

so the White House got fortified.

Trump knew just what to do.

Coming off a “Grade A” performance...

and the stakes high. The warnings were clear...

But if those warnings are ignored...


the result could be catastrophic.


October, 2018

Supreme Snow Job Republicans emphasized fairness...

while accusing Dems of “Garlanding” Trump’s pick.

whose charming smile should be enough to confirm. They said Kavanaugh was just a nice soccer dad...

but on what he stands for. Don’t focus on what he’s hiding, they said...

It’s just business as usual...

October, 2018

so Democrats should really pull for him.



Cartertoons •

by Jon Carter

Cartertoons •

by Jon Carter

‘We Report, You Decry!’ Trump Sells Alaska Back to Russia at Profit Acting President Donald Trump revealed today that he has agreed to return Alaska to the Russians in a move that will yield $2.8 million in profit. “These are the kind of bigly, business-man deals the American people elected me to make,” said Trump. According to Wikipedia, Alaska was purchased in 1867 from the Russians for $7.2 million, roughly $105 million in 2016 dollars. This reporter reached out to the Kremlin for comment, but received only creepy cackles.

BREAKING: Ben Carson Still Secretary of HUD In a shocking discovery, Ben Carson is still the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. The revelation comes from a report by a niche watchdog group set up to specifically monitor the activity of government employees with the last name “Carson.”

Headline News Section Aspiring to the High Standards Set by Cable News

Google Search Results of Trump Raging about Google Search Results Go Viral Trending: Trump anger over Google search results about his anger make him angrier, causing huge spike in search ranking for ‘Trump anger.’ The man in the White House, president for at least a little while lon ger, flew off the handle the other day about Google search results, say ing they were “b i a s e d ” against him. Immediately, stories about Trump complaining about Google flew to the top of the search engine, causing the president to claim this only proved him right. “The Google search machine immediately went into high gear, forcing the worst stories through the internet tubes about me again, right after I so righteously condemned them,” he tweeted, “proving me right! DANGEROUS!” “The results when you type ‘Trump’ would make you believe there’s a lunatic psychopath in the White House, and we all know that’s just covfefe!” he continued. As the former reality show star grew more vehement on the subject, more searches were made about this latest tweet storm, causing the subject to trend ever higher, finally reaching “viral” status, with various hashtags such as

#RagingTangerine, #OrangeManTurns RedWithRage and #GoogleyEyedTru mpRage. Trump imme diately floated the idea of reg u lat ing search engines. “I’ll put Mike Pence on this right away — he said can make sure ev ery search result is unbiased and ‘right with the Lord,’ what ever that means,” he tweeted. “Better than ‘right with Google,’ believe me.” “While we’re at it, let’s outlaw hard-to-work computers and speaker phones. They’re a total disaster, and made to confuse everyone but elite computer geeks and 400-pound hackers,” he said. “We’ll make sure search results are fair and balanced, by making most of them go to Fox News,” Trump said in a Fox & Friends interview. “The rest can be divided up by real news outlets, like Breitbart and Infowars, not fake ones like that crazy-ass!” Re por te d by Se nior Tweet St orm correspondent James Israel.

BREAKING: Barron Trump Working with Mueller The report claims that, while the nation has been sidetracked by Trump’s tweet storms, HUD has been consumed by a culture of rampant napping and murder. “While agency employees are complying with mandatory nap time, they’re in a panicked state, awaiting random knife attacks,” said a spokesperson. “Paradoxically, according to our report, Carson is every bit as boring as he is stabby.” “Carson is an extremely effective killer due to his silence,” he said. “He’s so quiet we, as a nation, kind of forgot he… shit he’s right behind me instead he?” Above reports by

Washington was rattled today as news broke that acting president Donald Trump’s last but definitely not least son is now reportedly working with special counsel Robert Mueller.

The Trump administration launched immediately into damage control, releasing a memo declaring that the President “barely knows the guy.” Trump took to twitter to turn his ire to Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III,

Horoscopes for Jerks: October, 2018 Ar i e s : T h i s H a l l o w e e n , dress-up like a Ninja, so everyone knows just how subtle you are. Taurus: The best part of a Bull sign is dependable and beautiful; the worst part is like candy corn – artificially dyed and full of empty calories. Gemini: You may meet your soul mate during this time, but if it just so happens to be another Gemini, the relationship might look like a four-headed monster with a Trump mouth. Can cer: Fol low the me dia: don’t become involved with anything that has a positive impact on humanity – because mass shootings may happen anywhere at any moment. Leo: One of the most popular representations of a Lion is from the Wizard of Oz…leave it to Americans to glorify cowardice and strip a powerful symbol of its true meaning. Vi r g o : H o t d a m n i t o n a c r a c k e r, i f yo u w e re a Melungeon, your tobacco spit trajectory would far exceed the precision and accuracy of tax dollar allocation.

Libra: Happy Birthday beautiful Scale people! Enjoy your center of balance, even if it’s the most idealistic perspective ever. Scorpio: Your sexual energy will be heightened now. Just remember that having unprotected sex is like gambling on border control laws with hand grenades. Sagittarius: Just when you think everything is working-out as it should, you will likely enc o u n t e r a s h o r t, wh i t e , meth-ad dicted male in a dragon costume who tries to steal your arrows. Capricorn: While it may be incredibly unlikely for you to do anything fun on Halloween, keep in mind that sports fans dress-up all year, and they aren’t labeled as unstable. Aquarius: The next time you feel drawn to a “non-profit” orga ni za tion, con sider how many products were advertised to lead you there. Pisces: Just because you can see the difference between a haunt and a haint does n’t mean anyone else can, or that you’re not crazy.

Says his idea would have made matching kids and parents ‘so easy,’ and been the ‘final solution.’ President Trump ranted that he has yet another major reason for firing Jeff Sessions. Trump blames Sessions for the fiasco that resulted in not being able to link parents and children who had been separated at the border.

“I had a perfectly good plan that would have matched parents and their kids on the spot, but Sessions vetoed it,” tweeted President Trump. “It’s 100% his fault that we haven’t been able to meet the court’s deadlines.” During a Fox News interview the next day, Sean Hannity commiserated with the President. “It must be so frustrating to have lesser minds hold you back that way. Can you share your great idea with the American people?” To Hannity’s surprise, the President stood up, took off his jacket and rolled up his shirt sleeve. “Look how simple it would have been,” remarked Trump. “All they had to do was tattoo the same number here on the forearm of both the parent and their kids. Look, we would be doing them a service, a way to make sure they never lose track of their kids.” For a few seconds, Hannity appeared frozen. “Well, Sean, what do you think?” Trump asked. Snapping to attention, Hannity quipped back, “Another example of being politically correct getting in the way!” “I even had a backup plan that was ignored.” Trump interjected. The President waited for Hannity to ask him to describe the plan, but since Hannity just smiled and nodded, Trump continued. “I told him it would be even easier simply to chip them, you know, the way the vet does to keep track of lost animals..” “That’s brilliant,” exclaimed Hannity. “It would make ICE‘s job much easier, since they’d be marked as an illegal alien for life!” Reported by Diane de Anda.

Ripping the Headlines Today

By Jennifer Hollie Bowles

Catch up on previous Horoscope columns by Jennifer Hollie Bowles that you may have missed on the Humor Times website at!


citing the news as further evidence of Sessions’ law enforcement weakness. “Little Barron, Whom I barely Know, has flipped on me,” Trump tweeted. “Now hearing Barron’s mother isn’t even from the US. Why weren’t they deported?! #AskSessions” Stubhill caught up with Mueller at a local bikers bar to discuss Barron’s motivation for cooperating. Mueller was characteristically silent, but offered a rare comment. “A billionaire should be able to afford Xbox live for his son,” said Mueller before hopping on his Harley and whispering “sic semper tyrannis.” Mueller then flicked his cigarette at our reporter and sped off into the sunset. Gosh, Mueller is so cool. Reported by

Trump: ‘Sessions Refused My Great Idea to Tattoo Immigrant Children’

Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to By Paul Lander. All you need to do is follow one simple rule: barely pay attention and jump to conclusions. So, here are some headlines today and my first thoughts: U2 cancels performance after Bono loses voice Damn, Bono, hurry and get your voice back so we can find out when you’ve found what you’ve been looking for… Nicki Minaj is casually dating two guys like a true inspiration Or, as it’s also called a ‘Nicki Minaj a Trois…’ Jim Mattis compared Trump to ‘fifth or sixth grader,’ Bob Woodward says in book Look for Jim Mattis to host a new show called, “Are You Smarter Than a President with the Knowledge of a Fifth Grader?” Scallop wars break out in English Channel as French fishermen attack British boats Unfortunately, most witnesses clammed up. Happy 53rd Birthday, Charlie Sheen Proving 53 is the new 90. South Carolina woman allegedly killed husband using eye drops Ironically, he didn’t see this coming. Gwyneth Paltrow’s ‘Goop’ has agreed to pay $145,000 in civil penalties in a consumer protection lawsuit over its misleading jade vagina egg claims So, in othe r w ords , the c la im s wer e ‘gobbledygoop.’

Trump criticized for tweeting and playing golf during John McCain’s funeral Well, it was par for his coarseness… LATEST: Coca-Cola to buy British coffee retailer Costa from Whitbread Clearly, it’s a deal nobody is going to be able to sleep on! Alex Jones and Infowars banned from FB, YouTube, Twitter … proving being paranoid means sometimes people are out to get you! Bummer, Dude: Tesla stock drops after Elon Musk smokes weed on talk show and executives leave So, kids, see what happens when you don’t bring enough for everyone? Detroit Tigers announcers reportedly involved in ‘physical altercation’ Look for Mets to hire them. At this point, they’ll take just about anyone who can hit something. Burt Reynolds, Star of ‘Deliverance, ‘Smokey and the Bandit,’ Dies at 82 No word on if his mustache survived! US says China is aggressively recruiting spies on LinkedIn … while the Russians use

Read more columns by Paul Lander at


October, 2018

Midterm Test: Who’s Been Paying Attention? The midterm elections are fast approaching...

and it could be the Year of the Woman.

playing the game a level above. Republicans have been preparing a long time...

But the Dems’ hero has entered the fray...

energizing all those latte-sipping liberal thugs.

because now we know elections have consequences.

Republicans do have reason to worry, though...

October, 2018



A Tiny-Handed Caligula The president said some people are too unstable...

and should not have the access that he does.

He said protesting should be illegal...

and that he is probably the best leader ever.

and he doesn’t care much for that other media, either. As he tweeted to his millions, social media ignores him...

and the law must be enforced. (continued) The show must go on, though, he said...



October, 2018

The prez is caught between a rock and a hard place...

looking forward to a “real book.”

Even his base is acting irrationally...

Congressional Republicans aren’t too concerned...

But traditional conservatives are worried...

October, 2018

and doesn’t like what he sees.

still, they promise to keep an eye on him.

about a lot of things.



The Hightower Lowdown

Big Dreams Progressive Dems may be getting a little cocky...

but they’ve waited a long time.

They say the Tweetmeister is bucking the trend...

Gentrification Begets Gentrification Gentrification is a function of power, not natural law or economic inevitability. It occurs when wealthy, politically connected interests make decisions in closed-door meetings to take over the neighborhoods of people who have little money and power and thus no effective voice or recourse in the taking. The takers usually make a pretense of negotiating with longtime property owners. But it’s a scam, for the developers hurl high-pressure, low-ball pitches at the locals, overpowering families who can’t afford lawyers to go to bat for them. Renters are worse off, rarely even getting fair notice that a Dickensian disruption is coming at them. Even if they’ve been integral members of the neighborhood for decades, the ousted tenants’ rights to appeal are curtailed by economic and legal realities. The seriously skewed balance of power is exemplified by eviction courts, where up to 90 percent of tenants don’t even have lawyers to represent them. In one of many recent examples here in Austin, more than 200 working-class families (including 121 children) were abruptly ejected from an affordable apartment complex two years ago. Their lives were thrown into a tailspin when the megadeveloper that bought the complex summarily canceled their leases. In a backroom deal, the city had given special zoning exemptions that allowed the new cor po rate owner to bull doze the long-standing family homes of these mostly Latinx residents and erect high-end luxury apartments on top of the detritus. Rents for these new, ritzy dwellings ran up to $36,000 a year — way above the total annual income of most of the displaced families. As one tenant said of the brusque eviction: “We didn’t have any way to stop them. They treated us like dirt. All they gave us was a kick in the a—.” Millions of middle-income families previously secure in homes they owned or rented have had to move out of their neighborhoods, and even out of their cities, because gentrification has drastically raised home prices, property taxes and rents. While it’s obviously beneficial to have such essential community servants as teachers, police officers and firefighters live among the people they serve, who among them can afford it? When one Oakland, California, school principal started teaching in 2001, the story was: Teachers are never going to afford a house. And now it’s: Teachers can’t afford an apartment. So the city’s teachers have to move clear out of the

JIM HIGHTOWER county and face long, dispiriting commutes to and from their classrooms. In metro areas across the country, consumer demand for affordable apartments is huge and fast-growing, but that mass market goes begging because developers can make far greater profits by building upscale units for wealthy people seeking trendy neighborhoods. And so it goes: Gentrification begets gentrification. A survey by RENTCafe, a nationwide apartment-search website, found that 75 percent of all new apartment complexes built in the U.S. in 2015 were luxury developments! You might expect that skew toward housing for the affluent in the North east and Cal i for nia, with such super-pricy cities as New York and San Francisco, so I was surprised to see that luxury construction was most dominant in the South and Southeast, where 78 percent of all apartments were upscale, and in the Southwest and Mid-Atlantic, where the number reached an appalling 88 percent. For poverty-income families, being gentrified out of an affordable space can mean more than a long commute. It often forces them to move into bad and dangerous housing, pay up to 70 percent of their monthly income for a place to live, face eviction (there were 2.3 million evicted in 2016, not counting the unofficial cases where landlords often simply lock tenants out), fall into deeper debt and poverty, and frequently end up homeless — living in their cars or on the street. The toll lands heavily on children since, according to Open Door Mission, they make up a third of Americans without homes — astonishingly, the average age of a homeless person is 9! Meanwhile, here comes Team Trump heaping scorn on poor people, even as it callously slashes budgets for programs aimed at giving them a chance for decent housing. Our friends at People’s Action have taken on the housing crisis at the national level with a People’s Hearing on Housing — and they have member organizations in 26 states. Find one near you.

and that things are bound to come out their way.



October, 2018

McHero McCain

Take a Knee

The contrast was jarring...

Some protested the protesters...

and most Americans agree...

to get revenge on Nike...

McCain was the bigger man. who dared to support the knee-takers.

But he makes an odd hero for the left.

October, 2018

Meanwhile, college sports has its own problems.



Miscellaneous Mischief



October, 2018

October, 2018



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