Humor Times, October 2020

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“To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason ... is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.” – Thomas Paine Issue #342

October, 2020

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Editor’s Letter This could be the last issue of the Humor Times you see before you vote. (You WILL be voting, yes?) I will repeat, as I have in the past, that believe it or not, we were founded as a bipartisan, equal-opportunity muckraker, satirizing both parties – because everyone can use a little needling sometimes. (If you were to go over issues during the Clinton years, especially, you’d see what I mean.) Sure, since Trump took office, we have been very heavy-handed towards him and his party. But then, so have many Republicans and now former Republicans. And that is because Trump and the Trump Party (hardly worth calling the Republican Party anymore, since it’s become a Trump cult) has actually become a threat to the Constitution itself. If you are part of the cult, then you can’t see it. You’re probably watching the party’s brainwashing organ, Fox “News,” right now, checking out some cartoons here during commercials. Or perhaps you’re indulging in one of the cult radio programs, like Limbaugh or Alex Jones, catching up on some insane QAnon conspiracy theory or another. But if you are brave enough to lift your head out of the bubble for a day, to seek some other sources of information with an open mind, you will quickly see there are many solid reasons to doubt the corrupt bill of goods they are selling you. If you can’t stand to read or listen to outright left-wing sources, at least check out what disgruntled Republicans are saying. Maybe they can convince you that the party has strayed far, far from its roots. So far, in fact, that it is presently putting democracy itself in the USA in grave danger. I say this with no hyperbole whatsoever. Even if you hate liberals with a passion, that is still no reason to vote for the Orange Mussolini. Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their country. We must vote this wannabee ty rant and his enablers in the Senate and House out – or risk becoming just another third-world authoritarian dictatorship. Again, I do not exaggerate. Don’t believe me? Check out Republican Voters Against Trump (, look at the list of distinguished conservatives on who oppose Trump, and read what they have to say. Watch a couple Lincoln Project ads, created by a group of lifelong staunch conservatives. No, you don’t have to turn into a liberal, but you must do what you can to save your party, or help create a new one out of the ashes. And it starts with ousting the tyrant and his enablers. You will feel much better about yourself and conservatism in general, I promise you!

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The e-book “Ninety-Nine Stories” contains 99 stories by Barry Fiegel which is available for $9.99 on Amazon Kindle and other e-book publishers.

Ninety-Nine Stories by Barry Fiegel

“ Read 'Em—You'll Like 'Em. ”

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October, 2020

The Humor Times® (ISSN 1937 299X), Vol. 29, Issue 342, is published monthly by the Humor Times, 7271 Lindale Dr, Sacramento, CA 95828. (Not our mailing address, see “postmaster.”) Periodicals Postage Paid at Sacramento, CA and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Humor Times, P.O. Box 162429, Sacramento, CA 95816-2429. Subscriptions: Website: Editor: James Israel. Publisher: Jim LeDoux. Email: Phone: 916-758-8255. Printed by: Herburger Publications, Galt, CA 95632. Contributors: Steve Benson, Ruben Bolling, Bill Bramhall, Chris Britt, Jon Carter, Diane de Anda, Larry Dell, Michael Egan, Roger Freed, Walt Handelsman, Phil Hands, Joe Heller, Jim Hightower, David Horsey, Paul Lander, Chan Lowe, Mike Luckovich, David Martin, Joel Pett, Dan Piraro, Marshall Ramsey, Rob Rogers, Harley Schwadron, Drew Sheneman, Scott Stantis, Dana Summers, Tom Toles, JC Wade, Roz Warren, Dan Wasserman & others. Contributions: Send artwork/submissions to address or email above. The Humor Times (formerly the Comic Press News) is printed on recycled paper, using at least 60% post-consumer fiber. All contents ©2020. No part may be reproduced without permission.



Chaos 2020: Vote! The first Postmaster General said it all...

and the current one has made Ben’s warning newly relevant.

He’s under orders from the top...

and Trump says he has every right.

After all, Dems might try to cheat, he says... and ruin his great accomplishments.

He’s a guy who knows how to win...


and how to keep his admirers transfixed. (continued)


October, 2020

The Democrats held their convention...

and didn’t need to overdo it.

They were purposely vague...

and in no hurry...

knowing they had lots of help. Trump warned America by showing them...

just how bad it could be. He’s certainly heightened anticipation. (continued pg. 7)

October, 2020



The Jerry Duncan Show Interviews Postmaster General Louis DeJoy By Dean Kaner Wherein our intrepid talk radio show hosts interviews with the most interesting people. Ed. Note: Announcing an all-new The Jerry Duncan Show series on YouTube! The first four episodes will air in late October and feature Broadway stars in the cast. Help them fund this worthy endeavor at GoFundMe (! ANNOUNCER: Live from under a rock in your backyard, it’s The Jerry Duncan Show. JERRY: Good morning listeners nationwide. Is it a good morning? We’ll soon find out. Today on the show my guest is the 75th Postmaster General of the United States Louis Killjoy. LOUIS DEJOY: It’s DeJoy. JERRY: How about Costanza? You remind me of George Costanza from Seinfeld. Maybe Curly from The 3 Stooges. DEJOY: How about if we settle at Louie and call it a day. JERRY: Fine, Louie. JERRY: Let me get right to the point. There’s a reward of $10,000 for your arrest, 18 U.S. code 1708. DEJOY: Who are you? JERRY: Let me continue, Bowling Ball. It states whereby whoever steals, takes by fraud or deception, obtains or attempts to obtain mail for the post office shall be imprisoned. DEJOY: What’s the crime? JERRY: You have deliberately slowed down the mail so Trump can be re-elected. Mail-in ballots will be delayed so they won’t count after election day. And to make sure this happens, you’ve cut overtime for employees and removed 600 sorting machines. DEJOY: I’m saving money. JERRY: How many letters does one machine sort? DEJOY: I don’t know. JERRY: 38,000 pieces of mail an hour. DEJOY: The machines that I destroyed are history. JERRY: What is the cost of a flat rate envelope? DEJOY: Fifty cents? JERRY: What does it mean when the flag is flying half-mast at the post office? DEJOY: They’re hiring. JERRY: You don’t know anything about your job. DEJOY: I work for the pleasure of Donald Trump.

JERRY: That’s what Stormy Daniels said. JERRY: Tell me about the donation of $1.2 million dollars you gave to the Trump 2020 campaign. DEJOY: It was hard earned money. JERRY: It’s called a Straw Donor Scheme. Illegal under the Federal Campaign Act of 1971. Accepting a contribution made by one person in the name of another. You’re two for two, Louie. More prison time and a fine. DEJOY: I gave the money back to my employees when I got caught. I Louis DeJoy caricature by DonkeyHotey, mean… JERRY: Here’s another crime. You’re on a roll. DEJOY: You told me we were going to talk baseball. JERRY: We are. You’re going to strike out. In 2015, you donated $747,000 to Duke University. DEJOY: Aren’t I nice? JERRY: Gee. What a coincidence your son was accepted to Duke that year. Oh, did I forget to mention he was a walk-on on the tennis team? DEJOY: Next. JERRY: How about reducing the lines in the post office? DEJOY: Huh? JERRY: I was in the post office the other day and some woman was shouting in an envelope. I said, “What are you doing?” She replied, “Sending a voice mail.” DEJOY: I know what a post office is, but what’s a line? JERRY: Louie. Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Barr and Stephen Miller are in Air Force One together. The plane crashes. Who would survive? DEJOY: I don’t know. JERRY: The United State of America. See you tomorrow. The Jerry Duncan Show, (c) Dean B. Kaner.

Election 2020: Heading into a Very WellDesigned Disaster From an interview in Salon with Greg Palast, investigative reporter, about his new book, How Trump Stole 2020 In 2020 we are heading into a disaster, and it’s a very well-designed and intentional one. The Republicans thought it all through and tested it in Georgia and Wisconsin and elsewhere. In 2020 when Trump is up for re-election, this chaos will be everywhere... Vote theft is the perfect crime. If you successfully steal the vote you have stolen the vote cops, the people who are supposed to monitor the voting to ensure that the rules are being followed. For example, the Department of Justice is supposed to arrest the vote thieves. Does any one thinking and reasonable person actually believe that Donald Trump’s Justice Department, led by Bill Barr, is going to do that? We are the only nation other than the recognized fake democracies such as Russia and China and Iran where the vote-counters are chosen by the political operatives... Joe Biden’s lead right now is not only completely meaningless but something far worse, because it is putting the Democrats to sleep. There were almost 7.9 million ballots that were either not counted or where voters were blocked from voting in 2016. If you were to call those voters up, like a pollster, many of them would tell you they were voting for Hillary Clinton. But those same people did not know that they would be blocked from voting on Election Day or that their votes were thrown out. The non-count of voters, where people are either outright blocked from voting or their votes are thrown out by Republicans, undermines the predictive power of any poll that predicts a huge Biden victory. The Democrats must confront these structural impediments, many of which are driven by white supremacy, if there are going to be truly free and fair elections in the United States. Full interview: w-trump-will-steal-the-2020-election/



October, 2020

Chaos 2020 (continued) Republicans were determined to outdo the Dems...

They featured some very special guests...

by bringing the fire and brimstone.

and doubled down on their speciality: fear and paranoia...

The party didn’t bother with a platform...

with predictable results.

because they had the best stage and the biggest star...

October, 2020

who really let it all out. (continued)



Chaos 2020 (conclusion) Trump’s speech was subdued and familiar...

but was uniquely inspiring to some...

as he continued to excite incite his base.

Some still feel tortured by indecision...

and swing voters could again decide the outcome...

but “values” voters continue to mull it over.

to provide the cure.

Meanwhile, Uncle Sam needs you, America...



October, 2020

Fire Next Time It seems the whole world is on fire...

but some are content to sit around...

and do nothing.

The West is a tinderbox, so it was predictable...

The prez enjoys seeing blue states turn red... but nothing will change, until we do.

to solve the problems he doesn’t acknowledge. and if we don’t like it, he says, give him four more years…

October, 2020



Cartertoons •

by Jon Carter

Cartertoons •

by Jon Carter

‘We Report, You Decry!’ Original Melania Convention Address Revealed By JC Wade Melania Trump’s original idea for her Republican National Convention address was uncovered recently. She had pledged not to plagiarize Michelle Obama’s speech this time.

“I would clearly be in over my head in trying to repeat such a powerful speech” she said. According to Chris Wallace of Fox News, the former first lady really “flayed, sliced and diced” President Trump, something the current first lady declared she would never do in public. “I only do that in private” she is alleged to have said. Another source, who only agreed to speak on the condition of anonymity, stated that Mrs. Trump decided instead to carefully listen to Jill Biden’s speech, in hopes of reprising that one. If that didn’t work out, she planned to read the Emancipation Proclamation or the Declaration of Independence. However, that idea was apparently leaked to the president’s legal team, who were quick to point out that the couple’s revised prenuptial agreement forbid her from using the word “emancipation” or making any reference to a “declaration of independence” before the 2020 election. The anonymous source said that, as a backup plan, the first lady decided she would read the Gettysburg Address claiming that it would be fitting and proper for her to deliver that oration and that Lincoln’s address had been delivered so many years ago that no one would remember it. Of course, as everyone found out, she did none of the above, but wished she had, since it would have saved her from all the lies about her husband “respecting women” and other such rubbish.

Headline News Section Aspiring to the High Standards Set by Cable News

White House Searching for Alternate Trump Monument Location By David Martin Apparently, Mt. Rushmore was not the only monumental inquiry made by White House officials, as evidenced by these recently uncovered emails: TO: Statue of Liberty We’d like to know if there is any provision for altering the Statue of Liberty to honor the greatest president of all time, Donald J. Trump. Would it be possible to replace Lady Liberty’s head with that of Lord Libertine? If the budget could accommodate it, how about, instead of a torch, he could hold up a Bible or possibly a Big Mac? TO: Washington Monument Just a quick question about possible changes to the Washington Monument. As you know, when it comes to matters of manhood, President Trump has made it clear that “there’s no problem – I guarantee.” Perhaps a couple of large boulders could be placed at the base of the monument surrounded by some golden shrubbery. The renamed Trump Monument would be a fitting priapic tribute to the Member-in-Chief. TO: Stone Mtn. Confederate Memorial

If you’re looking to add another “son of the South” to your glorious monument, look no further than our President. No one in recent memory has done more to honor the Confederacy than Donald J. Trump. Rather than add a fourth person, however, perhaps it would be easier to simply change the bas-relief of President Jefferson Davis to President Donald J. Trump since everyone prefers a winner to a loser anyway. TO: Lincoln Memorial We aren’t questioning Abraham Lincoln’s place in history but, as President Trump has frequently noted, no one has done more for African Americans than him. Please consider changing the Lincoln Memorial to the Trump Memorial. The cost would be minimal as only minor changes to the head would be required (i.e. – lose the beard, add some yellow hair and paint the face orange). Although Lincoln was apparently the first Republican president (Did you know that?), there’s no doubt Donald Trump is the greatest Republican president.

Unfolding: Local Depressive Finds Herself Tired at Night for Once By Andrew Gillespie FAIR HAVEN, NJ — A shock pulsed through this community last night as local HR representative and clinical depressive Ann Sayers defied expectations and for once found herself feeling tired at nighttime. “My normal sleeping hours are 4am-6am on weekdays, 5am-2pm on weekends,” claimed Sayers. “And then when I have to go to work I just have three coffees, maybe an Adderall, and spend the rest of my day periodically slapping myself in the face to keep me alert. But last night, when I started dozing off at around 11:30, something changed.” Richard Sayers, Ann’s ex-husband and roommate, was reached for comment, and made a point to say that this was initially concerning for the two of them. “I’ve always gone to bed before she did,” said Richard. “I’ve never made it through an episode of Scandal before having to turn in at around midnight. I thought to call the hospital,

but she insisted on just going to bed.” Her therapist, Dr. Nigel Rosenthal, told us how her depression and refusal to go on antidepressants has impacted her sleeping patterns. “Her life is a mess.” says Rosenthal. “I know I’m not supposed to say things like that but, god, I’d be depressed. She never sleeps so this is weird. Why are you writing about this again?” “I woke up the next morning at around 9:30,” mused Sayers. “I didn’t even know the weekends had a 9:30. I felt more alive and restored than I have in a long, long time and I really look forward to this new way of living.” UPDATE: Sources claim that Sayers did not sleep for 15 hours following that evening and looked more haggard than ever walking in that Monday. Richard has lost interest.

President Trump Vows to Replace Rep. John Lewis with ‘Blacks for Trump Guy’ By Dennis Wobber President Trump, in a lively interview with host Chris Wallace on Fox News, revealed his plan to replace recently deceased Rep. John Lewis of Georgia with a man who frequently appears behind him at campaign rallies, known colloquially as the “Blacks for Trump Guy.” Here is a partial transcript of the interview:

Chris Wallace: Mr. President, can you give us your thoughts on the death of John Lewis? President Trump: When I heard that Lewis had died, I immediately thought, ‘who am I going to replace him with?’ I think it should be a black person. The blacks love me – no one has done more for the blacks than me. So, I thought, that “Blacks for Trump” guy. He comes to all my rallies. He is very loyal. CW: You do realize that it’s not your choice. There would need to be a special election. PT: Oh no, I’ll just do an executive order. CW: Do you even know his name? PT: I don’t need to know his name. I have great instincts. My gut says he would be a great replacement. My staff can look him up. CW: Is he on your payroll sir? PT: That’s a nasty question. You’re a disgrace to your profession. CW: Will you answer the question? PT: I did. It’s a nasty question and you’re a disgrace. CW: Well let’s move on to another topic. Your head on Mount Rushmore… PT: Many people would like to see that. CW: I’m sure they would. And like the sun setting in the west, like Trump’s falling poll numbers, and as the thing many people would like to see–the curtain coming down on Trump’s time in office, the interview descended from there.

Ripping the Headlines Today Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to By Paul Lander. All you need to do is follow one simple rule: barely pay attention and jump to conclusions. So, here are some headlines today and my first thoughts: Biden endorsed by 81 Nobel Prize winners Trump can’t spell ‘Noble.’ Two ‘Boogaloo Bois’ charged with conspiring to provide support to Hamas Let’s just call them what they are Vanilla ISIS… Trump lashes out at Woodward book as “political hit job” as McEnany defends Trump over coronavirus comments Not sure what’s dumber, telling Bob Woodward you lied to Americans about a pandemic or talking to Woodward 18 times. A Nebraska man exposes ‘boneless chicken wings’ in court Apparently, the only chemical not being used for raising chickens is Viagra. San Francisco salon owner closes shop after Nancy Pelosi face mask controversy Oh, no, where will San Franciscans find hairstylists…? Gerald Shur, Architect of Witness Protection Program, dies at 86 … Or, did he … Reports that Jay Cutler and Tomi Lahren are dating I’m shocked, shocked Cutler might’ve completed a pass!

Judges order Kanye West off Arizona and Virginia ballots Here’s hop ing Tay lor Swift de mands he’s replaced by Beyoncé. Jennifer Griffin defends reporting & “unimpeachable” sources after Trump ordered Fox News fire her Con firm ing one thing: Trump wasn’t one of her sources. Travis Tritt blocking people on Twitter How’s that a punishment?

The e-book “Ninety-Nine Stories” contains 99 stories by Barry Fiegel which is available for $9.99 on Amazon Kindle and other e-book publishers.

Ninety-Nine Stories by Barry Fiegel

The Bachelor’s Taylor Nolan says she’s single and exploring “poly-type relationships” For anyone wondering, “poly-type relationships” are multi people relationships that don’t include anyone reading this! Happy 79th birthday, Bernie Sanders … and Larry David who have never been seen in the same place at the same time.

“ Read 'Em—You'll Like 'Em. ”

Trump appears to forget the words to the Pledge of Allegiance At 9/11 Commemoration Personally, I like Presidents who aren’t captured… on film not knowing all the words to the Pledge of Allegiance. TENNIS: Novak Djokovic disqualified from US Open after hitting game official with ball I guess that means the Djokovic is on him.

Read more columns by Paul Lander at



October, 2020

1st Amendment ‘Trumps’ the 2nd Without the videos, a lot of injustice would stay hidden...

Bad actors may be making things worse...

all in the guise of “wanting to help.”

Some say that protesting is useless...

and that “good” people have nothing to worry about.

However, white folks are finally taking notice...

October, 2020

and even with them, bigots remain in denial.

but too many still don’t get it.



Like a Miracle The goal of reopening is proving elusive...

and there’s good reason for that.

People just want it all to end...

but be careful what you wish for.

Some say just open up and let the bodies fall where they may...

because they don’t mind the risks.

Meanwhile, Trump has managed to corrupt the CDC...



and is hyping a “miracle vaccine” soon to come.

October, 2020

School Choice

October, 2020

Biggest Loser

Childhood has changed...

Trump says no one’s ever been better to the troops...

and so has parenting.

but you’d have to be a sucker to believe that.

It’s harder than ever to be a kid...

The whole Trump family is so patriotic...

whether schooling at home or not.

that they treat the military just like their supporters.



The Hightower Lowdown

Interview with a Vampire Woodward’s book detailed some shocking confessions...

but Donald claims he was only thinking of us.

The tapes revealed other grisly things too...

Where Did the Republican Party Go? Wow, what a surprise! Have you seen the Republican Party’s official platform? Perhaps, like me, you would have expected it to be a mishmash of Trumpian miasma, laissezfairyland corporate economics, QAnon lunacy, police state authoritarianism and all the other wackiness that today’s GOP has been embracing. But, no. Astonishingly, this 18-page policy statement flat-out rejects the elitism, knownothingism and nutballism coming out of the White House and the mouths of nearly every Republican Congress critter. For example, instead of the GOP’s usual claptrap about the moral superiority of “wealth creators,” the platform unequivocally hails the egalitarian ethic of the Common Good: “Our government was created by the people for all the people, and it must serve no less a purpose,” proclaim the Republicans who wrote this policy document. ALL the people! Moreover, the platform issues an in-your-face rebuttal to the orthodox Republican policies of inequality: “America does not prosper unless all Americans prosper,” it states. And, believe it or not, the platform writers provide the means for a shared prosperity, declaring, “The protection of the right of workers or organize into unions and to bargain collectively is the firm and permanent policy” of the party. Moreover, these Republicans forthrightly profess solidarity with America’s working class, quoting President Eisenhower: “Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in the country — they are America.” Holy Woody Guthrie, let’s all join hands, form a circle and sing “This Land Is Your Land.” With Republicans finally espousing the principle that we actually are all in this together — even committing it to writing as formal policy — we could become one nation again and join in building a little-d democratic society based on fairness, justice and equal opportunity for all. But is this document a fake, a plant, a joke? No, it’s what the party was before it lost its mind. It’s the national Republican platform of 1956. With our national election less than three months away, someone needs to put up “lost dog” signs in every neighborhood saying, “Missing: Republican Party Platform.” Voters won’t find it, though, for this so-called major political party has decided not to produce a specific statement of what it stands for this year, nor will it offer to voters an itemized set of policies its public officials would try to enact if elected. Indeed, the GOP hierarchy has doubled down on its disdain for the electorate by issuing a one-page formal declaration that the party would not present a platform until 2024. Yes, four years after the election! Wait, it gets more bizarre: The party bosses even extended their fear of real public discourse to their own grassroots delegates, decreeing that any attempt by them to adopt new platform proposals at this week’s national Republican convention “will be ruled out of order.” Instead of a political party, the GOP of 2020 has become a pathetic puppet show of weakling officials and sycophantic subordinates being

JIM HIGHTOWER jerked around by the maniacal whims of a bloated ego with despotic fantasies. Thus, the once-respectable Republican National Committee “unanimously voted to forego” a platform, ceding its authority, duty, respect and relevance to a single unhinged authoritarian. In essence, they’re saying that the platform — and the party itself — is one word: Trump. Whatever the wondrous wizard of wizardry says today, whomever he attacks tomorrow, whichever fantastical conspiracy he embraces next week is what the GOP says it represents, agrees with and will march in lockstep to achieve. Republican senators, governors, captains of industry, elders and others who once had power, prominence, some prestige and maybe even a little pride now meekly wear his brand and kowtow to his conceits, leaving an entire party with a sole operating principle: “What he said” (even when they can’t figure out what he’s actually saying … or why). That’s not a party. It’s a national embarrassment.

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but at least he made us feel good… right?

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October, 2020

Still Prez The president enjoys a perverse partnership...

and while many of his assistants have moved on...

and others help from afar. some important ones remain...

and has delivered in the most important ways. He’s been consistent, at least...

He continues to prove his competence...

October, 2020

and to warn us of hidden dangers.



Miscellaneous Mischief



October, 2020

October, 2020



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California Stage Presents

Social Distance Theater

Advertise in the

Presenting a variety of theater, music, poetry and art shows this summer, Saturday evenings at 8pm through October 31st. California Stage has built a stage in their open-air courtyard with safe-distance seating for those of us getting Covid stir-crazy. Please wear your masks. Reserve your spot now, seating limited. $15 tickets & more info at Sept 26th: Steve and Francisca Homan, soft sounds of Brazilian Jazz. Opening act: Fenix Drum and Dance.

Oct 17th: A night of the Blues with Dr. Rock & The Stuff! From the Delta Blues of the 20’s, to the Chicago sounds of the 50’s to the current masters of rock and rhythm & blues, they have a unique ability to draw from all eras to make a sound of their own that is fresh, yet respectful to musical tradition. Opening will be Strapped for Cash, with Lar Crawley and Jamison Pettyjohn.

Oct 3rd: Henry Robinett returns, with his cool, cool jazz! Featuring his wonderful group, playing West Coast Jazz. Opening act TBA. Oct 10th: Jessica Malone returns with Giorgi Khokhobashvili on his mad violin. Jessica was named new singer/songwriter for two years in a row by Sacramento News & Review as Sacramento Musician of the Year. She combines her powerful, soothing voice with introspective lyrics and an earthy folk-roots. Backing Jessica is Giorgi on violin, with both a healing balm for these troubled times and a soundtrack for happier days —- proving once again that relevant songwriters have a message for all places and times. Opening act: Frankie McCabe, singer-songwriter.

Oct 24th: A real treat, with David Houston and String Theory. Nationally acclaimed songwriter/producer/g uitarist/music guru David Houston will perform, backed by the String Theory string quartet. Houston’s sonorous voice and tasteful guitar juxtapose perfectly with the group’s original quartet arrangements to produce a sound that is melancholy and alive. Opening: Singer/songwriter James Israel. Oct 31st: Halloween spooky stories for children and family!

In the open courtyard of the R25 Arts Complex, home of California Stage. 25th & R St, Midtown • Free parking available • 916-451-5822 aa


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