Regarding the photos in the cycle guide, the following are credited with reference to page and statement of r for photos on the right and l for photos on the left.
Adam Mørk 23 Dansk Kyst- og Naturturisme 91v, 149h, 37v Destination Vesterhavet 69h Destination Sønderjylland 23v Erich Jacobi 5 Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet 48v Flying October forsidefoto, 5, 10, 13, 14, 31, 34, 35v, 35h, 36v, 37h, 43, 46, 47v, 47h, 49h, 55, 58, 59v, 60v, 61v, 61h, 65, 68, 69v, 70v, 70h, 71h, 75, 78, 79v, 79h, 80v, 80h, 81v, 81h, 87, 90, 91h, 92h, 93v, 93h, 99, 102, 103v, 103h, 104v, 105h, 109, 112, 113v, 113h, 114v, 114h, 115v, 115h, 121, 124, 125v, 125h, 126v, 126h, 127v, 127h, 132, 136, 137v, 137h, 138h, 139v, 139h, 143, 147v Frame&Work 59h, 71v Jacob Lisbygd 22h Kystcentret 92 Mads Gregersen 148h
Mark Trustrup 148v Mark Wengler 105v Mette Johnsen 146, 154 Mikkel Jezequel 48v Morten Rasmussen 80h Museum Sønderjylland 20 Nationalparkcenter Thy 104v Nicklas Jessen 9 Niels Linneberg 60h Ribe Vikingecenter 36h Skagens Museer 149v Schackenborg Slot 21v Torben Meyer 38 Ulrik Pedersen 21h Varde Museum 48h Visit Hirtshals 138v Visit Rømø & Tønder 22v Ørnereservatet 147h
1st edition, 1st impression 2021 Publisher: Dansk Kyst- og Naturturisme, Destination Sønderjylland, Destination Vadehavet, Destination Vesterhavet, Destination Nordvestkysten Layout: Flying October Cartography: Flying October Photo credit: See page 156 Credit: OpenStreetMaps contributors All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in electronic media, copied mechanically, photographically or otherwise without written consent from the copyright owner. Copyright owner is the publisher.
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