Volume 1 Issue 9
The Suez Canal
connects Mediterranean to the Red Sea
Egypt, Octobar 2014 by Luuk de Waardt The Suez Canal is an artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. Opened in November 1869 after 10 years of construction, it allows ships to travel between Europe and eastern Asia without navigating around Africa. It reduces about 7000 km to travel to Europe from India. The northern terminus is Port Said; the southern terminus is Port Tawfiq at the city of Suez. Ismailia is on its west bank, 3 km from the half-way point. When built, the canal was 164 km long and 8 m deep. After several enlargements, it is 193.30 km long, 24 m deep and 205 meters wide. The canal is single lane with passing places in the “Ballah By-Pass” and the Great Bitter Lake. It contains no locks; seawater flows freely through it. In general, the canal north of the Bitter Lakes flows north in winter and south in summer. The current south of the lakes changes with the tide at Suez. The canal is owned and maintained by the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) of Egypt. Around 17,225 vessels traversed the canal in 2012. In August 2014, construction was launched to construct a second canal for half of the route of the canal, costing $4 billion, to increase the canal’s capacity. To be funded by an IPO open only to Egyptian companies and individuals, the expansion is expected to double the capacity of the Suez Canal from 49 to 97 ships a day. Construction of the project is expected to take a year.
City Life
Octobar 2014
Volume 1 Issue 9
موبينيل توقع إتفاقية تعاون مشتركI am Cairo, We are Cairo, You are Cairo مع كلية الهندسة – جامعة القاهرة It’s with pleasure that we present to you our most recent issue of City News. City News discusses various interesting topics in several categories such as Tourism, Art, Culture, Life Style, Sports, Technology, Science and other contemporary issues.
the 29th and 30th September, both the be held at Four Seasons Nile Plaza.
On the cover this month more about the Suez Canal in parallel with the current activities started to develop the Suez Canal Corridor, August 2014. City News is media sponsor at the special event ‘Managing Egypt’s Balance of Trade’ on the 15th of September 2014 and the Tenth Money & Finance Conference on
We hope you enjoy reading our innovative newspaper and we are happy to receive your feedback. You are welcome to send your ideas, upcoming events or other topics to my personal email
In this issue also a spot on Indonesia and the Embassies event from 18 – 20th September at Cairo Opera House and the Embassy.
Luuk de Waardt CEO & Founder
Summer makeup for tanned skin �شريف مراد عميد كلية الهند�سة/ اال�ستاذ ايف جوتيه الع�ضو املنتدب ملوبينيل و الدكتور وتدعم موبينيل هذا الربنامج اجلديد والفريد من نوعه املوجه �أ�سا�س ًا للمهند�سني حديثى التخرج واملتطلعني �إىل تعظيم فر�ص عملهم فى كربى �شركات الإت�صاالت واملهند�سني ذوى اخلربة الذين ي�سعون لتحديث قدراتهم .التقنية والإدارية من �أجل م�سار وظيفى �أف�ضل
as various types of foundations, powders as tan itself is one of the best means to conceal all the skin imperfections. If you apply blush and powder then opt for the lighttextured ones.
قامت �شركة موبينيل بتوقيع �إتفاقية تعاون م�شرتك مع كلية الهند�سة – جامعة القاهرة تدعم مبوجبها ال�شركة املاج�ستري املهنى فى هند�سة الإلكرتونيات والإت�صاالت الذى تطلقه الكلية فى العام الدرا�سى القادم وتقع هذه الإتفاقية فى �إطار مبادرة.2015/2014 موبينيل لت�أهيل وت�شغيل مائة �ألف م�صرى م�ساهمة منها .فى خدمة املجتمع
وبهذه املنا�سبة �صرح ايف جوتيه الع�ضو املنتدب ملوبينيل "�أننا نقدر املبادرة التى قام بها ق�سم هند�سة الإلكرتونيات والإت�صاالت بكلية الهند�سة – جامعة القاهرة ب�إن�شاء هذه الدرجة اجلديدة التى ت�ساهم فى مد ج�سور التعاون بني اجلامعة وال�صناعة وت�شارك فى ت�أهيل الكوادر الهند�سية امل�ؤهلة للمواقع القيادية فى ال�صناعة مبا يعزز القدرة التناف�سية ل�صناعة ."الإت�صاالت امل�صرية
املدير التنفيذى والع�ضو- وقد وقع الإتفاقية �إيف جوتيه �شريف مراد – عميد/ املنتدب ل�شركة موبينيل والدكتور كلية الهند�سة – جامعة القاهرة بح�ضور كل من الأ�ستاذ عثمان لطفى ال�سيد – املن�سق العام للربنامج/ الدكتور عمرو بدوى – ع�ضو جلنة الت�سيري/ والأ�ستاذ الدكتور �أ�شرف حليم – نائب رئي�س �شركة موبينيل/ واملهند�س .للقطاع التجارى
عثمان لطفى ال�سيد – املن�سق/ كما �صرح الدكتور العام للربنامج "درجة املاج�ستري املهنى فى هند�سة الإلكرتونيات والإت�صاالت التى ا�ستحدثتها كلية الهند�سة – جامعة القاهرة تقدم فى �إطار �شراكة كاملة مع ال�صناعة وتنفرد بربنامج يقدم جنب ًا �إىل جنب مواد هند�سية متقدمة مبنظور مهنى ومواد غري هند�سية تخاطب اجلوانب الإدارية والإقت�صادية والقانونية وتعتز كلية الهند�سة – جامعة القاهرة.للعمل الهند�سى مب�شاركة �شركة موبينيل فى دعم هذا الربنامج وتقدر حتم�سها له وا�ستجابتها ال�سريعة لدعمه والتى تنطلق من �إميانها بالدور املحورى للجامعة فى ت�أهيل الكوادر "الهند�سية والإدارية التى حتتاجها الدولة
ايف جوتيه املدير التنفيذي والع�ضو املنتدب/ وابدى ال�سيد ل�شركة موبينيل �سعادته بتوقيع هذه االتفاقية التي تدعم حديثي التخرج من كلية هند�سة جامعة القاهرة واملتطلعني اىل طموحات وا�سعة احلدود يف العمل يف كربى �شركات االت�صاالت وهي بداية لتطوير ومتكني دور ال�شباب امل�صري يف �سوق العمل الهند�سي ومبادرة �شركة موبينيل لت�أهيل وت�شغيل مائة الف م�صري كم�ساهمة وا�ضحة وعملية يف خدمة وكما عودتنا �شركة موبينيل على و�ضع.. املجتمع امل�صري ا�سرتاتيجية خا�صة للمتفوقني وا�صحاب القدرات العملية وال�شخ�صية وتنمية هذها املهارات ومتكينها حتى ت�صب يف .خدمة املجتمع الوطني
Summer is also the time for very active sun that is harmful for our skin thus it is better to use high SPF sunscreens as well as foundation and powder with UV-filters. Moreover such makeup products can help to conceal oily sheen.
Summer is already round the corner, and it is the very time when our skin gets this fabulous sun touch. Thus it is absolutely essential to adapt usual makeup to your tanned skin to look gorgeous. Learn our makeup tips for tanned skin in order to do your summer makeup properly.
irresistible and greatly changes our appearance. Before makeup, tanned skin also has some certain peculiarities that differs it from usual makeup look. As it is widely known makeup should be chosen in accordance to the face skin tone, eye color, hair color and etc. But you should also remember that the right selection of makeup very often depends on the season. For instance in summer when our face skin gets a tan, it is necessary to select makeup colors in accordance to these differences.
Usually in summer our skin gets a perfect golden tan that makes us look
If your tan is even you needn’t to abuse matte cosmetic products such
Omnia El Shamy Makeup Artist
Be very careful while choosing the colors of your summer makeup. It is better to ‘skirt’ bright eye shadow and lipstick shades, opting for soft natural colors that would never better enhance your beautiful golden tan. Nude shades of lipstick are the perfect option for summer lip makeup. And put aside your lip pencils as lip contour looks coarse on the tanned skin. If you want to add volume to your lips use lip gloss, but again here it is better to opt for light shades containing SPF. Lipsticks chosen for summer makeup should also contain UV-filters.
Egypt faces subsidy challenges
GeneralWeather info forecast Sun 7,
Mon, 8
Tue, 9
Wed, 10
Thurs, 11
Fri, 12
Sat, 13
Sun, 14
Mon, 15
26°C - 37°C
26 ° C -35 °C
26° C -35°C
26 °C -34°C
26 °C -34°C
25°C - 34°C
25°C - 34°C
26 °C - 33°C
25° C - 37° C 25° C - 37° C
Local time UTC/GMT offset
Airports Dialing codes Population
Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +2 hours Time zone abbreviation: EET - Eastern European Time No daylight saving time in 2013 Official language: Standard Arabic National and spoken language: Egyptian Arabic Frequently used languages: English & French Cairo International Airport +20 2 2006 Statistics: 9 million Cairo-Helwan: 17.8 million Islam: 90% Coptic & Christian: 10%
Friday & Saturday
Egyptian Pound (EGP) or Livre Egyptienne (LE)
Exchange rates
1 USD = 7,15 EGP 1 GBP = 11,84 EGP 1 EUR = 9,38 EGP
Useful numbers
Police: 122 Ambulance: 123 Fire Emergency: 180
Egypt electrical outlet
220 V,50 Hz, Type C Electrical Outlet
Minister of Supply and Internal Trade, H.E. Dr. Khaled Hanafy, CEBC Chairman, Mr. Motaz Raslan and President of Z-GOLD Resources, Dr. Muhammad Zaher The Canada Egypt Business Council (CEBC) and the Egyptian Council for Sustainable Development (ECSD) hosted a roundtable discussion featuring Minister of Supply and Internal Trade, H.E. Dr. Khaled Hanafy. The discussion focused mainly on the government’s plans regarding subsidies, which have been untouchable by successive governments over decades, as well as the economic problems facing Egypt at large. Over 150 notable attendees were present at the event. CEBC’s and ECSD’s esteemed members, guests, businessmen, and politicians, among whom were former ministers and ambassadors. Chairman Raslan delivered the opening remarks to the event emphasizing that social justice was the leading demand for
Egyptians during the revolutions of January 25 and June 30. Raslan called for learning lessons from these experiences and taking preemptive measures to avoid the problems of the past. He continued to say that subsidies are the current government’s heaviest burden, costing it a yearly EGP 205 billion, 34 of which for food subsidies. Raslan added that this is a situation that cannot continue. Khaled Hanafy is the holder of a Ph.D. in Economics and worked previously for a number of international and local organizations as a consultant. Minister Hanafy commenced his word concurring with Chairman Raslan regarding the Egyptian economy’s ailments. Among the pillars of the Egyptian economy’s crisis is unemployment. The
Minister explained that it is primarily structural unemployment due to the lack of coordination between the workforce and the job market’s demands. “Despite these problems, there is hope in the future,” the Minister continued. He also said that Egypt is qualified, thanks to its strategic geographical position among other elements, to add value and to compete in production internationally. Also among the advantages that Egypt has is its numerous Free Trade Agreements with a large number of countries. The Minister hailed the ministry’s implementation of the new bread subsidy system, which depends on the use of smart cards, accumulating points; with which they can purchase other food products. Food subsidies while keeping millions living under the poverty line, have weighed Egypt’s economy down for decades. It would take sacrifices, and a great deal of maneuvering to achieve the desired reforms.
City Life
Octobar 2014
Volume 1 Issue 9
36th Cairo International Film Festival
by Wadeea Azmy Photography
عمرودياب يشارك في تنشيط السياحة المصرية برعاية موسى كوست
The Cairo International Film Festival (CIFF) will make a strong comeback in November, promised its board of directors in a press conference last Saturday. As a result, CIFF will maintain its membership of the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF), which has been a major concern for local filmmakers since the festival was cancelled in 2011 and 2013. But more significant for the Egyptian film scene is the major revision the festival is currently undergoing in terms of its vision and operations. These changes represent an attempt to lure audiences back in and regain CIFF’s regional status.
Samir Farid, an acclaimed film critic and artistic director of the first Abu Dhabi Film Festival, was chosen to head the 36th CIFF in 2013, and he has recruited a diverse yet highly specialized team of filmmakers, critics and professionals to make the event happen. This new team includes veteran filmmaker Yousry Nasrallah, “Microphone” and “Rags and Tatters” filmmaker Ahmad Abdalla, filmmaker and women’s rights activist Hala Galal, and film critic Joseph Fahim. Many of his 50 new recruits are under 30 years of age, which promises to add fresh perspectives to the 39-year-old festival. Among the changes in the upcoming edition is that the festival’s events will
�أحيا النجم عمرو دياب حفال غنائيا �ضخم مبنتجع مو�سى كو�ست بعيون و�شهد احلفل ح�ضور جماهريى كبريا ويعد هذا احلفل الذي تقيمة، مو�سى مو�سى كو�ست هو لتدعيم ال�سياحة باملنطقة وملحور قناة ال�سوي�س اجلديد بد�أ احلفل مع الدجى االوكرانية كاندى ثم الفايرورك للفنان احمد ع�صام الذى ابهربها احل�ضور ثم اعتلى عمرو دياب خ�شبة امل�سرح مرتديا مالب�س حيث اكتفى،"كاجوال" تتنا�سب مع الأجواء ال�صيفية التي يقام بها احلفل بارتداء "تي �شريت" �أبي�ض و�سروال جينز �أ�سود بالإ�ضافة �إىل و�شم كبري على .�ساعده ، وقمرين،وبدأ الهضبة حفله مبجموعة من أغانيه القدمية مثل الليلة كام أمتع جمهوره بأغنيته الجديدة «أهو ليل وعديوعدد من،وتخيل وقد قام وليد منصور منظم،» و»قمرين،أغانيه القدمية مثل الليلة الحفل بتصميم فكرة جديد لدخول عىل املرسح الذى صممه تامر والديكور ملحمد جابر،فوزى واإلضاءة والليد سكرين لوليد الحريرى والصوت جورج سعيد وقدم عمرو الشكراىل كل من منظم الحفل وليد منصور و هاىن العسال واحمد هاىن عىل كل التسهيالت واملجهودات الذى بزلت لنجاح هذا الحفل قدم فقرات الحفل الفنانة رزان مغرىب
be spread throughout the year, both locally and internationally. So far, the festival has taken part in last year’s Venice Film Festival and Germany’s Berlinale in February. It will also participate in the Cannes Film Festival in May. Efforts are currently being directed toward making an exciting and diverse selection for CIFF’s seven sections: the international competition for feature films, special presentations, festival of festivals, films on films, feature classics films, short film classics, and the national cinema guest of honor. And for the first time, documentary and animation films will be admitted to all these categories. Applications will be received until September, but the organizers announced some highlights of the program-in-the-making last week. The 2013 documentary “Red Blue Yellow,” by screenwriter and director Nujoom Al Ghanem, is the first film selected for the international competition. The film is an informal portrait of Ghanem’s aunt Najat Makki, a pioneering Emirati female artist. An exhibition of Makki’s paintings will also be shown during the festival. Among CIFF’s guests of honor this year is acclaimed German filmmaker Volker Schlöndorff. Two of his films will be shown in the program. The first is his 2014 production “Diplomacy,” which explores the relationship between German military governor of occupied Paris CIFF is also putting together two publications about Brecht, one of which is an Arabic translation of “Baal.” The CIFF will take place from 9 to 18 November 2014.
، �سنوات من االنقطاع عن الغناء يف م�صر4 بعد، �أقامت املطربة اللبنانية �إلي�سا حفل يف الغردقة،اقامة جمموعة عامر جروب حتت ا�شراف �شريف خليل املدير التنفيذى حفلاً غنائ ًيا كب ًريا .2014 �أغ�سط�س28 ،�ضمن مبادرة حلوة يا بلدي التي تنظمها وزارة ال�سياحة مدير �أمن، احلفل حتت �أ�شراف اللواء العناين حمودة،"للفنان تامر ح�سنى يف "بورتو" مطروح بتنظيم مميز من وليد من�صور و�شارك فى احلفل احمد ع�صام ووليد احلريرى،مطروح وظهرت النجمة اللبنانية �إلي�سا ب�إطاللة رقيقة و مميزة خالل فقرات احلفل
.نيكول �سابا يف حفل افتتاح جنينة �سيتي فى �شرم ال�شيخ
احيت النجمة اللبنانية نيكول �سابا حفال من اروع حفالتها يف مدينة �شرم �شيخ يف " جنينة �سيتي" يف افتتاح جنينة �ستى وح�ضرها االالف من احل�ضور من خمتلف اجلن�سيات الذين كما وال تزال حت�صد النجمة اللبنانية اال�صداء االيجابية والتهاين عن دورها يف " فرق توقيت" مع النجم تامر ح�سني وت�ستعد يف االيام،ا�ستمتعوا مع نيكول باغانيها على مدار ال�ساعتني واللواء، م�ساعد �أول وزير الداخلية ملنطقة �سيناء،القادمة لت�صوير اغنيتها ال�سينجل اجلديدة "ما بقى تدقلي" على طريقة الفيديو كليب يف بريوت وح�ضراحلفل اللواء حممود احلفناوي نائب رئي�س جمل�س ادارة املجموعة وعدد كبريا من ال�شخ�صيات العامة ومب�شاركة �أعداد كبرية من ال�سائحني.، ورجل الأعمال �أحمد جنينة، رئي�س مدينة �شرم ال�شيخ،حممود ال�سولية
مدير الأمن واحمد جنية ونائب والوزير
اقيم مبول الداون تاون مهرجان العودة اىل املدر�سة وهوا املعر�ض ال�سنوى لبازرنا جلميع م�ستلزمات العام الدرا�سى من �شنط مدر�سية وكتب متنوعة ومالب�س مدر�سية والعاب وغريها حيث �شهد اقباال كبريا من اال�سر ل�شراء احتياجات ابنائهم املدر�سية اقام املهرجان كال من يا�سمني مدحت كرمية الكابنت مدحت رم�ضان ورنا نعمان حرم .الكابنت �شريف اكرامى
نيكول �سابا �أثناء احلفل
On the 30th of September 2014 at 8:00 PM, the MUST Opera Hosue will be holding a concert for the revolutionary Omar Khairat. His events are considered a must by many - so many in fact, that already .all tickets have been sold out.
City Life
Octobar 2014
The International Samaa’ Festival
Volume 1 Issue 9
Check it out Monthly Horoscopes There are many of us who live, work, and settle down in C-Town. Sometimes we are so overworked by our daily demands that we hardly have time for a cup of coffee, let alone an outing or some time-out during the day which you can use to just ‘ go somewhere new’ I know people, who are over 20 years of age, have lived here their whole lives and have never, for example been to the Pyramids of Giza, or traveled outside Cairo.
The Salah El Din Citadel, one of the most spectacular spots will be home to “The International Samaa’ Festival for Spiritual Music & Chanting “
In accordance with the event’s Facebook page: full details, venues, and schedule will be announced at a later date.
Coming from all over the world is international chanting and spiritual music. The Ministry of Culture and the hosts, CouchSurfing Egypt are encouraging you to; as they say “launch your spirits to flap high on the melodies”
You don’t have to be a tourist to take a trip around town. There are many beautiful places to see, beauty to relish in. The next time you have a free minute, try going to one of these places:
The Tanjung Puting National Park
The Festival will take place at the spectacular Salah Eldin Citadel in Cairo, 20-27 September 2014. This year the International Samaa’ festival will feature more countries, more participants. A combination of first timers, and your old-time favourites come together to blow you away.
The Tanjung Puting National Park
Word Search M I C H A E L J A C K S O N H O U S E M U S I C
To answer the trivia question, look for a word/phrase hidden in the puzzle but not mentioned in the word list. Send us your answer. If you win, you will have a chance to create your own word search for next month’s issue. Good Luck! Trivia Question: Which Rastafarian artist was buried with his Gibson Les Paul Guitar, a soccer ball, a cannabis bud, and a Bible?
حفلة دعم صندوق
”“تحيا مصر هاني شاكر وأمال ماهر سبتمبر18 الثالثاء فندق الماسة بالقاعة ”الرئيسية “اندلوسيت 7:30 الساعة
Enjoy going under the radar of a few people during the Full Moon on September 8 and do something special that only you appreciate. If a dream place has been waiting for you, escape now. New and old partnerships are there for your benefit and comfort at the New Moon on September 23. Romance related: Expect to get back to your usual self by the end of the month.
On the Full Moon of September 8th, try to lay low, avoid busy and crowded places. If you could, enjoy a meal made for you but by someone else; that would be ideal for your spirits. You are the owner of the 23rd New Moon, influential but pleasant, set something straight, everyone will thank you. Romance related: Change is the ultimate result!
By the Full Moon on the 8th, you should be socially active, lots of high hopes and high spirits. Life’s little daily pleasures have never been as great as they are at this September 23 New Moon. It’s time for you to treasure those gushy, personal activities and possessions . Romance related: Enjoy the playful chaos!
At the beginning of the month, indulge in those things that move you. Be entertained. Accept invitations that will be flying your way all month long. Towards the New Moon at the end of the month, it is better if you lay low and start up a new project; privately. Romance related: It isn’t too late to apologize!
At the start of the month, the focus is on your career, work environment and public presence. It would be good if you smile more than you speak. On the 15th of this September there is an opportunity for you to have a iridescent conversation, make sure you ask polite but deep questions. Romance related: Stick to your forte of spontaneity!
Around the 8th, don’t check any e-mails, just sit home, lay back and chill. Spend some time with someone close watching a movie or listening to music, whatever news you will be getting, will be good anyway. Towards the end of the month you will become highly motivated to finish whatever you start in less time. Romance related: Agree to disagree with your dates during this month!
This month is all about you, this September 8th Full Moon will give you the opportunity to drift into your dreams. Feed you soul this month, clear channels of communication because it seems that emotions will be running high. Pay attention to the little things, an unexpected guest could be bringing you something nice. Romance related: Seek and ye shall receive!
You might find that those around you at the start of the month are nervous, don’t catch their edginess. There could be a lot of confusion around you on the 8th, but people will still be fun, great fun. What you do this month with your time and effort will bring you good karma in the long run. Romance related: Wait it out, it will get better!
Listen carefully to the mixed messages you will be getting from people around the 8th of this month, spend more time with them they will surely appreciate it. Towards the end of the month, be happy and thankful as there are people around who want to make amends. Romance related: Flowers, music, candles? Yes, please!
At the beginning of the month, your finances are under the spotlight; try to avoid making any promises or snap judgments regarding money. You may find people difficult to deal with, but they will soften up as the month moves along. This month will teach you good and useful things. Romance related: Time will tell!
Venus is heading your way. Love, beauty and all good things are more to your taste now. There is a New Moon on the 23rd which breathes new life, positive new life into financial matters. If someone owes you money, it could show up anytime now. Romance related: Meet up with an ex who still has a little flame for you!
Your heart will be touched by someone very charming in bold ways early this month. On the 23rd you will experience a lot of confusion with family members. Making peace is a talent given to few, this month it’s yours for the taking. Romance related: Don’t waste your time on “what if.”
City Travel & Tourism
Octobar 2014
Yalla Indonesia
Volume 1 Issue 9
Indonesia is part of the “ring of fire.” you can see, hear and experience others’ ways of life. Although each island has its own components and their ways of life differ from island to island, and region to region, there is still intense hospitality everywhere you go. As a visitor you will forget what that feels to be on the outside. You shall be welcomed with warmth, and courteous native friendliness that will be engraved within you, always.
by Myanne Brealey
Indonesian Ambassador, His Excellency Nurfaizi Suwandi is a retired policeman. He had been a Metro Jaya police chief. He has now come to Egypt and holds the title Indonesian Ambassador. The embassy has reached out to us with regards to a solo exhibition they held. We were excited about this event and wish that all whom attended enjoyed it. As well we would like to thank the embassy for their invitation to us. On the occasion of the 69th Indonesian ‘Independence Anniversary’ (17 August,) the Indonesian embassy in Cairo hosted a solo exhibition namely: “Yalla Indonesia” which took place this September 2014 at the Indonesian Embassy and Cairo Opera House, was an event to remember. This event was aimed to present and introduce Indonesia‘s art, culture, education, as well as Indonesian products. Some of the most displayed Indonesian products were home furnishings, tires, clothing, and shoes. There were also booths where typical authentic handmade Indonesian souvenirs were offered. The embassy is to be raised for it’s ability to which it has successfully promoted it’s country. Have a look at their Facebook page for videos of the event.
Dubes Nurfaizi Suwandi The Indonesian art performances took place at ‘Small Hall’ in Cairo Opera House between 18-20 September. The exhibition of Indonesian education and products was organized at the Indonesian Embassy. There were many booths occupied by university representatives from all over Indonesia. There, there was an event workshop on Indonesian coffee which was managed on the 18th. The workshop was a great way to understand the authenticity behind one of the leading coffee producing countries. There were packets and packets of Robusta coffee beans, some to sample. On educational cooperation; the Joint Working Group on Higher Education was also at the Indonesian Embassy. There they exchanged thoughts, knowledge and photographs. The most interesting aspect of the art and cultural performances at this event is that the group of performers will came directly from Indonesia. It was comprised of three groups of performers who travelled from three
The Baliem Valley, what was a stone age world Indonesia is an archipelago consisting of an estimated total of 17,508 islands, of which only about 6,000 are inhabited.” (ec.europa.eu) The Republic of Indonesia, has a population of around 240 million, from 300 ethnic groups who speak over 250 different languages.” Bali is tourist’s most familiar destination; however this country has many other picturesque spots to see. Some of the beaches that beautifully surround the islands are inhabited and some even remain nameless until today. Spanning the equator; located amid the continents of Asia and Australia. Also between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans, Indonesia is as wide as the distance between London and Moscow. The national language is Bahasa. Java, which is the world’s most populated island in the world has a beautiful Buddhist world renowned temple named The Borobudur. It was
built over 75 years and accumulates approximately 2 million stone blocks. If you don’t mind a little adventure and a, then go pay it a visit; it was abandoned for reasons that are a mystery until today, since the 14th century. Indonesia is part of the “ring of fire.” She obtains the biggest number of active volcanoes, in the world. Wallace’s line, a zoological separation between the Asian and Australian flora and fauna, is what divides Indonesia.With an array of fascinating ancient temples Indonesia will never cease to amaze you. Culturally, she is a deep country. Music for example ranges from the traditional to modern, old to new, dances, rituals and most importantly
The most famous Buddhist temple in the world
Home to relaxing diversions, Jakarta is blessed with some of the best nightlife spots in Asia and cursed with some of the worst traffic; it is a city full of contrasts. It’s chaotic, and cosmopolitan, as capitals usually are.
The Tanjung Puting National Park If you visit, do as the locals do when they need to chill or escape – visit Ancol Dreamland an amusement area featuring water parks, beaches, golf courses, and a SeaWorld. Visit Legian, it is understated, and definitely defines relaxation. Don’t expect the beach to be overly busy! when I say relaxation, it means that about the only thing that will meet your eye at the beach in the evening are fire spinners. If intermingling with locals is on your list, then head to Blue Ocean Beach and join their daily game of football.
The Hanging Church The Italian Embassy Wahashtona campaign and Nefertari’s tomb 110 years ago Nefertari’s tomb was discovered in Luxor. In 1904, the Valley of the Queens became home to a new archaeolical discovery, Nefertari’s tomb, which is one of the most important. Nefertari is one of Egypt’s most famous Queens. To celebrate both her, and the discovery of her tomb the civil aviation ministry and the tourism authority, have made a collaboration with Italian Embassy in order to organise a ceremony.
With only a month and a half to go, announcements are already being made about the re-opening of “The Hanging Church. After spending 13 years unseen and not entered due to restoration the church now is recovered and polished waiting to welcome its visitors mid- October. The minister of antiquities, Mamdouh El-Damati visited the religious compound, also known as Mohamaa Al-Adian last month where he toured different monuments in the area, inspecting them all. During his visit, El-Damati informed the public that there will be no way for anyone to enter the compound unless it is by foot, that way peace and serenity will be offered to those who wish to worship, let alone visit. It wasn’t only the church that needed to be taken care of, but icons belonging to it. They are so delicate that (according to previously leaked information) Russian experts were brought in to collaborate to the renovation. The Hanging Church, which is also referred to as the ‘suspended church’ was built on the southern gate of the Roman Fortress. Where the ruins of the fortress are, is where palm trees and layers of stones were constructed. It was to be used as a fundament. It is a unique church, which was built in the 7th century; it has been under construction on several occasions. Some of the main furnishings date to the 13th century.
The celebration is set to span the course of ten days during October. Starting the 15th and ending on the 25th October. The event will take place in the Valley of Queens, Luxor. Many Italian archaeologists, tour coordinators, media professionals representing Egypt and Italy are meant to attend. There will also be two exhibitions, one held in Luxor Exhibition and the other in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Both dedicated to photography, so even if you do not make the event, you can still enjoy it’s energy afterwards. This event as the Minister of Tourism, Hisham Zaazou made clear, has a significant influence on the cultural branch of this countries great long standing tourism. It also extenuates the fact that there is now strength and safety in the arms of Egypt.
Outbound travel from the UAE to Egypt is escalating, slowly but surely. Holidaymakers are starting to feel calmer and safer about coming to Egypt. Industry experts say that due to the conflict that Egypt has experienced, visitors are bound to be scared. May 2014 saw Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism launch a campaign namely “We miss you” This is in attempt to revive its weak tourism industry. Furthermore, to re-appeal to visitors from the Gulf. The strongest demand from leisure tourists in Europe– especially in destinations like Sharm El Sheikh – revolves around July. However, with the travel bans that have been set (and were compulsory) by many European countries during the year resulted in visitors diverting to safer destinations.
Octobar 2014
Volume 1 Issue 8
قلب القاهرة وأكبر ميادينها.. ميدان التحرير
صالح الدين أبوالليل
لتطلق ا�سم52 ثم جاءت ثورة يوليو... ال�صليب .... التحرير ر�سميا علي امليدان ثم اطلق ا�سم ال�سادات علي امليدان لفرتة طويلة رحم اهلل الزعيم اخلالد بطل احلرب و ال�سالم... رجع ا�سم... و ومعمر م�صر بعد حروبها الطويلة التحرير للميدان بعد رحيل الرئي�س ال�سادات
. ) االخري من املدينة ( املهند�سني و الدقي و اجليزة .. ميدان اخلديو ا�سماعيل.. نرجع تاين للميدان اللي اتغري ا�سمه ايل ميدان اال�سماعيلية يف عهد امللك ف�ؤاد اللي حب يخلد ذكري والده ا�سماعيل با�شا ب�س النا�س اطلقت علي امليدان – �شعبيا – ا�سم.. اللي كانت1919 عل�شان ثورة... ميدان التحرير و �شهد امليدان.. بتنادي بالتحرر من اال�ستعمار و كلنا.. اجزاء من هذه الثورة و امل�سريات الغا�ضبه و عا�ش الهالل مع.. فاكرين �صور الق�سي�س و ال�شيخ
و.. و ا�شهرها طبعا.. هو اكرب ميادين م�صر حاليا دي م�ش مبالغة لو قلنا انه يعترب حاليا اال�شهر علي و ده طبعا م�ؤخرا بعد حدوث ثورة.. م�ستوي العامل .. فيه2011 يناير25 هتف�ضل اهم.. الثورة اللي مهما اختلفنا عليها و االكرث تاثريا يف حياة.. احداث الفرتة اللي فاتت امل�صريني و العرب كمان او ميدان اال�سماعيلية كما اطلق... ميدان التحرير �سموه اال�سماعيلية ن�سبة ايل.. عليه عند ان�شاءه و اللي غرامه بباري�س خاله امر.. اخلديوي ا�سماعيل زيه زي ميادين.. بان يكون امليدان اللي هيحمل ا�سمه �شارل ديجول و ال�شانزليزيه يف العا�صمة الفرن�سية .. باري�س امليدان اللي كان زمان يعترب نهاية القاهرة القاهرة اخلديوية اللي عملها اخلديوي ا�سماعيل بعد و بعد ان مت االتفاق مع.. 1867 عودته من فرن�سا �سنة " هو�سمان " خمطط باري�س علي ان يقوم بتخطيط .. و كانت البداية من امليدان.. ال�ضاحية اجلديدة و الرابط بني ثكنات.. " " ميدان اخلديو ا�سماعيل اجلي�ش علي النيل و ق�صور امللوك و االمراء و العائلة اللي.. مقر احلكم.. و ق�صر عابدين.. املالكة عرابي وقف قدامه اثناء ثورته ال�شهرية . ) ( الحظوا مو�ضوع الثورة ده ميدان اخلديو ا�سماعيل كان نقطة التقاء اهم �شوارع .. �شارع الق�صر العيني.. ) و�سط البلد ( و مازال و كمان الطريق.. طلعت حرب.. رم�سي�س.. اجلالء يعني االجتاه ايل ال�ضفه.. ايل كوبري ق�صر النيل
The potato eaters, 1885 Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) Oil on Canvas, 82 X 114 cm Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation) Van Gogh deliberately chose a composition which would challenge his growing prowess as a painter. And like the French master Jean-François Millet, Van Gogh wanted to be a true “peasant painter.”
I am a warrior ! I don’t need a helmet nor do I need a sword, Time is all I need and with time I am never bored. Planning, thinking to be always a step ahead, I even solve issues sleeping in my bed. I’m strong as iron, with a heart of a kid, I’ve got plenty of scars, but they’re all hid. My laugh is mighty loud, but my fear is deep, Don’t try to understand me I am a bit steep.
I’ve heard a lot of tales but I made even more, I’ve killed thousands and bathed in their blood shore. Dare now approach me and you will see, Something life made me become and be. Alone I live! Alone I’ll stay, “I” is the only person I would obey. In God I believe, in God I trust, To be a true warrior; faith is a must.
by Magdy M. Wahba (poet, actor and model) www.facebook.com/Magdy.M.Wahba
We are going to ask you a series of questions, if you answer yes to most of them then… Oh look, the interrogation has started! Do you play a musical instrument, sing or have a band? Are you a DJ, do you spin, mix, scratch or whatever the words are that the kids are using these days? Have you got the gift of the gab, more importantly; would like to present a radio show? Do you have a demo lying around that messy room of yours that you’d like for others to hear? We can give you that opportunity! If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions then your rightful place is with us on I am Cairo’s Radio! SEND US ANYTHING YOU THINK WE ARE MISSING OUT ON BY NOT LISTENING TO. Contact us by using our City News Facebook inbox or email: myanne.brealey@iamcairo.com
Octobar 2014
Volume 1 Issue 9
How to manage diversity effectively
is intentional and deliberate. Overt discrimination is not only unethical but also illegal.
Moustafa Amr@Moustafa_Amr. 10h.
البد _نتفارق# نحكي ما تسمعنا نشكى تبكينا.. والدنيا تجمعنا وفلحظة ترمينا Reply
Elissa@elissakh.4h. No matter how long it takes, If you keep moving, One step at a time, You will reach the finish line...”good morning lovers Reply
Mohamed Salah@22mosalah
· Sep 2
Off to Senegal omargaber66 @alyghazal66 salehgomaa @mkahraba _amrgamal instagram.com/p/scQ3qTkFUG/ Reply Retweet More Favorite
Mai Selim@Mai_Selim · 24h ميهمنيش.. عايش ليا وعايشة انا ليك شارى غرامى وقلبى شاريك.. طول ما ايديا فى حضن ايديك http://fb.me/3Fs1htAxZ
Aljassmi @حسين الجسمي7sainaljassmi · 14h فإن.. فبينما قد يقضى البعض عُمره في انتظار صدفة لن تأتي.. الفرق بين “الفرصة” و”الصدفة” كبير البعض اآلخر يقرر أن يصنع الفرصة بنفسه Reply
First of all, we would like to explain the meaning of diversity which is one of the most important management issues to emerge over the last 30 years in the workforce. Diversity is dissimilaritiesdifferences-among people due age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, education, experience, physical appearance, capabilities/ disabilities, and any other characteristics that is used to distinguish between people. The workforce and the organizational environment are increasingly diverse, and effectively managing this diversity is an essential component of management. In each of their managerial roles, managers can encourage the effective management of diversity, which is both an ethical and a business imperative.
حفل كايروكي وحفله الشهرى بساقية الصاوي سبتمبر15 االثنين م6:00 الساعة قاعة النهر
Diversity raises important ethical issues and social responsibility issues. It is also a critical issue for organizations, one that if not handle well can bring an organization to its knees, especially in our increasingly global environment. There are several reasons why diversity is such a pressing concern and issue both in the popular press and managers and organizations.
Various kinds of barriers arise to managing diversity effectively in organizations. Some barriers have their origins in the person doing the perceiving; some, in the information and schemas that have built up over time concerning the person being perceived. To overcome these barriers and effectively manage diversity, managers (and other organizational members) must possess or develop certain attitudes and values and the skills needed to change other people’s attitudes and values. Perception is the process through which people select, organize, and interrupt sensory input to give meaning and order to the world around them. It is inherently subjective. Schemas (an abstract knowledge structure that is stored in memory and makes possible the interpretation and organization of information about a person, event, or situation) guide perception; when schemas are based on a single visible characteristic such as race or gender, they are stereotypes and highly inaccurate, leading to unfair treatment. Unfair treatment also can result from biases and overt discrimination or knowingly and willingly denying diverse individuals access to opportunities and outcomes in an organization,
Steps in managing Diversity Effectively Managers can take a number of steps to change attitudes and values and promote the effective management of diversity. Here, we describe these steps according to the Institute of Certified Professional Managers as follows: • Secure top management commitment. • ncrease the accuracy of perceptions. • Increase diversity awareness. • Increase diversity skills. • Encourage understanding and flexibility. • Pay close attention to how employees are evaluated. • Consider the numbers. • Empower employees to challenge discriminatory behaviors, actions, and remarks. • Reward employees for effectively managing diversity. • Provide training utilizing a multipronged, ongoing approach. • Encourage mentoring of diverse employees. • Hence, in each of their managerial roles, managers can either promote the effective management of diversity or derail such efforts; thus they are critical to this process. For example, in their interpersonal roles, managers can convey that the effective management of diversity is a valued goal and objective (figurehead role), can serve as a role model and institute policies and procedures to ensure that diverse organizational members are treated fairly (leader role), and can enable diverse individuals and groups to coordinate their efforts and cooperate with each other both inside the organization and at the organization’s boundaries (liaison role).
مايون مؤسس شركة علي بابا يصبح أغنى رجل في الصينThe Work/Life Balance Myth و�أ�شار “يل يوجي” لدى معهد الأبحاث “ار ات�ش بي” �أن ثروة “ما” قد ت�شهد املزيد من االرتفاع مبجرد بدء تداول �أ�سهم �أكرب �شركة �صينية للتجارة .الإلكرتونية و�أعلنت “علي بابا” م�ساء �أم�س الأربعاء زيادة �أرباحها يف الربع الأول حوايل ثالثة �أ�ضعاف �إىل �إىل%46 بينما ارتفعت الإيرادات، مليار دوالر1.99 . مليار دوالر2.54
عرب الإنرتنت املنف�صلة “علي بابا” التي مل تكن .تدخل من قبل يف ح�ساب �صايف ثروته مليار دوالر عن “ما5.5 وتزيد ثروة “ما” مبقدار هواتينج” م�ؤ�س�س �أكرب �شركة �إنرتنت يف ال�صني من ويف املرتبة الثالثة،”حيث القيمة ال�سوقية “تن�سنت من بني �أثرياء الدولة �صاحبة ثاين �أكرب اقت�صاد يف العامل جاء “روبن يل” م�ؤ�س�س حمرك البحث على .”الإنرتنت “بايدو ”ومن املتوقع �أن ت�صل القيمة ال�سوقية لـ “على بابا – التي تخطط لبيع �أ�سهمها يف بور�صة نيويورك وفقا لتقدير، مليار دوالر154 – ال�شهر القادم .”حمللي “بلومربج ولكن بعد، يف ال�شركة%8.8 وميتلك “ما” بالفعل ت�سيطر عليها م�ؤ�س�سته اخلريية%1.5 خ�صم ح�صة تبلغ قيمة ن�صيبه يف ال�شركة حوايل،”“�سيم �آ�سيا . مليار دوالر11.3
1 Hour Free Video Training With Bonus Offer!
بلغ �صايف ثروة م�ؤ�س�س ورئي�س جمل�س �إدارة “علي – عام ًا49– ”بابا جروب هولدينج” “جاك ما ” وفق ًا لبيانات م�ؤ�شر “بلومربج، مليار دوالر21.8 .للمليارديرات يف �أكرب �شركة �صينية%7.3 وميتلك “ما” ح�صة للتجارة الإلكرتونية والتي ت�ستعد ملا قد ي�صبح �أكرب وت�شمل،اكتتاب عام �أويل يف تاريخ الواليات املتحدة يف خدمة املدفوعات%50 �أ�صوله �أي�ض ًا حوايل ح�صة
If you take a look at your life to evaluate what you’ve accomplished, would you be proud of the life you’ve lived so far? So many people claim that they are too busy at work that they can’t find time and energy to do what they want in life. You wish to find a secret formula to balance life and work. You wish to live a bigger life and broaden your experiences, but you are totally stressed and out of balance. When you turn to experts for a work/ life balance advice, you usually get this answer:
“You must learn how separate work from life”
scan to visit us
For me this is B.S. The legendary Steve Jobs of Apple said, “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” So the advice of separating work from life is not practical and is pure nonsense. Here’s the secret...
Mohamed Tohami
Egypt’s #1 motivation expert Author of Perk Up Your Profits
You must live an integrated life Everything you do should be an integral part of your passion, personality and lifestyle. This way your work will give you positive energy that extends to other areas of your life. And when you live and work with passion, you live an integrated life that you don’t want to separate its parts. Think integration, not separation! When you do work you love and have a great cause to live for, your life becomes integrated. Work becomes part of your life and your life becomes part of your work. Everything you do has its role in the bigger meaning and purpose of your life. That’s the real balance. Oh, sorry! I mean integration.
Volume 1 Issue 9
لقاء القمة في السوبر المصري 14سبتمبر
يوا�صل الأهلى والزمالك ا�ستعداداتهما فى الفرتة احلالية خلو�ض مباراة ال�سوبر امل�صرى واملقرر اقامتها يف � 14سبتمرب املقبل فى افتتاح املو�سم الكورى اجلديد. وك�أ�س ال�سوبر امل�صري هي بطولة �سوبر م�صرية يف كرة قدم جترى �سنو ًيا ،تقام بني بطل الدوري امل�صري املمتاز والفائز بك�أ�س م�صر . وقد وافقت اجلهات الأمنية على �إقامة ال�سوبر امل�صري بني الأهلي والزمالك يف ملعب ا�ستاد القاهرة دون حتديد موقف احل�ضور اجلماهريي. وكان م�س�ؤولو االحتاد امل�صري لكرة القدم قد اجتمعوا مع م�س�ؤويل الداخلية من عر�ض ت�صور املو�سم اجلديد و�أخذ املوافقات الأمنية الالزمة. و�أ�شار ح�سن فريد نائب رئي�س االحتاد يف ت�صريحات لل�صحفيني �أن الداخلية وافقت على موعد ال�سوبر 14 �سبتمرب املقبل". وتابع "املباراة تقام مبلعب ا�ستاد القاهرة بعد موافقة الأمن لكن مل يتحدد بعد موقف احل�ضور اجلماهريي للمباراة" حتى الآن. ا�ستعدادات الفريقني للقاء املرتقب : ومن املقرر �أن يخو�ض الأهلي مباراة ال�سوبر امل�صري قبل اال�ستعداد ملالقاة القطن الكامريوين يف قبل نهائي الكونفدرالية. حيث �أكد �أحمد �أيوب املدرب العام للفريق الأول لكرة القدم بالنادي الأهلي جدية ا�ستعدادات فريقه ملواجهة الزمالك يف ال�سوبر امل�صري وف ًقا للموعد املحدد له يوم � 14سبتمرب ومباراة القطن الكامريوين
Octobar 2014
Lionel Messi, David Luiz, Sergio Aguero, and Robin van Persie given street art makeover
illustrator Ricardo AKN, Spain-based visual artist Zosen, Merijn Hos from the Netherlands and Argentine street artist Ever.
يوم 20بال�شهر ذاته يف البطولة الكونفيدرالية. �أ�ضاف �أيوب :ن�سعى لتجهيز العبي الأهلي للمرحلة املقبلة خا�صة و�أننا ن�سعى لتحقيق نتيجة �إيجابية يف مباراة الذهاب �أمام القطن الكامريوين قبل لقاء العودة بالقاهرة .
“Using street art over the stark black and white photos of these footballing icons
�أ�ضاف :اال�ستعداد ملباراتي الزمالك والقطن "واحدة" �سواء �أقيم لقاء ال�سوبر يف موعده �أو مل يقم خا�صة و�أنه ال توجد �أي خطابات ر�سمية ت�ؤكد �إقامة املباراة يف املوعد املحدد له م�سب ًقا.
وقام نادي الزمالك باجراء بع�ض التعديالت يف �صفوفه قبل موقعة ال�سوبر بعد تدعيمه بال�صفقات اجلديدة ونف�س الأمر بالن�سبة للأهلي وهو ما يزيد من �صعوبة اللقاء.
In light of it being the end of the Premiere League’s first month, we would like to showcase six of its predominant players. A celebration of: street art, artists, the players, the game and the campaign. Earlier this year, these six stars posed for Pepsi Max as part of their 2014 “The Art of Football” campaign. Barcelona’s Lionel Messi, Real Madris’s Sergio Ramos and those considered to be the “Premiere league quartet” Robin van Persie, David Luiz, Sergio Aguerond and Jack Wilshere.
و�أو�ضح مدرب الأهلي �أن اجلهاز الفني للأهلي بد�أ يف درا�سة فريقي الزمالك والقطن من �أجل اال�ستعداد اجليد لهما طم ًعا يف حتقيق الفوز. وذكر �أيوب �أن اجلهاز الفني للأهلي ال يخ�شى من الإ�صابات يف املباريات الودية املرتقبة �أمام بلدية املحلة والإنتاج احلربي يومي 3ـ � 6سبتمرب خا�صة و�أن خو�ض وديات �أمر مطلوب جدا قبل املباريات الر�سمية نظ ًرا لرغبة اجلهاز الفني يف جتهيز الالعبني بالإ�ضافة �إىل �أن الإ�صابات �أمر وارد جدا قبل خو�ض �أول مباراة ر�سمية بعدد 14يوما.
City Sports
Marwa Nagy Opera House on Thursday, September 18, 2014 at 9:00 PM.
ي�سعى اجلهاز الفني للفريق بقيادة ح�سام ح�سن ال�ستغالل املبارايات الودية يف جتهيز جميع الالعبني للقاء ويدخل الزمالك مع�سكر ًا مغلق ًا
Each member of that elite sextet worked with an emerging artist from their home country to create the pieces. Artists include the UK’s professional doodle bomber, Hattie Stewart, Argentinean urban artist Jaz, Brazilian creates a striking image,” said Lazarides. Steve Lazarist a street art pioneer who co-hosted the first unveiling of this inspired collection said that “this project provided these artists with the perfect opportunity to showcase their unique ”styles to a global audience. It is truly remarkable how these artists fused many worlds into a 10 foot by 10 foot campus. The ways in which this collection was done takes you into a journey of another kind. Innovative, representative, elegant, striking.
ذهبيتان لمصر Official: Ahmed Fathi signs for Qatari فــــي اولمــبياد side Umm Salal from Al Ahly
الشباب بالصين
حققت م�صر ذهبيتان يف الأثقال وال�سباحة .. �سارة �سمري بطلة رفع االثقال حت�صد اول ذهبية باوملبياد ال�صني وزن ال 62ك وت�سعي حاليا لك�سر الرقم القيا�سي العاملي
Ahmed Fathi at the press conference .. and No. 24 Shirt Umm Salal April, as well as from Nottingham Forest in England previously.
احمد اكرم بطل ال�سباحة ا�ستطاع ال�سباح امل�صري احمد اكرم حتقيق امليدالية الذهبية باوملبياد ال�شباب بال�صني يف مناف�سات 800مرت بزمن 7.54دقيقة . وح�صد عبد اهلل حامت العب منتخب امل�صارعة، امليدالية الربونزية اخلام�سة للبعثة امل�صرية يف اوليمبياد ال�شباب بال�صني يف مناف�سات وزن 100- كجم حرة بعد تغلبه علي العب طاجيك�ستان ,1-12 وذلك عقب خ�سارة العبة منتخب امل�صارعة امل�صرية 'حبيبة طارق' الربونزيه �أم�س �أمام نظريتها اليابانية يف وزن 52كجم بنتيجة '.'0-4 وكانت البعثة امل�صريه ،قد فازت ب�سبع ميداليات متنوعة منها اربع ميداليات برونزية قبل ميدالية عبد اهلل حامت ،التي رفعت ر�صيد م�صر ايل 8 ميداليات:ذهبيتان وف�ضية و 5برونزيات.
He chose to resume his football career in the Qatar Stars League however, where he will wear the number 24 as he did with Al Ahly, and joins recent signings Tuncay Sanlı of Turkey and former Arsenal striker Jérémie Aliadière. Wael Gomaa, Al Ahly’s director of football has recently declared that negotiations with Ahmed Fathi were over, saying: ]“We will not beg him [Ahmed Fathi to renew.”Nevertheless, Ahmed Fathi maintains a respectable relationship with Al Ahly’s officials, following a seven-year spell with the Red Devils.
Ahmed Fathi has signed a three-year contract with Umm Salal on a free transfer from Al Ahly, the Qatari club confirmed on Twitter. Egypt international Ahmed Fathi has joined Qatari side Umm Salal on a threeyear contract, reportedly worth $3 million (21.45 million EGP). The 29-year-old right-back has had various offers since his return from London, following an unsuccessful trial at Arsenal. The Cairo giants did offer Fathi a contract renewal, and he also had offers from Saudi Arabian Club Ittihad Jeddah, who had started negotiations with him in
City Youth
الطــاقة اإليجابية وطرق إكتسابها
Octobar 2014
Volume 1 Issue 9
AFCA arts and culture organisation in Egypt
شيماء مصطفى.د
�إن اجلميع يحتاج �إىل الطاقة الإيجابية ونحتاج اىل اكت�سابها و�أنها تتواجد وتزيد بالإهتمام ومعظمنا ي�سلك الطريق اخلاطئ يف جلب هذه الطاقة من خالل �سرقتها من الآخرين فهي موجودة حولنا وميكن �أن نكت�سبها وهناك �أربع م�صادر للطاقة الإيجابية وهي اهلل عز وجل و�آياته يف الكتب ال�سـماوية – الكون من حولنا من ف�ضاء وكواكب وليل ونهار – الطبيعة من ا�شجار وزهور وبحار و�صحراء – احلب املطلق وهو قوة عظيمة لإيجاد الطاقة الإيجابية وهذه القوة العظيمة تتدفق يف وجود م�شاعر احلب ويجب ان نقول �أن احلب لي�سى املعنى ال�سائد من التعلق املر�ضي والتملك وما�شابه ذلك ولكن ان الذي نق�صده باحلب املطلق هو (احلب. غري امل�شروط)انك حني تر�سل طاقة حب اىل اهلل �أو الكون �أو الطبيعة �أو الآخرين �أو �شخ�ص معني ت�أكد . بان ذلك يعود اليك بطاقة م�ضاعفة ملاذا ن�شعر ب�ضيق وحالة �سيئة: ولن�س�أل �أنف�سنا وبراحة يف مكان �آخر؟ وملاذا ن�شعر، يف مكان ما ، باحلاجة �إىل �إجراء بع�ض التغيريات يف املكان و�إعادة توزيع الأ�شياء حولنا لكي نح�صل على راحة �أكرب ؟ وملاذا ن�شعر بال�سالم والطم�أنينة �إذا ما دخلنا �أحد �أبنية العبادة؟ هذا كله يرتبط بطاقتنا والطاقة املنبعثة من كل �شيء ومدى توافق هذه الطاقات وان�سجامها مع.حولنا .بع�ضها البع�ض �أو عدمه ، والذي ي�شرح ذلك هو علم طاقة املكان والإن�سان ،�أو " الفاجن �شواى" وهي كلمة من �أ�صل �صيني قدمي ويعود ذلك العلم �إىل �آالف،وتعني حرفيا رياح وماء ال�سنني وقد ا�ستخدم كثريا يف هند�سة وت�صميم ،البيوت عند العرب القدماء وحتى ع�صرنا هذا ببع�ض من الوعي �أحيانا وكثري من العفوية والفطرة . �سواء كان داخل البيوت �أو خارجها،�أحيانا �أخرى الطاقة موجودة يف كل �شيء حولنا وهي �إما �إيجابية حتى الكلمات التي نتكلمها تبعث طاقة، و�إما �سلبية وبناء على ذلك اجته العلماء للبحث عن م�صادر، وقد اكت�شف العلماء، الطاقة االيجابية وال�سلبية حينها �أن �أكرب طاقة ايجابية موجودة يف الكتب . ال�سماوية من%90 وبالن�سبة للإن�سان الذي يتكون ج�سمه من . ال�سوائل وجدوا �أنه يت�أثر بتلك الطاقة �أي�ضا والكلمات امل�شجعة ترفع،فالكلمة الطيبة واالبت�سامة وت�شجع االن�سان على مزيد من،من الروح املعنوية كما �أنها تقوي، وحتيي الأمل يف النف�س،االجنازات ، بعك�س الكلمات املحبطة.اجلهاز املناعي للإن�سان فالكلمة قد تهدم وقد تبني وت�شجع على وجود الطاقة . الإيجابية
AFCA arts and culture is an independent organization that believes that the arts should be an essential component of education for the Egyptian child. The activities offered by them are intended to develop the use of language, in essence French, English and Arabic. They aim to encourage creativity within children individually, therefore using it as a means to develop personal skills. As stated on their website, since AFCA’s inception in 2004, it has adopted the methodology of education through arts in all its activities. They believe in its effectiveness as a tool to assimilate
Act to impact
general knowledge and to enhance their language skills. “We also believe that children should enjoy the process of learning, find ways to express themselves creatively and explore their natural artistry and develop it.” Clubs vary, from the performing arts, to visual arts and cinema, then you’ve got cooking and gardening. The only aspect that they share, is that at the end of every club the children carry out a performance. According to information previously published by the AFCA they have started a project, namely ‘Hope
exquisite experience. There are a number of fields that you can work in including: Entrepreneurial: Working with an NGO that tackles issues like business development and economic growth. Culture Education: Teaching Basic English, Mathematics, or Science to kindergarten children, high school or university students. Health: Taking part in raising awareness campaigns about HIV/AIDS or Malaria. Your choice of countries: Brazil, India, Malaysia, Turkey, China, Russia Ukraine.
Main source: AIESEC Cairo University You’ve heard of AIESEC before, the global youth network? Its an organization which prides itself on impacting the entire world by providing individuals with activites and experiences; all of which relate to leadership development. AIESEC Cairo University brings you the ‘Winter Exchange.’ This is to give you the opportunity to become a Global
Citizen. AIESEC is offering you what you need to be the change you want to see in the world. This change comes in different forms; through developing your personal, professional and leadership skills, you can change the people around you and those who are of completely different cultures and backgrounds. Also, exploring the difference of cultures in the country your internship is part of the
AIESEC is a global, non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of institutions of higher education. Our members are interested in world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion, national, ethnic or social origin.
Tomorrow’ which is a multidisciplinary theatre performance by children from underprivileged areas who express their stories and struggles in daily life as well as the impact of the revolution on their lives through dancing, singing and acting. The performance is the output of a workshop conducted by Mohamed El Ghawy.
The performance has also received the contribution of the renowned poet Bahaa Jaheen and the peot Diaa Al Rahman. This project has been produced by AFCA for Arts and Culture, in collaboration with Alwan w Awtar Association, Tawasol Association and El Thawra Experimental school, and with the support of the British Council.
Volume 1 Issue 9
Octobar 2014
Latest in car prices, Egypt 2014. A variety of the newest brands and models.
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Manual / full option
Speranza M12 2014
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Brilliance FRV 2014
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Emgrand EC 7 2014
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Brilliance FSV 2014
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Manual GL
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Proton Saga 2014
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Renault Sandero 2014
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Manual / step way
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97,000 EGP
97,000 EGP
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City Cars
جاجور الندروفر تبتكر عائلة المحركات الجديدة ingenium
Faw Vita 2014 Renault Logan 2014
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طورت چاجوار الندروڤر عائلتها اجلديدة من حمركات البنزين والديزل التي تت�سم بتطورها التقني وانخفا�ض االحتكاك ،والأداء الفائق وذلك لتلبية الطلب املتزايد من قبل العمالء علي خف�ض ا�ستهالك الوقود وتكلفة التم ّلك دون امل�ساومة علي �أداء وجتربة ال�سائق..وقد اعتمد مهند�سو املحركات يف من�ش�أتي التطوير وايتلي وجايدون التابعتني لچاجوار الندروڤر يف ت�صميم حمركات الديزل والبنزين من Ingeniumعلي قوالب �أملنيوم قوية و�صغرية للغاية. وتت�شارك هذه القوالب ذات الوزن اخلفيف نف�س التجويف ،والأ�شواط ،وامل�سافة بني الأ�سطوانات ،و�سعة الأ�سطوانات البالغة � 500سنتيمرت مكعب .وي�ساعد ذلك علي �إك�ساب حمرك Ingeniumاملرونة وقابلية التعديل ،مما يتيح تطوير املحركات الأ�صغر �أو الأكرب حجم ًا ب�سرعة وكفاءة لتلبية املتطلبات التنظيمية والتناف�سية يف امل�ستقبل.ولدعم عملية تطوير هذه التكنولوجيا امل�ستقبلية يف عامل املحركات ،مبا يف ذلك عائلة Ingeniumاجلديدة ،ا�ستثمرت جاجوار الندروڤر 40مليون جنيه �إ�سرتليني لتو�سيع وتعزيز من�ش�أة هند�سة املحركات يف مركز وايتلي التقني التابع لها.
و�سيتم جتهيز جميع فئات الديزل والبنزين من حمركات Ingeniumب�شواحن توربينية متطورة ت�سهم يف حت�سني الأداء ،وخا�صة عند ال�سرعات املنخف�ضة ،مما ي�ساعد علي احلد من ا�ستهالك الوقود وانبعاثات غاز ثاين �أك�سيد الكربون. كما يتيح ت�صميم Ingeniumالقيا�سي للمحركات من فئتي البنزين والديزل ا�ستخدام العديد من املكونات الداخلية وا�سرتاتيچيات املعايرة نف�سها. وي�سهم ذلك يف احلد من التعقيد ،وزيادة اجلودة، وتب�سيط عملية الت�صنيع ،كما ي�سمح لچاجوار الندروڤر باال�ستجابة ب�صورة �سريعة �أكرث مع تغريات الطلب العاملي.
Octobar 2014
Volume 1 Issue 9
70 %
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Octobar 2014
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Volume 1 Issue 9
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