City News | volume 1 issue 6

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LE 5 Volume 1 Issue 6

Egypt, June 2014 by Luuk de Waardt Taking a walk on Stanley Bridge, Alexandria, is a must. Although it is a relatively new bridge, built a decade or so ago so not part of the historic architecture of the city, it is still considered a landmark. Stanley Bridge has four towers, modeled to compliment the Islamic design of the royal palace in Montaza. Many fishermen line up on the bridge, patiently waiting for their catch of the day. In the evenings, many brides and grooms take their wedding photographs on the iconic bridge. The bridge was built to enlarge the corniche since a narrow two-way road was causing too much traffic in the area. Below the bridge is Stanley Bay, a beach with cabins. Instead of destroying this popular beach, the then governor of Alexandria decided it was best to create a 400 meter bridge out on the Mediterranean sea. The two towers on the side of the sea have a small opening that looks out onto the water below. Stanley Bridge is an important development to the Alexandrian seafront, creating an easier flow of traffic and smoothly connecting commuters to the other side of Alexandria. But Stanley Bridge is not just a convenience for commuters, it’s also a beautiful landmark offering many recreational activities that Egyptians are quite fond of.

City Life

June 2014

‫األدب النسوي والثقافة‬

‫وال ميكن القول ب�سيادة هذا التوجه فى هذه املنطقة‬ ‫ �إذ �أن رد املنتج الأدبى �إىل م�صدره الأنثوى قد يبتعد‬، ‫ ليقدم الأنثوية فى‬، ‫عن هذه الروح املتمردة الثائرة‬ ‫ فى تكوينها البيولوجى الذى يكاد‬: ‫ �أى‬، ‫حالتها املحايدة‬ ‫ينح�صر فى اجل�سد وجتلياته الإبداعية عندما يتحول‬ ‫ كل ع�ضو فيه ميثل حرفا يدخل فى‬، ‫�إىل �أبجدية بليغة‬ ‫ وكل ع�ضو مع ما يجاوره ي�شكل كلمة‬، ‫ت�شكيل جملة‬ ‫ وعندها ت�صبح املنظومة‬، ‫فى فقرة �أو دفقة جمالية‬ ‫اجل�سدية ن�ص ًا �أدبي ًا له فرادته وخ�صو�صيته النوعية‬ .‫الفارقة‬ ، ‫و�إذا كان املوقعان ال�سابقان قدما الأنثى املتمردة‬ ‫ ف�إن املنطقة الأوىل تت�سع ملوقع ثالث‬، ‫والأنثى املحايدة‬ )‫ تقوم فيه املر�أة ب�إنتاج ما ن�سميه (الأنثى الثقافية‬، ‫ونعنى بذلك الأنثى التى �شكلتها الثقافة بكل �أبعادها‬ ‫ حيث تتدخل فى هذا الت�شكيل العادات‬،‫املادية والروحية‬ ‫ �أى �أن‬، ‫ والتن�شئة البيئية والأ�سرية‬، ‫والتقاليد والأعراف‬ ‫الأنثى على هذا النحو ميكن �أن تكون منتج ًا اجتماعيا‬ ‫ وفى هذا ال�سياق ي�صمت‬، ‫قاب ًال للإ�ضافة واحلذف‬ ، ‫ ويتال�شى �صوتها البيولوجى‬، ‫�صوت الأنثى املتمردة‬ .‫ويعلو �صوتها الثقافى مبخزونة الرتاكمى‬

‫ محمد عبد المطلب‬.‫د‬ ‫أستاذ اللغة العربية‬ ‫والعميد األسبق لكلية األداب جامعة عين شمس‬

، ‫وتقت�ضى هذه الإنارة �أن نحدد موقف املر�أة من الأدب‬ ‫ وفى ت�صورنا �أن هذه العالقة ت�ستح�ضر‬، ‫�أو عالقتها به‬ ‫ثالث مناطق مركزية ميكن �أن حتل فيها املر�أة لت�شكل‬ ‫ على �أن يكون – فى الوعى – �أن‬،‫عالقتها بالأدب‬ ‫هناك تكامال بني هذه املناطق ي�صل �أحيان ًا �إىل درجة‬ .‫التوحد‬ ‫ هى التى حتتلها املر�أة بو�صفها منتجة‬: ‫واملنطقة الأوىل‬ ‫ وفيها نالحظ كيف �أن املنتج قد يكون‬،‫للن�ص الأدبى‬ ‫م�سبع ًا بروح الثورة والتمرد على ال�سلطة الذكورية بكل‬ ‫ ومن ثم ينحاز الن�ص �إىل الظواهر‬.‫عمقها الزمنى‬ ‫ ومقارنتها بالظواهر ال�سالبة‬،‫الإيجابية فى الأنثى‬ ،‫ فى حماولة لإعالء الأوىل على الثانى‬.‫فى الذكر‬ ‫ فيها كثري‬، ‫وحتويل هذا الإعالء �إىل �سردية منحازة‬ ‫ لأنها تعتمد ردود الأفعال �أكرث‬، ‫من اخل�شونة والق�سوة‬ .‫من الأفعال‬

Volume 1 Issue 6

I am Cairo, We are Cairo, You are Cairo

‫دار األوبرا المصرية‬

2014 ‫ مايو‬22 ‫الخميس الموافق‬ ‫الساعة الثامنة مساءا‬ ‫المسرح الكبير‬ ‫الجزيرة‬, ‫بدار األوبرا المصرية‬ ‫ القاهرة‬, ‫الزمالك‬,

GeneralWeather info forecast Thurs, 22

Fri, 23

Sat, 24

Sun, 25,

Mon, 26

Tue, 27

Wed, 28

Thurs, 29

Fri, 30

Sat, 31











34°C - 23°C

36°C - 24°C

39°C - 25°C

37°C - 24°C

37°C - 24°C

34° C - 22° C 35° C - 22° C

35°C - 23°C

Local time UTC/GMT offset


Airports Dialing codes Population


33° C - 22 °C 33 ° C - 24 °C

Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +2 hours Time zone abbreviation: EET - Eastern European Time No daylight saving time in 2013 Official language: Standard Arabic National and spoken language: Egyptian Arabic Frequently used languages: English & French

Believe in Yourself

This is an invitation to inspire you to get up and work We must learn everything about money and success every day. My advice is to never be shy from the work you do but confidently create your product or service, build a business, give it all your energy and work hard to make it happen and more importantly never quit no matter what! Then be patient and wait for success. Did you know that 85 percent of millionaires are self-made? Every millionaire or successful businessman launched their own ideas and implemented them. Who’s launching ideas now? Your job or kind of work can make you happy and you will be satisfied but that is in your own hands. You are the one to decide whether your job is moving you forward or pushing you back. Don’t waste time looking forward to being better. Go ahead with your ideas, get rich quickly and imagine the change in Egypt.

2006 Statistics: 9 million Cairo-Helwan: 17.8 million

Friday & Saturday


Egyptian Pound (EGP) or Livre Egyptienne (LE)

Exchange rates

1 USD = 7,11 EGP 1 GBP = 11,97 EGP 1 EUR = 9,75 EGP

Useful numbers

Police: 122 Ambulance: 123 Fire Emergency: 180

Egypt electrical outlet

We are the results of our thoughts and actions. Failure is not a loss, it is a mindset, and you will never fail if you never give up. You can be anything if you just decide. Everyone must decide what they want and go after it with everything they have got. Enough with the excuses and don’t let anyone tell you what to do; where focus goes energy flows! You must love what you do and then success will follow naturally.

+20 2


220 V,50 Hz, Type C Electrical Outlet

Employer’s 2014 – Ramadan biggest corporate team building football tournament, Our Wedding Carnival Season Two and Capoeirah the first Brazilian World Cup lounge, read more about these events in this issue.

Beside our focus on the Travel and Tourism sector and interesting articles in City Life Everywhere, we have in this issue some nice new topics regarding events ‘Cairo Walk of Fame’ and a spot on the upcoming FIFA World Cup Football in Brazil.

We hope you enjoy reading our innovative Newspaper and happy to have your feedback. You are welcome to sent your ideas, upcoming events or other topics to my personal email.

Almost running into the summer season and Ramadan, I am Cairo is sponsoring some nice upcoming events like; The

CEO & Founder International Publisher & Media Consultant

Luuk de Waardt

Amr Mustafa Business Developer

Cairo International Airport

Islam: 90% Coptic & Christian: 10%

With pleasure we present you our recent issue of City News. City News discusses various interesting topics in several categories such as tourism, art, culture, life style, sports technology, science and other contemporary issues.

Don’t Stop CEBC Special Event Believing

Believe in Your Goals

“‫حفل “كوكب الشرق‬


Us We Lazq/ Ashara Gharby Thursday, May 22

at 9:00pm to M ay 23 at 3:00am Cairo Jazz Club

197, 26th July St., Agouza,

Giza, Egypt, Ca iro,

Egypt, 12654

The Canada Egypt Business Council (CEBC) and the Egyptian Council for Sustained Development (ECSD) hosted on 16th April, 2014 a special event and panel discussion featuring Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment H.E. Mounir Abdel Nour, Eng. Motaz Raslan, Chairman of CEBC and Dr. Sherif El Gabaly, Chairman of the Committee of Exporters, FEDCOC and the Chamber of Chemical Industries, moderated the discussion, which focused on the challenges and opportunities pertaining

to industries, the investment environment, and promising sectors. Over 300 notable attendees were present at the event. The attendees were ministers, ambassadors, CEBC and ECSD members and guests, among whom was former head of the Constitution-Amending Committee Amr Moussa, Cairo Governor Dr. Galal Saeed, former ministers Hassan Younes, Hany Helal and Osama Heikal. Also present were ambassadors of Canada and Italy, among others.

City Life

June 2014

Volume 1 Issue 6


Understanding Diabetes

by Wadeea Azmy Photography

‫حفل الشاب خالد فى بورتو كايرو‬ ‫اقامة جمموعة عامر جروب بتعاون مع موبنيل احلفل ال�ضخم الذى اقيم داخل‬ ‫"بورتو كايرو"و�سط ح�ضور عدد كبريا من ال�شخ�صيات العامة حيث يعترب هذا‬ ‫ و�شهد احلفل جتهيزات‬.‫ �سنوات‬6 ‫احلفل هو الأول لل�شاب خالد فى م�صر منذ‬ ‫بدا احلفل بنجم‬،‫خا�صة تتنا�سب مع وجود النجم ال�شاب خالد فى م�صر‬ ‫الفايرورك احمد ع�صام الذى ابهر احل�ضور حتت ا�شرف املنظم وليد من�صور‬ ‫ يذكر �أن‬.‫والذى قدم حملة دعاية هائلة للحفل فى جميع �شوارع وميادين م�صر‬ ‫ وكان �أول كليب‬.‫ال�شاب خالد و�صل القاهرة اخلمي�س وقام بجولة فى القاهرة‬ ‫ والتى كان بها م�شاهد‬،‫�صوره خالد عن �أغنية "دى دى"الذى ا�شتهربها فى م�صر‬ ‫ وهذا ما كان يعترب من املحظورات فى الثقافة‬،‫ملوديلز ترق�ص مبالب�س مثرية‬ ‫ وهذا ما جعل الكليب املفجر الأول لثورة فى �صناعة الكليبات‬،‫العربية والإ�سالمية‬ ‫ وكان هذا الألبوم ال�سبب قى �شهرته كنجم‬.‫والأغانى فى العامل العربى كامال‬ ‫ وتزايد فى الت�سعينيات عدد‬،‫بفرن�سا وبني املهاجرين فى خمتلف �أنحاء العامل‬ ‫ وحقق‬،‫ وتعاون مع العديد من فنانى الهيب هوب‬،‫معجبيه فى جميع �أنحاء العامل‬ .‫ ووطنه الأم اجلزائر واملغرب وباقى الدول العربية‬،‫خالد النجومية فى فرن�سا‬ ‫ومن امل�شاركني فى احلفل الدجى كالرلو�س‬

Clinical A/ Prof George Albert Medical Practitioner & Director of the Shellharbour Medical Centre, Australia Gestational Diabetes Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is diagnosed when higher than normal blood glucose levels first appear during pregnancy. Between 3 and 8% of pregnant women will develop gestational diabetes around the 24th to 28th week of pregnancy, however, some may be earlier. Pregnant women need two or three times more insulin than normal. If the body is unable to produce this much insulin, gestational diabetes develops. If gestational diabetes is not well looked after it may result in problems such as a large baby, miscarriage and stillbirth. Women who have had gestational diabetes are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Risk Factors

Ramses Hilton Fashion Show. This year, French Fashion House Anna Koussy showcased her SS14, to an audience of celebrities: Samir Sabry, Ragaa El Gedawy and fashion designer Hany El Beheiry.

‫ مبقر املتحف‬2014 ‫�أقامت جمعية �أ�صدقاء املتحف القبطي حفل الع�شاء ال�سنوي لعام‬ ‫وح�ضر احلفل الدكتور منري فخري عبد النور وزير التجارة وال�صناعة والدكتور‬ ‫بطر�س غايل وعدد كبري من الوزراء وال�سفراء الأجانب وعدد من رجال الأعمال‬ .‫وال�شخ�صيات العامة‬

While there is no one reason for why women develop gestational diabetes, you are at a greater risk if you: • Are over 30 years of age • Have a family history of type 2 diabetes • Are overweight or obese • Are from an Indigenous Australian or Torres Strait Islander background • Are from a Vietnamese, Chinese, Middle Eastern, Polynesian or Melanesian background

UniWay Change Festival: the Super Star Sherine Abdel Wahab live at Cairo International Stadium

UniWay Change Festival: Khaled Selim icon of modern Egyptian pop music and film

• Have previously diabetes



• Have previously Ovary Syndrome



• You have previously given birth to a large baby

• Have a family history of gestational diabetes Managing Gestational Diabetes The management and treatment of gestational diabetes is a team effort, involving the woman with gestational diabetes, family, doctor and specialists, dietitian and Credentialed Diabetes Educator. There are three basic components in effectively managing gestational diabetes: • monitoring blood glucose levels • adopting a healthy eating pattern • physical activity. For some women insulin injections maybe required to help manage their gestational diabetes. Other Types of Diabetes While type 1 and type 2 are the most common form of diabetes there are others that you may hear about. Impaired Glucose Metabolism or Prediabetes Some people may have blood-glucose readings that are not high enough to be classified as diabetes, but they aren’t normal either. This result used to be called borderline diabetes, but is more commonly known as an impaired glucose metabolism or pre-diabetes. There are two prediabetes conditions: • Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is where blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be classified as diabetes. • Impaired fasting glucose (IFG) is where blood glucose levels are escalated in the fasting state but not high enough to be classified as diabetes.

City Life Everywhere

June 2014

Volume 1 Issue 6

‫ابن الهيـــــثم‬


‫م البصرة‬965 ‫ يوليو‬1 / ‫ هـ‬354


‫ سنة) القاهرة‬74 :‫ (العمر‬1040 ‫ مارس‬6 / ‫ هـ‬430


‫علم الفلك والهندسة والرياضيات والميكانيكا والبصريات‬ ‫وفلسفة العلوم والفيزياء‬

‫االهتمامات الرئيسية‬

‫رائد في علم البصريات والمنهج العلمي والتجربة واإلدراك البصري‬ ‫وهندسة اهليليجية وهندسة الإقليدية‬

‫أعمال ملحـوظة‬

‫كتاب المناظر‬


by Mohamed Aziz Mohamed Aziz, a touristic, cultural and media counselor earned his bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Arts, French Section. In 1989, Aziz obtained a diploma in the Social Psychology of Tourist Behavior. He also obtained a diploma in Organizational Culture and another in Hotel Management from "Universite Paris" 8 Moreover, Aziz provides useful, general information and interesting topics about life in other countries in “City Life Everywhere” category of I am Cairo City News. Partner, Media & Tourism Counselor

Woseribre Senebkay the king of upper and lower Egypt

A newly found pharaoh’s tomb in Egypt has historians scrambling to rewrite the chronicles of the ancient kings of the Nile.

the necropolis of an entire forgotten dynasty,” Wegner said in a statement from the Penn Museum, where he is associate curator in the Egypt Section.

Researchers with the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology recently discovered intricate and vibrantly colored pictures in the tombs of Abydos in the Egyptian desert, and what they read in the pictographs astounded them.

Tomb raiders had looted the chambers of any valuable gold and left the bones of the pharaoh’s mummy scattered about. That gave the team the opportunity to reassemble most of the body, along with his funeral mask.

The team leader found the name of a previously unknown pharaoh who ruled the area 3,600 years ago, and the first proof of the suspected but shadowy Abydos Dynasty. The Egyptian Antiquities, discovered a previously looted tomb that unusually still had its pictures and writing in tact. The pharaoh’s name is Woseribre Senebkay, described as the “king of upper and lower Egypt.” “It’s exciting to find not just the tomb of one previously unknown pharaoh, but

، ‫ ثابت بن قرة‬،‫ بنو موسى‬،‫محمد بن عبد هللا‬،‫ غالينوس‬،‫ بطليموس‬،‫ إقليدس‬،‫أرسطو‬ ‫ الكوهي‬،‫ ابن سهل‬،‫الكندي‬ ‫ روجر‬،‫ تقي الدين الشامي‬،‫ كمال الدين الفارسي‬،‫ ابن رشد‬،‫ الخازني‬،‫عمر الخيام‬ ‫ إسحاق‬،‫ كوبرنيكس رينيه ديكارت‬،‫ جون والّيس‬،‫ يوهانز كبلر‬،‫ جون بيكهام‬،‫باكون‬ ‫نيوتن‬

During most of his exile, Napoleon lived in Longwood House with his small retinue of about 20 people - as well as servants, some of his generals had chosen to go into exile with him. He passed the time by dictating his memoirs, and by playing billiards, which he did rather badly. Although Napoleon often dreamed of escape, he was never to leave the island, and he died there six years later in 1821. Napoleon was initially buried on St Helena, but his body was later removed and re-buried in Paris on the banks of the Seine, as had been his wish. The doctors who carried out the post-

‫تأثــــــــر بـــــ‬ ‫تأثــــــــــر به‬

Michel van Haarlem and Ron Platering from ´Friends of Egypt support tourism to Egypt´meeting with Mr. Rami Nazmi at Egyptian Tourism Office in Brussel.

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It turns out Woseribre Senebkay was 5 feet, 9 inches tall and died some time in his mid-40s, the team determined. The discovery shows that during a fractured period of time around 1600 B.C. during which the north and south of the Nile were split into rival kingdoms, there was a middle kingdom that may have survived for several generations. Wegner suspects there will be much more evidence to uncover at the sprawling site buried under the hot Egyptian sand.

Napoleon’s wallpaper

In 1815, after his defeat by the British at the battle of Waterloo, Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled to the remote island of St Helena. Just six miles by eight, St Helena is a tiny volcanic island south of the Equator, lost in the vastness of the South Atlantic Ocean. The nearest land is Ascension Island, 700 miles to the north. Africa lies a thousand miles to the east, South America a thousand to the west.


mortem on Napoleon were of the opinion that a perforated stomach ulcer which had turned cancerous was the main cause of his death. And there the matter might have rested, except that a number of his staff had kept locks of Napoleon’s hair, which were subsequently passed down the generations, sometimes coming up at auction. Unbeknown to their owners, these treasured locks of hair contained something of a small historical time bomb. One of those samples of Napoleon’s hair, when analysed using modern scientific techniques in the 1960s, was found to contain significant quantities of arsenic. Suddenly the cause of Napoleon’s death was being debated all over again. ‘The Murder of Napoleon’ was the title of one book that was

... ‫أقوال مأثورة‬ ‫ ابن خلدون‬: .‫ في�أخذهم بالقتل والإهانة‬،‫على ملكه‬ ‫ علي بن �أبي‬:‫الإ�ستغناء عن العذر �أعز من ال�صدق به‬ ‫طالب‬ : ‫ وا�سرت وغط على ذنوبه‬... ‫�ألب�س �أخاك على عيوبه‬ ‫علي بن �أبي طالب‬

published. But had the British really poisoned their most famous prisoner? Or were the French Bourbons so unwilling for Napoleon to return that they had had him poisoned? Did one of his staff have a secret grudge? True, Napoleon had got on very badly with the British Governor of St Helena, Sir Hudson Lowe. And in his will Napoleon claimed that he had been ‘murdered by the British Oligarchy’. But was that claim just part of his long standing ‘war of words’ with Hudson Lowe? Certainly for a man who had conquered most of Europe it must have been very galling to be confined on a tiny island in the middle of nowhere. But for all the speculation, there was very little actual evidence of any murder plot other than the fact of the arsenic in the hair.

‫ ولكن يف‬،‫�إن التاريخ يف ظاهره ال يزيد عن الإخبار‬ ‫ ابن خلدون‬: ‫ القائل‬.‫باطنه نظر وحتقيق‬ .‫ نيت�شه‬- ‫اهلل �شماعة تعلقون عليها خطاياكم‬ ‫ بوذا‬: ‫ وال ترى �إال ما ترى‬، ‫الت�سمع �إال ما ت�سمع‬

‫ علي بن �أبي طالب‬:‫ القائل‬.‫خالف نف�سك ت�سرتح‬

‫�إن رد املذهب قبل فهمه والإطالع على كهنة رد يف‬ ‫ الغزايل‬: ‫عماية‬ ‫على الفرد دائما �أن يقا�سي ليبقى حر ًا من هيمنة‬ ‫املجتمع �ستكون وحيد ًا و�أحيان ًا خائف ًا لكن الثمن‬ ‫ نيت�شه‬:‫لي�س غالي ًا يف مقابل �أن متتلك نف�سك‬

‫ ابن خلدون‬:‫ ويق ّوم بفعله‬،‫يوزن املرء بقوله‬

‫ �ألك�سندر بوب‬: ‫العواطف عوا�صف احلياة‬

‫لآ ترهق‬،‫حني يتعمد الآخرون فهمك بطريقه خ�آطئه‬ .‫ فقط �آدر ظهرك و�إ�ستمتع باحلي�آه‬، ‫نف�سك بالتربير‬ ‫ هيكتور‬: ،‫�أ�شد النا�س حماقة �أقواهم اعتقاد ًا يف ف�ضل نف�سه‬ ‫ �أبو حامد‬: ‫و�أثبت النا�س عقال �أ�شدهم اتهاما لنف�سه‬ ‫الغزاىل‬

‫ �أر�سطو‬:‫ال�شيء الكامل هو ما له بداية وو�سط ونهاية‬

‫�إذا جعلت نف�سك دودة على الأر�ض فال تلم من‬ ‫ مارتن لوثر‬: ‫يدو�سك بقدميه‬

‫ال يجب اخللط بني املدينة العظيمة واملدينة العامرة‬ ‫ �أر�سطو‬: .‫بال�سكان‬

‫ ومتع�صبون‬،‫نحن جمانني �إذا مل ن�ستطع �أن نفكر‬ :‫ وعبيد �إذا مل جنر�ؤ �أن نفكر‬،‫�إذا مل نرد �أن نفكر‬ ‫�أفالطون‬

‫ ومن �شاور الرجال �شاركها‬،‫ومن ا�ستبد بر�أيه هلك‬ ‫ علي بن �أبي طالب‬:‫يف عقولها‬

.‫ما قرن �شيء �إىل �شيء �أف�ضل من حلم �إىل علم‬ ‫ عمر بن عبد العزيز الت�صنيفاتلكل �شيء‬:‫القائل‬ ‫ عمر بن اخلطاب‬:‫ و�شرف املعروف تعجيله‬،‫�شرف‬

‫ هو�أن‬،‫ان ال�سبب الأ�سا�سي يف �إ�ضطراب العامل اليوم‬ ‫ يف حني �أن الذكي‬،‫االحمق واثق �أكرث مما ينبغي‬ ‫ بريتراند را�سل‬: ‫مملوء بال�شك‬

‫ بل ما تفعله مبا يحدث‬،‫اخلربة لي�ست ما يحدث لك‬ ‫ �ألدو�س هك�سلي‬:‫ القائل‬.‫لك‬ ‫ لكنني ندمت على‬،‫ما ندمت على �سكوتي مرة‬ ‫ عمر بن اخلطاب‬: ‫الكالم مرا ًرا‬

،‫ما �أ�ضمر �أحد �شيئا �إال ظهر يف فلتات ل�سانه‬ ‫ علي بن �أبي طالب‬: ‫و�صفحات وجهه‬ ‫يقلب احلاكم توج�سه وغريته من �شعبه �إىل خوف‬

‫‪Volume 1 Issue 6‬‬


‫ ‬

‫‪City Travel & Tourism‬‬

‫ ‪June 2014‬‬

‫‪Working with the Media‬‬ ‫‪during Challenging Times‬‬ ‫‪Egypt’s standing as a favorable destination for tourists‬‬ ‫‪around the world. Titled “Working with the Media during‬‬ ‫‪Challenging Times;” the conference will highlight the role of‬‬ ‫‪tourism in media, and will review the practices of successful‬‬ ‫‪communication in addition to discussing the most important‬‬ ‫‪tools to achieve a clear vision on media and tourism‬‬ ‫‪communication.‬‬

‫‪Amr El Ezaby‬‬

‫حوار مع مواطن مصــرى بعيدا‬ ‫عن موقعه الرسمي فى الدولة‬ ‫أجرى الحوار ‪ :‬محمد عزيز‬ ‫فى البداية �أود �أن �أو�ضح �أن هذا احلوار من نوع جديد‬ ‫غري م�ألوف‪ ،‬فعادة عندما نتحاور مع �أى م�سئول فى‬ ‫الدولة يكون احلوار فى جمال تخ�ص�صه وفى املوقع‬ ‫الذى ي�شغله حاليا �أو �سابق ًا‪ ،‬ولكن واحرتاما لرغبة‬ ‫ال�سيد‪ /‬عمرو العزبى م�ساعد وزير ال�سياحة احلاىل‬ ‫ف�إن هذا احلوار مت معه ب�صفته مواطن م�صرى وبعيدا‬ ‫متاما عن جمال �أو قطاع ال�سياحة ورغم حتفظى على‬ ‫ذلك اال �أننى �أحرتمت رغبة الرجل فى التحدث‬ ‫كمواطن م�صرى فقط‬ ‫ومن خالل عملى فى جمال ال�سياحة والفنادق على‬ ‫مدار ع�شرين عام فقد كنت �أعرف الكثري عن الرجل‬ ‫وخربته ولكن مل �أتقابل معه اال من �أيام قليلة وقد �أمتد‬ ‫احلوار بيننا �إىل �أكرث من �ساعتني بعد �أن فتح الرجل‬ ‫قلبه كمواطن م�صرى حزين على ما و�صلت �إليه م�صر‬ ‫اليوم‪.‬‬ ‫وقد �س�ألت الرجل هل ترى الو�ضع اليوم �أف�ضل �أم قبل‬ ‫ثورة ‪ 25‬يناير ‪2011‬؟؟‬ ‫قال‪ :‬بالطبع �أنا م�ؤيد ملبادىء الثورة فى احلرية‬ ‫والعدالة االجتماعية اال اننى‪ .‬اعترب نف�سى ا�صالحى‬ ‫ول�ست ثورىا‪ .‬وارى انه يتفق اكرث مع طبيعه امل�شاكل‬

‫التى نعانى منها وان خطورة العمل الثورى انه قد ي�ؤدى‬ ‫ملزيد من الفو�ضى وتقوي�ض ال�سلطة وموء�س�ساتها هذا‬ ‫دون �أى انتقا�ص من قيمة الت�ضحيات التى بذلت خالل‬ ‫ال�سنوات الثالث املا�ضية من قبل �أفراد ومواطنني‬ ‫لديهم قناعات خمتلفة عنى ولكن حتى ال نظلم �أحد‬ ‫ف�إنه م�ستحيل تقييم �أى م�سئول فى الدولة فى مثل هذه‬ ‫الظروف والأو�ضاع املعقدة واملت�شابكة ب�شكل مل ي�سبق له‬ ‫مثيل‪ ،‬حتى ثورة ‪ 1952‬مل ي�صل الأمر �إىل هذه الدرجة‬ ‫من ال�صعوبة والتعقيد‪.‬‬ ‫قلت له‪ :‬معنى ذلك �أنك تلتم�س الأعذار واملربرات لكل‬ ‫م�سئول فى الدولة؟‬ ‫قال‪� :‬أطالقا من يخطئ البد و�أن يحا�سب ولكن كيف‬ ‫نقيم �أى م�سئول يعمل فى ظل ظروف �صعبة و حكومات‬ ‫انتقالية قد ت�ستمر ل�شهور معدودة او �سنة على اق�صى‬ ‫تقدير وكل هذه الظروف ال تغطى للم�سئول الفر�صة‬ ‫املواتية لي�ضع خطط ت�ؤتى ثمارها وامنا بحاول جاهدا‬ ‫لت�سري االعمال وبذل اجلهد لتح�سني االو�ضاع كل فى‬ ‫جماله ‪ ،‬ومن جهة �أخرى ف�إن ال�صاق التهم والطعن فى‬

‫الذمم �أ�صبح مباح ب�شكل مل ي�سبق له مثيل‬ ‫و فى ر�أى ما هو الداعى لأن نطلق على ال�سيد‪ /‬رئي�س‬ ‫اجلمهورية احلاىل لقب "الرئي�س امل�ؤقت" والت�أكيد‬ ‫على ذلك فى كل املنا�سبات ‪ ،‬الي�ست ثورة ‪ 30‬يونيو‬ ‫ثورة �شعبية ؟ الي�س الرئي�س احلاىل هو رئي�س مدنى‬ ‫وجاء نتيجة ثورة على الأو�ضاع التى كانت قائمة؟؟ هل‬ ‫هذه الت�سمية "رئي�س م�ؤقت" ت�صب فى م�صلحة م�صر‬ ‫مبعنى �أكرث دقة هل ي�ساعد ذلك على تر�سيخ مفهوم‬ ‫الأمن والأ�ستقرار وهو ما ي�ؤدى اىل جذب اال�ستثمارات‬ ‫فى كافة املجاالت والقطاعات‪.‬‬ ‫و�إذا كنا نطلق على الرئي�س لقب م�ؤقت فما بالنا‬ ‫بال�سادة الوزراء والذين يعملون فىظروف معقده وكل‬ ‫منهم يعلم ب�أنه لن ي�ستمر فى موقعه �سوى لأ�شهر‬ ‫قليلة �أو عام على �أق�صى تقدير‪ ،‬و�أنا هنا �أحتدث معك‬ ‫كمواطن م�صرى مهموم ببلده‪.‬‬ ‫قلت‪ :‬لقد �أو�ضحت لك من البداية �أننى �أحتدث معك‬ ‫كمواطن ولي�س كم�سئول وحتى جميع �أ�سئلتى بعيدة‬ ‫متاما عن جمال عملك وتخ�ص�صك‪.‬‬ ‫قلت له‪ :‬من وجهة نظرك ماذا تريد فى املرحلة‬ ‫القادمة؟؟ قال‪:‬‬ ‫�أو ًال‪ :‬ان ت�ستكمل اخلطوات الباقية من خريطة الطريق‬ ‫ثاني ًا‪ :‬حكومة يكون لديها ر�ؤية م�ستقبلية وخطط‬ ‫ق�صرية ومتو�سطة املدى والبعد عن اخلطط طويلة‬ ‫املدى لأن املواطن امل�صرى الب�سيط لن يتحمل املزيد‬ ‫من ال�ضغوط �أكرث من ذلك‪.‬‬ ‫ثالث ًا‪� :‬أن يكون االختيار فى املواقع بعيدا عن لعبة‬ ‫التوازنات ال�سيا�سية والكوتة ويكون الكفاءة واالجناز‬ ‫والر�ؤية املهنية هم العوامل الأ�سا�سية لالختيار وهناك‬ ‫وزراء اثبتوا كفاءة فى منا�صبهم يجب اال يتم اغفالهم‬ ‫قلت‪ :‬ما هى الر�سالة التى توجهها لنا كم�صريني خالل‬

‫هذه املرحلة ال�صعبة التى منر بها جميعا؟؟ قال‪:‬‬ ‫�أبد أ� بنف�سى ومرورا بنا جميعا‪ ،‬علينا �أن ندرك ب�أن‬ ‫املرحلة القادمة �ستكون فى غاية ال�صعوبة وعلينا �أن‬ ‫ال ننتظر املعجزات من الرئي�س �أو احلكومة القادمة‬ ‫ويجب �أن نواجه الو�ضع مبنتهى ال�صرامة وال�شفافية‪،‬‬ ‫يجب �أن نكثف العمل ونبد�أ يومنا بكل جد و�أخال�ص‬ ‫والأهم ال�ضمري والبعد عن املطالب الفئوية لفرتة عام‬ ‫على الأقل ذلك �إذا كنا نريد بالفعل الأ�ستقرار لأنف�سنا‬ ‫ولأوالدنا وبلدنا‪� ،‬أما فى حالة �أ�ستمرار الو�ضع على ما‬ ‫هو عليه ف�إن امل�ستقبل �سيكون �أكرث غمو�ضا و�أظالما‬ ‫مما هو عليه الآن‪.‬‬ ‫قلت‪ :‬ال �أ�ستطيع �أن �أنهى حوارى املمتع معك قبل �أن‬ ‫�أ�س�ألك ما هى ر�ؤيتك بالن�سبة للو�ضع ال�سياحى فى‬ ‫م�صر؟؟ �صمت الرجل قليال ‪...‬‬ ‫قال‪ :‬وزير وقطاع �سياحى كامل يوا�صلون العمل بجد‬ ‫و�أجتهاد والأهم مل ي�صيبهم الي�أ�س رغم كل ما يحدث‬ ‫حولنا ولكن �إذا كنا ال نعرف م�ستقبل الدولة ب�شكل عام‬ ‫فكيف لنا �أن نتحدث عن ال�سياحة والتى هى فى املقام‬ ‫الأول مرتبطة بال�سيا�سة والأمن والأ�ستقرار ب�شكل‬ ‫كامل‪ ،‬و�أرجو �أن يفهم امل�صريني جميعا �أنه"‬ ‫"ال �أمل بال عمل وال �أمنيات بغري ت�ضحيات"‬ ‫انتهى حديث املواطن‬ ‫و�أخريا ال �أجد ما �أختم به �أف�ضل من قول املوىل عز‬ ‫وجل فى كتابه العزيز‪" :‬وقل �أعملوا ف�سريى اهلل‬ ‫عملكم ور�سوله وامل�ؤمنون" �صدق اهلل العظيم‬

‫‪responded to the increasing competition‬‬ ‫‪in the travel and tourism industry, by‬‬ ‫‪adopting an advanced structure capable‬‬ ‫‪of dynamically dealing with the situation.‬‬ ‫‪The completion is due to the rising‬‬ ‫‪number of new attractive destinations,‬‬ ‫‪budget airlines and the huge progress‬‬ ‫‪made by the airlines industry.‬‬ ‫&‪That was the ex,chairman of eta,‬‬ ‫‪request for the minister of tourism‬‬ ‫‪zaazou, plz we need those qualified to‬‬ ‫‪take up the responsbility as the country‬‬ ‫‪are in need of them ..‬‬

‫‪by Mohamed Aziz‬‬

‫‪Commenting on Egypt’s hosting of this‬‬ ‫‪important event; Amr El Ezaby, Chairman‬‬ ‫‪of ETA, welcomed all participants in this‬‬ ‫‪conference and praised the key role‬‬ ‫‪played by media to support and stimulate‬‬ ‫‪tourism in Egypt, where the Ministry of‬‬ ‫‪tourism and the ETA continue to host‬‬ ‫‪significant international conferences and‬‬ ‫‪meetings in the field of tourism.‬‬ ‫‪increase in numbers of Emirati visitors‬‬ ‫‪by 15.4% during the first quarter of this‬‬ ‫”‪year.‬‬ ‫‪Moreover, the participants in the Second‬‬ ‫‪International Conference of UNWTO‬‬ ‫‪will seek to understand some of the‬‬ ‫‪pillars that illustrate the method adopted‬‬ ‫‪by media in its planning strategies.‬‬ ‫‪Additionally, the participants will examine‬‬ ‫‪the mechanisms that enable the tourism‬‬ ‫‪sector to have an active role in the‬‬ ‫‪media. Furthermore, the conference‬‬ ‫‪is scheduled to discuss the latest‬‬ ‫‪international best practices in the field‬‬ ‫‪of handling and dealing with the media‬‬ ‫‪during periods of crisis, which offers‬‬ ‫‪positive support for the efforts made‬‬ ‫‪to overcome them. Also, ways to own‬‬ ‫‪and establish more effective relations‬‬ ‫‪with the bodies and tourism authorities‬‬ ‫‪with different mass media will also be‬‬ ‫‪discussed.‬‬ ‫‪In line with strengthening its position‬‬ ‫‪as one of the most important tourist‬‬ ‫‪destinations in the region and around the‬‬ ‫‪world, ; Egypt participated as a partner‬‬ ‫‪in the opening ceremony of “ITB Berlin‬‬ ‫‪International 2012” exhibition, one of the‬‬ ‫‪most significant global events in the field‬‬ ‫‪of tourism.‬‬ ‫‪Egyptian‬‬ ‫‪Tourist‬‬ ‫‪Authority‬‬ ‫‪was‬‬ ‫‪established‬‬ ‫‪in‬‬ ‫‪March‬‬ ‫‪1981,‬‬ ‫‪by‬‬ ‫‪presidential decree No. 134 endorsing‬‬ ‫‪a recommendation by the Minister of‬‬ ‫‪Tourism. The Authority is dedicated to‬‬ ‫‪promoting Egypt as a first class tourist‬‬ ‫‪destination, in line with the rise of‬‬ ‫‪tourism marketing as an independent‬‬ ‫‪discipline and the emergence of new‬‬ ‫‪tourism promotion tools. The Authority‬‬

‫‪“The media has played a significant‬‬ ‫‪and effective role in developing and‬‬ ‫‪promoting the tourism culture to the‬‬ ‫‪public and the Arab world. We will‬‬ ‫‪continue to work on strengthening our‬‬ ‫‪bonds with the media to help develop‬‬ ‫‪our mechanisms of providing accurate‬‬ ‫‪information and delivering them in a‬‬ ‫‪timely manner. This will allow media‬‬ ‫‪outlets the ability to portray the true‬‬ ‫‪picture of Egypt’s current situation and‬‬ ‫‪to broadcast accurate news thereby‬‬ ‫‪reinforcing their credibility. Furthermore,‬‬ ‫‪the Arab and international media have‬‬ ‫‪contributed in clarifying the true image‬‬ ‫‪of the situation in Egypt during the last‬‬

‫‪couple of months, which was reflected‬‬ ‫‪in the growth of the number of tourists‬‬ ‫‪coming to that increased by 32% during‬‬ ‫‪the first quarter of 2012 compared with‬‬ ‫‪the first quarter of last year,” El Ezaby‬‬ ‫‪said.‬‬ ‫‪El Ezaby added: “During the last period,‬‬ ‫‪ETA’s strategy focused on the Arab‬‬ ‫‪markets including the UAE market for‬‬ ‫‪it has the ability to support the Egyptian‬‬ ‫‪tourism sector. In addition, the UAE‬‬ ‫‪media, in all its divisions, played an‬‬ ‫‪important role in promoting tourism in‬‬ ‫‪Egypt, which was clearly evident in the‬‬

City Travel & Tourism

Eye on Egypt

Nikoletta Kosma from Greece One could easily say that organizing such an event in Egypt at a time when the country is facing serious internal political crisis would be the most risky or as so called “insane” decision that someone could have ever made. However, there is no evidence which can question the success of such an event in this country. According to the Ministry of Tourism, within the first two months of 2014,Egypt has attracted 2.000.000 tourists and even more during the Easter holiday. The airport is also open to countless chartered flights. Moreover, a huge percentage of Egyptian population is employed in the tourism sector and they would never risk harming their businesses. Last but not least, ITT Egypt is the only Tourism & Travel exhibition in North Africa so competition is considered moderate. The above are some of the reasons which enhance my faith in this project. Tourism rates can increase or decrease, this happens in every single country around the world but what it stays to prove the stability of the sector in Egypt is its unique charm and authentic people. A place with such a rich history, such a mingling of cultures and religions, such a plethora of places to visit and activities to fulfill your time spent there, cannot be easily questioned. All theaforementioned attributes are widely spread and visible with bare eye all around the country and are those who make it distinctive from others. One can argue that Egypt is not the only place with rich historical and cultural background. That is truebut what it differentiates it is that its history, culture, natural beauty, traditions and customs entirely belong to Egypt and its people. They wrote their history, they changed their fate on the way to development and they continue to construct their country’s future with their own capacities without “borrowing” anything from anyone. All these come together as a powerful motive to believe in the stability of the tourism sector in the country and a great assurance of the success of the first ITT International Travel & Tourism Exhibition in Cairo next year.Even if it is a challenge, we choose to take it and implement it! See you soon at ITT Egypt…

June 2014

The importance of Exhibitions All Over the World

Begum Benli from Turkey Egypt enjoys various fields of tourism attraction, the most important are archeological or cultural tourism one of the oldest types of tourism in Egypt, where the landmarks of the ancient civilizations are visible to the naked eye, an incarnation of the nations that constructed these civilizations since the dawn of history. Despite the multiple types of tourism, and Egypt’s cultural tourism remains the unrepeated, unique and noncompetitive component of tourism as Egypt possesses one third of the world’s known monuments. Besides cultural and archaeological tourism, many tourism attraction types have come into existence and addressed broader segments of tourists across the world, including recreational tourism, beaches tourism, religious tourism, therapeutic tourism, ecotourism, sports tourism, golf tourism, safari tourism, desert tourism, yacht tourism, and maritime tourism in addition to festivals tourism. All these features make Egypt a unique venue to organize ITT-EGYPT International Tourism & Travel Exhibition

Volume 1 Issue 6

‫ يمثل نقلة في معارض السياحة في مصر‬ITT

‫فهى تقوم بتنظيم معارض دورية فى أكثر‬ ‫من عشرين دولة على مستوى العالم فى‬ ،‫ موضة وأزياء‬،‫ صحية‬:‫مختلف القطاعات‬ ‫ مستلزمات‬،‫ بترول‬،‫ مفروشات‬،‫ديكورات‬ ‫ محمد‬/‫ ويقول السيد‬... ‫فندقية وخالفه‬ ‫الشريف رئيس مجلس إدارة الشركة أن‬ ‫المعارض والمؤتمرات هى أحد المفاتيح‬ ‫والحلول السحرية السريعة لمساعدة أقتصاد‬ ‫أى دولة من خالل تنظيم المعارض وتسهيل‬ ‫التقاء البائع والمشترى فى مكان واحد‬ ‫وعرض كل ما هو جديد فى السوق خالل‬ .‫هذه المعارض‬

by Gazbia Sirry

Monday, May 26, 2014 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Abdul Latif Jameel Hall, Room P059, AUC New Cairo

Archaeologists find 5,600 year old tomb

The tomb was discovered in the Kom al-Ahmar region, between Luxor and Aswan, on the site of Hierakonpolis, the city of the falcon, which was the dominant pre-dynastic urban centre and the capital of the Kingdom of Upper Egypt. The archaeologists found an ivory statue of a bearded man and the

mummy of the tomb’s owner, who appeared to have died in his late teenage years, the ministry said. The tomb’s preserved state will provide new information on pre-dynastic rituals, said Renee Friedman, the head of the multinational archeological team. The tombs of King Narmer and King Ra, a pre-dynastic pharaoh who paved the way to Egypt’s unification, were previously discovered in Hierakonpolis.

‫محمد شريف هاشم‬ ‫رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة بيراميدز الدولية‬

‫أن المعارض والمؤتمرات أصبحت أحد‬ ‫أهم وسائل الجذب السياحى ودعم اإلقتصاد‬ ‫الوطني فى مختلف دول العالم ولنا مثال حى‬ ‫فى دبى من خالل مهرجان دبى السنوى‬ ‫ ومن هنا جاءت فكرة‬.‫للسياحة والتسوق‬ ‫ الدولى للسياحة فى‬ITT ‫تنظيم معرض‬ ‫ فمن ناحية مصر فى أشد‬،2015 ‫يناير‬ ‫االحتياج لدعم صناعة السياحة والتى تمر‬ ‫بأسوأ مراحلها على األطالق نظرا للظروف‬ ‫ لذا رأيت أنه من الواجب‬،‫واألحداث الجارية‬ ‫كمصرى أن أقوم بدعم هذه الصناعة الحيوية‬ ‫والهامة بالنسبة للسوق المصرى على الرغم‬ ‫من علمى بأن ذلك يمثل مخاطرة كبيرة فى‬ ‫ظل هذه الظروف ولكن إن لم ندعم بلدنا‬ ‫فى مثل هذه األوقات العصيبة فمتى نقوم‬ ‫بدعمها؟؟؟ لذلك فأنا أدعو جميع شركات‬ ‫السياحة المصرية وشركات الطيران‬

The Sanctuary of the Sycamore of Life in Ancient Egypt

Researcher and Author in Egyptology

In my path inside the whole of Egypt for twenty years, a tree always caught my attention and I’ve never even dared to touch it because it inspired me such respect mingled with astonishment... a tree becoming quite rare today, but that in Egypt has impressed me without knowing why exactly because its dimensions are often modest today and its aspect is humble and discreet, even if it is thick... The sacred sycamore of Saïs in Egypt still there. But then one day, I had to give a lecture about the small temple of Hathor of Memphis, now semi buried, and where only very few people have access, so I went there, and then I realized “on the terrain” that the sycamore was

Archaeologists in southern Egypt have discovered a 5,600 year old preserved tomb and mummy predating the First Dynasty of the pharaohs, the antiquities ministry said Wednesday. The tomb was built before the rule of King Narmer, the founder of the First Dynasty who unified Upper and Lower Egypt in the 31th century BC, the ministry said in a statement.

‫الخاصة وأيضا مصر للطيران بأن تتعاون‬ ‫معنا إلنجاح هذا المعرض والذى ال ننتظر‬ ‫أو ننتظر منه ربح مادى بقدر ما نحاول‬ ‫ وفى‬،‫أن نساعد به الدولة فى هذا التوقيت‬ ‫حالة تعاون الدولة والشركات معنا فأنا‬ ‫أعد بأن يقام هذا المعرض سنويا حتى‬ ‫ ومن جهة أخرى فأن‬،‫تسترد مصر عافيتها‬ ‫شركة بيراميدز بما لها من ثقل وتواجد فى‬ ،"‫السوق العالمى " أكثر من عشرين دولة‬ ‫سنقوم بدعوة العديد من الشركات العالمية‬ ‫للمشاركة فى فاعليات هذا المعرض لتقديم‬ ‫ وأرجو أن‬،‫الصورة الحضارية لمصر‬ ‫نتكاتف جميعا مع الدولة متمثلة فى أجهزتها‬ 2015 ‫التنفيذية النجاح هذا الملتقى فى يناير‬ ‫حيث أنه سيكون خير داعم لصناعة السياحة‬ ..‫واالقتصاد المصرى ككل‬ ‫فشركة بيراميدز الدولية هي إحدى‬ ‫الشركات الرائدة فى مجال تنظيم المعارض‬ ‫والمؤتمرات فى منطقة الشرق األوسط‬

areas inundated by water, it grows where other trees can not push it, it is completely resistant to water and its timber in case of extreme necessity can make a boat that will always be protected from moisture and waves... the best refuge in case of flooding. On the other hand “Nehat”, the sycamore name is written with the hieroglyphics of the tree, the bird and the reed hut. Sycamore alone represents the sacred mound, the island refuge, the shelter

Antoine Gigal

Lust for Color Exhibition


definitely very important since I still could find two specimen planted in both southern corners in the remains of the small temple, as it is recommended in ancient texts for the building of sacred sites. This small temple as I have shown in my lectures was totally surrounded by water in the past, representing the primordial island, the shelter island in case of flood and in honor of the goddess Hathor, who in fact, it is less known, is also called “the lady of the Flood”... the last refuge of the “Lady of Life”...

Both sycamores in the south corners of the temple of Hathor at Memphis represented: the two divine sycamores of “heaven and earth”: one representing Hathor giving birth to life and another: Hathor “giving back to birth souls”, one would look far and deep with its roots in the desert sand to the water of life and the other caught the dew and rain as water from the sky ... This tree ended even to populate my dreams and the wind rustling in his little foliage came as a refrain in my days. I longed to decipher more about its mystery, its calm and warm protection it offered ... So I decided to focus more on its roots. I then deepened the mysteries of the goddess tree Het-Hetmistress of the sycamore of the South: “nbt nht rst”, a form of Hathor. I began to know the secrets of the tree of life whose fruit gave a sacred and divine beverage that the priests drank during the course of the sacred mysteries, a drink that was supposed to make you wise as a tree of wisdom and give you immediately an incredible knowledge... the drink of the “instantaneous know”... It was fascinating to discover little by little in my hieroglyphic readings all the attributes of the sycamore... I also remembered that when it was possible the ancient Egyptians tried to get a coffin made of sycamore wood: the “Khat en Ankhu “ made of this tree of life, so that the dead can be taken into the arms of the mother of all life he represented to reborn forever... Sycamore was known anyway as a caregiver tree, and especially protective and there was an obvious reason for this: first, it can grow in

temple during the floods of the Nile and big flood... there is not a thing more worthy! But there is still more about it ... The sacred enclosure of the Sycamores seem to have existed in Saïs, Memphis, Heliopolis, Luxor on a land specially delimited by the obliquity of the sun at certain times, a place where only the pure priests could approach the An-Auhi: the sacred sycamore in the enclosure: Nahi... the enclosure of silence where these trees of exception grew. The priests with the Pharaoh came there to pray and to speak to the divinity, as if in this site, these trees were the extraordinary megaphones to God... one of the very few places where direct communication without interference with the divine was possible. Also only high priests could cut a sycamore tree after a complex ritual for several days to remove only into the length of its trunk 16 Tau, 16 Auhi Tan, 16 crosses of life, 16 Ankh personification of life and to be offered only to persons who were said to be of “just voice” the purest ones able to use the right words, every time...The true tree of jus

City Arts & Culture

June 2014

The Art of the New Deal

In early 1934, the United States was near the depths of what we hope will not go down in history as the First Great Depression. Unemployment was close to 25 percent and even the weather conspired to inflict misery: February was the coldest month on record in the Northeast. As the Federal Emergency Relief Act, a prototype of the New Deal work-relief programs, began to put a few dollars into the pockets of hungry workers, the question arose whether to include artists among the beneficiaries. It wasn’t an obvious thing to do; by definition artists had no “jobs” to lose. But Harry Hopkins, whom President Franklin D. Roosevelt put in charge of work relief, settled the matter, saying, “Hell, they’ve got to eat just like other people!”

Thus was born the Public Works of Art Project (PWAP), which in roughly the first four months of 1934 hired 3,749 artists and produced 15,663 paintings, murals, prints, crafts and sculptures for government buildings around the country. The bureacracy may not have been watching too closely what the artists painted, but it certainly was counting how much and what they were paid: a total of $1,184,000, an average of $75.59 per artwork, pretty good value even then. The premise of the PWAP was that artists should be held to the same standards of production and public value as workers wielding shovels in the national parks. Artists were recruited through newspaper advertisements placed around the country; the whole program was up

‫مرضى الوهم‬

‫الحقنى يادكتور فى الحال‬ ‫أنا جاتنى كريزه سعال‬ ‫الكبد عطالن مش شغال‬ ‫والعضم كله متكسر‬ ‫االعور راكب عالطحال‬ ‫وعمودى الفقرى متبعتر‬ ************* ‫مصرانى بقى مهلبيه‬ ‫وحصاوى راقده فكالويا‬ ‫القلب مشحر بيكركر‬ ‫والمعده بتمغص وتفرفر‬ ‫امعائى عملت اضراب‬ ‫والحلق ملهلب متزرزر‬

‫محمد الحناوى‬

************* ‫ادينى فعرضك برشامه‬ ‫او حتى حقنه ولبوس‬ ‫دنا مرضى تاعبنى اه يانا‬ ‫وال واحد بالجان ملبوس‬ ‫اكتبلى عالجى بشهامه‬ ‫وانا امسك خدك وابوس‬

Volume 1 Issue 6

and running in a couple of weeks. People lined up in the cold outside government offices to apply, says George Gurney, deputy chief curator of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, where an exhibition of PWAP art is on display until January 3: “They had to prove they were professional artists, they had to pass a needs test, and then they were put into categories—Level One Artist, Level Two or Laborer—that determined their salaries.” It was not the PWAP but its betterknown successor, the Works Progress Administration (WPA), that helped support the likes of young Mark Rothko and Jackson Pollock before they became luminaries. The PWAP’s approach of advertising for artists might not have identified the most stellar candidates. Instead, “the show is full of names we scarcely recognize today,” says Elizabeth Broun, the museum’s director. The great majority of them were younger than 40 when they enrolled, by which time most artists have either made their reputation or switched to another line of work. Some, it appears, would be almost completely unknown today if the Smithsonian, in the 1960s, hadn’t received the surviving PWAP artworks from government agencies that had displayed them. “They did their best work for the nation,” Broun says, and then they disappeared below the national horizon to the realm of regional or local artist.

r Theama - Massa Cairokee - Black iro Stadium | Egbari Live in Ca 2014 Thursday 29 May

29 Thursday, May at 4:00pm @ “Mo’men” Tickets available n restaurants chai ease For more info pl 8449 call: 0114446 01142000393 01159898166

‫شارع كلوت بيك بميدان العتبة‬ ‫شارع كلوت بك‬

‫صالح الدين أبوالليل‬

‫صورة للدكتور كلوت بيك‬

) ‫ال�شوارع املتفرعة من ميدان االزبيكة (العتبة‬ )‫والذى ي�صل اىل ميدان باب احلديد (رم�سي�س‬ ‫ وكان‬1873 ‫وافتتح ال�شارع اخلديوى ا�سماعيل عام‬ ‫منت�شر ًا بال�شارع منذ احلملة الفرن�سية العديد‬ ‫من احلانات ال�صغرية و دور اللهو وبيوت الدعارة‬ ‫ وفى‬... ‫والتى كانت خم�ص�صة للجنود الفرن�سيني‬ ‫عمارات ال�شارع االثرية التى حتمل طراز معمارى‬ ‫راقى انت�شرت بعد ذلك اللوكندات التى حتولت‬ ‫ و‬... ‫بع�ضها اىل مراكز للدعارة مرخ�صة ر�سمي ًا‬ ‫كانت تزداد ان�شتطها فى فرتت احلروب حيث تخدم‬ ‫ و�شملت هذه ال�شبكات امل�صريات‬... ‫اجلنود االجانب‬ ‫واالوربيات اي�ض ًا اىل ان جاء قرار منع الدعارة ر�سميا‬ ‫ لتكون‬... 1952 ‫ وحرق القاهرة �سنة‬... 1951 ‫عام‬ ‫نهاية لل�شارع كمكان للهو و تتحول مبانيه اىل فنادق‬ . ‫ولوكندات �شعبية‬

‫كلوت بك هو الطبيب امل�صرى ال�شهري انطوان كلوت‬ ‫ اول من ان�شاء‬1868 ‫اغ�سط�س‬28 1793 ‫ نوفمرب‬7 ‫م�ست�شفى و مدر�سة للطب فى م�صر وال�شرق االو�سط‬ 1825 ‫ وجاء اىل م�صر عام‬1793 ‫ولد فى فرن�سا عام‬ ‫عينه حممد على رئي�سا الطباء اجلي�ش امل�صرى‬ ‫وهناك ان�شئ اول م�ست�شفى بابو زعبل حيث مع�سكر‬ ‫ ثم قام ب�أن�شاء مدر�سة لتخريج‬... ‫اجلي�ش امل�صرى‬ ‫االطباء بالقرب من م�ست�شفى الع�سكرى فى ابوزعبل‬ ‫كانت بداية كلية طب الق�صر العيني عندما اختار‬ ‫كلوت بك مائة طالب لدرا�سة الطب و جلب لهم اطباء‬ ‫من اوروبا لتعليمهم وبعد تخرجهم اخذ عدد كبري‬ ‫منهم و قام بتوزيعه على وحدات اجلي�ش امل�صرى كما‬ ‫اخذ عدد اخر والزمهم بالعمل مع االطباء الفرن�سيني‬ ‫كم�ساعدين و مرتجمني حيث كانت املحا�ضرات تلقى‬ ‫باللغة الفرن�سية فيقوم الطبيب امل�صرى ب�أعادة‬ .. ‫املحا�ضرة باللغة العربية و من هنا جاءت كلمة‬ "‫"معيد‬ ‫الف كلوت بك كتابه " ملحة عن م�صر " وهو من اهم‬ . ‫الكتب التى و�صفت احلالة االجتماعية فى م�صر‬ ‫منحه حممد على لقب البك تقدير ًا ملجهوده فى انقاذ‬ ‫ وهو اول من طبق‬... ‫الف طفل من وباء اجلدري‬60 ‫نظام للتطعيم ال�سنوى على االطفال‬ ‫وقد عرف عنه كرهه ال�شديد للدعارة والعاهرات‬ ‫وحماولته الدائم ًة للق�ضاء على هذه املهنة ملا ت�سببه‬ ‫ ومن الغريب ان‬... ‫من انتقال لالمرا�ض واالوبئة‬ ‫ال�شارع الذى حمل ا�سمه كان لفرتة طويلة من اكرب‬ . ‫جتمعات بيوت الدعارة‬ ‫ اطلق ا�سمه على احد‬1868 ‫بعد وفاة كلوت بك عام‬


City Business & Technomedia

June 2014

Volume 1 Issue 6

Ten Fundamentals before Starting a Venture realistically lucrative. The business plan will also be crucial in determining the amount of seed fund the entrepreneur demands in order to seamlessly execute the plan and hence provide rationale and justification for the financier(s).

Ahmed Essa

Mentor & Independent Business Consultant, Founder & CEO, Invenst Ventures LLC. The odds of a new business venture being successful are stacked against the entrepreneur with four year survival rates of below fifty percent and only around thirty-eight percent in information technology. With this fact in mind, what does it take to succeed? Careful preparation, risk taking, and determination are also vital components in the entrepreneur’s arsenal to help ensure the survival and success of the venture. There are ten fundamnetals the entrepreneur must work against before he or she can start making the business.

1. Decide on the legal structure of the enterprise – The entrepreneur needs to decide on the legal structure which best suits his or her needs. Different structures need to be thoroughly investigated and a decision as to the type of company to operate or whether to operate as a partnership or sole proprietorship. Each structure offers different pros and cons, and of course has different tax implications.

2. Where to operate the company – The entrepreneur needs to decide whether he or she wants to have an office, especially in the first pre-revenue period where cost-saving is more than an option. The accessibility to Coworking spaces across the country has made building a base for operating the startup company very achievable. 3. Plan your business well – The business plan means putting concrete ideas about the business on paper and assessing whether it is a viable proposition or not. Alterations or in other words, scenario planning is less costly when studied on paper compared to being forced to think of other options after the entrepreneur has started already his or her venture. Thorough planning increases the odds of overcoming obstacles or setbacks. 4. Assess cash requirements – Once the business plan has been drafted, the projected cash flows will highlight the anticipated peak cash requirement of the business and allow the entrepreneur to assess his or her cash needs to avoid cash-burns or out-of-cash situations. 5. Sell the business plan – The business plan will have to be used to persuade the financier (even if friends of family) that the business is viable and

6. Necessity-based furnishing – The entrepreneur needs to decide on the level of furnishing he or she should equip the office or staff with. To keep cost down, he or she must provide the bare minimum that will keep work productively in flow. Practicality is very crucial during the early years of the venture. 7. Prepare To commence trading – Stock and any necessary equipment must be ordered and on site before business starts – think of economic order quantity (EOQ). Failing to meet your promise with customers due to poor resources planning can come painfully expensive. Unhappy customers rarely come back! 8. Research your market – Market research should be conducted to ensure the envisaged demand is available and should highlight any weaknesses in the business plan or structure so that they may be rectified before costly mistakes are made. 9. Make your business heard – Entrepreneurs should ensure that potential customers are aware of the launching of the new business so that trading is as brisk as possible from the opening day. Customers cannot buy what they don’t know about! 10. Get the right people onboard – The entrepreneur needs to decide on necessary staffing levels and whether these staff should be employees or contract workers and complete the recruitment process of the most vital resources before launching the business.

Performance Management

Performance Management involves all of the human resource functions associated with evaluating and rewarding employee performance. These functions include delegating job assignments and ensuring that employees are adequately trained, establishing performance standards, evaluating performance, creating a meaningful incentive system, giving performance feedback, and administering the rewards, hence, this time, we will discuss the job performance. Job performance Job performance is a commonly used, yet poorly defined concept in industrial and organizational psychology, the branch of psychology that deals with the workplace. It most commonly refers to whether a person performs their job well. Despite the confusion over how it should be exactly defined, performance is an extremely important criterion that relates to organizational outcomes and success. Among the most commonly accepted theories of job performance comes from the work of Karriker,

JH; Williams ML (2009. Coming from a psychological perspective, Karriker describes job performance as an individual level variable. That is, performance is something a single person does. This differentiates it from more encompassing constructs such as organizational performance or national performance which are higher level variables. There are several key features to Campbell’s conceptualization of job performance which help clarify what job performance means. First, Karriker defines performance as behavior. It is something done by the employee. This concept differentiates performance from outcomes. Outcomes are the result of an individual’s performance, but they are also the result of other influences. In other words, there are more factors that determine outcomes than just an employee’s behaviors and actions. Karriker allows for exceptions when defining performance as behavior. For instance, he clarifies that performance does not have to be directly observable actions of an individual. It can consist of mental productions such as answers or decisions. However, performance needs to be under the individual’s control, regardless of whether the performance of interest is mental or behavioral. The




controlled action and outcomes is best conveyed through an example. On a sales job, a favorable outcome is a certain level of revenue generated through the sale of something (merchandise, some service, insurance). Revenue can be generated or not, depending on the behavior of employees. When the employee performs this sales job well, he/she is able to move more merchandise. However, certain factors other than employees’ behavior influence revenue generated. For example, sales might slump due to economic conditions, changes in customer preferences, production bottlenecks, etc. In these conditions, employee performance can be adequate, yet sales can still be low. The first is performance and the second is the effectiveness of that performance. These two can be decoupled because performance is not the same as effectiveness. Without a formal evaluation program, employers cannot defend their decisions to hire, fire, promote, discipline, or compensate. All human resource decisions can be challenged by disgruntled employees and a formal procedure is necessary to explain them. Although, performance evaluation is a basic part of the employment exchange. The employer agrees to compensate employees for their work, and the employee agrees to work in exchange for their compensation. Both sides must fulfill their parts of the agreement for the employment exchange to continue. According to this employment, employees are accountable for their performance. When employees accept job assignments, they should feel sense of responsibility for doing them well and expect to have their performance evaluated.


‫دور هيئــة المعـــارض فــي‬ ‫تنمــــية االقتصـاد المصــري‬

‫ن�شاط املعار�ض املقامة مبختلف تخ�ص�صاتها وتبثها‬ ‫لتوعية اجلمهور و�أي�ضا التعليم يجب �أن يتعلمالطفل‬ ‫او ال�شباب فى اجلامعة ثقافة املعار�ض ومالها من دور‬ ‫تنموى خارجيا ودوليا ليعتاد عليها املجتمع وت�صبح‬ ‫جزءا ا�صيال من ثقافتة املجتمعية‬ ‫تقوم هيئة املعار�ض دائما بتوقيع عدد من اتفاقيات‬ ‫التعاون بني بع�ض الدول لتبادل املعار�ض واملنتجات‬ ‫ماهى الفوائد التى تعود على املنتجات امل�صرية من‬ ‫وجهه نظركم ؟‬ ‫اى اتفاقيات تعاون او تبادل معار�ض مع الدول الأجنبية‬ ‫هو دعم للتعاونالتجارى بني م�صر واخلارج وحماولة‬ ‫منا للنفاذ باملنتج امل�صرى للأ�سواق العاملية وعر�ض‬ ‫�أحدث ما و�صلت �إليه ال�صناعات امل�صرية من تقدم‬ ‫ورقى وتطور تكنولوجى ومالءمتها الحتياجات ال�سوق‬ ‫العاملى من حيث الذوق واجلودة والتنوع ولذا فان الهيئة‬ ‫حري�صة دائما على امل�شاركة فى املعار�ض العاملية خالل‬ ‫الفرتات املقبلة كجزء من خطتها فى ترويج ال�صادرات‬ .‫امل�صرية‬ ‫ماذكرته �سيادتكم بالت�أكيد يدعم املنتج امل�صرى ادبيا‬. ‫فى الدول املختلفة ولكن ماذا عن الدعم املادى الذى‬ ‫تقدمه الهيئة للم�صدرين امل�صريني ؟‬ ‫الهيئة تعمل دائما على م�ساندة املنتج امل�صرى‬ ‫خارجيا وداخليا من اجل حتقيق هدف قومى وهو‬ ‫زيادة حجم �صادراتنا فى جميع دول العامل ولذا نقدم‬ ‫ من تكلفة اال�شرتاك‬%70 ‫م�ساندة للم�صدرين بن�سبة‬ ‫يف املعار�ض اخلارجية ت�شمل ر�سوم اال�شرتاك يف‬ ‫املعر�ض وجتهيزات الأجنحة وتكلفة �شحن املعرو�ضات‬ ‫ يف حني تتحمل‬، ‫وطباعة الكتالوجات واملواد الرتويجية‬ ‫ االخري بجانب تكاليف‬%30 ‫ال�شركات امل�صدرة ن�سبة الـ‬ ‫ال�سفر واالقامةباال�ضافة اىل �أننا و�ضعنا جمموعة من‬ ‫ال�ضوابط وال�شروط التي ت�ضمن ح�سن اختيار املعار�ض‬ ‫التي ت�شارك بها والتي يكون لها مردود ايجابي حقيقي‬ ‫علي منو ال�صادرات امل�صرية وهذا ما �شهده الن�صف‬ ‫ حيث‬2014/2013 ‫الأول من العام املاىل احلاىل‬ ‫ معر�ض دوىل عام ومتخ�ص�ص وخمطط‬28 ‫�شاركنا فى‬ ‫ معر�ض دوىل عام ومتخ�ص�ص خالل‬37 ‫امل�شاركة فى‬ ‫الن�صف الثانى من نف�س العام املاىل‬

‫ أحمد الديب‬.‫د‬ ‫رئيس هيئة المؤتمرات والمعارض المصرية‬

‫نود �أن تطلعنا �سريعا على اخلطة املو�ضوعة من قبل‬ ‫الوزارة والهيئة لتن�شيط املعار�ض مب�صر خالل الفرتة‬ ‫املقبلة ؟‬ ‫يتم تنفيذ خطة تطوير �صناعة املعار�ض تعمل على‬ ‫عدة حماور وت�شتمل علي خطط طويلة الأجل و�أخرى‬ ‫ق�صرية الأجل للنهو�ض بهذه ال�صناعة الهامة جدا‬ ‫للأقت�صاد الوطنى من خالل تطوير البنية الأ�سا�سية‬ ‫لهذة ال�صناعة من خالل تنفيذ م�شروع �صاالت العر�ض‬ ‫ب�أر�ض املعار�ض بالقاهرة وتطوير مركز القاهرة‬ ‫الدوىل للم�ؤمترات وكذا �إن�شاء مراكز �أقليمية للمعار�ض‬ ‫الأ�سكندرية –�شرم‬-‫فى �أربع حمافظاتهى الأق�صر‬ ‫ال�شيخ –القاهرة اجلديدة مما ميثل انطالقة حقيقية‬ ‫لتطوير ال�صناعة خالل املرحلة املقبلة ت�شمل �إن�شاء‬ ‫�صاالت عر�ض متطورة وقاعات م�ؤمترية بالإ�ضافة‬ ‫�إىل اخلدمات امل�سانده من مكاتب وخمازن ومطاعم‬ ‫وبنوك ومناطق ترفيهية ومبان �إدارية وفنادق وغريها‬ ‫بالإ�ضافة اىل اخلدمات الأخرى امل�ساندة الالزمة التي‬ .‫تلبى جميع احتياجات العار�ضني ومنظمي امل�ؤمترات‬ ‫�ضرورة الإهتمام بالبحوث والتدريب اخلار�ض ب�صناعة‬ ‫املعار�ض من خالل �إن�شاء مركز لبحوث ودرا�سات‬ ‫املعار�ض وكذا مركز للتدريب على هذه ال�صناعة مينح‬ ‫ال�شهادات التدريبية والأكادميية للعاملني فى هذه‬ .‫ال�صناعة‬ ‫�أهمية ن�شر الثقافة املعر�ضية من خالل الربامج‬ .‫التلفزيونية واملناهج التعليمية باملدار�س واجلامعات‬ ‫ هل ا�صبح‬.. ‫ما ر�أيكم فى ثقافة املعار�ض فى جمتمعنا‬ ‫املواطن امل�صرى مدركا لها ولأهميتها �أم مازلنا فى‬ ‫حاجة للتوعية بها ؟‬ ‫لال�سف ال�شديد مازلنا فى حاجة للكثري من الوقت‬ ‫واجلهد حتى يدرك املجتمع ثقافة املعار�ض والدور‬ ‫احليوى الذى تلعبه بالن�سبة لل�شركات وامل�ستهلكني‬ ‫�أي�ضا فمازلنا فى حاجة اىل برامج متخ�ص�صة تتابع‬

Amr Diab @amrdiab . May 10

‫فقدت األخ والصديق ورفيق مشواري الشاعر الكبير مجدي النجار‬




‫أحسبه عند هللا في جنة الخلد‬


Diana Haddad @DianaHaddad . May 19

‫ ولن تنجح‬،‫ ولن تتعلم دون أن تخطئ‬،‫ لن تكبر دون أن تتألم‬،‫هذه هي الحياة شئت أم أبيت‬ . ‫ ولن تحب دون أن تفقد‬،‫دون أن تفشل‬ Reply




’@rebaisaber ‫صابر الرباعى‬

.‫إذا أردت شيئا بشدة فاطلق سراحه فان عاد اليك فهو ملك لك وان لم يعد فهو في األصل لم يكن لك‬ .‫مسائكم جميل‬ Reply




”‫باليه “روميو و جوليت‬ ‫فرقة األوبرا القاهرة‬ ‫أوركسترا األوبرا القاهرة‬ 2014 ‫ يونيو‬1 ‫الساعة الثامنة مساءا‬ ‫المسرح الكبير بدار األوبرا‬ , ‫الزمالك‬, ‫الجزيرة‬, ‫المصرية‬ ‫القاهرة‬


City Sports

June 2014

Volume 1 Issue 6

Mohamed Salah: Chelsea is the right club for me by In an interview with Chelsea Magazine, Mohamed Salah explained that the 4-23-1 formation is no stranger to him; however, he admitted that getting regular playing time will be no easy task. had this interview covered. The 21-year-old winger is confident that he can make it at Chelsea as Jose Mourinho’s most used formation 4-2-31 is the same formation that his former coach, Murat Yakin, preferred. “I know it will not be easy to play every game for Chelsea because we have so many very good players in my position, but I hope to show how hard I work and then we will see,” Salah said.

League football so I have experience of playing at this level.”

“The way Chelsea play – with three creative players behind the striker – is like the tactic we played at Basel, so 4-2-3-1 is normal for me – it is the same tactic. I can play in any of the three positions but I really like playing on the right, because I can go inside onto my left foot.

To a player who, only a few years back, was watching Chelsea on TV and marveling at the beauty of the game, Salah’s move to Chelsea was a dream come true. Moreover, he speaks of his liking of London and continuing to learn English.

Talking about how his dream to play in the Premier League came to become a reality, Salah claims that he couldn’t have made it to Chelsea if he hadn’t first played at Basel.

“London is a very nice city. Everyone told me it is fantastic and that I will love it here, and I have been learning more English as well. It’s been my dream to play in England. ”

“Football in Switzerland and England is a little bit different, but if you were to go straight from Egypt to the Premier League, it would be too difficult. You have to take it step by step. At Basel, I played Europa League and Champions

Salah is made his mark and scored against Arsenal in the 6-0 thrashing. He’s expected to take more part in upcoming games as the season progresses. Make sure you keep an eye out on KingFut. com for all the latest updates.

World No.1 Ramy Ashour ‫أتلتيكومدريد‬ ً ‫يتوج بط‬ ‫ال الدوري األسباني‬

Ramy Ashour is looking to put an injuryplagued year behind him and become the first Egyptian in 50 years to defend the British Open title in Hull starting on Monday. The past year has been an uphill battle for the charismatic 26-year-old from Cairo who relinquished his World Open title six months ago because of the latest of many injuries. But Ashour credited his ‘genius’ fitness coach Paul Sciberras and Thierry Lincou, the retired former world number one from France, with getting him back on track. “I was kind of lost when I got injured again and wanted to find a solution once and for all,” said Ashour, whose successes at the World Series finals in March and the El Gouna Open in April have suggested he is back in form. “I believe they are the ones who made the difference in my movement and my physicality. I have to thank them both.” As a result Ashour may now be unofficial favourite for the world’s oldest squash title, even though his three-month absence from competition has caused

him to slip to number three in the seeds.

‫قق فريق �أتلتيكو مدريد �إجنا ًزا تاريخ ًيا بالتتويج‬ ‫بلقب الدوري الإ�سباين لكرة القدم للمرة العا�شرة يف‬ ‫ بعد تعادله‬، 1996-1995 ‫ والأول منذ مو�سم‬،‫تاريخه‬ ‫ يف‬1-1 ‫مع م�ضيفه ومناف�سه على البطولة بر�شلونة‬ .‫اجلولة اخلتامية مبلعب الأخري كامب نو‬ ‫وك�سر �أتلتيكو مع املدرب الأرجنتيني املتميز دييجو‬ ‫�سيميوين احتكار القطبني ريال مدريد وبر�شلونة للقب‬ .‫ حني ح�سم فالن�سيا البطولة‬2004 ‫منذ‬

“It’s such an honour to be associated with such a respectful, down to earth, humble legend like Thierry, and I am very grateful for his time, effort and passion. “He spoke to his genius professor, Paul Sciberras, and for the first time I have someone who helps my body and my fitness in a deliberate, precise, academic way.” This may help Ashour to parade the skills which extended a magnificent unbeaten run to 49 matches last year. However another Frenchman, Gregory Gaultier, could make life difficult. Already the only player from France ever to have won the British Open, Gaultier overcame Ashour in the Windy City Open final in Chicago in March, and should face him again in Saturday’s semi-finals. The men’s competition starts on Monday while the women’s event – which could produce a final between Nicol David, the world number one from Malaysia, and Laura Massaro, the world and British Open champion from England – begins on Tuesday.

‫حفل غنائى‬ ‫شوية فن‬ ‫في ساقية الصاوي‬

‫ مايو‬23 ‫الجمعة‬ ‫من الساعة السابعة مساءا‬ ‫حتى التاسعة مساءا‬ , ‫ الزمالك‬, ‫ يوليو‬26 ‫شارع‬ ‫القاهرة ساقية الصاوي‬


City Youth

June 2014

Volume 1 Issue 6


Spring 2014 Trends Straight the Runway ‫اإلع�لام م��رآة المجتم��ع الكبرى‬

Amany El Cherif

Fashion Designer & Gallery Hot pink, Yellow, Navy blue what comes on your mind when you see these colors, off course flowers. The spring season is always filled with energy and colorful things, flashy colors and the texture of flower print is what 2014 is all about. The secret this season is to combine or in other words we can say to balance between the colors meaning not to go to flashy and not to pastel you can balance by wearing a white pants and a light texture blasé with a nice jacket that balance the colors.

´What´s interesting is we´re seeing exciting and fashionable colors as well as more neutral ones. It´s not as though everyone is willing to wear the bright colors from recent season head-to-toe. There needs to be equilibrium, and that is a more serious word than balance. The world still needs the stability of soft neutrals but we´re not just talking about gray, beige and taupe,´´ said Leatrice Eiseman, Pantone Color Institute´s executive director. It´s essential this season to have one or two maxi cottons dress that you can put on easily and style them with a colorful necklace and a cardigan or jeans jackets and you will look fancy fashionable and ready to rock the streets. You can also style your outfit by putting small colorful accessories that can change the whole look or you can go crazy with your handbag color and shoes. P.S. It´s not a must to match your shoe color with your handbag.

‫محمد الحمصاني‬

‫اإلعالمي بقناة النيل الدولية‬

For the season go crazy with the colors.

‫نصائح وأخطاء الشائعة فى وضع الميكب‬ Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Exhibition Monday, May 26, 2014 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM

AUC Library, Room 3014, AUC New Cairo

‫أمنية الشامي‬

‫ ابت�سامتك وجمالك الداخلى اول خطواتك‬-1 ‫جلمالك اخلارجى دميا اهتمى بابتا�سمتك و البعد‬ ‫عن التك�شري النه بيعجز الب�شره ويعودها على‬ ‫حطوط وجتاعيد من او�ضحها فى منطقه اجلبهه‬ ‫ ابت�سامتك حتلى مكياجك‬, ‫وبني احلواجب‬ ‫ ) " دميا بيتجمع‬Wrinkles ( ‫ "خطوط الوجه‬-3 ‫فيها كرمي اال�سا�س ع�شان بيو�ضع مبا�شر وبكرثه‬ ‫االف�ضل ياخد ب�س لون الب�شرة يو�ضع اقل ن�سبة‬ ‫لكرمي اال�سا�س على املناطق دى �أو يو�ضع عليها بودر‬ ‫وكمان بيكون بن�سبه قليله لتفادى جتمعه فى اماكن‬ ‫التجاعيد و تكا�سري الب�شرة‬ ‫ " لون كرمي اال�سا�س " فى بنات بتحب تفتح لون‬- 2 ‫ب�شرتها و فى بنات بتحب تغمق لون ب�شرتها اال�صح‬ ‫�إن كل واحده حتب تغمق او تفتح لون ب�شرتها تفتح‬ ‫او تغمق بدرجه او درجه ون�ص وده هيكون منا�سب‬ ‫جدا ع�شان ميكون�ش فى فرق لون بني الوجه وااليد‬ ‫والرقبه ودى من احلاجات اىل بتخلى مظهر ملفت‬ . ‫وغري م�ستحب الظهور بال�شكل ده‬

‫واملربمج الذي يهدف ايل الرتويج ملنهج النازية‬ .‫وتطلعاتها‬ ‫ وهو �إعالم يعتمد على‬:‫ الإعالم القا�صر‬:‫الثاين‬ ‫ ولكنه يف�شل يف حتقيق الت�أثري‬،‫احلقائق املجردة‬ ‫ وغال ًبا ما يرجع‬.‫املطلوب بتلك احلقائق لدى اجلمهور‬ 0‫ذلك �إىل خط أ� الأ�سلوب الإعالمي امل�ستخدم‬ ‫القائمون على مثل هذا النوع من و�سائل الإعالم هم‬ ‫ �أو دون‬،‫الذين دخلوا ال�سلك الإعالمي �إما م�صادفة‬ ‫ �أو دون هدف �أو‬،‫رغبة �أ�صيلة يف املمار�سة الإعالمية‬ ‫وعي حقيقي بالدور الذي تتحمل امل�ؤ�س�سة الإعالمية‬ .‫ لتكون ذات فائدة ونفع للمجتمع‬،‫عبئه‬ ‫لقد كان من الأوىل �أن ُي�ست َغل الإعالم امل�سموع لتوعية‬ ،‫الأجيال ال�شابة بق�ضايا �أمتها وبواقعها املعا�صر‬ ‫ الذين‬،‫لتن� أش� ن�ش�أة خمتلفة عما نراه اليوم بني �شبابنا‬ ‫يتعر�ضون لت�سطيح �إعالمي ي�أخذهم نحو االن�شغال‬ ‫ ويلهيهم عن الق�ضايا املهمة‬،‫بالأمور التافهة وال�شكلية‬ .‫وامل�صريية‬ ‫ وامل�ؤ�س�سة الإعالمية‬،‫�إن الإعالم �أمانة وم�س�ؤولية‬ ‫كامل�ؤ�س�سة الرتبوية من حيث �أثرها يف ت�شكيل بنية‬ ‫ وقد يتفوق �أثر امل�ؤ�س�سة‬،‫املجتمعات ور�سم مالحمها‬ ‫ منها‬،‫الإعالمية على الرتبوية نتيجة عوامل خمتلفة‬ ‫طبيعة املادة التي تقدمها كل منهما ومدى منا�سبتها‬ .‫لأهواء املتلقني‬ ‫ ومرافقتها لأفراد‬،‫وتنوع �أ�شكال امل�ؤ�س�سات الإعالمية‬ ‫املجتمع يف خمتلف الأوقات والأماكن بعك�س امل�ؤ�س�سة‬ ‫ مما ي�ستوجب ا�ستثمار‬،‫ وغري ذلك من عوامل‬،‫الرتبوية‬ ‫الإعالم يف توجيه �شبابنا نحو ما يعود باخلري والنفع‬ ‫على جمتمعنا على الأمد البعيد‬

‫ والتي يتطلع‬،‫�إن الإعالم ميثل مر�آة املجتمع الكربى‬ ً ‫فيها اجلميع لريى بع�ضهم‬ ‫ يتطلع فيها املواطن‬،‫بع�ضا‬ ‫لريى و ي�سمع الآخرين يف م�سرية احلياة اليومية‬ .‫للمجتمع‬ ‫وهكذا يت�ضح لنا �أن دور الإعالم يف �أي جمتمع ب�شري‬ ‫ وهو يف املجتمعات املعا�صرة �أ�شد‬،‫ دور عظيم وخطري‬‫ حيث تتعدد االهتمامات وتتناق�ض‬،‫�أهمية و�أكرب خط ًرا‬ ‫ وحيث يقوم الإعالم بهمة‬،‫امليول وتختلف االجتاهات‬ ‫البناء ومهمة احلماية والوقاية والت�صدي للغزو الفكري‬ .‫اخلارجي يف �آن واحد‬ ‫وال �شك �أن الإعالم �إذا ا�ستكمل مقوماته وو�سائله‬ ،‫ال�صحيحة و�أح�سن ا�ستخدامه وتوجيهه يف جمتمع ما‬ .‫كان قوة دافعة كربى للبناء والتطور والنهو�ض باملجتمع‬ ‫وعلى اجلانب الآخر ف�إن الإعالم الذي يف�شل يف �أداء‬ ‫دوره وحتقيق ر�سالته يف املجتمع ال يقف �أثره عند حد‬ ‫ و�إمنا يتعدى ذلك �إىل �إحداث �آثار‬،‫الف�شل الذاتي‬ ‫ �أدناها ال�شعور بالإحباط النف�سي يف‬- ‫�سيئة يف املجتمع‬ ‫ وهو ما يدفع �أفراد املجتمع‬- ‫الوجدان العام للمجتمع‬ ‫ ثم البحث‬- ‫�إىل الإعرا�ض وعدم التجاوب والالمباالة‬ .‫والتطلع اىل م�صادر �إعالمية بديلة‬ ‫ون�ستطيع �أن منيز يف هذه احلالة بني نوعني من‬ :‫الإعالم‬ ‫ وهو الإعالم الذي ال يعتمد على‬:‫ الإعالم املتحيز‬:‫الأول‬ ‫احلقائق املجردة ويجنح �إىل الدعاية ملذهب �سيا�سي‬ ‫ ومثل هذا‬،‫�أو خط معني عن طريق التلفيق والتزوير‬ ‫ وحتى �إذا‬،‫الإعالم �سرعان ما يفقد ثقة اجلماهري‬ ‫ت�ضمن بع�ض احلقائق ف�إن اجلماهري تنظر �إليها بعني‬ .‫الريبة وال�شك واحلذر‬ ...»‫فنت�أمل مقولة«اكذب حتى ي�صدقك النا�س‬ ‫ل جوزيف جوبلز �صاحب �آلة الدعاية النازية ووزير‬ ‫االعالم الذي �صور �أدولف هتلر للأملانيني على �أنه‬ ‫املنقذلأملانيا و هو بذلك كان �صاحب الكذب املمنهج‬

Now that you're 18

When we’re kids we imagine that once we turn 18, nothing will be able to stand in our way—the world will be ours, our freedom unlimited. In reality, however, turning 18 comes with as many responsibilities as it does freedoms.

Just remember, you’re legally responsible if you don’t hold up your end on any of these contracts (marriage included!). Be sure to read the fine print and know what you’re agreeing to before you exercise any of these powers.

In the eyes of the law, at 18 you become an adult, and while this opens many opportunities to you, it also means that society will expect more from you in general.

Think these freedoms are exciting? Just wait until you become a senior citizen— the discounts and prioritized seating await! That’s a long way off, though. For now, enjoy your new powers, but use them wisely and responsibly. Just remember, sometimes the best part of being an adult has less to do with electing a candidate as governor, and much more to do with electing to have ice cream for dinner.

• Voting is by far one of the most exciting powers that come with turning 18. For the first time, you can participate in electing your local and national representatives— even the president of the United States. Your opinion can now help to shape the world you live in. Doesn’t that feel great? • Now that you’re 18, you’re also eligible for jury duty. Your community can call on you to serve as a juror for a trial, and you’ll be legally obligated to serve. While many people loathe jury duty and do all they can to be excused, others find it to be a rewarding and educational experience. • Thinking of tying the knot with that special someone? Once you’re of age, you can get married without your parent’s permission. • You can also rent an apartment, buy property, open a bank account, or apply for a credit card.

City Cars

June 2014

Volume 1 Issue 6

Worldwide Car News


‫هيئة متخصصة لتنظيم صناعة‬ ‫وتجارة السيارات‬

imported 2014-edition Range Rover vehicles in the Chinese mainland, which were produced from May 7 to October 10, 2013, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

Mohamed Diaa Zaki

Member of the Egyptian cars and motorcyles Club China gears up for huge car show, eyeing growth prospects BEIJING: Global automakers will flock to the largest car show in the world’s biggest car market next week - but environmental concerns and slowing Chinese economic growth mean the road ahead could be bumpy. The Beijing auto show, which opens to the public on Monday, will showcase more than 1,100 vehicles, according to organizers. Leading global automakers such as General Motors, Toyota, Volkswagen and Hyundai are set to attend along with domestic manufacturers SAIC Motor -the country’s biggest by sales - and Dongfeng Motor. In green car race, Toyota adds muscle with fuel-cell launch TOYOTA CITY: In 1997, Toyota caught its competitors by surprise with the revolutionary Prius, the first commercially successful gasolineelectric hybrid car. Now, the Japanese

firm is trying to do the same with a technology that seems straight out of science fiction. Toyota Motor Corp will next year launch a hydrogen-powered car in the United States, Japan and Europe. For now, people at Toyota are calling it the 2015 FC car, for fuel-cell. Fuel-cell cars use a “stack” of cells that electro-chemically combine hydrogen with oxygen to generate electricity that helps propel the car. Their only emission, bar heat, is water vapor, they can run five times longer than battery electric cars, and it takes just minutes to fill the tank with hydrogen - far quicker than even the most rapid charger can recharge a battery electric car. The 2015 launch culminates a 20-year zig-zag quest during which Toyota first struggled to get the technology to work and then strained to lower manufacturing costs enough to permit realistic pricing. Jaguar Land Rover to recall 1,923 cars in China BEIJING: Tata-owned British luxury car maker Jaguar Land Rover will recall 1,923 vehicles in China mainly due to problems with their warning lights, a quality watchdog today said. The recall by Jaguar Land Rover Automotive Trading (Shanghai) from April 17 covers 1,909

Car sales upturn fails to halt European price war PARIS: Europe’s car sales recovery may be taking hold, according to registrations data published on Thursday, but confidential industry surveys show the price war is raging on. Discounts outgrew first-quarter sales , according to the data seen by Reuters, casting doubt on the strength of the recovery and earnings outlook for carmakers in the region. Registrations rose 10.4 percent in March, the Association of European Carmakers said, rounding off an 8.1 percent gain for the first three months, after six straight years of contraction. Ford to sell Lincoln cars in China for first time BEIJING: Ford Motor Co. said Thursday it will sell high-end Lincoln cars in China for the first time later this year when it opens eight dealerships in seven cities. Lincoln is a late comer to China’s luxury car market, but Robert Parker, president of Lincoln China, said the brand is being introduced here after much deliberation and research. Parker said Lincoln will differentiate itself from other premium cars, offering customers an experience inspired by boutique hotels such as Mandarin Oriental that emphasize sensual luxury.

‫المهندس محسن طالئع‬

‫رئيس مجلس إدارة جمعية تنمية مجتمع السيارات‬

‫لتنظيم و�إعادة هيكلة �سوق ال�سيارات وامل�ؤ�س�سات‬ ‫والتنظيمات العاملة بال�سوق ومراجعة وتعديل‬ ‫القوانني التى ت�شكل عقبات فى منو �صناعة‬ .‫وجتارة ال�سيارات‬ .‫ رفع التوجيهات واملقرتحات �أجهزة الدولة‬-4 ‫ و�ضع ال�ضوابط الالزمة بالتن�سيق مع وزارة‬-5 .‫التجارة‬ ‫ و�ضع �آلية تتيح املجال �أمام جميع العاملني‬-6 ‫واملوزعني وامل�ستهلكني فى مواجهة تعقيد‬ .‫القرارات والتع�سف الروتينى والبريوقراطية‬ ‫ �إن�شاء جمموعة قرى لل�سيارات فى جميع‬-7 ‫ ت�ضم جميع الأن�شطة اخلا�صة‬،‫املحافظات‬ ‫بال�سيارات داخل جممع متكامل خارج كردون‬ ‫املدينة على غرار القرية الذكية خللق �أ�سواق‬ ‫منوذجية لل�سيارات خلدمة جميع الأطراف‬ .)‫(الدولة – التاجر – امل�ستهلك‬ ‫ العمل على تطوير �سوق ال�سيارات فى م�صر من‬-8 .)‫(�سوق دبى‬ ‫النطاق املحلى �إىل الدوىل‬ ‫ حتقيق دخل للدولة يتالءم مع الن�شاط ومكافحة‬-9 .‫ظاهرة التهرب طبقا لدرا�سات اجلدوى املقرتحة‬ ‫ تنظيم �إ�سترياد وجتميع ال�سيارات مب�صر طبقا‬-10 ‫الحتياجات ال�سوق احلقيقية من الفئات املختلفة‬ ‫من ال�سيارات و�إمكانية ا�ستيعاب ال�شارع امل�صرى‬ .‫للكميات املطروحة‬ ‫ و�ضع �أ�س�س لعمل ال�شركات الأجنبية للوكاالت‬-11 ‫املرخ�ص لها العمل مب�صر للحفاظ على حقوق‬ .‫ املوزع والتاجر‬،‫ الوكيل‬،‫امل�ستهلك‬ .‫ �إن�شاء قاعدة بيانات‬-12

‫تقوم هذه الهيئة على تر�سيخ وتنظيم قواعد �صناعة‬ ‫ على �أن تكون هذه الهيئة‬،‫وجتارة ال�سيارات فى م�صر‬ ‫مبثابة التنظيم الرئي�سى الذى تلج�أ �إليه ال�سلطة‬ ‫التنفيذية فى ت�شريع القوانني وكل ما هو متخ�ص�ص‬ ‫بال�سيارات بالدولة و�إمدادهم بكافة البيانات‬ .‫والإح�صائيات اخلا�صة بال�سيارات‬ ‫على �أن تكون هذه الهيئة من �أع�ضاء من �أجهة الدولة‬ ‫املختلفة التى تدخل ب�شكل ما فى �صناعة وجتارة‬ :‫ال�سيارات ومكوناتها فى م�صر مثل‬ .‫ احتاد ال�صناعات‬-1 .‫ �شعب ال�سيارات باالحتاد العام للغرف التجارية‬-2 .‫ وزارة التجارة وال�صناعة‬-3 .‫ بع�ض خرباء ال�سيارات فى م�صر‬-4 .‫ وزارة الداخلية‬-5 .‫ وزارة املالية‬-6 .‫ البنك املركزى‬-7 .‫ وزارة العدل‬-8 .‫ وزارة االت�صاالت وتكنولوجيا املعلومات‬-9 ‫ وزارة البيئة‬-10 ‫ وزارة االعالم‬-11 ‫ جهاز حماية امل�ستهلك‬-12 ‫ جهاز حماية املناف�سة‬-13 ‫ املحليات‬-14

:‫�أهداف الهيئة‬ ‫ عمل بيئة ت�شريعية موحدة لل�سيارات ت�ضم جميع‬-1 .‫القوانني امل�سنونة والأعراف املتداولة‬ ‫ البدء فى درا�سة جادة ل�صناعة �سيارة م�صرية‬-2 .%100 ‫ �إعداد الدرا�سات واخلطط التنفيذية الهادفة‬-3

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tal dance Cairo orien lan wa festival, ah airo sahlan in c

Happy 50th birthday, Mustang!

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The 41-mpg Mazda3 puts the ’fun’ in functional.

014 27 June 2 Date: 20, St. Dokki 40 Messaha Egypt Giza Cairo,

Gone are the days when carmakers felt the need for speed. As a new batch of concept cars proves, when automotive designers are tasked with meeting strict emissions regulations, it’s all about wildlooking rides. Much of the emerging focus is on small electric cars targeted at short-range city commuters. Audi, BMW, GM and Volkswagen all have models aimed at urbanites. Because driving in dense traffic makes high speed maneuvering wishful thinking, zip isn’t the purpose of these cars’ designs. Instead, the goal is curb appeal. Single driver vehicles, twoseaters with a passenger sitting behind the driver and designs inspired by Formula One racers are all on the table. If electric cars are the future of the short haul, hybrids, such as the one designed by Jaguar, are destined to become the kings of the open road. The benefits of these cars are their extended range and

ability to combine electric motors with fuel-sipping turbocharged V6 engines that emulate the fast-forward thrust of the large V8 engines that were once synonymous with the American roadster. The fastest and most luxurious hybrids on the road are likely to bear European markings. Even though Detroit’s R&D muscle has been curtailed by financial ailments, Ford’s EVOS fastback, Chevrolet’s hybrid Miray sports car and Cadillac’s Ciel convertible suggest that Detroit is still capable of innovative thinking. But even the California upstart Fisker isn’t shy about acknowledging its debt to Europe. And Chrysler, leaning on its Fiat relationship, is intending to bring a Maserati Kubang SUV to U.S. shores in the near future. Detroit’s efforts, and Asia’s as well, pales by comparison to European carmakers, where designers seem free to rethink the whole idea of personal automotive transportation. Herewith, some of the year’s best prototypes that may just show up in the lane next to you.

June 2014


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Volume 1 Issue 6

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