LE 5 Egypt, July 2014
Volume 1 Issue 8
by Luuk de Waardt No trip to Cairo would be complete without a visit to Khan El-Khalili. Khan ElKhalili bazaar is the largest in the world, located in next to Hussein Square, the garden in front of Hussein Mosque. The market dates back to 1382 when Emir Dajaharks Al-Khalili built a large market complex on the site of the Za’afran Tomb, which had been the burial place of the Fatimid rulers of Egypt. Today Khan El-Khalili has been modernized significantly, but there are still portions that display the original Mamluk style architecture, which featured great archways and vaulted ceilings. Khan El Khalili really comes to life at the end of the afternoon, in the morning and early afternoon, many shops are closed. There is a slight separation between the tourist part of the souk and the part that is intended mainly for the locals: the right of the ‘main entrance’ sells on particular souvenirs, perfumes, water pipes, gold and silver, while in the left especially clothes, all kinds of fabrics, carpets and spices to the local population. The perfume market is awash with countless mixing scents of essential oils. Walking through the winding alleys of this labyrinthine district, you will find the famous Al Fishawy cafe. Known as one of the oldest cafe’s in Cairo, decorated with large mirrors and old furniture. It used to be frequented by Naguib Mahfouz, Egyptian Nobel laureate author. A visit to Khan El-Khalili during Ramadan
is a special experience! Happy Ramadan.
New subsidy system
I want to end my career at Al Ahly
A new system for food subsidies will be initiated next month;
FC Basel midfielder and Egypt international Mohamed
Minister of Supply Khaled Hanafy. Hanafy’s statement came
during his meeting with Planning Minister Ashraf al-Araby, along with representatives of the Administrative Development Ministry to produce smart supply cards.
El-Nenny revealed his short and long term, and plans
to end his career at Al Ahly. Mohamed El-Nenny stated that he would like to continue his career abroad for as long as possible.
PurePlus تكنولوجيــا شل قريبًا في سباق الفورميال وان فريق �سكوديريا فرياري ي�ستعني بتكنولوجيا �شل . هيلك�س �ألرتا يف �سباق الفورميال وان �أطلق االحتاد الدويل لل�سيارات قواعد جديدة يف بطولة .2014 العامل ل�سباق ال�سيارات فورميال وان لعام
عبد العزيز يناقش أنشطة الوزارة الثقافية فى شهر رمضان ناق�ش خالد عبد العزيز وزير ال�شباب والريا�ضة �أبرز الأن�شطة الثقافية التى �ستنفذها الوزارة خالل �شهر حيث ا�ستعر�ض مع رئي�س الإدارة املركزية للربامج،رم�ضان الثقافية والتطوعية بالوزارة الأن�شطة املقرتحة لتنفيذها .خالل ال�شهر املعظم
15 للمزيد �ص
14 للمزيد �ص South Africa Through the Lens
I wouldn’t be ambassador if Nelson Mandela did not allow me to play that role” - Her Excellency Mrs. Nolouthando Mayende Sibiya
Arts Mart.com 2014
The largest online art gallery in the region, www.arts-mart.com, welcomed summer with the outstanding work of some of the top artists in town.
CITY NEWS NOW IN AUGMENTED REALITY Scan the QR code to download Koshk application and interact with City News. Search for the in City News and scan it with the application and experience how printed matter comes to life.
Koshk goes Augmented
Koshk is a business augmentation service company. The core of his business relies on providing technological aids to companies.
City Life
July 2014
Volume 1 Issue 7
I am Cairo, We are Cairo, You are Cairo
can interact by downloading their application and scan the marked points. Just follow the instructions on the cover page Over the last few weeks I am Cairo was presented at several Events like Capoeria the first Brazilian World Cup Lounge and Our Wedding Carnival Season Two both at Semiramis Intercontinental.
by Wadeea Azmy Photography
تحتفل بإطالق سرايا عابدينMBC
With the excitement of second round of FIFA World Cup Football in Brazil, knowing the final winner on the 13th July 20143, we wish you all a good and happy Ramadan month.
م�ؤمت ًراmbc �أقامت جمموعة قنوات،يف �أجواء �إحتفالية للك�شف عن تفا�صيل امل�سل�سل الرم�ضاين، م�ساء �أم�س،�صحف ًيا ."�سرايا عابدين" الذي �سيعر�ض ح�صر ًيا عرب �شا�شتها
النقاب عن بعض تفاصيلmbc كشفت مجموعة قنوات املسلسل الرمضاين " رسايا عابدين " خالل مؤمتر صحفي أقيم حرضه كل أبطال،مساء أمس داخل قرص املانسرتيل التاريخي .العمل باستثناء الفنانة اللبنانية نور بسبب تواجدها يف ديب تألقت يرسا خالل حضور املؤمتر بزي أسود أنيق وجلست إىل جوار املمثل السوري قيص خويل واملخرج عمرو عرفه الذي .وجهت له شك ًرا استثنائ ًيا عىل مجهوداته يف العمل أكدت فيها أن "رسايا،واكتفت غادة عادل بكلمة عفوية وأن الدور الذي قدمته جديد،عابدين" هو أهم إنجاز حققته . ويشكّل فرصة لها لتقدم نفسها بصورة مختلفة،عليها قالت نيليل كريم " أننا أخ ًريا متكّنا من إنجاز،من جهتها وهو ناجح عىل كافة،عمل عريب بكل ما للكلمة من معنى وأشارت إىل انبهارها،"املستويات كتابة ومتثيلاً وإخرا ًجا وإنتا ًجا بالعمل وشدّدت عىل رضورة أن يكون خطوة إلنجاز أعامل .مه ّمة عن تاريخنا العريب
We hope you enjoy reading our innovative Newspaper and happy to have your feedback. You are welcome to send your ideas, upcoming events or other topics to my personal email.
With pleasure we present you our recent issue of City News. City News discusses various interesting topics in several categories such as tourism, art, culture, life style, sports, technology and other contemporary issues.
Luuk de Waardt CEO & Founder
In this Issue we are happy to announce the introduction of AR (Augmented Reality) in cooperation with Koshk. On several points in City News you
International Publisher & Media Consultant l.de.waardt@iamcairo.com
1- Clean “avoid moisturizing in this area”
Omnia El Shamy Makeup Artist
2- Green Concealer “Yes,Green” 3- Conceal Redness “Right on the spot, not around it” 4- Bad Bad Bad! “Regular concealer over or around the spots” 5- Gently Blend “Smooth Down any harsh lines” 6- Apply Foundation “Carefully! Don’t smudge your concealer” 7- Powder “To set and also even coloration”
Only for emergency do this tips for magical hide spots, if there’s no emergency to hide it so keep it clear for treating, now let’s know the 8 simple steps to Disappearing act:
8- Finally! “No one will ever know” Green is the opposite color to red on the color wheel so it will completely take away any redness.
GeneralWeather info forecast Sun, 29
Mon, 30
Tue, 1
Wed, 2
Thurs, 3
Fri, 4
Sat, 5
Sun, 6
Mon, 7
Tue, 8
40 °C - 29°C
41°C - 29°C
42°C - 27°C
40°C - 29°C
42 °C - 30°C
41° C - 24° C 39° C - 24° C 39°C - 225°C
Local time UTC/GMT offset
Airports Dialing codes Population
39 ° C -27 °C 39 ° C - 27 °C
حفل �سفارة االردن
: ي�شعلون حفل افتتاح �ساقية ال�صاوي بالغردقة.. حممد حم�سن وامل�صريني والعرائ�س م�ؤ�س�س �ساقية ال�صاوى واملئات، بح�ضوراملهند�س حممد عبد املنعم ال�صاوى،�شهدت مدينة الغردقة �أم�س افتتاح فرع �ساقية عبداملنعم ال�صاوى بـ"ديباج مول" مبنطقة اله�ضبة كما �شاركت نخبة من م�شاهري املثقفني مب�صر فى، بالإ�ضافة �إىل م�شاركات من املوهبيني من �أهل مدينة الغردقة، و�شمل االفتتاح عددًا من الفقرات الفنية. من �أهل الغردقة ً � حفل االفتتاح حيث ح�ضر الفنان الر�سام �أحمد طوغان و�شارك فى حفل االفتتاح مبعر�ض لأهم �صوره كما �شارك أي�ضا الكاتب �إبراهيم عبد املجيد والكاتب حممد جاد والفنان . وكان من املقرر ح�ضور حمافظ البحر الأحمر ال�سيد �أحمد عبداهلل االفتتاح ولكنه اعتذر لظروف ت�أمنية طارئة، هانى �شنودة
Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +2 hours Time zone abbreviation: EET - Eastern European Time No daylight saving time in 2013 Official language: Standard Arabic National and spoken language: Egyptian Arabic Frequently used languages: English & French Cairo International Airport +20 2
مدخل ال�ساقية قبل احلفل
Wedding Carnival Season Two
حممد حم�سن حفل افتتاح �ساقية ال�صاوي بالغردقة
Capoeira World Cup Lounge
2006 Statistics: 9 million Cairo-Helwan: 17.8 million Islam: 90% Coptic & Christian: 10%
Friday & Saturday
Egyptian Pound (EGP) or Livre Egyptienne (LE)
Exchange rates
1 USD = 7,15 EGP 1 GBP = 12,13 EGP 1 EUR = 9,73 EGP
Useful numbers
Police: 122 Ambulance: 123 Fire Emergency: 180
Egypt electrical outlet
ي�سرا و�سمري �صربي ومنذر ريحانة يف حفل �سفارة االردن
220 V,50 Hz, Type C Electrical Outlet
Our Wedding Carnival Season Two – Hollywood, 20th and 21st June 2014 at Semiramis Intercontinental.
Opening of Capoeira ‘The First Brazilian World Cup Lounge’ at Semiramis Intercontinental on the 17th June 2014.
City Life
July 2014
Volume 1 Issue 7
Thank you Mister President
عدىل حممود من�صور,
born 23 December 1945)is the acting President of Egypt and a judge who heads the Supreme Constitutional Court.He was declared president following the 2013 Egyptian coup d’état precipitated by mass protests against his predecessor, Mohamed Morsi. The Egyptian military and several secular and religious figures, such as the Grand Imam of al-Azhar (Ahmed el-Tayeb), theCoptic Pope (Tawadros II), and Mohamed ElBaradei announced that President Morsi had been removed from office and appointed Mansour President until an election could take place..Morsi refused to acknowledge his removal as valid and continued to maintain that only he could be considered the legitimate President of Egypt. Mansour was sworn into office in front of the Supreme Constitutional Court on 4 July 2013 Early life and education Mansour was born in Cairo. He graduated from Cairo University Law School in 1967, earned a postgraduate degree in law in 1969, studied economics with Juan Felipe Aranguren and earned a postgraduate degree in management science from Cairo University in 1970. He later attended France’s École nationale
d’administration (ENA) and graduated in 1977. Mansour spent six years in Saudi Arabia in the 1980s, working as an adviser to the Saudi Ministry of Commerce. He is married and has a son and two daughters. Term on Supreme Constitutional Court Mansour was appointed to the Supreme Constitutional Court in 1992. He later served as the deputy chief justice of Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional Court until 1 July 2013, when he became president of the SCC following his appointment to the position by President Morsi on 19 May.[ Mansour did not have the opportunity to swear the oath as chief justice of the SCC until 4 July 2013, right before he swore the presidential oath. Interim President of Egypt,On 3 July 2013, Mansour was named interim President of Egypt following the ousting of Mohammed Morsi in the 2013 Egyptian coup d’état subsequent to the 2012–13 Egyptian protests. His appointment was announced on television by the minister of defense Abdul Fatah al-Sisi.Earlier, there was brief confusion as to who exactly was appointed interim president, with
Egypt’s New Leader Inspires
some sources suggesting it was the former chief justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court, Maher El-Beheiry. Mansour was sworn in on 4 July 2013. He restored the position of the Vice President, which was abolished with the adoption of the current Constitution on 26 December 2012, and nominated opposition leader Mohammed ElBaradei to the post on 7 July 2013. On 8 July, Mansour issued a decree that proposed the introduction of amendments to the suspended constitution and a referendum to endorse them, followed by national elections. On 9 July, Mansour appointed the economist Hazem el-Biblawi as prime minister. Mansour made his first trip abroad as Interim President on 8 October 2013, to Saudi Arabia, a key backer of the ousting of Morsi. On 19 September 2013 President Mansour announced that he won’t run for presidency saying that the government is waiting for the 50-member Constitutional ,to finish its work, to finalize the draft constitution, to address the differences in views, and to reach a constitution that expresses all classes and orientations of the people, as well as the institutions of the civil society.
Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi waves as he rides a bicycle with few hundred Egyptians outside the military college in Cairo, June 13, 2014. President Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi spent the morning of Friday 13th June 2014, cycling with Prime Minister Ibhrahim Malhab and several members of the Egyptian cabinet. The former Field Marshall participated in a marathon held from the Military Academy for 20 kilometers, in which the Egyptian President was at the head of the race from start to finish. “Our objective is not just to promote exercising and activities, but to symbolize unity; our unity as a nation,” said President Al-Sisi. Some of the ministers that took part in the athletic day were Minister of Defence Sobhy Sedky, Minister of Interior Mohamed Ibrahim, Minister of Youth and Sports Khaled Abel Aziz and Minister of Social Solidarity Ghada Waly. Several
journalists, university students and students of the Military and Police Academy attended the marathon. The President explained in his speech how the use of alternative transport solutions will save for the average Egyptian EGP 4 ($ 0.56) and the government EGP 8 ($ 1.12) per a 20 kilometer travel distance. This is not the first time President AlSisi has promoted alternative use of transportation; two months ago Al-Sisi caused a stir on social media after he was photographed cycling in New Cairo, where he allegedly stopped to talk to locals about his cycling hobby. A recent study released by the World Bank reveals that Cairo’s traffic costs the Egyptian state EGP 47 billion (USD 6.5 billion) annually and is expected to reach EGP 105 billion (USD 14.6 billion) by 2030.
New subsidy system on commodities خالد حنفى وزير بدرجة قدير to be applied next month (Source Aya Ibrahim – CAIRO Post)
pointing out that the saved sum was re-directed as subsidized products for citizens. He added that South Cairo residents in Maadi, Tora, Helwan, Massarah, 15th of May City and New Cairo, will follow the lead of canal governorates residents. “People will be allowed to choose from a larger range of products that will include milk, fruits and vegetables according to each family’s needs,” spokesperson of the Ministry of Supply Mahmoud Diab told Ahram Online Tuesday, referring to the new plan.
A new system for food subsidies will be initiated next month and will include 20 new food products both from the public and private sector, Supply Minister Khaled Hanafy said, Al Mal newspaper reported. Hanafy’s statement came during his meeting with Planning Minister Ashraf al-Araby, along with representatives of the Administrative Development Ministry and companies assigned to produce smart supply cards. “The new commodities include meat, fish, poultry, bean products and cleansers,” Hanafy said, adding the new subsidy system would reduce
citizens’ complaints about the poor quality of the products. He told Al Mal a new bread distribution system, which was been put into effect in three governorates: Port Said, Suez and Ismailia, will be applied in the rest of Egypt within three months. Hanafy said commodities currently offered to citizens are “not enough” and that the government is now seeking to compete with major retail chains using its new system. “The recently applied bread distribution system at canal governorates has been able to save 9.6 million EGP of consumption costs,” Hanafy stated,
As the world’s top wheat importer, food security is a sensitive topic in Egypt. Former president Anwar Sadat canceled bread subsidies in 1977, resulting in mass demonstrations that forced him to withdraw the decision.
بالإجنليزية ذلك لأن �شريكى ال�صحفى الهولندى "لوك دى فارد" كان معنا ولأن الرجل �أراد بذكاء �شديد �أن يتوا�صل مع �شريكى الهولندى حتى ال ي�شعر الرجل ومل تكن هذه غري،ب�أنه غري ذى �صفة فى هذا االجتماع البداية الكت�شاف ملكات الوزير "خالد حنفى" فعندما حتدث فوجئنا جميع ًا ب�أن الرجل بتحدث االجنليزية باتفاق تام وهو �شئ غريب على وزير متوين وجتارة داخلية واحلقيقة عندما قارنت بني الوزير خالد حنفى و�أحد املوظفني الذين تولوا حقيبة وزارية هامة وداعمة لالقت�صاد وفوجئت بان هناك فجوة بني �أداء كل منهم وكان الرجل فى،ال ميكن ال�سكوت عليها ب�أى حال منتهى التوا�ضع عندما مت توجيه بع�ض كلمات الثناء على �أداة وطلب من امل�سئولني بوزارة التجارة �أعداد ملف جيد بكل التفا�صيل للعر�ض عليه ومن ثم حتديد حقيقة.موعد وكيفية عر�ض و�إدارة منظومة العمل الأمر ان الرجل قد �أثر فى كل احلا�ضرين بر�ؤيته ثقافته �أيها الوزير �سعدنا،والأهم الكاريزمة والتوا�ضع ال�شديد جميعا بلقاءك وا�ستمتعنا وا�ستب�شرنا خريا للم�ستقبل ب�أن يكرث �أمثالك فى املوقع القيادية بعيدا عن التوازنات واملح�سوبية وتذكر دائما ""�أن اهلل ال ي�ضع �أجر من �أح�سن عم ًال ،،�صدق اهلل العظيم
فى زمن الثورات دائما ما جتد امل�سئولني والوزراء فى وطبعا عندنا فى،�أ�ضعف حاالتهم الفنية والذهنية من%80 م�صر الو�ضع ال يختلف كثريا ولنا مثال حى فى الذين يفتقدون القدرة على الإدارة،وزرائنا احلاليني والكاريزمة و�أ�ضف �إىل كل ما �سبق ال�ضعف ال�شديد فى .ال�شخ�صية والقدرة على مواجهة الأزمات والطوارئ لكن الأمر �أختلف فج�أة عندما جمعتنى الظروف وال�صدفة مب�ست�شار وزارتى التموين والتجارة الداخلية وهو فى ذات الوقت نائب رئي�س جمل�س الدولة وللأمانة لطفى من�صور" رجل وطنى حمب.والتاريخ الرجل "م املثري فى املو�ضوع �أن.لبلده ال يبغى اال مر�ضات اهلل الأمور قد تطورت �سريعا وحددنا لقاء مع الوزير " �أىWorkshop" خالد حنفى وكان ذلك لت�شكيل ور�شة عمل وعر�ض ما متلكه وزارة التجارة الداخلية من �أرا�ضى حلق اال�ستغالل وتنمية مناطق اخلدمات خا�صة حمافظات ال�صعيد والوجه البحرى وقد ح�ضر وقد و�صل،هذا االجتماع ما يقرب من ع�شرين �شخ�ص الوزير مت�أخر ًا عن املوعد املحدد لكونه خارج القاهرة ومع ذلك ا�ستقبلنا الرجل بكل ب�شا�شة وترحاب وقد لفت الوزير خالد حنفى �أنظار اجلميع بهدوئه ال�شديد والثقة بالنف�س والكاريزمة الوا�ضحة التى ميتلكها وعندما بد�أنا احلديث كان الرجل فى �أ�شد.الرجل وفج�أة حتدث الرجل،حاالت الرتكيز وا�ستمع للجميع
City Life Everywhere
July 2014
Volume 1 Issue 7
.. رواية النظرية األخيرة
by Mohamed Aziz Mohamed Aziz, a touristic, cultural and media counselor earned his bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Arts, French Section. In 1989, Aziz obtained a diploma in the Social Psychology of Tourist Behavior. He also obtained a diploma in Organizational Culture and another in Hotel Management from "Universite Paris" 8 Moreover, Aziz provides useful, general information and interesting topics about life in other countries in “City Life Everywhere” category of I am Cairo City News. mohamed.aziz@iamcairo.com Partner, Media & Tourism Counselor
Early Social Networking
لكن، �صفحة١٥٠ برها ًنا يفAndrew Wiles ً وا�ستُخدمت،ومفرطا يف الطول الربهان جاء مره ًقا ولذلك مل،فيه �أ�ساليب ريا�ضية تفوق كث ًريا ع�صر فريما ومنهم راجنيت �سوبرامانيان،يقتنع به كثري من النقاد وهو �شاب من �سريالنكا،Ranjit Subramanian يتمتع مبوهبة خا�صة يف الريا�ضيات و�شغف بالنظرية .الأخرية ال�شهرية كتب راجنيت برها ًنا يف ثالث �صفحات للنظرية متاحا لفريما من علم ً مل ي�ستعن فيه �إال مبا كان ًالريا�ضيات؛ وحاز عمله تقدي ًرا كب ًريا باعتباره �إجنازا لكنه لفت �إليه، وجلب له ال�شهرة والرثوة،عبقر ًّيا و�أنظار،يف الوقت نف�سه �أنظار جهاز الأمن القومي جماعة غام�ضة تابعة للأمم املتحدة تُدعى «ال�سالم من خالل ال�شفافية» متار�س �أن�شطة �سرية تتنافى مع وفج�أة وجد راجنيت نف�سه هو وزوجته مايرا دو.ا�سمها خبرية الذكاء ال�صناعي- Myra de Soyza �سويزا و�أ�سرتهما النا�شئة منجرفني يف تيار �أحداث تهز وا�ستُغلت عبقريته يف التفكري الريا�ضي النظري،العامل يف تطبيقات ملمو�سة حتمل نذر الهالك
ي�شرتك يف كتابة هذه الرواية املثرية اثنان من �أ�شهر وهذا التعاون التاريخي،�أدباء اخليال العلمي يف العامل بني فريدريك بول وزميله �آرثر �سي كالرك رائد �أدب ووداعا رائ ًعا من ً اخليال العلمي ُيعد حد ًثا �أدب ًّيا عظي ًما :٢٠٠١ الأديب الراحل واملفكر الكبري الذي �ألف رواية .ملحمة الف�ضاء حتكي رواية النظرية الأخرية ق�صة هو�س رجل ، وحتتفي بالروح الإن�سانية واملنهج العلمي،بالريا�ضيات ً � وهي أي�ضا رواية فكرية �آ�سرة يواجه فيها الب�شر الفناء على يد كائنات ف�ضائية تكاد تكون كلية القدرة تدعى وعلى الب�شر �أن يتغلبوا على خالفاتهم،»«عظماء املجرة . و�أن يتحدوا … �أو يهلكوا،ال�سيا�سية والدينية د َّون عامل الريا�ضيات الفرن�سي بيري١٦٣٧ عام يف هام�ش �أحدPierre de Fermat دو فريما «لقد:كتبه ملحوظة عن نظرية غام�ضة جاء فيها اكت�شفت ح ًّقا برها ًنا رائ ًعا لهذه النظرية ال يت�سع له . ومل يدون هذا الربهان يف مكان �آخر،»هذا الهام�ش هكذا بد�أ البحث عن «الك�أ�س املقد�سة» يف الريا�ضيات؛ عندما ن�شر �أندرو وايلز١٩٩٤ بحث مل ينته حتى عام
God saves Egypt Secret Egypt
An urgent message to anyone who wishes to tourism in the world. To every person looking for a miracle discovered the secret of the earth, which is located on the land of Egypt. Specially on the mountains at the Egyptian Sinai. This secret was discovered in the Year 2011. After the search continued for a period of five years • Discovery is on the holy mountain
Tilloch’s Philosophical Magazine carried an unusual item about a stone mason In 1821, Tilloch’s Philosophical Magazine carried an unusual item about a stone mason named David Virtue who made an astonishing discovery while working on a large chunk of rock that had come from about 22 feet below the surface. Upon breaking it open “he found a lizard embedded in the stone. It was coiled up in a round cavity of its own form, being an exact impression of the animal. It was about an inch and a quarter long, of a brownish yellow color, and had a round head, with bright sparkling projecting eyes. It was apparently dead, but after being about five minutes exposed to the air it showed signs of life. It soon ran about with much celerity.”
and survived? How did rock - which geology tells us takes hundreds if not thousands of years to form - take shape around the animal? How long could the animal have been in there?
There are numerous documented accounts of such findings, mostly involving frogs, toads or lizards. Most often the animals come out alive. And very often there is an imprint of their skin or shape on the cavity in which they are entombed. And this raises a number of interesting questions: How could the animal have gotten in there
The report is typical for the phenomenon, which began to be documented in the early 1970s when reports came in from ranchers in Minnesota and Kansas. The mutilations were like nothing they had ever seen with their cattle; they seemed to have a surgical precision that ruled out predators (whose work ranchers were
“We were passing down this road, and there was a thunderstorm a coming up behind us. We smelled this animal as we come by. We came back to check on it, and found it was mutilated. We examined it and its sexual organs was taken out. Its eyes were taken out, and its eyelashes were taken out. Well, there wasn’t no predators. Couldn’t have been killed by a predator cause all the surgical work was done by an expert...” Such was the report of rancher C.E. Potts in 1990.
quite familiar with). The selectivity is also unusual: often only the eyes, tongue or sexual organs have been removed, and quite often there is an unexplained absence of blood from the scene. Theories to explain the mutilations include Satanic cults, aliens, government experiments (unmarked black helicopters are sometimes seen in the vicinity) and bizarre diseases. As yet, however, no conclusive answers have ever been found.
of St. Catherine in central Sinai • Discovery there in the location that afternoon and spoke of God with the Prophet Moses • Discovery is the embodiment of the face of the Prophet Moses on Mount St. Catherine • Moses face kilometers
Researcher Name: Osama Alqoasny
... أقوال مأثورة ابن ر�شد
...احل�سن ما ح�سنه العقل والقبيح ما قبحه العقل
فقد تفوز،ال تلعب ابدا مب�شاعر االخرين لكنك تخاطر بفقدان من حولك مدى،باللعبه . احلياة
اهلل الميكن ان يعطينا عقوال ويعطينا �شرائع خمالفة لها
ابن خلدون املغلوب مولع دائم ًا بتقليد الغالب
: الأم ترييزا …ال�سالم يبد�أ بابت�سامة
: غاندى فالغفران �سمه...ال�ضعيف ال ي�ستطيع ان ي�سامح .االقوياء
: مارتن لوثر كينج اما �سنهلك معا،يجب ان نتعلم كيف نعي�ش معا كاخوة .كاحلمقى
: ابراهام لينكولن فانت اقوى،اذا كانت ال�صداقة هى نقطة �ضعفك .�شخ�ص فى العامل
: فردريك نيت�شه .جميع الأفكار العظيمة مت اكت�شافها �أثناء امل�شي
: جيم بيجز قبل �أن تعب�س ت�أكد من عدم وجود �أي ابت�سامات ...متاحة
هيلني كيلر �أو ال �شيء... احلياة �إما �أن تكون مغامرة جريئة
اين�شتاين الن ب�سببهم،انا ممنت لكل هوالء الذين قالوا ىل ال .فعلتها بنف�سى
ا�سحق نيوتن وهي، ال �أعرف �إال حقيقة واحدة،" �إنني جاهل ".�أنني ال �أعرف �شيئ ًا
مالك بن نبى ان العرب فتنتهم لغتهم اجلميلة فحولوها �إىل وثن يعبدونه العفيف االخ�ضر املفكر التون�سى االمة العربية كانت �أمة فاحتة ا�صبحت االن �أمة مفتوحة
City Travel & Tourism
July 2014
“I wouldn’t be ambassador if Nelson Mandela did not allow me to play that role.”
South Africa I am Cairo recently had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Nolouthando Mayende Sibiya the ambassador of South Africa. Her Excellency is a former Minister of Women, Youth, Children and People with Disabilities, a position that only a character such as hers; so humane and compassionate could fulfil. After having experienced Her Excellency’s hospitality I could only imagine how much pleasure awaits from a trip down South. Her Excellency told us stories; and as she was talking I found myself somewhere between star-studded skies and beautiful landscapes. I had mentally transported myself to the subtropical coast, soaking in the overwhelming scenery. Suddenly, I snapped back into reality just as Mrs. Sibiya started talking about Nelson Mandela. A touching quote grabbed my attention: “I wouldn’t be ambassador if Nelson Mandela did not allow me to play that role.” Her Excellency is living proof that Nelson Mandela’s efforts have clearly been preserved. In 2009, a declaration was made by the UN General Assembly dedicating the 18th of July to President Mandela, may he rest in peace. This is owed to the 67 years of contributions given by the Former South African President; not only to his people, but to mankind. He fought for humanity, women’s rights, and he has engraved the vital values
Her Excellency Mrs. Nolouthando Mayende Sibiya and I am Cairo Team. of peace and freedom into people’s hearts. The 18th of July is now known as “Nelson Mandela International Day.” On this day, the Nelson Mandela Foundation has created a campaign to celebrate Mandela’s devotion to his people and global peace. The South African embassy has mentioned that it shall be volunteering in order to commemorate Nelson Mandela’s efforts; I urge that you too, do the same. I find it important to state that Nelson Mandela’s last wish was to build a children’s hospital in South Africa. I can proudly say that its construction is underway. Never can a man with such unconditional love be forgotten. Celebrate the South African legacy on this day by paying it forward. I personally plan on going to an orphanage. What about you?
Yes we are Egypt
Volume 1 Issue 7
Experience South Africa
Visitors of diverse backgrounds are catered to in South Africa; from hiking to surfing - Ostrich riding and safaris, S.A has it all. Did you know: increasing amounts of restaurants and hotels are serving Halal meats now? That is how dedicated South Africans are to creating a more comfortable environment for their guests. They aim to make one feel right at home. Travel between South Africa and Egypt is limited, which is a shame because I see similarities in the amount of heritage and culture, as well as the nature of the countries citizens. There is a growing misconception that all you can expect to see in South Africa are Lions, Tigers and Rhinos. That is just as bad as people who ask Egyptian natives “Do you ride to school/work on camels? Here is another thought, last one, I
promise: have you ever been places where communication was difficult? Where you resorted to body language, made up signing, one word sentences and just pure noises to buy a drink or find out your location? Well you won’t experience that in South Africa; with 11 official languages (one of which is English) you have nothing to worry about! If you’re anything like me, you’ll even want to pick up a word or so from another language. Let me give you the first one: Swati: Sawubona = Hello Make that life altering experience and visit S.A. I believe that it should be on every traveler’s to do list.
Kruger National Park, Limpopo
Consider visiting: • Johannesburg - ‘Place of Gold,’ where many went to seek their fortune. • Cape Town ‘Cape of Good Hope,’ an eclectic city. The only one in the world situated on the Indian and Atlantic Oceans • Oudtshoorn - The ostrich capital. • Kruger National Park.
“I dream of an Africa which is in peace with itself.” - Nelson Mandela.
South |African Rand
Kruger National Park, Limpopo.
Cairo, Shams coffee shop, downtown
by Toufic Araman Photography
Aswan, Anakato
Aswan, Philae temple
Aswan, Anakato terrace view
“We Miss You” The Egyptian Tourism Authority has launched a new campaign “We’re Egypt” - which is straight from the heart of the Egyptian people inviting tourists from all over the World to visit and experience the new Egypt. Unveiling the plans, Magdi Selim, the Under Secretary (Egyptian Tourism Authority) said; “We want our travelers to know that Egypt is now safe and secure for everyone. For Egypt we are always looking for opportunities to attract tourists and corporates to our country. The country faced a lot of political unrest, but the situation has stabilized now and there is revival in tourism. Latest government data shows that tourist inflow has started increasing. Our efforts are focused to make Egypt a safe and secure destination for travelers.”
Talaat Harb square in Cairo
Dahab, Sinai
Mountain Biking, Color canyon, Dahab -Taba, Sinai
Fjord Bay, Taba - at Taba, Sinai
Cape Town at sunset.
Giza Pyramids
Egypt wants to woo both business and leisure travelers to destinations such as Sharm el Sheikh, Alexandria, Cairo, Aswan some of the key attractions are - the Nile Cruise that provides a mystical experience of the world of River Nile with mesmerizing atmosphere of the cruise and delicious authentic food, Tahrir Square which has now become a legendary place to visit, The Suez National Museum which has been recently inaugurated to display artefacts from several archaeological sites of Suez Canal. Egypt has all the ingredients to make a successful holiday destination - good hotels, myriad attractions, sightseeing locales, shopping, entertainment and of course food.
City Travel & Tourism
July 2014
A New Theory On How Ancient Egyptians Built The Pyramids
Volume 1 Issue 7
Hydropolis Underwater Hotel Dubai
Main Features of the Hydropolis Underwater Hotel Although the most original and odd hotel in Dubai has not yet opened to the public, these are few of the proposed ultra-modern features of the hotel that would attract each reader of this write up into an awareness level that is full of excitement and awe. Are you ready to explore it if it would be achievable for you to stay, eat and sleep under the sea for a few days or months?
Workers probably used moistened sand to transport massive stones, according to new research. ow ancient Egyptians constructed the pyramids is still somewhat of an archeological mystery. Everything from cranes and ramps to oil-slicked slipways to aliens (naturally) have been put forward as possible mechanisms. A group of Dutch physicists has a new hypothesis on how ancient Egyptians managed to drag the colossal stones necessary to build pyramids across the desert. The answer: wet sand. In a study in the journal Physical Review Letters, researchers from the University of Amsterdam and FOM (the Foundation for Fundamental
Research on Matter) recreated a laboratory version of the sledge on which workers hauled heavy stone, and tested how it fared in sand. They found that pulling the sledge across damp sand requires only half the force of hauling it in dry sand. Because the water droplets bind the grains of sand together, wet sand is twice as stiff as dry sand, and doesn’t pile up in front of the sledge as it moves along. (A good tip for sandcastle construction, too.) The researchers bolstered their theory with a wall painting from around 1880 B.C. found in the tomb of a 12th-dynasty administrator named Djehutihotep, which shows what looks to be a worker pouring water in front of a sledge carrying a large statue.
Archaeologists find 5,600 year old tomb Minister of Tourism Hisham Zaazou, Minister of Antiquities Dr.Mohamed Ibrahim , Major General Tareq Saad Eddin governor of Luxor and 19 ambassadors in addition to James Moran, EU ambassador in Cairo opened tomb of the “Her Kha” after renew.
PLACE: El Sawy Cultural Wheel
From: July 22, 2014
TIME: Tuesday 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
PHONE: 010099-9995
Before anything else, the Hydropolis Underwater Hotel and Resort Dubai was made with almost measurements of 66 feet, under the ground floor of the historical Persian Gulf, and just a few miles to the Jumeirah Beach. Presently under construction in the city of Dubai, Hydropolis Hotel Dubai will be the first luxury hotel in the whole world. It will feature three parts: the land post, where visitors will be greeted, the connection subway, which will convey individuals to the center place of the hotel, and the 220 suites found in the underwater leisure complex. It is one of the biggest modern construction projects in the entire world, having 260 hectares, about the same size of Hyde Park of London. The land property on which the hotel is being constructed belongs to General Sheikh His Excellency Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Prince of the land of Dubai. This hotel was his last final beach possessions on this enlarge coast. Hydropolis Hotel project is a wonderful one, however the good record of Sheikh Mohammed with remarkable systems infuses confidence that fiction can become reality. With the Prince’s support, many companies have been grouped to begin this extraordinary project, and around 150 companies are involved today. Design of Hydropolis Underwater Hotel The initial idea for Hydropolis was
inspired by the great passion of Hauser for water and the sea, and goes beyond than only constructing an underwater hotel. The hotel makes the human creature in an architectural style. A direct analogy is found in between the architecture as well as the composition of man. The gaps made within the basin will have function regions, like bars, restaurants, theme suites and meeting areas. All of these can be matched up to the functions of the organism of a man: the motor systems and the heart and nervous systems, together with the sinus loop representing the beat of all lives. The ballroom, situated in the nerve center, will take balanced pathways connecting the various storeys within the ramps. A huge, petal-shape retracting roof will allow the stage of open-sky activities. Ramps, staircases and lifts will give access to the ballroom, while neighboring catering places will provide receptions and banquets. Hydropolis Hotel Land Station So as to come into this bizarre area, visitors will start in the land station. This 120 m semicircular cylinder, woven will bend over a building of multi-storey. On the bottom level commuters board a silent train pushed by wholly automated cable together with a modular, self-helping steel pathway to Hydropolis. An on-demand and never late logistical system will administer competent supply of commodities to the hotel.
The upper part storeys of the land station feature a range of amenities, including a research laboratory of marine biological, a beauty surgery clinic, and business center facilities. While the lower parts have the hotel and parking locations, the rooms of the staff, and the storage are of the goods as well as the loading places. More so, the land station of Hydropolis has an amazing restaurant and an ultramodern cinema showing the evolution of life in the sea as well as the historical facts of underwater architecture. In short, the screen will release to show the real life of Hydropolis Hotel. A viewing stand in the entrance opening of the across roof will give sights of the structure as well as the light events of Hydropolis. Completion Date Underwater Hotel
Because of financial constrictions, the last levels of completion of the hotel remain to be unsure and uncertain up to present day. However, the makers and developers of the first-ever luxury underwater in the whole world; are so much positive that it could happily greet guests on an average of 3500 guests a day, aside from that it would be the place of regular hotel guests day after day.
Egypt expects China to compensate or remove fake Sphinx Numerous people came to visit the fake Sphinx braving scorch sun in an endless stream on May 21 and taking photos. According to the producer Nie Zengnian, this replica of the Great Sphinx was built in the proportion of 1:1.5. The 28-meter-high statue was created with a welded steel bar skeleton, poured concrete and tinting. He said that this replica can be used as a long-term film background. (photo source: China News Agency)
The replica of the Sphinx attracting attention recently has got into trouble. According to reports by Egyptian media on May 24, Egyptian authorities have complained to UNESCO, claiming that the construction party had violated an international treaty by creating the copy without the permission of Egypt. The construction side explained that the statue was built as a temporary scene for shooting films and television dramas, and would be removed soon afterwards. Egypt expects China to compensate or remove the imitation
According to report by The Cairo Post on 24, Egypt made such a complaint in accordance with the UNESCO’s 1971 convention on the protection of world cultural and natural heritage, and China is one of the contracting states of it. Chairman of Egyptian ministry of antiques Al-Ahram said that the copy differed greatly from the original in detail, which would disfigure the original and influence the income of Egypt’s tourism and film and television industry.
“We need to know the purpose of the construction party. If their aim is really for shooting films as we have heard, according to the international convention, the construction side should notify us, since it will surely influence Egypt’s income of tourism. The construction party confessed that they had not communicated with Egypt Ma Xiaotao, one of the persons in charge of Xin Chang Cheng Cultural and Creative Co., Ltd, the investor and builder of the creative garden,
explained that some crews were shooting television dramas here using “the replica statue as a temporary scene”, and “the statue, simple as it is, was erected two days ago and will be removed soon after the shooting”. He also admitted that they failed to communicate with concerning Egyptian parties before the construction. While he apologized to netizens for the negligence, he claimed that they did not create the statue out of the evil purpose of copying the renowned Egyptian building; instead, they built it only for the television dramas. There’s no other usage, or any purpose or act of creating income by it.
City Shopping
July 2014
Volume 1 Issue 7
City Shopping
July 2014
Volume 1 Issue 7
City Shopping
July 2014
Volume 1 Issue 7
City Shopping
July 2014
Volume 1 Issue 7
Volume 1 Issue 7
City Arts & Culture
July 2014
Arts Mart.com 2014 Season Finale
The largest online art gallery in the region, www.arts-mart.com, welcomed summer with the outstanding work of some of the top and most exciting artists in town. As the art season came to a close, Arts Mart’s Season Finale exhibition commenced on June 10th 2014, and the Four Seasons Nile Plaza one again hosted a wide range of inspiring creations.
event began at 12 pm on June 10th 2014 and ended on the same Day at 10 pm. Photography by: Shahira El Sayed
Mart.com showcased new artists and new collections as well.
By selectively gathering the dedicated work of visionaries & artists for public showcase, Arts-Mart.com inspired again. Such luminaries like Ibrahim El Tanbouli, Mohamed Damarawy, Mohamed Rabie, and Lina Mowafy graced the walls of Arts-Mart this year. Along with such
The Arts-Mart.com Exhibition attracted local and international media, art connoisseurs, artists and VIP’s. The
Established figures of the art world, there was also a very special collection by the famed Mohamed Abla. Arts-
أمير شعراء الموسم الخامس ..الدكتور عالء جانب الدكتور عالء جانب �أمري �شعراء املو�سم اخلام�س بابوظبي -الإمارات ..وهو �أول �شاعر م�صري يفوز بهذا اللقب ،وقد كانت مل�صر م�شاركات من قبل يف م�سابقة امري ال�شعراء ..ففي املو�سم الثالث ح�صل ال�شاعر احمد بخيت على املركز الثالث ..وجاء ال�شاعر ه�شام اجلخ يف املركز الثانى من املو�سم الرابع .
قصيدة ..القط التوت
هُ َو – ذا� -أَ َ�سايَ ..فمن ُّ زْل َث ْو ِب ُو ُجو ِدهَ ا ب َف َنا ِئي ي�ضم �سمائي ..يف َغ ِ مامة ؟ �أ ْم حنانُ املاء ؟! �ش ْوقُ ال َغ ِ يا َ�ش ْم ُ�س ...يا �أُخْ َت ا َ وب جل ُن ِ مرتْ �صبايا ال َف ْج ِر َ فوق جَم َّرتي .. َّ �أما كفى؟!... ٌ مليئة ِب ِغنائي .. هن وج َرا ُر َّ ِ وج َّف ِر ُ يق ُحدَ ائي َت ِع َب املَدَ ا ُرَ .. َف رَ َ ات َع َلى َفمِي ... ت ْكنَ � ْأ�س َرا َر ال َب َن ِ �أ َنا َم ْن َ�س ْ ُم ْب َت َّل ًة َّ رقتُ ال َنّار ِمن وا ِدي ال َع َمى.. بال�ض ْوءِ وا ِ حل َنّاءِ عن َو َل ٍدُ ..ي َل ِق ُ ّط ُتو َتهُ .. ات َو َرا ِئي ي�س أ�لْن ْ وج َر ْر ُت ُحزْنَ الأ َّم َه ِ َ ْ و َمدَ ْد ُت �أزْهَ ِريَ َّ ال�ش ِر َ ال�س ْمراءِ يف َح َما ِئ َما و َيدُ ُّ�س ِه ِل َف َتا ِت ِه َّ َ�ش َ ّوت يِف َج ْي ِبي و ْ ان ال ُت ِ مل َ ..ز َر َعتْ َكوا ِك َب َها ِب ُك ِّل َ�س َماءِ اختْ �أَ َغ يِ الر َبا َب ُة يف َي ِد ا َ الظال ُم َ حل َكّاءِ ال َ ...ل ْن ُي َر ِّك َعني َّ و�ش ْم َع ِتي.. َت َزل َّ حَ ْ احل.. وال�س ِن ُ ني َر َو ِ الر َبا َب ُةِّ ... َ�ش َفة ُ ُ ت ِكي َّ ال�صح َراء احل َ�سينْ ِ َع َلى َف ِم َّ
شارع عماد الدين شارع الفن فى وسط البلد ي�شبه اىل حد كبري �شارع عماد الدين �شوارع الفن فى املدن العاملية مثل برودواى فى نيويورك ...ووي�ست اند فى لندن ..و البوليفار فى باري�س... ً يتكون ال�شارع من جزئني ي�صل طولهما معا اىل 2500مرت ... اجلزء االول يبد�أ من النا�صرية و حتى التقاطع مع �شارع 26يوليو و يعرف ب�أ�سم حممد فريد. بينما اجلزء الثاين مازال حمتفظ ًا ب�أ�سمه اال�صلى وهو عماد الدين ويبد�أ من �شارع 26يوليو وينتهى فى �شارع رم�سي�س. �سمي ال�شارع بهذا اال�سم ن�سبة اىل �ضريح يحمل ا�سم ال�شيخ عماد الدين بالقرب من تقاطعه مع ال�شارع ال�شيخ ريحان ...ويعود تاريخ ذلك ال�ضريح اىل عام 1661م. بد�أ الن�شاط الفني يف ال�شارع مع بداية القرن ال20 حيث متركزت فيه التياتروهات و ال�سينمات واملقاهى ...و كان مبني االوبرا القدمي الذى ان�ش�أه اخلديوى ا�سماعيل يف ميدان االوبرا قريبا جدا ايل ال�شارع ....ولعل من ا�شهر م�سارح �شارع عماد الدين هو م�سرح املاجي�ستك الذى كان ميثل عليه الفنان على الك�سار ...وبالقرب منه كان م�سرح جنيب الريحاين ...غرميه الفني ...والزالت ا�سماء ال�شوارع املحيطة بعماد الدين حتمل ا�سماء الفنانني مثل جنيب الريحاين –زكريا احمد – على الك�سار – �سيد دروي�ش . و كان بال�شارع حواىل خم�سة ع�شر م�سرح ًا مل يبقى منها �سوى م�سرح واحد فقط . كان به م�سرح الكور�سال و عليه قدم �سيد دروي�ش اوبرا الع�شرة الطيبة و كان به م�سرح الرين�سان�س
شارع كلوت بك
صالح الدين أبوالليل
وعليه قدم جورج ابي�ض م�سرحيات هاملت – اوديب – لوي�س احلادى ع�شر وكان هناك اي�ض ًا م�سرح برنتانيا الذى وقف على خ�شبته الفنان يو�سف وهبي ...والرائع جنيب الريحاين ...واملطربة منرية املهدية ...اما �سينما كوزم�س وا�سمها القدمي الكوزموجراف وكانت اول �سينما باملنطقة و كانت اي�ضا م�سرح ًا قدمت فيه الفنانة العاملية �سارا برنار م�سرحية الن�سر ال�صغري ...كما كان ي�صطف على جانبي ال�شارع جمموعة من دور ال�سينما ...مثل �سينما بيجال – كايرو – الليدو وال يزال ا�ستوديو جالل من ا�شهر معامل هذا ال�شارع حتى االن ( و يقع بالعمارات اخلديويه ) وقد �سمي ب�أ�سم املخرج احمد جالل وهو زوج الفنانة مارى كوين تلك ال�سيدة التى اثرت فى ال�سينما امل�صرية �سواء فى االنتاج او فى التمثيل وهى باملنا�سبة ام املخرج نادر جالل ..و ابنه �شقيقة املنتجه ا�سيا داغر .
City Business & Technomedia
July 2014
How to applyebocube to Drive Successful Global e-CRM
Volume 1 Issue 7
A B2b dashboard should also provide views from your company’s CRM database, the‘datacube’.
Lara Fawzy
Marketing, PR Guru & Social Entrepreneur ebocube is athree-phasemodelI defined with a co-worker based on tested marketing processes and results learnt from multinationals, including Cisco, Computer Associates (CA) and Telefónica O2. Industry leaders and international marketers have described it as a best practice structure for developing B2b e-CRM campaigns. It’sunderpinned by the Internet and crm data.
It isapplied through the following 3phases: One : Dashboards
Phase two entails setting up SMART campaign objectives using the ‘ebocube commercial cycle’ and combinesthe customerB2b buying anddata life cycles. This cycle helps to define clear objectives and key performance indicators At this stageyou’ll be able to ‘cut’ the data or acquire it, definethemessaging, proposition, incentive andlocalise content,if required. During Phase two,the budget and optimal media mix is definedand creative team briefed.
Phase one involves implementing and using a dashboard to assess historical marketing and sales results and to review what’ is effective and what’ is not. The Internet and crm applications are used tofacilitatethis. Offline is measured through call to actions and through capturing data. This allows for marketing professionals and CMOs to beaccountable for marketing’s contribution to business results. Dashboard reports tell a story based on granular metrics and ‘high-level’ financial results that demonstrate return on marketing investment (ROMI). Thisensures marketing decisions are based on business intelligence, not instinct.
Three: Marketing Ops (MOPs) Phase three closes the loop, ensuring execution excellence.Marketing operations (MOPS)involves setting up campaigns, tracking them and the budget for results to feed the dashboardand thedatabase withtransactional data.
Egypt’s New Leader Inspires Investors’ Hopes By Savita Iyer-Ahrestani (Thinkadvisor) A series of rapid moves – among them the appointment of veteran banker Ashraf Salman as investment minister – that Egypt’s new president, army chief Abdel Fattah el-Sisi—has made since he took over the country’s leadership, have sent positive signals and are inspiring confidence in both local and foreign investors. Although Egypt’s stock market was down in the aftermath of the election and following the introduction of a 10% capital gains tax on profits, many nevertheless believe that such moves are necessary for Egypt’s stability in the long-term. Egypt has a long way to go, of course, and its problems—political, economic and social—are manifold. But though these are early days, there is nevertheless an overall sense of optimism and a feeling that el-Sisi can deliver the strong leadership that Egypt needs in order to move forward from the turmoil it has been in for the past years.
Ensuring Stability With a Strong Hand What Egypt requires more than anything else right now is stability. It is the foremost requirement for economic growth, said Karim Elkady, a political scientist at Brandeis University’s Crown Center for Middle East Studies who’s originally from Egypt, and it can only come about effectively with firm, strong leadership. El-Sisi has the strength that’s needed to bring about stability in the near-term and “in this period, it’s extremely important for people, Egyptians as well as foreign investors, to feel that the government is back in business and is doing its job in imposing the law and bringing back order,” Elkady said. “It’s a good sign for the country if people know that the government has the capacity to bring about the stability that Egypt needs.”
Harnessing Egypt’s Positive Attributes But el-Sisi defied all preconceptions and expectations Egyptians have of their leaders when he visited the victim of a recent gang rape in Cairo’s Tahrir Square at her hospital bed to personally apologize for the abuse she endured. “This is a great sign for Egypt and for Egyptians – it shows that the government is willing to be responsive to the needs of the people and is tune with the people,” Elkady said. He believes that Egypt’s greatest strength lies in its human capital, in particular the younger segments of the population. What’s new about the el-Sisi government, he said, is that “it doesn’t view the population as a burden for the state but as a resource to be utilized. That’s a huge change from previous governments, which provided services in health, education and so on, but saw demographic changes as a burden because there were so many more people to support.” While inequalities in Egyptian society still runs deep, and a key challenge for the government lies in being able to reduce those and narrow the gaps, “I also believe we will see a different type of intervention where the government will seek to push people to find better opportunities,” Elkady said. “Egypt has high unemployment, inflation and skyrocketing prices, and I don’t think we’ll turn into a pure market economy and allow the market to try and solve them all. But I do think we’ll see a different kind of government intervention, perhaps even a higher collaboration with the private sector, to encourage and help the Egyptian people forward.”
Tackling Economic Challenges with External Support The list of economic woes Egypt faces is long and ranges from high
Koshk goes Augmented
Two: Campaigns and CRM After you’ve analysed your dashboard, including the datacube, you should be aware of what’s been effective and the ‘counts’for your target audience.
ebocube stands for emerging business online. Cube refers to the visual framework of the three-phase model.
unemployment and crippling GDP declines, to low levels of foreign exchange reserves. Tourism – one of the greatest components of GDP – has declined significantly and a sustained fall in the Egyptian pound resulted in sharp hikes in food prices, for which the government has had to compensate. Leveling all of that out will require a great deal of work, but Egypt can bank on the support of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, leaders of which turned out in full force at el-Sisi’s inauguration and have demonstrated their desire to help Egypt, both monetarily and otherwise. Since el-Sisi took over, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have pledged around $15 billion in aid, thereby helping to shore up Egypt’s foreign exchange reserves and limit the weakening in the Egyptian pound. “The GCC countries have a stake in what happens in Egypt, particularly at this time with the instability in Iraq that could spread throughout the region,” Elkady said. He also believes the el-Sisi government will look to forge closer ties with African nations, particularly those in the Nile basin. Western nations, the U.S. included, have also indicated their support for the new Egyptian regime and it’s widely expected that Egypt will resume its talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a new loan.
Koshk is a business augmentation service company that was established in 2011 and is owned by Karim ElEmary. The core of his business relies on providing technological aids to companies in order for them to bring their different departments together; thus making them work harmoniously. We have created a solution which has the ability to unite sales, marketing and advertising departments. The aforementioned will add value to each department’s return on investment, seen as it has a positive effect on the way their goals are achieved. Considering that we work in technology, marketing and general trading sectors; we as a company have gained immense amounts of experience. Koshk has the ability to offer solid solutions for businesses due to its knowledgeable background and the deep understanding they will acquire after educating themselves on the business’ needs. We are able to break down the barriers of augmentation for large businesses and SME’s alike. This is to be done through our first interactive shopping magazine and other technological advances that are underway. Koshk and City News At the moment Koshk is launching their application under the campaign name: ‘The ultimate shopping experience’. Augmented Reality, a truly new and innovative application idea is coming to Egypt for the first time. City News now has an additional four pages which are dedicated to Koshk; those four pages are where brand products are displayed in a way which makes them interactive, for an easy transaction. You will first need to have the application downloaded on your Apple or Android Smartphone, after you do that all you have to do is scan the product you like, and buy it. It is that simple.
In this issue of City News you will find the scattered around on different images and topics. Scan these parts with the Koshk application; you will automatically be able to intermingle with music and real videos. Augmented Reality worldwide Many firms around the globe are using augmented reality (AR) applications to promote their products. For example: IKEA, they launched an AR service allowing consumers to get a virtual preview of particular items and the way they would look in their homes. It involved a printed catalog and of course a device with the augmented reality app installed. The AR technology used will show a virtual image of the selected item with the user’s room as the background. The whole image will be displayed on the device screen. An IKEA spokesperson said, “We want customers to know that purchasing furniture is easy and enjoyable too.” Lastly, augmented reality is currently being used for product advertisements by many other industries: tourism, car manufactures and fashion retailers are examples. Considering the speedy growth this application has been experiencing, we can tell that it is definitely going to be a great part of our future.
karimabdelaziz@karimabdaziz. 20h
http://fb.me/1cHFxI5T1 فيلم عيد الفطر
Dorra Zarrouk@Dorra_Zarrouk·12h Dalal still fighting with life..& i am still shooting..Segn ElNesa http://fb.me/6D5Bsu5xJ Reply
Mido@midoahm .Jun 22
أن تحرز هدف في كأس العالم وتواصل الضغط..أداء الجزائر شرف للكرة العربية محتاج العبين أصحاب شخصية قوية Reply
شرقيات في أوبرا القاهرة فتحي سالمة مع غالية بن على المسرح المكشوف االثنين يوليو١٤ التاسعة والنصف
City Sports
July 2014
Volume 1 Issue 7
El-Nenny: I want to end my 6 Awesome Ways to Burn 400 Calories career at Al Ahly
in One Hour
FC Basel midfielder and Egypt international Mohamed El-Nenny revealed his short and long term, and plans to end his career at Al Ahly. Mohamed El-Nenny stated that he would like to continue his career abroad for as long as possible while aiming to make a return his boyhood club Al Ahly when he decides to bring an end to his footballing career. The Egypt National Team midfielder shared with Egyptian TV Channel CBC Two his youth career journey and his future plans:
youth department Adel Abd El Rahman and Ahmed Maher decided to release me as they canceled the 1992 youth team, even tough I was always a starter throughout my 11 years at the club.” “I left Al Ahly at the age of 15. Familyrelated reasons led to me returning to El Mahalla and halted my move to Zamalek after a session with Mahmoud Saad, I was then offered to play for Arab Contractors through a friend of mine.” “I was called up to the first team through Mohamed Amer [after joining Arab Contractors].”
Starting out
Satisfying his mother’s desire
“I started out aged 6, and I was the youngest player at Al Ahly back then. I used ride the train from El Mahalla [to Cairo] and then take the bus to Al Ahly in Nasr City.”
“My mother wished to see me on TV in an Al Ahly shirt before she passed away, so I hope to make her dream come true.”
“My mom accompanied me to training, we usually left [to Cairo] at 4:00 am and returned [to El Mahalla] at 11:00 pm, and I earned 60 Egyptian Pounds per month.” Release from Al Ahly and joining Arab Contractors “I trained at the hands of several coaches, such as the German expert Crawfr, Badr Rajab, Mohamed El Sayed and Mohamed Wahba before heads of
“I look forward to continue my career abroad for as long as possible, but I hope to end my career at Al Ahly to fulfill my mother’s wishes,” El-Nenny concluded. El-Nenny had started his senior career at Arab Contractors before his solid performances earned him a loan deal to Swiss giants FC Basel. After Impressing with the Swiss outfit, they exercised their option of making the transfer permanent and signed him on a 4-year deal. http://www.kingfut.com/201409/06//elnenny-end-my-career-al-ahly/
Burning 400 calories in a single hour is an attainable goal for most able-bodied individuals. Of course we burn calories by breathing and performing normal daily activities, but there are a wide variety of exercises to suit any person’s lifestyle and have fun at the same time. It does not require a significant investment in time or equipment. The following list are easy activities that you can perform on a daily basis to burn off at least 400 calories in one hour 1. Walking This is one of the most basic exercises that most anyone can do. Depending on your weight, walking between 4.5 and 5 miles per hour will burn 400 calories in one hour. Not only is it a heart-healthy exercise, it is simple, can be done almost anywhere, and is a great activity to partake in with friends. All you need is some comfortable clothes and a good pair of walking shoes. If you are in moderately good shape, try incorporating barbells during your walk for added calorie torching power. 2. Lifestyle Alterations It doesn’t require a regimented program to burn 400 calories throughout your day. When you go to the grocery store, park extra far in the lot. You can also take the stairs instead of the elevator or jog up and down the stairs for 10 minutes during your daily lunch break. Lastly, completing household chores such as scrubbing floors instead of mopping or raking leaves instead of using a blower
األلمانى ميروسالف كلوزه ُيعادل الهداف التاريخي هدف15 للمونديال رونالدو
World Cup Fans Show their Colors
71 الأملاين مريو�سالف كلوزه يحرز هدفا يف الدقيقة من مباراة بالده �ضد غانا يف املجموعة ال�سابعة بك�أ�س العامل لكرة القدم ال�سبت ليعادل مهاجم الربازيل ال�سابق رونالدو ك�أكرث الالعبني ت�سجيال للأهداف يف . هدفا لكل منهما15 النهائيات بر�صيد وجنح يف اقتنا�ص69 و�شارك كلوزه كبديل يف الدقيقة هدف بلم�سة من �أمام املرمى يف �شباك احلار�س الغاين .فاتاو داودا ،وبقي رقم الظاهرة الربازيلي حمميا ل�سنوات عديدة حيث خرج رونالدو الربازيلي قبل بدء املونديال وقال هدف ال15 ان حتطيم كلوزه لرقمه التاريخي بر�صيد . واعتربها مناف�سه جميلة بني العبني كبار،يزعجه
KARAOKE NIGHT PLACE: Johnny’s Pub Brazil Mexico
Germany’s Miroslav Klose
DATE: Sunday 6th July TIME: 8:30 p.m. - 2 a.m. PHONE: 02-27356730
Robin Van Persie Netherlands
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are great calorie burners. Also, light work in the garden for one to one-and-a-half hours can burn at least 400 calories. 3. Dancing This is one of the most fun fat-burning activities around that does not feel like work. Most gyms and many community spaces (including churches) offer classes such as Zumba, hip hop cardio, cardio dance party, Jazzercise, belly and salsa dancing. You’ll torch calories without the boredom. You can even dance around your home to music you love or at a nightclub for an hour and burn at least 400 calories. 4. Tennis Tennis is a fantastic anaerobic exercise that will get you outside and teaming up with a friend. Doubles tennis will burn 400 calories in one hour for those that are 170 pounds. And you can actually burn 400 calories in less than one hour playing singles tennis: 40 minutes for
someone that is 160 pounds. 5. Circuit Training An hour of performing resistance work on all of the major muscle groups not only burns at least 400 calories, but the strength training keeps your body burning calories even while at rest. 6. Interval Training Most High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) programs are geared toward more advanced individuals, but you can tailor any type of cardio program to fit your goals and level of conditioning. For example, swim for five minutes then perform pool stretches for five minutes to cool down and repeat this cycle six times. Or jog for five minutes, then walk for five minutes and repeat six times to complete an hour. Once you get into better shape, you can increase the intensity for a shorter duration and burn the same number of calories in less time.
City Youth
July 2014
Volume 1 Issue 7
Higher education in Egypt
I recently read an interesting article by Dr. Anthony Perzigian on Higher Education in Egypt where he tackled in depth the main challenges impeding the reform of higher education in Egypt and provided radical solutions to the development of the curriculum and the whole education system. Ideas highlighted and solutions interpreted were all comprehensive and sufficient enough to turn our outdated bureaucratic universities in Egypt into competent and advanced educational institutions. Yet, I tend to disagree with his limiting the challenge to the development of the curriculum. Eventually, the more you focus on reforming the curriculum and the system, the more you will probably go nowhere, given the fact that the real essence of the problem lies in the people’s perception visavis the entire concept of “higher education”. It is more of a social dilemma that we need to focus on first and try to solve. Only then, can we successfully tackle the file of education and upgrade both outlook and content. The social must-have crisis It all started with the illusion of so-called “Public Education”. Late
President Nasser got this ultimate dream of making higher education available and for free just for everyone. Consequently, each and every citizen obtained the right to join university and get enrolled in one of its different faculties only based on his academic records at the end of secondary school. From the age of the primary school, the dream of the university, previously restricted and only for privileged and genius ones, became a real opportunity just for everyone. Unlike most developed countries and even unlike the common rule prior the 1950s of last century, the academic degree became a musthave within the Egyptian society and a sign of social respectful status. Your academic records dictate your moves and choices and not your desires, talents and aspirations. You wish to be an accountant; you turn to become a doctor with your high records in Thanaweya Amma (Egyptian Baccalaureate). You will neither realize your dream, nor manage to cope with your planned future imposed on you by law. The fact remains that higher education is not a must-have; it all depends
on the choices the individual makes for his life and future. This dilemma resulted into a total dramatic social chaos. From one side, the large number joining, annually, the higher education universities and institutions led to a quasi loss of credibility and incapacity to invest in quality. On the other side, linking social status to a simple academic degree challenge the large public to stand in the queue of higher education, increasing constantly the number of fresh graduates, flourishing more and more unemployment, hence, growing corruption, increasing frustration and anger on different scales with this inability to catch up a dissent job and start up a long lasting career. In the old good days, the “Ostaz” was a lawyer or a professor and the “Bashmohandes” was an engineer. Today, the doctor could be a taxi driver, a doorman even a worker. Those are titles that reflect certain jobs. With the dream of quick and easy social upgrade, the trigger to study is empowered by the quest for status and not for the study itself. All around the world, in developed and underdeveloped countries, you study with a planned set of objectives. Either you are talented in what you wish to be and get a sponsorship for or you enough means to cover your academic years. You choose a particular subject to do a specific job. The degree is a means, never an end in itself. Moreover, improvement in life conditions and social upgrades are viable objectives to work for requiring long journey of hard work and dedication and are not only achievable with a piece of paper stuck on the wall. Most social diseases started from this wrong perception, the son of the doorman who in seven years becomes a doctor cannot easily get out of his reality to become a genuine new one. Instead, it turns out a curse, not a blessing.
عبد العزيز يناقش أنشطة الوزارة الثقافية فى شهر رمضان
بعنوان "حتيا م�صر" تبد�أ من �أول يوليو وحتى نهاية " عالوة على م�سابقة "�شخ�صية م�صر،�سبتمرب املقبل والتي �ستت�ضمن الأن�شطة الثقافية والفنية يف خمتلف .املحافظات ك�شف املهند�س خالد عبد العزيز عن،وفى بادرة طيبة طلب وزير الأوقاف ل�ضم الفائزين بامل�سابقة الإ�سالمية التي نفذتها الوزارة خالل الفرتة املا�ضية يف م�سابقة .�أخرى كربى تنفذها وزارة الأوقاف تقديرا لهم و�أكد عبد العزيز ا�ستعداد الوزارة لتنفيذ جميع الربامج والأن�شطة الثقافية الهادفة �إىل ت�أهيل وتنمية قدرات ومهارات ال�شباب فى خمتلف حمافظات م�صر داخل الفتا �أن قيادات الوزارة،املن�ش�آت ال�شبابية والريا�ضية �ستعكف فى الأيام القليلة القادمة على طرح العديد من الأن�شطة التى �ستنفذ �ضمن مهرجان �شباب م�صر الذى .�ستنفذه الوزارة
ناق�ش املهند�س خالد عبد العزيز وزير ال�شباب والريا�ضة �أبرز الأن�شطة الثقافية التى �ستنفذها وذلك خالل،الوزارة خالل �شهر رم�ضان املبارك حيث ا�ستعر�ض،اجتماعه �صباح اليوم مع وكالء الوزارة الوزير مع رئي�س الإدارة املركزية للربامج الثقافية والتطوعية بالوزارة الأن�شطة املقرتحة لتنفيذها خالل .ال�شهر املعظم و�أو�ضحت الدكتورة �أمل جمال رئي�س الإدارة املركزية للربامج الثقافية والتطوعية �أبرز الأن�شطة التي �ستنفذها الإدارة يف �شهر رم�ضان منها اخليمة " بالتعاون مع �إذاعة ال�شباب2014 الرم�ضانية "جنوم بح�ضور العديد من ال�شخ�صيات العامة،والريا�ضة بالإ�ضافة �إىل م�سابقة "وجوه،والبارزة داخل املجتمع م�صرية" من ال�ساعة الواحدة وحتى الواحدة والن�صف وم�سابقة �أخرى،ظهر ًا ب�إذاعة ال�شباب والريا�ضة
كأس العالم تمتع بمشاهدة مباريات كأس العالم في الخيمه الرمضانية سي عمر بفندق فيرمونت 8 هيليوبليس من الساعه . صباحًا3 حتي
Egyptian Youth Marketing for Happy Egypt
If marketing experts may say that ‘happiness’ is not a sharply defined proposition on its own, many leading brands such as Coca-Cola, Dominos, Nestle’s Maggi, Cadbury and McDonald’s, amongst others, bank on this very proposition to connect with their consumers. If happiness is the ultimate goal, then it seems to make sense to focus on happiness. Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos One of the reasons why happiness sells, according to some of these brands, is because a similar thread of advertising, particularly something that is focused on a positive sentiment, helps build trust.
Cairo team of AIESEC AAST Egypt, part of AIESEC global network, with over 80,000 youth members around the world working to develop the youth and the community. AIESEC provides its members with an integrate development experience comprised of leadership opportunities, international internships, and participation in a global learning environment. Focusing on the promise of providing value and happy Egypt, The happy positive Egyptians youth have made a beautifully remarkable step by spreading happiness in a very spontaneous and simple moves.
Volume 1 Issue 7
July 2014
City Cars
Watch out latest car prices in Egyptتكنولوجيــا شل PurePlus 2014 All brands and models in Egyptقريبًا في سباق الفورميال وان Model
47,000 EGP
49,900 EGP
Manual / full option
56,000 EGP
59,900 EGP
Automatic / full option
59,900 EGP
61,500 EGP
Manual / full option
Suzuki Alto 2014
61,500 EGP
Lada 2107 2014
68,000 EGP
Manual / full option
69,900 EGP
71,900 EGP
Automatic /E1
74,000 EGP
Faw Vita 2014
74,900 EGP
Faw Naughty 2014
75,500 EGP
Manual GL
76,500 EGP
Chevrolet N300 2014
77,900 EGP
Manual / full option
Great Wall C30 2014
78,490 EGP
Manual / full option
Chevrolet Lanos 2014
79,000 EGP
Manual / full option
Suzuki Celerio 2014
79,000 EGP
Byd F3 2014 Byd F3 2014
79,000 EGP
Speranza Envy 2014
79,900 EGP
Manual GLS
Hyundai Verna 2014
79,900 EGP
Automatic / full option
81,900 EGP
Kia Picanto 2014
81,900 EGP
Renault Logan 2014
81,900 EGP
Proton Saga 2014
82,000 EGP
Byd G3 2014
Suzuki Maruti 2014 Changan Benni 2014 Lada 2107 2014 Changan Benni 2014 Emgrand Pandino 2014
Speranza A113 2014 Emgrand Pandino 2014 Renault Logan 2014
Hyundai Verna 2014
Emgrand X Pandino 2014
THE NEW 2015 BMW X6 has embraced. In additional to an updated and even more extroverted design, the new X6 introduces the first rear-wheel drive model in the line-up with the X6 sDrive35i, powered by BMW’s award-winning 300 horsepower TwinPower Turbo inline six. It joins models with xDrive, BMW’s intelligent all-wheel drive system – the BMW X6 xDrive35i and the X6 xDrive50i featuring BMW’s updated 445 horsepower TwinPower Turbo 4.4-liter V8.
With the introduction of the allnew 2015 BMW X6, the company celebrates the second generation of the world’s first-ever Sports Activity Coupe. When the company took the bold step of combining the performance of a BMW Sports Activity Vehicle with the emotional design character of a traditional coupe, BMW created a vehicle concept that the market had not yet even conceived of. With global sales of 250,000 X6s to date, it is clearly a concept that the marketplace
فريق �سكوديريا فرياري ي�ستعني بتكنولوجيا �شل هيلك�س �ألرتا يف �سباق الفورميال وان القاهرة 1 ،يونيو � ،2014أطلق االحتاد الدويل لل�سيارات قواعد جديدة يف بطولة العامل ل�سباق ال�سيارات فورميال وان لعام .2014 ومتثل القواعد اجلديدة حتدي ًا لزيوت املحركات والتي مل يعد املطلوب منها حماية املحرك فقط ،بل العمل �أي�ض ًا على خف�ض درجات احلرارة الناجمة عن عملية االحرتاق داخل املحرك ،مبا يتيح �أ�سرع و�أي�سر انطالق لل�سيارة ،وهو ما يعنى �أن زيوت املحركات ما زالت تلعب الدور الأبرز يف �سباق الفورميال وان � -سباق ال�سيارات الأ�شهر يف العامل. ورمبا ي�شكل �إعادة ت�صميم املحركات �أكرب التحديات على الإطالق ،حيث مت تغيري قدرة حمركات ال�سيارات امل�شاركة يف ال�سباق وانخف�ضت �سعة املحرك من 2.4 لرت �إىل 1.6لرت ،كما مت �شحن حمرك V6اجلديد لأق�صى طاقة ،ال�ستخدامه كجزء من وحدة الطاقة مبا يف ذلك نظام ا�ستعادة طاقة املحرك ،وذلك من �أجل الو�صول بال�سيارة لل�سرعات الق�صوى وهو ما يجعل البيئة الت�شغيلية للمحرك �أكرث تعقيد ًا من حيث درجات احلرارة وتعبئة الزيوت. عالوة على ذلك ،فقد مت حتديد عدد املحركات امل�سموح بها لكل �سائق لت�صبح 5حمركات فقط لإجمايل � 19سباق ًا بد ًال من 8حمركات لنف�س عدد ال�سباقات مقارنة بالعام املا�ضي ،ويفر�ض االحتاد الدويل لل�سيارات يف هذا ال�صدد عقوبات �صارمة على �أي مت�سابق حال خمالفته لتلك القواعد. لذا وبنا ًءا على التحديات ال�سابقة ،يتطلع فريق �سكوديريا فرياري �إىل التعاون مع "�شل" ال�ستخدام
�أحدث التكنولوجيا العاملية التي ت ّو�صلت �إليها ال�شركة يف �صناعة زيوت املحركات ،حلماية حمركات ال�سيارات امل�شاركة يف ال�سباق ،و�إطالة عمرها دون الت�أثري على �أدائها. ومتثل القواعد اجلديدة التي و�ضعها االحتاد الدويل لل�سيارات حتدي ًا مهم ًا لفريق علماء �شل ،وجميع الفرق املتناف�سة يف ال�سباق هذا العام. وقد قال "جاي لوفيت" -مدير تكنولوجيا "�شل" ل�سباق فورميال -وان " �إن تلك التغيريات والقواعد اجلديدة من ِق َبل االحتاد الدويل لل�سيارات تتطلب وجود معايري ا�ستثنائية يجب توافرها يف زيت املحرك الذي يجب �أن يعمل على حماية وتربيد وحدة الطاقة ب�أكملها ،لذا، فمن ال�ضروري �أن توفر الزيوت امل�ستخدمة يف �سيارات �سباق الفورميال -وان �أق�صى حماية ملحرك ال�سيارة، مبا ي�ساعد على زيادة قدرة املحرك للو�صول به لأعلى م�ستوى من الأداء. وذكر "لوفيت"� ،أن �شركة "�شل" قد جنحت يف �إنتاج زيوت �شل هيلك�س �ألرتا الأكرث تطور ًا على الإطالق خالل الأعوام ال�سابقة ،والتي تعمل على حماية وتربيد وحدات الطاقة بكل كفاءة". �أما بالن�سبة ملو�سم فورميال -وان ،2014فيمتلك فريق �سكوديريا فرياري الآن خمزون ًا وفري ًا من زيوت �شل هيلك�س �ألرتا ،ونظر ًا لوعورة حلبة �سباق فورميال -وان على م�ستوى العامل� ،إ ّال �أن هذا ال�سباق يعد بيئ ًة مثالي ًة بالن�سبة لـ "�شل" لتمكينها من تطوير منتجاتها لكل �سائق خالل ال�سباقات اليومية. �أغلب املكونات ال�ضرورية لزيادة الطاقة وحماية حمرك �سيارات �سكوديريا فرياري مت ّوفرة يف زيوت �شل هيلك�س �ألرتا. هذا؛ ومن بداية املو�سم اجلديد والذي �سيبد�أ يف يناير � ،2015سيتم ا�ستخدام اجليل اجلديد من زيوت �شل هيلك�س �ألرتا املزودة بتكنولوجياPurePlus الفريدة واحلا�صلة على براءة اخرتاع ،ولقد كانت "�شل" ل�سنوات عديدة يف طليعة ال�شركات يف جمال حتويل الغاز �إىل �سوائل ،ومع وجود تكنولوجيا PurePlusامل�ستخدمة يف ت�صنيع كل الزيوت التي خ�ضعت لتجارب ال�شركاء الفنيني لـ "�شل" ،بات ب�إمكان �سكوديريا فرياري هي الأخرى �أن تتمتع بفوائد ذلك االبتكار الأحدث على الإطالق.
مجلس أعلى لصناعة السيارات فى مصر
المهندس محسن طالئع
رئيس مجلس إدارة جمعية تنمية مجتمع السيارات
�أهداف املجل�س الأعلى لل�سيارات: �أو ًال :ت�صحيح كافة املفاهيم اخلاطئة لدى الر�أى العام عن �شركات ال�سيارات والتجار واملعار�ض ومراكز خدمة ال�سيارات. ثاني ًا :العمل يف �إطار من ال�شفافية والإف�صاح الكاملني من خالل توفري البيانات واملعلومات عن ال�صناعة، وذلك بالتعاون مع اجلهات احلكومية واملعنية وال�سعى اجلاد لإقامة قاعد بيانات ت�ساعد على ر�صد كل املتغريات والتدقيق احلر للبيانات واملعلومات فى �سوق ال�سيارات حتى ن�ساعد فى الق�ضاء على ال�شائعات ال�ضارة بال�سوق ملا لها من ت�أثري �سلبى على حركة البيع وال�شراء.
ثالث ًا :العمل على �أن ت�صبح لوحدة هى التنظيم الر�سمى الذى تلج�أ �إليه ال�سلطة التنفيذية (احلكومة) فى كل ما يخ�ص ال�سيارات. �أن تكون الوحدة هى الطرف الفعال وامل�شارك واملحاور للحكومة فى كل ما ت�صدره من قوانني وت�شريعات وقرارات تتعلق باملراحل املختلفة ل�سوق ال�سيارات. رابع ًا� :إعداد الدرا�سات واخلطط التنفيذية الهادفة �إىل تنظيم و�إعادة هيكلة �سوق ال�سيارات وامل�ؤ�س�سات والتنظيمات العاملة فى ال�سوق ،كذلك مراجعة القرارات والقوانني واللوائح التى ت�شكل عقبات فى �سبيل تطور ومنو �صناعة وجتارة وا�سترياد ال�سيارات. خام�س ًا :اقرتاح �أ�س�س و�ضوابط عمل ال�شركات الأجنبية املتاحة للوكاالت املرخ�ص لها العمل فى م�صر وذلك للحفاظ على م�صالح وحقوق الوكالء واملوزعني. �ساد�س ًا� :صياغة واقرار ميثاق �شرف يكون مرجع لكل العاملني والأطراف فى �سوق ال�سيارات.
�سابع ًا :و�ضع �آلية وفق متثيل ن�سبى تتيح املجال �أمام متثيل ال�شركات والتجار والوكالء واملوزعني وامل�ستهلكني فى مواجهة امل�شاكل والعقبات الناجمة عن تعقيد الإجراءات والقرارات والتع�سف الروتينى والبريوقراطية اجلامدة. ثامن ًا :و�ضع مهام وتكليفات واقعية متكن من تطوير العمل فى الوحدة وتفعيل خمتلف اللجان بها بالتعاون مع اجلهات املختلفة التى لها �صلة بتجارة و�صناعة ال�سيارات. تا�سع ًا :و�ضع الئحة تنفيذية للوحدة بالتعاون مع اجلهات املختلفة التى لها �صلة بتجارة و�صناعة ال�سيارات. عا�شر ًا :بذل اجلهود ال�صادقة لتوزيع قاعدة الع�ضوية و�إر�ساء منظومة تكفل �إ�صدار �شهادة مزاولة املهنة والتعريف ب�أهميتها لدى الر�أى العام. �أحدى ع�شر :تكوين جمل�س �إدارة الوحدة يراعى فيه متثيل كل الأطراف املعنية وحتديد املهام وال�صالحيات والتكليفات املوكل �إليه القيام ب�أدائها وعلى قمة هذه املهام وال�صالحيات والتكليفات امل�شاركة بفاعلية كبرية فى ر�سم ال�سيا�سات العامة املنظمة ل�سوق ال�سيارات والدفاع عن حقوق وم�صالح كل العاملني بال�سوق من وكالء وم�ستوردين وموزعني وجتار وقطع غيار ومراكز خدمة عالوة على امل�ستهلكني من خالل جلنة خا�صة بحماية امل�ستهلك من خالل جلنة خا�صة بحماية امل�ستهلك التى يجب متثلهم فى جمل�س الإدارة من خالل مندوب و�أكرث عن اجلمعيات الأهلية
للمدافعني عن امل�ستهلك. ثانى ع�شر :الأهتمام بالإعالم والتوعية العامة للجمهور امل�ستهدف والرتكيز على ا�ستق�صاءات الر�أى العام التى تتيح القيا�س الدقيقة لتوجهات وتطلعات و�أذواق جمهور امل�ستهلكني والعمل على تبياتها كذلك ت�سمح بالتعر�ض على امل�شاكل وال�شكاوى حتى ميكن التعامل معها. ثالث ع�شر :دعوة عامة الن�ضمام جميع الكيانات املعنية بالوحدة حتى يت�سنى عمل ح�صر جلميع ال�شركات واملعار�ض على م�ستوى اجلمهورية لإعادة القيم ولفظ الدخالء وع�شوائيات ال�صناعة والتجارة. رابع ع�شر� :إن�شاء �صندوق زمالة لت�أمني حاالت العجز فى حالة املر�ض والوفاة.
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Volume 1 Issue 7
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