Liberty Key Club : August Newsletter 2014 (Volume 19 | Issue 3)

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Liberty High School Volume 19 | Issue 3

August 2014

Region 5 | Cali-Nev-Ha | Division 28 South

Table of Co US Open Adopt a Reader Wrestling Tournament 4-53

Check you Seat in the Heat


Eliminate Bowling Night




ontents Backpack for Homeless Teens 12-13

Kiwanis Meeting


Clean the World


Contact Information


Adopt a Reader

July 2 - August 6, 2014

Reading in the Summer?! We began Adopt a Reader on July 2nd, and it continued for the next six weeks until it ended on August 6th. At first, I thought that it was just going to be one of those service events where we volunteer and go home, but this one was different than the usual events that I've ever participated in in my whole high school career. I actually got the opportunity to get to know an incoming 5th grader, and help her become more involved with reading week after week. It turned out that we were almost exactly alike, so we started reading the same books and began discussing it every time we met. This has been an event that I enjoyed thoroughly, and it gave me the opportunity to become an avid reader again. My reading partner and I are going to keep meeting even after the event has ended to help each other keep reading books for fun. This just shows that volunteering isn't just to get hours- it's getting more involved with our community and the people in it. -Rionna Octaviano (President)


Check your Seats in the Heat

July 26, 2014

Grandpa is burning! Our club volunteers were separated onto two Smith stores to efficiently hand out as many ribbons as possible. As I made my way to one of the Smith stores, I accompanied another volunteer and a Kiwanis member on the entrance. Most shoppers generously accepted the awareness ribbons and some even thanked us for the thoughtfulness of this volunteering opportunity. We were handing out ribbons to remind people not to leave kids, elderly, or pets in the car during the blazing summer and made decorative patterns in our spare time. Fortunately, our considerate awareness program caught the attention of a journalist. So, our participation was exposed to the public eye through an article written at . -Ian Medina (Bulletin Editor)


Eliminate Bowling Night

August 2, 2014

Bowling Newbies The whole night was a blast! First, we met up with Valley Key Club and separated into even groups. Then, we were amazed as the regular bowling alley illuminated in the dark. Some people, including me, ordered snacks before the games started to feed our appetite. When the games finally started, I felt the competitive spirit in the air as everyone bowled strikes and spares while I just continued my gutter ball streak! Everyone claimed that they were beginners at bowling and yet a few managed to knock us off the game! Nevertheless, I couldn't think of a better place to spend my night than in a cosmic bowling alley with my friends. It definitely brought us all together and the $20 bills we all paid for supported The Eliminate Project. -Ian Medina (Bulletin Editor)


August Division Council Meeting

August 12, 2014

The Circle of Awkwardness This month’s summer DCM was held at the heat of Desert Breeze Park. The meeting started with the usual Presidential reports. Following that were official announcements from the Lieutenant Governors including the uniform guidelines for RTC and Fall Rally. Also, they talked about the price changes for key club membership and RTC. Then, an enjoyable trivia game was held that tested our memory from the info given before. The lanyard prices made everyone jump off their feet to volunteer. After they ran out of lanyards, everyone stood up and formed a gigantic circle for the icebreaker of the day. A person who couldn't find a different partner in the time limit given was forced to the middle. He or she, then, commands the people in the circle to attach one body part to the other; like ‘elbow to knee.’ It was awkward and yet surprisingly entertaining! -Ian Medina (Bulletin Editor)


Backpack for the Homeless Teens

August 16, 2014

Something special in that backpack for you! Backpacks for Homeless Teens was a truly refreshing experience. Seeing a truckload of school supplies and other essential things like shampoo and toothbrushes made us feel enlivened and inspired. We worked in an assembly line, packing the things in the backpacks. And throughout this service, we also got the chance to get to know our Kiwanis more! It was super fun, and time flew by really fast! At the end, we helped get the backpacks to the trunks of the cars that were going straight to each school. From there, the backpacks would be distributed to the homeless teens. Overall, this event was a complete success! I would love to go back again!

-Kelsey Neil (Treasurer)


Kiwanis Meeting

August 19, 2014

The Mediation Meeting! All but one officer in our club showed up to this night’s meeting. We all hung out in our own table as our evening took an interesting twist. A guest speaker, Patricia Sutherland, introduced the topic of Mediation, or resolving conflicts between two parties. She provided brochures, flyers, and papers for everyone! She also talked about the Neighborhood Justice Center, which provided a free mediation service to reduce the dispute between neighbors. This way, there would be less crime in the community. She eventually wrapped up her speech with questions from the crowd and shared further experience of her work. We thoroughly enjoyed our quality dinner and I learned something completely new from this meeting. I didn't even know what a mediator was before that night. It was a blast having an officer bonding time as well! -Ian Medina (Bulletin Editor)


Clean the World

August 20, 2014

The World is a dirty, dirty place At Clean the World, all the attendees enjoyed themselves. First, we watched an informational video on the mission of the program. They collect used toiletries from hotels in the area and recycle them. All of the recycled items are donated to the homeless, underprivileged, and third world countries. We sorted used soaps into two piles; good and bad. Basically, we just separated the good and possibly brand new soaps and the stained or filthy soaps. Afterwards, we would dump the boxes of good and bad to these gigantic cardboard boxes. Most of our officer board were able to make it to this amazing volunteer opportunity. We also had Mr. Pecoraro join us. It’s always a joy to work with the Kiwanis!

-Ky Guerrero (Vice President)


Contact President: Rionna Octaviano Email:

Vice President: Ky Guerrero Email:

Secretary: Kayla Narcisco Email:

Treasurer: Kelsey Neil Email:

Information Bulletin Editor: Ian Medina Email:

Historian: Tiahna Divina Email:

Advisor: Kate Dodge Email:

Kiwani’s Advisor: Denis Pecoraro Email:

Liberty High School Thanks for reading!

Liberty High School Key Club Cali—Nev—Ha District | Key Club International | 3700 Liberty Heights Ave, Henderson, NV 89052 (702) 799-2270

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