Liberty Key Club : October Newsletter 2014 (Volume 21 | Issue 3)

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Liberty High School Volume 21 | Issue 3

October 2014

Region 5 | Cali-Nev-Ha | Division 28 South

Table of Co US Open WHY Ranch Wrestling Tournament 4-53

RTC Prep


Wallin Carnival


October DCM


ontents RTC


Contact Information


Do what you love to do and give it your very best. Whether it's business or baseball, or the theater, or any field. If you don't love what you're doing and you can't give it your best, get out of it. Life is too short. You'll be an old man before you know it. -Al Lopez

WHY Ranch

September 27, 2014

I’m so committed, I could clean a horse! Having only limited space for this event, five members volunteered from our school, including myself. At first, we reported at the main area outside, where all the tables were setup, to receive instructions from a volunteer coordinator. After doing so, we immediately got to work and placed the table cloths on the tables and poured water bottles onto the mini pool. As we finished our work, we had a choice to either stay outside and clean the horses’ fences or enter the stables and wipe down the dust off of the stable gates. We chose the latter, mainly because we wanted to witness the marvelous horses that are hidden inside the stables. While wiping down the dust off the gates, we were lucky enough to be allowed to touch the horses’ snout whenever they pop their head out of the hole of their own gates. On our decently long break, we met up with Durango volunteers and socialized amongst ourselves. it wasn’t too long before we made it outside again and assisted in the setup of tables and tents. -Ian Medina (Bulletin Editor)


RTC Preparatory

October 4, 2014

We got spirit, YES WE DO! Since we had a decently large amount of people going to RTC this year, we expected the large masses of people who showed up for the week’s RTC prep. After settling down in our seats, we reviewed our first cheer, with the spirit leaders having to stand on the tables to project their voices. We practiced it and went over it about three times before taking a break. In between the practice times, we organized ice breakers to prevent the members from getting bored and losing their energy. We immediately started off with our second cheer next, learning that it has been revised due to the awkward rhythm at the beginning. Then, we breezed through our third and fourth cheers. I’ve never seen our members so energized and loud in my life, giving me a sense of confidence that we will win that spirit stick this year!

-Ian Medina (Bulletin Editor)


Wallin Carnival

October 10, 2014

Four hours in heaven Having been to Wallin Carnival last year, I remember all the fun-filled activities at this event. At our arrival, we were given a choice to pick our own partners preferably to work in a specified booth together. There were endless amounts of boots, ranging from paper airplane creation to being in a massive hamster ball! Some members who didn’t sign up early enough for a booth became floaters, people who roamed around the area and replaced the other volunteers who deserved a break from working. I was assigned to a paper airplane booth, having to ensure that kids knew how to properly fold the paper airplanes and receive a price if they successfully tossed the plane onto the wall. However, since everyone wins at Wallin Carnival, they received a price either way. Similar to last year, this event was truly unforgettable and filled with fun memories.

-Ian Medina (Bulletin Editor)


October Division Council Meeting

October 16, 2014

Let’s hear it for the LTG! It was a relief to travel to a school that was really close by, which was Coronado. We settled in our seats, readying ourselves for the presidential reports. Due to our president’s understandable absence, our vice president filled in her shoes for the day. After the reports, our lieutenant governor gave out valuable information about RTC. She cleared up the dress code, face paint regulations, and the flow we were supposed to follow in the Centennial High School parking lot. After she covered all the basis of RTC, she moved on to a service presentation that she prepared. She mentioned all the recommended organizations and service events that we were more than welcomed to contact, as well as helpful tips and advice that could potentially make us impeccable at retaining our members and getting more service events. -Ian Medina (Bulletin Editor)


Region Training Conference

October 18, 2014

The Pandas Rock the House RTC, without a doubt, was insanely fun this year! The day started with my club walking all the way to our designated parking space and worked on face paints and spirit gear. Filled with spirit and energy, we marched in to Centennial high school. Our spirit leaders constantly started our exciting cheers as the members cooperatively cheered back. In the gym, we were privileged with the opportunity to learn officer positions, service events, and more from our Lieutenant Governors. Right after, we started our first round of spirit battles as all the clubs gave their best to win the spirit stick. As soon as it was over, lunch was served to everyone. Then, we came back to the Gym and started cheering our hearts out. However, as an officer, I was told to attend a workshop, specifically for bulletin editors. I learned and reviewed the duties of a bulletin editor and how I can become a better one. Then, we started our second round and soon after, our final round. Although we didn't win the spirit stick, I’m very thankful about how spirited my club was this year! -Ian Medina (Bulletin Editor)


Contact President: Rionna Octaviano Email:

Vice President: Ky Guerrero Email:

Secretary: Kayla Narciso Email:

Treasurer: Kelsey Neill Email:

Information Bulletin Editor: Ian Medina Email:

Historian: Tiahna Divina Email:

Advisor: Kate Dodge Email:

Kiwanis Advisor: Denis Pecoraro Email:

Liberty High School Thanks for reading!

Liberty High School Key Club Cali—Nev—Ha District | Key Club International | 3700 Liberty Heights Ave, Henderson, NV 89052 (702) 799-2270

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