Liberty Key Club : May Newsletter 2014 (Volume 16 | Issue 3)

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Liberty High School Volume 16 | Issue 3

Region 5 | Cali-Nev-Ha | Division 28 South

Table of Co Upcoming Events


US Open Wrestling Tournament

3 6

Easter Egg Hunt Service


Relay for Life


ontents Officer Training Convention


Member of the Month


Word from the Bulletin Editor


Contact Information


Upcoming May 2014 Sun







1 General










31 Three

Meeting 4





General Meeting May DCM





15 General Meeting





22 General Meeting Gibson M.S





29 General Meeting

Meetings and Events at the same day General Meetings Events


Events Division Council Meeting (DCM) May 15, 2014


Gibson Middle School Judging May 22, 2014

5:30 pm

Three Square May 31, 2014


US Open Wrestling Tournament

April 17, 2014

How to tie wristbands 101 When we first arrived in the Las Vegas Center, we were distributed in groups. Luckily, I got partnered up with the Kiwanis Member, Mr. Pecoraro, who helped me through the complicated situations. Our entire day was spent tying designated wristbands to wrestlers, volunteers, and staff. Rionna and Kayla also took care of the payment, while I took care of the sign up sheet. It was an incredibly productive day! So many people swarmed through the doors, waiting for their turn in line. After the four hours of service, I could honestly say that it was worth all the time and effort. -Ian Medina (Bulletin Editor)

Easter Egg Hunt Service

April 19, 2014

Let’s hide the eggs! The Easter Egg Hunt was yet another successful event for our Key Club, and interacting with the children and families that participated during the occasion was quite enjoyable. A variety of activities were offered to the families such as facepainting, guessing games, bounce houses, crafts, and of course the main event, egg hunting. Every child walked away with a smile, and parents appreciated the effort we put into all of the activities thanks to our volunteers. Experimenting with face painting was definitely a highlight for me. This event was certainly worth the hours. -Kristheana Rico

Relay for life

April 25-26 , 2014

Cancer, please go to sleep, I’m tired. As we arrived to the Silverado Gym, we all knew we weren't getting any sleep that day. So, we settled in the Gym and unpacked all our things. Even though the weather stopped us from doing our event outside in the track field, that didn't stop us from doing our service. We all heard heart-breaking and inspirational stories from cancer patients. Then, as an honor to the survivors, we walked around the school silently. There were paper bags located everywhere the building for donation purposes. Throughout the entire day, I only managed to get an hour of sleep, but it was all

absolutely worth it.

-Ian Medina (Bulletin Editor)

Officer Training Convention

May 3, 2014

A Whole Notebook of Notes! My new officer board gathered around at the Green Valley cafeteria for the introductions and military gratitude card-making. We got extra creative to thank our officers for serving our country! Then. We moved into separated classrooms for the lectures. Personally, I learned so much in the meeting and hope that my new and improved newsletter is proof of that. -Ian Medina (Bulletin Editor)

“ OTC was a great start in getting to know my job and the people I would be meeting a lot and seeing around."

-Tiahna Divina (Historian)


Jazmin Goodman

Why we chose her Jazmin Goodman has been a Key Club member since her freshman year, and she has always showed the true characteristics of a Key Clubber. From going to service events to participating in general meetings, Jazmin has truly put herself out there. Even though she comes off as a shy individual, her true personality later comes out as nice, friendly, and thoughtful. She is one of the few members who continue to attend the meetings even after RTC and Fall Rally, and I can't be any more proud of her. She didn't join Key Club just because it was another extra curricular activity to add on to her resume; she joined Key Club because she has a pure mindset of helping others through community service. There are only a few who actually join this club for the benefit of others,

and that's why Jazmin Goodman was chosen Member of the Month for April. -Rionna Octaviano (President)

Word from the Bulletin Editor

Hey Key Clubbers,

It’s me, your current 2014-2015 Bulletin Editor, speaking. First of all, I just want to say that I’m so happy to see that so many of you are signing up more frequently for service. You can definitely inspire the future generation to do service as you do. And then, we could help twice or even more people than we once did. Also, as you may have already noticed, the entire formatting of the newsletter is completely different. I’ve learned so many tips and ideas from the officer training convention, that I hope might be for the better. I’m also asking officers and members alike to share their opinions of the events and/ or even write the article themselves. If you had a really remarkable experience in an event that you’re willing to share, please do tell one of the officers. In that case, you will be most likely featured in the future newsletters. Additionally, if you don’t like a certain aspect of my newsletter or think that there might be a section I could've done better, I encourage you to inform me. I originally decided to become a Bulletin Editor to help inform everyone about our club and showcase my creativity at the same time. I wanted to tell the world how great Key Club really is, and it’s not just a club for community service, but a club of leadership, fun, and competitiveness.

Your Awkward Bulletin Editor,

Ian Medina

Contact President: Rionna Octaviano Email:

Vice President: Ky Guerrero Email:

Secretary: Kayla Narcisco Email:

Treasurer: Kelsey Neil Email:

Information Bulletin Editor: Ian Medina Email:

Historian: Tiahna Divina Email:

Advisor: Kate Dodge Email:

Kiwani’s Advisor: Denis Pecoraro Email:

Liberty High School Thanks for reading!

Liberty High School Key Club Cali—Nev—Ha District | Key Club International | 3700 Liberty Heights Ave, Henderson, NV 89052 (702) 799-2270

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