The PCO April 2021

Page 19


GETTING TO KNOW... SYMPORG SA, SWITZERLAND IAPCO chats to Bertrand Joehr, Managing Director

Tell us some background about the company

With COVID as a current challenge, how do you

Symporg was founded in 1983 by Primola Nicole who

see 2021 evolving?

retired in 2011 since when I have been totally involved.

COVID has of course had a very negative impact on our day-to-day business but, projecting into the future, it might

We have developed a strong relationship with the Geneva

turn out to be a very good opportunity. We have been pushing

University, the Geneva University Hospital and the CERN. We

our clients for years to implement hybrid solutions to their

are very lucky to have these three strong institutions in our

congresses, but the fear of the technology related to it as

city, helping us not only to attract association congresses to

well as the fear of reducing the number of attendees was too

Switzerland but also to create new projects and conferences

strong in their minds to enable a change of direction. I really

attracting attendees from all around the world.

hope that the past months have shown them that we have the technical capacities to deliver quality content; and thanks to

We have one office in Geneva, Switzerland, where we organise

the statistics we now have from all the digital events recently

most of our events but of course we work all over the country

organised we can prove that a virtual event can attract many

as well as overseas, following our clients or projects.

additional participants who would not otherwise have attended an in-person meeting.

Do you specialise in

Every day we think about the next few months and what will/

particular events

can happen. What the past year has shown us is that uncer-

or services

tainty is the master word. We still have to be very flexible and,

which make

although we are pretty sure that in-person congresses will

Symporg unique?

be possible this autumn, we are now preparing for whatever

We don’t have

outcome might materialise (in-person, hybrid, virtual) for all of

any specialisation

our events, having to set a deadline for the decision about the

per se, although

final format.

we have decided to focus on

Why do you value being an IAPCO member?

congresses and

The accreditation is pretty important, not only for our clients,

conferences only

but also for us: it is like a reward for a job well executed!

and not corporate or public events.

But what I value most is the networking and the shared

What makes

experience between members. Being a congress organiser

Symporg unique is the fact that our core employees have

is tough… meeting with other people in the same position

been with us for more than five years, and that we have

always reminds you that you are not alone; and that you have

really close relationships with our clients. Their project is

colleagues who can help you to find solutions to problems

our project and we make anything possible to make

that other companies might have encountered.

it a success! | April 2021 19

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