Health and Beauty Summer 2021

Page 13


Time to take your medicine 8LI 5LSIRM\ XSVIW HMWGYWWIW XLI FIRIǻXW SJ ƸVIQMRHIVƹ TEGOEKMRK XLEX LIPTW ]SY ORS[ when to take your prescription drugs Q: What is an MDS blister pack? A: A monitored dosage system [MDS] is a method of dispensing tablet and capsule medications that helps manage the days and times when they should be taken. An MDS blister pack contains medications for the week organised in clear pods by the day and time of day you should take them whether at breakfast, lunch, supper, or bedtime.

4 :KR FDQ EHQHILW IURP XVLQJ an MDS blister pack? A: If you are required to take one or more medications daily, you can make use of an MDS blister pack; also, those who find it difficult to organise or remember to take their medication at the correct time each day can benefit from the use of an MDS blister pack. Caregivers and nursing homes often find the blister packs useful.

Q: How is the MDS blister pack ILOOHG" A: A qualified pharmacist fills each MDS blister pack per the doctor’s prescription[s]; each pack is sealed and labelled with dosage instruction.

4 6XSSRVH , JHW D PRQWK VXSSO\ RI 0'6 EOLVWHU SDFNV EXW P\ SUHVFULSWLRQ FKDQJHV EHIRUH LWV XVH" A: Should an order change after an MDS blister pack is dispensed, just return any unopened packs to the distributing pharmacy along with your new prescription to have your MDS blister packs dispensed per your new medication requirements.

4 &DQ , REWDLQ DQ 0'6 EOLVWHU SDFN DV D ZDON LQ FXVWRPHU" A: As a walk-in customer, please be prepared to collect your MDS blister pack later that day or within 24 hours. Health & Beauty Summer 2021


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