Health and Beauty Summer 2021

Page 7


Holistic Health

Holistic medicine doesn’t treat the pain, it treats the person hen you think of “holistic health,” does it stir up thoughts of Eastern or alternative medicine? Well, you may be partly right. Some VFLHQWLƶFDOO\ SURYHQ WKHUDSLHV IURP alternative areas of health and beauty are integrated in what we are more familiar with in the Western world to form what is being commonly called holistic health. But WR EH PRUH VSHFLƶF LWšV D FRPSUHKHQVLYH and personalised way to care about the ‘whole you’. Not just treating individual diseases and symptoms, but providing for the physical, mental, spiritual and sometimes social needs. One of the axioms of holistic medicine and health and beauty is the understanding that all aspects of your EHLQJ DƵHFW \RXU RYHUDOO KHDOWK DQG DUH not mutually exclusive. Being unwell in one area of your life, when you are under mental stress for example, can evidence itself in many physical ways. You may KDYH WURXEOH VOHHSLQJ JHW KHDGDFKHV ƶQG yourself eating too much comfort food which in turn brings on weight gain. And it also works vice versa. Being physically sick, can bring on depression and anxiety. Many studies have shown that having good friends and being active in the community helps to foster good health. The book The Blue Zone analysed several regions around the world that are home to the happiest and longest-living people. Although they had slightly varying lifestyles, what they did have in common was that they followed healthy diets, exercised regularly, made sure they got enough sleep and also very importantly, they all had good spiritual, family and social networks. Did you know that leading a happy life with close friendships can lower your blood pressure, reduce stress levels in other areas of your life, and even increase your chances of surviving serious illnesses such as cancer. To understand how they can best help you, good doctors take a holistic approach


Health & Beauty Summer 2021

to your health. They won’t just ask you TXHVWLRQV DERXW \RXU VSHFLƶF V\PSWRPV but will look for underlying causes of those symptoms, whether they be physical or mental. The prescription they write for you may not only be something you take to the drug store or pharmacy to have dispensed. Your doctor may also recommend changes in what you eat, suggest an exercise regime, yoga, pilates or other stretching practices; perhaps massage, acupuncture, psychological or other supportive care.

Yes, you may well need medications or surgery to repair and heal a sickness or injury, but certain foods can also UHGXFH LQƷDPPDWLRQ ZKLOH RWKHU IRRGV FRQWULEXWH WR LQƷDPPDWLRQ 6WUHVV FDQ EH UHOLHYHG E\ PDVVDJH RU \RX PD\ ƶQG a few sessions with a therapist a healing experience. Mindful meditation or a quiet, early morning walk on the beach can also relieve pain and stress. Drinking more water, getting more sleep, taking time to relax and unwind — all these things play an important part in your overall health.


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