April 2014 BLIAV Newsletter

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48th Year of FGS

April 2014, Issue 34

發行人/星雲大師 Published by Ven. Master Hsing Yun / 發行所/國際佛光會墨爾本協會 Issued by BLIAV

Buddha’s Light Newsletter of Victoria


Ven. Master Hsing Yun receives The World Buddhist Outstanding Leader Award

(Reporter: Xin Jiang, Bangkok)

【人間社記者心匠曼谷報導】台 灣佛光山開山宗長星雲大師再獲 殊榮。由世界佛教徒友誼會青年 會和泰國佛統府共同舉辦的「第 一屆世界佛教傑出領袖獎」,星 雲大師名列其中。 「世界佛教傑出領袖獎」二月十 五日在泰國佛統府博物館禮堂舉 行頒獎典禮,星雲大師由佛光山 前任住持心培和尚代表出席,接 受泰國代僧王H.E. Somdejphramaharatchamangalajarn頒獎, 共有來自全球各地六百餘人出 席。 頒獎當天,全球各地包括教 育、政治、藝術、文學、經濟等 各領域的僧信四眾,共一百七十 八人受獎。泰國代理僧王頒獎給 所有受獎者,強調學佛路上唯有 用清淨心及平等心,對待世間一 切現象,才能化解人與人之間的 對立,佛教徒要發揮佛法的力 量,才能達成世界和平。

Founder of Fo Guang Shan, Ven. Master Hsing Yun has once again received recognition by being a recipient of ‘The World Buddhist Outstanding Leader Award’. The World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth held the 1st World Buddhist Outstanding Leader Award Ceremony at the National Office of Buddhism in Thailand. The World Buddhist Outstanding Leader Award Ceremony was held on the 15th February at the Museum Auditorium of the National Office of Buddhism. Former Abbott of Fo Guang Shan, Ven. Hsin Pei accepted the honour on behalf of Ven. Master Hsing Yun from H.E. Somdejphramaharatchamangalajarn, the Acting Supreme Patriarch of Thailand. Over 600 people from around the world attended the event.

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佛光山本山新聞 Fo Guang Shan News >> Continued from page 1

佛光山開山宗長星雲大師一生 致力弘揚與落實人間佛教,早已 為現代社會所衍生出來的種種問 題,作出「有佛法就有辦法」的 演繹,不僅讓佛教生活化,適合 現代社會的需求,更為傳播人間 佛法的真善美,而致力於文化、 教育、慈善、共修等四個面向, 且發展成效卓越,獲得「佛教傑 出領袖獎」可謂實至名歸。 國際佛教領袖致歡迎詞和賀 詞,讚歎受獎者共同為佛教傳播 所作的努力,同時也提到現在社 會所面對的政治、經濟、環保等 諸多挑戰,佛法是最實用、最好 用,最能對治種種問題的法門。 期望藉由此次聚會,呼籲大家落 實人間佛法,並廣邀與會大眾透 過email、LINE或臉書等各種管 道,努力把佛法傳出去。 Founder of Fo Guang Shan, Ven. Master Hsing Yun has devoted his life to promoting Humanistic Buddhism and had long recognised the

problems of modern society, hence developing the practice of “Where there is the Dharma, there is a way”. He has not only efficiently and effectively immersed Buddhism into people’s daily lives, making Buddhism relevant to the needs of modern society; but also spread the sublime Dharma of Humanistic Buddhism, as well as committed efforts to the fields of culture, education, charity and personal cultivation. Ven. Master Hsing Yun is truly deserving of the ‘World Buddhist Outstanding Leadership Award’. There were a total of 178 award recipients. Recipients from around the world included laymen and monastics; from the fields of education, politics, art, literature and economics amongst others. TheActingSupremePatriarchof Thailand, H.E.Somdejphramaharatchamangalajarn emphasised to all recipients that it is only through treating all worldly phenomena

with equanimity and a pure heart, that confrontation and antagonism between human beings can be defused. Buddhists must draw on the strength of the Dharma in order to achieve world peace. The congratulatory and welcoming remarks from international Buddhist leaders, praised the recipients for their joint efforts in propagating Buddhism. They also explicated that in combating the political, economic, environmental and other challenges facing society today; Buddhism is the most practical and most useful, for the Dharma provides the means to resolve all problems. They hoped that Humanistic Buddhism will form part of everyone’s lives and appealed to all participants to spread the Dharma and promote Buddhism via email, LINE, Facebook and through other avenues.

會自我毀滅。 第二、汪洋大海始於細流:《 法句經》說:「水滴雖微,漸盈 大器。」小小的細流,日積月 累,可能匯聚成長江黃河,成為 汪洋大海,所以細流不容藐視。 西晉文學家陸機說:「遠績不辭 小,立德不在大。」小小的善 行,可以救人一命;小小的結 緣,可能改變人的一生,所以一 點一滴的小善行,就是積聚鉅萬 的善功德。 第三、千年萬劫始於彈指:一 千年、一萬劫,看似好長好長的時 間,但是這麼長的時間,也是從一 剎那、一彈指,慢慢聚集而成;同 樣的,成功的企業家、創意的設計 師、筆補造化的作家,乃至於社會 上有名氣、有地位的人,其智慧、 創意、技巧、經驗,都是經過歲月 的累積、時間的醞釀、生活的體驗 而來的,世間萬物不能無中生有, 所以,成功是經過學習的過程與時 間的磨練。

第四、永恆成道始於信念:所 有證悟者,或是社會上的成功 者,都是來自於對真理的內涵不 起疑慮,對於所學的技能不怯 退,對於自己所建立的目標有正 確的信念,如此才能有所成就。 《華嚴經》說:信念與信心可以 增長智慧,有了信就可以到達如 來的境地;《大智度論》也說: 信,就像人的手一樣,一個人到 了寶山,有手就可以自由的取 寶,如果沒有手就不能取拿。所 以,「信」是學習上、修道上的 根本。 俗語說:「好的開始,是成功的 一半」,開始的方向正確了,才能 到達目的地;開始的心念正確了, 行為才能無誤。所以凡事的起始是 很重要的,我們不能不注意。「開 始」的重要,有四點說明: 第一、崇山峻嶺始於土丘。 第二、汪洋大海始於細流。 第三、千年萬劫始於彈指。 第四、永恆成道始於信念。

開始 人的一切行為造作之始,都是 來於心中的想法,因此心中的每 個念頭,是決定你上天堂或下地 獄的開始;心中的每個念頭,就 是造成佛境與魔界的結果。魏徵 在《諫太宗十思疏》中提到:「 恐懈怠則思慎始而敬終,慮壅蔽 則思虛心以納下,想讒邪則思正 身以黜惡」。所以,每個人都應 該要慎始;開始的好壞、正邪, 就是決定未來失敗、成功的轉 軸。以下以四個「開始」來說明 其重要性: 第一、崇山峻嶺始於土丘:重 重疊疊的山巒,不必然本來就是 崇山峻嶺,它可能是由滄海變為 桑田,再變化成土丘,慢慢又演 變而為層巒疊嶂的峻嶺。人的惡 行往往也是由小而大,一個惡貫 滿盈的人,常常是起自最初的 歹念,所以人應該慎防開始的一 念。劉備說:「勿以善小而不 為,勿以惡小而為之。」經常自 省,自能讓惡念不積,如此才不


星雲法語 Dharma Words from Ven. Master Hsing Yun

Beginnings The origin of all our behaviours is derived from how we think. Each thought in our mind determines whether we ultimately rise to heaven or fall into hell. Our every thought creates the result of either being in the world of the Buddha or in one of suffering. Therefore, we must be cautious about how we begin. Whether a beginning is good or bad, right or wrong, it will dictate our success or failure in the future. The following explanations describe the importance of beginnings.

1. Lofty mountains and steep ridges begin as earth mounds. They were not always lofty and steep. They may even have been transformed originally from oceans into fields, then changed into earth mounds and hills, and gradually developed into mountain ranges. Unwholesome behaviour also starts from small deeds, growing serious over time. A devious criminal may start out with a single negative thought. As such, we must be wary of our initial thought on any matter. Liu Bei, the ruler of the Shu Kingdom during the Period of the Three Kingdoms advised, “Do not refrain from doing a small act of kindness and do not commit a small act of evil just because it is small.” We must be self-aware at all times, so that our unwholesome thoughts will not accumulate. Diligent self-reflection will prevent our self-destruction.

3. Millennia and kalpas begin with a moment. A thousand years or ten thousand kalpas seem to be a very long time. However, they all begin in a moment or a split second and build up gradually. Similarly, successful entrepreneurs, creative designers, famous writers and others who have acquired celebrity status in society, have all gradually cultivated their wisdom, creativity, skills and expertise over time. They have passed the test of time and gained experience through their efforts. No single matter in the world arises from nothing. Success is only achieved through the process of learning and passing the test of time. 4. Attaining the Way begins with faith. People who attain spiritual enlightenment or success in society, all rely on their firm faith in what is essential and true. That is because they hold onto what they have learned and maintain the right faith in the goals they establish. Hence, they can achieve tremendous success. The Flower Adornment Sutra (Avatamsaka Sutra) teaches, “Faith and confidence can enhance wisdom. With faith we can reach the state of the Buddha.” The Treatise on the Perfection of Great Wisdom (Mahaprajnaparamita Sastra) also says, “Faith is like the hands of a person. When one arrives at a mountain of treasure, one can freely pick up the treasure only if one has hands. Otherwise, nothing can be gained.” Therefore, faith is the foundation of learning and cultivating the Way.

2. Vast oceans begin with small streams. It is said in the Sutra on the Treasury of Truth (Dharmapada Sutra), “Water drops may be small, but they can gradually fill a large container.” Small streams can accumulate to form the Yangzi or Yellow River over time, and even become a large ocean. Therefore, we cannot afford to belittle small streams. The Western Jin Dynasty scholar Lu Ji said, “Do not overlook small acts in creating long-term results; do not rely only on major deeds in establishing merit.” A small act of kindness may save someone’s life and a minor connection we make may change the life of another. Therefore, even small gestures of kindness can eventually lead to immense merit. According to a popular saying, “A good beginning is half way to success.” If our direction is right when we start out, we can certainly reach our destination; when our thought is right at the beginning, our behaviour will not go wrong. The beginning of every action is very important. Therefore, we must always pay close attention to how we begin.


墨爾本佛光協會 活動報導 BLIAV News

House-Blessing and Study Group Gathering at Dharma Sister Ling Tong’s Residence On 29th February 2014, BLIAV North-West chapter held a house-blessing and study group session at Mrs. Ling Tong’s home. Ven. Jue Chu, superintendent of Fo Guang Shan Melbourne attended with ten or so others. The study group studied the piece ‘Beginning from Self’ from Ven. Master Hsing Yun’s ‘Everlasting Light’. Ven. Jue Chu expressed that even though someone may experience significant trauma and hardship in their lives, it represents only a challenge in life. No matter how difficult the situation is, we must be aware of our body, speech and mind - do good deeds, say kind words and possess good intentions, radiating kindness to all. It is then that we can create an honest, kind and serene atmosphere; alleviate suffering and improve our own quality of life. The study session was followed by a delightful house blessing ceremony.


2014年2月28日,西北分會於余相玲師姐家舉 辦讀書會和家庭普照。墨爾本佛光山監寺覺住法 師及西北分會會長蔡定洪帶領十多位幹部和會員 參與。 讀書會由相玲師姐帶領,分組討論星雲大師《 佛光菜根譚》〈從我做起〉。覺住法師談到了即 使在生活中遇到了重大的挫折與艱難,這也只代 表生活中的一個挑戰而已。無論境遇如何困難, 我們必須留意自己的身心,言語和思想。即做好 事,說好話,存好心。要把慈悲傳播給所有人。 只有這樣我們才能營造一個誠實,善良和真誠的 環境。這將有助於消除痛苦和災難,改善我們生 活的質量。 讀書會和家庭普照活動在歡笑、感動的氣氛下 圓滿結束。


楊健督導家庭普照 2014年3月8日佛光山澳洲總住持滿可法師帶領墨 爾本講堂監寺覺住法師、尔有寺監寺滿晴法師、墨 爾本佛光會協會會長黃凱倫及幹部和會員等37人, 至楊健督導、財務潘啟蒙佛化家庭「家庭普照」。 潘啟蒙父親潘英杰居士年少時已隨母拜佛,但五 十歲後才真正接觸佛法。而楊健督導則分享當年於 三十二歲時當督導。學佛也是因為女友潘啟蒙是墨 爾本佛光會幹部,才慢慢開始接觸佛光山、認識佛 教。 總住持滿可法師鼓勵大眾思考人生意義。而思想 行為要正見、正思維、端莊,才能吸引正能量;正 能量才可以溝通,負能量是不能接受。所以,要從 聞思修中吸收大地的精華,修行是在大環境中吸引 好的磁場,吸收大自然的能量。〈阮愛美供稿〉

House Blessing for BLIAV Adviser Mr. James Yang By Amy Yuen

Ven. Man Ko (Chief Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Australia), Ven. Jue Chu, Ven. Man Ching, Dr. Alan Wong (President of BLIAV) and thirty-three other members attended the house blessing ceremony at the residence of Mr. James Yang (BLIAV Adviser) on 8th March, 2014. Mr. Poon, Mr. Yang’s father-in-law expressed that though he prayed to the Buddha with his mother from a young age, he did not truly begin to learn Buddhism until he was fifty. As for Mr. James Yang, he became a BLIA adviser at thirty-two years of age and was initially introduced to BLIAV by his wife Monica, a committee member at the time. Abbess Man Ko encouraged everyone to contemplate on the meaning of life and the importance of possessing right views and right thoughts, in order to attract positive energy and reject negative vibes.

墨爾本佛光協會 活動報導 BLIAV News

Fo Guang Shan Melbourne Heeds the call for Environmental Protection (Reporter: Wendy Chen, Melbourne)

March 2nd, 2014 marked Clean Up Australia Day, the day on which the Australian Government encourages people across the country to clean up the environment. BLIAV and Fo Guang Shan Melbourne have actively been involved in this event on an annual basis. Under the leadership of Ven. Yung Wei and BLIAV President, Dr. Alan Wong, fifty volunteers from East 1, East 2, South-East, NorthWest, City 1 sub-chapters and the YAD groups participated this year. Wearing the BLIA vest and equipped with cleaning tools, the participants passionately set off from Fo Guang Shan Melbourne and headed in two directions, diligently gathering discarded cigarette butts, broken glass, strewn plastic bags and other litter along the streets. Along the way, the volunteers received large amounts of compliments and were met with gratitude by the residents of Yarraville. Some gave them the thumbs up, others took photos of them cleaning up the environment with their mobile phones. The youngest volunteer on Clean Up Australia Day was only eight or nine years old, whilst the most senior participant was eightyseven year old Ms. Jin Xian Xu. Ms. Xu has participated in the Clean Up Australia Day event for ten years in a row. She remarked, “Whilst my health allows it, I am truly delighted to be able to continue to participate in Clean Up Australia Day, cleaning the environment together with others. I do not feel tired at all.” After three hours of cleaning, twenty-five bagfuls of rubbish were collected in total, beautifying the area and transforming it into its version of ‘pure land’. Ven. Yung Wei continuously highlighted the importance of both cleaning the external environment and purifying

墨爾本佛光人響應環保獻熱心 one’s inner spirit during the event. BLIAV President, Dr. Alan Wong expressed that, “Not only is participation in Clean Up Australia Day a meaningful contribution to the environment, it also serves as a valuable learning opportunity for children. This is a great example of the immersion of Buddhism into the local community.” The event was followed by family-oriented games at Yarraville Gardens, with the highest prize going to the North-West subchapter. This year’s Clean Up Australia Day event ended successfully amongst laughter and happiness from everyone involved. BLIAV will continue its participation in this meaningful event with the focus of next year’s Clean Up Australia Day being the surrounding areas to Er You Temple in the eastern suburb of Box Hill. 【人間社記者陳秀敏墨爾本報 導】3月2日是澳洲清潔日,澳 洲政府每年在這一天發動全國人 民一起清潔環境。國際佛光會墨 爾本協會及墨爾本佛光山每年皆 積極響應活動。在永威法師和協 會會長黃凱倫帶領下,分別由東 一、東二、東南、西北、城一分 會及佛光青年團組成環保小組,

共有五十人參加。當天大家身穿 佛光黃背心,手持清潔工具,精 神奮發的從墨爾本佛光山出發, 兵分兩路,沿街撿煙頭、玻璃、 拾塑料袋和廢棄物等垃圾。一路 上受到了Yarraville 社區居民讚揚 和感謝;有的豎起大拇指讚揚, 也有路人拿起手機拍攝義工們清 潔環境的義舉,總之在Yarraville 社區引起了不小的迴響。 本次參加清潔活動的人員,年 紀最小有八、九歲,最大的是八 十七歲許金石羨師姐。許師姐共參 加十次「清潔日」活動,她說: 「趁自己腳力還康健,可以跟著 大家一起撿垃圾,心生歡喜,一 點也不覺得累。」經過三小時清 潔活動,大家共整理出25袋垃 圾,整理過的環境顯得整齊、乾 淨,猶如人間淨土般。永威法 師途中也不斷地啟發大家,強調 淨化自身外在環境和內在心靈環 保的重要性。黃會長深有體會的 說:「參加清潔日活動,不僅是 對環保盡一份心力,也給予孩子 們難得的教育和鍛煉的機會。這 也是佛教本土化一次很好體證。」 活動最後在Yarraville Gardens 開展親子活動比賽,由西北分會 獲得最高勝利及獎狀。澳洲清潔 日在大家的歡笑聲中圓滿結束。 明年澳洲清潔日墨爾本協會將轉 移到東區博士山佛光山爾有寺附 近社區服務,共結善緣!


墨爾本佛光協會 活動報導 BLIAV News

慈悲素食愛地球 佛誕節齋宴募款 【人間社記者馬韵涵墨爾本報 導】2014年3月8日墨爾本佛光 山、國際佛光會墨爾本協會及 佛光青年團假墨爾本東區市政大 廳舉辦「佛誕節募款齋宴」,約 400人共襄盛舉。 齋宴一開始由佛光青年為每一 桌席放上一盞蠟燭,代表著佛 陀的降誕為世間帶來光明。國際 佛光會墨爾本協會會長黃凱倫致 詞道:「感謝墨爾本市政府、商 家及大眾們對齋宴募款的大力支 持。」 主辦單位特為大家凖備美味 素食,還安排豐富的視聽盛宴 供養大眾。澳洲人氣華裔魔術 師Joshua Huang魔術表演,引 得全場驚歎連連、掌聲不斷。 墨爾本青年街頭藝人Heart of Spades團體,以小提琴與吉他 二人樂隊演出,保持一貫街頭表 演風格,將琴盒置於舞台前讓大 眾捐款,并將當晚所得數捐佛誕 節活動基金。佛光師姐們帶來「 茉莉花」舞蹈,展現出活潑喜悅 姿態;接著,城一分會以男生反 串「天鵝湖」與小黑天鵝共舞的 芭蕾舞蹈極具創意、逗樂全場。 最後,佛光山澳洲總住持滿可 法師致詞道:「感謝大眾支持, 才能成就連續十九屆舉辦佛誕節 暨多元文化嘉年華會。也感謝大 家為弘揚佛法、實現佛光山開山 宗長星雲大師提倡的『幸福與安 樂』理念慷慨奉獻,因為別人的 快樂,就是我的快樂。只有願意 付出,才會更快樂。」


Love Thy World with Vegetarianism

Buddha’s Day & Multicultural Festival Fundraising Banquet (Reporter: Erica Ma, Melbourne)

The 2014 Buddha’s Day and Multicultural Festival Fundraising Banquet organised by Buddha’s Light International Association of Victoria (BLIAV) and the Young Adult Divisions (YAD) was held on March 8th, 2014 at Box Hill Town Hall in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. The event welcomed 400 guests. The evening began with candles being placed at each table signifying the birth of the Buddha illuminating the world. Dr. Alan Wong, President of BLIAV expressed his gratitude to Melbourne City Council, businesses and the general public for their support and fundraising efforts. The banquet featured vegetarian delicacies and an impressive entertainment programme. Joshua Huang’s magic show filled with elements of surprise amazed the audience at every turn. Melbourne buskers ‘Heart of Spades’, a violin and guitar duo, maintained their street style by using their instrument cases to accept donations; which they in turn donated to the Buddha’s Day and Multicultural Festival Preparatory Fund. Members of BLIAV performed the ‘Jasmine Flower’ Dance; and boys from BLIAV City 1 sub-chapter entertained the audience with a creative and playful interpretation of ‘Swan Lake’ and the Black Swan. The Chief Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Australia, Ven. Man Ko thanked everyone for all their support towards the nineteenth Buddha’s Day and Multicultural Festival and expressed: “Thank you for your diligence and efforts in propagating the Dharma; and realising the concept of ‘Peace and Happiness’ advocated by the founder of Fo Guang Shan, Ven. Master Hsing Yun. For the joy of others is also our joy, for in our willingness to give we receive the greatest happiness.”

墨爾本佛光山 活動報導 FGS Melbourne News

「養生之道-福壽健康」 幸福與安樂系列座談會

Health & Wellbeing – Longevity

【人間社記者余相玲墨爾本報導】「如何 活的久,還要活得好,更要活得有品質? 」。墨爾本佛光山及墨爾本佛光協會西北 分會於2014年3月9日舉辦「養生之道-福壽 健康」,約200多人出席聆聽。座談會邀請 到佛光中華學校教務主任魯鳳美主持、與 談人佛光山澳洲總住持滿可法師、西醫内 科主治醫生曾雙全及101歲的佛光人葉希芬 老菩薩,一同與大眾分享從宗教、醫學、 個人經歷如何保健、長壽的秘訣。 我們平常該如何做保健?國家保健會議曾 提出三個保健的里程碑:一、平衡飲食, 二、有氧運動,三、心理狀態。 平衡飲食課題:葉老菩薩提出每天三餐 定時、少量多餐、不挑食、吃易消化物。 總住持滿可法師則表示,飲食可以養生, 多吃自然食物、少食加工食品,最好是吃 素。曾醫生鼓勵大家多吃蔬菜水果、少吃 糖類。運動是養生之道重要因素,葉老菩 薩一生醉心於太極。而在佛門裏的運動就 是出坡勞動、禮佛、靜坐還有動中禪。曾 醫生則表示跑步、游泳等都是全身的運動。 總住持滿可法師強調:「想長壽,心胸 一定要放寬,心境要平和、放軟。當身心 平衡、身心合一時,身體自然健康。」長 壽是否可以由我們掌控呢?總住持滿可法 師認爲,增福增壽的因緣都是自己的業力 所感召。我們雖無法控制生命的長度,但 可控制生命的寬度。她舉台北道場當義工 的老菩薩曾說:「年輕人拼經濟,我老人 家退而不休拼來世。」說明生命的寬度是 由自己決定的。 座談會結束前,是嶺南派畫家何錦釗居 士,在墨爾本佛光緣美術館展覽義賣之畫 作-「善款捐贈南天大學」捐贈儀式,由佛 光山澳洲總住持滿可法師代表接受。

(Reporter: Ling Tong, Melbourne)

Peace & Happiness Forum Series

“How may we live a long life, live a good life and more so enjoy quality of life?” Fo Guang Shan Melbourne in conjunction with the North-West sub-chapter of Buddha’s Light International Association of Victoria (BLIAV) ran the forum on ‘Health and Wellbeing – Longevity’ on March 9th, 2014. Approximately 200 people attended. Hosted by Ms. Feng Mei Lu, Fo Guang Chinese School Co-ordinator; guest panelists Ven. Man Ko, Chief Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Australia; Dr. Shuang Quan Chan, Internal Medicine Registrar and Mrs. Diep Hy Phan, a 101 year old BLIAV member were invited to discuss the secrets to health and longevity from the religious, medical and personal perspectives. How and when does one look after their health? Regulatory authorities suggest the following: 1) eat a balanced diet, 2) do aerobic exercises and 3) monitor mental and emotional health. For a balanced diet, Mrs. Phan’s routine is to eat three main meals at set times, eating small portions frequently. Abbess Man Ko advised that food is nourishment and natural foods should be consumed instead of harmful processed foods. She encouraged eating simple meals that are ideally vegetarian. Dr. Chan encouraged eating lots of fruits and vegetables, as well as reducing sugar intake. Exercise is vital to good health and Mrs. Phan has devoted her life to practising Tai Chi. For Buddhists, exercise takes the form of daily chores, prostrations to the Buddha and varied forms of meditation. Dr. Chan suggested full body workouts like running and swimming. Abbess Man Ko emphasised that: “To enjoy longevity, one needs to be broad-minded and possess a peaceful, balanced and gentle heart. When the body and mind are in harmony, the physical body will be healthy.” Is longevity determined by us? Abbess Man Ko suggested that the merits and the karma created is within our control. Though we do not dictate the length of our lives, we determine the depth and breadth of our experiences. An elderly volunteer once said: “The young toil for financial gain, I’m old and retired but not tired, and toil for my future lives.” The forum concluded with a donation to Nan Tien Institute by artist, Mr. Cam Siu Ha. The proceeds from Mr. Ha’s fundraising art exhibition were accepted by Abbess Man Ko.


法相 Fa Xiang - A Buddhist Practitioner’s Encyclopedia

一日到一生 隨著時代的科技化,現代人的生 活講究方便、舒適,養成好逸惡勞 的習性,往往將歲月蹉跎。如唐伯 虎說:「人生七十古來稀,前除幼 來後除老;中間光景不多時,又有 炎霜與煩惱。」人的一生,扣除睡 覺、生病、老年、幼年的歲月之 後,還有多少時間可以利用呢?所 以我們應當把握有限的生命,好好 的規畫自己的「一日到一生」,讓 一日當百年過,為人間留下貢獻。 「一日到一生」有四點: 第一、一日之計在於晨:每天早 晨,應該計畫好今天所要完成的事 情,有了計畫與目標,就不容易虛 度一日的光陰。拿破崙說:「我如 果無所事事的度過一天,就會覺得 自己犯了竊盜罪。」一日之始如果 沒有好好的規畫,不但容易遇事 慌張、處事不圓滿,而且恐有事情 遺忘、漏失之虞,甚至得過且過的 浪費光陰。陶淵明說:「盛年不重 來,一日難再晨」,一日之晨好好 計畫,才不會「白了少年頭,空悲 切」。 第二、一事之計在於明:孔子 說:「智者不惑」,一個有智慧的 人,凡事必能明辨是非、始末能 明。當我們在工作上,遇到了要處 理的專案,在人事上,遇到了要解 決的問題時,對事情的處理方法, 以及理解程度是很重要的,如能明 白事情的真偽、緩急,就能做出正 確的決定。所以,我們對每件事 情都要能明明白白,且有正確的見 解,才能防止錯誤的發生,所以一 事之計在於明。 第三、一家之計在於和:家庭 裡,雖然每個成員各有各的性格, 如能以尊重、欣賞、支持的角度包 容對方,便是和氣相處之道。俗語 說:「家和萬事興」,一個家庭的 和諧,直接影響一個人的心智成 長,以及人際關係的往來,甚至影 響到整個社會的安定。朱熹說:「 循禮保家之本,和順興家之本。 」家庭是國家之根,和樂是家庭之 基,所以一家之計在於和。 第四、一生之計在於勤:人生, 最重要的就是一個「勤」。牛頓 說:「你若想獲得知識、獲得食 物、獲得快樂,你都要下苦工,因 為辛勤是獲得一切的定律。」一


個人,只要勤勞,一定能學有所 成、創造赫功偉業;一個人,只 要懶惰,必然會敗散積蓄、雖志 廣難成。《顏氏家訓》云:「天 下事以難而廢者十之一,以惰而 廢者十之九」,所以,「天下無 難事」只要能勤,必能成功。 人的一生要不斷的更新,尤 其在自己身心的調整上,要懂得 規畫人生,為自己訂下一日的計 畫、一月的計畫、一年的計畫、 一生的計畫,為自己許下願心。

One Day to a Lifetime With the advancements in technology, people today place emphasis on convenience and comfort in life. They have become complacent and avoid hard work; often wasting precious time. A Ming Dynasty poet, Tang Bohu, once wrote, “It is rare to enjoy seventy years. Take away the years of childhood and old age and not much time is left. Then there are the hot and cold seasons and so many worries to contend with.” After deducting time for sleep, sickness, old age and childhood, how much time is actually left to use? Therefore, we should make good use of our limited life span and plan well. We should start by carefully planning ‘a day to a lifetime’, living each day as if it were a hundred years, so that we can contribute fully to the world. The following are keys for planning: 1. Plan for the day in the morning. Each morning, we should make plans for the entire day. The day will then not be wasted. Napoleon once said, “If I let a day go by without doing anything meaningful, I feel like I have committed theft.” Without planning, not only will we feel stressed and unprepared in dealing with matters, but we also may forget or neglect what is important. The poet Tao Yuan Ming cautioned, “The prime years of life will not come again and there will not be another dawning of this day.” If we do not plan well in the morning, we are simply “allowing our youthfulness to slip away and hence harbour feelings of sorrow for nothing gained.” 2. Plan for everything with clarity. Confucius said, “The wise are without delusions.” Someone with wisdom

can discern right from wrong and is clear from beginning to end about any matter. When we come across special cases or urgent matters regarding personnel at work, it is very important for us to understand the fundamental issue in order to find solutions for these problems. If we can truly appreciate the truth and the priorities of everything with clarity and right views, we can make the right decisions and avoid mistakes. Therefore, plan for everything with clarity of mind. 3. Plan for the family with peace and harmony in mind. Members of the same family will inevitably be different. Respect, appreciation and support for one another are ways to achieve peace and harmony, for “a harmonious family prospers in everything.” The peace and harmony of the family directly affects the spiritual and mental development of its members, influencing human relationships with others and even social stability. Zhu Xi, a Song Dynasty philosopher once said, “Etiquette is fundamental for preserving a family; harmony is fundamental for bringing prosperity to the family.” Families are the roots of a society, while peace and harmony are the foundations of a family. Therefore, plans for a family must begin with peace and harmony in mind. 4. Plans for a lifetime start with diligence. The most important word in life is diligence. Isaac Newton once said, “If you want to acquire knowledge, food and happiness, you must work hard because diligence is the cardinal rule for gaining everything.” As long as we work hard, we can certainly excel in what we are learning and create a career of outstanding success. On the other hand, if we are lazy, we will lose what we have. Ambition is not enough for nothing can come to fruition without hard work. The Yan Family Precepts states, “One out of ten people in the world give up because of difficulty; nine out of ten people in the world give up because of laziness.” Therefore, there is rarely insurmountable difficulty in the world, for as long as we are diligent, we can surely succeed. We must plan our lives and goals well; and plan for a day, a month, a year and a lifetime with conviction.

墨爾本佛光緣美術館 活動報導 FGY Art Gallery News

佛光緣美術館舉行學校參訪 另類教育推廣活動 3月18日星期三上午10:30, 在墨爾本佛光緣美術館舉行了本 月第三次學校參訪類教育推廣活 動。16名來自鑽石谷學院的學 生在永威法師和妙博法師的引導 下了解茶禪、書法、佛教並親身 體驗禪修。臨行前,學生們愉快 的將自己的心願寫在菩提葉上, 留在展覽館的菩提樹上。老師阿 曼達感謝美術館並提出6個月後 將帶下學期的班級來美術館再次 參訪。之前的兩次活動來自Beaconhills學院的學生,總計160 人,活動內容包括亞洲藝術及佛 學講座。教師和學生們都是第一 次真正接觸這個環境,在各項參 訪學習中,受益良多。

FGY Art Gallery hosts three school visits in a month Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery welcomed its third school group this month on March 18th, 2014. Ven. Yung Wei and Ven. Miao Bo taught the sixteen students from Diamond Valley College about tea meditation, Chinese calligraphy, Buddhism and Chan meditation. The visit ended with students placing wishing cards on the Bodhi Tree. Their teacher Amanda Leveridge hopes to bring over more students, in six months time. The previous two visits saw 160 students and staff from Beaconhills College (Pakenham campus) enjoy Asian art and learn about Buddhadharma. Kids Dharma Class BLIAV City 1 sub-chapter held its first bi-weekly Kids Dharma Class on February 22nd at Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery. The theme for the class was: To say kind words, think good thoughts and harbour honourable intentions. It aimed to provide a foundation of Buddhist education for children aged 5-10 years old, focussing on Buddhist etiquette, Buddhism inspired colouring and singing, as well as parent-child games. All five children in attendance enjoyed the session. Younger children accompanied by an adult are also welcomed.

兒童佛學班 國際佛光會墨爾本協會城一分會於2014年2月22 日在佛光緣美術館舉辦了首期兒童佛學班。首次活 動的主題是:說好話,存好心,培養善念。兒童佛 學班的舉辦旨在為5到10歲兒童打下一個佛法教育 的基礎。首先教孩子們學習佛門禮儀,接著從塗色 和唱歌中得到佛法的薰陶,最後是親子互動遊戲。 一共有5位孩子參加了第一次的兒童佛學班活動。 每個小朋友都非常開心。同時也歡迎年齡少於5歲 的兒童在成人的陪同下,前來參加。

English Study Group – ‘The Short March to Wisdom’ BLIAV City 1 sub-chapter conducted an English Study Group on February 22nd at Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery. Six participants attended this session. Catering for young professionals who lack the time for self-study, this session aimed to provide participants the opportunity to learn Buddhism from reading stories. Using the text ‘The Short March to Wisdom’ written by Ven. Yung Dong and Marjorie Jacobs, participants were able to benefit from the dharma teachings illustrated in the collection of thirty-two ancient stories from sutras adapted to modern day society.

英語讀書會-「通往智慧之旅程 」 國際佛光會墨爾本協會城一分會於2014年2月 22日在佛光緣美術館舉辦了英語讀書會。共有6名 青年共修參加了這次活動。這次學習活動旨在為 那些平時沒有時間自學的青年佛友提供閱讀佛教 故事學習佛法的機會。引用永東法師和Marjorie Jacobs所著 「 通往智慧的捷徑 」 一書,本次共修 佛友學習了32個由佛教古典經文所改編的現代佛 教故事,每位青年佛友都受益良多,法喜充滿。






Fo Guang Shan Melbourne is pleased to announce the annual 2014 Buddha’s Day Baby Blessing Ceremony, where children under the age of 6 will be blessed by the Venerables of Fo Guang Shan Melbourne, so that they may live a happy and fulfilled life under ‘the protection and guidance of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas’.

How to register: Advance registration essential. Registration closes 17 April 2014.

Eligibility: Date & Time: Venue: Registration:

Open to children under 6 years of age 27th April 2014 (Sunday), 2pm Main Stage, Federation Square Complex 1:30pm

Registration fee of $20.00 includes a special memento of your child’s blessing; full payment is to accompany the completed form. The ceremony is held as part of the annual Buddha’s Day and Multicultural Festival, Federation Square 26th & 27th of April 2014.

Organised by:

Fo Guang Shan Melbourne

For registration forms and details see

Buddha’s Light International Association of Victoria

www.buddhaday.org.au or call (03) 9314 5147



Eight Precepts Retreat

Government Sponsor:

一、宗旨Objective: 實踐傳統佛教儀式,方便在家佛弟子體 驗僧團生活、修身進德、淨化身心、一 日一夜受持八關齋戒。 To Practise the Buddhist traditional of upholding the Eight Precepts, by providing lay disciples the experience of monastic life; for the purpose of cultivating and purifying the body and mind. 二、日期Date: 8th June 2014 (日Sun) 三、時間Time: 7:30am~4:30pm 四、地點Venue:墨爾本佛光山 Fo Guan Shan Melbourne 89 Somerville Road, Yarraville, VIC 3013 五、報名 Registration: 墨爾本佛光山

Fo Guang Shan Melbourne http://www.ibcv.org.au Tel:(03) 93145147 Email:ibcv@fgs.org.au 佛光山尔有寺

FGS Er-You Temple Tel: (03) 98903996 佛光緣美術館

FGY Art Gallery TEL:(03) 96422388

報名地點:墨爾本佛光山 89 Somerville Road Yarraville VIC 3013 Tel: (03)9314-5147 Fax: (03)9314-2006

佛光山尔有寺 活動報導 FGS Er You Temple News

Er You Temple hosts secondary school visits

On 5th and 19th March 2014, a total of thirty-four students from Caulfield Grammar School and Koonung Secondary College respectively visited Fo Guang Shan Er You Temple. Sessions aimed to provide a greater understanding of Humanistic Buddhism and covered the topics of Tai Chi, Ven. Master Hsing Yun, Fo Guang Shan, the Buddha Memorial Center, the story of Buddha’s Life, Basic Buddhism and the practice of good deeds and benevolent actions.


3月5日和3月19日分別有Caulfield Grammar 中學和Koonung 中學前來 參觀佛光山尓有寺,這是他們第二次 再來,分別有34名學生。課程安排有 太極、介紹星雲大師、佛光山和佛陀 紀念館、佛陀一生、基本佛學和「三 好四給」讓學生們更了解人間佛教。

Manningham Interfaith Network visits Er You Temple By Amy Yuan

On 2nd March 2014, the Manningham Interfaith Network organised a religious tour of a Christian Church, a Jewish Church, a Sikh Temple in Blackburn and of Fo Guang Shan Er You Temple in Box Hill. The group consisted of 27 participants. The programme at the temple, included a guided tour of the Tea House, book and gift shop, viewing of Ven. Master Hsing Yun’s calligraphy works in the Meditation Hall, an introductory power point presentation on Fo Guang Shan Monasteries, BLIA, Nan Tien Temple, Nan Tien Institute and FGS temple branches in Melbourne. Led by Ven. Man Ching, the visitors made light offerings and sang the ‘Ode to the Triple Gem’ at the Main Shrine. YAD 3 and Bodhi Youth Group performed hand gestures to ‘Harmonize’. The visit concluded with a speech by Dr. Alan Wong, President of BLIAV and the gifting of the “Three Acts of Goodness” souvenir baskets to the guests. The secretary of Manningham Interfaith Network, Pauline Smit was delighted at the friendly and warm hospitality shown to the group.

萬年青多元宗教網絡 參訪尔有寺 3月2日萬年青多元宗教網 絡舉辦社區宗教道埸參訪, 早上參訪了基督教,猶太教 教堂,下午到 Blackburn 印 度鍚克教寺院參訪,最後一 站是參訪博士山尔有寺,參 訪人數有27 人。 活動安排有遊覽尔有寺滴 水坊、流通處、參觀禪堂, 介紹星雲大師書法,用映片 介紹佛光山寺院、佛光會、 南天寺、南天佛學院、墨爾 本各道場等和到三樓大殿參 加典禮。滿晴法師帶領大眾 獻燈、唱三寶誦。青年團和 青少年團表演手語「和諧」 。最後,墨爾本佛光協會會 長黃凱倫代表致詞和由爾有 寺兒童佛學班致送「三好糖 果籃」給各位嘉賓。萬年青 多元宗教網絡秘書Pauline Smit 很高興,非常感謝爾 有寺熱情的接待。〈阮愛美 供稿〉

墨爾本佛光山行事曆 FGS Melbourne Events Calendar 日期 Date 星期 Day 6 Apr 日 Sun

時間 Time 10:30am

12-13Apr 六、日Sat-Sun 9am-4:30pm 日 Sun 10:30am 13 Apr 10:30am 日 Sun 20 Apr

活動內容 Activity 報恩法會(恭誦佛說父母恩重難報經) Repaying Debts of Gratitude Dharma Function (Filial Piety Sutra ) ‘Three Acts of Goodness’ Children’s Happy Camp 三好兒童快樂營 金剛經共修會 Diamond Sutra Dharma Service 普賢行願品共修會 Universal Practices of Goodness and Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Sutra Dharma Service 佛誕節慶祝大會-聯邦廣場 Buddha’s Day & Multicultural Festival, Federation Square. All welcome.

26 Apr 27 Apr 27 Apr

六 Sat 日 Sun 日 Sun

29 Apr 4 May

二 Tue 日 Sun

6 May

二 Tue

11 May

日 Sun

當日共修法會暫停一次,歡迎您到聯邦廣場參加佛誕節慶祝大會 Dharma service cancelled, due to Buddha’s Day & Multicultural Festival. 11:00am 光明燈法會 - 普門品、佛供(農曆4月1日)Light Offering Dharma Service 10:30am 報恩法會(恭誦佛說父母恩重難報經) Repaying Debts of Gratitude Dharma Function (Filial Piety Sutra ) 12:30-3:30pm Happy Mother’s Day Gathering 慶祝母親節聯誼 釋迦牟尼佛聖誕紀念日–心經、佛供(農曆4月初八日) 11:00am Buddha’s Birthday Chanting Service (Lunar 8th April) 金剛經共修會 Diamond Sutra Chanting Service 10:30am

13 May

二 Tue


10am-8pm 10am-5pm 10:30am

光明燈法會 - 普門品、佛供(農曆4月15日) Light Offering Dharma Service

墨爾本佛光山 社教課程 2014 年第二學期 FGS Melbourne Courses Term 2 日期 Date 星期 Day 時間 Time 3/5~21/6 六 Sat 9:15am 3/5~21/6 六 Sat 2:00pm 10:30am 4/5~22/6 日 Sun 4/5~22/6 日 Sun 4/5~22/6 日 Sun 4/5~8/6 日 Sun

2:00pm 2:00pm 10:30am 2:00pm

課程內容 Classes 佛光中華學校第二學期 Fo Guang Chinese School, Term 2 Fundamentals of Buddhism, Tai Chi Chan & Meditation (English) 兒童佛學班 Children’s Buddhism Class 兒童創意繪畫班 Kid’s Creative Painting 國畫班(嶺南畫派)Chinese Painting (Lingnan style) 經典導讀—阿含經概略 Introduction to Agama Sutra 青年英文佛學讀書 English Buddhism Reading Group ( For Youth) 書法班 Chinese Calligraphy

4 月12І 13 日

季三好 4 年秋



Early bird fee $45, Standard fee $55 4 1 0 2 1 l i 0 r p l o o h c S 在4月5日之前登記付$45,之後$55 e 2 s A e n i -1n3e & Fo Guang Ch 2 學 校mp 1 lbour e 華 M n Sha 中 Cua ang 光 y G o 佛 pdpby: F ise Ha an Or


報名地點:墨爾本佛光山 89 Somerville Road Yarraville VIC 3013 TEL: (03)9314-5147 FAX: (03)9314-2006

贊助墨爾本《佛光世紀》功德芳名 ‘Buddha’s Light Newsletter of Victoria’ Sponsors

阮偉賢闔家 劉恭佑闔家 徐肖英 Shuky Lau 陳燕敏 李佩珍 秦曉蕾 免費索閱 Free distribution ‧ 歡迎助印 Sponsorships welcomed

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