May 2014 BLIAV Newsletter

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48th Year of FGS

May 2014, Issue 35

發行人/星雲大師 Published by Ven. Master Hsing Yun / 發行所/國際佛光會墨爾本協會 Issued by BLIAV

Buddha’s Light Newsletter of Victoria

星雲大師鎮江講座看見夢想的力量 【人間社記者金蜀卿鎮江報導】

天空飄著小雨,4月19日鎮江 體育會展中心內可容納8千人的 座位依舊座無虛席,這是星雲大 師在大陸公開舉行的講座中,聽 眾人數最多的一場,題為「看見 夢想的力量」。星雲大師88年前 出生於揚州,18歲在鎮江焦山 佛學院受戒,一生安道,四海為 家,為了和平,不計高齡來往兩 岸。大師自戰亂中離開家鄉,為 報四重恩回到故里,聽眾與大師 一起回顧百年佛緣,不勝感念, 掌聲陣陣。

Realise the Power of Dreams

第2頁繼續閱讀 >>

Continued on page 2 >>

Amidst the gentle mist of rain, around 8,000 people gathered on April 19, 2014 at Zhenjiang Sports Club to listen to Ven. Master Hsing Yun’s talk on ‘Realising the Power of Dreams’. Ven. Master Hsing Yun, 88, was born in Yangzhou and ordained at the age of 18. He has devoted his life to advocating peace and reconciliation between the two 星雲大師談及六祖惠能大師、 sides of the Taiwan strait. 鑑真大師、太虛法師、趙樸初等 Just like Master Hui Neng, the 佛教界高僧大德,都是教界的夢 想家、改革者與實踐家。太虛大 6th Patriarch of Chan Buddhism, 師與趙樸初皆倡導人間佛教,在 Master Tai-Hsu dreamt of prolif焦山辦佛學院;薛劍園不做北大 erating Buddhism, they were re教授,卻到焦山教育僧侶,希望 formers and practitioners. Mas佛教改良,由於他們的夢想,今 ter Tai-Hsu and others promoted

佛光山本山新聞 Fo Guang Shan News >> Continued from page 1

Humanistic Buddhism, seeking Buddhist reform. It is through their dreams and visions that Buddhism today can reach communities at large. Similarly, Ven. Master Hsing Yun spoke of his dreams for the country, for religion.

日佛教才有人才,有人講經說 法,有人走到社會。 星雲大師也提及夢想與個人、 夢想與國家、夢想與宗教……大 師鄉音無改,語言有如山泉清 流,渾然天成,台下聽眾專注聽 講,踴躍發問。 有聽眾提問:1949年面對動 盪不安的歲月時,夢想是什麼? 星雲大師說:不敢說有什麼好 夢,只想做僧侶救護隊。但是為 戰亡者收屍埋葬,必須受訓練, 到那裡受訓呢?因而來到台灣。 從小想做好事,有一顆慈悲救人 的心,有堅忍勤勞的性格。感念 父母生養,希望全中國人人覺 醒,愛國、愛民、愛社會。 有年輕學子問:大師曾寫過《 一封無法投遞的信》,年輕人如 何做到孝順父母?

星雲大師表示,這封信是寫給 父親的。中日戰爭時失去了父 親,當時自己才10歲,20歲時 就寫下這封信。父母恩情如海深 山高,恩情之重難以報答。母親 活到95歲,曾帶著她到世界遊 歷,甚至也帶著老師各處遊覽, 報師長恩。在台灣也舉辦佛光親 屬會,邀請徒眾父母到佛光山, 告知其兒女如何在佛教弘傳佛


So in 1949, during a worn torn era, what were his dreams? Ven. Master Hsing Yun explained, in those times, he just wanted to be part of rescue missions. As a young boy, he wanted to do good things and to save people. 法。每個人都必須孝順父母, He encouraged everyone to love 羔羊跪乳、烏鴉反哺,人何以不 their country and society. 能?出家不是無家,以天下人為 To the question on filial piety, 父母,做天下人的兒女,孝順天 下的父母。孝有等級,小孝,甘 Ven. Master Hsing Yun relayed 旨奉養;中孝,光宗耀祖;大 that he wrote a letter of grati孝,父母在世歡喜,過世後移民 tude to his father when he was 到好地方。人不孝順不如畜生, 20 years old, though his father 忠臣出於孝子之門。 had passed away some ten years ago. The benevolence from par 有居士在現場說出自己的夢 ents is hard to repay, hence filial 想,希望恢復寺院,建設人間佛 piety should be practiced. For 教道場,為兩岸和平交流而努 those who have chosen the or力。 dained path, it does not mean 星雲大師幽默地回答:這不是 that they have no family; instead 你一個人的夢想,是13億人的 they have a greater family and the opportunity to be filial to all 夢想。 parents in the world. To be truly 講座結束前,上海冠城集團董 filial, give parents all the happi事長仇明芳向星雲大師獻花。仇 ness in the world whilst they are 明芳去年曾到訪佛陀紀念館邀約 still alive. Not to be filial, would 大師回鎮江參訪,獲鎮江市委、 be to possess lesser moral con市政府、市人大、市政協等領導 duct than a beast. 高度重視與全力支持,開放鎮江 體育會展中心近8千個座位讓市 In relation to an audience 民索票聽講,動員1千100名武 member’s dream to harmonious 警便衣、400多名義工維持現場 collaboration across the strait, 秩序。而鎮江體育會展中心布展 as well as the establishment of 工作又是佛光人一次集體創作, temples that promote Human莊嚴有如道場。其他如南京、山 istic Buddhism; Ven. Master Hs東等一筆字活動陸續開展的省 ing Yun exclaimed: “That’s the 市,也派人前來鎮江現場取經學 dream of 10 million people!” 習。

星雲法語 Dharma Words from Ven. Master Hsing Yun


千年暗室,因點亮油燈而頓生光 明;內心昏闇,因懺悔發願而重見光 明。光明人人需要,日月星辰因為給 了人間光明,因此為人所歌頌。人生 的光明,要靠自己創造。如何創造光 明的人生?有四點意見: 第一、做人要正正確確地思想:思想是現實之 因,現實是思想之果;有因才有果,有思想才能開 發智慧。做人可以有理想、有夢想,甚至可以有幻 想,想金錢、想愛情,想做官、想為王,想這個、 想那個。再多的想法都沒有關係,但是重要的是要 有思想,而且思想要正確,要正正當當的想、正正 確確的想,否則因地不正,果招迂曲,思想不正 確,行為自然就會偏差。 第二、做人要實實在在地做事:孫中山先生說: 「做人要立志做大事,不一定要做大官」。其實不 管當官、做事,甚至經商營利、做工賺錢,隨便你 做什麼,重要的是實實在在的做,不要虛而不實, 不要偷機取巧,不要敷衍失職;一個浮而不實的 人,永遠不會受人重視。所以不管做人做事,不要 離開四個字「實實在在」,實實在在的做人,實實 在在的做事,根本才會牢固。 第三、做人要愉愉快快地生活:愉快的生活,這是 人生的基本要求,如果生活過得不快樂,人生所為 何來?所以我們要活下去,就要愉愉快快的生活。 能夠活得快樂,活得自在,活得尊嚴,活得平安, 這就是生命的價值。 第四、做人要深深刻刻地學習:人生就是一連串 永無止境的學習。做兒女的時候,要學習怎樣把兒 女做好;做父母的時候,也是要學習如何把父母做 好。做人家的屬下,要把屬下的本分做好,甚至做 了領導人,當上了長官,怎樣把領導、長官的角色 扮演好,也是要學習。不管那一個階段的學習,重 要的是要深刻的用心學習,才能夠學什麼就像什 麼,做什麼就像什麼。 陽光、空氣、水,這是人生三件寶。一個人如果 能從自己的心裡製造光明的見解、芬芳的思想、潔 淨的觀念,生產陽光、空氣、淨水般的思想,踏實 的做事,用心的學習,快樂的生活,必能擁有一個 豐美而光明的人生。所以,如何開創光明的人生, 有四點: 第一、做人要正正確確地思想。 第二、做人要實實在在地做事。 第三、做人要愉愉快快地生活。 第四、做人要深深刻刻地學習。

A bright life A room, which has been dark for one thousand years, will suddenly brighten up with the lighting of an oil lamp. A dark mind will become bright again from repenting and making vows. Brightness is something everyone needs. People admire the sun, the moon and the stars because they provide the world with light. We also need to rely on ourselves to create brightness in our life. The following suggestions offer us ways to do so: 1. We need have correct thoughts. Thoughts are the causes behind reality; reality is the effect of thoughts. Therefore, only with clear thinking can we develop true wisdom. In life, we can have ideals, dreams or even illusions. We can think about money, love, a high-level position or political office. It does not matter how many ideas we may have, what is important is that we have correct thoughts; otherwise, if the causes are not correct, the effects will not be righteous. When our thoughts are not correct, our conduct will not be wholesome either. 2. We need to work honestly. Dr. Sun Yat-sen once said, “We need to have the resolve to undertake major endeavours, but not necessarily from a position of high office.” The truth is, whether we are occupying a political office, taking on a job, running a business or working for wages, we must be honest and concrete in our work. We should not simply put up a front, be devious or perfunctory with our work. A superficial person, ultimately can never win the recognition of others. Therefore, in conducting ourselves or doing our work, we should not depart from being honest and concrete, because only when we approach our work with integrity will our foundations be solid. 3. We need to live joyfully. Seeking a happy life is the basic goal for everyone. If we live unhappily, what is there for us in life? Therefore, if we are going to live, we should live life joyfully. Life’s value and meaning lie in joy, harmony, respect and peace. 4. We need to learn earnestly. Life itself is endless learning. As children, we learn how to play our role well. Similarly, we should also learn our roles as good parents and conscientious workers. When promoted to a leadership position, we need to perform these roles well too. No matter which stage of life we find ourselves in, it is important to approach our learning with earnest effort and concentration in order for us to perform our roles in life with excellence. Just as sunshine, fresh air and clean water are the three treasures of life; we can create a rich, bright and pure life filled with joy; if we wholeheartedly possess the right views, beautiful thoughts and pure ideas; as well as work and learn with conviction.


墨爾本佛光山 活動報導 FGS Melbourne News

清明祭祖冥陽兩利 共同興辦南天大學 Qing Ming Festival ~ Emperor Liang’s Repentance Dharma Function For the benefit of the living and the deceased Fundraising for the development of Nan Tien Institute

(Reporter: Ling Tong, Melbourne) Fo Guang Shan Melbourne held the four-day Emperor Liang’s Repentance Dharma Function on 20th-23rd March 2014 to mark the annual Qing Ming Festival, which commemorates and pays respect to the ancestors. The event also served as a fundraiser for the establishment of Nan Tien Institute. The Chief Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Australia, Ven. Man Ko led the congregation of over 700 devotees in chanting the Emperor Liang’s Jewelled Repentance Sutra. The Chief Abbess, Ven. Man Ko opened the first session by introducing the life of Chan Master Bao Zhi, the author of the Emperor Liang’s Jeweled Repentance Sutra. She expressed sincere gratitude to the revered monastic for compiling the prestigious repentance sutra, which provides us a means to expiate our sins, develop merits and wisdom; and a means for deceased ancestors to transcend into higher realms, as a result of the filial piety demonstrated by descendants. The Chief Abbess, Ven. Man Ko highlighted the latter two chapters, which describe the vows in relation to the six roots: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind. The six roots are the origins of wrong doings as well as great merits. In addition to repentance, to expiate our sins and eliminate misfortunes, other forms or redress include: (1) Do not slander or libel the Triple Gem, (2) Be pious towards one’s parents, (3) Refrain from greed and treat others with compassion, (4) Abstain from killing of any sentient beings and uphold Buddhist precepts, (5) Believe in karma (cause and effect) and use it torighteously guide our thoughts and actions.


Abbess Man Ko encouraged everyone to continue with diligent practice and cultivate wisdom to accomplish a brighter future. Dharma sister Chen expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to repent one’s misdeeds and be reminded of the importance of good conduct. “The touching rhythm of the traditional Buddhist liturgical chanting still lingers on my mind” she said. “To me, the Emperor Liang’s Jewelled Repentance Sutra teaches us how to cultivate our hearts and minds; hence it serves as guidelines for our daily practice. The dharma instruments and the chanting were in such accord; and everyone was in awe of the creative miniature model of the Buddha Memorial Centre.” expressed Mr. Liou. For Wendy Chen, it was her very first Emperor Liang’s Repentance Dharma function, “In the beginning, my legs and knees were in pain, then slowly the sensation disappeared and I was left filled with joy; and all as a result of chanting!” she said. Dharma brother Tang Guo Jun relayed, “I have never attended a long dharma service like this before. Only once at home, did I notice the bruises on my knees from all the prostrations. I am pleased though with the tranquility that I experienced.” Led by Ven. Jue Chu, superintendent of Fo Guang Shan Melbourne, the volunteers arranged all aspects of the function meticulously, providing a most conducive environment to nurturing the practice of repentance among the congregation. The venerables expressed their appreciation to all involved, for making this dharma function a great success.

【人間社記者余相玲墨爾本報導】 墨爾本佛光山於3月20~23日連 續四天啟建「清明祭祖超薦暨籌建 南天大學梁皇法會」,由澳洲佛光 山總住持滿可法師帶著領700餘位 信眾恭誦《梁皇寶懺》。 首先,總住持滿可法師介紹《梁 皇寶懺》作者寶誌禪師的生平及典 故,並表示感謝祖師大德寫下殊勝 的懺本,讓我們有因緣懺除我們業 障、增福增慧。祖先也因後人的孝 心感召,而増品增上,可說是冥陽 兩利。住持也特別強調懺本最後兩 卷最為感動,尤其發眼、耳、鼻、 舌、身、意六根願。因為讓我們造 惡業、增添福德因緣都是六根。最 後,住持語重心長地告訴大家滅罪 之法除了懺悔外,還要奉行:一、 不謗三寶。二、孝順父母。三、不 貪,要以慈悲心待人。四、不剎生 而持戒。五、要相信因果等來端正 我們的身心。希望大家繼續精進努 力,開啟智慧,讓自己的前途更光 明、燦爛。大家聽了都笑顏滿面, 法喜充滿。 參與四天法會全程的陳可英師姐 表示,四天裡拜得都很感動,整部 懺文的內容扣人心弦,感恩諸佛菩 薩護佑,讓我們有反省改過向善的 機會。每天參加法會回家後,那動 聽的梵貝旋律依然裊繞在她的心 田。劉恭佑師兄則認為《梁皇寶 懺》的內容,諄諄善誘勸導我們如 何修身、修心,可當做我們修行範 本。而且,法師們的法器和唱誦和 諧,整個法會的氣氛讓信眾們非常 感動、法喜。青年義工們也非常用 心地把超薦壇的供品擺設出佛陀紀 念館的迷你模型,讓人驚嘆。「第 一次拜《梁皇寶懺》,剛開始拜得 腳痛難忍,後來漸漸就不痛了,接 下來是法喜充滿。」陳秀敏師姐感 動的尾尾道來。湯國鈞師兄也表 示:「從來不參加大法會的我,居 然能耐得住性子拜完一整天。回到 家時,才發現膝蓋有些許瘀青。但 內心卻很充實、平靜。」湯師兄感 觸地說。 墨爾本佛光山監寺覺住法師很用 心地帶著義工們把整個會場佈置得 溫馨不失莊嚴,無論是在人、事、 物都安排得井然有序,讓信眾們能 安住身心拜懺,法會在融合,法喜 充滿的氣氛下終於圓滿結束。法師 也非常感謝全體義工們的發心奉 獻,成就了一場莊嚴佛事。

墨爾本佛光協會 活動報導 BLIAV News

Buddha’s Light shines upon Melbourne’s Elderly Australian Chinese Community By Wendy Chen On April 1st, members of the BLIAV Loving Care Group led by Ms Ling Tong visited the Victorian Elderly Chinese Hostel. The visit began with chanting of the Heart Sutra, followed by the story titled ‘Every day is a good day’, which encouraged everyone to possess a positive attitude towards life. Ms Tong then led into the exercise segment to upbeat music of the ‘Six Character Incantation of Great Brightness’, the divine mantra of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Residents clapped their hands, stomped their feet and waived their hands to the rhythm in sheer delight. The event nourished the soul, as well as provided immense joy to the elderly residents at the hostel.



帶大家諷誦心經;說「日日是好日」的故事,並鼓勵大家樹立樂觀的生活態度。接著,余師姐以「六字大明咒」 節奏明快音樂,帶領著大家做健身操,在場所有長者與工作人员跟著節拍,拍拍手、跺跺腳、擺擺手,老人們樂得 合不攏嘴!此關懷活動,友愛服務隊隊員不僅給長者們帶來心靈的營養,也帶給長者們帶來歡樂。〈陳秀敏供稿〉


三月二十三日,澳洲墨爾本佛光青年,應維多利亞洲政府多元文化贊 助,參與在聯邦廣場舉辦的維洲多元文化節。當天到場的青年共有十一 人,他們以在菩提葉上寫下心願的方式,與大眾結緣。活動反應熱烈,準 備好的菩提葉在短短三四個小時就告罄。墨爾本佛光青年也趁此同時,幫 助宣傳將在四月二十六,二十七日舉辦的多元文化浴佛慶典,以及七月的 澳紐佛光青年生命成長營。

VIVA FESTIVAL: Hope On Bodhi Leaves On the 23rd March 2014, YAD Melbourne, sponsored by the Victorian Multicultural Commission, participated in the Viva Festival held at Federation Square. Eleven members volunteered on the day. They bonded with the community, whom were given the opportunity to express their aspirations through messages written on Bodhi leaves. This activity proved to be exceptionally popular, with all the Bodhi leaves running out within a few short hours. YAD also took this opportunity to promote the upcoming Buddha’s Day &Multicultural Festival to be held on the 26th and 27th April, as well as ANZBYC, a Buddhist youth conference being held in July.


四月十八日至二十三日 ,國際佛光會墨爾本協會禮請台灣著名茶道專家金春枝老師,蒞臨指導「茶禪」課程, 分別在墨爾本佛光山、佛光山尔有寺及佛光緣美術館教授泡茶藝術:沏茶、賞茶、聞茶、飲茶,靜心體會茶與禪 的奧祕。活動五天共有近百人次聽課學習,不乏澳洲人來學習。學員年紀上至七十多歲,小至十歲。 金老師首先說明「茶禪」的內涵、習茶禪的意義。她指出:「喝茶交心,品味再三。」她還說茶禪的基本要訣: 「橫遍十方,豎窮三際,法輪長轉,請佛住世。」老師講說示範,激發學員興趣。總之,一杯茶以禪心觀之,可 看見大千世界;以禪心品茗,可嘗出人生滋味。大家希望今後墨爾本佛光山能多舉辦茶禪的活動。〈陳秀敏供稿〉

Living in the Moment ~ an Enlightened Life through Tea Meditation By Wendy Chen

Buddha’s Light International Association of Victoria (BLIAV) was honoured to host the Tea Meditation sessions by renowned Taiwanese tea master April Jin. The sessions were held at FGS Melbourne, FGS Er You Temple and FGY Art Gallery on April 18th-23rd. The sessions taught the fine art of tea appreciation; from brewing, delighting in, smelling, drinking and experiencing the intricate relationship between tea meditation and settling of the mind. Across the five days, nearly 100 participants aged 10 to 70 took part in the sessions. Master Jin explained the essence of Tea Meditation in ‘having heart to heart through tea, savouring it taste after taste’; highlighting its ‘breath and depth of traversing in all directions, with turning of the Dharma wheels inviting the presence of the Buddha’. With a mere cup of tea, through a tranquil Chan mind we can realise the thousand realms around us and savour the essence of life.


佛誕新聞 Happy Buddha’s Day

幸福與安樂.歡樂慶佛誕 【人間社記者陳秀敏墨爾本報 道】墨爾本佛光山、國際佛光會 墨爾本協會於2014年4月26~27 日,連續二日假墨聯邦廣場隆重 舉行「幸福與安樂--佛誕節暨多 元文化嘉年華」。今年已是連續 第十二年與聯邦廣場合作,莊嚴 盛大的佛誕節慶祝大典,每年都 吸引八萬人次前來參加。 於慶典前一晚,獻供隊伍整裝 各國獻供服飾進行採排,此舉吸 引澳洲 Channel 10 電視台前來現 場連線採訪報導。懷有身孕的澳 籍採訪記者對著攝影鏡頭說:「 孩子,我也帶你起慶祝佛誕!」 兩天慶祝活動共吸引十九家中英 文報章、電台及電視台媒體採訪 報導。 首日,澳洲佛光山總住持滿可 法師帶領義工們灑淨祈福,為佛 誕慶典掀開帷幕。緊接著一連串 的活動,諸如:浴佛、南天大學 興學行腳托缽、佛誕節暨世界和 平祈福法會、多元宗教為世界和 諧祝禱讚、千人獻燈祈福法會 等。 佛誕慶典共四十七位貴賓與 會,由維州州長代表 Hon. Robert Clark、反對黨領袖代表 Robin Scott MP、維州多元文化委員 會主席 Chin Tan、聯邦廣場首席 執行官 Chris Brooks、墨爾本市 議員 Jackie Watts 等五位嘉賓代


表致賀詞。貴賓們紛紛贊揚墨爾 本佛光山及墨爾本協會為澳洲多 元文化作出許多貢獻,並認同佛 誕節慶典已是墨爾本市、墨爾本 聯邦廣場多元文化的融合象徵。 澳洲佛光山總住持滿可法師開示 道:「人生提放自如,幸福就跟 隨著你,希望眾生跟著佛陀的腳 印,走向幸福安樂之道。與此同 時,遵照佛光山開山宗長星雲大 師提倡『幸福安樂』,實現世界 和平理想。」 次日,多元宗教為世界和諧祝 禱讚共邀請墨爾本多元宗教中心 創辦人及主席 Helen Summers 牧師、土著原住民 Ron Murray、基督教、印度教、伊斯蘭 教、巴哈伊等宗教代表,與佛 光山法師們一起為世界和諧祈 福。Helen Summers 牧師致詞 中還引用星雲大師對宗教和諧理 念作為演說。連續兩日為「南天 大學教育基金」行腳托缽,多元 種族的男女老少一同種福田。當 大家從總住持滿可法師手中接獲 「星雲法語」卡時,滿臉驚喜。 「毓麟祈福法會」近一百多位嬰 兒、孩童接受佛陀、法師祝福, 共有三百多人觀禮,場面熱鬧非 凡。 豐富多元藝文活動精彩表演, 嬴得陣陣掌聲,表演舞者帶動 力,讓台下觀眾紛紛一起,放下

身段與舞者共舞。溫馨的「感恩 奉茶禮」,孩子為父母親泡茶、 奉茶,讓許多父母感動得流下幸 福淚水。澳籍父親說,「原來中 華文化有著深厚孝道內涵,應該 要讓更多人知道。」茶禪廣場更 是擠滿人群,等待著接受茶禪行 者泡出好茶,享受茶禪一味與寧 靜。另,雅拉河畔尚有中國書畫 藝術表演、創意手工藝、兒童游 戲、素食烹飪秀、亞洲美食街等 等。豐富內容讓大家從不同視覺 認識佛教、中華文化、體驗多元 澳洲。最後,佛誕慶典在「獻燈 祈福法會」中圓滿結束。 (Reporter: Wendy Chen, Melbourne)

The annual Buddha’s Day and Multicultural Festival was held on April 26-27, 2014 at Federation Square. Organised by Fo Guang Shan Melbourne and Buddha’s Light International Association of Victoria (BLIAV), the theme for this year’s festival was ‘Peace & Happiness’. The festival was once again a highlight event in the Melbourne calendar, attracting over 80,000 people. The rehearsal of the official offering procession took place on the eve beforehand. The colourful array of costumes attracted the attention of Channel 10. The enthusiastic

佛誕新聞 Happy Buddha’s Day

Peace & Happiness ~ Happy Buddha’s Day reporter exclaimed to her unborn child: “Bub, I’ve brought you along to celebrate Buddha’s Day too!” The grand two-day event was covered by nineteen community and ethnic papers with a number of radio and TV interviews taking place. Chief Abbess Ven. Man Ko led the venerables around the festival on the first day to conduct the purification and blessing of the grounds. A series of activities ensued, including the Bathing of the Buddha, Alms Processions, the World Blessing and official Opening Ceremony, the Interfaith Ceremony for Peace and Understanding andthe Light Offering festival. The official opening was attended by 47 distinguished guests, including the Hon. Robert Clark, representing the Victorian Premier; Mr. Robin Scott MP, representing the Opposition Leader; Mr. Chin Tan, Victorian Multicultural Commissioner; Mr. Chris Brooks, CEO of Federation Square; Cr. Jackie Watts from City of Melbourne and others. Distinguished guests praised Fo Guang Shan and BLIAV for their contribution to multicultural Australia, recognising the Buddha’s Day and Multicultural Festival as the harmonious integration of multicultur-

alism between Federation Square and the City of Melbourne. In her address, Ven. Man Ko, Chief Abbess of Fo Guang Shan said: ‘In life, hold on and let go freely and happiness will follow you. May all sentient beings follow in Buddha’s footsteps, onto the path of peace and happiness. For it’s through practicing the concept of ‘Peace and Happiness’ as advocated by Ven. Master Hsing Yun that we may achieve the ideal of world peace and harmony. The Interfaith Ceremony for Peace and Understanding was held the following day. Led by Rev. Helen Summers, Founder and Director of The Interfaith Centre of Melbourne; religious representatives from the Christian, Hindu, Islamic, Baha’i faiths together with Mr. Ron Murray, Aboriginal descendant of the Wamba Wamba tribe joined the venerables of Fo Guang Shan in multifaith prayers for world peace. The Alms Processions took place across the weekend in support of the establishment of Nan Tien Institute, providing members from differing cultures to come together and contribute to this meaningful project. Donors were delighted to receive ‘Ven. Master Hsing Yun’s Dharma Words’ of wisdom

cards. The ‘Baby Blessing Ceremony’ proved to be exceptionally popular, with over 100 children registering for the blessing and attracting a crowd of over 300 spectators. A feast of multicultural performances delighted the senses, bringing the spectators to their feet. The ‘Tea with Me’ sessions highlighted the concept of filial piety, through brewing and offering tea to one’s parents. These sessions brought tears to parents. A western dad expressed: ‘I had no idea that filial piety was such an integral part of Chinese culture. It should be made better known.” The ‘Tea Meditation’ experienced crowds of both participants and spectators, all eagerly waiting to savour the aromatic tea and experience the serenity that comes with it. The River Terrace once again featured an array of activities, including Chinese painting and vegetarian cooking demonstrations, art and crafts and vegetarian food stalls amongst other attractions. All these offerings allowed the public to be immersed in Buddhism, Chinese culture, multiculturalism in Australia, as well as celebrate Buddha’s Day amidst blessing ceremonies.

法相 Fa Xiang - A Buddhist Practitioner’s Encyclopedia

一念三千 三點若星相,橫勾似月斜; 批毛因它成,成佛也由它。 這個謎語說的就是我們的「心」,我 們的心一天來回十法界不計其數,所 以三千諸法都在我們的一念心中,故 說「一念三千」。 三千即表示世間、出世間的一切善 惡、性相諸法。根據天臺思想,無論 凡聖,介爾一心均具足「十法界」, 「十界互具」得百界,百界各具「十 如是」得千如,此千如復各具「三世 間」,則成「三千世界」,於是眾生 一念妄心起,便具足三千諸法了。因 此,若要了解「一念三千」之理,就 必須先明白「十法界」、「十界互 具」、「十如是」、「三世間」的意 義。 由於「十法界」、「十如是」已另 立條目解釋,今只就「十界互具」、 「三世間」做一介紹。 1. 十界互具:互具,是說十界不 孤然獨立,是界界互具,一一皆具 十界的意義。因為十界互具,因此昨 日的地獄,能成為今日的人間;今日 的畜生,也能成為明日的如來,向上 向下,轉換無窮。因此,迷悟升沉的 條理,了然齊備;解脫進取的意義, 灼然顯明。故順觀十界,是向上解脫 的過程;逆觀十界,則為向下墮落的 過程。地獄界中具有其餘的九界,乃 至佛界中也具有其餘的九界。例如: 起了貪瞋痴的心,就是三惡趣的心; 起了十善心,便是天道;起了悲智的 心,則是菩薩心。如是,念念繼起的 心,自有六凡四聖之相,由這心相加 以推窮,十界互具之理,於焉成立。 2. 三世間:世間就是宇宙的意思, 上下十方的空間是「宇」,古往今來 的時間是「宙」。在佛教裹,宇宙和 人生統名之為世間,包括有情世間、 器世間、五陰世間。 ①有情世間:指一切有情眾生。 ②器世間:指有情居住的山河大 地、國土等。 ③五陰世間:指由色、受、想、 行、識等五陰所形成的世間。 「佛說一切法,為治一切心;若無 一切心,何用一切法。」修行重在修 心,因此,觀察此心念念圓具三千諸 法,可以作為修道之基。


One Thought Contains the Three Thousand-fold World System Three dots that look like stars, A stroke like a crescent moon; One becomes cloaked in skin and hair because of it, One also attains Buddhahood due to it. This riddle is describing the Chinese character xin (心), “mind.” Throughout the day, there is no telling how many times our mind wanders among the ten dharma realms, and so all the phenomena of “three thousand-fold world system,” the Buddhist term for the universe, exists within a single thought. The term “three thousand-fold world system” refers to all wholesome and unwholesome phenomena in their essence and outward characteristics on the mundane and supramundane levels. According to Tiantai thought, the minds of both sages and ordinary people all contain the ten dharma realms, and each of the ten dharma realms contains the ten dharma realms, and each of the ten dharma realms possesses the ten qualities, existing in the three continuums. When these divisions are taken together (10 x 10 x 10 x 3), they constitute the “three thousand-fold world system.” To fully understand the significance of the phrase “one thought contains the three thousand-fold world system,” each of these divisions must be examined. The ten dharma realms and the ten qualities each have their own entries, so what will be focused on here is the three continuums and the doctrine of “the mutual containment of the ten dharma realms.” Mutual Containment of the Ten Dharma Realms The Tiantai doctrine of “mutual containment” means that each of the ten dharma realms contain one another, such that each of the ten dharma realms contain the ten dharma realms. This means that what seemed like the hell realm yesterday can become the human realm of today, and what seems like the animal realm now can become the Buddha realm tomorrow. This endless cycle of transformation proceeds upward to the highest realm

and downwards to the lowest one. To ascend up through the ten dharma realms is to come closer to awakening, and to sink down through them is to draw closer to ignorance. The hell realm contains the other nine realms, just as the Buddha realm contains the other nine realms as well. For example, when one’s mind is filled with greed, anger or ignorance, this is the mind of the three lower realms. When the mind is inclined towards the ten wholesome actions, this is the heavenly realm, and a mind imbued with compassion is the bodhisattva realm. All of our thoughts can be found to correspond to either the six realms of ordinary existence or the four noble realms of existence, and in this way we can see the doctrine of “mutual containment” at work. Three Continuums In this instance “continuum” refers to a combination of space and time: space stretching in the ten directions, and time across the past, present, and future. Within this span we can consider three different “continuums”: 1. The continuum of sentience, which refers to all sentient beings. 2. The continuum of matter, which is where all sentient beings dwell, and encompasses all mountains, rivers, land and all other material things. 3. The continuum of the five aggregates, which is all form, feelings, perceptions, mental formations and consciousness. There is a saying in Buddhism: “The Buddha gave all teachings in order to quell the afflictions of the mind. Without all minds, of what use would the teachings be?” Buddhist practice emphasises cultivating the mind. For this reason, each thought with its three thousand-fold world system can serve as the basis of our practice.

墨爾本佛光緣美術館 活動報導 FGY Art Gallery News Exhibition:

Rhythm of Nature

Time: Artist:

30 April - 12 June 2014 Thanh Duong 楊惠清


“Inspired by the beauty of nature and my love for art, I started Chinese Painting in 1989 because of my interest in Asian arts and culture. I employ a painting style known as Lingnan, a modern interpretation of Chinese Painting with emphasis on simple strokes and liberal use of colours on rice paper. I am attracted to this particular style of painting because of its simplicity and colour. My favourite painting subjects include flowers, birds, animals, fish and landscapes. My work has been exhibited at group exhibitions and solo exhibitions held in America, Canada, China, Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong and Australia. In recent years, I have performed at Chinese Painting demonstrations and workshops for artists’ societies and schools. Since 2007, I have continued to develop my arts using a variety of mediums such as acrylic, oil, pastel and mixed media which I have explored and acquired from TAFE and University. I would like to continue to study these different styles of medium and techniques, whilst capturing the 墨爾本佛光山 splendour of the painting subject. This exhibition showcases 1. Objective: the idea of capturing the inner To experience traditional Buddhist rituals and practise upholding the Eight Prespirit of a moment in time as cepts, allowing disciples to experience self-cultivation, peace and tranquility. seen in the changing conditions 一、宗旨:實踐傳統佛教儀式,方便在家佛弟子體驗僧團 of nature. 生活、修身進德、淨化身心、一日一夜受持八關齋戒。 I look forward to receiving 2. Date: Sunday, 8th June 2014 二、時間:2014年6月8 your comments and responses Time: 7:30 am Registration 7:30am 報到 to my works.” 4:30 pm Conclusion

Eight Precepts Retreat 八關齋戒修持

- Thanh Duong, April 2014 -


Procedure: Recital of the Bodhicitta article; detailed explanation of the Eight Precepts; conferring of Eight Precepts.


3. Venue: Fo Guan Shan Melbourne, 89 Somerville Road, Yarraville Vic 3013, Australia


祖籍福建廈門,出生于越 南。早年求學時代已醉心中國 水墨畫。 1980年定居澳大利亞墨爾 本。中學期間曾學過水墨畫及 素描,完成本課教育後,再投 嶺南畫派名家林伯墀先生門下 習藝。蒙其師循循善教,更謙 虛力學,曾舉辦個人畫展於墨 爾本澳華歴史博物舘及雪梨中 華文化中心,及参加入選多項 國際性展覽,屢次獲獎,如在 美國,中國,加拿大,菲律 賓,馬來西亞,台灣,香港, 澳大利亞等地。其作品用色簡 潔,綫条明怏,多幅作品更被 刊載於藝術雜誌內。楊惠清現 為澳洲嶺南畫會理事及英文秘 書。

4. Eligibility: 1. People with the correct understanding and beliefs in Buddhism. 2. Those who are willing to accept, experience, learn and follow strict monastic practices . 3. Must be in good physical & mental health.


5. Date of Application: Now open for application


6. Please note: 1. Please do not wear any jewellery or bring any valuables with you. and/or the Bodhisattva precepts.


7. 報名Registration: 墨爾本佛光山Fo Guang Shan Melbourne Tel: (03) 9314 4517 Email:

佛光山尔有寺 Er-You Temple Tel: (03) 9890 3996 Art Gallery Tel: (03) 9642 2388

報名地點:墨爾本佛光山 89 Somerville Road Yarraville VIC 3013 Tel: (03)9314-5147 Fax: (03)9314-2006

墨爾本佛光山 活動報導 FGS Melbourne News


義」的精神,活動首先發給大家 一份中華文化「京劇臉譜」上 2014年「三好兒童快樂營」由 色 。 學 員 們 各 自 發 揮 創 意 想 像 墨爾本佛光山中華學校主辦、墨 力,填上豐富的臉譜色彩。老師 爾本佛光青年二團協辦,於四月 們透過各種不同的團康遊戲、說 十二日至十三日假墨爾本佛光山 故事、唱歌、等形式說明「忠、 孝、義」的精神內涵,學員們深 正式開營。 今年快樂營主題是從中華傳統 感興趣、歡喜不已。 文化「忠、孝、義」宣揚三好運 接著,佛光青年教小朋友摺紙 動理念,由佛光中華學校教務主 手工、跳舞、寫短文,大手牽小 任魯鳳美親自帶領活動。參加營 手,一同歡樂。妙博法師指導學 隊學員從最小年級三歲至青少年 員 合 掌 、 拜 佛 、 持 香 等 佛 門 禮 十 三 歲 。 其 中 , 還 有 澳 洲 籍 青 儀,以動態活動教導靜心禪修, 少年Spencer也一同響應參加活 訓練動中專注力。 結營典禮時,每組學員高興獲 動。 Vivacious HAPPY CAMP 佛光青年大哥哥、大姐姐悉心 得獎品和個人獎狀,皆大歡喜。 By Wendy Chen 照顧下,學員們從陌生到互相熟 兩天三好快樂營活動,學員們認 悉後,玩得不亦樂乎說道:「大 真學習、表現良好。臨別依依不 捨,相約下次再見,還表示:「 哥哥、大姐姐對我們真好!」 為了讓學員們認識「忠、孝、 好好玩,可以整個暑假來這裡 嗎?」〈陳秀敏供稿〉 Jointly organised by Fo Guang Chinese School and BLIAV Young Adult Division 2 (YAD), Happy Camp 2014 was held at Fo Guang Shan Melbourne on 12-13 April. Ms. Feng Mei Lu, Co-ordinator of Fo Guang Chinese School presided over the camp proceedings. The theme of the camp was the traditional Chinese values of ‘Loyalty, Filial Piety and Virtue’, which underpin the movement of ‘Three Acts of Goodness’ advocated 7:30pm~9:30pm 11 June 2014 by FGS. Participants ranged from as young as three years old to thirteen years of age. UnThe Humanistic Life Teachings of Vimalakirti Nidersha Sutra der the meticulous and caring supervision by the young adults from YAD, the participants exclaimed: “The big kids are really nice to us!”. Dharma Talk By way of introduction to traditional Chinese culture, the children actively partook in 現任: creative colouring in of traditional Chinese 美國西來大學執行董事 國際佛光會世界總會理事 opera masks. Teachers engaged the interest 策劃主編《中國佛教百科全書》、 of the children with a range of activities; such 《中國佛教經典寶藏》132冊、 as story-telling, singing and games; all de- 《中國佛教高僧全集》、 signed to illustrate and explicate the theme 《佛教高僧漫畫全集》、《湯用彤全集》 參與編纂《佛光大藏經》、《佛光大辭典》 of ‘Loyalty, Filial Piety and Virtue’. Hand-in著作:有《頓悟的人生》、《人間巧喻》 hand, YAD members led the children in paper 、《一字禪》、 craft, dancing and creative writing activities. 《開啟人生的六扇窗》、《捉放之間》、 Venerable Miao Bo shared with the children 《晉宋山水詩研究》、 《李通玄佛光觀研究》及十數篇論文 how to train mindfulness amidst movement, Current: Venerable Yi Kong is currently an executive director at University through teaching Buddhist etiquettes and of the West and serves on the BLIA World Headquarter Board of Directors. meditation. Venerable Yi Kong was the planning editor of ‘The Chinese BudThe Happy Camp concluded on the after- dhist Encyclopaedia’, ‘The Chinese Buddhist noon of April 13th with a closing ceremony. Scriptures’ 132 volumes, ‘The Complete Works of Eminent Chinese Buddhist Monks’, ‘The Complete Collection of Eminent Buddhist 依空法師畢業於日本 All the children were awarded with certifi- Monks Comics’ and ’The Complete Works of Chinese Scholar Tang Yongtong’. 東京大學文學碩士,高 cates and gifts, acknowledging their earnest She also served on the editing committee for ‘Fo Guang Tripitaka’ 雄師範大學文學博士。 participation over the two-day event. The and ‘Fo Guang Buddhist Dictionary’. Venerable Yi Kong holds a Master Yi Kong has authored titles including ‘The Epiphany of degree from the India Philosophy Graduchildren reluctantly bid each other farewell, Life’Venerable , ‘Clever Metaphors of Life’, ‘Simply Zen’, Life’s Open Doors’, ‘The ate School at University of Tokyo in vowing to meet again. Their parting words: Fine Line between Holding On and Letting Go’, ‘Analysis of Scenic Japan and a Ph.D. from the Chinese of the Jin and Song Dynasties’, ‘The Exegetical Commentaries Graduate School at National Kaohsiung “Such fun! May we stay the whole school hol- Poetry of Li TongXuan on Buddhism’, as well as ten other theses. Normal University in Taiwan. idays?”



講座地點 Venue: 佛光山尔有寺 FGS Er-You Temple

42 Rutland Road Box Hill VIC 3128 Tel: (03) 9890 3996

佛光山尔尔有寺 行事曆 FGS Er You Temple Events Calendar 日期 Date 17/5 24/5 29/5 31/5 7/6 12/6 14/6 21/6 27/6

星期 Day 時間 Time 9:30am 六 Sat 10:00am 六 Sat 11:00am 四Thu 10:00am 六 Sat 10:00am 六 Sat 11:00am 四Thu 10:00am 六 Sat 9:30am 六 Sat 五 Fri 11:00am

活動內容 Activity 南天大學興學大悲懺法會 Great Repentance Dharma Service 共修法會-普門品 Dharma Service - Universal Gate Sutra 光明燈消災法會- 農曆五月初一 Light Offering Dharma Service 共修法會-普門品 Dharma Service - Universal Gate Sutra 共修法會 Dharma Service 光明燈消災法會- 農曆五月十五 Light Offering Dharma Service 共修法會 Dharma Service 共修法會 Dharma Service 光明燈消災法會- 農曆六月初一 Light Offering Dharma Service

佛光山尔有寺 社教課程 FGS Er You Temple Courses 日期 Date

星期 Day 時間 Time

課程內容 Classes

10/5-31/5 & 7/6-28/6 4/5-8/6 4/5-8/6 5/4-26/7 4/5-8/6 1/5-12/6 2/5-6/6 & 6/6-11/7

六 Sat 日Sun 日Sun 六 Sat

2:00-3:30pm 2:00-3:30pm 2:00-3:30pm 1:30-3:00pm

英文讀書會 Sutra Study Group (English) 佛光兒童佛學班 Children’s Buddhism Class 手工藝 - 編織班 Origami Paper Craft Class 經典導讀 - 妙法蓮華經 Sutra Reading - Lotus Sutra

日Sun 四Thu 五Fri

10:00-11:30am 10:30-12:00pm 10:00-11:30am

中英文禪修班 Meditation Class (Chinese/English) 國畫班 Chinese Painting Class 手工藝工作坊 Handicraft Workshop

Buddhist Youth Conference 澳紐佛光青年生命成長營

4 th –7th July 2014

Organised by:

Supported by:

Venue: Mt Morton Camp & Conference

Registrations close: June 15, 2014 Members $150 / Non-Members $200 Fo Guang Shan Melbourne

Buddha's Light International

Association of Victoria

Late fee of $10 applies after May 30, 2014 * Full payment to accompany registration. Payments are non-refundable.

墨爾本佛光山 社教課程 2014 年第二學期 FGS Melbourne Courses Term 2 日期 Date 星期 Day 時間 Time 3/5~21/6 六 Sat 9:15am 3/5~21/6 六 Sat 2:00pm 10:30am 4/5~22/6 日 Sun 4/5~22/6 日 Sun 4/5~22/6 日 Sun 4/5~8/6 日 Sun

2:00pm 2:00pm 10:30am 2:00pm

課程內容 Classes 佛光中華學校第二學期 Fo Guang Chinese School, Term 2 Fundamentals of Buddhism, Tai Chi Chan & Meditation (English) 兒童佛學班 Children’s Buddhism Class 兒童創意繪畫班 Kid’s Creative Painting 國畫班(嶺南畫派)Chinese Painting (Lingnan style) 經典導讀 - 阿含經概略 Introduction to Agama Sutra 青年英文佛學讀書 English Buddhism Reading Group ( For Youth) 書法班 Chinese Calligraphy


墨爾本佛光山 行事曆 FGS Melbourne Events Calendar 日期 Date 星期 Day

時間 Time

活動內容 Activity

18 May



25 May



29 May



普賢行願品 共修會 Dharma Service (Universal Goodness Activities and Vows Sutra & Transfer of Merits to the Deceased) 精進念佛一永日 1 Day Amitabha Buddha Chanting Retreat 光明燈法會 - 普門品、佛供 (農曆5月1日) Light Offering Dharma Service (Lunar 1st May )


六 Sat


佛光中華學校 Fo Guang Chinese School

1 June


10:30 am

報恩法會(恭誦佛說父母恩重難報經) Repaying Debts of Gratitude Dharma Service (Filial Piety Sutra )

8 June



八關齋戒修持 Eight Precepts Retreat

11 June

三 Wed


《維摩經》人間生活 - 依空法師主講 ,地點:尔有寺 The Humanistic Life Teachings of Vimalakirti Nidersha Sutra Speaker: Venerable Yi Kong Venue: Er You Temple

12 June



光明燈法會 - 普門品、佛供 (農曆5月15日) Light Offering Dharma Service (Lunar 15th May)

15 June



金剛經共修會 Dharma Service (Diamond Sutra & Transfer of Merits to the Deceased)


贊助墨爾本《佛光世紀》功德芳名 ‘Buddha’s Light Newsletter of Victoria’ Sponsors

張愛娟 唐美玲 施藝敏 Raja Kumar 任達朗 免費索閱 Free distribution ‧ 歡迎助印 Sponsorships welcomed

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