March 2014 BLIAV Newsletter

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48th Year of FGS

March 2014, Issue 33

發行人/星雲大師 Published by Ven. Master Hsing Yun / 發行所/國際佛光會墨爾本協會 Issued by BLIAV

Buddha’s Light Newsletter of Victoria

布施有道不離佛法星雲大師台中宣講佛法真義 【人間社記者高惠萍台中報導】 新春伊始,佛光普照,佛光山 開山宗長星雲大師2月3日在佛光 山惠中寺宣講「佛法真義」,藉 此機會向中區信眾賀年,台中市 長胡志強等眾多貴賓出席盛會, 現場擠滿近2000名信眾,一同聆 聽大師的佛法妙諦與新解。 佛光山弘法,向來重視教育, 「星雲大師佛法真義講座」的舉 辦,源起於南華大學校長林聰 明,致力推動該校獎優扶弱與擴 建教學大樓,星雲大師有感其辦 學之熱誠,特別為南華大學籌 款,宣講「佛法真義」,講座所 得悉數做為「南華大學建校基 金」。 星雲大師透過講座,回應信 眾的熱烈請法,將他畢生對佛法 的體悟,與時俱進,賦予新的詮 釋,同時也為贊助南華大學興學 的功德主們講法並表達感謝。 大師說,不是布施多少就能得 到多少功德,布施要有佛法,如

法清淨,不違戒律,才是功德。 說到佛法,「人們常說『生、 老、病、死』,好像『死』後什 麼都沒有了,讓人害怕;改成『 老、病、死、生』,多了希望, 多了未來,一切大不同。」星雲 大師的新解,讓人了解,佛教是 有未來的,不用害怕死亡,引起 現場一陣掌聲。 星雲大師如何看待「苦」、 「空」呢? 他向眾人娓娓道來, 自幼貧苦的他一無所有,卻窮得 快樂,貧窮讓他在苦中成長,吃 苦得樂。「苦」就是「樂」,「 苦」就是營養,給人力量與希 望,突破困境,所以「苦」是增 長道業的資糧。 大師指出,空即是有,佛教所 說的四大皆空就是「四大皆有」 ,口袋空了才能放鈔票、地空了 才可以蓋大樓、茶杯空了才能倒 水、腸胃空了才健康。「心空 了,才能讓真理存在,空了才能

佛光山本山新聞 Fo Guang Shan News extremely poor in his youth with

夠容納一切。」空是本來面目, 登鐘賢伉儷、南華大學副校長林辰 nothing to his name, however he was 是自性,不能不認識。 璋、國際佛光會世界總會理事楊史 happy. Growing up in poverty taught 星雲大師接著講述「神通」 邦賢伉儷等人。 him to gain happiness through suffer、「偶像」、「八識」、「因 ing and hardship. For him, ‘suffering Lecture in Taichung 果」等佛法真義,他首先恭喜大 and hardship’ is one and the same as 家沒有神通,宿命通、他心通, By Ven. Master Hsing Yun: ‘happiness’. ‘Suffering and hardship’ Giving and Service is in fact nourishment for the soul, 神足通、漏盡通等神鬼皆有的神 通,世間人眼不見為淨,世事船 The True Essence of Buddhism providing the strength and hope of rising above one’s adversities. Hence, 到橋頭自然直,因果自然會有交 (Reporter: 高惠萍, Taichung) ‘suffering and hardship’ is the catalyst 待。「渴了喝水就不渴,冷了加 rd On 3 February, Ven. Master Hsing for growth. 衣就不冷,說了好話心歡喜,多 Ven. Master Hsing Yun pointed Yun lectured on “The Essence of Bud麼地神奇!修道要保持平常心, out that emptiness is in fact to posdhism” at Huichung Temple, taking 不要好高騖遠求神通。」大師如 sess. The notion in Buddhism that the the opportunity to deliver New Year 是說。 world is void actually reflects a world greetings to everyone. The mayor of 「該不該有偶像,如何正確了 Taichung City, Mr. Jason Hu and other of goods. When the pocket is emp解偶像對我們的意義是什麼?」 VIPs were amongst an audience of ty, that’s when more money can be 偶像觀念人人都有,不是不好, over 2000 devotees at the lecture. inserted; with the land cleared, that‘s 大師以金剛經所云:「若以色見 Fo Guang Shan has always placed when a building can be erected; the 我,以音聲求我,是人行邪道, emphasis on education. The Essence cup must be emptied before it can be 不能見如來。」勉勵大眾「佛」 of Buddhism lecture originated from filled again; health is possible when 就在心中,在他漫長的求法歲月 the enthusiasm of Mr. Lin, Tsong-Ming, the stomach is cleansed. When the mind is emptied, the fundamental 裡,幾度尋佛未果,終於體悟佛 Chancellor of Nan Hua University to truth can exist and one can accept 陀就在自己心中,行、住、坐、 establish an award that recognises Excellence in Service to the Disadvan- the world at large. This so called 臥皆可見。 emptiness or void is our inherent taged, as well as the building of new 擒山中之賊易,捉心中之賊 facilities at the university campus. The nature and one that must not be 難,「心」領導了眼、耳、鼻、 lecture was especially conducted for misunderstood. 舌、身等五識,再由七識傳到八 Nan Hua University as a fundraising Ven. Master Hsing Yun followed 識,「八識」如倉庫,收藏久遠 event. on to discuss matters relating to supernatural powers, idolatry, the eight 以來的業力。所謂「處處無蹤 In response to the devotees’ 跡,聲色外威儀。」大師說,一 enthusiasm at the lecture, Ven. Master consciousnesses, karma and other Hsing Yun openly shared his personal Buddhist teachings. He congratu無所有的他,相信佛法超越一 切,他鼓勵信眾相信因果,受持 lessons and offered great insights into lated everyone for not possessing supernatural powers, for all things 五戒。不殺生自然長壽、不偷盜 Buddhism. He also took the opporhave a way of working themselves tunity to thank everyone for their 自然發財,不邪淫自然家庭和 out, karma will naturally be at play. support of Nan Hua University. 諧,不妄語自然誠信真實,拜 “So drink when thirsty and your Ven. Master Hsing Yun clarified 佛、念佛、更要行佛,行佛之慈 that the amount of merit one gains is thirst will be quenched, don more 悲、忍耐、讚嘆、無我。 clothes when cold and your chill will not measured by merely how much 八十八歲的星雲大師,最後 one gives. The practice of giving must dissipate, speak kind words and your 祝福大眾「馬年發發!」全程參 be in accordance to Buddhist prinheart will be filled with joy, isn’t all that wondrous! Remember to main與的台中巿市長胡志強,則以充 ciples, be pure and lawful for merit tain a level-headedness in cultivation 滿法喜的語氣,也發言祝願星雲 to exist. In Buddhism, people often and don’t chase the supernatural.” speak of ‘birth, ageing, illness and 大師法體安康吉祥。與會貴賓包 “Should one idolise, what is the 括台中市警察總局局長邱豐光、 death’, with death being the end of meaning and purpose of idolatry to 國際佛光會中華總會副總會長陳 the road, thus naturally bringing fear us?” We all entertain the concept of 嘉隆賢伉儷、南華大學校長林聰 to people. Hence, Ven. Master Hsing idolatry and it is not wrong. As stated Yun suggested people instead speak 明賢伉儷、均頭國民中小學校長 of ‘ageing, illness, death and birth’ for in the Diamond Sutra: “Whoever sees 馬惠娣、台中市佛教會常務理事 that brings hope, as there is a future me through the physical form or 塵空法師、國際佛光會中華總會 and thus brings a very different mind- through sounds are on deviant paths 理事賴義明賢伉儷、國際佛光會 set. After all Buddhism has a future, and will not witness the Buddha.” This 中華總會理事白清棟、國際佛光 without fear of death. His comments elucidates that “Buddha” resides within one’s mind and heart; the Buddha 會中華總會理事沈尤成賢伉儷、 were met with grand applause. is present within oneself, existent On the subject of ‘suffering and 市政府顧問江進助賢伉儷、國際 within our actions. 佛光會中華總會中區協會會長戴 hardship’ and ‘emptiness’, Ven. Mas-


ter Hsing Yun explained that he was

It’s easy to capture the physi-

佛光山本山新聞 Fo Guang Shan News cal body, but difficult to rein in the spiritual heart. Our hearts and minds guide our eyes, ears, noses, mouths, tongues and bodies, the so called five consciousnesses. Then the seventh consciousness delivers the information to the eighth consciousness also known as the store-house consciousness, which retains all experiences as potential energy for future manifestations. Ven. Master Hsing Yun encouraged devotees to have belief

in karma (cause and effect) and abide by the five precepts. One will naturally enjoy longevity through abstention from killing, one will naturally be prosperous through not stealing, one will experience a harmonious family life should one refrain from adultery, and one will possess integrity if one does not tell lies. He encouraged everyone to pray to the Buddha, chant the Buddha’s name; more importantly practice the way of the Buddha, compassion,


多 Baby Blessing 元 Ceremony@Main Stage 文 26-27 APRIL 化 2014 嘉 年 華 聯 邦 廣 場 慶 佛 誕


Buddha’s Day Baby Blessing Ceremony @ Main Stage Federation Square

Fo Guang Shan Melbourne is pleased to announce the annual 2014 Buddha’s Day Baby Blessing Ceremony, where children under the age of 6 will be blessed by the Venerables of Fo Guang Shan Melbourne, so that they may live a happy and fulfilled life under ‘the protection and guidance of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas’.

How to register:

Advance registration essential. Registration close 17th April 2014. Eligibility: Date & Time: Venue: Registration:

Open to children under 6 years of age 2pm, Sunday 27th April 2014 Main Stage, Federation Square Complex 1:30pm

Registration fee of $20.00 includes a special memento of your child’s blessing; full payment is to accompany the completed form. The ceremony is held as part of the annual Buddha’s Day and Multicultural Festival, Federation Square 26th & 27th of April 2014.

Organised by:

Fo Guang Shan Melbourne

Government Sponsor:

Buddha’s Light International Association of Victoria

forbearance, praise and release of the alter-ego. Ven. Master Hsing Yun now in his eighty-eighth year, in parting offered his best wishes to everyone in this Year of Horse. These sentiments were echoed back to him by Mr. Jason Hu, Mayor of Taichung City. The event was attended by a significant number of VIPs, including government officials, members of academia and BLIA World Headquarters.

For registration forms and details see or call (03) 9314 5147


星雲法語 Dharma Words from Ven. Master Hsing Yun

The Three Poisons Within us, there exist three unwholesome elements that cause us harm again and again. The three poisons are greed, anger and ignorance. They are what keep us from feeling happy, carefree and make nothing but trouble for us. 1. The Poison of Greed The poison of greed arises from desires. This defiles the mind and we create attachments and see all things as “mine” or “myself.” For example, the mind becomes filled with “my” relatives, “my” wealth, “my” reputation, “my” possessions and so forth. With greed in the mind, one becomes enamored with the past, infatuated with the present and hopeful for the future. To feed our tastebuds, we kill living things. In search of pleasure we pursue women and song. From greed to comfort we become lazy and listless. The harm caused by the poison of greed is great indeed. Greed leads to infatuation, defilement, desire and clinging. Attachment, avarice, sycophancy and arrogance all follow in its wake. There is a saying that “When one no longer has desires, one naturally has heightened morality.” It is because of greed that our refined moral character degrades rapidly. 2. The Poison of Anger The poison of anger arises from disliking something: one is dissatisfied with the present state of the world and one’s personal relationships. When the poison of anger is concealed, one speaks sweetly but carries a dagger in one’s heart. When the poison of anger is externalized, one glares with ferocious expression. An angry person will verbally and physically abuse others, rallying against heaven and earth and cursing the gods.


Anger towards the family leads one to abandon the home. Anger towards friends leads to hurting or even killing them. Anger towards everyday things leads to their destruction. Anger towards one’s circumstances leads to blaming others. The harm caused by anger is great indeed. Anger leads to hatred, hostility, irritation and corruption. Pride, slander, envy and aggression all follow in its wake. There is a saying that “the fires of anger burn away all the roots of goodness,” for anger is capable of destroying the good and decent nature of the mind. 3. The Poison of Ignorance The poison of ignorance arises from wrong views. “Wrong views” encompass all views in which one is ignorant of reality, the truth and is attached to falsehood. Examples of wrong views include an improper understanding of cause and effect and the way things are. Ignorance leads us to mistake falsehood for truth and makes our thoughts jumbled and confused. Ignorance makes us say what we should not, think what we should not and do what we should not. An ignorant person does not know good and bad, cause and effect, karma and its effect, or the nature of the world. The harm caused by ignorance is great indeed. Ignorance leads to prejudice, doubt, wrongheadedness and fabrication. Disbelief, confusion, and mental dullness follow in its wake. There is a saying that, “Delusion and ignorance produce all suffering,” for ignorance shrouds our radiant intrinsic nature in darkness.

三毒 在我們心中,有三個不良分子 判據,時時在毒害著我們自己, 那就是三毒煩惱人生所以不能自 在、不能安樂,就是有了貪嗔痴 三毒的作亂。

1. 貪毒:這是因愛而生起的, 染著自我為中心,指著有關自我 的一切。例如:充塞在心中的是 我的親人、我的財富、我的名 譽、我的所有等。有了貪心,就 會顧戀過去,耽著現在,希求未 來。爲了貪圖口腹之欲,所以殺 害生靈;爲了貪圖欲樂,所以追 求聲色;爲了貪圖財力,所以為 非作歹;爲了貪圖安逸,所以懈 怠消沉。因此,貪毒之為害,非 常大。 因為有貪,所以有愛、有染、 有欲、有求;此外,執著、慳 吝、諂曲、我慢等都跟著而來。 「人到無求品自高」,因為貪 毒,我們高尚的人格因而墮落 了。 2. 嗔毒:這是因不愛而生起 的,不滿現前的外境,不滿所遇 的人事。例如:口蜜腹劍是隱藏 的嗔毒,怒目猙獰是外現的嗔 毒。有了嗔心,就會破口罵人, 舉拳打人,恨地怨天,詛咒神 明。爲了嗔恨朋友,就會謀殺加 害;爲了嗔恨用物,就會任意摔 壞;爲了嗔恨境遇,就會怨你怨 他。所以,嗔毒之為害,非常 大。 因為有嗔,所以有忿、有恨、 有惱、有覆;此外,還有驕慢、 譭謗、嫉妒、毒害等,都會跟著 而來。 「嗔火能燒諸善根」,由於嗔 毒,我們善良的心性因而損害 了。 3. 愚痴:這是因邪見而生起 的,對真實的無知,對虛妄的執 著。例如對事理錯誤的認識,對 因果顛倒的看法。有了痴毒,就 会发出似是而非的言論,就會生 起糊糊塗塗的思想。爲了愚痴不 明,就會不應該說的而說、不應 該想的而想、不應該做的而做; 就就會不知善惡、不知因果、不 知業報、不知凡聖。所以愚痴之 為害,非常大。 因為有痴,所以有見、有疑、 有妄;此外,還有不信、昏沉、 愚昧等,都會跟著而來。 「愚痴無明生眾苦」,因為痴 毒,我們光明的自性因而迷暗 了。

墨爾本協會 活動報導 BLIAV News

墨爾本協會會長交接典禮 「傳承」在墨爾本扎根

師『退而不休』的精神。會長要 照顧會員,會員要照顧帶來的朋 友,彼此『做義工的義工』。傳 【人間社記者張愛娟墨爾本報導】 承非常重要,今日的會長交接, 2014.1.12墨爾本協會會長交 即是代表『傳承』在墨爾本紮 根。」 接典禮上午假墨爾本佛光山舉 行,共250人參加。即將卸任會 新任黃凱倫會長,除了感謝星雲 長鄭家強致詞表示:「恭喜墨爾 大師開創佛光山、佛光會,讓在 本佛光協會後繼有人。大家對青 家信眾有慧命之家,亦感謝墨爾 年團20多年來的耕耘,新任黃凱 本協會歷年來對青年的愛護與支 倫會長的產生即是證明。」澳洲 持,成就這一任理事會成員。本 佛光山總住持滿可法師則表示: 次理事成員平均年齡為45歲,是 「上台下台,要以平常心看待。 來自社會各界精英,含大學副教 授、會計師、護士、工程師等。 星雲大師鼓勵我們:一日佛光 人,終生佛光人,我們要效仿大 黃會長懇請與會大眾繼續給予新

任理事會支持。 典禮在分會會長、青年團團長 們的交接中圓滿結束。 中午,墨爾本佛光會各分會預 備數十種素食美點、精彩節目供 養大眾,與墨爾本佛光人與信徒 們提前圍爐聯誼,慶祝春節。節 目中的排舞顯現佛光會的婆婆媽 媽團,各個婀娜多姿;城一分會 青年團反串的芭蕾舞「天鵝湖」 引來爆笑與掌聲。當然,澳洲總 住持滿可法師及黃凱倫會長帶領 的常住法師與理事拜年與祝福, 為今日的活動畫下最完美的句 點。

Buddhist Light International Association of Victoria Handover Ceremony - Succession Planning in Melbourne tired. The president needs to take care of the members and members need The Buddhist Light International to look after friends new to the organisation, hence acting as a volunteer to Association of Victoria (BLIAV) President’s Handover Ceremony was held other volunteers. Succession is very important and now this handover on the afternoon of 12th January 2014 and attended by more than 250 ceremony has cemented the existence of succession planning in Melbourne. people. The incoming president of BLIAV Outgoing BLIAV president, Mr. Dr. Alan Wong expressed his gratitude Michael Chen in his speech exto Ven. Master Hsing Yun, founder of pressed: “Congratulations to BLIAV Fo Guang Shan Monastic Order and for nurturing the youths for the last Buddha Light International Associa20 odd years. We can now witness tion, the spiritual home of many lay the fruits of our labour in our newly people. He gave thanks to the preelected president Dr. Alan Wong.” vious BLIAV committees whom had The Head Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Australia, Ven. Man Ko said: “Whether given a lot of love and support to the youths over the past years, which has in the limelight or working behind eventuated in the rising of the newly the scenes, we should all maintain a balanced attitude. Ven. Master Hsing elected group of BLIAV committee members. The average age of the Yun continually encourages us by saying: Once a Buddha’s Light mem- newly elected BLIAV committee is 45 ber, forever a Buddha’s Light member. years old. Most of them are elite proWe need to emulate Ven. Master Hs- fessionals, including university profesingYun’spirit of being retired but not sors, accountants, nurses, engineers (Reporter: Jenny Chang)

and the like. The incoming president, Dr. Alan Wong cordially invited everyone to continue to support the committee. The ceremony concluded with the handover of positions for all BLIAV sub-branches and Young Adult Divisions. At noon, BLIAV sub-branches provided ten vegetarian delicacies and an interesting programme to entertain everyone, as an early celebration to welcome the Chinese New Year. There programme included acts such as the graceful line dancing performed by the BLIAV ladies group, as well as the humorous Swan Lake dance performed by the City One sub-branch members. The day concluded amongst words of well wishes for the New Year by the Head Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Australia, Ven. Man Ko; BLIAV president Dr. Alan Wong, all the Fo Guang Shan Melbourne venerables and the incoming committee members.


墨爾本佛光山 活動報導 FGS Melbourne News

2014年2月9日 巡香團參訪寺院

Pilgrimage Tour Group Visits Temple 2/9墨爾本華人婦女會、越南 光明寺、越南藥師寺三個團體約 660餘人,分別到墨爾本佛光山 巡香參訪。大眾在越南法師的帶 領下,在大雄寶殿以越南語誦經 祈福。佛光寺法師表示:「我們 帶著信眾們巡香十個寺院,祈求 佛菩薩護祐佛光山法務興隆。 希望全世界的佛弟子都有佛法的 滋潤,為國家社會帶來安定。也 感謝佛光山義工們跟著佛光山法 師們修學佛法,一同推廣佛教的 發展。」墨爾本佛光山監寺覺住 法師則開示:「希望大家新年伊 始要心存感恩、行三好,常回寺 院幫忙法師父分擔工作,修福修 慧。」覺住法師也代表常住贈送 精裝版《世界佛教美術圖典》予 佛光寺。許多越南華僑表示,初 次見佛光山道場莊嚴、清淨,內 心無比歡喜,有因緣將再次到佛 光山參訪。


On 9th February 2014, Fo Guang Shan Melbourne welcomed approximately 660 visitors from Melbourne Chinese Women’s Fellowship, Quang Minh Temple and Quang Duc Buddhist Monastery of the Vietnamese tradition. Lead by a Vietnamese venerable, the group chanted and prayed for blessings in the Vietnamese language at the Buddha Hall. “We’ve brought our devotees on a pilgrimage visiting ten monasteries and temples. May the Buddha bless Fo Guang Shan in its dharma propagation. We pray that all Buddhists worldwide are nurtured by the dharma, bringing forth peace to society. We are also grateful to the volunteers and venerables of Fo Guang Shan for their collaborative efforts in spreading the dharma.” expressed

the venerable from Quang Duc Buddhist Monastery. In response, Ven. Jue Chu, superintendent of Fo Guang Shan Melbourne uttered: “In the new year, we hope that everyone will possess a heart filled with gratitude, practice the three good deeds, visit the temple often to partake in work with the venerables; and cultivate your merits and wisdom. Ven. Jue Chu took the occasion to present Quang Duc Monastery with a copy of the ‘Encyclopedia of Buddhist Arts’. Many were first-time visitors to Fo Guang Shan and were awed by the elegance and serenity of the temple, vowing to return should the opportunity arise.

墨爾本佛光山 活動報導 FGS Melbourne News

New Year Blessing Ceremony

元宵上燈祈福法會 墨爾本佛光山舉行「元宵上燈祈福法會」,150 餘名信眾參與,大佛殿座內無虛席。監寺覺住法師 領眾諷誦《普門品》,並以星雲大師少年時期的故 事與大眾開示。希望大眾借由上燈功德發起大願, 清淨身心及身口意三業。因為意業最難消除,提醒 大家要時常審視自己,及時消減負面念頭。同時也 希望大家培養恆心毅力,在拜佛中增強信心、不退 道心;不懼怕困難,勇於面對問題,要用般若智慧 解決難題。最後,以新春「平安米」與大眾結緣。

Fo Guang Shan Melbourne held its New Year Blessing Ceremony on February 9, 2014. The Buddha Hall was at full capacity with more than 150 devotees in attendance. Guided by the superintendent Ven. Jue Chu, the congregation chanted the “Universal Gate Chapter” of the Lotus Sutra. Ven. Jue Chu’s dharma talk drew on the stories from Ven. Master Hsing Yun’s youth. She wished for everyone to make vows with the merits gained at the blessing ceremony to purify one’s body and mind, as well as to cleanse oneself of mental, vocal and bodily defilements. She reminded everyone to self-examine and eliminate negative thoughts. Ven. Jue Chu also hoped for everyone to cultivateperseverance, develop unwavering faith through prayer to the Buddha, to be unafraid of difficulties, instead to have the courage to face adversities and to resolve all issues with wisdom. Lastly, New Year “Lucky Rice” was gifted to all whom were present.

辭舊迎新 ,吉祥快樂

Welcoming an Auspicious New Year By Wendy Chen

On January 30-31, over 400 people participated in the New Year’s Eve Thousand Buddhas Dharma Function held at Fo Guang Shan Melbourne. Led by the superintendent, Ven. Jue Chu and fellow venerables, the congregation chanted the Medicine Buddha Mantra and recited the Blessings for the New Year to eliminate all misfortunes. In her speech, Ven. Jue Chu wished foreveryone to have the following in this new year: 1) To emulate the spirit of the dragon and horse - to be a great

being by learning first how to serve and temper our thoughts; 2) To be intellectual, by studying more books and develop your wisdom; 3) To adhere and maintain our fine Chinese tradition and hence resist the ills of modernisation. 4) To encourage vegetarianism for a healthier way of life. She also mentioned the invention of jelly fish lamps, as an analogy for reflecting on oneself. The event concluded amongst joyous well wishes for the new year from all participants to one another.

墨爾本佛光山於1/30~31大 年除夕晚和年初一的辭舊迎新「 延生普佛」及「新春禮千佛」法 會,共400多位信眾人參加。由 監寺覺住法師主法,與諸位法師 帶領信眾一同虔誠地禮誦「藥師 灌頂真言」及除夕、新年祈願 文,為信眾消災祈福。覺住法師 開示道,新年新希望:第一,學 習龍馬精神,要做佛門龍象,先 做眾生牛馬,懂得轉換心念;第 二,要知性,多讀書、多看書, 增長智慧;第三,要堅持華人的 優良傳統,克服「現代病」;第 四,多吃素食,提倡健康生活; 他還列舉了水母燈的創意,借這 個圖像,反省自己。最後,大眾 互相團拜、上年香,場面溫馨喜 慶。〈陳秀敏供稿〉


墨爾本協會活動報導 BLIAV News

墨爾本佛祖出巡 深耕社區 【 人間社記者葛琳、張愛娟 墨爾本聯合報導】 新春伊始,2月1日及2日, 佛光山尔有寺與墨爾本佛光山 及墨爾本佛光協會分別在社區 舉辦了一年一度「博士山、唐 人街佛祖出巡」新春慶祝活 動。 2月1日首場,於澳洲墨爾 本博士山商區舉行「博士山新 年春節園游會」,參加人數超 過八萬人次,是墨市的大型活 動之一,佛光山尔有寺每年皆 受邀參加。今年佛祖出巡、祈 福法會、觀音許願鐘、獻佛平 安燈、蓮花制作手工藝、幸福 合家照等活動引來游園者頻頻 駐足,人們還自覺在佛前排起 長隊,燃香供佛,為新的一年 虔誠祈禱。許多人駐足在攤 位前,很有興致地詢問佛教常 識,佛光會的義工們不辭辛勞 的派香、宣傳、講解,雖然烈 日炎炎,大家臉上都洋溢著喜 悅的笑容。 今年與會貴賓有:維州州議 員Hon. Robert Clark、白馬 市長Cr Andrew Davenport(


代表)、中華民國駐墨爾本台 北經濟文化辦事處處長翁瑛敏 女士、中華民國駐墨爾本台北 經濟文化辦事處僑務秘書鍾文 昌先生、中華民國駐墨爾本台 北經濟文化辦事處秘書郭裕強 先生、博士山警察局長Snr Sgt Ronald Sinclair、喬務委員王 桂鶯女士、白馬市亞裔商會會 長劉國強先生,副會長余國 安先生等十三位貴賓蒞臨現場 參與誦經祈福。墨爾本佛光山 監寺覺住法師以星雲大師的「 駿程萬里」說明佛教與馬之關 係。 2月2日,墨爾本佛光山與 墨爾本佛光協會應墨爾本市 政府之邀參與唐人街新春活 動,特帶佛祖新春出巡,讓 更多民眾與禮敬供養,認識佛 教、結下菩提種子。出席嘉 宾有墨爾本市副市長 Susan Riley、維州影子交通運輸部長 Natalie Hutchins女士、林美 豐議員、墨爾本市議員Kevin Louey、Ken Ong、維州多元 文化委員會主席Chin Tan先生 等。與會大眾還包括國際佛光 會墨爾本協會會長黃凱倫先

生、國際佛光會世界總會理事 張麗施女士、國際佛光會墨爾 本協會顧問陳之彬先生等。副 市長致詞表示:「星雲大師的 春聯非常棒,希望大家能盡情 生活,誠實和好好互相照顧。 在維多利亞省,我們有濃厚的 互助精神,每個人都應該照顧 他人,培育他人和做迷失的人 們的ㄧ盞路燈,或許幫助剛踏 出社會,開始他們的工作生涯 的朋友,使他們的生活更踏 實。」 經過約十年的深耕社區,佛 祖出巡活動廣受當地社區民眾 的喜愛,民眾們除了參與誦經 祈福、禮敬佛陀、互祝新年之 外,對每個攤位都充滿好奇。 現場設了花供養、佛教文物流 通處、平安鐘等攤位外,還特 設了「Photo Booth」(復古 裝攝影)、「趙州茶、雲門 餅」、「現場揮毫」、「布袋 戲」都引來群眾攝影、錄音留 戀。當地西方群眾們更是頻頻 發問,歡喜不已。墨爾本華夏 媒體集團總裁宋曉蓓也特前來 參加慶祝活動,並親自採訪黃 凱倫會長。

墨爾本協會 活動報導 BLIAV News

Parading the Buddha – Immersion into local communities (Reporters: 葛琳 and Jenny Chang)

To celebrate the Chinese New Year, on February 1st-2nd Fo Guang Shan Er You Temple and Fo Guang Shan Melbourne, in collaboration with Buddha’s Light International Association of Victoria (BLIAV) organised the annual Buddha Parade at various places around Melbourne. On 1st February, the Chinese New Year Festival was held within the business district of Box Hill, which attracted more than eighty thousand visitors. This was one of the main events in Melbourne and Er You Temple once again had the honour of being invited to participate in this annual event. The myriad of activities on offer included the Buddha Parade, the Blessing Ceremony, the Wishing Bell of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, making light offerings to the Buddha, lotus flower handicrafts and the Photo Booth of Happiness for happy snaps of the family, which captivated the public. Many visitors queued in front of the Buddha statue to make incense offerings to usher in a prosperous New Year. The volunteers enjoyed themselves immensely despite having to work hard. They were endlessly propagating the dharma by sharing their knowledge of Buddhism, promoting their various stalls and distributing the

incense. The distinguished guests who participated in the Blessing Ceremony this year included the Hon. Robert Clark, Attorney-General in the Victorian government; Cr. Andrew Davenport, on behalf of the Mayor of the City of Whitehorse; Ms. Judy Ying-Ming Wong, Director General of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office of Melbourne; Mr. Allen Won Chang Chung, Deputy General of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office of Melbourne; Mr. Alex Yu Chiang Kuo, Assistant Director of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office of Melbourne; Snr Sgt Ronald Sinclair, Station Commander at Box Hill Police Station; Mrs. Lily Wu, Commissioner of Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission; Mr. Vincent Liu, President of the Asian Business Association of Whitehorse Inc. and his Vice President, Mr. Andrew Yu. The superintendent of Fo Guang Shan Melbourne, Venerable Jue Chu shared with everyone Dharma words for the New Year from Ven. Master Hsing Yun: “The Noble Steed Gallops into a Bright Future” which drew on the commonality between Buddhism and the horse’s steadfastness and diligence. On 2nd February, Fo Guang Shan Melbourne and BLIAV were invited to participate in the City of Melbourne’s Chinese New Year celebration in Chi-

natown. The Buddha Parade gave everyone a chance to understand Buddhism, to make offerings to the Buddha and to nurture their inner Bodhi spirit seeds. Distinguished guests that attended this event included Deputy Lord Mayor Susan Riley from the City of Whitehorse; Mrs. Natalie Hutchins, Minister for Industrial Relations, Ports, Freight and Logistics; Mr. Hong Lim MP, Member for Clayton; Councillors Mr. Kevin Louey and Mr. Ken Ong from the City of Melbourne and Mr. Chin Tan, Chairperson of the Victorian Multicultural Commission. Other guests included Dr. Alan Wong, President of BLIAV; Mrs. Dominique Yu, BLIA World Headquarter Director; Mr. Tsebin Tchen, BLIAV Advisor. In her address, Deputy Lord Mayor Susan Riley marvelled at the New Year couplets penned by Ven. Master Hsing Yun and “hoped for all to live life to the fullest and to look after each other. I think in Victoria, we have what one would call a buddy system, where each person should look after another person and take care, nurture and just show them the way if they are lost souls or if they are people just starting out in their working life. Everyone needs that wonderful sense of belonging.” After ten years of establishing itself in this wonderful society, the Buddha Parade has become a highly popular event in the community. Apart from the traditional activities of chanting, paying respects to the Buddha and auspicious greetings to each other, the visitors also had the opportunity to make flower offerings, attend the Buddhist cultural stalls, experience dressing up in traditional costumes at the photobooth, enjoy Zen inspired tea and biscuits and revel in the Taiwanese puppet shows. Locals enjoyed this cultural experience immensely. CEO of The Chinese Weekly, Ms. 宋 曉蓓 also attended in support of thisevent and conducted a personal interview with BLIAV President, Dr. Alan Wong.


墨爾本協會 活動報導 BLIAV News


BLIAV Loving Care Group Celebrates the Chinese New Year with Aged Care Communities

The Loving Care Group, a division of Buddha’s Light International Association of Victoria (BLIAV) visited the aged care communities at Elderly Australian Chinese Homes in Northern Melbourne, Victorian Elderly Chinese Hostel in Western Melbourne and On Luck Chinese Nursing Home in Eastern Melbourne to help celebrate the Chinese New Year. They went equipped with loving hearts, as well as “lucky money” for each resident. On the morning of February 11, Ven. Miao Bo, group leader Ms. Amy Yuen and ten volunteers visited thirty-one residents at the Victorian Elderly Chinese Hostel. Ven. Miao Bo led the participants in chanting the ‘Heart Sutra’, followed on by reading of blessings and

Buddhist stories. Ms. Lynn Shiau one of the volunteers played Australian, Chinese and Japanese tunes on her harmonica. Lay performed the Parasol Dance. Ling Tong, Amy Yuen, Jane Liu and 周瑞琦 enacted a New Year parable. Ms. Liang, the hostel director was very grateful for the activities offered. Together with Ven. Miao Bo and group leader Ms. Amy Yuen, eight volunteers paid a visit to the forty odd residents at the Elderly Australian Chinese Homes in the northern suburbs on the morning of February 14. In addition to chanting and the offering of blessings, the volunteers lead the residents on a journey of music through playing instruments and singing, as well as a riddle guessing game. Staff member Ms. Ho found the programme

provided to be educational, lively and very interesting. That afternoon, Ven. Miao Li, their adviser 曾美蓮, group leader Amy Yuen and eighteen volunteers, together with the Taiwanese Women’s Club dance troupe attended the Chinese New Year’s Eve celebrations at On Luck Chinese Nursing Home in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs. Over forty residents partook in the celebrations. Ven. Miao Li led the participants in chanting the ‘Heart Sutra’ and shared Buddhist stories with them. The volunteers took charge of performances, including a sing-along session, American line dances, Malaysian welcome dance and concluded with two choral numbers. Ven. Master Hsing Yun’s calligraphy work from his ‘One Stroke’ series

佛光山尔有寺 活動報導 FGS Er You Temple News

Er You Temple New Year Light Offering Service By Anna Ko

满晴法师与信徒一起在佛前合照留念。 尔有寺上燈法會

2014 年 2 月8 日尔有寺上燈法 會,諷誦普門品,共有110人參 與。為慶祝新春元宵聯誼會。在 法會結束后由青年第三分團團員 采馨和Andrew擔任主持人,各 分会和青年准备了精彩的节目表 演,节目开始首先观赏星雲大師 的新春祝福短片。接着,分别由 東二分會所帶來的舞蹈「茉莉之 吻」、青年第三分團所帶來的手 語歌「讓世界和平」、東南分會 的師姐為我們帶來的歌曲“佛陀的 愛”和上海越劇 – 夫妻觀燈,講述 觀世音菩薩慈悲幫助一對戀人的 故事。越劇的表演很稀有,所以

大家都看得非常入迷。婉轉動人的 歌聲讓大家都陶醉不已。最後,在 滿晴法師開示後大家一起合拍的一 張大合照為這次的活動畫下完美的 句點。而在信眾離開的同時,由佛 光新會員彭國辉所扮演的財神爺在 門口發給大家平安糖讓大家法喜充 滿的回家。 (柯彩馨供稿)

was gifted to the nursing home in anticipation of the newly established premises. As a first time participant of the Loving Care Group’s activities, Ms. Li Huei, a volunteer from the western suburbs was extremely moved by the event. One of the residents wished that the volunteers would visit more regularly, as they are often lonely. All the volunteers found their service to be joyful and meaningful.

2月11 日早上,妙博法師和友 愛服務隊隊長阮愛美等義工們 10 人前往西區華族老人院出席探訪活 動,共有31位長者參與。首先, 由妙博法師帶領誦讀心經、為老人 祈願文、佛教故事。接著蕭春蓮老 師以口琴獨奏澳洲、中國和日本民 謠;Lay 表演雨傘舞;余相玲、阮 愛美、劉鍾節和周瑞琦表演新年故 事之年獸。老人院院長和職員梁小 姐感謝義工們的帶動。 2 月14 日早上由妙博法師、友 愛服務隊隊長阮愛美等東區和西區 友愛服務隊義工們共8人前往北區 安老之家出席探訪活動,共有40 多位長者參與。除了法師誦經祈福 外,義工們帶領大眾唱新年歌,長 者們每一位都手拿樂器一邊唱歌、 一邊打拍子。長者們也熱烈參與猜 燈謎遊戲。職員何小姐表示,此探 訪活動具有教育、娛樂性和有活 力、非常有意義。

春回大地,墨爾本三間老人院 分別是:西區華族老人院、北區 安老之家及東區安樂護理安老院 邀請墨爾本佛光會友愛服務隊與 老人院長者們共賀新春。墨爾本 佛光山和友愛服務隊也準備了紅 封包及愛心繩結贈送給各位長者 作為賀年禮物。

On February 8th, 2014, Er You Temple held its New Year Light Offering Service to welcome the new year. The service featured chanting of the Universal Gate Chapter of the Lotus Sutra, which was attended

by over 110 people. Following the dharma service was the New Year celebrations, for which members of the 3rd Young Adult Division, Andrew and Anna acted as MCs. Each BLIAV sub-branch contributed to the event with performances. The festivities began with the viewing of a video clip from Ven. Master Hsing Yun. The acts that followed included the ‘A flower’s kiss’ by the East 2 sub-branch, ‘Peace to the World’ hand gesture performance by the 3rd Young Adult Division, singing performances from the South-East sub-branch, as well as an operatic act depicting the story of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva helping an enamoured couple. The act besides being unique, it was extremely engaging and was topped off with angelic singing voices. The celebrations ended with a group photo following Ven. Man Ching’s speech. Dressed as the God of Fortune, Mr. 彭國辉, a new BLIAV member farewelledand gave fortune candies to everyone as they departed. 下午則由妙力法師、友愛服務 隊督導曾美蓮師姐、隊長阮愛美 等18人義工,聯合台灣婦女組舞 蹈團一起前往安樂護理安老院與 長者共慶元宵佳節,參與長者約 40 人。妙力法師帶領大眾誦讀心 經和講解佛經故事。每組義工分 別表演節目:合唱新年歌、台灣 舞蹈團表演美國排舞、佛光舞蹈 團表演馬來西亞歡迎舞。最後所 有義工一起合唱淨土世界和佛光 照耀著你。友愛服務隊代表贈送 星雲大師一筆字禪掛給安樂護理 安老院,恭賀新院即將落成。 西區義工李義慧第一次參與 友愛服務隊探訪活動,她覺得非 常感動。有一位長者跟她說希望 義工們能多些來探訪她們,因為 她們感到非常孤獨。每一位義工 都感到非常高興和有意義。


佛光山尔有寺 活動報導 FGS Er You Temple News


尔有寺在2014年2 月16 日下午2 時舉行2014 年度開學典禮,出席學生和家長差不多有50 人多。由 菩提青少年團負責策劃和當司儀。 監寺滿晴法師介紹兒童佛學班重點是培養兒童有良好的品格,好像 播種一樣,終有一天可以看到成果。滿晴法師讚嘆菩提青少年團是非常優秀和莊嚴,他們都是从小參 與兒童佛學班成長的。 團員Sue Ann Koh 今年已考取到墨爾本大學選讀生物醫療系, 今天亦是開學 禮的司儀。 開學典禮中介紹各導師和義工們。家長梅先生分享認為兒童佛學班對兒童成長是非常重要 的,所以他的女兒和兒子從小就参加兒童佛學班。現在他的女兒Lily 是菩提青少年團的團長。

老师分组带领小朋友互相认识。 尔有寺儿童佛学班开学典礼,菩提少年团自我介绍。

Children Buddhism Class Opening Ceremony at Er You Temple The Children’s Buddhism Class Opening Ceremony was held at 2:00 pm at Er You Temple on February 16th 2014. More than 50 people, including parents and students attended the ceremony. Ven. Man Ching, person-in-charge of Er You Temple emphasised in her speech the importance for children to cultivate a good personality, like sowing seeds and reaping the achievements one day. Ven. Man Ching praised the diligent and graceful Bodhi Youth Group, whom had grown up through the Children Buddhism Class themselves and planned the event. Sue Ann Koh, Bodhi Youth Group member and Bio-Medicine student at the University of Melbourne was the MC for the opening ceremony. Teachers and volunteers were introduced to the participants during the opening ceremony. Mr. Mui, one of the parents shared that Buddhism was important for the growth and development of his two children. Therefore, he had decided to bring his two children to the Children’s Buddhism Class from a young age. His daughter Lily Mui, is the current group leader of the Bodhi Youth Group.


2014 年 2 月20日 尓有寺秉持佛光山開山宗長星 雲大師“以教育培養人才”每逢星 期四早上至下午開辦了菩提班、 國畫班和素食烹飪班。爲了讓年 長者也有一個優良的學習環境, 讓他們生活有活力,課程安排誦 經、太極氣功十八式、醫療保健 常識、等。國畫班由何錦釗老師


圖說:素食烹飪班-- 簡易素食,美味又可口。

aged on Thursdays. The classes encompass Tai Chi, chanting and so forth to augment their vitality in life. The Chinese painting class is taught by Mr. Cam Sieu Ha of In following Ven. Master Hsing the Lingnan style and the cooking Yun’s vision of “nurturing talent class is run by dharma sister 莊 through education”, Er You Temple 善昀, whom has twenty years of conducts classes for the mature experience in home economics. 授課,承襲臨南派的畫風,有別 于傳統黑白水墨畫,而比較色彩 化。素食烹飪班由莊善昀師姐授 課,近有20年的烹調經驗。

佛光山尔有寺 活動報導 FGS Er You Temple News

佛光人把人間佛法帶進澳洲人家庭 – 音樂老師家庭普照 為了要感謝音樂老師過去3年的指導和協助組織佛光歌詠團,佛光歌詠團團員發起到音樂老師 Krishna Dutton 家庭普照。由妙力法師帶領, 佛光協會幹部李國枝, 東二分會會長謝璧和東南分會副會 長劉鍾節, 友愛服務隊隊長阮愛美和佛光歌詠團團員等九人出席參與。 Krishna 出生於澳洲維省Ballarat 天主教家庭,姨母是天主教修女, 從小在天主教宗教系統熏習。 Krishna 很喜歡看書、畫畫和音樂。她很有興趣了解多元宗教信仰和多元文化,曾訓練佛光歌詠團參與 難民節、音樂與精神生活-多元宗教音樂會等演出,受到社區人士的讚賞和歡迎。2013 年Krishna 提議 組織「音樂從心起」音樂小組,參與人數超過30 人,組員反應獲益良多。 Krishna 非常歡迎妙力法師和佛光會會員為她家庭普照和灑淨,她還邀請她兩位好朋友,Chris 和 Tracy 一起參與。首先由妙力法師代表佛光歌詠團贈送一尊觀音菩薩聖像和感謝卡,以表謝意。之後 Krishna 跟隨妙力法師的指導,上香、誦楊枝淨水讚、大悲咒、三歸依及回向。 Krishna 非常感動表示自從參與佛光歌詠團後,她獲益良多,尤其是對她個人成長和處世方面很有進 步。 她希望日後能夠繼續協助佛光會推行人間佛教。 她已答應協助2/3/2014 萬年青多元宗教網絡參訪 尔有寺,未來會教授尔有寺兒童佛學班一堂「音樂從心起」訓練。佛光人已把佛法帶進澳洲人家庭。

Bringing Humanistic Buddhism into Australian Families House Blessing for the Music Teacher Krishna Dutton helped to establish the Buddha’s Light Choir and has been its conductor for the past three years. In order to thank her for all efforts, the members of the Buddha’s Light Choir visited Krishna to conduct a house blessing. Led by Ven. Miao-Li; a total of nine members attended, including Ms. Kee Lee, Committee Member of BLIAV; Mr. Cheng Tean Chea, President of BLIAV East 2 sub-branch; Ms. Jane Liu, Vice President of BLIAV South East Sub-branch and Ms. Amy Yuen, Loving Care Group Leader. Born into a Catholic family in Ballarat, Krishna followed Catholicism from a young age. He aunty is also a Catholic nun. Krishna likes reading, painting and music. She is also very interested in multi-culturalism and multi-faithism. Thus, she has trained up the Buddha’s Light Choir to perform at the Refugee Festival, Spirituality through Music (a multi-faith music program). The performances were praised and warmly welcomed by the community. In 2013, Krishna suggested setting up the ‘Music from the Heart’ group, for which there was an enthusiastic response with over 30 participants. Krishna welcomed Ven. Miao Li and fellow BLIAV members into her home for a purification and blessing. She also invited her two friends, Chris and Tracy to participate. On behalf of the Buddha’s Light Choir, Ven. Miao Li presented Krishna with an Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva statue and a thank you card. Then, guided by Ven. Miao Li, Krishna made an incense offering, chanted the Great Compassion Mantra and concluded with the Refuge to the Triple Gem and Transfer of Merits. Krishna was deeply touched and expressed that since participating in the Buddha’s Light Choir, she has learnt a lot, particularly in the aspects of personal growth and human relationships. She hopes to continue to support BLIAV in promoting Humanistic Buddhism to the community. She endeavours to be a volunteer at the Manningham Interfaith Network function on March 2nd, 2014 and promises to visit Er You Temple often. In future, she will lead the one day ‘Music from the Heart’ workshop to the students of the Children’s Buddhism Class at Er You Temple. BLIAV members had truly brought Humanistic Buddhism into an Australian family.


星雲法語 Dharma Words from Ven. Master Hsing Yun

三法印 佛法是宇宙人生的眞理。所謂 眞理必須合於:普遍如此、必然 如此、本來如此、永恆如此等條 件。印證佛法合乎這些條件的定 律,稱為「三法印」。 1. 諸行無常:「諸行」是指 一切事物和一切現象;「行」有 沒有遷流、轉變的意思。世間上 一切形形色色的事物,沒有一樣 是常住不變的;沒有一樣不是在 剎那剎那之間遷流、轉變。因為 世界一切有為法都是因緣和和而 生起,因緣所生的諸法,空無自 性,它隨著緣聚而生,緣聚而 滅。譬如有情世間的人有生個老 病死的現象,器世間的山河大地 有成住壞空的演變,心念有生住

異滅的變化。因此,一切法在時間 上是剎那不住,念念生滅;過去的 已滅,未來的未生,現在的即生即 滅,它是三世遷流不住的,所以說 「諸行無常」。 2. 諸法無我:「我」是主宰和 實體的意思,能夠稱「我」的,必 須具有恆常的、主宰的、不變的、 自在的。但是,世間一切有為法、 無為法、並無獨立的、不變的實體 或主宰者。譬如,一般人執著為「 我」的身體,是依煩惱業緣、五蘊 諸法所成,是虛幻不實的,如樑柱 瓦緣和合為有房舍,離開樑柱瓦緣 則別無房舍,因此「我」只是假名 而已,並無實體。再如世間一切事 事物物,也是依靠種種條件因緣所 生成,沒有本來固有的獨立本性, 也就是空無自性,因此說「諸法無 我」。

3. 涅槃寂靜:「涅槃」是四 聖諦—苦、集、滅、道中的「滅 諦」,是破除貪嗔癡,段界,也 就是身無惡行、心無惡念,身心 俱寂的一種解脫境界。 人生在世,常為擾攘紛紜的世 事及貪嗔癡、煩惱無明所繫縛, 正如犯人被杻械枷鎖束縛而不得 自在,一旦枷鎖卸除了,便得解 脫,解脫就是涅槃。因此,涅槃 不是死亡,而是佛教最圓滿的世 界。 諸行無常、諸法無我、涅槃寂 靜,此「三法印」是印證佛法的 根據,是識別佛法、非佛法的標 準。在原始佛教的教理中,它是 緣起說的思想基礎,是最初的根 本佛法。因此,若能理解三法 印,也就是能把我佛陀的根本思 想了。

are impermanent. 2. All phenomena are without an independent self The Buddhist term “self” refers to something’s true essence. For something to have a “self” it must be destined and permanent, unchanging and autonomous. But within this world of conditioned phenomena nothing like this exists. For example, most people become attached to their body as “self,” but the body is just a combination of five aggregates. This body is just a collection of karma and affliction, that it could be the “self” is an empty illusion. The body is like a house: a house needs posts and supports, roof-tiles and cross-beams all working together to make it a house. Without any of these there could be no house at all. The “self” is just a label, nothing more, for it lacks any real substance. Everything in the world comes into existence through various causes and conditions and as such, lacks an independent self or nature. 3. Nirvana is perfect tranquility Nirvana is the third of the Four Noble Truths and means the end of greed, anger and ignorance. It is the cessation of ignorance, affliction, suffering and the “separate self”, so that one can reach a state of tranquility without defilement that is filled with happiness, light, freedom and

comfort. This is a state of liberation in which the mind and body are both tranquil, where the body is free of negative conduct and the mind is free of negative thoughts. Human life in this world means constantly being disturbed by things and events. We are fettered by greed, anger, ignorance, affliction and delusion just as a prisoner is confined by his chains and shackles. One can be liberated by removing these shackles and this liberation is called nirvana. Thus, it is important to emphasise that: nirvana is not death. In Buddhism, it is the most perfect state. The Three Dharma Seals - all conditioned phenomena are impermanent, all phenomena are without an independent self and nirvana is perfect tranquility - are the basis upon which the Dharma is verified and are the standards by which one distinguishes between Buddhist and non-Buddhist teachings. Among the teachings of early Buddhism, these three formed the philosophical basis for the doctrine of dependent origination, representing the earliest, fundamental Buddhist teaching. Therefore, by understanding the Three Dharma seals, one can understand the basic concepts of Buddhism.

The Three Dharma Seals The Dharma is the truth of the universe and human life. “True” in this instance refers to principles which are universal, inherent and internal. The “Three Dharma Seals” certify that the Buddhist teachings are true in this way. They are: 1. All conditioned phenomena are impermanent Of all the many kinds of events and things in the world, not a single one of them remains fixed and unchanging, for each and every one of them shifts and transforms from moment to moment. Since all conditioned phenomena arise into being through a coming together of causes and conditions, they are empty and lack an independent “self” or identity. They exist when conditions come together and they pass away when conditions dissipate. Living things are born, grow old, get sick and die. Material things like mountains, rivers and the earth itself are formed, abide, change and are destroyed. Even thoughts arise, abide, change and cease. All phenomena arise and pass into extinction from moment to moment; they cannot linger even for an instant. The past is already gone, the future has yet to appear and the present is arising and ceasing. Since all phenomena shift from the past, present and future; it is said that they

墨爾本佛光山 活動預告 FGS Melbourne Upcoming Activities

The Origins of Buddha’s Day 佛誕節緣起 佛誕節的由來是緣於二千 六百多前,佛陀誕生人間之 後,世間因此有了光明與安 住,二千多年以來,全世界 許多國家如印度、尼泊爾、 斯理蘭卡、泰國等,在佛誕 節皆是舉國歡慶。早年星雲 大師初到台灣宜蘭弘法時, 每逢浴佛節更是舉辦慶祝大 會,各鄉鎮慶祝佛誕節的遊 行隊伍曾綿延十公里長。時 至今日,全球佛光人皆為佛 誕節慶祝大會而努力,帶動 當地的發展與文化傳承。

Buddha’s Day Celebrations originated some 2600 years ago. The birth of the Buddha brought to the world hope and peace. Hence, for 2000 odd years in countries around the world such as India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand, the Buddha’s Day is deemed a national event. When Ven. Master Hsing Yun first propagated the dharma in Yilan, Taiwan, he too organised Buddha’s Day celebrations, showcasing parades that went for over 10 km in celebration of the event. To date, Buddha’s Light International Association members around the world toil tirelessly to hold this celebration, promoting and immersing the culture into local communities.

清明祭祖超薦暨籌南天大學梁皇法會 日期 Date 時間 Time

香別 Session

20 /3 四 Thu 21/3 五 Fri

薰壇灑淨、梁皇寶懺卷一 Purification, Ch. 1 of Emperor Liang Repentance Sutra 梁皇寶懺卷二、上供 Ch.2, Offering 梁皇寶懺卷三 Ch.3 梁皇寶懺卷四 Ch.4 梁皇寶懺卷五、上供 Ch.5, Offering 梁皇寶懺卷六 Ch.6 梁皇寶懺卷七 Ch.7 梁皇寶懺卷八、上供 Ch.8, Offering 梁皇寶懺卷九 Ch.9 梁皇寶懺卷十 Ch.10

22 /3 六 Sat 23 /3 日 Sun

7:00pm9:00pm 10:00am 1:30pm 3:00pm 10:00am 1:30pm 3:00pm 10:00am 1:30pm 3:00pm

2014 Fo Guang Shan Melbourne Qing Ming Dharma Service

& Nan Tien Institute Fundraiser: Emperor Liang’s Repentance Ceremony 地點 / Venue: Fo Guang Shan Melbourne 89 Somerville Road, Yarraville VIC 3013 Date: 20-23 March 2014 Tel: (03) 9314-5147 Fax: (03) 9314-2006

墨爾本佛光山 社教課程 2014 年第一學期 FGS Melbourne Courses Term 1 日期 Date 星期 Day 時間 Time 6/2~27/3 四 Thu 10:00am11:30noon (8 weeks) 1/2~5/4 六 Sat (10 weeks)



六 Sat

課程內容 Classes 松鶴班(佛學課、太極、禪修、遊學等) Mature Aged Learning (Buddhism, Tai Chi Chan, study tours)


佛光中華學校第一學期 Fo Guang Chinese School


兒童創意繪畫班(學前~3年級)Kid’s Creative Painting (Prep – Yr. 3)


兒童佛學班(4~8年級)Children’s Buddhism Class (Yr. 4 – 8)


佛法概論(初級)& 禪修 Basic Buddhism & Meditation


Fundamentals of Buddhism, Tai Chi Chan & Meditation (English)


兒童佛學班 Children’s Buddhism Class 兒童創意繪畫班 Kid’s Creative Painting

日 Sun 2:00pm

國畫班(嶺南畫派)Chinese Painting (Lingnan style)


墨爾本佛光山行事曆 FGS Melbourne Event Calendar 日期 Date 星期 Day 1,15 Mar 六 Sat

時間 Time

活動內容 Activity


光明燈法會 - 普門品、佛供 (農曆2月1、15日) Light Offering Service 澳洲清潔日 Clean Up Australia Day – 三好環保運動 墨爾本佛光協會主辦 organised by BLIAV 報恩法會(恭誦佛說父母恩重難報經)


2 Mar

日 Sun 10:30 am

Repaying Debts of Gratitude Dharma Function (Chanting Filial Piety Sutra )

9 Mar 16 Mar

日 Sun 日Sun

10:30am 10:00 am

金剛經共修會 Diamond Sutra Dharma Service 大悲懺法會(觀世音菩薩聖誕記念日) 農曆2月16日 Great Compassion Repentance Dharma Function

18 Mar

二 Tue


觀世音菩薩聖誕記念日-觀音法會 佛供 (農曆2月19日 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s Birthday (Lunar 19th Feb)

20 Mar -23Mar 30Mar 6 Apr

四 Thu 日 Sun 日 Sun 日 Sun

Page 15

清明祭祖超薦暨籌建南天大學梁皇法會-卷一 ~ 卷十 Qing Ming Dharma Function - Emperor Liang Repentance Ceremony

10:30 am

普賢行願品共修會 (Universal Goodness Activities and Vows Sutra) 10:30 am 報恩法會(恭誦佛說父母恩重難報經) Repaying Debts of Gratitude Dharma (Filial Piety Sutra ) 12.13Apr 六 Sat 日 Sun 9am - 4:30pm Happy Camp 兒童生活學佛營 10:30am 13 Apr 金剛經共修會 Diamond Sutra Dharma Service 日 Sun 10:30am 20 Apr 日 Sun 普賢行願品共修會 (Universal Goodness Activities and Vows Sutra)

2014 年才藝班時間表 Fo Guang Shan Er You Temple Art & Craft Classes 日期 Date 15/2~12/4

星期 Day 時間 Time 才藝班 Art & Craft Class 1:30pm~ 經典導讀-妙法蓮華經 Sutra Reading六 3:00pm Sat Saddharma Pundarika Sutra 5/4, 3/5, 7/6, 2/8, 6/9, 4/10, 青年英文佛學班 2:00pm~ Buddhism for young Adults (English) 1/11, 6/12 六 3:30am 12/4,10/5, 14/6, 9/8, 13/9, Sat 英文讀書會 11/10, 8/11, 13/12 English Sutra Study Group Term 1:16/2~23/3 手工藝工作坊 2:00pm~ Handicraft workshop Term 2:4/5~8/6 日 3:30am Term 3:20/7~24/8 Sun 佛光兒童佛學班 Term4:19/10~23/11 Children’s Buddhism Class 10:00am~ 中英文禪修班 2/3, 9/3, 16/3 日 11:30am Sun Meditation (Chinese/English) 10:30am~ 國畫班 Chinese Painting 四 13/2, 20/2, 27/2, 6/3, 13/3, 12:00pm Thu 20/3 10:00am~ 松鶴班 Senior Class 四 6/2~10/4 11:30am Thu 3:00pm~ 素食烹飪班 Vegetarian Cooking Class 四 13/2~13/3 4:30pm Thu 10:00am~ 開放日Open Day 日 30/3 4:00pm Sun

學費 Fee

隨喜贊助 Voluntary Donation

$33 / 6週 (weeks) $30/6週 (weeks) $65/6週 (weeks) $45/9週 (weeks) $30/6週 (weeks)

尓有寺 Er You Temple

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