Torne River
The Mother of Icehotel IT IS TORNE RIVER that
provides Icehotel with enough ice to build an entire hotel – every year. When the art and the winter hotel melt, the water returns to its source again. During winter, the ice from the river becomes art, design, and architecture. In summer, the water and the midnight sun transform the landscape into a lush river valley and our summer activitites begin, like the traditional river rafting.
A PERMANENT ICEHOTEL The arrival of spring has always been a sign of the winter hotel’s return to Torne River. But one building still stands. Thanks to 800m2 of sustainable solar panels harnessing energy from the sun, Icehotel 365 is provided with enough energy to stay cool throughout the entire summer. 16
ETT PERMANENT ICEHOTEL Vårens ankomst har alltid varit ett tecken på att vinterhotellet återvänder till Torne älv. Men en byggnad består. Tack vare 800m2 solpaneler som fångar och omvandlar energin från solen, hålls Icehotel 365 kallt hela sommaren.