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107 €1.80

February 21 – March 6, 2019 La Tejita

Officially the largest foreign language newspaper in the Canary Islands

Las Galletas

Stem cell treatment


Credit cards

Hotel suspended

Promenade planned

Fundraising call

Abusive interest?

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Danger to nature and cultural heritage

Urban development plan

Green light for Playa Valleseco The capital of Tenerife is to have its own city beach. In addition to the dream beach Playa Las Teresitas and the César Manrique leisure area with a sea-water swimming pool, the city’s inhabitants and visitors should be able to benefit from a beach near the port and thus in the centre of city life. It’s to be created in the Valleseco district, next to the port. The first construction phase, which was given the green light during the last plenary session, will take place at Playa de Charcos, between the Sea Rescue Tower and the Tenerife Marine Sports Centre.

Photo: Ayto. Santa Cruz

Continued on page two

An ambitious project that will enrich the city

The traces of man It seems that mankind has a need to leave its mark everywhere, be it by embellishing rocks with spray paint or using other utensils, some think they have to ‘beautify’ nature, whether by sheer carelessness or simply to shoot a special holiday selfie to post on social networks. What these people actually do is upset the balance of important nature reserves, take away the virginity of the untouched natural landscape that has taken centuries to create, and leave behind traces that can only be cleaned with great effort or are even sometimes irreparable. “In the past there were only a few people who did their mischief in nature, today the pressure on nature and of the environmentalists on the Island Councils is so great that they are no longer able to adequately protect the valuable natural and cultural heritage of the Canaries from vandalism,” warns Jaime Coello, director of the charitable foundation Telesforo Bravo.

Scribbling on the path in the Teno Alto nature reserve in the northwest of Tenerife

Continued on page two




Santa Cruz

Have Respect!

Enriching design

The faces in Fuerteventura destroyed a cultural heritage of great geological value

Continued from front page “We must protect our heritage,” his insistent appeal says. And indeed, the number of incidents is increasing. Professional tourist guides like Félix de la Rosa are aware of this, which is why they are addressing the public with a video called Pasa sin huella (leave no trace), which has been produced in twelve languages. Both holidaymakers and residents are addressed. “The authors often think that their graffiti and other people’s graffiti are works of art, but basically they are only acts of unscrupulous vandalism. For example, towers of stones, painted stones on the beach, graffiti and sprayings on the walls of monuments, such as the buildings near the Casa de Los Cornoles, a striking symbol of the desert island in the borough of La Oliva which is of great historical value. Or letters, symbols or figures are carved into old sandstone walls, destroying their integrity. Often the damage cannot be repaired or highly toxic substances have to be used in protected, sensitive ecosystems. What if the initials of a loving couple or some ‘nice pictures’ are destroyed which may have testified forever to the presence of the authors? Have not



Kanaren express

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Environmentalists can disassemble these structures, but this is no easy task. In contrast to those who carelessly and disrespectfully intervened in nature, they try to distribute the stones in such a way that they restore the original balance, in such a way that the natural image is preserved. If the volunteers have to use chemical substances to remove paint, toxins are released in protected and sensitive areas. None of this would be necessary if human beings treated nature with the necessary respect and behaved in such a way as to leave as few traces of their presence as possible.

Error corrected Graffiti at the Casas de Los Cornoles on Fuerteventura

the landscapes that have grown over centuries, thousands or even millions of years, earned our unrestricted respect and admiration?” he continued.

Abuse of nature The mystical landscapes in the Cañadas del Teide or the volcanic fields, which testify to former eruptions, are often the scene of esoteric rituals or similar activities. Volcanic stones are piled up as a memorial to the sky or crosses or

hearts made of stones. Whatever the author wants to do with it, in reality it is an intervention in an ecosystem with unpredictable consequences. Under the stones live micro organisms and insects which are suddenly left defenceless, and small plants which grew in the rocks’ windbreak are left helplessly at the mercy of the gusts. The relics from natural events that have been created at that scene for thousands of years are misused to create man-made ‘works of art’. Foreign Language News Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6 E-38620 San Miguel de Abona Tel. +34 922 750 609 Print: Artes Gráficas del Atlántico S.A., Agüimes, Gran Canaria Circulation controlled by

On one point, however, the foundation made an apology. At the beginning of February it alleged that the shooting of the film El hombre que mató a Don Quijote (The man who killed Don Quijote) was responsible for the fact that in the Caldera Rebanada in Fuerteventura faces are now ‘staring’ down from the rocks. But producer Terry Gilliam and his team could prove that this vandalism was not created by them. Rather, the film location had even been cleaned of garbage and rubbish that Disclaimer: Island Connections Newspaper is published and printed fortnightly by ISLAND CONNECTIONS S.L. Adverts, texts, photos or other parts of this publication are property of the publishers. They may not be used or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any other form or means without the prior written permission of the publishers. This newspaper cannot be held responsible for the contents of articles supplied by our contributors

Continued from front page If all the authorities involved continue to work quickly to take all the necessary steps, construction could begin this year. A second phase at the Playa de Arena area will follow. Some formalities still have to be finalised. Mayor Bermúdez and his team have been chasing the plan for this city beach for a long time. It has been very time consuming and labour intensive because four authorities are involved. The Island Council and the Canary Islands Government, the City Council and the Ports’ Authority had to be brought together under one roof and a total of 27 applications had to be submitted, processed and approved. This complex issue has taken three years to complete and now the project, the budget for which is estimated at around €17 million, is about to begin. The Island Council, Canary Islands and city administrations will each contribute €5.1 million to the financing and the Ports’ Authority will cover the remaining €1.6 million. The beach is to be created by 2021. “It will enrich the city with a one-kilometre-long bathing zone at the mouth of the port, very close to the city centre,” explained Mayor Bermúdez, who at the same time thanked all those involved for their cooperation. “Such projects cost a lot of money, but they have to be tackled and that’s what we stand for in Santa Cruz,” he added. It’s hoped that this ambitious plan will improve the quality of life for city dwellers and in addition make the city more attractive for tourists. The planning for the new beach zone includes not just a bathing area, but also a leisure area for strolling and water sports. n

Photo: Ayto. Santa Cruz


Upstream sun bathing islands, to be reached by swimming

had not originated from their own filming. The faces weren’t there when the location was visited in October 2016. The film crew itself was not happy about the changed scenery, which they finally found at the beginning of shooting in March 2017. The characters must have been created in the previous six months. The film was awarded two Goyas. “Terry Gilliam and his team can leave the island with their heads held high because they were able to clearly prove to us that they had nothing to do with this disfigurement of the landscape. But we call on

all the Island Councils to do more to protect precious natural and cultural treasures, to locate the vandals and to hold them accountable,” said Coello in a statement. He and his comrades-in-arms see an urgent need for action. On the other hand, they appeal to the reasoning of the people who move around the beautiful natural areas of the Canary Islands. “Behave in such a way that it is not obvious that you have ever been here”. And the slogan ‘Leave no traces’ also refers of course to taking your rubbish away and disposing of n it appropriately.

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Publishers: Tina Straub Schacher, Joe Schacher Designer: Javier Gómez Editor: Andrea Abrell · Editorial team: Xena Fox,Theresa Willson, Sheila Collis, Barbara Belt Contributors: Chris Todd, Katy Kennedy, Sabine Virgin Sales manager: Gillian Sibbald Tel. 660 026 849 · Classifieds:

Office hours: Monday – Friday 9.30am – 4.00pm

21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019






Partial success for environmentalists

Intensive inspections

La Tejita hotel project suspended

No construction for now for one of the last areas of almost untouched nature in the south of Tenerife

The award of the licence for the construction of a new luxury hotel on the charismatic Playa La Tejita in the borough of Granadilla de Abona has been temporarily suspended. The Directorate General for Coastal and Marine Sustainability has approved a request from the environmental organisations ATAN and the platform Salvar La Tejita and requested a review. The environmentalists believe that the section between Costabella and Punta del Bocinegra, where the affected beach is located, is an

area of public maritime and terrestrial interest. Shortly before Christmas, on December 21 last year, the Granadilla council granted a licence to build a five-star hotel at La Tejita. Both environmental protection organisations then prepared a geomorphological report, which seems to prove that the construction of the Montaña Roja nature reserve and the special zone for the protection of seagrass breeding areas in southern Tenerife would be seriously endangered. This document

was handed over to the Ministry and the Provincial Coastal Authority to have the coastline reviewed and to integrate into the protected area the two plots that had been unjustifiably excluded from the nature conservation belt for the purposes of the construction of the new hotel. This would render the building permit null and void. A new construction and the associated urban development as well as the discharge of waste water into the sea at this almost virgin beach sec-

tion are considered by some a great threat for this reserve. The environmentalists call on the representatives of the Granadilla de Abona council to support the revision of the coastline by the authorities in order to protect the urban coastline and natural resources and thus, in accordance with their mandate, to place public good above the economic interests of a private company. The review by the Directorate General of the Coastal Authority is expected to take place in the n coming weeks.

Diving schools in the spotlight Due to the intensive and targeted inspections carried out at diving schools in southern Tenerife between February 5 and 8, officers from the Guardia Civil unit specialising in subaquatic activities (GEAS) have investigated eight diving centres which are charged with 61 different offences. Two of the diving schools that attracted the officers’ attention were located in Abades, two in Radazul and four in Las Galletas. Among the numerous offences they found were the lack of a licence and registration of the activity with the competent authorities, various offences against the standards of ‘active’ tourism, as well as industrial law due to inadequate safety equipment which endangered both the company’s own employees and its diving customers, and they were just some of the many faults. In addition, several illegal employees were discovered who were not properly covered by social security insurance. In one case, a compressor used to refill the oxygen cylinders had to be sealed because it did not comply with the safety regulations. GEAS officials announced further targeted checks throughout the island to ensure the safety of both the people using the diving schools and those accompanying them. After all, it’s a high-risk sport and the aim is to avoid unnecessarily endangering people or causing diving accidents due to poor equipment. Safety should be n the top priority for every owner of a diving school.

Photo: Guardia Civil


The checks are to ensure the safety of all parties involved

21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019







Meeting with MEP Aguilar

"In a democracy, the citizen has the greatest power."

The idea of a common Europe is to be consolidated in discussions with young people

Socialist MEP Juan Fernando López Aguilar recently held an open discussion in Candelaria on the subject of Europe. As part of the initiative ‘Talk about Europe in your city’, politicians are visiting towns and cities with over 30,000 inhabitants to talk about how Europeans wish to see their future take shape. The morning session in Candelaria was spent with pupils and the evening with an adult audience. Around 150 students from the IES Punta Larga and IES Santa Ana schools had breakfast with the MEP in the Café de Europa. They were particu-

larly interested in Brexit and the European elections. "Don't wish a good future for Europe from your home. Go and vote," said Miguel, a student at the University of La Laguna, in response to Aguilar's appeal that all citizens should exercise their democratic rights. The young people were also interested in ways to improve their language skills. In addition to the Erasmus exchange programme, Aguilar presented the Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad (European solidarity force) programme with which students receive accommodation, food and a small amount of pocket

money in the desired country. More information on this and other European initiatives can be found at the Europe Direct de Canarias office. In the evening, the politician addressed the adult audience under the theme 'Futuro de Europe' (the future of Europe). The main topics were Europhobia and extremists. "We must not allow the extremists to gain more and more ground and throw everything we have achieved in Europe over the last 60 years, over six decades of peace, overboard", was the opinion of a Polish participant who lives in Tenerife and who

stood up for a common Europe. Other themes of the evening were competition, penalties for non-compliance with European standards, migration and fake news. Aguilar drew a very positive balance, pointing out that the concerns and suggestions gathered through direct contact with the public would be summed up at the Summit of Heads of State and Government to be held in Sibiu, Romania, on May 9. The elections for the European Parliament, the first without a British vote, will be held from May 23 to 26 in the 27 European n Union Member States.

Police cooperation led to arrests

Violent drugs gang busted in Tenerife Thanks to the cooperation of several Guardia Civil special units and the National Police, an apparently dangerous drug trafficking ring has been dismantled in Tenerife. Eight people, resident in Tenerife and of Spanish nationality, were arrested and accused of trafficking narcotics, money laundering and belonging to a criminal organisation. The gang is notorious for using force and assaulting other drug dealers, with weapons if necessary. Evidently, the group mainly distributed drugs in La Laguna and Santa Cruz, which is thought to have led to a recent increase in drug-related crimes. Respective partners of the dealers are also under suspicion of supporting their activities. Shortly before a possible attack was carried out on a rival gang, and due to the acute danger of the use of firearms, the police intervened. The eight arrested are between 19 and 31 years old and have been remanded in custody. During five house searches, 20 kilograms of hashish, 74 grams of heroin and over ten kilograms of other substances, used to prepare the narcotics and roughly triple their value, were seized. Eight vehicles, €16,000 in cash and a further n €9,000 in counterfeit notes were also confiscated.

21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019




King Felipe VI in Gran Canaria

Princesa de Girona award ceremony

This year, the Spanish neurologist Ignacio Hernández Medrano has been awarded the Princesa de Girona Prize in the Company category for his Savana project. The neurologist, who is both a physician and entrepreneur, has developed a technology that gives doctors access to specialists of all kinds. For example, they can consult how colleagues have treated difficult cases and with what success. “It’s like entering a conference room with over a thousand colleagues and asking them for their advice,” said the inventor, explaining his technology. The award ceremony on February 6, presided over by King Felipe VI took place on this occasion at the Infecar exhibition centre in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. King Felipe was also interested in the history of the exhibition centre, which was inaugurated more than 50 years ago and which will soon be expanded with the construction of a film studio in the immediate vicinity. In addition, Antonio Morales, the island president, reported that a new series for the Netflix n canal will soon be shot in Gran Canaria.

Guía de Isora criticises Canary Islands Government

Affordable living space wanted This property in Calle Norte is the only project implemented by the Canary Islands Government to date Felipe VI (centre) talking to Antonio Morales about the latest developments in Gran Canaria

The Spanish King at the Centre for Tourist Innovation with some of the 150 participants in a workshop aimed at increasing labour productivity

The Guía de Isora council strongly criticises the Canary Islands Government because it has 586 people who urgently need affordable housing. An agreement has been in place since 2015 which provides for the construction of over 100 protected dwellings by the Canary Islands Government. As early as 2010, the Guía de Isora council changed its development plan and released several plots for public housing. In a first

phase, the council invested €790,000 in preparing the land for a future residential area. "We demand that the Canary Islands Government invests at least part of the €100 million with which the Spanish Government subsidises housing in the Canary Islands, in housing in Guía de Isora," explained Mayor Pedro Martín. In the agreement signed in 2015, the Canary Islands Government guaranteed the con-

struction of 114 apartments in the centre of the town. Only 12 properties have actually been built since then. "For three years now, everything has been at a standstill, and the local Council has itself undertaken the urbanisation of the site. Regarding the 12 apartments that were finally built, the agreement was circumvented. Instead of offering the apartments to some of the 586 people who are urgently waiting for affordable housing,

the Canary Islands Government acted as a real estate agency and offered the apartments for sale on a website," he said recently. He strongly recalls that in his community, as in many other southern areas, affordable housing, both for sale and rent, is in short supply because the phenomenon of holiday rentals has driven prices up. "We urgently need to find a solution and create publicly subsidised housing for our residents," he warns. n




It's time for some fun!

Carnival is a must...

This year's carnival theme in Santa Cruz de Tenerife is The Deep Sea

Carnival in the Canary Islands 2019 The following are excerpts from various Carnival programmes: Puerto de La Cruz

Los Cristianos

February 27 9.30pm: Election of the Carnival Queen at the Recinto Ferial, Santa Cruz. This event will also be broadcast live on television.

February 28 9pm: Election of the Carnival Queen in Plaza Europa.

This Carnival takes place from March 21 to April 1. The programme will be published in our next issue, 841.

March 1 8pm: Opening procession from Plaza de la República Dominicana through the city centre to Avenida Francisco La Roche.

March 3 12pm: Day carnival with fancy dress contest.

March 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 & 9 11pm until dawn: Carnival events with dancing and live bands at various locations in the city centre.

The choice of the Santa Cruz Carnival Queen is one of the highlights at the beginning of the festivities Puerto de La Cruz starts celebrating when the carnival in Santa Cruz is almost over

When the starting signal for carnival is given in the Canary Islands, nothing else matters. Carnival is celebrated day and night in a relaxed manner, mostly outdoors and far beyond the calendar for carnival season. Some holidaymakers come to the Islands especially to experience this exuberant event and to join in

Santa Cruz de Tenerife

March 2 9pm: Ritmo & Armonía, Comparsas (music and dancing groups) get together on Avenida Francisco La Roche. March 2 & 3 and 9 & 10 11am - 2pm and 5pm - 8pm: Children’s Carnival at the Plaza Parque Bulevar. with the fun atmosphere, full of samba and salsa, which has

been known to sweep some revellers away! Carnival in Icod de los Vinos

March 3 & 5 11am: Performance by the Murgas groups Ni Fú Ni Fá and Los Fregolinos in the Plaza del Príncipe. March 3 & 9 12.30pm to 10pm: Carnival by Day with a colourful programme ideal for families. March 5 From 4pm: Grand Carnival procession on the Avenida Francisco La Roche. March 6 10pm: Burial of the sardine. March 8 6pm: Children’s Carnival parade from Parque García Sanabria to Calle La Marina. 8pm: Festival Galardonados (prize winners) in the Plaza de La Candelaria. March 10 From 12pm: Exhibition of antique cars on the Avenida Francisco La Roche. 5pm: Grand Fiesta to bid farewell to the Carnival.

March 2 8pm: Opening procession through the town centre.

March 4 6pm: The ‘Mata la Culebra’ ritual, followed by dancing (from 10.30pm), in Plaza del Charco. March 6 9pm: Mourning and burial of the sardine. March 8 8pm: Men’s high heels race, Ponte Tacón, starting from Plaza de Reyes Católicos and finishing in Plaza del Charco, followed by dancing. March 9 4pm: Grand carnival parade through the town centre.

Icod de los Vinos March 1 9pm: Election of the Carnival Queen in the Plaza de América. March 2 12pm: Grand concert in honour of International Women’s Day in Plaza Luis de León Huerta. 6.30pm: Election of the children’s Carnival Queen. March 3 5pm: Grand Carnival parade from La Centinela district to the Plaza de América. March 4 5pm: Carnival by Day in the Plaza Luis de León Huerta. March 7 9.30pm: Drag Queen and Transformation Gala in the Plaza de América. March 9 8pm: Burial of the sardine followed by a dance in the Plaza de América.

Carnival in Gran Canaria

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria March 1 9pm: Election of the Carnival Queen. 11pm: Carnival Night in Parque Santa Catalina. March 2 9pm: Drag Queen Gala followed by an all-night dance. March 3 12pm: Carnival by Day in Parque Santa Catalina. March 4 9pm: Election of the Drag Queen and afterwards Carnival party night in Parque Santa Catalina. March 5 From 12pm: Children’s carnival in Parque Santa Catalina. March 7 7pm: Integration Gala in Parque Santa Catalina. March 8 9pm: Body painting contest followed by dancing from 11pm. March 9 5pm: Grand Carnival parade and dancing from 11pm. March 10 7pm: Burial of the sardine. Carnival in La Palma

Santa Cruz de La Palma March 4 11am: Carnaval de los Indianos. A very special spectacle with everyone dressed in white clothes and smothered with talcum powder, starting with the arrival of Señora Tomasa in the harbour.

21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019


ISLAND CONNECTIONS 840 The Carnival by Day in Santa Cruz draws big crowds to enjoy fun for the whole family

Some of the main highlights are the splendid procession in Santa Cruz, the fun of watching the men in Puerto de La Cruz trying to run in their high heels, the amazing gala of the election of the Drag Queen in Las Palmas or the unusual carnival event of Los Indianos in La Palma, which idealises the idea of Canarians returning from Cuba rich and successful. Carnival à la Canarias is celebrated in varied ways, bizarrely and full of joie de vivre. It’s a cheerful turmoil that everyone should throw themselves into n at least once.

Mariclon performs in Las Palmas after the election of the Drag Queen The Indianos in La Palma is a powder-rich battle in white. The only splash of colour is the figure of the ‘Cuban’ Tomasa Samba and Salsa groups give the carnival momentum and rhythm

One of the highlights in Puerto de La Cruz - the men’s high heel race





Novelty at Loro Parque

Entry of the bowmouth guitarfish Loro Parque in Puerto de La Cruz is once again undertaking pioneering work by integrating a new species into its aquarium, which is being exhibited for the first time in Spain. This is the entry of a pair of sharks of the genus Bowmouth guitarfish (Rhina ancylostoma) which is listed as vulnerable on the Red List of Endangered Species of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (UICN). The bowmouth guitarfish, also known as the shark ray or mud skate, is threatened in nature for various reasons, such as loss of habitat, and especially in southern and south eastern Asia, by contamination and fishing, because on

So far only little is known about this species. Studies by Loro Parque should provide scientific data

The bowmouth guitar fish, as they are also called, can grow up to 2.70 metres long

the Asian continent its meat is also commercialised for human consumption. The same applies

to northern Australia, for example, where it is unintentionally threatened as a by-catch. How-

ever, the introduction of exclusionary measures to prevent the capture of sea turtles in shrimp fisheries with trawl nets has also significantly reduced the mortality rate of this species. These two specimens, which were quarantined before their introduction to the aquarium, will be acting as representatives of their species in nature at Loro Parque. This species lives near the coast and around coral reefs at a depth of around 90 metres. As a rule, the animals can be found especially on sandy and muddy seabeds and they can reach impressive lengths of up to 2.70 metres. In general, very

little is known about the species, therefore further research is needed to learn more about their biology, origin and habits. An estimated 100 million sharks die each year as a result of fishing and a quarter of cartilaginous fish species sharks, rays and chimeras - are threatened by human activity. That is why Loro Parque acts as an authentic message from wildlife, helping to conserve and protect various species through its work. The work that will be carried out in connection with the Rhina ancylostoma in the future is essentially to learn more about the species in order to preserve other endangered species and guarantee their wellbeing. For example, the angel shark (Squatina squatina) - the most endangered shark in the world - and the hammerhead shark (Sphyrna sp.), for which the Loro Parque Foundation is involved in several projects to n protect and conserve.

A different perspective

Favourite winter destination for campers

Much has been reported about tourism figures and tendencies lately, and in the latest case the association Yescapa, the largest platform for rentals of mobile homes and campervans in Europe, wants to draw attention to a very special clientele that has received little awareness to date. In the Canary Islands, 1,500 enquiries for mobile homes and campers were received for the winter months from the beginning of December to the end of March, a quarter of the enquiries received in all of Spain during the winter season. They thus occupy first place as a favourite winter destination in Europe for this type of tourism, with the islands of Tenerife, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura in particular demand. Of the international campers looking for some Canarian winter sun, 38 per cent are from Germany, 26 per cent from Great Britain, 14 per cent from France and the remainder from other European nations. But it is not only foreign camping enthusiasts who choose the archipelago. Half of the winter campers from Spain are also drawn to the Canary Islands. The Islands are not only popular, they are apparently also among the best organised travel markets in the world. There are more than 300 locations and boroughs to choose from, where mobile home holidaymakers are welcome. “It is a fact that caravanning is becoming more and more popular with an increasing number of people opting for this form of holiday. This is partly due to the lower cost and partly because of the greater freedom it offers for short trips,� explained the head of the Yescapa association in Spain. The platform through which mobile home owners can offer their vehicles and thus cover part of their costs n can be reached via the website

Camping holidays are becoming more and more popular due to lower cost and more freedom



Beware of drunken drivers

Hands off the wheel during carnival

Photo: Guardia Civil

Carnival, celebration and alcohol - these are factors that almost always belong together. However, anyone who celebrates and drinks should definitely not drive. The metropolises of Santa Cruz and La Laguna are offering more tram connections into the early morning hours, and the long distance bus routes to the north and south are adapted according to the carnival demand. The best thing you can do is to leave your car at home, because it’s not only about your own safety and that of other road users, but also about your driving licence. In Spain, only 0.25mg of alcohol per litre of air exhaled are allowed. If you are stopped and a test reveals more, it can be expensive, costing not only money but points deducted from your driving licence and increased insurance fees for years! Those who are caught with up to 0.50mg per litre will have to pay €500 and have four points deducted. From 0.5 to 0.6mg per litre, it will cost €1,000 euros and six points. Repeat offenders also have to pay €1,000 euros and lose four to six points. With over 0.6mg per litre, it is no longer a misdemeanour, but an offence and then one must face the withdrawal of n the driving licence and possible jail sentences.

More drinking during Carnival, means more road checks


Radicalisation via social networks

Possible terrorist arrested in La Laguna In mid-February, Guardia Civil officers arrested 30-year-old E.M.C. in La Laguna. The man was already known to the police in connection with domestic violence, but this time he was arrested because he is suspected of having prepared a terrorist attack. Investigations revealed that the suspect had probably become a radical via the social networks. He visited the relevant pages for Dáesh and Al Qaeda, where interested people train themselves as terrorists. In this context, the Ministry for the Interior stressed the growing use of social networks by terrorists. "They have become an important part of the propaganda strategy of these terrorist groups, especially after the military defeat of Dáesh in the Syrian-Iraq war. Instead of recruiting fighters, the organisations are now increasingly calling for

Photo: Guardia Civil

21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019

Social networks and relevant Internet platforms are increasingly being targeted by investigators in search of suspects

attacks to be carried out in the Western world and for radicalising possible assassins via Internet platforms," said a spokesman for the Spanish Ministry for the Interior. The suspect from La Laguna apparently mentioned to his family that he "would one day become famous" and that he did not care about the consequences. He defended acts of

terrorism and is considered to be extremely violent. He also apparently referred to people with whom he came into conflict as “unbelievers” and wished them various different kinds of death. He also saw himself as a victim of injustice. The police also found out that he had been searching the web for information about building a homemade bomb or

gun. He is said to have even built a small 'test bomb' at home and to have been surprised by its explosive power. It was precisely these recent activities that led the police, in consultation with the Ministry for the Interior, to access his home. During the arrest extensive material was seized in the house, which will allow officers to analyse the radicalisation process. Since the announcement of a terrorist alert level four on June 26, 2015, the Guardia Civil have intensified their investigations in connection with terrorist networks, their propaganda structures, recruitment and financing channels. Cyberspace plays an important role and is monitored, as are people who live in Spain and have contacts with others who are active in suspected n terrorist groups.



Better quality of life for Las Galletas

Beach with promenade planned This year, the Arona mayor José Julián Mena is working on the project of recovering and extending the beach at Las Galletas and creating a promenade, so good progress is expected to be made. A new access road would need to be constructed via the Finca Don Virgilio which would have to be asphalted, a task for the Island Council. That's why the mayor is currently acting on two fronts. On the one hand, for the Island Council to carry out the necessary road works and, on the other hand, for the Spanish central Government, in particular the coastal authority, to approve the extension of the beach. Mena already took advantage of the opportunity to promote his project during a recent visit by the Spanish Minister for Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, as well as a few weeks ago at

Photo: Ayto. Arona

To make Las Galletas more attractive the current access road must be relocated

the Fitur International Travel Fair in Madrid. The coastal area of Las Galletas would undergo a complete transformation and give a better quality of life for both residents and holidaymakers. The new public space would include a

barrier-free beach promenade for pedestrians and cyclists, which will initially lead to the fishermen's hut and, in a later phase, to the beach at Playa de La Ballena. "It is absolutely necessary to regain the coast in Las Galletas. We have worked

on this at various levels. Our clear goal is to transform the coast of Las Galletas into an open and modern recreation space that will transform the entire community," said Mayor Mena, championing the plans of the borough council. n

Guest of Honour at a business forum

Ex Prime Minister in Las Américas A book entitled El futuro es hoy (The future is today) was presented recently by former Spanish prime minister José María Aznar at the first forum offered by the financial consulting firm Jorge Hodgson Asesores Financieros & Bancarios at the Hotel Villa Cortés in Playa de Las Américas. As Guest of Honour he also contributed to the success of the conference as a speaker and analysed the future development of the world economy from his point of view. The good news he had to offer was given right at the start - that the current slowdown in economic growth will not lead to a major crisis. On the contrary, he forecasts that Spain’s economic growth will continue to exceed that of the rest of the European Union, despite there being various core issues, such as Brexit and the dispute with Catalonia over independence, which are causing headaches. Aznar believes that the steadily growing economic power of authoritarian regimes can become a long-term threat to liberal democracies. He sees indications of such a development, among other things, in the protectionist isolationist measures of various states as well as the emerging n trade wars. The forum ended with a book signing session

Photo: Elmar Wellenkamp


21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019




Mental health

Feel good! The Feel Good Association is a new mental health and wellbeing registered charity (CIF G76740711). They have acquired a piece of land with a small house in it in Piedra Hincada (Playa San Juan) with amazing views that they want to turn into their base. The idea is to set up a small working farm with individuals who would otherwise probably suffer from social exclusion, such as schizophrenics. It’s a form of horticultural therapy that has been used successfully in other countries like the UK, USA and Canada. It helps individuals to have a purpose, a reason for getting up and a way of feeling good about themselves, gives them an income and increases their sense of self-worth. Like most charities, they are struggling for cash and are looking for donations and also for volunteers. They have some very willing hands to work, but they lack the experience necessary for this renovation task. If you are a retired builder, electrician, plumber, carpenter, landscape gardener etc and are prepared to dedicate some of your time to showing these youngsters how to go about putting the little house into a fit state for the Association, your assistance would be very much appreciated. The first step necessary is to fit new windows and plaster and paint the outside walls. They need your knowledge and advice and someone to oversee the work. Physical fitness, heavy lifting etc. isn’t necessary as that will be done by the workers and one

of the young men is bilingual, so there will be no language barriers. Apart from the work involved in setting up the centre and the positive results it will have for the workers, making them feel good about themselves and teaching them skills they could then use to find a job in the community, the space is eventually intended as a centre where people can come and access natural therapies, do A great project that needs help The access road needs work

Masses of plastic rubbish have already been collected

for anybody who needs it or who is interested. A space to bring people together to share the incredible benefits of a healthy balanced diet, natural remedies, organic agriculture and the power of meditation and exercise, just to name a few! sports and take the reins of their own wellbeing rather than being so dependent on an overloaded public health system.

Future plans include the construction of a centre to host workshops, events, talks, retreats and classes and to provide an information hub

Financial help also needed To begin phase 1 of the project a cash injection will be

required and every little bit helps, so they have set up a crowd-funding page. The first phase will include the renovation of the small farm house on the land with a kitchen, bathroom and consultation room. Tons of plastic rubbish has already been collected, but they want to plant a thousand trees to make a green, clean and lush oasis. Create an outdoor reception area, put the access road into a decent con-

dition and create an organic vegetable garden. Offers of help, advise, donation of time or funds will be very happily received by Lisa Allard on 636 271 853, on their Facebook page Feel Good Association, or by email to More information can be found on their crowdfunding page, project/help-us-build-ourn feel-good-retreat.



Tapestry: The Sacrifice of Isaac

Photo: Ayto. Adeje

Church art in Adeje



Cancer Association President retires

After almost 14 years in office, the retiring provincial President of the Spanish Cancer Association for Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Juan Julio Fernández Rodríguez, was given a well-deserved homage during the annual award-giving dinner, held in the sumptuous surroundings of the Santa Cruz Casino in mid February. Amongst the 450 distinguished guests were the President of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo Batlle, the President of La Palma Anselmo Pestana, numerous Mayors and Councillors, heads of industry and commerce and leading businessmen and women from all over the Canary Islands. Award winners this year, for their work with and support for the Association were the Councils of Adeje and Arona, the Tenerife pharmacists, Grupo Atlantes, Hotel Paradise Park, Tomás Barreto Lorenzo and Mercedes González de Chaves Calamita. Juan Julio’s successor in this vital role is Andrés Orozco n Muñoz, the previous vice-president.

A real gem - the tapestry of The Sacrifice of Isaac

In the church of Santa Úrsula Mártir in Adeje a restored tapestry has decorated the presbytery since mid-February. The rather lovely representation of the Sacrifice of Isaac dates back to the 18th cen-

Study by Unespa

In the Canary Islands there are of course reports of thefts and robberies, but compared to other Spanish provinces, the number of incidences is rather small. The Spanish Insurance Association Unespa has investigated 15,962 shoplifting occurrences and concluded that Santa Cruz

tury. The restoration of this old piece from the borough’s heritage was made possible by an agreement with the Island Council and the Bishopric which is the overseer of this parish. The tapestry is part of a trilogy that has survived

the adversities of time. The series consists of The Sacrifice of Isaac, Moses reveals the Ten Commandments to the people of Israel and the Visitation of the Virgin Mary to Santa Isabel. The first of the tapestries has now been

restored and enriches the church in Adeje. The other two will be restored during 2019 and 2020 and exhibited afterwards. The Sacrifice of Isaac was restored by a team of experts led by Rubén Sánchez López. n

Low probability of theft in Santa Cruz de Tenerife is the city in Spain with the lowest probability of being a victim as it is 56 per cent below the national average. Other Canarian cities also appear positively in these statistics. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is in 15th place with a risk that is 27 per cent lower and Arona in Tenerife in 27th

place with a probability of nine per cent below the Spanish average. On the other hand, business owners in the province of Madrid have a particularly high risk factor in the districts of Leganés, Alcalá de Henares, Rivas-Vaciamadrid and Parla, which are 144 to 133 per cent above the national average.

A further factor investigated is the damages claimed by the shops when goods are stolen. Here, too, the Canary Islands rank far below the average, which is €1,314. The islands are virtually at the other end of the scale with Telde at about €610, followed by Las Palmas with €721, Santa Cruz

Juan Julio and Archiauto’s Marco (l-r)

with €790 and La Laguna in 19th place with about €991. In Madrid, the average value rises to almost €7,000. With regard to the provinces, the probability of being attacked and robbed is highest in Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, Valencia and Vizcaya with almost half of these crimes

occurring in these areas. The safest provinces are Teruel, Segovia and Palencia. The two Canary Islands provinces again appear in the field of below-average risk. In Las Palmas the probability is 31 per cent lower and in Santa Cruz around 21 per cent less than n the national average.

21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019



Tenerife is much too dry


The land is thirsty

Remembering Susan In loving memory of wife, mum and sister, Susan Duddy, who passed away on March 2, 2012. “Death is a heartache no one can heal; memories are something no one can steal”. Loved and missed always, Michael, Mikey, and sister Linda. Susan Duddy – forever loved

Puerto de La Cruz and Los Abrigos

Movie filming under way

Photo: Ayto. Puerto de La Cruz

The Scandinavian production company Orange Valley is now shooting the feature film Charter in northern Tenerife until March 21. Of the scenes to be filmed, 90 per cent will be shot in Puerto de La Cruz. Mayor Lope Afonso welcomed the start of filming and the fact that the town had once again been chosen as the location for an international movie. From an economic point of view, the project is expected to generate a financial impact of around €600,000 for the town. Last year the Scandinavian producers shot the feature film Happy People there and were so enthusiastic about the local conditions that they came back. “We welcome the good cooperation with the local authorities and local residents,” said Orange Valley director Ian Stewart. For director Amanda Kernell, the architecture, climate and landscape of Puerto de La Cruz were crucial. Almost at the same time, the Spanish comedy film The Wedding Planner, in which Tenerife actor Álex García plays the leading role, is being shot in the south of the island near Los Abrigos. n

The Orange Valley team thank the Mayor for the good local cooperation

It’s great for the holidaymakers when they come from the currently wet and cold northern parts of Europe to the sunny and warm archipelago, but the Islands also need some rain. The recent downfall was one of the first of winter. In the south there wasn't a drop of rain in December and January, and in the north, where the probability of rain is higher in the cool months, there was also only a little rainfall, much less than in previous years. The reservoirs for the irrigation of agricultural land, operated by the island's own company Balsas de Tenerife (Balten), which supply most of the water for the primary sector, are currently only at 55 per cent of their capacity, and they are slightly lower in the south. "We still have some time left during the rest of the winter and the spring when there could be some rain to bring them to normal levels by the summer, but we need to prepare now otherwise the land will remain too dry" said Jesús Morales, Island Deputy President and Councillor for Agriculture. Among other things, the capacities of the Montaña de Taco desalination plant in Buenavista and the wastewater treatment plant for the AronaAdeje area are currently being increased. In collaboration with the Island Water Council (CIATF), Morales intends to discuss what measures will be taken if it does not rain. "We must be prepared in case this abnormal weather continues until the summer" says Morales. The bad weather, in this case too dry, has led

seppl’s Bäckerei German Bakery Opening hours

Monday-Friday: 9am-4pm Saturday: 9am-2pm Sunday: 9am-1pm


Your German master baker in the usual quality. From now on also open on Sundays. Calle Pizarro 6 · Guargacho (South Tenerife) · Tel. 922 786 110

Lack of rain this winter means reservoirs are only just over half full

to higher water consumption in agriculture in recent months. "Dry farming, like potatoes, is developing negatively. The seeds were sown in the north in January and they are now urgently waiting for rain. The harvest should be between May and July and at the moment things are looking bad. Grain farming is also suffering. In the south the cul-

tivation of bananas and avocados is particularly affected and at medium altitudes the fruit trees, such as fig, pear or apple, have changed their flowering period. Grain and vines suffer from the dryness and the solidified soil," the Island Councillor continued. Despite all reservations, he soothes, the water supply is guaranteed, thanks to the

fact that 20 million cubic metres of water flowed into the water network last year. By comparison, in 2015 the figure was only 16.5 million cubic metres. "But we must plan ahead and be prepared for eventualities" concludes Morales. With this in mind, politicians, farmers and residents are urgently hoping for rain in the coming weeks. n




Caution - danger of invasion

Californian kingsnake and Atlas squirrel

A California kingsnake captured in Tenerife The ground-living Atlas squirrel comes from North Africa

Scientists from the Supreme Council of Science and Humanities (CSIC) last week warned of animal invaders and

called for stricter laws to prevent the introduction of animals that disturb the ecological balance of Canary Islands

flora and fauna and threaten endemic biodiversity. One such case is the Californian kingsnake, which in Gran

Historical heritage

La Orotava to acquire a gofio mill La Orotava's mayor Francisco Linares recently announced that in the coming months the council will acquire the old gofio mill on the corner of Vía Doctor González García and Calle Nueva. The mill is commonly known as 'Josefina' and dates back to the year 1514. It’s one of the oldest mills in the town and is therefore part of its valuable historical heritage. Through the Island Council plan for

traditions, customs and popular culture, the La Orotava council has received a grant of €250,000 for the purchase of the property. After renovation, an ethnographic information centre about the mills of La Orotava is to be built. The mills play an important role in the history of the town. La Orotava was built around 13 mills and Josefina is one of them. They are part of an extraordinary and

The Molino de Josefina in its current condition A photo from the past

unique heritage of the Canary Islands, not only because of their size, but also because of the numerous elements they contain and their historical, architectural, anthropological and ethnographic role. Imme-

Canaria, for example, is now a plague that must be actively combated. In the past, private individuals had proba-

bly abandoned a pair of these snakes before the turn of the millennium in a Barranco near Telde. Due to a lack of predators and optimal conditions, they have been multiplying so much since then that targeted action must be taken against the animals. The vipers are harmless to humans, but they feed on birds and reptiles, threatening the endemic species. Individual specimens have now also been captured in Tenerife. Scientists from the Institute of Natural Products and Agrobiology (IPNA), part of the CSIC Centre, warn against the presence of invasive species in the Canary Islands and call for an action plan to ban the import of foreign plants and animals in order to protect the fragile Canary ecosystem. Another example is the Atlas squirrel, which was introduced in Fuerteventura in 1965. The rodent, which originated in Morocco and Algeria, originally came to the island as a domestic animal and had already virtually populated the entire island by the 1980s. Their keeping, trade and transport is strictly forbidden. Nevertheless, between 1996 and 2006 at least 30 of these creatures have appeared on other

islands. The number of unreported cases is probably even higher, as the small animals are good at hiding. The scientists warn If their reproduction in Fuerteventura alone was so rapid, how much faster would it be if they settled on one of the other islands with even better living conditions? The researchers are calling for effective and strict controls at airports and ports, which are not limited to prohibition signs and information boards, as was the case in the 1970s. Preventive measures are always far less costly than combating possible invaders at a later date. They refer to other regions with a great biodiversity, such as Australia and Hawaii, which protect themselves from the import of undesirable inhabitants through strict border controls, thus minimising the risk. The protection of native species should be a priority, especially in a territory such as the Canarian archipelago. In addition to stricter controls, scientists also want to raise public awareness of the risks in order to prevent invasive animals from being kept as pets or even carelessly abandoned. The study was funded under the Tenerife Island Council n 2030 Plan.

diately after the conquest of Tenerife by the Spaniards, the mills laid the foundation for the creation of the town. They were driven by the water that was led from the mountains to the valley in the irrigation canals. Of the original 13 mills, ten are still in existence, but only two are in operation, no longer driven by water but by electricity.

They were declared a cultural asset in July 2006 by a decree of the Canary Islands Government. In addition to the Molina de Josefina, the La Orotava Council plans to take over two more mills, Molino de Las Cuatro Esquinas and Molino de Chano. They are both examples of early Canarian architecture. All three mills mentioned were in very poor condition around the 18th century and completely overhauled. They mark the change from the wooden construction of the earlier times to the mortar construction method. The main reason for this was that wood had become scarce. The Molino de Josefina also underwent a general overhaul in 1787 which was completed in 1793 and left it in the condition in which n it remains today.

21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019


Solidarity crowd-funding

Stem cell hope for non-verbal autistic boy

The loving parents of a nonverbal autistic boy are hopeful that a crowdfunding campaign will raise enough money to send their 10-year-old son to Miami for groundbreaking stem cell treatment. Danny Bullen, who lives with his parents in Candelaria, was diagnosed with autism in 2010 when he was two years old after “his development and communication stopped almost overnight”.



for numerous tests and started him on a gluten and lactosefree diet to improve a number of gastrointestinal disorders and autoimmune conditions. With the help of specialised parents’ groups and online communities, Lee and Irma heard about the fantastic results being achieved with autistic children in the field of adult stem cell therapy. Lee, who wrote a book about coming to terms with Danny’s condition, called

Surgicenter in Miami, Florida, in March for stem cell therapy costing €10,000 (£8,820) and again in August for treatment totalling €15,000 (£13,230), a higher cost as the second option includes umbilical cord cells. Danny will travel with his mother and sister Nadia. To help with the costs, Danny’s parents have launched a crowdfunding campaign on GoFundMe where they hope Danny on a ferry to La Gomera

Danny with his dad Lee

The cherub-faced 10-year-old, son of British writer Lee Bullen and Spanish teacher Irma Guanche, will hopefully travel to Miami, USA, in March and again in August if his parents can raise the €30,000 (£26,500) needed for the adult stem cell treatment. Young Danny, who is still unable to speak and requires his family’s assistance for basic tasks such as using the toilet, attends a specialist school in his hometown and has already gone through a number of different protocols. His concerned parents sent their “withdrawn son”

Danny visiting a specialist in Germany

Beset, said “With the treatment we are looking at, doctors will introduce umbilical cord blood stem cells as well as cells from the patient’s own bone marrow and adipose tissue. “There are several options, and it is safer to undergo stem cell therapy over two or three visits rather than all at once, but the results with autistic children have been incredible in recent years. Symptoms related to ASD have completely disappeared in many of the young patients.” Danny’s parents hope to send him to the Art and Science

to raise €30,000 (£26,500) for the two sessions and some of the travel and accommodation costs. Friends and family have already been very supportive and the wonderful Helping Hands in Tenerife organisation also recently donated €1,000 towards the costs. However, much more is needed for what will hopefully be a life-changing treatment for Danny. If anyone would like to make a donation, please visit: stem-cell-treatment-for-autis n tic-10yo-boy.

Finally Tenerife, finally the Canary Islands. Gianni Conti is already active in 45 countries - from Portugal to Russia - throughout all the world: France, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Latvia, Japan, Canada, United States, South Africa, even Vietnam and China. Today Gianni Conti is also active in Adeje/Las Americas with an all-round personal store and a collection of over 350 bag varieties: from classic to vintage and fashion, with the latest trend of colors. Professional briefcases for businessmen and businesswomen, keychains, wallets and much more. In the Gianni Conti store you don’t just buy a product, you also breathe an all Italian atmosphere: the coffee machine is always ready to make you an espresso, laced with Varnelli or Meletti, distinctive of Marche, our region. For our non driving customers we will be glad to offer a glass of excellent Prosecco. Confident of the fact that we’ve whetted your curiosity, we’re guessing that you’re already starting your car or calling a cab... to get to us. Our girls will be there, ready and more welcoming than ever to receive you, always with a smile on their faces. All that remains for me to do is to wish you a good visit.

Elio Contigiani CEO GIANNI CONTI STORES IN TENERIFE Adeje Avenida Barranco de Las Torres - Los Olivos (Exit 81 Autopista del Sur TF1 - Next to Lidl Supermarket) Costa Adeje Centro Comercial The Duke Shops Centro Comercial Siam Mall Puerto de La Cruz Calle de la Hoya, 41

GIANNI CONTI POINTS OF SALE IN TENERIFE Costa Adeje Hotel Iberostar Sàbila - Blow Project (Planta - 2) Arona Centro Comercial Parque Santiago III - Evelino (Locales 108A, 135 y 136) Brillit Calzados Calle Central, 4 - Las Galletas



Le Club Playa de Fañabé, s/n Costa Adeje Opening hours: Everyday 10am – 8pm #03588c

& 629 726 411

Le Club

For many, this is the most beautiful beach club in Tenerife. There are certainly few better locations: Situated directly at Playa Fañabé, you can spoil yourself with a Bali Bed and enjoy peace and quiet in the shade. Excellent snacks are served in Le Club. The gourmet hamburger with crispy roasted bacon, melted Edam, caramelized onions and the in-house BBQ sauce is a regular favourite. A place for enjoyment, and the Mojito with passion fruit is the perfect drink to watch the sunset and end the day.


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3 Tapas Playa de Fañabé Costa Adeje Opening hours: Everyday 10am – 7pm 7692 C


& 606 861 933 Situated in the middle of Playa Fañabé, 3 tapas is easily accessible. The well-kept beach invites you to sunbathe, swim and jump in the waves. At 3 Tapas, excellent small snacks are served. For instance, the selection of ‘Mondatitos’ is large. These are small sandwiches, and the favourite of many regular guests is the Montadito with smoked salmon - it is best to order two at once! A dry wine from Tenerife goes well with this, the white of the Bodega Flor de Chasna is served chilled, is fresh, has a balanced bouquet and a beautiful colour.

3 Tapas


La Tosca Calle Londres 7 Costa Adeje Opening hours: Everyday 11am – 12pm

& 922 715 002 Friends of Italian cuisine are spoiled at La Tosca. For instance, the starter of selected Italian sausage varieties not only pleases the eye, it’s simply delicious. For those who love porcini mushrooms, at La Tosca, this delicacy is married to a crispy foccacia. Simply delicious. The Pizza Tartufo surprises the taste buds with an excellent truffle oil. The generous wine list does not make the selection easy, there are so many good ones to choose from. However, the wines of the DobleR bodega from Ribera del Duero go perfectly with the above dishes.


7692 C de/tapas-beach


La Tosca

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7692 C





Mirador Calma & La Charcutería Calle Alemania Adeje Opening hours: Everyday 14:00 – 01:00

d calmaylacharcuteria

Calma & Charcurería


Roca Negra Avenida Adeje 300 Playa Paraíso, Costa Adeje Opening hours: Sun-Thu 10:00 – 24:00 Fri+Sat 10:00 – 02:00

& 604 106 484

Roca Negra

The Hardrock Hotel has helped the Paraíso Floral area gain prestige, and now we have The Roca Negra, located in a stylish shopping street, directly by and above the sea. If you feel like it, take a blanket and enjoy your drink and the sunset on the rocks in front of the Roca Negra. It’s the perfect place to enjoy a glass of Spanish cava or one of the countless cocktails. Do you have a favourite drink? Ask the barman, he can help you. From Costa Adeje to Roca Negra is a few minutes by car, but the effort is well worth it.


Harry‘s Bar Avenida de Las Américas, 5 Playa Las Américas Opening hours: Everyday 12:00 – 01:00

Playa de Las Américas has developed enormously in recent years. The golden mile where the legendary Magic, Thai Botánico, Imperial Tai Pan, Bianco and others are at home has another pearl to offer: Harry‘s at Centro Comercial Safari is the place to get together with friends, or if they are late, wait whilst enjoying a drink. Every gin lover gets his money‘s worth, there is hardly a place with a greater choice. Many also enjoy the fountain spectacle with classical music at 9pm at the Centro Comercial Safari. Nowhere can you see this better than from Harry‘s terrace. Here you can meet old friends and find new ones.


The most beautiful sunset, with a view of our three small neighbouring islands of La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro, is from La Calma/La Charcutería in Torviscas Alto. And the colours become even more spectacular with the right sundowner to accompany the moment – how about a Tequila Sunrise? Also, the ambient music is very pleasing. La Calma is not only a bar with an excellent view, however. In the restaurant you can have an excellent meal and be spoiled with the best food from the grill.

& 922 724 382



& 922 777 628



Harry‘s Bar


d harrystenerife

21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019



New-look restaurant in the Patio del Loro The famous Patio del Loro at Loro Parque has been completely renovated and has recently opened with a selfservice menu. The restaurant now offers the visitor new dishes and an even faster service. The former dining room is now a spacious kitchen with a display from which customers can serve themselves. A new rotary grill is available, but at the same time the traditional grill has been retained. The patio, with a capacity for After the renovation, the Patio del Loro became a selfservice restaurant - fast and uncomplicated Not only new on the outside, but also tasty, new dishes

over 200 people, has also been reformed to improve the facility. Among other things, new windows and doors give the Patio del Loro a completely new, fresh look. And not only the exterior has been improved, but the menu now also offers many new tasty dishes. You can choose from a wide range of salads, pasta, hamburgers and hotdogs, stir-fry dishes, grilled chicken and delicious cakes, fruit and other desserts. In addition, and as part of the strategy to eliminate disposable plastic from all of their business facilities, all the containers used in the restaurant are biodegradable and thus environmentally friendly. n

Student commitment to La OrOtava

First Gastro Monument Guide La Orotava Council and the privately administered Canarian European University, located in the Orotava Valley, have recently given special testimony to how enriching the commitment of young people can be. A team of more than 20 students from the Public Relations and International Tourism and Leisure Management programme have developed an exceptional guide round the historic centre of the municipality’s main town. The publication is a perfect fusion of heritage and gastronomy. A total of 13 restaurants located in traditional buildings are described in it, uniting fascinating historical information with the restaurants’ dishes in a harmonious whole. Mayor Francisco Linares was so impressed by the good work of the students that he announced that it would be included in the planned application to UNESCO for La Orotava to be included in the World Heritage List. “This project demonstrates the importance of the university’s faculty and students to the town they live in and work for. This guide already has an institutional value,” he declared. University Director Cristiana Oliveira pointed out that the creativity and newly acquired skills of the students had developed a project that would be an important building block for the town’s tourism promotion in the future. “It shows our approach to put theoretical knowledge into practice,” she continued. The guide consists of 20 colour pages, with texts in English and Spanish and photos of the 13 restaurants described. It has been published in a print run of 2,000 copies of LeCanarien. It is currently available at the town’s tourist information offices. n

A whole new way to enjoy food and ambience - a historical restaurant guide

Mirador de Chirche Calle Era Rompida s/n Chirche, Guía de Isora Opening hours: Mon – Sun 09:00–20:00 Closed Saturday

h Spectacular views g

& 922 850 525 671 202 223

Mirador de Chirche is situated in the most beautiful and peaceful spot, in the municipality of Guía de Isora, exit the TF1 at Chío, continue 300m on Carretera Boca Taucho, direction Teide, turning right into Chirche. Here you can appreciate the most spectacular views of La Gomera, El Hierro & La Palma, besides the local coastline below, all the while enjoying typical homemade Canarian food, such as rabbit Salmorejo & goat dishes, delicious desserts and good local wines. El Mirador is an ideal location for a leisurely lunch. Visit us once and you are sure to return!

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Ringing the changes at Loro Parque

d miradordechirche


PROMOTION Calle Bencomo 42 Puerto de La Cruz

& 922 062 600

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Las Gangarras Camino Machín, 18 Buzanada Open: Tue – Sat 12 to 23h & Sunday 12 to 18h (Closed Monday)

& 922 766 423 Las Gangarras, in Buzanada, at only 10 minutes drive from Los Cristianos, a Canarian spot, steeped in history that takes you completely by surprise. Comprising of garden areas and small eateries “casitas” architecturally inspired from the traditional Guanche homes from the 18th century. Here, combine a rural setting and traditional quality gastronomy, such as “sharing platters of grilled meats”. How to get there: Exit the TF1 at Guaza roundabout, drive up the Buzanada road TF66, at the next roundabout turn right, then immediately left, for Las Gangarras.

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Bodegón Las Vistas Calle Bencomo 58 Santa Úrsula Open: Daily, except Tuesday 12 to 11 pm

& 822 108 923 ide urant in & outs Heated Resta

Tasteful, canarian kitchen, a rustic and authentic ambience and a breathtaking panoramic view characterise the Bodegón Las Vistas in Santa Úrsula. Also the very hospitable servicestaff and the favorable prices. This place welcomes everyone, from local Canarian or foreign residents who don‘t want to cook, to holidaymakers who find themselves in an extraordinary place in the middle of typical island life. A place you will never forget.


Every gourmet’s dream becomes a reality at Brunelli‘s, a steakhouse that is in the perfect location to inspire the palate. Selected meat of the very best quality, in a fantastic ambience right next to the sea, the culinary pleasure revolves around the Southbend: The only oven of its kind on the Canary Islands, it heats up to 800°C, sealing the juices and flavour inside the meat. Plus top quality wines from the island and Spain, and the restaurant’s crowning glory: an uninterrupted view of the Atlantic Ocean.


d Las Gangarras


Opening hours: Daily from 1pm – 3.30pm and 6.30pm – 11pm


Brunelli’s Steakhouse


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d bodegonlasvistas

21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019




Goya Lawyers

Abusive credit card interest It’s common for credit companies to offer credit cards to consumers, promising them easy credit and supposedly low interest rates. However, we must be careful, because many of these credit cards have become a real nightmare for customers, and they have ended up paying almost twice as much as they borrowed because of the interest imposed on them. We are referring to the type of cards whereby you have a line of credit and each time you make a charge, you must return that money through monthly payments with interest. Therefore, if

Photo: Lotus Head,

By María González. Sauret

Are you paying too much for your credit?

you have been faced with an unexpected debt because of a credit card of this type, you

should know that the interest you are paying may be considered abusive, according to

a declaration by the Spanish Supreme Court. This means that instead of owing money

to the financial institution for the debt on your credit card, it’s the bank that has to pay you back. This is because the courts have already said that many of the credit cards had interests well above the market average, and the contracts themselves were very difficult to understand, or even impossible, for the users. In addition, it has been settled that default interest, i.e. the interest you are charged for not paying in the term they impose, if it exceeds by more than two points the standard interest due to be paid each month, is also abusive. Therefore, by making a claim, you can achieve one of two things, or even both: Pay off your debt with the financial

Pilot project

Intelligent payments with CanaryPAY The carnival in Santa Cruz de Tenerife is known as particularly safe in any case, but in order to make it even safer and, above all, more comfortable for those celebrating, a new app for intelligent payments will be used for the first time this year in cooperation with the new system CanaryPAY. Tenerife’s capital is the first city to use this system. CanaryPAY is a Canarian company which has developed an app that makes it possible to pay in shops via mobile

phone or to transfer money to friends and relatives via a mobile. This app can also be synchronised with certain connected items, such as a key fob or a wristband. At the beginning of February, the city councillor for fiestas Gladis de León and the CanaryPAY manager Bernard Lonis signed a cooperation agreement for the upcoming carnival celebrations. Those celebrating at the carnival can pay with the wristband at all cooperating kiosks. “People can enjoy the

carnival undisturbed and don’t need to bring cash, a card or even their mobile phone,” said the city councillor. Just wear the wristband and pay with it. Transactions with the innovative system are 100 per cent secure, easy to use and convenient. It’s compatible with most banks and the user can also collect bonuses and free drinks. Celebrate perfectly, without bags and valuables to look out for. The app can be downloaded from Apple Store n and Google Play.

Easy, fast and safe payment at the carnival

institution and recover the interest you have overpaid. For this reason, we recommend that before signing any credit contract, you seek the advice of a professional, as you may be signing something that is actually null and void. Or, in the event that you already have a credit card of this type and you are paying every month, even though you haven't used it for quite some time, you should know that you can make a claim by using the appropriate professional advice. If you continue to have any doubt about your credit card contract, you can contact us by telephone at 922 797 500 or via our e-mail english@ n

21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019




Blevins Franks

Five things you may not realise about UK inheritance tax By Paul Montague, Partner, Blevins Franks

As inheritance tax revenue continues to soar for the UK Treasury year-by-year, it seems more families are getting caught in the net. For expatriates, it can be especially difficult to know where you stand with UK inheritance tax. 1. You could still be UKdomiciled Even after many years of living abroad, you could still be considered UK-domiciled, bringing you into the firing line for inheritance tax. This could be the case, for example, if you hold UK assets or show intentions to return. While it is possible to adopt a domicile of choice in Spain by severing all ties with the UK, domicile law is extremely com-

plex and you need to keep up- £175,000 in 2020/21. It will to-date with the rules. Seek spe- then track inflation. cialist, personalised guidance. As with the standard allowance, you can transfer any unused 2. It affects UK assets and balance to your spouse/civil potentially your worldwide partner. estate For UK domiciles, UK inheri- 4. …but it has limitations tance tax applies to your world- To be eligible for the allowwide estate. Even if you are not ance, the property must be UK-domiciled, any British recognised as your main home, assets attract UK inheritance which excludes most investtax. This now includes prop- ment properties. It is only erty owned through a corpo- available on one property that rate structure. is passed directly to children or grandchildren, so homes owned 3. A new relief was recently indirectly through certain trusts introduced… may not qualify. Previously the only avail- Also, estates worth over £2 milable inheritance tax relief lion have a lower threshold, and was a £325,000 nil-rate band those valued over £2.25 mil(£650,000 for couples). How- lion (in the 2018/19 tax year) ever, since April 2017, the are not eligible at all. ‘residential nil-rate band’ has provided extra relief when pass- 5. Your home could tip you ing on a main home to direct over the threshold descendants. Despite the family home allowStarting at £100,000 in 2017 it ance, the government’s inherrises each year until it reaches itance tax coffers continue to

Even if you are not UK-domiciled, any British assets attract UK inheritance tax. This now includes property owned through a corporate structure

swell in large part due to the increasing value of assets – particularly property. Residential property accounts for more than a third of a typical estate liable for inheritance tax. As house prices have risen, so has the number of estates hit by inheritance tax. If, for example, combined assets exceed the £2.4 million threshold for the property relief in 2020/21, the £175,000 allowance could be replaced by a £70,000 IHT bill. However, there are ways to mitigate UK inheritance tax. Blevins Franks, with our spe-

cialist, cross-border expertise, can help you establish your domicile status and how UK inheritance tax interacts with Spanish succession tax. With good estate planning, you can structure your wealth to take advantage of all reliefs available and ensure your legacy ends up in the right hands without leaving your heirs an unnecessarily large tax bill. Tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our

understanding of current taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; individuals should seek personalised advice. Blevins Franks provides tailor-made advice on investment strategies, tax mitigation and estate planning. It has decades of experience advising British expatriates in Spain. Contact Paul Montague on 922 716 079 or

WHAT’S ON 2019



GRAN CANARIA DIARY DATES February 22 9am: La Venecia de Gran Canaria Tour, pick-ups from Maspalomas and Playa del Inglés, children from €15, adults from €30.

10.30pm: Eat to the Beat, rock mini fest, various bands including Los Enemigos and Sito Morales, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €20. February 24 12pm: Visitas en Familia (Family Visits), guided museum tours (in Spanish), plus music, theatre and dance spots, El Museo Canario, LPGC, €4, children under 12 free. www.elmuseo March 1 9am: La Venecia de Gran Canaria Tour, pick-ups from Maspalomas and Playa del Inglés, children from €15, adults from €30. 8pm: Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra, Bach, Mozart and Mendelssohn, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €15. www.auditorio

8pm: Concert for the 14th anniversary of La Descamisá folk group, Centro Cultural Juan Grande, Maspalomas, free entry, limited places. 8.30pm: Birkins - You Are Not Alone, pop, rock, psychedelic, Teatro Guiniguada, LPGC, €12. 9pm: Ivan Mendoza, Canarian/Mexican pop, El Malecón de La Habana, LPGC, over 18s only, €10.

8.30pm: Berta Moreno, saxophonist, varied repertoire, Teatro Guiniguada, LPGC, €10. Until March 10 Las Palmas Carnival. See for a full list of events and activities.

EXHIBITIONS Until March 2 Una ventana a las sensaciones (A window on the emotions), fascinating pictorial collection by Diego Garcés Guevara which focuses on the eyes, Ámbito Cultural El Corte Inglés, LPGC, Monday to Saturday, 9.30am - 9.30pm, Sundays 11am – 9pm, free entry. www.ambito Until April 21

8.30pm: Big Drums - Camut Band, African percussion, tap dance, vocals and dance show, Teatro El Sauzal, El Sauzal, €15. www. 8.30pm: Manu on the Rocks, fusion, jazz, rock, South American music and more, Búho Club, La Laguna, €6. February 23 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 8pm: Rock History, Arona Music Band concert as part of the annual FIMA (Arona International Music Festival) programme, varied repertoire, Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Los Cristianos, €5.

6pm: Hansel & Gretel, family musical (in Spanish), Centro Cultural Maspalomas, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, €5.


February 23 & 24


8am-1.30pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje.

March 3 12pm: Jazz en Familia: ‘Un viaje a través de una música universal’ (Family Jazz: Journey through a universal music style), The Paper Club, LPGC, €10 in advance, €12 on the door, children under three free. 12pm: Visitas en Familia (Family Visits), guided museum tours (in Spanish), plus music, theatre and dance spots, El Museo Canario, LPGC, €4, children under 12 free. www.elmuseo March 4

DIARY DATES February 21 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 8am-1am: Farmers’ market, sea front, Los Cristianos. 4pm-10pm: Canarias Folk Fest, food and crafts market plus traditional dancing and music, Plaza de La Pescadora, Los Cristianos, free event. 7.30pm: Shéhérazade, Quantum Ensemble plays compositions inspired by literature, from three composers: Karol Szymanowski, Maurice Ravel and Nikolai Rimsky Korsakov, Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín, Santa Cruz, from €7.50.

10.30pm: Eat to the Beat, rock mini fest, various bands including Los Depedro and Exática, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €20. www. February 23

8pm: Pasionari@s, tribute to jazz guitarist Pat Metheny by Santiago Lara, Espacio Cultural CajaCanarias, Santa Cruz, €12. www.

9am: Historic Gran Canaria Tour, Vegueta, Cuevas de Guayadeque, Agüimes and more, leave from LPGC, children €19, adults €39.

9pm: Una noche para ellos (A night for them), fundraising evening of entertainment in aid of the K9 dog refuge (in Italian), Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Los Cristianos, €12.

8pm: Tribute to Spanish group Mocedades, folk, blues, fusion, Centro Cultural de Maspalomas, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, €5. www.

7.30pm: Integral de Brahms II, classical concert by the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín, Santa Cruz, from €18.

9am: Historic Gran Canaria Tour, Vegueta, Cuevas de Guayadeque, Agüimes and more, leave from LPGC, children €19, adults €39. www.

9.30pm: Forever, renowned Michael Jackson tribute show, endorsed by three of his siblings, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €35. www.

6.30pm & 9.30pm: Forever, renowned Michael Jackson tribute show, endorsed by three of his siblings, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €35.

Tel: 922 857 327, Facebook/Restaurante. La.Guinguette

Simetrías (Symmetries), mixed media works looking at gender issues, six different artists of various ages and nationalities, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno (CAAM), LPGC, Tuesday to Saturday, 10am – 9pm, Sunday 10am – 2pm, free entry.

March 2

8pm: Opera Proibita, soprano Judith Pezoa accompanied by the Ensemble Quattro Corde, Baroque/classical, Centro Cultural Maspalomas, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, €10.


8pm-11pm: Caamnaval, themed party in the style of Truman Capote’s famous get-togethers in New York in the 1960s, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno (CAAM), LPGC, free entry, limited places. March 7

9.30pm: Tribute to Jamiroquai, Hard Rock Cafe, Playa de Las Américas, free entry. www. February 22 7.30pm-10.30pm: Italian night with live music, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada.

11pm: Tribute to Argentinean rock star Gustavo Cerati, by Soda Stereo, Búho Club, La Laguna, €10. 11.30pm: Rochy RD, rap, Discoteca Marinha Beach club, Adeje, from €15.

8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, C/ Cooperativa, Valle San Lorenzo. 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. TF16, Km 3.5, Tacoronte. www.mercadillodelagricultor. com 8am-3pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General TF5, Km 49, La Guancha. 8am-4pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General, Km 7.8, La Esperanza. 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Camino Viejo de San Benito s/n, Casa del Llano, Realejo Alto. 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza San Pedro, Vilaflor. February 24 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza de la Luz, Los Silos. 9am–2pm: Farmers’ market, Av. Villa de Arico, Porís de Abona. 9am-2pm: Food and crafts market, Plaza de la Libertad, Garachico. 1pm-4pm: BBQ and live music, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327. Facebook/Restaurante.La.Guinguette 8.30pm: Tango Show, thrilling journey through various tango styles, Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Los Cristianos, €10.

21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019

WHAT’S ON 2019

ISLAND CONNECTIONS 840 Plaza de La Pescadora, Los Cristianos, free event.

February 25 9am-2pm: Farm and general market, Plaza del Llano, Alcalá.

7.30pm: The Beatles Sinfónico, the Tenerife Symphonic Orchestra with Nick Davies and Jon Boydon play hits from great British band The Beatles, Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín, Santa Cruz, from €12. www.auditoriode 9.30pm: Retro Rockets, rock and roll, Hard Rock Cafe, Playa de Las Américas, free entry.

9am-2pm: Farm and general market, Plaza del Llano, Alcalá. March 5 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour plus tasting, Dorada beer factory, Santa Cruz, €10. www.

March 2

Until March 10 Santa Cruz Carnival. See for a full list of events and activities. Until end April 4pm: The magic town of La Orotava, dramatised walks through the area’s historic centre, in Spanish, English and German, €20 per person including a tasting of local products. Tel: 922 323 041, email:,

6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna.

February 26 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour plus tasting, Dorada beer factory, Santa Cruz, €10. www. February 27 8am-1pm: Farmers’ market, Paseo El Bufadero, Playa de San Juan. 10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour plus tasting, Dorada beer factory, Santa Cruz, €10. www. 1pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). www. 3pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje. 7pm-10pm: Live music with Marc Morgan, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327 for reservations. Facebook/ Restaurante.La.Guinguette February 28 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 4pm - 10pm: Canarias Folk Fest, food and crafts market plus traditional dancing and music,

8am-1.30pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje. 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, C/ Cooperativa, Valle San Lorenzo. 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). www.costa 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. TF16, Km 3.5, Tacoronte. 8am-3pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General TF5, Km 49, La Guancha. 8am-4pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General, Km 7.8, La Esperanza. www.ayuntamientoel 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Camino Viejo de San Benito s/n, Casa del Llano, Realejo Alto.

March 6 8am-1pm: Farmers’ market, Paseo El Bufadero, Playa de San Juan. 10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour plus tasting, Dorada beer factory, Santa Cruz, €10. www. 1pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). www.costa

7pm-10pm: Live music with Marc Morgan, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327 for reservations. Facebook/ Restaurante.La.Guinguette

March 3

9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Av. Villa de Arico, Porís de Abona. 9am-2pm: Food and crafts market, Plaza de la Libertad, Garachico. 1pm-4pm: BBQ and live music, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327. Facebook/Restaurante.La.Guinguette March 4

Place your advert at

Mundo del Mapa Classifieds Agent Calle San Felipe, 12 Puerto de La Cruz

Until March 10

3pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje.

9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza San Pedro, Vilaflor.

8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza de la Luz, Los Silos.

Cuaderno de campo (Countryside Journal), Gran Canaria artist Davinia Jiménez Gopar studies the relationship between man and the natural environment, varied media, Casa de la Cultura, Santa Cruz, Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 8pm, free entry.


9.30pm: Hector Roldan, guitar, indie, Hard Rock Cafe, Playa de Las Américas, free entry.

March 2 & 3

8pm: Marcos Rufino and Tomoko Sawano, FIMA, saxophone and piano concert, varied repertoire, Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Los Cristianos, €5.

Until March 8






8pm: Cinema, The Image Book by Jean-Luc Godard (in Spanish), Filmoteca festival, Espacio Cultural CajaCanarias, Santa Cruz, €2. www.

8pm: Pulso y Púa, FIMA, show by members of the Arona Dance and Music School, varied repertoire, Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Los Cristianos, free entry, limited places.


8pm: Luis Alejandro García Pérez, FIMA, guitar, varied repertoire, Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Los Cristianos, €5. March 7 8am-1am: Farmers’ market, sea front, Los Cristianos. 8pm: Ana María Ribeiro and Tomoko Sawano, FIMA, flute and piano concert, varied repertoire, Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Los Cristianos, €5. Therapies, Spiritual hypnosis, Past life regression Come, unleash your internal power and heal your mind, body and soul completely through energy healing, hypnosis and past life regression. Get Space Clearing carried out for more positivity at home and in your work place

Call 619 519 858

Cebrián Poldo Cebrián: Dos generaciones (1949-2019), celebrating the life and works of renowned Canarian artist and photographer Poldo Cebrián (La Palma, 1948) and the intimate relationship with equally prominent Spanish photographer Cebrián (Burgos 1919 - Tenerife 1999), land- and seascapes, portraits, commentary pieces and more, TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Santa Cruz, Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 8pm, free entry. www.tea

For regular church, charity and recreational events, please see:





Animal charities’ round up

This beautiful German Shepherd has found a new home with the lovely Robertson family after four years at the Acción del Sol refuge

Acción del Sol The next event at Acción del Sol will be held on February 24 at 10am. We are inviting our friends and supporters to join us in a solidarity walk to raise awareness of dog adoptions. Many potential adoption dogs are mixed breeds that make wonderful pets, proving that we don’t need to buy pedigree puppies when refuges are full of gorgeous dogs. We would like you to join our campaign too and wear a green scarf or large handkerchief around your neck to show our unity. Please do come and support this event and make a dog very happy by having a nice gentle walk down to the nearby beach. Please contact us on the number below to confirm your attendance. We have once again started our educational programme with local schools and colleges to try to raise awareness of the ongoing plight of dogs in Tenerife. We firmly believe in educating school children in the correct way to care for pets, and to understand that dogs do have feelings and need love, good food, regular walks and proper health care, in an effort to reduce the number of aban-

doned dogs and to give dogs a better quality of life. We never give up on the dogs in our care, constantly striving to find loving new homes for them. One lovely 10 year old German Shepherd spent four years waiting patiently for a new home and it has finally arrived. We are so grateful to the lovely Robertson family who have made Perruna’s dream come true. We wish them all lots of happiness together in the years to come. We don’t charge for adoptions but donations are very welcome towards the vast running costs of the refuge. Every dog has a clean bill of health and is fully inoculated, micro-chipped, heartworm- and flea-free, has a passport and is sterilised. How you can help Besides obvious needs such as food, water and veterinary care, a little attention is all the dogs here want. They love going out for a walk so please do come and take one out if you have time. In addition, we always need items for the animals and refuge, such as products for our clinic and cleaning products and utensils, building materials, dog toys, leads, etc., tinned food for our elderly dogs, puppy milk, and

dog jackets for when our dogs travel by flight to Germany, as well as materials to help with our educational programme (pens, paper, glue, play-doh and crayons). Every donation is greatly appreciated. We are also desperately looking for people travelling to Ham-

burg, Dusseldorf, Berlin or Frankfurt who would be prepared to escort a dog. All that’s needed is a little time at the airport: all necessary paperwork and handling of the dogs is done by AccionTier staff. Please do call us on 664 321 219 between the hours of 8am and 5pm if you can help in any way, or visit us on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons from 2pm to 5pm, and Saturdays 1pm to 4pm. We’re situated directly under the wind turbines, from exit 52 on the TF1 north bound, just after the El Médano junction. Head for the windmills on the coast and we’re located in the buildings on the right hand side. Alternatively, email us on or visit our Facebook page at Action tier Acción del Sol.

neutering is free for the second one. Adopt a black kitten or two and both will receive the above treatments free. We always need cat food, litter, sheets, towels, bedding etc. if you have any spare please. Contact us at or ring/whatsapp Sharon on 662 524 006 or Sandra on 671 282 773 (for English, Spanish and German, after 6pm). Alternatively, message us on Facebook.

Cats Welfare


See some of our kittens at Don Perro Vets, Las Chafiras (tel: 922 735 824), and Yaiza Vet, Los Cristianos (922 169 381). As well as kittens, we have several adult cats from 18 months to seven years old. All adults are leukaemia negative, neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. All cats go on a week’s trial in your home so you can be sure you’ve made the right decision. If you adopt two kittens together then initial injections, microchip and

Don’t miss it! There’s still time for early bird readers to catch the spectacular show on February 21 at 9pm at the Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Los Cristianos, which will raise funds for K9 Tenerife. Una Noche Para Ellos (A Night for Them) is an evening of entertainment being organised by Tenerife Surprise and Giovanna Luppi. This professional show consists of singing, dancing and a well known Italian comedian Bruce Ketta. Although the entertainment will be conducted in Italian, the event is open to all and tickets are only €12. These can be purchased at www., and for more information call 626 984 037 or 642 796 388.

The ongoing education programme at the Acción del Sol refuge teaches youngsters about dogs’ needs

Our shop Find it on San Blas in Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino), open seven days a week, 10am until 6pm. If you don’t have transport or have large bulky items to donate you can ring Mark on 636 590 557 to arrange collection. Or maybe you would you like to help in the shop?

Ways you can help We always appreciate any help. You could buy our merchandise (T-shirts, vests, key rings, wristbands and more) at the refuge, you can sponsor one of our wonderful sponsor dogs via our website, you can donate money either via our website or in cash at the refuge, or food and other items which help us look after our dogs and cats. Also, you can become a volunteer dog walker by calling us or simply popping by any day during our opening hours. Remember to keep an eye on our website or Facebook page (information below) for any fundraising events which you may like to attend. Also, why


Don’t miss Jaky

Jaky is a small dog and ohso-cute! She is four and a half years old, born in September 2014, but has had to leave her home due to a family member being allergic. She is super sweet and would make an ideal companion. If you’d like to know more, simply call K9 on 667 638 468 or email Alternatively, visit the Refuge on Calle Chimbesque, between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas, any day between n 10am and 2pm.

not come along to our charity shop in Alcalá? Shop till you drop Please note we are no longer holding car boot sales in Los Gigantes, but you can visit our shop in Alcalá Plaza, Monday to Saturday from 10am to 2pm. Donations of quality household goods, clothes, books, shoes or other items are very welcome as well. Call 646 561 035 to arrange collection of larger items from all local areas. Adoptions We have many beautiful dogs waiting for their forever homes. You can see them on our website at Or visit the Refuge on Calle Chimbesque, between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas, any day between 10am and 2pm. Alternatively, call us on 667 638 468 or email You will also find stories of our dogs’ antics on our Facebook page at Diary of a K9 Tenerife Dogwalker or K9 Tenerife. Also, to see daily photos of the walks that take place at K9, ‘like’ the facebook page Voluntarios del n Refugio K9.

21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019



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mately one-week journey the participants will be expected to arrive at the port of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. They will stay there until the Atlantic crossing begins on the first of November. The destination is Le Marin in the Caribbean. The Mini Transat is being held via Las Palmas for the second time in a row. It’s one of the most charismatic transatlantic crossings and physically and mentally demands everything that the sailors have got to give. They have to cope with the wind and

The small boats will cross the Atlantic from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

the waves on their own, whilst they travel over 4,000 miles across the Atlantic in boats

Free open air sport Athletics

Lanzarote Wine Run 2019 The registration lists for this year’s Lanzarote Wine Run charity race are now open, with the event scheduled for June 16. You can choose either the 23 kilometre run, or the shorter 12 kilometre run which can be treated as a race or a hike. The event starts the evening before with the Traditional Cuisine Festival in the Plaza de Uga, where wines from Lanzarote and typical tapas will be offered. Part of the proceeds will go to the Salvar La Gería project, which promotes the sustainable, cultural and environmentally friendly use of La Geria’s countryside in the heart of Lanzarote through winegrowing. Registrations are being accepted at n

A new Street Workout Park was recently created at the Finca de los Zamorano in Tegueste. The facility, in which over €21,000 have been invested, has received 90 per cent support from the Island Council Sports Department. This new centre follows a brand new concept and above all promotes outdoor exercise. The weight of one’s own body is used for free sports. It is a very complete sport, which is usually practiced in a group. This promotes values such

that resemble a nutshell in comparison to the vastness of the ocean. Their only help is

a GPS system, nautical paper maps and a VHF to receive the weather forecast. Those

interested in watching the video, please visit n g6zsgWKJZy8.

Street Workout at the Finca de los Zamorano Photo: Ayto. Tegueste

An emotional video is currently circulating about the most moving moments of last year's Mini Transat sailing regatta. It’s intended to encourage sailing adventurers to take part in this year's edition. Around 84 participants are expected to take part in this regatta. They will travel solo in small, only six and a half metre-long sailing boats from France via the Canaries into the Caribbean. The starting signal for the regatta is expected to be given on September 22 at La Rochelle in France. After an approxi-

Photo: Ayto LPGC

Mini Transat 2019 advert

as discipline and the willingness to help and share

You are invited to

Sunday 11am and Wednesday TBA

Calle Atbitocazpe, Edif. Tamaide II, L4, Adeje Pastor Baz 608 724 369

The first demonstration shows what you can do with these devices

with each other. “For us it is very important that we can now offer our young people this leisure opportunity, we know that they are very interested in it. In addition, we have created the facility in a very typical area, the Finca de Los Zamorano, which is certainly another plus point,” explained the Tegueste councillor for sports, Heliodoro

MASONIC MEETINGS Logia Ave Fenix Nº 73 Edificio Simón, Los Cristianos. New meetings start in October, on the fourth Tuesday All Visitors welcome Contact John Donaldson (Secretary):

(+34) 922 178 091 or

Hernández Herrera, who is commited the activity. The installation has been carried out in an area where wooden constructions for gymnastics exercises had already been installed, but which were in a very bad condition. In the future, the young people of the borough will be encouraged to take part in this sport and competitions will be held with other boroughs. The members of the group 100% Salud Street Workout demonstrated at the inauguration of the new sports facility which movement sequences are possible using the course. The free sport promotes strength, mobility and balance. During the excercises, using one’s own body weight is an important element. Squats, push-ups and other movements provide muscle building, resistance n and flexibility.

21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019



CD Tenerife

Water sports

Lifeguarding -an unknown sport At the beginning of February, the new Board of the Canary Islands Rescue and First Aid Association began its work and set itself some high goals. First and foremost, lifeguarding, a sport little known to the public, is expected to gain more supporters. This applies both to sportsmen and sportswomen and to people indirectly involved in the sport, including parents, referees or the clubs themselves. Each of the islands should have a rescue club, which will also compete against each other. Currently, only the clubs in Tenerife compete regularly. Two others in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and in Corralejo in Fuerteventura are played out exclusively on the beach. Spain has a great lifeguarding potential and currently has a World Champion and a European Champion. At the last World Championships held in Australia, the Spanish national team finished ninth overall and fourth in the junior rankings. The Canary Islands have dominated this sport in Spain for almost a decade, but it’s still little known. According to the plans of the new board, this will change soon and many more young people will be enthusiastic about this sport. “Canarian society should appreciate this sport. After all, we live in an archipelago where, unfortunately, accidents happen every year on the beaches. Any athlete who has actively practiced and learned lifeguarding can become a lifesaver,” the association said regarding the plans for this year. More cooperation with boroughs, schools and sports centres is also on the cards in order to create more demand and new clubs. Interested parties can find more informan tion on the website

A sport requiring endurance, stamina and talented swimmers

Season changing aim for the Blanquiazules By Chris Todd It was only a short while ago that we were looking forward with excitement to the rest of the season. CD Tenerife had just played three impressive games, the new signings looked classy and fans hoped for a late push towards the play-off zone. However, those dreams have now turned into nightmares with back to back defeats and with a shocking lack of firepower to boot. The €1.3 million spent in the January transfer window largely strengthened the defence and midfield with Argentinean Coniglio the only striker to join the club. Tenerife sit just four points above the dreaded relegation zone and they face a tricky match against an onform Real Mallorca team on February 22 at 8pm in the Heliodoro stadium in Santa Cruz. They will certainly need to up their game to take all three points. The fact that only three teams will be relegated this season due to the expulsion from the league of Reus CF might help the blanquiazules but it would be extremely embarrassing to stay up only for that reason! 09/02/2019 CD Tenerife 0:2 Cordoba One step forward and two steps back can probably sum up this club for the past 10 years. We really thought that we had turned the corner but the pre-match buzz came crashing down to earth on an emotional night in Santa Cruz.

The fans played their part but the team failed to turn up

Cordoba celebrated their first away win of the season against a Tenerife side lacking bite and confidence. The absence of Luis Milla, the midfield general, proved to be a heavy blow for the blanquiazules but there cannot be any excuse for the lack of spark in the final third. A 12th minute tribute to a well known fan that had died in the week brought the stadium down, it was a tremendous ovation. It was just a shame that the players could not dedicate a win to Damien Fleitas, the man that had waved his flag non-stop behind the goal since the 1990’s. The first half belonged to the visitors and they took the lead after a well-worked corner but where was the marking at the far post? The statistics at the break could not hide the Cordoba dominance, eight shots on goal to Tenerife’s two efforts. The second period saw a slightly better Tenerife but that was not difficult. Attacks were mainly focused down the

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right flank, looking at the determination of Suso to conjure up some magic, but when you are relying on a 34 year old to carry the team you know you have problems. A couple of decent crosses across the face of the goal failed to find a blanquiazul boot, no-one was gambling on running into the danger area. And when Cordoba made it 0-2 from a free-kick it was as good as game over. How could a team change so much in the space of two weeks? 16/02/2019 Cádiz 2:0 CD Tenerife It’s true that the Cádiz stadium is a difficult place to visit for any team but Tenerife folded in the second half after playing a decent enough first 45 minutes. The away form is awful and the team is now the only one in the top two leagues in Spain this season without a single away victory. In fact the last away win was way back on April 1, a worrying statistic in their fight for

survival. Crazily enough Tenerife are set to win their next away game due to the expulsion from the league of Reus CF. All games against Reus will result in a 0-1 win for their rivals on the day. When a local radio reporter joked a few weeks ago “at least we will get our first away win” it did not sit well with the Tenerife manager Oltra who came back at the reporter with “It doesn’t help the cause to make fun”. He is probably right but we simply have to improve on our travels. Back to the game and Cádiz took the lead on 48 minutes after a long cross-shot somehow flew over the head of Dani in goal. Think of the Rivaldo goal against England in the 2002 World Cup! It was a bad error and a shame, as up to this point Tenerife had matched their visitors, but after conceding the goal, heads dropped. The second Cádiz goal came on 72 minutes and it was scored by Jairo, a youngster let go by Tenerife last summer. Typical! Soon after, Jose Naranjo took to the pitch, but his two yellow cards within minutes of each other resulted in a sending off. If fans have their way he will never play for the blanquiazules again. Social media was in meltdown against Naranjo. The golden boy on golden wages has not delivered this season despite having plenty of chances. The 2-0 result saw Cádiz climb to the edge of the play-offs. Luckily for Tenerife other results were kind with the bottom six all losing. n




Horoscope for period: February 21 to March 6 Aries 21.03 - 20.04 You will have something to celebrate in the workplace or with family and friends. Completion of a major goal is at hand, with yet more exciting challenges ahead. Healing takes place. It’s time to take a vacation and have a new adventure.


Taurus 21.04 - 20.05 Your financial situation is about to get better, cash is on the way and opportunities to improve your future income will soon be revealed. Gifts, family and friends bring you joy. Go within your interior to find the answers you seek.

Los Cristianos, Alejandra, Venezuelan, beautiful, blonde, large breasts, great body. Natural French, kisses, positions, sado, golden rain, fetishism, vibrators. Private apartment in the centre of Los Cristianos, or I can do outcalls. Tel: 603 375 934.

Gemini 21.05 - 21.06 Love is more a sustaining force than an area of concentration. Old rituals resurface in a romantic and passionate format post Valentine’s Day excesses and celebrations. Productivity in the workplace is awesome and the subject of recognition! Cancer 22.06 - 22.07 At the New Moon on March 6, some of the same old problems and patterns appear. However, you deal with them differently now in a more stable and more mature manner. As always, innovation and transformation are your specialities. Leo 23.07 - 23.08 You are feeling better than ever! If your health has been down, expect a burst of energy now. After being there for others, now is your time to receive the attention you deserve. Listen to the good advice offered by friends who care. Virgo 24.08 - 23.09 Take some quiet time to sort things out, especially about love and leave if it’s unsafe for you. Be kinder to yourself, you deserve it. Make some time to pamper yourself. Visit a spa or just sit on the beach and watch and listen to the waves. Libra 24.09 - 23.10 Things are more relaxed at home, and work too is more stable now. Expect some well-earned recognition and compensation for all your hard work in all areas. It’s a powerful time for romance and for money. Joy and love are everywhere. Scorpio 24.10 - 22.11 Past efforts finally pay off. You get recognition and compensation for all the months of hard work. It’s time to pay attention to your public image and to be of service to others. Your soul mate may appear or reveal a new dimension to your delight.

am available 24 hours in my apartment and can do outcalls. Tel: 610 609 086.

and couples. ‘Special’ parties with a whirlpool with a German couple. Tel: (+34) 648 245 425.

Los Cristianos, Meliza, Venezuelan, blonde, large breasts, all services, natural French, positions, kisses, sado. I am in Calle Ramón Pino, behind Avenida Suecia. I do outcalls. Tel: 602 629 191.

Los Cristianos, new, Latin girl. My services are complete, French, positions, kisses, vibrators, massages. Private apartment in the centre of Los Cristianos. Tel: 608 103 319.

Transsexual, Los Cristianos, sex symbol, Leona, Latin, curly hair, 120 cm breasts, active/ passive, 21 centimetre penis, natural French to the end, mutual climaxes, all types of parties, dominant, golden rain. Tel: 632 452 845.

Erotic massages in Los Cristianos, young blonde. Enjoy a great massage during your holidays in good company. Tel: 642 615 094. Los Cristianos, Luna, blonde, 140cm natural Los Cristianos, recently breasts, spectacular arrived in Tenerife, I am body, I offer all services, a Latin girl, 24 years private apartment, outold, beautiful, I like calls to hotels, 24 hours. doing everything, with I speak a little English. no rush. I have a private Opposite the bus station. apartment and can do Tel: 643 160 280. outcalls. Tel: 634 753 927. Private sensual massages with empathetic Los Cristianos, Gaby, bru- and charming lady from nette, beautiful and sexy. Germany, in a discreet, I am complete, I do eve- sophisticated atmosrything without limits. I phere. For women, men

Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12 Opportunities may make major changes in your life. It’s a good time for business if you are steadfast and focused. Inner tranquillity beckons you to begin a meditation routine. Money could come. In any case there are signs of improved finances. Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01 Creativity increases and you’re ready for a romantic trip to somewhere familiar but new in some way. This is a pause for introspection and learning about yourself. Find out how many of your life challenges are caused by your own beliefs. Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02 Finances are finally back on track and you may even get to travel someplace fun. It’s a great time to get away, relax and socialise with friends and loved ones. There will be protection and guidance from loved ones and your spirit should feel settled. Pisces 21.02 - 20.03 Signing a contract could change your life. Travel is possible. Obstacles disappear with intuition and inner sight. Now is the time to change roles slightly and let your loved one lean on you. Liberation for you can free others.


This luxury Villa in Torviscas Alto with spectacular views of the surrounding areas and out to sea. The property comes completely furnished to a high standard and benefits from a private heated pool. Property offers 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a garage, which is currently a GYM as there is street parking in front of the property. Built to High Standards. €850,000 IÑAKY AZURZA

m 629 244 958


· Completely Equipped Kitchen · Fitted Cupboards · Fitted Wardrobes · Fully Furnished in a modern style


· Sunny large terraces and artificial grassed gardens


· Prestigious Area · Quiet Location · Residential Location


· Coastal · Mountains · Sea · Town · Bathrooms: 3 · Parking: Ample Parking · Pool: Private and heated · Kitchen: Equipped Kitchen

Pamela, Afro-Brazilian, Las Chafiras. Massage service available for gentlemen only. Private apartment. HH Franciscano Street, beside the large park, Las Chafiras. Tel: 608 285 035.

To advertise your services with us, please call

922 75 06 09

21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019

Island connections media group s.l.

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Classifieds Deadline Next Edition The deadline for edition 841, which is published on 7th March, is 5th March. No classifieds will be taken after this date.

Head Office: Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6º- first floor. Pol. Industrial Las Chafiras 38620 - San Miguel de Abona. Tel.: 922 75 06 09 Fax: 922 795 810 Office Hours: Mon-Frid 9:30 -16:30 hours

Classified Info Adverts for our Classifieds Section must be sent by email or hand delivered to the office. If you would like to advertise, please send your classified text to: classifieds@ Alternatively, place your classified advert with one of our four agents: Now in Golf del Sur, Redhound Bookshop in Los Cristianos, The Bookswop in Las Américas, Petras Deutscher Bücherstand in Puerto de La Cruz.

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Santiago del Teide Lions Club

General Services

Bargains galore From clothes and children’s toys to kitchenware and books – there are plenty of great deals on second-hand goods. They even have sets of golf clubs! Don’t miss out – visit their shop below the plaza in Puerto Santiago (Behind Vigilia Park). Open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am – 1pm and Wednesdays 2pm to 8pm.

Mobile welder for hire anywhere on the island Contact Jason:

683 422 304


Golf Cleaning Services

Traditional Window Cleaner Specialising in window cleaning, jet washing & shutter cleaning; home, offices, shops & restaurants Call John Moorhouse on +34 642 057 271 or visit our FB page: Golf Cleaning Services, for your free & no obligation quote

General Services

Second Hand Store LAS CHAFIRAS

Everything for your house, holiday home, apartment. We buy and sell high quality, good condition furniture, household appliances, TVs, jewellery.... Household clearances Free on-site assessment! Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 10.00-17.00h Sat: 10.00-14.00h Calle Tilena, 19 n/r Rachaels Motors & Diverlandia Tel. 922 749 664 Whatsapp 649 574 851 d Las Chafiras Second Hand www.second-hand-tenerife. com

We sell furniture suitable for bar/restaurant (tables, chairs, kitchen accessories, decoration etc.) in excellent condition. Price negotiable. Tel: 922 717 613 or 671 912 301

English/Spanish word to word translator Resident for 15 years. Reasonable price, South & North. Transport available if required. Contact: 662 539 209 You’re invited!!! FREE BEAUTY SESSION. This is your time to relax with friends or on your own, share the excitement of trying new products, learn about the latest techniques and trends and of course, earn fabulous rewards. More info: 642 601 553 Maggie. Masonic Lodge - Ave Fenix No.73. New meetings started in October 2018 on the fourth Tuesday of the month. If interested, all visitors are welcome to come down. For further information, lodge secretary John Donaldson is available to contact on Tel: (+34) 922 178 091 or Email: Massage and more. Offer: 60 minutes body massage €36. Couples, four hands, lava stones, tantric massages, etc. Playa de Las Américas, Ernesto Sarti no.8, across from Iberostar Hotel Torviscas Playa. Tel. 602 608 626 Teacher (English and Spanish) and interpreter gives Spanish lessons. I would also like to work as a secretary. Tel: 747 790 001 or email: Are you looking for an opportunity with financial independence and personal fulfillment? Become an Independent Beauty Consultant!!! More Info: 642 601 553

CLASSIFIEDS | PASTIMES Body, foot reflexology, Breuss massage, manual lymph drainage. Let yourself be pampered by Simone’s hands. Economic price. Tel: 611 277 578. www. For sale. Home-produced ecological vegetables, Tenerife south. Interested businesses call 650 323 751 (Spanish only), send WhatsApp or email to: Website for our massages, dedicated to bringing the benefits of therapeutic massage to your home or hotel, no charge for travel. Do you want a massage? Tel. 663 190 727 After school classes, help or activities in English, German or Spanish, please contact Mrs. Garus. Tel. 602 506 793. We are 5 minutes away from Wingate School in Cabo Blanco Qualified specialist from Germany helps you with back pain, neck pain, sciatica, headaches and insomnia. Tel. 0034 699 15 61 47 (ask for Eugene) Professional massage therapy, available at the client’s home/ apartment. Certified and experienced masseur for remedial, deep tissue, Swedish, sports and relaxing massage. Mobile/WhatsApp: (+34) 683 141 129 Individual car excursions on Tenerife and the other islands, travel escorts and assistance, other countries, ship cruises, worldwide, hiking tours (also Pico del Teide), nightlife and snorkelling tours, photo shoots (also under water). Also for handicapped persons. Massages and more. The German team speaks English and Spanish. Tel: +34 664 085 154. Genuine, discreet, respectful, hygienic, mature Englishman, high sex drive, well endowed, seeks lady friend, lover, adult company, sexual partner. Prefers a more mature discerning lady, who dresses to please her man. Host or visit. Tel: 685 364 217.

Rental Classifieds

I am looking to rent an apartment, house or finca in the south of Tenerife, long term only. A livein household help arrangement is also possible. I am German, have lived here for 11 years, speak English well and I am a good craftsman (garden, pool, repairs). Tel: +34 664 085 154. Apartment for rent, 1 bedroom, fully equipped, near Playa Martiánez, in Puerto de La Cruz, €470 /month + electricity. Tel: Theresa on 606 105 101 Wanted urgently: an apartment to rent in El Médano with 2 bedrooms and a garage. Tel: 676 243 558

FOREIGN LANGUAGE NEWS 107 Apartment and Villa for rent in Tenerife south. Tel: (0034) 662 507 191 Winter letting Puerto de La Cruz Studio apartment, 24 hour concierge, pool, sea views. Minimum three month contract. €500 per month. 669 652 149


Classifieds Beautiful seafront apartment for private sale. One bedroom, garage, sea views and in a sunny position. Price: €120,000. No agents. Tel: 922 752 759. Mobile: 608 425 426 Apartment Tabaiba Alta For sale, only five mins away from the German scho ol, roughly 102m2, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, utility room, garden, big terrace. Spectacular views of the sea and mountain, big garage with 2 spaces, 2 closed store rooms, price €180,000, mob. 686 798 367, email eoptenerife@ For sale, Bungalow 160m2 Costa Sauzal, situated front row with guaranteed spectacular seaviews, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room with panoramic windows, modern kitchen, dining room connected to the terrace, including a heated 4 x 8 m pool, all on same level, garage and a marvellous tropical garden with 800m2 landscaped with various plants and lots of fruit trees. Private sale contact: info Tel.: 00 34 699 444 879

Car needed for long-term rental 676 378 618


Sudokus (For Crossword and Sudoku solution see pag 30)


Vacant / wanted

Come and join our Dynamic Team! Te l e m a r k e t i n g company on the coast surrounding Marbella / Fuengirola is looking for Brokers /Qualifiers. High revenue. English, German, Dutch and Scandinavian. Send your CV to: telesalestenerife@ Qualified horse riding instructor (Swedish equestrian federation) available for individual and group classes in CHS Buzanada and La Caldera del Rey (San Eugenio Alto) or privately in the south of Tenerife. All ages and levels are welcomed. Schooling and management of private horses by appointment. Ulrike Fagerlund has competed successfully to a high level in dressage and show jumping in the Canary Islands and Europe. Swedish/ English/Spanish/German speaking. IGEQ equestrian passport holder. Tel: 660761270, e-mil: ulrika.fagerlund18@


Vehicles VOLVO S60


Beige leather upholstery, Multifunction leather steering wheel, Navigator, Power-adjustable seats with heating and lumbar adjustment, Rear headrests, Air conditioning, CD player, Integrated telephone, Rear parking sensor, electric windows and retractable mirrors. Fog lamps, Central locking with remote control. MOT OK! All new tyres, brake pads, suspension arms, discs, battery (2 year guarantee) and starter motor. Gear box and general service undertaken. Very good condition, always kept in a garage. 250,000km, €6,200

629 244 958



7 - effect (6) 8 - fastening (6) 10 - deforming (7) 11 - sense experience (5) 12 - small compartment (4) 13 - change (5) 17 - propose (5) 18 - covering material (4) 22 - piece of land (5) 23 - wearing away (7) 24 - meaning (6) 25 - travelled on water (6)

1 - multi-span structure (7) 2 - early Christian teacher (7) 3 - performing artist (5) 4 - planned (7) 5 - itinerant (5) 6 - unpleasant people (5) 9 - services (9) 14 - engraving (7) 15 - dreams of future (7) 16 - cyclone (7) 19 - tore (5) 20 - numbers; analysis (abbrev) (5) 21 - deceives (5)

21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019












Homes and properties for sale in the Canaries

All photos: Wikimedia Commons

21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019




21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019



lity a u q n a m r e G p o t n i e f i r e n e g T n n i i t t s a e e u h q Special infrared e on re mad · North TF: Bar Los Amigos · Calle Aceviño 12 · La Paz · Puerto de la Cruz Wed + Fri 15.30h - 18.30h · Tel. 626 16 60 46

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Promotion | Ventanas Tenesur

Quality windows offer more than perfect transparency... manufacturer Z-Fenstertechnik in Herrnwahlthann, Hausen. The company has many years of experience in the manufacture of PVCu, wood and aluminium-wood windows. Achim Träuble and his team also work with well-known local manufacturers, with high standards guaranteed in all cases, and production carried out with the utmost care and precision.


Good quality windows help generate and maintain an excellent room climate

Ventanas Tenesur not only offer windows and doors. If

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tion, if there’s a spot outside you’d like to add a little shade to, there are various sun

A superb sheltered living area with an excellent sea view

... They also contribute to comfort, a pleasant atmosphere and decoration. Thankfully, no one understands this better than the team at Ventanas Tenesur, founded in 2002 by company owner Achim Träuble. Anyone living in Tenerife knows that many windows and doors have leaks, often creating an uncomfortable ambience. This can be very unpleasant, especially during the winter months. Thankfully, Achim Träuble has built his business on values of quality, precise craftsmanship and competent expert advice. Consultations are always free

and non-binding, and the best options, adapted to the individual needs and budgets of each customer, will be clearly presented. There is certainly plenty to choose from. A broad selection of alternatives is available, which can be adapted to personal taste and intended use. The range includes, for example, high-

quality windows and external doors made of hard-wearing and easy-care Schüco PVCu: quality of the highest level. For those who prefer rustic and wooden finishes, there is a choice between natural wood and aluminium-wood combinations. Here too, Mr Träuble focuses on quality, working in conjunction with Bavarian Aluminium elements for doors, windows and roofing Border panes give the entrance area character

Ventanas Tenesur S.L. Calle La Borda No.6 Edif. Amanecer, Bajo, Local 3 38670 Adeje (El Galeón) (Next to Europool Tenerife S.L. on the pedestrian zone) Monday to Friday, 9am to 3pm or by appointment Phone: 922 766 494 or 687 441 835 (also Whatsapp) Email: With the simple addition of a wall and glass front, a new sanctuary is created, enriching the home

natively, homes can benefit from greater protection during times when owners are away, by the addition of roller shutters. And, screens will keep out insects and ensure that annoying mosquitoes don’t keep you awake at night! No matter which style of life you prefer, the range at Ventanas Tenesur is so great that you are sure to find exactly what you are looking for. In addi-

blinds to choose from, with impressive design, functionality and modern technology. Ventana's Tenesur is even happy to take on the extension of a winter sunroom using high-quality glazing. There are many variants of all the above items, so which doors, windows and accessories are best for you and your Tenerife home? The staff at Ventanas Tenesur will always be happy to discuss this question in person, because all systems have different advantages. Customers are offered advice based on many years of experience and professional competence. Why not pass by the showroom or call the team directly on 922 766 494 to arrange a date for a free consultation. n

21.2.2019 – 6.3.2019





Playa Honda Las Américas One bedroom apartment, tiled throughout, American-style kitchen, separate bedroom and terrace. Located in the centre of Las Américas within 3 minutes walk from the beach. €122,000 Alan: 634 098 838

SITUATED DIRECTLY BEHIND THE BINGO IN LAS CHAFIRAS C/ Argentina, 7. Las Chafiras Industrial Estate (San Miguel de Abona)

Tel: +34 922 736 203 ·





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