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108 €1.80

March 7 – March 20, 2019 Santa Cruz Carnival

Officially the largest foreign language newspaper in the Canary Islands

Canarian beaches

Lear‘s Macaws



Queen chosen

Four in top ten

Flying free

An expert‘s view

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Pages 16 & 17

Qualified jobs via INtech

At the end of February, the President of the Tenerife Island Council, Carlos Alonso, with Santa Cruz Mayor José Manuel Bermúdez, Canarian Government Minister for Taxation Rosa Dávila and the Island Councillor for the Tenerife 2030 project Antonio García Marichal visited the construction site of the latest technology park, which is being built in the Cuevas Blancas district on the outskirts of the capital. Construction began in May last year and the planned finalisation period is 18 months. Around €5.8 million will be invested in the project, which is intended to provide the island with work for various suitably qualified staff. It will be financed 85 per cent by the European Regional Development Fund (Feder) and the remainder by the Island Council.

Photo: Cab. Tenerife

Continued on page two

A visit to the construction site that is to set a course for the future



Air quality and climate impacts

Spain is healthiest place in the world “In Spain, approximately 1,400 people die each year from the consequences of intense heat. This figure could rise sharply to 12,000 deaths between 2050 and 2100 if we do not take the necessary countermeasures now,” warns Julio Díaz, an expert at the Carlos III National Institute for Health. He sees a risk not only in deaths, but also in the numerous side effects that the heat has on health, which then have to be treated medically. This could cost up to €50 billion within about 30 years. The estimate takes into account both the effects on health and the social and economic consequences, which include incapacity for work and the need for social assistance. “We already know today that many more people with Parkinson’s are admitted to hospitals following a


Research centre and think tank

Spain offers a good quality of life and health care for residents

heat wave. You have to work specifically with risk groups,” the expert explained at a working meeting of the Ministries for Health and Ecological transition (Environment).

In addition to the heat, the improvement of air quality, and thus the quality of life, was a major topic. “Air pollution increases the number of deaths from cardiovascular

problems and respiratory diseases. There are more premature births, and newborns are underweight. Continued on page two


Continued from front page In childhood, bad air can affect psychological development,” said Spanish Health Minister María Luisa Carcedo. “Living on a busy road could be responsible for about 15 per cent of asthma cases in children. We assume the same percentage for adults and seniors over the age of 65 years with chronic lung diseases,” she added. According to the European Environmental Agency in Spain, some 38,600 people died prematurely due to air pollution in 2015 and the trend is rising. “These figures make it clear that we urgently need to do something about emissions from industry, transport and private heating. These are the key factors of air pollution in cities,” said the Minister. “The investments that are being made in this area today will bear fruit in the long term in the form of a healthier population and, consequently, lower supply costs,” she sums up. The Canary Islands are not immune to these risk factors. Traffic density also

The Mediterranean diet is very healthy

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Leading the world

At the University Hospital HUC in La Laguna, a live transplant of a kidney from a donor with a different blood group has recently been performed

pollutes the air on the Islands, even though the trade winds carry much of it away. But a heat wave also fills the hospitals on the archipelago, especially with elderly people, pregnant women and the chronically ill who suffer from the high temperatures. If the air is laden with dust from the Sahara, as has been the case several times in recent weeks, the body is additionally burdened.

Spain - healthiest country in the world However, despite all the above risks, according to a study by the Bloomberg Healthiest Photo:





Country Index, Spain is the healthiest country in the world to live, with 92.7 out of 100 points. Since the last analysis in 2017, it has improved by six places to take the lead. The study takes into account various factors that affect the quality of life in 169 nations. These include nutrition, the health system, life expectancy, tobacco consumption, obesity and environmental factors. The healthiest countries after Spain are Italy, Iceland, Switzerland, Sweden, Australia, Singapore, Norway and Israel. In Spain, the care of children and the elderly, as well as decent women’s health care have had a particularly positive effect. As a result, cardiovascular and cancer diseases have been reduced. According to Bloomberg, the advantages of the Mediterranean diet play an important role, supplemented with a high consumption of virgin olive oil and nuts. “This result is spectacular. In just two years, we have pro-

gressed so far that we have improved by six places. We won’t be satisfied with this yet, but will definitely go further,” announced the Spanish Secretary for State for Global Spain, Irene Lozano, who was pleased with the positive result. According to the study, Switzerland ranks fifth among its other European neighbours, France is in 12th place, The Netherlands at 15, Great Britain is number 19, with Ireland just behind at 20, Portugal 22, Germany 23 and Belgium 28. In Latin America, the healthiest countries are Cuba, Chile and Costa Rica, and in North America, Canada is in the 16th position. The USA ranks 35th and in Asia, apart from Japan and Singapore, South Korea stands out. On the other hand, there are the countries which are at the bottom of the global rankings: Sub-Saharan countries, Haiti, Afghanistan and Yemen. These are the areas where the people’s health is n worst and most at risk.

Foreign Language News Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6 E-38620 San Miguel de Abona Tel. +34 922 750 609

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Boost for professionals Continued from front page On a 262,000 square metre plot of land, a 4,700 square metre, three-storey building is being constructed that will serve as a technological base, research and company startup centre in the future. The rooms will be designed to be extremely flexible so that management, office and conference areas can be created, as well as additional rooms that can be used by companies as required, for video conferences for example, an auditorium, a library and laboratories. “With an infrastructure of this kind, we support the innovative sector which creates jobs for those with qualifications on the island. This is part of our 2030 strategy to lead Tenerife into the future,” Alonso said. It’s an interface between university research and business. Already, 70 technological scientists from the University of La Laguna and the Astrophysics Institute are under contract. In addition, there are around 220 employees currently working on various programmes and apps. The technology park is intended to create up to 500 posts and thus decisively change the professional prospects on the island. Mayor José Manuel Bermúdez expects up to 3,000 jobs to be linked to the park. “It’s a very important leap in terms of diversifying our labour market. The park will create targeted jobs in the technological sector and give our city an important economic boost,” Mayor Bermúdez is convinced. The fact that important prospects for the professional future of many islanders are emerging on the site is the main selling point for all politicians, which they particularly emphasised during their visit to the construction site. The work will be carried out in two phases. The first phase involves earthworks and the creation of foundations and the necessary infrastructure, while the second involves urbanisation and development. The ground floor of the central building at the INtech Park will consist of a reception area, a training room, several office buildings and a covered outdoor zone with various uses. On the first floor will be the administration and office buildings of INtech Tenerife, as well as multifunctional rooms, and a parking deck will also be built. On the second floor there will be a multi-purpose room, an auditorium and a cafeteria. The third floor will house a children’s daycare centre and public parking spaces. The building is designed as an innovative think tank from which various n branches of science can forge new projects.

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Publishers: Tina Straub Schacher, Joe Schacher Designer: Javier Gómez Editor: Andrea Abrell · Editorial team: Xena Fox,Theresa Willson, Sheila Collis, Barbara Belt Contributors: Chris Todd, Katy Kennedy, Sabine Virgin Sales manager: Gillian Sibbald Tel. 660 026 849 · Classifieds:

7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019

Expats resident in Spain As March 30 and Britain’s supposed exit from the EU creeps closer, the Spanish Government has issued a Royal Decree to calm the fears of British residents here in case of a no-deal exit. The important thing to underline and highlight in neons, is that you need to be registered as a resident. If you live here, you should be registered on your local padrón at the town hall anyway, but neither that, nor the possession of an NIE or Social Security number is a legal confirmation of residence.




Royal Decree covering Spain’s Brexit contingency measures, the British Ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley, said “I am pleased to see that the Spanish Government has today announced a series of detailed Brexit contingency measures, should the UK leave without a deal. The Royal Decree offers important assurances on issues like residency and access to healthcare for the more than

300,000 British nationals who have chosen to make Spain their home, and for the many millions more British tourists who visit Spain each year. I welcome too the announcement on customs procedures to avoid potential obstacles to the free movement of goods, which will be important to both British and Spanish businesses who trade in or between our n two countries.”

Are you ready for Brexit? This is issued by the department of Extranjeria or the designated Police station and is the green A4 certificate or the new credit-card sized green card. If you haven’t got this, arrange to expedite it immediately, or you may find yourselves out on a limb. With so many last-minute- Lizzies out there, getting an appointment is not easy, but you need to be able to at least prove you tried. You may be able to get an earlier appointment through a Gestor. The UK cannot unilaterally guarantee people’s rights,

Our advice is make sure you have your legal residency and stick to official sources, ignore the Fred and Freda Bloggs and their blogs, most of which are filled with misinformation and speculation. British Government information page including a sign up for new alerts:, a key one-stop shop for information for residents Also check out and the question and answer site which has some really useful information on driving licences, travel, healthcare etc: www. 3/577386266063846/?type=2&theater Spanish Government information page: http://www. citizens.aspx

which is why the royal decree is so important. The initiative has the aim of guaranteeing the rights of Spanish citizens in Britain and the 300,000 British residents in Spain, their legal standing, and protection in areas such as social security, education and healthcare. The cover is for all those who exercised their European Citizenship rights to free movement in European territories before the date of Britain’s cession from the EU. This means legally registered residents. There is information on the official Spanish Government page in English covering residence, voting rights, social security, healthcare, education and universities, travel, communications and the Internet, air and maritime transport and financial service. The British Government also has various information services available and if you want to be up to date with the latest news, you can sign up for an alert. All the relevant links are listed in the boxout. The simple message from the Spanish Government at Moncloa is that all British resi-

HM Ambassador to Spain Simon Manley

dents in Spain will be considered legal residents in Spain. And in addition, to obtain permanent residence prior periods of residence in Spain will be taken into account in accordance with the regime governing EU citizens. Following the announcement by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez on February 27, and the ratification by the Consejo de Ministros, of the



Poema del Mar


Shark born in human care tres long and weighs slightly more than 600 grams. When it is fully grown, it could reach a length of up to one and a half metres. The Common Smooth Hound Shark is one of the most common shark species in the Canary Islands. As the population has decreased noticeably in recent years, the species has therefore been included in the Red List of the IUCN. It’s a harmless shark species that very often appears on the beaches of the island at this time of year, as the females come closer to the coast right now to give birth to their young. Bimba's development is being closely monitored by her care-

Photo: Poema del Mar

Poema del Mar in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria presents Bimba, the first Common Smooth Hound Shark born in human care in the Canary Islands. The young shark was born on the night of August 12 last year and is now affectionately know by the name of Bimba. Prior to the birth, the mother was isolated from the group so that she could give birth in peace, and after a waiting period of four days her time arrived. The birth of this youngster goes to prove the great work that the team of aquarium keepers and biologists do every day to preserve endangered species. It’s now almost 52 centime-

Priscila, Queen of the Carnival

The young shark will soon join three companions in the Deep Sea

takers and the youngster is thriving. The small shark is even able to recognise his carers at the time of feeding and he approaches the dedicated feeding zone. From Monday to Saturday, he eats around 30 grams a day of various blue or white fish or cephalopods. Three more of the species live

in the impressive Deep Sea at Poema del Mar, a gigantic exhibition area with over 5.5 million litres of water, 36 metres wide and 7.35 metres high, which has been recognised by the Guinness Book of Records. The new family member is already impatiently n awaited there.

Brigitte emphasised the importance of the special donation “We are truly grateful to Tener-

ife Perla for making it possible for us to create our 2019 calendar Voices for Life, and for allowing us to help many people directly with our Bra project as well as various cancer research projects. Thank you!” The Bra project provides a special support bra for recently operated breast cancer victims, absolutely free, and the Foundation also runs a weekly meet and greet, with get-togethers and various events at the Pink Room in Adeje. For more information, see http://carrerapor n

Breast cancer charity

Pearls for Life The amazing Tenerife Perla company makes an exclusive bracelet every year with which to donate a part of the profits of its sale to a particular charity. In 2018, the charity thus honoured was Walk for Life, the Tenerife-based cancer foundation - a charity that Tenerife Perla has supported a great deal over the years in many ways.

For each of their pink-cord and pearl bracelets ‘Twenty’ sold, a whopping €1.50 went to the Foundation for a massive total of €13,725. A sum that their Marketing Executive Anne Loyer was thrilled to hand over to the charity’s founder Brigitte Gypen and its permanent representative and right-hand person Hermi Tacoronte in late February.

The three-hour gala for the election of the Santa Cruz Carnival Queen 2019 was a high-class spectacle which opened with a variety of marine creatures swarming around the audience and stage in accordance with this year’s Carnival theme of the deep sea. In front of around 6,000 spectators at the venue and hundreds of thousands in front of their TV screens, in an exciting gala Priscila Medina Quintero, in the costume ‘La Nuit’ (the night) created by the designer Sedomir Rodríguez de la Sierra and representing Autoinsular Citroen, was elected Queen of the 2019 Carnival of Tenerife. She, and her spectacular costume, convinced the jury and the audience alike and she prevailed over her 18 competitors to become this year’s queen and receive her sceptre at the hands of the mayor of Tenerife’s capital José Manuel Bermúdez. The elaborate fantasy outfit was made from more than 7,000 feathers over eleven months of creative work. During the event, an emotional moment arose when one of the candidates stumbled and fell on stage and could not stand up on her own due to the weight of her headdress, but the audience cheered her on encouragingly. The popular, internationally renowned singers Carlos Baute and Marta Sánchez were the musical highlights of the evening. Susana Conde Alba, Viviane Cordobés Ramos, Inma Afonso Darias and Raquel Iboleón Laynez were chosen as her ladies in waiting. n

Photo: Ayto Santa Cruz


Bermúdez presents the newly elected queen with her sceptre

7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019






Live life!

FOREIGN LANGUAGE NEWS 108 in life expectancy and greater demand for autonomy". As well as wellbeing, leisure and free-time promoters, a fashion and accessories section, finance and sector pro-

There will be various wellness and health professionals on hand The stalls will be located on Avenida de Las Américas

The Silver Age Fair, to be held in Playa de Las Américas on March 15 and 16, is an opportunity for people over 55 years old to get to know the many services and activities available which aim to ensure they have as active and happy a life as possible. The Fair, the only one of its kind to be held in the southern region, will see more than 40 companies exhibiting a range of health, beauty, home, leisure and wellness services, which promote healthy age-

ing in the senior sector of the population. Dácil León Reverón, councillor for Economic Promotion and Employment, assured the public that the Fair "is already a consolidated event, a showcase that facilitates relations between entrepreneurs and the public, focusing all activity on a specific, growing and changing population sector. One that demands new services and products specifically designed for their needs,"taking into mind the present“increase

fessionals, accessibility and security options, and technologies for an independent life, representatives of public bodies and associations aimed at seniors will also be on hand to offer information on regulations, public resources and services, and to answer questions. In addition, a multitude of activities and workshops, including Pilates and yoga classes, and blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol checks, will also be available, as well as memory exercises,

talks on dental care and nutrition, and craft workshops. To round this all off, a stage will host various folklore, flamenco, comparsas and zumba performances, as well as a closing

tribute to the greats of music at the end of both days. The II Silver Age Fair aims to be a unique forum designed for seniors, a segment of the population that is acquiring an increasingly relevant weight in social and economic aspects. In the case of Arona, the fair is also an opportunity to understand more closely the demands of groups of older residents and visitors of foreign origin, from different cultures. Visit the Silver Age Fair on March 15 and 16 on Avenida de Las Américas, by the Oasis Shopping Centre, between 11am and 9pm. See n for more information.

Caught red-handed

Bullet proof vest saves police officer Thanks to the attentiveness of a resident at the end of February, a robbery from the interior of a van parked at Puerto del Rosario in Fuerteventura was prevented by the authorities. The local contacted the police at around 10pm when he observed how an individual was tampering with the door of a small van. Immediately a National Police patrol rushed to the presumed crime scene where they saw a man who fitted the description and who immediately fled when the police approached. An officer took up the pursuit and during the chase the fugitive dropped a pair of pliers and a spatula. The officer asked him to stop several times, but he resisted. Only when a second police officer cut off his escape route did the chase come to an end. However, the 38-year-old Spaniard tried one last time to resist arrest by ramming a screwdriver into the belly of the officer who had intercepted him. Thanks to the fact that he was wearing a bullet proof vest, serious injury was prevented. The suspect had previously been convicted 34 times. The owner of the van that the suspect had tried to enter was identified. He confirmed that there had been no damage to the vehicle and that nothing had been stolen from him. n Photo: Policía Nacional


The suspect was carrying gloves, a sock, a screwdriver, pliers and spatulas

7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019






Entrepreneur Award for Tourist Excellence

Photo: Loro Parque

More recognition for Loro Parque

At the end of February, the President of Loro Parque, Wolf-

Another award for the life's work of Loro Parque President Wolfgang Kiessling

gang Kiessling, received the Entrepreneur Award for Tour-

ist Excellence, granted by the Ejecutivos magazine, during

a ceremony at the La Laguna Gran Hotel. This first award ceremony was headed by Tenerife island president, Carlos Alonso. During the ceremony, various companies were honoured for their career, quality, external projects, technological development, customer service and in other categories. According to the front page of the Ejecutivos magazine, "Loro Parque is one of the most beautiful zoos in the world, situated on a flank of the Teide volcano, a World Heritage Site, and has managed to surprise its visitors time and again during its 45 years of existence, thanks to its constant research and innovation". In terms of its exceptional beauty and the excellence of its layout, respect for nature and commitment to numerous conservation projects in which it participates through the Loro Parque Foundation, this award recognises many years of intensive work and continuous growth. Loro Parque has also been awarded the Travellers' Choice prize for the second consecutive year, which is awarded thanks to the independent evaluations carried out by the TripAdvisor travel portal. n

Charge up while you have a coffee

Turbo-electric charging station in Agaete The first ultra-fast charging station for electric cars with a power of 50 kilowatts has been installed at the Puerto de las Nieves in Agaete, Gran Canaria. "While the driver drinks a cortado (the small Spanish

coffee), the car charges 80 per cent. It only takes eight minutes and he can reach any point on the island in a relaxed manner. This is a very important point for implementing our eco-island project" declared the councillor

Whilst the driver drinks a cup of coffee, the electric car is turbo-charged

for energy Raúl García Brink at the inauguration. The turbo charging station was specifically set up at the port so that

it can be used by electric cars that may come or go by ferry. Agaete Mayor Juan Ramón Martín announced tax incen-

TripAdvisor beach ratings

Four Canarian beaches in Top 10 Four Canarian beaches appear in the list of Spain’s top ten according to ratings by users on TripAdvisor. These are the Playa de Cofete and the Playa de Sotavento in Fuerteventura, the Playa del Duque in Tenerife and the city beach Playa de Las Canteras in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Three Balearic, two Andalusian and one Basque beach complete the list of the ten best bathing spots. In addition, Playa de La Concha in San Sebastián and Ses Illetes in Formentera are rated among the n ten best beaches in the world.

Photo: Tripadvisor


Playa de Cofete, Morro Jable, Fuerteventura took the fourth TripAdvisor placing

tives and other campaigns to promote e-mobility in his community. A total of 17 charging stations have been set up on the island since December last year which are available all year round and around the clock. Other electric charging stations will soon be set up in Artenara, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and San Mateo. In January, the Gran Canaria Island Council put the charging and maintenance service for electric vehicles out to tender for €160,000. As soon as the service is contracted, electric car drivers will be able to

recharge their car for the price of household electricity. This means that the cost of covering 100 kilometres amounts to approximately €1.50. The fuel needed to cover the same distance with a combustion engine costs about four times as much. The tariffs set by the Island Energy Council differ according to the time of day or night. A recharge of the first 10 kilowatts an hour, between 7am and 10pm would cost €0.15 per kWh, and each further kWh would cost €0.25. From 10pm to 7am there is a unique price n of €0.10 per kWh.

7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019







Tragic accidental death

Santi was a likeable and popular guy An outstanding surfer - one of the best in the Islands Gigantic waves and volcanic rocks below the surface make the coast off Famara dangerous. It’s very popular with bodyboarders

The Canarian bodyboarder community is mourning the death of the Tinerfenian bodyboarder Santiago Cruz Luis, who died at Famara during the last weekend of February. The young water sportsman came from Icod de los Vinos

Photo: Facebook: Santi Cruz

Photo: Facebook: Santi Cruz

Bodyboarder caught by wave

in Tenerife, but lived at La Santa in Tinajo, Lanzarote. He was known in his environment as a great friend of the sea and as an always likeable and friendly guy. The 27-year-old was one of the best bodyboarders in the Canar-

Experience a magical day

Wonderful El Hierro

The first reader‘s trip with Diga Sports, in February, led them to this small Canary Island. It was such a great success that it will be offered on a regular basis with immediate effect. Every Wednesday, we will meet at 7.15am at the Los Cristianos port. The cost per person for this interesting day trip is


For more information and bookings, visit the Diga Sports office at Hotel Park Club Europe in Playa de Las Américas, telephone 677 489 946 or send an email to

Organiser: Dama Sports SL, Tax No: B76637651 / I-0003231.2

ies and took part in numerous competitions. Amongst others, he participated several times in the Quemao Class at La Santa in Lanzarote, which is one of the most difficult competitions with the most brutal waves in Europe. Only the best take part in this tournament. Last year, Santi finished third in the Quemao Class 2018. Together with his friends, he set off on the last Saturday in February to go surfing off the coast of the Famara massif. They wanted to take the socalled pipeline waves which form there, which are very similar to the famous waves of Hawaii. These tunnel waves

are among the most dangerous and can only be ridden by the best. Santi belonged to this elite circle, and yet a wave caught him so strongly that he hit his head against a rock hidden beneath the surface of the water and suffered a severe head trauma. His friends tried to take him across the strait to La Graciosa on the bodyboard. About halfway across, they were helped by a pleasure boat crew which enabled the casualty to be taken to Caleta de Sebo faster. There, Emerlan staff awaited the bodyboarder, who had already suffered a cardiac arrest. For one hour they struggled with resuscitation techniques to save the young man's life, but they had to surrender in the end. The injury was too serious and they could not revive him. The grief among his friends is tremendous. "Today is a very sad day. An evil wave took our friend Santi Cruz with it. We will miss his eternal smile, his passion for the sea, surfing and bodyboarding as well as his endless enthusiasm for big, radical waves. Our only consolation is that he died doing what was dearest to him and where he is now, he will beat his rivals as only he could. Our deepest sympathy goes to his family," said a Facebook message posted by Club de Surf Ibate Isla Baja in Tenerife, of which Santi was

Los Realejos - a childfriendly town

Changing nappies made easy Four baby changing stations were recently installed in Los Realejos, at the town hall, in the Basilio Labrador sports complex and at the Iván Ramallo stadium, as well as in the town’s cultural centre. The Los Realejos council invested around €1,600 in this first phase. As a town with the Ciudad Amiga de la Infancia (Friend of childhood town) seal of approval, further baby changing stations are to be set up in a second phase to make it easier for young mothers and fathers to care for their babies whilst on the move. “We have decided to set up the changing facilities in the disabled toilets. It is much easier to push prams and pushchairs into these cubicles because they are so much larger, and they are also used by both sexes” n explained the mayor Manuel Domínguez.

a member. He was one of the best, knew the Atlantic and its waves better than anybody else and yet once again the ocean showed its unruly and n unpredictable power.

Family members arrested

Smuggling drugs into Gran Canaria jail A total of 16 people, eleven women and five men, were arrested last year by the National Police in Las Palmas for trying to smuggle drugs into C.P. Las Palmas II prison. Seven of them had records of previous convictions. In cooperation with the prison staff, family members who had requested an intimate visit with an inmate were specifically arrested. A total of 770 grams of hashish, 45 grams of heroin, four grams of cocaine and 108 psychotropic tablets were seized during searches of n the visitors.

7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019



Surf exhibition in Orlando

No Work Team seeks higher turnover For the first time, the Gran Canaria Island Council supported the No Work Team sports fashion label, via its Moda Cálida collective, so that the company could exhibit its collection at one of the largest surfing exhibitions in Orlando. The exhibition which takes place twice a year is not open to the public, however over 28,000 exhibitors and buyers from specialist shops are on hand every year to present and get to know the new collections. More than 2,500 stands present sporting goods, fashion and accessories related to surfing. Visitors and buyers come from the USA, the Caribbean, Central and South America. For the fashion label from Gran Canaria, this was a unique opportunity to introduce itself to a wide audience. No Work Team shirts, pullovers, backpacks, caps and other items are available in the Canaries, at the Gran Canaria, Tenerife and Fuerteventura airports, as well as in shops at Playa de Corralejo in Fuerteventura and at the Varadero shopping centre in Maspalomas. n

Canarian surf fashion was presented to an international audience in Orlando

At the end of February, the Spanish royal couple King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia awarded the National Science Prize 2018 in the category of Physics, Materials and Geosciences to a Canarian researcher. Rafael Rebolo, Director of the Canary Islands Astrophysics Institute (IAC), was delighted to receive the award, which for the first time went to an astrophysicist. “We are one of the top reference points in Spanish science and the IAC is a centre that can compete with the major European research centres,” he said. The IAC covers five areas of cutting-edge research with great success and is at the forefront of solar physics. However, it has also discovered super-earths or planets similar in size to the Earth. The IAC is also an international reference address for the exploration and discovery of black holes and brown dwarfs. The latter are celestial bodies that occupy a special position between stars and planets. This area is, amongst others, the expertise of award-winning Rebolo. Images of the deepest galaxies in the universe have been received by the IAC, which is recognised worldwide as a pio-


National Research Prize for Rafael Rebolo

First recognition of astrophysics neer in the field of cosmology. Professor Rebolo also found his way into international circles through his research into the cosmic background of microwaves, with which he and his team achieved a major breakthrough, finding the first traces of the Big Bang, the birth of the universe. This project, originally known as ‘Experimento Tenerife’, is currently being continued under the name ‘Quijote’. The group searches the universe for gravitational waves produced at the moment of the Big Bang. “This award is not only for me, but for the entire team,” said Rebolo, who has spent most of his 34-year career in the Canary Islands. The award ceremony also included talks with Spanish Science Minister Pedro Duque. He is apparently going to support the IAC in its negotiations with Germany, hoping to get the country on board for the

construction of a large solar telescope, in a European joint project involving 15 countries and managed by the IAC. It requires an investment of €200 million and the construction, which is expected to take seven years, is due to begin in 2020.

High-level research projects The IAC Technology Centre (Iactec) in La Laguna was inaugurated at the end of February by representatives of the Canarian Government and Island Council. On the site of the former Hogar Gomera, companies from the high-tech sector will build micro satellites, instruments for biomedicine and for lighting technology. The Edificio Hawking, which is part of the centre, will also be completed this year, offering 60 scientists space for research on three floors. Originally, the renowned Profes-

sor Stephen Hawking wanted to move to Tenerife during the winter months in order to conduct research side by side with Canarian scientists. His death in March last year wrecked these plans, but the centre will still bear his name. In addition, Rebolo, in his capacity as Director of the Centre, reiterated that he has not completely abandoned the possibility of the Canaries housing the large, 30 metre diameter TMT telescope. Although the Hawaiian Supreme Court has approved the construction on the Mauna Kea volcano, there are strong protests against it among the indigenous people of Hawaii who consider the mountain sacred. “If the indigenous pressure becomes too great, the international community will know that La Palma is available as an alternative and will support the project with all permits,” Rebolo n stressed.




De Cotta Law’s new office De Cotta Law, the firm of English and Spanish Lawyers with offices in the Canary Islands and the Peninsula, will be inaugurating their new premises in Costa Adeje on March 14, from 1.30pm onwards. The new office is located at Centro Comercial Terranova, Locales 312-313, Avenida de España in front of Playa La Pinta, and everyone is invited to attend its opening. Should you wish to join the partners and staff of the company in the celebrations, all you need to do is call 922 719 520 or send an email to tenerife@ Since 1983, De Cotta Law, incorporated as De Cotta McKenna y Santafé, has combined a strong legal track record with international expertise. Their integrated team of Spanish qualified lawyers and Eng-

FOREIGN LANGUAGE NEWS 108 on property purchases, sales and transfers, inheritance and wills, civil litigation and personal Injury, all aspects of family law, criminal law, timeshare, tax and commercial law. The partners and staff at De Cotta Law Tenerife look forward to meeting you at their inauguration party. Alternatively, visit De Cotta Law’s new offices, in Avenida de España, s/n, Centro Comercial Terranova, Locales 312-313, Costa Adeje, Tenerife. You can also call them on (0034) 922 719 520, email, or see the website at www.decotta n

lish qualified solicitors and barristers make them one of the most versatile and experienced law firms in Spain, with offices in Tenerife, Mijas, Nerja and Coín. The company has established an international reputation working with Spanish, UK, Italian, Dutch, Belgian and Scandinavian clients and with businesses and individuals from many other countries. Services include complete conveyancing

Congratulations Joanne!

Dedicated to animals

Dominique Doring RIP

Collection For Tierra Blanca refuge By Nikki Attree A good friend of mine died early last year after a brave struggle with pancreatic cancer - she was only 52 years old. I'm organising a collection for a local dog refuge, Centro de Protección Animal Tierra Blanca, in her name, to celebrate her life and our shared love of dogs. I first met Dominique ten years ago. She was a qualified dog trainer, with her own business, and was helping the refuges in Tenerife. My own rescue dog,

Dominique had a lot of love to share

Gizmo, posed her ultimate training challenge (anyone who knows Gizmo will know what I mean). Dominique was a very warm, caring person. She always had time to help a friend in need—whether human or a four-legged, furry amigo. She'll be missed by her family, friends, all who knew her and Sammy and Pinto—the two big, bouncy rescue hounds she cared for with her partner, Klaus Muller. Please help some of the abandoned dogs of Tenerife by mak-

ing a donation, and in doing so celebrate her life. Donations of puppy or senior dog food, toys, treats, dog shampoo, vitamins, plastic beds, leads and collars are needed and can be delivered to: Tierra Blanca, Finca La Valiera. Camino La Valiera nº 12, Los Roques, 38570, Fasnia. Tel: 606 500 171. Or if you cannot deliver your donation to the refuge, contact Nikki Attree on facebook or check out One Stop donation collection points, puntos de recogida Tenerife on facen book for drop-off points.

A proud group gathered in Canterbury Cathedral recently to watch local Tenerife lass Joanne Eames collect her First Class Bachelor of Science Honours Degree from the University of Kent. Daughter of K9 Director, Hazel, Joanne was born in the UK, but raised in Tenerife. Of course as the apple never falls far from the tree, her choice of study was Animal Biology and Wildlife Conservation and her dissertation subject the captive reproduction of primates. Jo has been helping out at the K9 animal shelter here for the last decade, but her job experience also includes Edinburgh Zoo, Howletts Wild Animal Park (as part of the Aspinall Foundation), Monkey Park Tenerife and Jungle Park Tenerife. Fully trained in the rescue and rehoming of cats and dogs, Joanne would like to go on to specialise in wildlife rehabilitation and conservation. Good luck young lady. You’re a hard working lass and we hope you fulfil your dream. n

Animal biology and Wildlife Conservation specialist, Joanne Eames

7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019







Protecting world cultural heritage


Don’t panic no danger

Enchanting San Andrés

The historical area of San Andrés y Sauces

The Island Council of La Palma is providing €86,000 to the representatives of the councils of San Andrés and San Andrés y Sauces in the northeast of the island to further protect the historical heritage of this idyllic place. Since 2015, the historic town centre, with the church of San Andrés Apóstol, which has

been a listed monument since 1985, has been recognised as a World Heritage Site. In addition to the historic buildings of Villa de San Andrés and the immediate surroundings which are also protected, the banana plantations which extend into the town centre, are a special feature that gives this part of the island so much charm.

Bananas are still grown there today. The financial subsidy is intended to protect the historical, urban and architectural heritage and the surrounding area, especially the church of San Andrés and its surrounding plaza. In addition, the historical heritage area is to be opened up to the sea by a coastal path, and an urban park is being created on the Hacienda de Los Pobres estate.

The cemetery and the Plaza and Chapel of San Sebastían will also be integrated into this historic area. The special plan for San Andrés y Sauces is to preserve its historical heritage, to show it off, to enrich it with attractions such as the coastal path and for it to become a tourist magnet. In addition, the town centre will gradually become a car-free pedestrian n only area.

At the end of February a hobby diver saw several mako and tope sharks on the Playa Pasito Blanco in the borough of San Bartolomé de Tirajana in Gran Canaria, which he enthusiastically filmed. A few hours later, sharks appeared off the coast of La Oliva in Fuerteventura, in the bathing area on the Playa de Corralejo Viejo. As a precautionary measure civil defence staff, in consultation with the local council, closed the beach to bathers. At the same time they informed the beach visitors that the shark, commonly called cazón, is a very common species in Canarian waters. Worldwide, the species is even considered endangered. The animals are not considered dangerous to humans. Occasionally they retreat near the coast when the ocean is very turbulent or to give birth to their young. They can grow up to two metres long and weigh up to 45 kilograms. The civil defence staff invited people to enjoy this rare opportunity to see these animals so close. They emphasised that sharks of different species naturally live in Canary Island waters, but that there has never been an attack on humans, so there is no reason to panic. Many holidaymakers actually took the opportunity to shoot their own short videos as a holiday souvenir. n

The civil protection staff of La Oliva informed bathers about the harmlessness of this shark species

7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019




Saved from extinction by Loro Parque

Lear's Macaw – flying free again The Lear's Macaw from Brazil is one of nine species that the Loro Parque Foundation has been able to save from imminent extinction. The Foundation financed this programme with both in situ and ex situ projects and was thus able to achieve a success story. It began in 2006, when the Brazilian government gave two pairs of this species to Loro Parque in the hope that they could be bred. After only six months the macaws began to reproduce and since then 30 young animals have been born in Tenerife. Six of the strongest were sent back to Brazil last year as part of a reintroduction project (as reported here). In the meantime, their adaptation to the harsh conditions in their natural habitat, the Caatinga, has been successful and the six birds now fly freely through the forests of their ancestral homeland. The first task was to accustom the animals to their natural habitat. They were placed in a large free flight aviary

The Brazilian Caatinga can be a very hot and challenging habitat

with exactly the same species

ecology which would prevail

The first Macaw who dared to explore life outside the sheltered aviary

Little by little the whole group ventured out

in their later habitat. During this integration process, various goals had to be achieved. For example, the parrots had to get used to eating the fruits of the Licuri palm, which is a main staple for the species, at the same speed as the wild animals do. Until then, they had been used to a softer diet. They had to stop drinking water from the dispenser and begin to use the palm fruits instead to cover their need for hydration. The birds successfully mastered all these challenges. At the same time, carers worked

to increase their cardio-respiratory capacity and train them to listen for the sounds of possible hunters. One of the six parrots which was the most determined and curious was the first to leave the soft release enclosure to inspect the area and be the vanguard for the rest of the group. For his safety, during his first flights the bird was equipped with a tracking device that registered his movements. After he had mastered the distances and safely returned to the enclo-

sure, the door was opened for the others as well. Large rations of Licuri fruit were deposited on nearby palm trees to avoid the animals having to make great efforts to find food during their first forays in their new environment. A slow but continuous adaptation process took place. These Lear's Macaws managed one of the most important phases of recovery of the species and integration into the natural environment, with the group continuing to be observed by Brazilian local scientists, in particular by Erica Pacífico, director general of the reintroduction process. She is in direct contact with the Loro Parque Foundation experts and keeps them informed about the development process. This project is one of the most important for the Foundation. As a result, this species' level of danger on the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (UICN) has been downgraded from 'critically endangered' to n 'endangered'.



Healing with Cannabis


Phytotherapy in medicine

by Mirjam Repa-Reuss Herbal medicine, known as phytotherapy, is one of the oldest medical therapies known to mankind. Evidence of its practice has been found across all continents, in all cultures and civilizations, since the beginning of mankind. Findings prove that therapies and applications with herbs were used during the early Palaeolithic period, among all nomadic and peasant peoples of the Neolithic Age, and in all advanced civilizations of the early human period. Many of today’s common medicines and potent active substances still have their origin in herbal medicine. Nowadays, after many decades of research, it is understood that the therapeutic effect of a plant comes from its whole composition, including all its secondary substances – something that cannot be imitated in its entirety by laboratory chemistry. Cannabis, also called marijuana, products are included in this, of course.

Mirjam Repa-Reuss has had very positive experiences with cannabis therapy in her practice

Cannabis - versatile in use Cannabis sativa is a plant with a large amount of different active substances and secondary plant substances which often offer their full therapeutic effect only in combination.

In traditional Chinese medicine, cannabis is called ‘Má’. One of the oldest botanical reference books in China, the Shennong Bencaojing (Shennong's Classic Materia Medica) describes the agricultural and healing use of the hemp plant in detail. Hua Tuo (140-

208 A.D.), a Chinese physician and surgeon from the Eastern Han Dynasty, was the first physician to describe the use of cannabis during surgery as anaesthesia. First portrayals of the use of Má and hemp seeds in medicine, especially for obstetrics, gastrointesti-

The cannabis plant has been used in medicine for thousands of years

nal problems and seizures, go back to the Chinese Yan Emperor Shénnóng (ca.3000 BC). In the early records of Traditional Chinese Medicine,

various authors describe how hemp could be used as a remedy for pain, exhaustion, malaria, rheumatism and many other ailments.

7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019


Hemp made its way around the world via India and the ancient civilizations of Iran, Iraq and Turkey. In Europe, the oldest finds of hemp fibres are about 5500 years old and come from the Eisenberg area in Germany. However, in the middle of the 20th century, the American politician and Chairman of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN), Harry J. Anslinger, began an anti hemp/ cannabis campaign. He rejected the use of hemp and opium, also used for medical purposes, and managed to achieve its prohibition. Yet, today, cannabis as a medicinal plant is once again coming into the focus of medicine. The areas of application of the so-called cannabinoids are versatile and have few side effects. In addition, they can be used in conjunction with conventional medicine, for example to alleviate the side effects of radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The medical benefit of cannabis for the following diseases has now been proven by research: Alzheimer's and dementia, tinnitus, chronic pain, diabetes, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal diseases, HIV, multiple sclerosis, chronic borreliosis or lyme dis-

ease, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), urinary incontinence, restless leg syndrome, Parkinson's and other neurological diseases. The most interesting aspect of cannabinoid therapy is its diversity, as it can be used in particular for multi-symptomatic diseases, i.e. conditions with varying symptoms and causes. However, as with all forms of therapy, it should always be administered by experienced physicians.


Unjustly demonised Many experts and policy makers, including members of the police, politicians and doctors, consider cannabis to be a better alternative to many legal drugs. Narcotics such as alcohol or tobacco are not widely seen as particularly dangerous, but studies do not support this, in fact proving the opposite (e.g. Nutt et al., 2010). All the more questionable is the general ban on the hemp plant. From a scientific point of view, it would be logical either to legalise and, above all, regulate cannabis products, or to ban everything that has addictive potential. This would also mean

The psychoactive THC is extracted from the resin of the female flowers

Many parts of the hemp plant can be used for different therapeutic purposes

banning alcohol, tobacco and excessive sugar consumption. Of course, the protection of young people and children speaks against the free sale of hashish and marijuana, and therapy with cannabis products belongs in the hands of experts. In the UK, according to government statistics from 2017, around 80,000 people were treated for alcoholrelated problems. In England, the number of people who

17 consumed alcohol in detrimental quantities (known as ‘hazardous drinking’ – where drinking patterns may cause harm to the drinker or others), was up to 24 per cent of men and 13 per cent of women. Amongst other complications, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to irreversible brain damage, coma and death. In 2013, the Centre for Social Justice determined that the level of addiction in the UK (to both prescription and recreational drugs) made it the “addiction capital of Europe.” This includes alcohol and of course cigarettes, now known to contribute to a whole raft of illnesses, many of them fatal. In 2017, it was estimated there were around 7.4 million adult cigarette smokers in the United Kingdom. Marijuana, on the other hand, is not known to have claimed any lives. An extensive study by the American Journal of Public Health could not prove an influence of cannabis on the mortality rate of 65,000 American men and women. Cannabis, as a low side effect therapy, should be freely available, on prescription and at an n affordable price.


Le Club Beach Club Playa Fañabé, s/n Costa Adeje Opening hours: Everyday 10am – 7pm #03588c

1 Gourmet Hamburger 2 Beers + Sunbed

39 F




& 629 726 411 For many, this is the most beautiful beach club in Tenerife.There is hardly a better spot: Located right on Playa Fañabé, you can spoil yourself with a Bali Bed and enjoy the peace in the shade. Excellent snacks are served in Le Club. The Gourmet Hamburger with crispy fried bacon, melted Edam cheese, caramelised onions topped with the in-house BBQ sauce is a convincing choice. And now there’s a super package offer of a Sunbed, two beers and the Gourmet Burger for just €39.50. That‘s real joie de vivre!

Le Club



3 Tapas Beach Bar Playa Fañabé Costa Adeje Opening hours: Everyday 10am – 7pm 7692 C



1 Portion Baby squid 2 Beers + 2 Sunbeds




& 606 861 933 Situated in the middle of Playa Fañabé, 3 tapas is easily found. The well-kept beach invites you to sunbathe, swim and play in the waves. They serve snacks here including a large selection of ‘Montaditos’. An excellent local white wine, like Flor de Chasna, would be a perfect accompaniment, or choose the special offer of two deck chairs, two beers and a portion of baby squid for €32. Pure holiday sensation!

3 Tapas

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Fiji Beach Club Playa Fañabé Costa Adeje Opening soon

& 629 726 411 Opening Soon! Fiji Beach Club, destined to be the alternative beach club par excellence in Tenerife with the best GAY-FRIENDLY environment. Enjoy our elegant balinese beds, individual sunbeds, delicious oriental food and much more. The place where you can escape from the routine and enjoy the good music with our DJ‘s in the Fañabé beach with 365 days of sun all year round and being the place where you can just be yourself with no matter how you are or who you love.


7692 C de/tapas-beach



7692 C





d Fiji Beach Club



Mirador Calma & La Charcutería Calle Alemania Adeje Opening hours: Everyday 14:00 – 01:00

d calmaylacharcuteria

Calma & Charcurería


Roca Negra Avenida Adeje 300 Playa Paraíso, Costa Adeje Opening hours: Sun-Thu 10:00 – 24:00 Fri+Sat 10:00 – 02:00

& 604 106 484

Roca Negra

The Hardrock Hotel has helped the Paraíso Floral area gain prestige, and now we have The Roca Negra, located in a stylish shopping street, directly by and above the sea. If you feel like it, take a blanket and enjoy your drink and the sunset on the rocks in front of the Roca Negra. It’s the perfect place to enjoy a glass of Spanish cava or one of the countless cocktails. Do you have a favourite drink? Ask the barman, he can help you. From Costa Adeje to Roca Negra is a few minutes by car, but the effort is well worth it.


Harry‘s Bar Avenida de Las Américas, 5 Playa Las Américas Opening hours: Everyday 12:00 – 01:00

Playa de Las Américas has developed enormously in recent years. The golden mile where the legendary Magic, Thai Botánico, Imperial Tai Pan, Bianco and others are at home has another pearl to offer: Harry‘s at Centro Comercial Safari is the place to get together with friends, or if they are late, wait whilst enjoying a drink. Every gin lover gets his money‘s worth, there is hardly a place with a greater choice. Many also enjoy the fountain spectacle with classical music at 9pm at the Centro Comercial Safari. Nowhere can you see this better than from Harry‘s terrace. Here you can meet old friends and find new ones.


The most beautiful sunset, with a view of our three small neighbouring islands of La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro, is from La Calma/La Charcutería in Torviscas Alto. And the colours become even more spectacular with the right sundowner to accompany the moment – how about a Tequila Sunrise? Also, the ambient music is very pleasing. La Calma is not only a bar with an excellent view, however. In the restaurant you can have an excellent meal and be spoiled with the best food from the grill.

& 922 724 382



& 922 777 628



Harry‘s Bar


d harrystenerife

7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019


C/Carretera Panizo, 3General Piedra Hincada GuíaArona de Isora Águilas del42, Teide, Opening hours: Opening hours: Tue –– 11pm Sun 12:30–16:00 9am Wed – Sat 19:00–22.30 Everyday

922 857 327 &922 39 62 68 &

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Marina Bay Avenida Juan Carlos I Los Cristianos (Arona) Opening hours: daily 10:00–22:00 market days 9:00–22:00

& 922 791 371 A new sensation has hit Los Cristianos, and that is the Marina Bay Restaurant and Sunset Bar. Occupying an elevated position next to the Arona Gran Hotel, just behind the market site overlooking the sea, Marina Bay is the place to switch off and enjoy food and drinks. A daytime snacks menu and a full international menu provide for all tastes and ages. Watch amazing sunsets, enjoy live music in the evenings and maybe even dance too! The priority at Marina Bay is good customer service and quality food at reasonable prices.

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Mamma Mia Lúpulo de Las LaAvPlaza, 13Américas 7 C.C. Américas Plaza Alcalá, Guia de Isora Playa dehours: Las Américas Opening

Opening 7pm–22:30pm hours: Tue–Sun: daily 11:30–23:30 Closed Monday

922832 797274 082 &922 & Freshness andone tradition: Positioned on side of Mamma Míade is where you’ll find the Plaza Alcalá, you’ll excellent Italianculinary cuisine in the find this small jewel south of Tenerife. Enjoy all its that has more than earned aromas andThere, textures, with its fame. theand young a new menu at the beginning and talented Walter Fumero of July, you will also be able to creates original and exciting try some typical dishes from the cuisine. Married to Mexican north and south of Italy. Only Selene Jarvio, front of house the best quality authentic ingremanager, Walter extends dients are used, all of Italian his culinary passions to won the origin. Mamma Mía has Aztec: his tasting menu of the TripAdvisor Certificate of seven savoury courses and Excellence for years, confirtwo (an absolute marmingsweet the quality of the cuisine, vel), is accompanied by and demonstrating that difthe ferent ‘chillies’ from the essence of fine Italian food is enormous variety on offer. synonymous with Mamma Mía.


La Terraza Guinguette is aa modern, French La de Chayofa, restaurant where youRestaurant can enjoy new Mediterranean music, good and opened dancing, in the heart of food Chayofa. wine. Wein have created acul place Situated a peaceful de where we combine sac, Come and joinart, us,food youand are drink at La Guinguette in South guaranteed a pleasant and relaTenerife. The food is based on xing evening, choose one of their traditional French cuisine, comspectacular cocktails, enjoy a bined and tapa orwith ourcountry-specific delicious Mediterlocal of raneanproducts. homemadeMusicians plates such allour genres provide inspiratioas Seafood casserole, Paella, nal shows, theme pizzas, nights,meat and Lobster & shellfish, also perform during our Sunday dishes, pastas, snacks and BBQ. Our terrace shady salads... Life can bewith as beautitrees andwant! a breathtaking view ful as you You just have to invites you to relax. Our team decide when and where to enjoy awaits you to offer anlead unforit! On Sundays all you roads to gettable Chayofa. LA TERRAZA

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d Laterrazadechayofa

LaTerraza Guinguette La de Chayofa



d Restaurante Lúpulo


PROMOTION Calle Bencomo 42 Puerto de La Cruz

& 922 062 600

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Las Gangarras Camino Machín, 18 Buzanada Open: Tue – Sat 12 to 23h & Sunday 12 to 18h (Closed Monday)

& 922 766 423 Las Gangarras, in Buzanada, at only 10 minutes drive from Los Cristianos, a Canarian spot, steeped in history that takes you completely by surprise. Comprising of garden areas and small eateries “casitas” architecturally inspired from the traditional Guanche homes from the 18th century. Here, combine a rural setting and traditional quality gastronomy, such as “sharing platters of grilled meats”. How to get there: Exit the TF1 at Guaza roundabout, drive up the Buzanada road TF66, at the next roundabout turn right, then immediately left, for Las Gangarras.

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Bodegón Las Vistas Calle Bencomo 58 Santa Úrsula Open: Daily, except Tuesday 12 to 11 pm

& 822 108 923 ide urant in & outs Heated Resta

Tasteful, canarian kitchen, a rustic and authentic ambience and a breathtaking panoramic view characterise the Bodegón Las Vistas in Santa Úrsula. Also the very hospitable servicestaff and the favorable prices. This place welcomes everyone, from local Canarian or foreign residents who don‘t want to cook, to holidaymakers who find themselves in an extraordinary place in the middle of typical island life. A place you will never forget.


Every gourmet’s dream becomes a reality at Brunelli‘s, a steakhouse that is in the perfect location to inspire the palate. Selected meat of the very best quality, in a fantastic ambience right next to the sea, the culinary pleasure revolves around the Southbend: The only oven of its kind on the Canary Islands, it heats up to 800°C, sealing the juices and flavour inside the meat. Plus top quality wines from the island and Spain, and the restaurant’s crowning glory: an uninterrupted view of the Atlantic Ocean.


d Las Gangarras


Opening hours: Daily from 1pm – 3.30pm and 6.30pm – 11pm


Brunelli’s Steakhouse


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d bodegonlasvistas

7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019




One of the 100 best restaurants

Melvin by Martín Berasategui Only one Canarian restaurant has been included in the list of the 100 best restaurants in Spain in 2018, on El Tenedor, a TripAdvisor platform. El Tenedor evaluates the ratings for over 50,000 restaurants in eleven countries, submitted by around twelve million users per year. The focus is on the criteria of quality of service, gastronomy and decoration. The restaurant Melvin by Martín Berasategui

in the tourism complex Terrazas de Abama in Guía de Isora is ranked 37th on the list. It opened its doors about a year ago under the direction of the famous chef Martín Berasategui from Lasarte-Oria. His speciality is Mediterranean cuisine from San Sebastián combined with typical Basque grilled meat and fish. He has already cooked himself up a total of eight Michelin stars, three for the restaurant Mar-

tín Berasategui in Basque Lasarte-Oria, which by the way heads the list. In Guía de Isora, the skill of chef Diego Dato guarantees top quality. The Melvin is the third restaurant under the Berasetegui seal at the Abama Resort. The name is dedicated to the architect Melvin Villaroel, who designed the resort. The Bolivian architect was also a musician and environmentalist. This artistic-ecological vocation

had a decisive influence on the design of the development in the south of the island, being his most artistic and personal project. The restaurant offers a wonderful ambience overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, Mount Teide and the island of La Gomera. The interior was devised by the famous interior designer Rita Roses. She is known in Spain mainly for her work at the Ritz and Paln ace hotels in Madrid.

Gourmet opening in Antigua

Photo: Ayto. Antigua

Restaurant Salinas del Carmen A new restaurant Salinas del Carmen was opened in Antigua on the last weekend of February, near the museum of the same name. The deputy mayor Matías Peña welcomed the inauguration, which in his words "combines modernity and tradition, quality and good taste with a spectacular landscape". At the same time, he praised the new restaurant for creating jobs for the local people, enriching the gas-

tronomic offer and creating a new attraction for visitors. The menu is traditional Canarian style, under the direction of chef Francisco Vilela. The restaurant has been decorated by the local designer Miguel Ángel Chacón. Highlights are photographs from the 50s, 60s and 70s of various saltworks in the archipelago, provided by the photographer Javier Reyes Acuña, who also attended the inauguration despite his advancing age. n

A spacious and open design The winning team of the restaurant Melvin in Guía de Isora


Prawn boats Recipe by creative chef Shaila Chulani Prawn cocktails or heavily prepared with garlic are both well-known ways to enjoy shrimp and prawns, and here’s a delicious new version to try, delicately marinated and decoratively arranged. Ingredients: Raw, peeled prawns, powdered cumin, garlic, lemon juice, a little soy sauce, dried chillies or cayenne pepper, fresh coriander, fried tomato sauce, oyster sauce, crisp lettuce, roasted sesame, and sour cream (optional). Preparation: First marinate the raw prawns in the lemon juice and soy sauce. Add cumin powder, finely chopped garlic and coriander. Then fry the marinated prawns in a pan with olive oil over medium heat. Add salt and the spices to taste, and cook for a few minutes. Meanwhile, mix half of the fried tomato and oyster sauces together and add some of the juices left over from frying the prawns, mixing thoroughly. In a final step, position the salad leaves on the plate in the shape of boats. Place the prawns and sauce on top and sprinkle with roasted sesame seeds. If desired, the sour cream can be n served with it.

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Excellent wines from Bodegas Tunte and Las Tirajanas

bus initiative

Fresh fruit and veggies for schools

Photo: GobCan

Thanks to a subsidy of over €735,000 from European Union funds, 82,957 pupils from 375 public primary schools in the Canary Islands will be supplied with fresh fruit and vegetables for at least ten weeks. From April to June, seasonal produce from the farms in the region is to be distributed to schools for children between the ages of three and twelve years with enough for individual rations of between 80 and 180 grams daily. Carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, bananas, oranges, melons, raspberries, strawberries, papayas, pineapples and other tropical fruits are to be distributed. Accompanying the initiative, the teachers will receive pictorial and teaching material with which they can support the action during the lessons. In addition, a ‘Frutiguagua’ (fruit bus) will be travelling around the islands in cooperation with the farmers’ markets, in order to take the initiative to families as well. The campaign aims to promote the healthy consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables in everyday life. Experts believe the best time to get into the habit of eating healthy fruit and vegetables as a regular part of your diet is when you are a child. The Canarian Government councillor for agriculture Narvay Quintero and the councillor for health José Manuel Balta are killing two birds with one stone with this initiative: encouraging children to eat healthy food in schools and strengthening the local agricultural economy. n

A very good harvest in Gran Canaria Diana Bordón from the Bodega Tunte and Ana Nanclares from the Bodega Las Tirajanas in the borough of San Bartolomé de Tirajana recently presented the 2018 wines during the Almond Blossom Festival. Together they have produced around 125,000 bottles of wine, stressing that it was a good harvest that produced an excellent quality wine. Mayor Marco Aurelio Pérez Sánchez and José Carlos Álamo, the town's Councillor for Agriculture, emphasised that the region's wines are of exceptional quality and regularly receive awards in regional, national and international competitions. The cultivation of vines beautifies the landscape and, at the same time, the island's own wine is a good addition to the tourism offer.

Small but exceptional Bodega Tunte

Fresh fruit will be delivered directly to the schools

Bodega Tunte, led by Diana Bordón, took part in the presentation for the first time. The bodega, located at medium altitude in the borough, is only small and produces Gran Canaria Denomination of Origin wines for marketing. The boutique bodega was founded in 1998 by the local entrepre-

Photos: Ayto. San Bartolomé de Tirajana

7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019

A toast to honour the Canarian wine culture

neur Santiago Santana Cazorla and has been managed since 2014 by the family's second generation. Due to its exceptional quality, the wines from this bodega have received several awards. The grape varieties Malvasía Volcánica, Verdello and Albillo Criollo for the white wines, Oro Blanco and Malvasía Seco Berode as well as the Moscatel de Alejandría for a sweet dessert wine, are cultivated at an altitude of 900 metres on a 35,000 square metre finca. Cultivation and harvesting are still carried out by hand using traditional methods and the fermentation process is technically supervised by the second best rated enologist in Spain, Alberto González Plasencia.

This blend of tradition and modernity produces an excellent wine that convinces even connoisseurs.

Wine cooperative Bodega Las Tirajanas Ana Nanclares presented the eleven wines produced in the Bodega Las Tirajanas. This bodega is not only known for its classic white wines made from Malvasía and Verijadiego grapes, but also for its rosé and red wines that mature in oak barrels. They, too, can boast a long list of local, national and international prizes. "We are very satisfied with the 2018 harvest. The grapes were of a very high quality and the wines are exceptional," Nan-

Bodega Tunte, small, but exceptional, a difference reflected in the unusual bottle design

clares stressed. Over 100,000 bottles were produced. It’s quite clear that this is a larger bodega. It was founded in the 90s and at that time, several local wine-growers were unifying their harvests to produce a wine together. They did this so successfully that in the last decades more and more vine growers have joined in and the bodega has become a cooperative to which 17 families hand over the fruit of their vineyards. They come not only from the immediate surroundings, but from very different parts of the south, north and centre of the island, and this is why the wines stand out for another characteristic. The grape harvesting from this bodega takes longer due to the location of the different growing areas. It begins in July in the south of the island and ends in October, when the last grapes are harvested in the north and in the interior of the island. n

Finally Tenerife, finally the Canary Islands. Gianni Conti is already active in 45 countries - from Portugal to Russia - throughout all the world: France, Spain, Germany, Denmark, Latvia, Japan, Canada, United States, South Africa, even Vietnam and China. Today Gianni Conti is also active in Adeje/Las Americas with an all-round personal store and a collection of over 350 bag varieties: from classic to vintage and fashion, with the latest trend of colors. Professional briefcases for businessmen and businesswomen, keychains, wallets and much more. In the Gianni Conti store you don’t just buy a product, you also breathe an all Italian atmosphere: the coffee machine is always ready to make you an espresso, laced with Varnelli or Meletti, distinctive of Marche, our region. For our non driving customers we will be glad to offer a glass of excellent Prosecco. Confident of the fact that we’ve whetted your curiosity, we’re guessing that you’re already starting your car or calling a cab... to get to us. Our girls will be there, ready and more welcoming than ever to receive you, always with a smile on their faces. All that remains for me to do is to wish you a good visit.

Elio Contigiani CEO GIANNI CONTI STORES IN TENERIFE Adeje Avenida Barranco de Las Torres - Los Olivos (Exit 81 Autopista del Sur TF1 - Next to Lidl Supermarket) Costa Adeje Centro Comercial The Duke Shops Centro Comercial Siam Mall Puerto de La Cruz Calle de la Hoya, 41

GIANNI CONTI POINTS OF SALE IN TENERIFE Costa Adeje Hotel Iberostar Sàbila - Blow Project (Planta - 2) Arona Centro Comercial Parque Santiago III - Evelino (Locales 108A, 135 y 136) Brillit Calzados Calle Central, 4 - Las Galletas


WHAT’S ON 2019



GRAN CANARIA DIARY DATES March 7 8.30pm: Berta Moreno, saxophonist, varied repertoire, Teatro Guiniguada, LPGC, €10. March 8 9am: La Venecia de Gran Canaria Tour, Mogán, Amadores and Mirador de las Dunas, pick-ups from Maspalomas and Playa del Inglés, children from €15, adults from €30. 11.30am: Children’s Carnival parade, San Matías town centre, Teror, free event. www. 8pm: VII Encuentro de Agrupaciones Folclóricas, traditional folk music by the Maspalomas Municipal Music School, Plaza de El Tablero, Maspalomas, free entry. 9pm: Shayna Steele, jazz, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €15. www.auditorioteatro March 9

Kraus, LPGC, from €12. www.auditorioteatro March 14 – 24 Maspalomas Carnival. Theme is ‘The moon’, various events and activities. www.carnaval March 15 9am: La Venecia de Gran Canaria Tour, Mogán, Amadores and Mirador de Las Dunas, pick-ups from Maspalomas and Playa del Inglés, children from €15, adults from €30. March 16 9am: Historic Gran Canaria Tour, Jardín Canario, Vegueta, Santa Catalina Park, Cuevas de Guayadeque and Agüimes, leave from LPGC, children €19, adults €39. 9pm: Carmen Boza, hard-hitting folk pop, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €40. www. March 17 8pm: Ara Malikian, Royal Garage World Tour, renowned violinist, fusion, accompanied by a band, varied repertoire, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €42. www.auditorioteatrolas Until March 17 Agüimes carnival. Theme is ‘villains’, varied events and activities. March 22

All day: Join one of the biggest floats of the Las Palmas Carnival, plus after-party at The Paper Club, LPGC, from €75, drinks included. Tlf: 653 994 207 9am: Historic Gran Canaria Tour, Jardín Canario, Vegueta, Santa Catalina Park, Cuevas de Guayadeque and Agüimes, leave from LPGC, children €19, adults €39. 8pm: Boleros Sinfónicos, orchestral interpretations of boleros, Centro Cultural Maspalomas, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, €5. Until March 10 Las Palmas Carnival. Theme is ‘A night in Rio de Janeiro’, various events and activities. www. 10am-7pm: Feria de Artesanía Primavera Sur, crafts fair, Maspalomas lighthouse, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, free event. www.gran March 13 8pm: José Luis Castillo, pianist, Bach, Busoni, Vivaldi, Brahms and more, Auditorio Alfredo


8pm: Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra with guitarist Cañizares, playing Strauss, Martín y Soler, Rodrigo and more, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €26. www.auditorioteatro

EXHIBITIONS Until March 16 Pinto pese a todo (I paint despite everything), celebrating the 50th anniversary of the start of the career of artist Paco Juan Déniz, surrealism, fantasy and other styles, Sala de Exposiciones La Caldereta, Vega de San Mateo, Tuesday to Friday, 9am–2pm & 6pm–8pm, Saturdays and Sundays 9am–2pm, free entry. www.vegade Until March 29 Paintings by Ángela González Álvarez, resident artist in the Centro de Arte La Regenta, varied media, Centro de Arte Saturninita, Maspalomas, Monday to Friday, 8am-2.30pm, free entry.

8am-4pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General, Km 7.8, La Esperanza. www.ayuntamientoel 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Camino Viejo de San Benito s/n, Casa del Llano, Realejo Alto. 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza San Pedro, Vilaflor.

8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza de la Luz, Los Silos.


9am–2pm: Farmers’ market, Av. Villa de Arico, Porís de Abona.

March 7

9am-2pm: Food and crafts market, Plaza de la Libertad, Garachico.

6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna.

1pm-4pm: BBQ and live music, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327. Facebook/Restaurante.La.Guinguette

9am-1am: Farmers’ market, sea front, Los Cristianos.

Until March 10

4pm-10pm: Canarias Folk Fest, food and crafts market plus traditional dancing and music, Plaza de La Pescadora, Los Cristianos, free event.

Santa Cruz Carnival. Theme is ‘The deep sea’, various events and activities. www.carnaval

8pm: Ana María Ribeiro and Tomoko Sawano, FIMA, flute and piano concert, varied repertoire, Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Los Cristianos, €5. March 8

March 9

6pm & 9pm: Tribute to Spanish band Mecano, by Robin Torres with Hija de la Luna (Daughter of the Moon), Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €30.

6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna.

Thursday – Sunday: CamBuyon Market, art, second hand, vintage, Mercado del Puerto, LPGC, Thursdays and Fridays, 7pm – 11pm; Saturdays 6pm – 11pm; Sundays 12pm – 3pm.

8am-3pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General TF5, Km 49, La Guancha.


March 23

Until further notice

8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. TF16, Km 3.5, Tacoronte. www.mercadillodelagricultor. com

March 10

8pm: Line Johannesen and Tomoko Sawano, FIMA, trombone and piano concert, varied repertoire, Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Los Cristianos, €5.

8pm: Ida Susal, singer-songwriter from Tenerife, pop, indie, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €12.

8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). www.


10pm: Europe, renowned Swedish rock band, best known for 1986 hit The Final Countdown, Gran Canaria Arena, LPGC, from €39. www.

March 24

Valle San Lorenzo, free bus both days from Playa de Las Américas 9am, 10am and 11am.

6pm: Kubik by Teatro Paraíso, theatre show designed for babies and toddlers between the ages of one and three years old, Teatro El Sauzal, El Sauzal, €12. 7pm: Closing concert of the FIMA festival, local bands, varied repertoire, free entry, limited places, Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Los Cristianos. March 9 & 10 8am-1.30pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje. 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, C/ Cooperativa,

March 11 9am-2pm: Farm and general market, Plaza del Llano, Alcalá. 8pm: Shut up and play the piano, documentary following Grammy-winning classical and pop-playing pianist Chilly Gonzales from his native Canada to late 90’s underground Berlin, Paris and the world’s great philharmonic halls, includes collaborations with Daft Punk, Drake and more, Filmoteca festival, Espacio Cultural CajaCanarias, Santa Cruz, not recommended for under 12s, €2. March 12 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour plus tasting, Dorada beer factory, Santa Cruz, €10. www. 8pm: Arona Opera Cycle, tenor Celso Albelo and Juan Francisco Parra on piano, varied repertoire, Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Los Cristianos, €10. March 13 8am-1pm: Farmers’ market, Paseo El Bufadero, Playa de San Juan.

7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019

WHAT’S ON 2019


10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour plus tasting, Dorada beer factory, Santa Cruz, €10. www. 1pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). www.costa 3pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje. 7pm-10pm: Live music with Marc Morgan, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327 for reservations. Facebook/ Restaurante.La.Guinguette March 14 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 4pm-10pm: Canarias Folk Fest, food and crafts market plus traditional dancing and music, Plaza de La Pescadora, Los Cristianos, free event.

7pm: Children of the 80s: Lucrecia tribute to Celia Cruz, plus Dream3Team Reload and Puretas Party, Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife, Costa Adeje, from €22.50. 8.30pm: The Room To Be, theatre show (in Spanish), four people find themselves in the same room without any memory of how they arrived there, by Burka Teatro, Paraninfo, La Laguna University, from €8. March 16 & 17 8am-1.30pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje. 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, C/ Cooperativa, Valle San Lorenzo, free bus both days from Playa de Las Américas 9am, 10am and 11am. 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). www.costa

March 15

8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. TF16, Km 3.5, Tacoronte.

7.15pm: Carnage, film, black comedy, in English with Spanish subtitles, Arona Ciclo de Cine, Centro Cultural, Los Cristianos, free entry, limited places.

8am-4pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General, Km 7.8, La Esperanza. www.ayuntamientoel

8.30pm: Big band de Canarias, jazz, Teatro El Sauzal, El Sauzal, €12. 9pm: Carmen Boza, folk pop, Búho Club, La Laguna, €14 in advance €17 on the door. www. March 15 & 16

8am-3pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General TF5, Km 49, La Guancha.

9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Camino Viejo de San Benito s/n, Casa del Llano, Realejo Alto. 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza San Pedro, Vilaflor. March 17 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza de la Luz, Los Silos.

March 19 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour plus tasting, Dorada beer factory, Santa Cruz, €10. www. March 20 8am-1pm: Farmers’ market, Paseo El Bufadero, Playa de San Juan. 10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour plus tasting, Dorada beer factory, Santa Cruz, €10. www. 1pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). www.costa 3pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje. 7pm-10pm: Live music with Marc Morgan, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327 for reservations. Facebook/ Restaurante.La.Guinguette March 21 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 9am-1am: Farmers’ market, sea front, Los Cristianos. March 22 9.30pm: Tribute to Spanish band Mecano, by Robin Torres with Hija de la Luna (Daughter of the Moon), Auditorio Teobaldo Power, La Orotava, from €20. 10.30pm: Baroni one Time in concert, plus spots by Subliminal Force, Guiyo y & Little Churry (Veneno Crew), Blackzee (Profecía Crew) and DjElemento, mini roots and reggae festival, Sala El Arcón, Puerto de La Cruz, €10. March 23

9am-1pm: Traditional pottery demonstration, Farmers’ Market, Valle San Lorenzo, free entry. 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Av. Villa de Arico, Porís de Abona. 9am-2pm: Food and crafts market, Plaza de la Libertad, Garachico. Silver Age Fair, businesses and professionals present opportunities and services aimed at people over the age of 55, Av. Las Américas (by C.C. Oasis), Playa de Las Américas, free event. March 16 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 5pm: Magia y Humor (Magic and Humour), family magic show by Mago Dragster, L Incanto, Santa Cruz, €6.

10am-12pm: Children’s pottery workshops, Farmers’ Market, Valle San Lorenzo, free entry. 12.30pm: Magia y Humor (Magic and Humour), family magic show by Mago Dragster, L Incanto, Santa Cruz, €6. 1pm-4pm: BBQ and live music, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327. Facebook/Restaurante.La.Guinguette March 18 9am-2pm: Farm and general market, Plaza del Llano, Alcalá.


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best known for 1986 hit The Final Countdown, Estadio El Peñón, Puerto de La Cruz, from €39. Until end April 4pm: The magic town of La Orotava, dramatised walks through the area’s historic centre, in Spanish, English and German, €20 per person including a tasting of local products. Tel: 922 323 041, email:,

EXHIBITIONS Until March 10 Cebrián Poldo Cebrián: Dos generaciones (1949-2019), celebrating the life and works of renowned Canarian artist and photographer Poldo Cebrián (La Palma, 1948) and the intimate relationship with equally prominent Spanish photographer Cebrián (Burgos 1919 - Tenerife 1999), land- and seascapes, portraits, commentary pieces and more, TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Santa Cruz, Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 8pm, free entry. www. Until March 18 VIII Mujeres Adeje Creativa (Creative Adeje Women), 60 different artists display various Works and médiums in celebration of International Women’s Day (March 8), Centro Cultural, Adeje. 9am-9pm, free entry. Until March 29 Sororidad (Solidarity between women), collective exhibition of paintings and sculptures by members of the Gara Acosta and Tenique Associations, Museo de la Historia, Granadilla, Monday to Friday, 9am-2pm, free entry. www.

For regular church, charity and recreational events, please see:





Animal charities’ round up

in your home so you can be sure you’ve made the right decision. If you adopt two kittens together then initial injections, microchip and neutering is free for the second one. Adopt a black kitten or two and both will receive the above treatments free. We always need cat food, litter, sheets, towels, bedding etc. if you have any spare please. Contact us at or ring/whatsapp Sharon on 662 524 006 or Sandra on 671 282 773 (for English, Spanish and German, after 6pm). Alternatively, message us on Facebook. Our shop Find it on San Blas in Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino), open seven days a week, 10am until 6pm. If you don’t have transport or have large bulky items to donate you can ring Mark on 636 590 557 to arrange collection. Or maybe you would you like to help in the shop?

Acción del Sol

Lots of our dogs enjoyed a walk down to the beach recently, thanks to Acción del Sol’s supporters

K9 Calendar cuties Our 2019 calendar pays homage to the lovely animals adopted from K9 over the years, with 12 adoptees featured on one each of the months and a collage of other ex K9 pets. If you would like to purchase it (for €5) please call 667 638 468. Ways you can help We always appreciate any help. You could buy our merchandise (T-shirts, vests, key rings, wristbands and more) at the refuge, you can sponsor one of our wonderful sponsor dogs via our website, you can donate money either via our website or in cash at the refuge, or food and other items which help us look after our dogs and cats. Also, you can become a volunteer dog walker by calling us or simply popping by any day during our opening hours. Remember to keep an eye on our website or Facebook page (information below) for any fundraising events which you may like to attend. Also, why not come along to our charity shop in Alcalá?

Shop till you drop Please note we are no longer holding car boot sales in Los Gigantes, but you can visit our shop in Alcalá Plaza, Monday to Saturday from 10am to 2pm. Donations of quality household goods, clothes, books, shoes or other items are very welcome as well. Call 646 561 035 to arrange collection of larger items from all local areas. All proceeds go towards funding the animals’ care and are essential to ensuring our K9 dogs and cats have everything they need to make their time at the refuge as comfortable as possible. Adoptions We have many beautiful dogs waiting for their forever homes. You can see them on our website at Or visit the Refuge on Calle Chimbesque, between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas, any day between 10am and 2pm. Alternatively, call us on 667 638 468 or email You will also find stories of our dogs’ antics on our Facebook page at Diary of a K9 Tenerife Dogwalker or K9 Tenerife.

These poor puppies were abandoned in this bowl outside a church in Tegueste

Also, to see daily photos of the walks that take place at K9, ‘like’ the facebook page Voluntarios del Refugio K9.

Cats Welfare See some of our kittens at Don Perro Vets, Las Chafiras (tel: 922 735 824), and Yaiza Vet, Los Cristianos (922 169 381). As well as kittens, we have several adult cats from 18 months to seven years old. All adults are leukaemia negative, neutered, vaccinated and micro-chipped. All cats go on a week’s trial

Despite the hot weather, many of our lovely dogs got to have a walk down to the sea with our wonderful supporters, everyone sporting their green neckerchiefs, for our recent awareness campaign– thank you so much everyone. On a sadder note, eight gorgeous puppies were dumped in a plastic container outside the church in Tegueste a while ago. Luckily, they were brought to the refuge, but despite all our efforts two of them passed away. However, six are in great health and will soon be looking for new homes. We have once again started our educational programme with local schools and colleges to try to raise awareness of the on-going plight of dogs in Tenerife. We firmly believe in educating school children in the correct way to care for pets and to understand that dogs do have feelings and need love, good food, regular walks and proper health care, in an effort to reduce the number of abandoned dogs and to give dogs a better quality of life. We’d like to remind you that it’s obligatory to have your dog micro-chipped and registered at your local town hall. In addition, a single bite from an infected mosquito can give your dog heartworm, which can lead to a very slow and painful death. We can never stress enough the importance of treating your dog to prevent this occurrence. Over 60 per cent of dogs that arrive at the refuge test positive for heart-


Forever Erwin

The lovely Erwin arrived at K9 in September 2016 and was very nervous and shy at first, though very curious. However, thanks to the loving support of everyone at the refuge, Erwin blossomed into the loving, friendly dog that he is today. When Erwin is excited, it’s one of the happiest and sweetest moments! He can be walked on and off lead and always comes back when you call him. He’s been at K9 for nearly three years now and is around four years old. He seems quite good with most dogs, it is just people who’ve let him down, making him nervous and fearful at first, but if you take the time to get to know him, he will fill your life with joy and happiness. You can meet him and his canine friends at K9, simply n call them on 667 638 468.

worm. It is a very costly treatment and uncomfortable for the dog but one of utmost importance to prevent further pain and suffering. We are completely full and reaching crisis point, with over 230 gorgeous dogs of all shapes and sizes looking for loving homes. From Yorkshire terriers to Dalmatians we have every type imaginable ready for adoption. We don’t charge for adoptions but donations are very welcome towards the vast running costs of the refuge. Every one of the dogs has a clean bill of health and is fully inoculated, micro-chipped, heartworm- and flea-free, has a passport and is sterilised, the last one being compulsory to try to reduce the large numbers of unwanted litters here on Tenerife. How you can help Besides obvious needs such as food, water and veterinary care, a little attention is all the dogs here want. They love going out for a walk so please do come and take one out if you have time, they really will appreciate it. In addition, we always need items for the animals and refuge, such as products for our clinic and clean-

ing products and utensils, building materials, dog toys, leads, etc., tinned food for our elderly dogs, puppy milk, and dog jackets for when our dogs travel by flight to Germany, as well as materials to help with our educational programme (pens, paper, glue, play-doh and crayons). Every donation is greatly appreciated. We are also desperately looking for people travelling to Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Berlin or Frankfurt who would be prepared to escort a dog. All that’s needed is a little time at the airport: all necessary paperwork and handling of the dogs is done by AccionTier staff. Please do call us on 664 321 219 between the hours of 8am and 5pm if you can help in any way, or visit us on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons from 2pm to 5pm, and Saturdays 1pm to 4pm. We’re situated directly under the wind turbines, from exit 52 on the TF1 north bound, just after the El Médano junction. Head for the windmills on the coast and we’re located in the buildings on the right hand side. Alternatively, email us on or visit our Facebook page at Action n tier Acción del Sol.

7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019



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Gran Canaria Bike Week As soon as the 30th Gran Canaria Bike Week was over last year, the lists for registration for this year's edition opened. The date for the 31st Bike Week has been set for December 1 to 8. On several routes with different degrees of difficulty, the race travels back and forth through some of the most beautiful landscapes of the island and includes an exhausting section from the coast to the summit. Cyclists can participate in one or more of the routes. New this year are the Tour La Titánica under the slogan 'Continue means win', a tour to the The slopes are steep. Hold on! that’s the motto

Photos: Cab. GC

The routes lead through some of the most beautiful of the island landscapes

Pico de las Nieves, the great Circular de Ayaguares and for the first time a team discipline in which ten kilometres are to be covered in teams of two or three. Last year, 800 cycling enthusiasts signed up to face the challenges of this cycling week in Gran Canaria. Information about the respective stages and registration can be found on the website www. Special packages can also be booked. The participants will receive technical and medical care and insurance during the tour. n

Therapeutic pools for seniors

Be active - for as long as possible

Soon the two new, and at the same time the first public pools for water therapies will be inaugurated at the residence and day centre for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients on the Finca Las Cabreras in Lanzarote. They will be part of the centre maintained by the Association of Alzheimer’s and Dementia Patients of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura (AFA), where patients and their families are cared for. “It is satisfying to see how the first public therapeutic bath on the island will soon be completed and put into operation. It will not only be available to the approximately 100 users of the centre, but also to other associations and groups that need therapeutic water gymnastics,” explained Island President Pedro San Ginés, during a visit to the new spa. Only a few little things need finishing and then it can be opened. There are two pools, a larger one of 67 square metres and a smaller pool with 27 square metres. Thanks to this type of water therapy, patients suffering from Alzheimer’s and other physical or cognitive disorders, can maintain motor skills for as long as possible and delay complications in the musculoskeletal system, as well as circulatory and respiratory disorders. More than €215,000 has been invested in the project by AFA and the Island Council in a joint effort. The entire facility is n equipped for the disabled and is energy-efficient.

Photo: Cab. Lanzarote


It’s been a long wait, but the therapeutic baths are becoming a reality

7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019


CD Tenerife


Canarians among the 30 best in the world

Photo: Ayto. Antigua

Xavier Carballo and Cristian Cherchi, who both compete for the Club de Tiro San Crispín at Antigua in Fuerteventura are among the 30 best amateur archers in the world. Xavier is not only passionate about this sport, but is also the teacher of about two dozen young athletes enrolled at the Antigua Municipal School. The two teammates Xavier and Cristian Reisen competed together in international competitions, which has led them to Italy, France and Luxembourg. Among 300 amateur archers, the two of them fought for a place among the best 30 in the world with discipline, calmness and accuracy. They are both adventurers who love to travel and compete with colleagues in their sport. Antigua’s Sports Councillor Fernando Estupiñán congratulated them and thanked them for making Antigua known on the international stage far beyond the island through the logos n on their sportswear and their successes.

Xavier and Cristian enjoy competing at international level


A new record for Edu The Canarian swimmer Edu Blasco, 26 times Spanish Champion and European Champion in 50 metre towing, won again at the French lifeguard competition in Poitiers. In his special discipline of 50 metre towing, in a 25-metre basin, he even set a new record of 0.29 minutes. He also won the silver medal n in the combination.



Another win and a new record for Edu

Tenerife pull away from the drop zone By Chris Todd With a two week gap between matches for CD Tenerife, thoughts have turned to first securing their 2nd division status and secondly planning for next season. The big news was the confirmation of the transfer to Valencia of young centre-half Jorge Saenz. He could have left the team in January but was determined to help the cause and see out the rest of the season at his hometown club. The €2 million payment will go a long way to boosting next year’s budget, but if Saenz does well the fee could rise to as much as €6 million. Also written into the contract is a clause that will see CD Tenerife gain 50 per cent of any future transfer. Another Tenerife player in the news has been Serbian Uros Racic who joined the blanquiazules on loan from Valencia in January. His excellent performances have not gone unnoticed and Valencia allegedly received a €15 million offer from an English Premiership club last week. However, whatever happens he will stay playing at CD Tenerife until June. The future looks promising under new Director of football Victor Moreno and hopefully the club have learnt from past errors. Instead of signing players in the summer that are ‘risky’, to say the least, we need to go for proven goal-scorers, players who are on form now. Maybe that is easier said than done on limited finances, but far too often we have plumped for strikers who have not been

From now on it is all about teamwork and being united

playing regularly with the hope they can reproduce their best years, and it rarely pays off. This was the case this season with Nano and Naranjo who have only managed five goals between them. Another mistake was the ‘Pearl of Tanzania’ who was signed on the back of a Youtube video and clever agent. He has now been loaned out to a lower league club. Meanwhile, work has not started on the revamped Sports Academy at Geneto close to the North Airport. The €12 million project should be completed by 2020 and will boast a small stadium, accommodation for young players, shops and canteens as well as several training pitches. 22/02/2019 CD Tenerife 2 Real Mallorca 2 The blanquiazules appear to have been lumbered with playing at home on Friday evenings recently. The television platforms pay the money and choose as they wish of course, but being given a fourth Friday game by the league since December seems unfair. Pro-

tests by supporters all over Spain regarding Monday and Friday matches have gained ground recently and the league announced last week that from next season there will be no Monday matches scheduled. They will debate in the near future whether to scrap Friday games as well. At the Mallorca game the crowd of just under 10,000 was not actually too bad, considering that the team had not scored for 391 minutes combined with the unpopular match day and kick off time. But to add salt to the wound, another game, this time against Osasuna, was confirmed for Friday March 22. The club however appealed, asking the league to switch it to their preferred Sunday afternoon slot. However, no solution had been found as we went to print. Back to the Mallorca game, and Oltra the Tenerife manager was celebrating his 150th game in charge of the team. He is something of a hero in these parts after winning promotion to La Liga in 2009 for Tenerife during his first spell on the

island, but some are now questioning whether he is the man to take us forward. This feeling gained ground as the visitors took an early lead and the blanquiazules struggled to create chances. Matters would only get worse just after the break when keeper Dani Hernandez slipped up to gift Budimir a comical goal. The talented midfield duo of Luis Milla and Racic were doing their best to spur the team on, but you could not really see where a goal was coming from. Malbasic hit the bar when it seemed easier to score, it really was not our day (or so we thought). One thing this team has got is plenty of spirit, however. When Racic pulled a goal back to make it 1-2 on 71 minutes it was game on. At last we saw a determined attack-minded Tenerife side, but time was against us. In a last throw of the dice, out of favour Tayron entered the pitch and with practically his first touch he brought the ball down in the box before smashing it into the goal in injury time. The 2-2 draw slightly flattered the blanquiazules perhaps but we will take anything we can get at the moment! After being awarded the three points from the Reus game (the Catalan club have been removed from the league and all games by default will be given as a 0-1 victory to the opposition), CD Tenerife will face Numancia at home on March 10 at 5pm. It will be a lively Carnival type atmosphere in the capital on the day but Tenerife will need to win to stay clear of n the relegation area.

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Aries 21.03 - 20.04 Obstacles to your immediate plans should disappear with intuition and inner insight. Now is the time to change roles slightly and let your loved ones lean on you for a change. Liberation for you can free others to be as strong as they need to be.


Los Cristianos, Gaby, brunette, beautiful and sexy. I am complete, I do everything without limits. I am available 24 hours in my apartment and can do outcalls. Tel: 610 609 086.

Taurus 21.04 - 20.05 Creativity increases and you’re ready for a romantic trip to somewhere familiar but new. This is a pause for introspection and learning about yourself. Find out how many of your life challenges are caused by your own beliefs.

Los Cristianos, Alejandra, Venezuelan, beautiful, blonde, large breasts, great body. Natural French, kisses, positions, sado, golden rain, fetishism, vibrators. Private apartment in the centre of Los Cristianos, or I can do outcalls. Tel: 603 375 934.

Los Cristianos, Meliza, Venezuelan, blonde, large breasts, all services, natural French, positions, kisses, sado. I am in Calle Ramón Pino, behind Avenida Suecia. I do outcalls. Tel: 602 629 191.

Horoscope for period: March 7 to March 20

Gemini 21.05 - 21.06 Your finances are finally back on track and you may even get to travel someplace fun. It’s a great time to get away, relax and socialise with friends and loved ones. There will be protection and guidance from loved ones and even support. Cancer 22.06 - 22.07 Past efforts are beginning finally to pay off. You are getting recognition and compensation for all the months of hard work and dedication. It’s time to pay attention to your public image and to be of service to others in an altruistic fashion. Leo 23.07 - 23.08 It’s a powerful time for romance and for money. Joy and love seem to be everywhere. Your soul-mate may appear or reveal a new dimension to you. Opportunities in various directions may offer major changes in your life. Virgo 24.08 - 23.09 Things relax at home, and work is more stable now. Expect some well-earned recognition and compensation for all your hard work. Listen to advice given by friends who care. Productivity in the workplace is awesome! Libra 24.09 - 23.10 Money could be on the way. Signing a new contract could change your life for the better. Travel is possible. It’s a good time for business if you are steadfast and focused. Inner tranquillity beckons you to begin a meditation routine. Scorpio 24.10 - 22.11 You are feeling better than ever! If your health has been down, expect a burst of energy now. After being there for others, now it’s your time to receive the attention you deserve. And be kinder to your body, it deserves it.

Los Cristianos, Ladyman, Latin, curly hair, all types of parties. Tel: 632 452 845.

Los Cristianos, two friends, Nina, 20 years old, pregnant, amusing, sexy, and Rosa, mature, curvy, generous booty and boobs, natural French, Greek, kisses, golden rain. We speak a little English. Only serious, discreet gentlemen. In front of the bus stops. Tel: 631 781 171.

Los Cristianos, opposite the bus station. Two friends, Diana, Russian blonde, slim, blue eyes, and Helen, Spanish, mature, well built, curvy, very pleasant and amusing, natural French, kisses, massage, discretion. Tel or WhatsApp: 605 215 513.

Private sensual massages with empathetic and charming lady from Germany, in a discreet, sophisticated atmosphere. For women, men and couples. ‘Special’ parties with a whirlpool with a German couple. Tel: (+34) 648 245 425.

Erotic massages in Los Cristianos, young blonde. Enjoy a great massage during your holidays in good company. Tel: 642 615 094.

Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12 Cash is coming. Gifts, family and friends bring you joy. Go within to find the answers you seek. Take some quiet time to sort things out, especially about love and leave if it is unsafe for you. Transformation is your specialty. Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01 Love is more a sustaining force than an area of concentration. On the eve of the Indian Holi and the New Moon on March 21, some of the same old problems and patterns appear. You deal with them in a better way now. Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02 Old rituals resurface in a romantic and passionate format. You will soon have something to celebrate. Completion of a long strived-for goal is at hand. Healing takes place. Time to take a vacation and have an adventure. Pisces 21.02 - 20.03 At the moment, you may find that you may have urges in directions that don’t make any sense to you, especially, in the direction of your relationships. Look to your partners and associations for the origin of these urges and follow your heart.


This luxury Villa in Torviscas Alto with spectacular views of the surrounding areas and out to sea. The property comes completely furnished to a high standard and benefits from a private heated pool. Property offers 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a garage, which is currently a GYM as there is street parking in front of the property. Built to High Standards. €850,000 IÑAKY AZURZA

m 629 244 958


· Completely Equipped Kitchen · Fitted Cupboards · Fitted Wardrobes · Fully Furnished in a modern style


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Los Cristianos, new, Latin girl. My services are complete, French, positions, kisses, vibrators, massages. Private apartment in the centre of Los Cristianos. Tel: 608 103 319. Pamela, Afro-Brazilian, Las Chafiras. Massage service available for gentlemen only. Private apartment. HH Franciscano Street, beside the large park, Las Chafiras. Tel: 608 285 035.

To advertise your services with us, please call

922 75 06 09

Pickup Point El Gomero Petrol Station Oroteanda roundabout

7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019

Island connections media group s.l.

Island Connections Online:

Classifieds Deadline Next Edition The deadline for edition 842, which is published on 21st March, is 19th March. No classifieds will be taken after this date.

Head Office: Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6º- first floor. Pol. Industrial Las Chafiras 38620 - San Miguel de Abona. Tel.: 922 75 06 09 Fax: 922 795 810 Office Hours: Mon-Frid 9:30 -16:30 hours

Classified Info Adverts for our Classifieds Section must be sent by email or hand delivered to the office. If you would like to advertise, please send your classified text to: classifieds@ Alternatively, place your classified advert with one of our four agents: Now in Golf del Sur, Redhound Bookshop in Los Cristianos, The Bookswop in Las Américas, Petras Deutscher Bücherstand in Puerto de La Cruz.

Rates: * Lineage classifieds: From €16 * Small & Long Term: Ask for long term advertising (3, 6, 12 months) and our special discounts. * Further Options: color / boxed adverts. To Place your advert call: 922 75 06 09 You are welcome to come to our offices in Las Chafiras to place small ads. Card payment facilities are available.




Santiago del Teide Lions Club

General Services

Bargains galore From clothes and children’s toys to kitchenware and books – there are plenty of great deals on second-hand goods. They even have sets of golf clubs! Don’t miss out – visit their shop below the plaza in Puerto Santiago (Behind Vigilia Park). Open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am – 1pm and Wednesdays 2pm to 8pm.

Mobile welder for hire anywhere on the island Contact Jason:

683 422 304

La lengua de Babel

Learn Spanish by Skype

Private lessons with a native teacher from Tenerife. Flexible class schedule (from your home or workplace). Service to correct paperwork, translations and documents of all types, including legal papers. Tel./ Whatsapp +34 630 723 083 Skype: La Lengua de Babel


trial lesson


FOREIGN LANGUAGE NEWS 108 Winter letting Puerto de La Cruz Studio apartment, 24 hour concierge, pool, sea views. Minimum three month contract. €500 per month. 669 652 149

General Services

Second Hand Store LAS CHAFIRAS

Everything for your house, holiday home, apartment. We buy and sell high quality, good condition furniture, household appliances, TVs, jewellery.... Household clearances Free on-site assessment! Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 10.00-17.00h Sat: 10.00-14.00h Calle Tilena, 19 n/r Rachaels Motors & Diverlandia Tel. 922 749 664 Whatsapp 649 574 851 d Las Chafiras Second Hand www.second-hand-tenerife. com

MASONIC MEETINGS Logia Ave Fenix Nº 73 Edificio Simón, Los Cristianos. New meetings start in October, on the fourth Tuesday All Visitors welcome Contact John Donaldson (Secretary):

(+34) 922 178 091 or

You are invited to

Vacant / wanted Masonic Lodge - Ave Fenix No.73. New meetings started in October 2018 on the fourth Tuesday of the month. If interested, all visitors are welcome to come down. For further information, lodge secretary John Donaldson is available to contact on Tel: (+34) 922 178 091 or Email: Individual car excursions on Tenerife and the other islands, travel escorts and assistance, other countries, ship cruises, worldwide, hiking tours (also Pico del Teide), nightlife and snorkelling tours, photo shoots (also under water). Also for handicapped persons. Massages and more. The German team speaks English and Spanish. Tel: +34 664 085 154. Genuine, discreet, respectful, hygienic, mature Englishman, high sex drive, well endowed, seeks lady friend, lover, adult company, sexual partner. Prefers a more mature discerning lady, who dresses to please her man. Host or visit. Tel: 685 364 217.

Rental Classifieds

Sunday 11am and Wednesday TBA

Calle Atbitocazpe, Edif. Tamaide II, L4, Adeje Pastor Baz 608 724 369

Get in shape, tone up with Diana • Online health & fitness coach • Personal training in your home • Group classes outdoors from 5€ per class • 2 locations in the south


Sudokus (For Crossword and Sudoku solution see pag 30)


I am looking to rent an apartment, house or finca in the south of Tenerife, long term only. A live-in household help arrangement is also possible. I am German, have lived here for 11 years, speak English well and I am a good craftsman (garden, pool, repairs). Tel: +34 664 085 154. Apartment for rent, 1 bedroom, fully equipped, near Playa Martiánez, in Puerto de La Cruz, €470 /month + electricity. Tel: Theresa on 606 105 101 Apartment and Villa for rent in Tenerife south. Tel: (0034) 662 507 191

L +34 651 349 540 E Beach Body 4 U


Classifieds Beautiful seafront apartment for private sale. One bedroom, garage, sea views and in a sunny position. Price: €120,000. No agents. Tel: 922 752 759. Mobile: 608 425 426 Apartment Tabaiba Alta For sale, only five mins away from the German school, roughly 102m2, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, utility room, garden, big terrace. Spectacular views of the sea and mountain, big garage with 2 spaces, 2 closed store rooms, price €180,000, mob. 686 798 367, email e optene rife @ m For sale, Bungalow 160m2 Costa Sauzal, situated front row with guaranteed spectacular sea-views, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room with panoramic windows, modern kitchen, dining room connected to the terrace, including a heated 4 x 8 m pool, all on same level, garage and a marvellous tropical garden with 800m2 landscaped with various plants and lots of fruit trees. Private sale contact: info Tel.: 00 34 699 444 879

Qualified horse riding instructor (Swedish equestrian federation) available for individual and group classes in CHS Buzanada and La Caldera del Rey (San Eugenio Alto) or privately in the south of Tenerife. All ages and levels are welcomed. Schooling and management of private horses by appointment. Ulrike Fagerlund has competed successfully to a high level in dressage and show jumping in the Canary Islands and Europe. Swedish/ English/Spanish/German speaking. IGEQ equestrian passport holder. Tel: 660761270, e-mil: ulrika.fagerlund18@

Vehicles Car needed for long-term rental 676 378 618 VOLVO S60


Beige leather upholstery, Multifunction leather steering wheel, Navigator, Power-adjustable seats with heating and lumbar adjustment, Rear headrests, Air conditioning, CD player, Integrated telephone, Rear parking sensor, electric windows and retractable mirrors. Fog lamps, Central locking with remote control. MOT OK! All new tyres, brake pads, suspension arms, discs, battery (2 year guarantee) and starter motor. Gear box and general service undertaken. Very good condition, always kept in a garage. 250,000km, €6,200

629 244 958 Place your advert at

Mundo del Mapa Advert Placement


Classifieds Agent Calle San Felipe, 12 Puerto de la Cruz



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7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019











Homes and properties for sale in the Canaries



All photos: Wikimedia Commons

7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019




7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019



lity a u q n a m r e G p o t n i e f i r e n e g T n n i i t t s a e e u h q Special infrared e on re mad · North TF: Bar Los Amigos · Calle Aceviño 12 · La Paz · Puerto de la Cruz Wed + Fri 15.30h - 18.30h · Tel. 626 16 60 46

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7.3.2019 – 20.3.2019



Townhouse in Residencial El Galeón

& + 34 822 144 541 The triplex consists of 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, 3 terraces (one with ocean views), 74 metres, 200 metre floor area, furnished, no community payment, pre-installed solar powered hot water as well as air conditioning and terrace Jacuzzi, fully renovated, exterior, bright.

€ 365,000 Calle Ramona Martín Artista | C.C. Mencey | local 27 | El Camisón | Los Cristianos |





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