IslandConnections Edition 600

Page 1

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1984 - 2009

The Canary Island’s biggest fortnightly English newspaper read by thousands of tourists & residents Edition # 600 / 25th Sept. - 9th Oct. 2009 / 1.80€ at Newsagents / /

Say cheese

A DATE FOR The magazine YOUR DAIRY October edition Available from DIARY! October 1



Ine the magaz 45

9 OC TOB ER 200



Carrera Porsche 911




Benito Cabrera excursions

nto Cueva del Vie Dive and Sea fashion

Carolina Herrera

atments a Win spa tre Isor Meliá Palacio de n at the Hotel Gra

Then and now

Looking back

at 600 editions of Island Connections. Pages 2 & 3

A healthy start

Expert advice

for healthy school kids. Page 26 Pass the crackers - judges in the cheese Olympics


he 2009 World Cheese Awar ds are taking place in Gran Canaria from October 1st to 3rd, and will see over 300 experts, including cheese buyers and food journalists from around the world flying in for the event. Being held in the Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, this is only the second time this prestigious event, the world championships for cheese makers, is taking place outside the UK. Last year it

was held in Dublin where the overall winner, the World Champion Cheese 2008, was produced by the Sociedad Canaria de Formento, a cooperative of 50 partners from the Canar y Islands, with their Queso Arico Curado Pimentón. Gran Canaria is a particularly appropriate choice as, according to the organisers, it has one of the highest per capita cheese consumption ratios in the world. In fact the islands have won 45 medals in the last six years, taking

the top prize last year and in 2005. This year, alongside the main event, two other key cheese events are taking place. One is the World Cheese Congress, a twoday conference discussing the global implications of the EU’s Protected Food Names scheme for regional speciality cheeses over the coming decade. The second is the World Cheese Festival, attracting over 150 exhibitors, both home-grown and international, with upwards of 10,000 visitors expected

to attend some cheese related event during the three days. Much more than a glorified cheese and wine event, “this is undoubtedly the cheese Olympics,” says organiser Bob Farrand. And certainly it’s a spotlight event for the islands, attracting foodies of the highest calibre. Judging of the cheeses - over 2,500 varieties are entered from all over the world – takes place on October 1st, in three distinct phases, with the supreme jury making

their final choice in the full media spotlight, and according to Bob Farrand the World Champion cheese should be crowned at about 5.30pm that afternoon. The World Cheese Awards’ Presentation Dinner takes place at the Hotel Santa Catalina later that evening where 500 guests will experience true Canary Islands’ hospitality. The event is sponsored by the regional government, the Cabildo of Gran Canaria and Las Palmas council with ancillary state funding.

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Spain net gold

European champions again – this time on the basketball court. Page 51

Oahu, Hawaii



EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

Controlled by



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Ex ars ce o lle f nc e

1984 - 2009 The Canary

Then and now

September 2009

newspaper read by


sands of tour / 1.80€ ists & resi at Newsagen dents ts / ww w.island connecti / www.n ewscana







09 1. Where to 2. What to dogo 3. Holiday Phr



Pages 25-32

Auflagenkontrolle durch


Jaime Salave of the RFEG rri, President commitee, professionals Rhys Primos Pusnik Davies and Tecina Golf , Manager



3. Jahrgang Verkaufspreis 1,50 €

Hiking hol iday

Camino de Santiago Page


Die auflagenstärkste deutschsprachige Zeitung auf den Kanarischen Inseln


CD Teneri fe Fan


Körper & Seele

OC TOB ER 2009


Carrera Porsche 911

Essen Sie sich schön

Seiten 6-7

Seiten 18


Europakommissar für Energie inspiziert Anlage AROUND THE WO RLD


The Spor ts

Megasto orre, e, 8 e, 8.0 .00 00 0m m2

Motorway Santa Cruz 38205 La La Laguna, Laguna, Exit “Las Tenerife. Chumbera Tel: 922 62 79 00, s”. Fax: 922 82 11 07

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Sleep pe knowing acefully have yo that we ur home well cove red.

Stolz präsentierte Inselpräsident Ricardo Melchior dem europäischen Kommissar für Energie, Andris Piebalgs, die Einrichtungen des Instituts für Technologie und Erneuerbare Energien (ITER). Der Inselrat von Teneriffa ist Haupteigentümer des Vorzeigezentrums im

Plus you Industriepark von Granadilla. may be assured expatriate that brokers extensive work with only the BEST network us provid Auch Kanarenpräsident Pauand all are offering ing the BEST 100% dedic an lino Rivero kam, um den hohen service ated to Visit www at the BEST Besuch aus Brüssel willkommen zu .libertyseg price! for an instan heißen. Rivero, Melchior und Cart quote patriates/e nearest and the n los Alonso, Inselrat für Wirtschaft broker. name of your

und Wettbewerb, begleiteten den Kommissar bei seinem Rundgang durch die Anlage. Piebalgs sah sich das Besucherzentrum an und inspizierte die bioklimatischen Labors sowie die riesige Photovoltaikanlagen auf dem ITER-Gelände. ITER (Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables) wurde im Dezember 1990 vom Cabildo errichtet. Vorrangiges Ziel des Instituts ist die Forschung und Entwicklung im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien. Darüber hinaus wird an Projekten zur sozioökonomischen Entwicklung der Region gearbeitet. Im Focus stehen die Wasserversorgung durch unterirdische Kanäle, die Beobachtung und Vorhersage vulkanischer Bewegungen, der

Benito Cabrera excursions

nto Cueva del Vie Dive and Sea fashion

Carolina Herrera

By Karl McLaughlin

Besichtigung des Modellnachbaus des Instituts.

Umweltschutz und die Entwicklung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien. Ein multidisziplinäres Expertenteam arbeitet im Institut für Technologie und Erneuerbare Energien. Zur Zeit zählt das Zentrum im Industriepark von Grana-

dilla 150 Beschäftigte, die sich mit der Entwicklung von Technologie zur Gewinnung erneuerbarer Energie, Umweltschutz und anderen innovativen Bereichen auseinandersetzen. Zum Aufgabenbereich der ITER-Beschäftigten gehört auch die Implementie-

rung der entwickelten Technologien und deren Verbreitung und Vermarktung. Außerdem werden Technologien zur Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien entwickelt und unterschiedliche Projekte im Energiesektor der Kanarischen Inseln koordiniert. N

Der HormonSchwindel Seiten 20-21

Kanzler-Duell in Deutschland Das Duell am vergangenen Sonntag sollte es bringen und es brachte – nichts. Oder vielleicht doch: Die Fortführung der Großen Koalition nach der Wahl ist wahrscheinlicher geworden. Statt die unterschiedlichen Positionen zu diskutieren, waren Merkel und Steinmeier sichtbar bemüht, ihre bisherige gemeinsame Politik zu rechtfertigen. Anstelle des erwarteten Duells mussten sich die Zuschauer mit einem gut geprobten Duett zufrieden geben. Niemand wollte dem Anderen wirklich weh tun, denn man wird sich noch brauchen. Man will die Macht behalten, egal in welcher Konstellation. Wenn es nicht mit Schwarz-Gelb klappt, dann eben in altbewährter Form. Man kann ja auf gute Erfahrungen zurückblicken. Zumindest wurde es so vermittelt. Die kleineren Parteien reagieren sauer. FDPGeneralsekretär Dirk Niebel beklagte, dass sich die Bundeskanzlerin nicht eindeutig zu einem Bündnis mit der FDP bekannt habe. Beide Kontrahenten hätten die Botschaft „Weiter so!“ vermittelt. GrünenSpitzenkandidatin Renate Künast sprach von einer „Selbstbeweihräucherung“ der Kandidaten. Sie schrieb eine rotgrüne Regierung nach der Wahl am 27. September offiziell ab. Der Geschäftsführer der Linken, Dietmar Bartsch, bezeichnete das Duell als langweilig. Steinmeier habe ein „Bewerbungsgespräch“ mit Merkel für weitere vier Jahre als Vizekanzler geführt. Einzig CDU und SPD zeigten sich zufrieden und erklärten jeweils ihren Kandidaten als den eindeutigen Sieger. US-amerikanische Medien geben den Moderatoren die Schuld, sie hätten nicht professionell agiert. Und was meinen die Wähler dazu? Das werden wir nach den Bundestagswahlen in Deutschland am 27. September wissen, denn die müssen und werden sich an der Wahlurne klar entscheiden – oder auch gar nicht. (dah) N

Schlafen Sie friedlich Der Sport-Megastore auf 8.000 m2

such as the police have efficient communications departments which bombard the media with daily releases full of news they consider important and would like to see in print. Often what is newsworthy one day and is written up accordingly will be overshadowed a few days later (annoyingly, usually just before the paper is being ‘put to bed’ editorially) by something more important, which means that greater flexibility is needed. Moreover, with so many information sources available today (including web forums and blogs) people often get their news more quickly than before and the fortnightly edition could appear old hat if it were not for careful selection and forward planning. A good comparison of then and now can be seen in the coverage of one of the biggest stories to occupy the headlines during my early days at


Geistheiler – Mittler zwischen den Welten

Prominenter Besuch im ITER-Zentrum in Granadilla


contributors were typed up on computer, put on a floppy disk and sent by courier or taken directly to the head office in Pueblo Canario for proofing and lay-out. When everything for the fortnightly edition had been put together by the editor, the master disk was rushed up to Santa Cruz (usually in the early hours of the morning so as not to interfere with work at the daily newspaper under whose wing it operated) for final checks and printing. Today, high-speed connections resolve many past problems and pieces can be sent by contributors or staff working from home as soon as they are written, giving plenty of time for planning and design. But such ease of communication is a double-edged sword. One consequence is that there is much more news out there to contend with today. Virtually every town hall, tourist attraction, sports club and official body


hundred and twencream of ty golfers Aktuelle Nachrichten Im Gespräch the crop from 24 Pitingo in of up boys and comin nnations La Laguna vied for g golfers. were charg places and Teneriffa The behin challenge ing from Page 24 prizes in trophy series d. I was just as the beaut most impo the the modisch fortunate is y of the island last stage rtant men’ Bubbling before entry to come off bette golfing event s with joy over . down, althou unterwegs r”. believes in the Ca- into the European Tour, gh it seem his silly that the secre He win, he spoke naries at known also his s saying that Tecina Golf of his hopes n as the Main t of that success with such Seite 2 La Gomera. in this this Tour and fabulo secon and th best the event is the us sunsh part of his in the series d win for him laugh ine”. He sixth most In an exciti game w impor tant And first was his will be enoug ed as mental appro ng comp men’s event match report to get him tion which h the player he added, “all eti- the ach and an he is a place on in hopin country. Page 55 saw s are just a full that g to build card in the record smash the course on this Main you play down grateful Winn er, th win and keep ed twice Rhys Davie than the invita Tour rather not two stroke going for by trains uphill”. Rhys’ hill and s, more s and a const tions he has at the Royal R great result some previously share of change of ant Golf Porthcawl the €150,0 enjoyed. s. Rhys leade Club Milford Sou had nothin 00 prize mone It was his first time the four days, rship over of Bridg in his hometown g but praise was €24,00 prais for nd at the, “high a Welshman end in 0 euros and y and he likene Tecina Golf only came out ly unique” he The 24 year South Wales. Golf just misse Te Tecin d on top of the a cours cours old remar d to a ski the mode e and the ked ard slope , “beca e prize in the ProAmout on a st stly, “a numb - you star of main tenan stand use ment Tournaer of the t at the ce and which prece services botto m and get ded the available main event a lift to as w well and . then work the top For a fuller your way account of THE ONCE tournamen the IN A LIFETIME t, see page TRIP 53. Pages 16-17

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Nr. 74 19. September – 2. Oktober 2009

Irish Consul

Jaime Willi s retires Page

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Autobahn Richtung Santa Cruz / La Laguna, Ausfahrt “Las Chumberas” 38205 La Laguna, Teneriffa, Tel. 922 62 790 00, Fax 922 82 11 07 © TE017/2007

Apart from the obvious differences in style, content and size (in the old days only 32 pages had to be filled and the writing was definitely much bigger!), the biggest differences are seen in the demand for news and, equally important, how that news is put together and published. Compared to its current format, including updated information every day online, it is hard to believe that some aspects of the paper of over 18 years ago, with not a single item on local sport for example, would prove viable today. Back then articles by

fortnightly English

Simply the best Summer


© IC/ IIC/542/2007 C/542 542/2007 /2007


s Island Connections reaches its 600th edition milestone, it is a good time to cast a glance back at how things have moved on over the last two decades during my time at the paper (and its forerunner, Here and Now, at the turn of the 1990s).

Island’s bigg est

Edition # 599 / 11th - 25th

mit dem Gedanken, dass wir Ihr Heim gut versichert haben. Sie können sicher sein, dass nur die besten im Ausland tätigen Vertreter für uns arbeiten. Wir haben ein umfassendes Netzwerk und all unsere Mitarbeiter sind 100%-ig engagiert, Ihnen den besten Service zum besten Preis anzubieten. Besuchen Sie für ein sofortiges Angebot und den Vertreter in Ihrer Nähe.

Lösungen für Ihren Schutz.

ments Win spa treat cio de Isora at the Hotel Gran

Meliá Pala

There have been many changes over the years the paper. Obtaining details of the investigation into the death of media tycoon Robert Maxwell, who fell overboard from his yacht in waters between Tenerife and Gran Canaria in November 1991, proved virtually impossible as the deadline loomed for printing. But they arrived in the nick of time to fill two pages which had been set

aside for the m massive story. Thankfully, few ex-pat readers here knew much about the case, given their relatively limited access to the UK media, and the contents were still valid, not to say appreciated. Today, things are vastly dif ferent. Major stories arising in ‘remote’ corners such as the Canaries – for example, fatal accidents or serious incidents involving tourists – break globally at lightning speed thanks to international press agencies and the details often appear on TV or computer screens within hours and are in print in the British tabloids on the streets of the resorts early next morning. Detailed accounts of high-profile trials here, like that of the killer of Swansea couple Brian and Tina Johnson earlier this

year, emerge swiftly, forcing non-daily publications to seek out other angles such as an exclusive interview with a key figure rather than the developments in the trial itself. In terms of work, are things easier now compared to then? No doubt they are, from the point of view of news-gathering. For example, several courts in Spain supply the media with e-mail lists of forthcoming cases and even full details of trial outcomes and sentencing. But there again, those same ultra-modern resources can enable others to get there as quickly as you or, as is becoming the norm in several parts, allow some to simply lift from the Internet what you have produced, paste it onto their site and pass it off as their own, without the wage bill….

Charity Event

We're here to make sure that you're missing nothing from home


Strike one Book your lane now at Megabowl in Fañabé for October 2nd for an amazing annual event organised by Doreen Lemm and the local bowlers in aid of a British charity, Music and the Deaf.

CC Fañabe Plaza and Compostela Beach (shopping zone), Playa de las Vistas

Get a team together for a fun bowl event where everyone is a winner and a great time is had by all.

© ISLAND CONNECTIONS NEWSPAPER Is published and printed fortnightly by ISLAND CONNECTIONS S.L. Adverts, texts, photos or other parts of this publication are property of the publishers. They may not be used or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any other form or means without the prior Distribución Gratuita written permission of the publishers. This newspaper cannot be held responsible for the contents of articles supplied by our contributors or Publisher & Proprietor advertisers claims. The publisher reserves the right to refuse to publish Tina Straub, Joe Schacher adverts, texts or advertising features. Advertisements once contracted Island Connections S.L. cannot be cancelled and have to be paid in full. The publishers can not C.I.F: B-38748315 Printed by Artes Gráficas del Atlántico S.A. be held responsible for variation on colour printed in this newspaper. Advertising conditions are to be obtained in our offices. Dep. Legal: TF-287/93

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Managing Director

Joe Schacher Editor

Clio O’Flynn Commercial Director

Henry Cruz Head Office Tenerife C/ Francisco Feo Rodríguez,6º Las Chafiras 38620. San Miguel de Abona. Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

Music and the Deaf are based in the UK, but thanks to Doreen’s involvement also do a great deal to help hearing impaired children and adults in Tenerife. A little help goes a long way and both regular bowlers and complete amateurs are equally welcome. Ring the bowl for a great night out where every ball counts towards helping those who are fighting to overcome difficulties. Call 922713040 to book your team in or put your name down for selection in a wild cat team of selected individuals.

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7 Islands

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009


Editorial Edition 600

Well read! T

here’s a time for glib statements about survival of the fittest in the face of global recessions, a time for preening over landmarks reached, a time for feeling that you have come through a tough phase in good shape, but this is not that time.

There do appear to be lights at the end of the recession tunnel coming from a number of different sources. With the end in sight reported in the UK and Germany (though still a long way to go to the heady pre-recession days) we can only hope that even if the economy in Spain is taking longer to recover, the trickle-down effect from renewed consumer confidence in foreign markets will see an upsurge in spending here, reliant as the economy is to a large degree on the tourism market. As you will read on the facing page, Island Connections has braved and weathered a few storms in its 25 years of existence, and luckily we are still here. Luckily, and thanks to loyal staff down the years who have believed in the product, and clients of all shapes and sizes, who have been associated with that product. Today we are a group, with German newspaper Kanaren Express, our

lifestyle publication The Magazine, and German radio station Express FM bringing new readers and listeners into the fold. We also reach a worldwide audience too, with our websites and www., carrying daily news as well as online editions of our newspapers. As mentioned by Karl McLaughlin in his article on page 2, times have changed, changed news gathering and news gatherers. We have seen a shift in focus, with perhaps a greater emphasis on news and a duty to keep our readers as up-to-date as possible on local and national events of relevance. We believe that, along with many of our fellow foreign language journalists, we have earned the respect of a growing international readership both here and abroad, as well as the public and private Canarian and Spanish institutions that make the decisions that matter. We have also worked to get at the news behind the headlines, and today the ‘powers that be’, in general, accept our right to do so. It hasn’t always been easy, but it has certainly been interesting. Two years ago the group had a change of ownership, and entered a new phase. And with, it is hoped, the worst of the recession behind us we hope to enter another new chapter, and look forward to the next 600 editions. Who knows how the world of media will be influenced by events and technology in the next 25 years. Let’s hope we’re all around to find out.

Darts Circuit Charity event

Sporting legends John Lowe and Eric Bristow, two of undisputed stars of the international darts circuit, are basically a couple of genuine guys, with (especially in Eric’s case) a wicked sense of humour and an enormous spirit of goodwill and bonhomie. Their work recently in Amarilla Golf, Las Pérgolas and Summer Nites helped to raise over €5,000 for a Tenerife based breast cancer organisation, Ámate.


Thanks must also go to John Webster of Las Pérgolas and Summer Days/Summer Nites who initiated the charity golf event several years ago, the players, sponsors, and the golf club, in particular to Eva at Amarilla Golf and her team who did a superb job under difficult and changing conditions, to Club Captain Major Ian Pilling M.B.E. and his wife Kim, the committee of dedicated workers (and their wives) and congratulations to our Queen of the collecting tin, Bernie, who somehow found time to be there whenever she was needed, take the ladies nearest the pin award and form part of the top division’s winning team.

Social pact for the South


he mayors of nine municipalities of the south of Tenerife as well as the president of the southern business owners and professionals circle (CEST), Pedro Luís Suárez Martín and the secretar y general of the trades union Comisiones Obreras (CCOO), María del Carmen Martínez Muñoz, recently signed an agreement to create a regional group which would ensure that the benefits of the State social pact (Pacto Social) are applied in the region in a serious and efficient manner. The main areas in which this agreement will operate are territorial, revitalising the economy and financing the investment involved, creating employment and social protection. It is thus hoped to keep hundreds of families in the market who would otherwise stop spend-

ing, causing an even worse effect during an economic recession and destroying even more jobs. In brief, as far as territorial matters are concerned, it has been agreed to speed up legal processes affecting business and tourism, and ease the procedures regarding modifications to general ordenation plans, regenerate badly deteriorated areas and organise works in urban and rural areas in a manner in which employment can be created. To revitalise the economy, which relies largely on tourism, the Cabildo will be asked to strengthen overseas advertising campaigns for Tenerife and it will be suggested that the councils participate in their design and launch. It is intended to create an employment plan specifically aimed at the agricultural and farming sector, which together with a plan to equip

rural areas, should contribute towards maintaining these activities and an acceptable employment level in these areas.

we are all in agreement as to what has to be done.... Two forms of census would be created, one of hotels, listing their level of conservation, occupation and the state of their surroundings and acting on the results, and another of the population by educational and age levels so that training programmes could be planned, enabling new activities and employment to be created.

Further to this, in the category of social protection, another census would be created of families who receive no financial aid at all, and of families where all members are unemployed. This group would be given priority when jobs were created within the region. Adeje mayor, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga commented, “we are all in agreement as to what has to be done.... the most important priority for the south is tourism, which provides employment and generates income”. Pedro Suárez said, “we are determined to ensure that no-one has difficulty in reaching the end of the month”. This agreement is not a closed shop, the regional group for the application of the social pact for the economy and for employment in the south of Tenerife invites all institutions and organisations to join.


7 Islands

EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS


News in brief

Immigrants exonerated


Poor passenger showing All eight Canarian airports registered a substantial drop in passenger numbers in August of this year.


Gran Canaria saw 13.4 per cent less arrivals than in the same month the previous year, Tenerife South received 16.4 per cent fewer visitors, Tenerife North was down 6.9 per cent. Lanzarote saw almost 14 per cent fewer visitors, Fuerteventura 17.1 per cent down, La Palma 9.8 per cent, El Hierro 6.8 per cent and La Gomera registered a reduction of over 25 per cent in tourist arrivals. In the year to date Gando airport in Gran Canaria has seen the highest number of flights, (66,811), followed by Tenerife North, 41.649 and Tenerife South, 32,646.

espite what may have been assumed by many, a new report has stated quite definitely that the islands’ poor showing nationally in the education stakes has nothing to do with immigration, but would seem to be linked to social problems and inherent failings in the system overall. The new report, presented by the Canarian Movement for Peace, Disarmament and Freedom, (MPDLC) has found that “immigrants don’t contribute to the failings of the education system”. It is a question that needed to be addressed, considering that the Canary Islands has the worst education record in Spain, with a 35 per cent truancy/absenteeism rate, and previously people have been quick to lay the blame for the high rate at the door of the mobile immigrant population. According to one of the MPDLC board, and professor at the University of La Laguna, Javier Marrero, the arrival of so many people in the last four years was “a cause for alarm”, in local education centres. “Yes, their arrival could be seen as contributing

Nearly 10 per cent of students registered in the Canary Islands are foreign

to an imbalance, but that does not mean you could therefore say the system was negatively affected because of the arrival of immigrants”. In fact, he added, foreign students bring with them “other values that could enrich us a lot”. The report, financed by the regional government’s department of welfare and immigration, found that last year 9.8 per cent of students registered in non-university education centres were for-

eign, with 90 per cent of those attending public schools. Secondar y schools taught the highest percentile of foreign students, though numerically there were a greater number attending primary school, with 12,141 students registered. According to Marrero while there are perhaps sufficient resources at a regional level “they are poorly distributed”, and there is also a lack of awareness/training on the

part of teachers dealing with foreign students, who are also often concentrated in particular geographical areas, with some schools listing up to 40 per cent of their student body as foreign. While the introduction of ‘integration classrooms’ is also considered a positive step, again Marrero states that not all the centres in question have the resources necessary to facilitate such a need.


140 million for expansion Gran Canaria airport is to get a 140 million euro expansion, the Spanish government has announced. The news was released during a visit to the island by the country’s Economic Development Minister, José Blanco. Work on the extension is expected to be completed by 2012 and will include new check-in desks and passenger loading bridges. An additional 68,000 square metres will be added to the current site. Blanco said the airport was the engine of the Gran Canaria economy and fully deserved the investment.


Stop Press

First agreement signed T

he Cabildo of Tenerife and the State gover nment have now signed an agreement which provides for the financing of the development of a train network for the Island, a project which will cost some five million euros which is to be supplied by the Ministr y for Development. Cabildo president Ricardo Melchior, the Island minister for economy and competitivity Carlos Alonso and the manager of Metropolitano de Tenerife welcomed the State minister for development José Blanco who expressed interest in this future project and other items connected with infrastructures. Following the signing of the all important document, Melchior indicated that this was the first step in a project which would generate em-

Development José Blanco and Island president Ricardo Melchior

ployment as well as the possibility of increased mobility for handicapped people. He went on to underline the importance of the future train for the north and south of the

Island and its implications for equal opportunities. Blanco indicated that his signature on this document represented the clear disposition of the Ministry to lend its

technical support whenever required, and said that history has shown us that the creation of rail networks was a symbol of modernity and progress, improving people’s

lifestyle and leading to strong economic development in the affected areas. For the Cabildo, this train network, as well as linking the main towns and cities, will provide a real alternative to road transport with the consequent benefits to the environment and traffic volume. For its part, the ministr y for development intends to strengthen the role of rail travel countr ywide, transforming it into a real alternative to road and air transport. The agreement includes the preparation of studies and other projects needed for the development of the Island train network, as well as the acquisition or expropriation of the land required. The responsibility for this work will rest with the Cabildo, while the ministry of development will provide technical support when needed.

Aer Lingus

New routes to UK Irish based carrier Aer Lingus have just announced the introduction of two new routes from Tenerife to the UK. For their winter schedules the company are offering up to 54,000 seats on planes from Tenerife to Belfast and London Gatwick, an increase of over 50 per cent on the company’s seat tally from last year. The Belfast route has already begun, with three connections weekly (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays), while the Gatwick route will open on October 25th with flights on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, with the price per flight starting at €72.

7 Islands

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009

Fuerteventura Tebeto award

Late bid to avoid huge payout The Canarian government is confident that a new calculation of the worth of a mining licence it cancelled in Fuerteventura many years ago will mean it may only have to pay around one million euros in compensation to the company affected, not 103 million as ordered by a court. The long-running case, called Tebeto after the mountain which was due to be quarried by the mining company, came to an end in the summer with the ruling by the High Court that the government had to pay the massive sum in compensation for lost earnings and interest arrears. However, a study commissioned by the regional authorities has valued the materials that would have been quarried at just 800,000 euros, which would bring the total compensation to a fraction of the court award. A government spokesman says the findings are to be presented to the court in a last-ditch bid to avoid the crippling payment.

Court Case Plagiarism

Rosana battle begins Canarian singer Rosana could be forced to pay part of her earnings to two Uruguayan composers who have accused her of plagiarising a song they wrote almost three decades ago. The Lanzarote-born ballad singer, who rose to stardom in the mid-1990s after winning a song contest in Benidorm, is said to have copied in one of her hits a substantial part of a song written for the Uruguay football team in 1980. She has fought since 2006 to have the case dismissed on the grounds that a Montevideo court has no jurisdiction in the matter but had no choice but to fly across to the South American country to appear in person recently after her bid was turned down. If she loses the case, which is expected to last some time, Rosana and her record company could have to pay up to one million dollars to the pair of composers for breaching their copyright.



Police officers held A

Tenerife Civil Guard and a policeman based in Fuerteventura are among over 40 people arrested in connection with one of the biggest antidrug operations undertaken in recent times in the Canaries.

The Civil Guard is believed to have been based in Tenerife South Airport

Launched by a judge in Tenerife, the operation included painstaking surveillance of the activities of couriers for over a year to establish the connections with suspected ringleaders of the well-organised group. 19 kilos of high-grade cocaine from Colombia were seized during the arrests, along with 350,000 euros in cash and precision equipment for weighing the individual packages dispatched for distribution. Nine of the people arrested, who come from a wide range of countries, including Spain and Colombia, were detained in Fuerteventura, where much of the trafficking took place. The Civil Guard officer is believed to have been based in Tenerife South Airport, where he allegedly allowed bags to pass through without inspection.


Aer Lingus confuse on Fuerteventura I

rish people booking flights to Fuerteventura this winter fell foul of chopping and changing by Aer Lingus, who put flights on and then of f, causing considerable bewilderment. After announcing that a Tuesday flight from Dublin had been added to the Saturday ser vice, the airline appeared to have a change of

heart but, although scrapping the flights, failed to withdraw the mid-week option from its bookings website. As a result, many people tried to make a booking after seeing a fare quoted for a Tuesday only then to be told later in the online process that it was ‘Saturdays only’ between October and March. However, less than a week later Aer Lingus rein-

stated the mid-week flights, although too late for one angry customer who, along with ten friends, were forced to amend their plans and book for the Saturday. Puzzled callers to the airline in Dublin were told that the original decision was for ‘operational reasons’ but no one has managed to find out what reasons motivated the reinstatement. Some believe

the airline is banking on archrivals Ryanair staying off the Fuerteventura route for the foreseeable future. One wit on a forum which covers Fuerteventura issues said he half-expected a mid-flight announcement when on his way to the island with Aer Lingus that the plane was turning back after another change of heart. Island Connections tried unsuccessfully to obtain a response from the airline’s PR officer.


7 Islands

EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS


ZEC Conservation zones By Barbara Belt


regional government bulletin announces that La Gomera now has twenty-seven declared ‘Zonas Especiales de Conservación’, or special conser vation zones, to add to its portfolio of natural attractions and environmental riches. These zones, commonly known as ZECs, form part of the Canarian Natura 2000 network, and will henceforth be subject to stringent ‘maintenance’ and ‘favourable conservation’ measures. The recent ruling describes the habitats and species peculiar to each ZEC, with detailed information on its geographical characterisitcs, and boundary lines. Many of these areas on La Gomera, such as La Forteleza, Los Órganos and Garajonay are uninhabited. Their strictly enforced conservation will be unconditionally welcomed. Special places, after all, need special protection. A few, such as Guadá, the steeply-

Valle Argaga

terraced, upper part of Valle Gran Rey, are fairly densely inhabited and have been for many years. Building on new sites there is now strictly prohibited. Nobody dares, these days. Stiff fines and demolition orders do not make for a stress free life. The ZEC declaration will make life harder still. The previous chaos, caused by

lack of enforceable planning regulations, has left a nightmare legacy, with lowincome families forced to lose their homes in order to pay fines, and remortgages common. To date, most have escaped demolition, as long as the owners play ball with the authorities. If they deal promptly with impending sanctions, can prove that

they acted in good faith, have some family connection with the plot in question and need a family home, owners usually get away with a fine. But not lightly. Current fines imposed in the Guadá area alone, being expensively fought tooth and nail every step of the way, range from ten to nearly five hundred thousand euros. In many

Delivery Unit

Natural births

New delivery wards T

he regional department of health have just opened a new deliver y unit and gynaecological emergency unit at the Hospital Universitario Materno Infantil de Canarias. The hospital now boasts the only delivery unit in the Canary Islands that is completely equipped to handle

natural births. The section has 10 delivery wards, two prepared for fully natural childbirths, and one designed to deal with multiple births. Each unit is equipped with an electrocardiograph (to monitor the expectant mother’s heartbeat) and defibrillators, and systems in place to monitor the foetus and mother at any stage of the birth.

According to the depar tment, the new unit has been designed with the comfort of the patient in mind, as well assisting the work of medical professionals. Bed positions can be altered to help the mother to find the best position during birth, and the natural birth delivery rooms also have birthing pools. Three consultancy rooms,

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portable 4D ecography Dopplers and the latest technology to assist in delivery are also available. The post-delivery ward has six beds and there is a transition unit for observation and care of newborns in need of special post-natal care with eight cots. The hospital, based in Las Palmas, delivered 6,859 babies last year, and this year they are averaging 17 new arrivals a day.

cases, the illegal building is worth far less than the fine imposed, and, as is often the case, the only real winners are the lawyers. Still other areas on the newly announced list of ZECs, such as Valle Argaga, the small privately owned valley next to Valle Gran Rey’s port, are sparsely inhabited. The existing buildings are legal. They have been there for long enough to ensure their legality and, in any case, were licensed constructions in their day. Nine years into the twenty-first century, however, these houses still lack basic ser vices like mains electricity. Were they in an isolated position far from the nearest habitation, this would be understandable, if lamentable. However, Valle Argaga is less than a kilometre from Valle Gran Rey’s busy port and enjoys easy, though unpaved, road access. The problem is that the valley, in common with ninety per cent of the other ZECs, was already an ‘espacio natural protegido’, or protected natural space, under Canarian legislation. The existing legislation governing such areas already makes routine tasks like requesting and receiving mains electricity horribly difficult. Think swimming in mud. The ZECs, however, have been assessed at E.U. level and judged worthy of

‘special’ conservation. They will henceforth be subject to even greater scrutiny and tighter restriction. Detailed assessment of each ZEC now determines whether the conser vation measures currently appliedunder the old protected natural space denominationare sufficiently effective to ‘maintain and regenerate these natural treasures.’ It is probable they will be found wanting. In other words, people living in Argaga and other ZECs should investigate the new generation of alternative energy sources. Their applications for life on the grid, if allowed in the first place, will lie forgotten under the new pile of europaperwork suddenly heaped on the already considerable regional and local heaps. By way of compensation, these electricity-free zones are the last habitats of night fliers like the demonic sounding Shearwater, once common on the coasts. They are also the only places where incredible night skies can still be enjoyed, as local councils compete to install euro-funded street lighting as fast as they can. Long live ZECs. As long as some Euro-offices exist to fund environmental vandalism in the guise of ‘infrastructure improvements’, we shall need other Euro-offices to fund restrictive conservation.

Click! Vendimia

Junior juicers

FotoSub Mogán

Undersea snappers Dozens of top underwater photographers have gathered in Mogán for next week’s launch of the FotoSub festival. Renowned figures from all over Europe, including Charles Hood, holder of the BBC Wildlife Award, and Samantha Bean, a prizewinner at the British Underwater Image competition, have been doing practice shoots in the waters around Mogán before the event kicks off formally on 29 September.

For the third year running the Domínguez Cuarta Generación bodega, in the Tacoronte-Acentejo wine growing region, is holding a grape picking day for children on September 26th. The day out is a fun way of showing kids how wine is made, and will be followed by a wine tasting for parents, as well as alcohol free grape juice for the young workers. The fun begins at 10am, and places are limited. To take part register by email, vendimiad@ leaving the names of the children and the adults as well as a contact number,or phone the bodega on 922572435/659974375. Kids free, adults €9 / €7 for Facebook/ Twitter bodega members.

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009


How to get €2,000 for your old banger

7 Islands




Celebrating 20 Years of Exceptional Customer Trust

By Phil Crean

Trade your old model in for a €2,000 discount


o you’ve got an old car, more than 10 years old and it’s giving you grief, costing a fortune to keep going; in and out of the workshop; on and off the grua. Well help is at hand. The Spanish government has introduced a scheme to get old cars with high emissions off the road which will you give €2,000 towards a new car. The scheme is funded by the central government (€500), the island government (€500), and €1,000 from the car manufacturers. So how do you take advantage of this scheme? First you must own a car that is over ten years old which you must have owned before the scheme was introduced on 25th May 2009, so no going out and buying a €100 wreck to trade in! You will need to be on the lista de padron at your local council and produce a ‘certificado de empadronamiento’ to qualify.

To qualify, the car that you are buying must conform to emissions of less than 120g of CO2/KM or less than 149g of CO2/KM with electronic systems of control; and with three way catalysers if diesel. Technical stuff, and you will find the dealers advertising which cars qualify with Plan 2000E posters on display. It also must not cost more than €30,000 including taxes and matriculation; which dashes your dream of owning a Porsche Cayenne then! Once you have negotiated a deal with the sales person, (and be aware that further discounts are available from most dealers), and signed a contract of sale you will have to take the old car to a desguace (scrapyard) to be scrapped. There are many located close to the main centres and the sales person will be able to direct you to the closest. At the scrapyard you will need proof of identity and all

the car papers. Photocopy the car papers before handing over the originals as you will need them. The scrappers will issue a ‘baja’ for the car to take it out of circulation and also a ‘Certificado de destrucción’ to show that it is to be destroyed. Both of these papers along with a copy of the car papers, a copy of your passport or ‘residencia’ and the ‘certificado de empadronmiento’ will be sent by the dealer to the main traffic office in Santa Cruz (Tráfico) who will process the matriculation of your new vehicle. They will also send the papers to the tax office who will approve the funds under the Plan 2000E scheme as long as you don’t owe the government any money. This takes three or four days to complete after which you can drive your shiny new car out of the showroom. Plan 2000E will finish in May 2010 or earlier if the allocated €100 million fund runs out, so if you are still nursing along that old clunker and you fancy a new motor get down to your local dealers and have a word with the friendly sales person. There is also money back under the plan for buying a second hand car that is less than five years old and qualifies under the technical conditions listed above. However in this case you don’t receive the €1,000 from the manufacturers, in other words you will only be eligible for a €1,000 payback.

La Palma

Mayantigo Primary School

Parents boycott teacher Parents of final year pupils in a small primary school in La Palma refused to allow their children to be taught by a teacher they say humiliated many of them in class last year. Angry scenes marked the pupils’ return to the Mayantigo Primary School in Los Llanos after the summer break when the parents of the school’s 11-12 year-olds realised that no action had been

taken by the Department of Education over complaints at the teacher’s behaviour in March. According to the parents, among his odd and humiliating practices, he played games of basketball in class, using the children’s mouths as the baskets and pieces of blackboard chalk as the ball. The incident led to a formal inquiry, which was apparently suspended when the teacher went on sick leave for the remainder

of the year. His return to the school and his designation, at his request, as the year teacher for the same group of pupils prompted parents to protest in the playground and refuse to allow the children to go inside the building. The standof f lasted four days and was only resolved when a temporary replacement was found pending the completion of the internal investigation, which has been relaunched.

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7 Islands


EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS


Santa Ana

Kraus remains to go to Las Palmas T

he remains of the Canaries’ most famous opera singer are to be brought back to Gran Canaria for burial.

The Alfredo Kraus Auditorium, named after the great tenor

Coinciding with the 10th anniversary of his death, Gran Canaria’s Cabildo announced that Alfredo Kraus and his wife Rosa will be buried in a special niche in the main cemetery in Las Palmas, where a commemorative headstone will be erected in the tenor’s memory. The transfer of the remains from a graveyard in Boadilla (Madrid) where Kraus lived for much of his life is at the request of his family in Gran Canaria. The Cabildo is also in negotiations for the formal transfer to Las Palmas of the charitable Foundation named after Kraus. A building has been earmarked to house the Foundation, which currently has its headquarters in Madrid.

Holy promotions

Cathedral attraction hopes Las Palmas is hoping to increase visitor numbers by including the city cathedral in a Spanish heritage initiative. Representatives of 19 of Spain’s cathedral cities met recently to devise joint marketing approaches to highlight the cathedrals in tourism promotions. Las Palmas has been included in the southern section of a network created in 2006, which presented its new brochures at the recent holiday fair in Malaga on 16-20 September. The city’s St Anne’s cathedral, dates back to the early 16th century and although not the most impressive in the network, is of heritage importance due to its colonial architecture, which was imitated by many cathedrals in South America.


Surfers demand jetty rethink S

ur fers from all over Gran Canaria are mobilising to tr y and block the building of two jetties close to one of their favourite wave-riding spots. Improvement plans for a section of the coast near the Perchel beach in

Arguineguín include the small jetties, which the authorities say will help create a safer stretch by limiting the rough waters. However, the surfers say the spot hass been one of the island’s flagship surfing areas for over forty years.

One regular said the Arguineguín beach was Gran Canaria’s “best training ground” for surfing and it will disappear if the jetties are allowed. Several associations have joined forces to pressure the council and the Ministry of the Environment to rethink the project.


‘Fling’ policeman acquitted A

Gran Canaria policeman accused of defrauding his insurance company has been acquitted after a court ruled that a recording of a phone conversation in which he admitted what he had done was inadmissible. The officer was charged with making a false claim regarding the theft of his car in order to obtain money

for new wheels. Although insisting the vehicle had been stolen and the wheels removed, he admitted that he had lied about the exact spot of the theft in order to hide the fact that he was having sex on the beach with a female friend and did not want his wife to know. The insurance company was alerted to the lie after the policeman discussed the claim with a colleague

in a conversation which was recorded as part of a separate investigation not involving the claimant. Judges ruled that the tape was inadmissible as evidence because the officer was not one of those under investigation and his conversations should not have been kept or divulged.

Las Palmas

Crisis soldiers

Army interest grows The number of young people showing interest in joining the Armed Forces has grown considerably, judging by the turn-out at information days held in Gran Canaria. Long queues of young men and women formed at the doors of the barracks in the centre of Las Palmas where aptitude tests and briefing sessions were organised recently. An army source said that in the past information buses had been sent from the mainland to the Canaries to assist with recruitment but there was little need now for the proactive approach because of the massive rise in numbers. Hundreds of 18-29 year-olds have expressed interest in recent months, a phenomenon some attribute to the lack of employment opportunities due to the economic crisis.

OCTOBER September 20th

Spanish cabinet meeting confirmed T

he Spanish government has confirmed that it will fly all its ministers to Las Palmas on 9 October for a cabinet meeting. The meeting was promised by premier José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero during his summer talks with the regional authorities. Both Santa Cruz and Las Palmas had been pressuring to host the cabinet session, which is expected to adopt a series of decisions to help the Canarian

economy. The Canarian government wants Zapatero to help the tourist industry by announcing a two-year extension of the zero airport charges which are due to expire in March 2010, although the measure is unlikely to be passed, according to sources in Madrid. The regional government will be anxious to pursue the issue though, and have stressed many times that the zero charges have had a major impact on attracting flights, pointing to the fact that

Weather woes

Rain ruins Bike Day The annual Bike Day in Las Palmas on Sunday September 20th was marred by rain, forcing the organisers to alter the fun ride route around the city. Only a handful of people turned out for the two-wheel tour, which is designed to promote the use of greener and healthier transport. The route was shortened accordingly but the activities organised for the day went ahead as planned. Zapatero and Rivero during prior talks

low-cost carrier Ryanair have already promised to increase the number of flights to the islands due, specifically, to the zero charges.

Last year, good weather brought almost one thousand cyclists onto the streets of the capital.

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009



Cayucos arriving

The recent lull in migrant boats was broken at the beginning of September with the arrival of two cayuco boats into Los Cristianos with 77 and 65 persons on board respectively. The first boat was detected on Sunday September 13th by coastguard surveillance eight miles off the Punta de Rasca Head. Two rescue boats were sent out to escort it along the coast to Los Cristianos, where first aid and Red Cross volunteers were ready on the ground to meet its arrival. Police say the skipper of the boat was detained immediately and is to be charged with people trafficking. The migrants were due to be transferred to a temporary holding centre while arrangements are made to return them to their countries of origin. The second boat was also escorted into the port at Los Cristianos just three days later. The occupants of the boat had called for help by phoning 112 when they were just 27 miles off the coast. There were a number of minors amongst those rescued.

7 Islands



Carnival changes Politics and parties maybe shouldn’t mix, but next year’s Carnaval in Santa Cruz has been directly affected by a change in the powers-that-be in the city’s council chambers.

Out with the old and in with the new, as the ripples settle after the effective dismissal of the Partido Popular’s local leader Ángel Llanos as the deputy mayor and his colleagues in the now defunct coalition, a new face has taken over at the department of fun and fiestas. Norberto Plasencia has brought in changes to the previously chosen theme of Carnaval 2010. Originally planned as a celebration of the History of Humanity, it will now instead celebrate Tenerife, a History of Carnaval. The new theme, according to Sergio García, recently presented to the public as the new artistic director of the weeks long event stretching from January through to the end of February, “touches the heart of all chicharreros – the local name for those from Santa Cruz. 2010 will

be really important because it will also celebrate a number of milestones such as the 75th anniversary of the first Gala election of the Carnaval Queen (1935, Onagra Díaz Lorenzo), and also marks 50 years since the lifting of the official ban on Carnaval, and the first Murgas competition”. The launch of the new team

took place in the offices of Ni Fú Ni Fá, one of the most famous Murgas groups on the islands, whose presentation of the satirical songs that are at the heart of Murgas performances have made them synonymous with Carnaval in Tenerife. According to Santa Cruz mayor Miguel Zerolo the

council won’t be withdrawing the poster for the 2010 Carnaval that is already in circulation, however they have launched a new logo which will accompany all relevant literature and be displayed on the stages – the Recinto Ferial will be the central stage once again - and banners during the festivities.

News in Brief Drug smuggling

Hash landings The Guardia Civil captured four Moroccan citizens and a Spaniard as they drove off in a van from the rocky cove at Las Aguas, on the north coast of Tenerife. They were carrying 176kg of hash which they had landed at the secluded cove in the early hours on 11th September. The police were tipped off by a local resident who spotted suspicious movements on the rocks at four in the morning. He thought it very strange that a small boat should be landing in this rocky enclave at that time of the morning. Two police patrols were immediately alerted and they intercepted the drug smugglers’ van with the five men inside and part of the drug haul. The rest was discovered amongst the rocks. The police also found the boat, a small wooden craft fitted with two powerful engines with which they believe the smugglers made the crossing from Morocco.


University still on Politicians in La Orotava are maintaining hopes alive that the town may one day have its very own university. The university has been one of mayor Isaac Valencia’s big ambitions in recent years, especially since his massive urban development policies began to receive public criticism. His deputy at the council, Francisco Linares, recently even went as far as to say he hoped an agreement could be signed before the end of 2009 with the Madrid International University. The project, he said, was vital for the future of the town, bringing 3,000 students and creating thousands of jobs.

Air transport

More Northern flights Despite recent doom and gloom tales about tourism in the north of Tenerife, especially affecting Puerto de la Cruz, the north’s Los Rodeos airport will see its air traffic increased by 19 per cent this coming winter. The news, which is based on ‘slots’ reserved by tour operators, contradicts recent warnings of a major pullout from Puerto de la Cruz by British travel firms. Nevertheless a big chunk of the increased bookings come from internal Spanish flights as more national firms hope to be sending tourists to Tenerife.

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EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

7 Islands



Ramifications grow T

he complex connections between senior politicians allegedly involved in shady dealings have been clarified further by the discover y of an of fshore account in the name of the former head of the Tenerife Port Authority, according to local media. The account was opened at the end of 2001, shortly after the controversial operation which saw Santa Cruz council buy up seafront land at the Las Teresi-

tas beach from well-known property developers, who had acquired massive tracts in the area very cheaply shortly before it was reclassified as building land by the corporation. The council bought back the land to restore it to its original public use but the operation came to the attention of anti-corruption investigators in the Spanish Department of Justice. Speculation has always existed that the buy-back, which has since been ruled illegal by the Supreme Court, was a

pre-arranged move to line the pockets of the developers and certain members of the council, as well as their party colleagues in the Coalición Canaria. The discovery of the account, operated by one of the party’s top officials in the Isle of Man, has enabled police to follow the trail of large amounts of money allegedly diverted offshore from other operations, including lucrative entertainment licences awarded by the council.


Puerto beach project T

he authorities have made available for public scrutiny their plans for the long awaited refurbishment of the Martiánez beach in Puerto de la Cruz. This is one of the last steps before beginning work on the very important five million euro project which everyone hopes will once and for all transform the beach and turn it into a permanent venue for beach lovers and holidaymakers. The mayor, Lola Padrón, believes this new renovation will indeed give a needed push for the modernisation of this, the main tourist

centre of Puerto. The project includes renewing the beach with 212,000 tons of fresh sand which will cost two million euros. However, in order to protect this investment from the winter seas which cause the sand to be washed away, a submerged, artificial reef, much like the one at Playa Jardín and at other new beaches in the islands, will be created with giant concrete blocks. The reef will also make swimming easier and safer although it won’t please surfers because the waves will almost certainly disappear. The beachfront is also due for a total transformation, beginning with

the removal of the wooden walkway, which although relatively new, has deteriorated badly. The rusty, modernlook metallic ramp onto the beach has already been dismantled and proper changing facilities and a new-look front and cafés are planned. The ramp and the wooden walkway were part of the previous and disastrous modernisation project in the 1990s, which included two hideous concrete and iron structures which were used as cafés. Public uproar and criticism has had politicians promising to restore some of the emblematic seafront for many years.



he IKA group of companies have recently opened a new garden centre in Adeje. Occupying 5,700 square metres, it is situated within the new botanical park at Las Nieves, just behind the sports pavilion. Mayor José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, during his visit to the centre commented, “it is satisfying, particularly during times of crisis, that there are owners willing to open new branches of their businesses, and it is even more pleasing that this has happened in the borough of Adeje, and that as a consequence, it has created new jobs for the local people”. The IKA group has also been responsible for the creation of the urban park which is almost completed. All that remain to be done are a few finishing touches to the gardening school and the restaurant. Manager and spokesman for IKA, Sebastián Vargas González says that work is going ahead at a good pace and that he hopes the complete installation will be opened very soon. Additionally, the IKA group have planned plenty of activities, for instance a grand end of summer children’s party, a terror circuit on Halloween night and various parties, activities and workshops for Christmas.

Green fingers

50 years ago

Eclipse witnesses sought for anniversary People who saw the solar eclipse of 1959 are being sought by Tenerife’s Science and Cosmos Museum for an event to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the phenomenon. The eclipse, which took place on 2 October 1959, was particularly impressive viewed from the Canaries and has been credited with rekindling interest in the islands as an ideal site from which to observe the skies. A year later, Spanish astrophysicist Francisco Sánchez began a feasibility study to establish the characteristics of Tenerife’s Mt Teide as a possible observatory location. Sánchez is now head of the island’s world-renowned Astrophysics Institute which runs observatories on Teide and at Roque de Los Muchachos in La Palma, where the world’s biggest telescope was unveiled in July. The Museum and the Institute are working together to organise a series of events to mark the 50th anniversary of the eclipse and want anyone who saw it here to get in touch to arrange their participation.

Hot Mistake Guía gaff

Fire drill embarrassment A drill organised by the island’s governing body, the Cabildo, to test firefighting resources caused embarrassment when an actual blaze was triggered. The exercise on the outskirts of Guía de Isora saw teams of firefighters and vehicles deployed to assess their response capability to a forest blaze. However, they had to act for real when a flare set off to coordinate airborne assistance set fire to scrubland. According to the Diario de Avisos paper, which published details of the embarrassing incident, four hectares were burnt during the three hours it took to bring the late-evening blaze under control. Ironically, the helicopter which had been sent to take part in the exercise could not intervene in the actual dowsing operation due to thick mist.

Foreign Students University of La Laguna

Erasmus contingent grows González stated that, “we will let the public know about these well in advance”. The garden centre is well designed, clean and tidy with ample car parking, plenty of indoor and outdoor plants for sale, as well as a good selection of gift items, tools, pots and other gardening accessories, all at reasonable prices. For more information about the park, the garden centre, a full plant catalogue and the other gardening ser vices offered by IKA, go to www.

The University of La Laguna’s intake of Erasmus students from other countries continues to grow. This year almost 400 students from across Europe have chosen Tenerife to undertake part of their university studies, either for a term or for the whole academic year. The new students were welcomed formally by the university authorities during the introductory week, which included a guided tour of La Laguna and a trip to Mt Teide. Germany and Italy continue to provide the bulk of the Erasmus contingent but the university says it is seeing a noticeable increase in students from countries such as Poland of late. Many of the new intake have signed up for courses in Spanish to help them get by during the year.

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 Aznar’s eye for detail and development marks his work

Bird’s eye view E

Born in Tétouan in Morocco, Aznar moved to the Canar y Islands with his family at an early age, where he continues to live. Having completed his primary studies, he took up fine arts and technical architecture where he discovered his love of photography. His career in the latter took off.

He worked for local newspapers in Tenerife mostly in the fields of show biz and motoring, and his great passion, reflecting human life in all its local aspects, from farming to fishing, trades to tourism. In the early 80s Aznar first came in contact with the world of aeronautics and soon realised he could combine his job with his hobby, and from then on would spend many hours in planes and helicopters building up a new and fascinating



Semi-blind amputee ‘not needy enough’


arly bird readers will still have time to catch the exhibition of arial photography by Salvador Aznar.

7 Islands

portfolio of the islands from the air. His current exhibition gives us a bird’s eye view of the islands, marking changes that time and tourism have wrought, with five themes – habitat, the coast, the earth, tourism and volcanoes. His attention to detail combined with his presentation is exceptional. The exhibition runs until September 26th at El Corte Inglés in Santa Cr uz, in their cultural saloon on the seventh floor.


par tially blind Santa Cruz man who had a foot amputated years ago has to continue in his fourth floor home because the local social services say his case is not needy enough to warrant relocation. Media coverage of the situation of Eulalio García, who has been battling for almost five years to receive a subsidised home for himself and his elderly wife, has produced a furious reaction against the city council for its refusal to grant the couple’s request. Eulalio has to negotiate 84 stairs ever y time he

Mayor will be free to meet the family in eight months

leaves his flat in the Cruz del Señor area, for which he pays 330 euros rent, almost half of the couple’s monthly earnings. A fresh application to be rehoused has been tur ned down

because, according to the local authorities, “there are more urgent cases”, even though Eulalio needs regular dialysis for a kidney problem. His relatives are angry at the inhumane treatment and decided to take the case to the press to see if the coverage would prompt a change of heart. One relative said the family had asked to meet the city’s mayor and were given an appointment in eight months time. “We also requested a meeting with the new social ser vices councillor in July and have been given a slot in November” he said.

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EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS


News in Brief

British boycott B

ritish holiday firms have threatened not to send their clients to Puerto de la Cruz unless the town is thoroughly transformed and refurbished to improve hotels and other facilities. This is the warning issued in early September by Fernando Cabrera, President of ASHOTEL, the island’s hoteliers’ association at a meeting with the local authorities. He also said funds set aside to tidy up the town’s appearance were not enough to solve a long term tourism crisis in Puerto because the town as a resort was declining rapidly and progressively in the international markets. He said that the Scandinavian tour operators were also talking of abandoning Puerto if drastic

Mesquida during his visit to Loro Parque

improvement policies were not implemented soon. The Spanish Secretary of State for the Tourism Industry, Joan Mesquida, recently visited Loro Parque in Puerto. The local press waited an hour and a half to hear what he had to say. He apparently gave them exactly 56 seconds of his time.

Nevertheless he insisted his depar tment was working on a plan to modernise the town, suggesting, “we will put Puerto de la Cruz where it belongs as one of the most attractive tourist resorts in Spain”. The news was released as one of the area’s most

Call for beach ban to be lifted

respected hotels, the Hotel Maritim announced temporary unemployment for 62 of its 140 workers. The Maritim has been hit not only by the economic crisis but also by a series of secondar y circumstances such as the new sewage plant which spews out foul smells due to poor installation quality and the 18 months that the road outside has been dug up as part of work on the new road into Puerto from the motorway. The roadworks mean noise and filth and restricted access to the hotel’s grounds. Many of the workers who are to lose their jobs have been with the company for over 25 years and given the current panorama, there are many who don’t believe that the stoppage will be temporary.


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Beach ban irks Bermúdez The vice-president of the Tenerife Cabildo has called for the current restrictions on the use of the island’s beaches for night-time activities to be eased to attract events. José Manuel Bermúdez asked Spain’s tourism minister Juan Mesquida, who visited the Canaries recently, to intervene to persuade the country’s Department of Coasts to be more flexible in its ban on activities on beaches. “Other parts of Spain are allowed to organise giant barbecues and similar events but we are not. British tour operators would love the chance to organise, say, a big dinner on the beach late at night but it is out of the question at present. Tenerife is losing out heavily because we can’t host events such as seafront concerts any more due to the ban” said Bermúdez, who stressed that any activities allowed would only be organised if guarantees were provided that the beaches would not be damaged unnecessarily.

Granadilla protest

Squatters put out by demolition A squatting couple who left the house they were occupying illegally in Granadilla to go to the doctor returned to find the premises had been demolished on the orders of the owner.


Party plea

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According to local daily El Día, the couple took their protest at the owner’s action to the town council and succeeded in being temporarily re-accommodated for a week in the nearby Ucanca Hotel, but they now want a permanent home and say they are prepared to camp outside Granadilla town hall if necessary until their request is met. Council sources said the owner of the house was within her rights to demolish the premises and had obtained the required demolition permits. However, the incident could lead to a legal battle given that the couple say they were not served a formal eviction notice.


Squatters protest A family in Puerto de la Cruz camped outside the town hall early in September. They were protesting about having been evicted by the council from a property they had been squatting in and pleading for the council to find ways of lending them a hand. The family was forced onto the street in June after falling behind with paying the rent. Natanael Cabrera lost his job earlier in the year. The family discovered an unused council property and moved in, although they never had water or electric light. The 48 year old man, his wife of 38 and two children shared the property with other members of the family. The council found itself in a difficult position. It could either let the family stay, providing water and light, which would set an uncomfortable precedent, or stick to the rules and tell the family to move out. By camping outside the town hall the family will also have gone against the law but at least they would receive the publicity needed to attract assistance.

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009

Puerto de la Cruz Punta Brava

Big lottery win in Puerto A hundred ordinary folk at Punta Brava, the rundown village at the far end of the Playa Jardín beach in Puerto de la Cruz and opposite Loro Parque got a share of the special Friday 11th September lottery prize of nine million euros. Naturally there were joyous and chaotic scenes as people with the tickets numbered 06027, which were sold at the Punta Brava Canary Wrestling Club, began to realise that they had been blessed with extraordinary luck. It was revealed later that the tickets had been distributed by El Gato Negro, the black cat lotteries office in Los Realejos. Most winners began to close their businesses, gather around their friends and families and share their joy with everyone in the closeknit community. It so happened that they were also celebrating the town’s annual fiestas. The club was planning a huge celebration to which the whole community would be invited.

Güímar The Family Welcome mascots visiting the Pirámides de Güímar




Upgrade contracts awarded A

fter deliberation the insular tourism board have awarded the contracts for the upgrades of Avenida Santiago Puig in Arona and Calle Londres in Adeje. Gil Stelzner Architects will take charge of the Avenida Santiago Puig work, while a team from Jiménez & Bazán will be in charge of Calle Londres, both working under the auspices of the island plan to regenerate tourist zones in Tenerife, at a projected cost of three million euros. According to tourism councillor José Manuel Bermúdez, it is hoped that the final plans will be ready within four months to allow work to begin at the beginning of 2010. He added, “the complete renovation of these central zones in two of the Island’s most important tourist boroughs” was hugely important. He also said that the needs identified in the planning

One-way traffic and more pedestrian zones in Calle Londres

reflected the suggestions of small and medium sized businesses in the area as well as residents. The planned upgrades for Avenida Santiago Puig include an increase in the green zone along the whole avenue, increasing the number of roundabouts connecting the

avenue with Calle Noelia Afonso, as well as building new playgrounds and sports areas. The plans from the architects at Jiménez & Bazán for Calle Londres envisages the establishment of one way traffic for one part of the street as well as a considerable increase in the pedestrian

zone. In both cases there will also be repaving carried out, as well as upgrading garden and street furniture installations, to aid, as is officially listed, the ‘improvement of movement and accessibility, attention to traffic demands and the integration of public transport”.


Family fun at Güímar The Pirámides de Güímar park recently welcomed the Family Welcome mascots. The mascots are part of the regional government’s campaign to promote the islands as the ideal family holiday destination, and their presence certainly gave younger visitors to the Pirámides something extra to see on the day. The Pirámides de Güímar have recently signed up to the promotional campaign, which hopes, among other things, to increase consumer confidence in the islands as a family holiday product. Institutions bearing the Family Welcome stamp have to meet certain quality requirements, guaranteeing among other things a professional and personalised service, which is in turn reflected in the choices tourists make when choosing outings for the family while on holiday.

Rambla de Castro Camping tragedy

Cliff death A 23 year old man was discovered dead in early September at the foot of a cliff at Rambla de Castro. He had been camping with a group of friends and wandered off during the night. They realised he was missing in the morning and began to search for him. They discovered the body by the shore at the base of the cliff, which is in Los Realejos, and contacted the emergency services. The man’s body was picked up by a helicopter and taken to the harbour in Puerto de la Cruz. First indications were that he must have lost his footing during the night and fallen down into the sea.

What about a hotel? T

he council in Icod de los Vinos does not rule out building a five star hotel at Riquel once the plot of land has finally been freed of its quarr ying and scrap yard activities. This possibility has always been on the cards and it is almost certainly what all the political and legal manoeuvring to get rid of the industrial activities has been about over the last few years. The industries were given a court order to stop all their activities last June. Having

come clean about the hotel project the mayor can now proceed to present the idea of building a complex alongside an upmarket housing estate on the 150 acre plot. Indeed he is already selling the idea as the best way for Icod, and the favourite cove at San Marcos, to have its very own permanent tourist trade. The proposal is actually one of four which have been put to the public in the past and it was always the preferred alternative. The unions will almost certainly have to oppose the idea as the permanent

closure of the quarries and the scrap yards will mean the immediate loss of 400 jobs. However, the prospect of a construction project followed by the hotel generating future employment should pave the way for agreements. The ecologists, who also wanted the industrial activities to cease in order to retrieve the countryside, may be pacified by the thought of the otherwise dry and barren landscape being turned into lush hotel gardens which will transform a potentially rich property.

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EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

wikipedia: Julia Margaret Cameron

Sarah Darwin

The future of the species By Sheila Collis


century and a half after Charles Darwin published his scientific and social life changing book, On The Origin of the Species, one of his great great granddaughters, Sarah Darwin is among a group recreating his famous voyage aboard the Beagle. The voyage also coincides with the 200th anniversary of Charles Dar win’s birth and has been on the drawing board for over 20 years. However the technology, in the form for example of satellite phones and internet, was not available then to carry out the project in the way it was desired. Now as part of the bicentennial Darwin celebrations, all the necessary high technology has been employed for the voyage aboard the beautiful Clipper Stad Amsterdam. They even have a fully equipped editing room aboard. When the Dutch television company VPRO first contacted Sarah about eight months ago, she had no hesitation in agreeing to be part of the team, “I immediately said yes”. With two others she is to be co-presenter of a 35 part series, Beagle, on the Future of Species, which retraces Darwin’s original route, revisiting and comparing the 1830s sites with today. During a few prefilming visits it has already become obvious that some areas such as the coast of Brazil are changed beyond recognition, whilst others

like a beach in Argentina are much the same today as in her forefather’s times. The voyage is to take eight months and along the route they will be joined by international scientists, philosophers, historians and artists, like Christopher Lloyd, James Moore, Redmond O’ Hanlon and Daniel Dennett. In Tenerife they were joined

by University of La Laguna professor of geology, Ramón Casilla, who escorted them on a walk up Mount Teide explaining the origin and formations of the volcanoes. They stayed overnight at the Altavista refuge, “and what a vista,” exclaimed Sarah. With no previous experience of this type of work, it is a challenge for her, “but I’m

learning fast”. The international specialists will escort Sarah and the Beagle crew members in an attempt to answer important contemporary questions, such as: What can we say about the true state of the environment? What will the Earth’s future, and mankind’s, look like? This exciting expedition will cross the oceans of

the world, take viewers from Brazil to Patagonia, and from the Andes mountain range to the Galapagos Islands. They will sail the Pacific Ocean to Australia and pass through the Cape of Good Hope. “We’re looking at Darwin’s time around the world and the places he visited, what changes have taken place and then we’re looking at the

future of the species, how we are treating our world and how we might be changing it,” explained Sarah. Important scientific discoveries have already been made as a team from the ship made a unique find, before the first episode has aired. At the inhabited Portuguese island Salvagens Grande, which is situated in between Madeira and Tenerife, scientists, professor Dr. Bert Boekschoten of the Vrije University in Amsterdam and Dr. Hanneke Meijer of Naturalis in Leiden, discovered a rare and particularly well-preser ved fossil egg, dating from 15 million years ago. “It looked as if a hen had laid it yesterday,” Sarah told us excitedly. A botanist, who has just completed her PhD (three days before they set sail), Sarah works at the Natural History Museum in London. She is accompanied by her two young sons, four and six years old, who are having a great adventure, although somewhat amazed at their mum’s sudden media popularity, and her husband is due to join her at some point for part of the journey. “This isn’t at all what the Beagle’s crew had to live like,” she smiled, “this is five star luxury. We have air conditioning and en suite bathrooms.” The ship has a professional crew but many of the specialists have also taken part in the various watches and Sarah herself hopes to climb the main mast at least once. They will be visiting, “pretty much” all the places vis-

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ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009

ited by the Beagle, although Tenerife is a plus as Charles Darwin never set foot here. He was fascinated by the work of scientists of the era such as Alexander von Humboldt, who wrote, “I got back last night from a trip to the peak. What a fantastic place. What a time we had. We climbed down some way into the crater much fur ther than any other previous scientific traveller.” When Darwin arrived in Santa Cruz he wrote in his personal papers, “Oh, misery, misery. We were just preparing to drop our anchor at Santa Cruz, when a boat arrived and told us that we had to have a 12 day quarantine. You can see what gloom surrounded everybody. Matters were soon decided by the Captain and he ordered the sails to be put up and we set sail for the Cape Verde.” Sarah confirmed, “he was terribly sad not to have been able to visit Tenerife”. Inevitably many of the questions from the local press were based around whether or not if Dar win had been able to land here, he would have come to the same conclusions. Although not an anthropologist, Sarah tried to answer. She believes that it is possible but it would have been, “much more complicated here”. The Tenerife flora and fauna has two main sources, Mediterranean and African of which he had little knowledge, but he did have knowledge of the South American species and the majority of the Galapagos Islands’ plants and birds came originally from the coast of Equador and Peru. They are going to carry out some anthropological investigations in Australia. “One of the things that was a trigger for Darwin’s thoughts on evolution was slavery in South America,” he apparently came from a family which was very anti-slavery and didn’t buy the justification for the cruel treatment of the slaves that they were of a different species. He looked at the Negroes in South America (as they were then called) and decided that we all came from the same species and that, “if there could be variations in the human species, why not in other species” and so he started his search.


Charles Darwin:

Charles Darwin

Did you know? • Apparently Darwin was prone to seasickness, which, it is said, was one of the main reasons he spent as much time as possible on land and not on the ship, something which probably helped him collect more data than he might have. • Darwin delayed the publication of On the Origin of Species as he was reportedly worried as to how it would be received, finally deciding to publish after news of the imminent publication of similar theories by Alfred Russel Wallace. • Charles Darwin shared a birth date with Abraham Lincoln, both born on February 12, 1809. Both men also lost their mothers during their early childhood. • When he was a child, Darwin’s father said ‘You care for nothing but shooting, dogs and rat-catching, and you will be a disgrace to yourself and all your family’. As a scientist Sarah doesn’t believe that evolution is going to keep pace with the level of contamination and the speed of global change. Previously animals and plants had time and space to migrate north or south depending on the climate change but now, “we have fragmented the world so much, there are cities, roads and runways blocking the routes” making migration very difficult. The series will be shown on Dutch and Belgian television but it can also be followed on internet via the website, or on Sarah’s Twitter site, Bea-

gle_Sarah, or the Natural History museum’s blog. Throughout the year in the UK there have been exhibitions, talks to celebrate the Darwin bicentenary and in November there is a special event to celebrate 150 years since the publication of On The Origin of Species. In December the Darwin year closes, to give way to the international year of biodiversity. However the celebrations of this internationally famous and important figure have been worldwide with events in Argentina, the Galapagos Islands and Brazil. Private celebrations in the family

included a get-together with 180 of the family members, all descendents or spouses of descendents of Charles, but not everybody was able to come, “there’s quite a few more”. It is not to be the last visit for Sarah. She was given a book on the local flora by Ramón and is determined to return in May to see the white broom and towering jewels of the pink tajinastes in the Teide national park, as well as a possible visit to Masca. We hope to be able to speak to her then to get a full personal report on this incredible adventure.

• As a student at Cambridge, Darwin presided over the Glutton Club, which met weekly to seek out and eat unusual meats. • Charles Darwin beat Charles Dickens to become the face of the new Sterling £10 note in 2000. • Survival of the fittest was not a phrase coined by Darwin. He borrowed it from the economist Herbert Spencer, on Wallace’s advice. It does not appear in On the Origin of Species until the fifth edition.

Choose your guide wisely


Repsol Guide 2009 *See page 53 for more information



EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS



ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009

Saving energy

Light bulb switch From the first of September, traditional incandescent filament light bulbs will progressively disappear from the shops in all the countries of the European Union. Their replacement with energy saving bulbs will cut the emission of CO2 throughout Europe by 80 per cent up to 2020, the equivalent of 156 barrels of oil a year, according to top manufacturer Philips. They believe the switchover will be a great opportunity to achieve an efficient use of energy and a move towards a more environmentally sustainable lifestyle. According to Philips, the process once completed, will mean an annual saving of 38 million tons of CO2 and 10,000 meuros. The President of Philips Ibérica, Antonio Duato, confirmed that lighting is responsible for almost 20 per cent of the electricity consumption in the world and underlined that around two thirds of European lighting use energy inefficient technologies. The EU estimates an annual saving of 40,000 million kilowatts per hour from 2020, the equivalent of the current electrical consumption of 23 million households (roughly the electricity con-

Energy saving bulbs are being phased in across Europe

sumption of Belgium). The CO2 emissions in the EU will be reduced by 15 million tons a year, which should go a long way towards the 20 per cent overall reduction which is aimed at by 2020. From 2012, the only lightbulbs on the market will be energy efficient models. The groundbreaking measures introduced as a result of the 2007 Spring European Council to the Commission and confirmed by the European Parliament, according to the Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs, “deliver a clear message about the EU’s commitment to reach its energy efficiency and climate protection targets. By replacing last century lighting products by more performant technologies, European homes, buildings and streets will keep the same quality of lighting, while saving energy, CO2 and money.” Even taking into account the higher cost of the bulbs, the switch to energy saving lightbulbs will save the average household between 25 and 50 euros a year.


Warm and snug for winter The panels can be painted to suit any décor and can even become a decorative item in themselves

It’s almost time for us residents to get the woolies out of their summer storage. Whilst the tourists are strolling around in shorts and t-shirts, those of us who live here are sporting long sleeved jumpers, trousers and boots. It may be that all that wine and cuba libres have thinned the blood, or just that we are accustomed to a warmer climate, but some of us, especially in the northern or upper regions of the Islands, feel the need for warmer clothes and heaters. We got to know about

Econo-Heat wall panels thanks to Derrick and Elsie in La Orotava, they were so thrilled with their heating panels that they spread the word far and wide and convinced many of us to invest in this low running cost central heating solution. It has to be said that so far we have found that everything the company claims is true. You can save up to 50 per cent or more on your heating costs, they are slim, discreet and compact, very easy to install and can be painted to blend into or match any décor. Each panel comes complete with

combined wall plugs/spacers, fixing pins and even a drill bit. The packaging of polystyrene foam has four holes in the same place as the panels. Simply line up the packaging on the wall in the desired position with a spirit level, mark the places to be drilled through the packaging holes, drill, ease in the plugs, fix the panel over them and push in the pins. Each panel will take around eight minutes to fit even for a novice and including sweeping up the brick dust. We haven’t personally tried them out with children, but the company claim they are safe for kids

and pets and none of us have had the need to make any claim so far on the 18 months guarantee they offer. Panels are on sale here in major DIY shops or via their Internet site. Twin them with a cheap 24 hour control plug (less than five euros) to maximise use and make sure of a warm wakeup or welcome home. The company also sell a low voltage wardrobe warmer to avoid that musty smell that can come from slightly damp clothing in the winter months. Check out the website on for more information.



EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

Phil Crean is a freelance photographer based in South Tenerife. You can contact him at 02






By Phil Crean


eaving Christchurch on Sunday at 2:30pm and with a three hour changeover at Sydney we travel a total of 17 hours and touch down in Honolulu International airport at 9:30am the same day.


We have just discovered the eight day week and the 48 hour day by crossing the International dateline. We also crossed the Equator and jumped from Autumn to Spring. Somewhat dazed and confused we spend our first day on Waikiki beach where lazy surfers roll in on gentle waves, outrigger canoes take people out on paddling trips and holidaymakers swim and sunbathe. To end the day we chill out in Dukes Canoe club, a weekend live music venue on the beach, sipping cold beers, listening to the band and watching the sunset. Arming ourselves with four day bus passes on Monday we set out to explore the rest of the island. First stop the Dole Plantation. Starting in

1950 as a roadside stall selling produce it has become one of the island’s most visited attractions. We take the Pineapple Express on a guided tour of the fields where the spiky fruit is grown and dodging rain showers walk through the gardens which contain many plants and flowers we are used to seeing here in Tenerife, including beautiful Hibiscus which is the islands’ emblem. Fur ther on we alight at Haleweiwa and find ourselves in a village that caters to the surfing dudes who ride the big waves on the north shore. No action today as there is a monsoonlike weather front passing through which is to restrict our plans for the rest of our time on Oahu keeping us in the more sheltered southern areas. So after a delicious pulled-pork and bbq sauce baguette for lunch and a browse around the colourful shops and galleries we jump back on the bus and continued on our circular trip back to Waikiki. Waikiki is like a very expensive version of Playa de

Las Américas catering for designer clad mega wealthy Japanese who get shuttled about in oversized limousines between hotels, shopping malls, and tourist attractions.


Oahu: The third largest and most populated of the Hawaiian Islands , nicknamed ‘the gathering place’. Capital city: Honolulu, the largest city and state capital, and location of Hawaii 5-O Tourism: The island is visited by over five million tourists (mainly American and Japanese) every year. History: The island was apparently the first Hawaiian island sighted by the crew of HMS Resolution during Captain Cook’s third Pacific expedition. Location: The most Northern of the central group of Hawaiian islands. Name: Native legends claim that the island was named after the son of the ancient Polynesian navigator credited with the discovery of the islands. Currency: American Dollar


ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009



19 05

Around the world in 71 days Oahu, Hawaii - Part 8 Also in abundance are free tram cars enticing you to take trips to Hilo Hatties where you can purchase garish coordinated outfits for all the family. As for eating it is virtually impossible to get served a cof fee or tea in anything other than a paper cup even in a café attached to a five star resort. And the restaurants all seemed to belong to some chain or other, serving humongous portions of bland food in record time and expecting a 15–20 per cent tip. I would not recommend it as a gourmet venue! A visit to Pearl Harbor was a must. Bombed by the Japanese in the early morning of December 7th 1941 it was the catalyst which brought the USA into WW2. The USS Arizona sank with a loss of 1,177 crew most of whose remains are still in the sunken vessel which has been turned into a memorial to all the victims of the attack. Run by the National Parks Service, there is a free boat which takes you to a specially constructed bridge over the ship where

you can spend about half an hour. A solemn atmosphere permeates and people move about in a respectful manner viewing the various exhibits including a wall which names all who died on that morning. Looking into the water beneath one can clearly see the wreck and occasionally you can see rainbow patches of calm waters where 68 years later oil still leaks from the vessel’s tanks. Back on land we tour the USS Bowfin a submarine which saw action in the Pacific from 1943 to ´45 sinking 15 enemy ships. Taking an audio guide with us we hear descriptions of daily life on board, some scary stories of long underwater excursions dodging mines and tales of engagements with Japanese ships, all recorded by former crew members. Also in the harbour is the USS Missouri on the deck of which the Japanese surrendered bringing WW2 to an end. We do manage to get some walking done. One day we catch the bus out to the Diamond Head Park, a volcanic crater over a thousand metres

in diameter left over from an eruption that took place 150,000 years ago. It got its name from the glistening calcite crystals in the rock which appeared like diamonds to visiting sailors in the 1800s. We climb the trail to the peak, 230 metres above sea level. It sounds easy but includes two sets of stairs, one with 99 steps and the other with 76, and a 70 metre long tunnel, and part of the trail takes you through a disused military observation deck. We spend an hour at the top making the most of the panoramic views over Waikiki beach. Another day we venture to Makapu’u Point, the eastern tip of Oahu where we climb along a track to the top of the ridge 200 metres above sea level with great views along the windward side of the island, from where on clear days you can see the neighbouring island of Maui. Between the months of November and April humpback whales are regularly spotted as they spend the winter in these tropical waters.

Pictures 01. Waikiki beach sunset 02. VW Splitscreen van in Haleiwa 03. USS Arizona Memorial at Pear Harbour 04. Waikiki beach sunset 05. Obama painting mimicing a WW2 poster 06. Scenes along Waikiki beach 07. View from the top of Makapu’u point along the west coast 08. Rainbow tower at the Waikiki Hilton hotel 09. Strelitzia or Bird of Paradise 10. Oversized Limo waiting for clients in Waikiki 11. At the summit of Diamond Head crater Friday afternoon we catch our next flight, heading east to San Francisco, our second last stop on our route around the world.



Business NEWS

EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS



Economic recovery

Those buying flight-only deals are warned to do so using a credit (not debit) card, or via a large and reputable travel agent, or ensuring they are fully insured to avoid losses and disappointment.

Ireland Aer Lingus

Operating loss Spanish peninsula. However, the outlook is brighter in the Canaries, with many believing that the improvement in our traditional tourist emission areas, UK and Germany, will reflect in the situation in the islands and we will begin to see more visitors. In addition, the numbers of civil servants

reaching retirement age with large exit package payouts continues but is likely to dwindle if Gordon Brown has his way. Those counting on endowment fund life insurances to finance their purchases will also be hard hit, but the desire for a home in the sun continues. The

expected result is a drop in the expectation of buyers who are forecast to drop the level of their purchases from chalet to apartment, three bedrooms to two bedrooms etc. until property values in the UK recover and they can upgrade their dream retirement home.


Own label deal S

panish chain, Lopespan Hotel Group has arranged an own label deal with Expedia Affiliate Network which will enable holidaymakers to make their own package tour complete with flights and car hire. The deal includes 21 establishments in Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria,

Germany, Austria and the Dominican Republic and is available through www. and www.ifahotels. com from the UK, Spain, Germany, Italy and the United States of America. Speaking for the company, D.Francisco López affirmed, “forty percent of our hotel guests have purchased their stay as part of a package holiday through

to 14 megabytes (11 in real time) in the seven largest Spanish cities. The financial and business centres, airports, commercial centres etc. will benefit from speeds of up to 21 megabytes (over 16 in real time). The company is also to increase its offer of ADSL all over

Traffic volume has stabilised but reduced fares mean lower income. Long haul business has dropped by over a third in the first six months of the year yet short haul passengers rose by 3.6 per cent. Overall revenue is down by 12.2 per cent and a company spokesperson has described the outlook for the period up to the end of 2010 as, “extremely challenging” especially bearing in mind that the Irish economy is not expected to bounce back until at least 2011.

More holidays an alternative distribution channel and so it was important for us to find a way to bring these customers to our site. It was a natural progression for us to find a partner that could develop a bespoke own label solution that would enable us to offer customers a packaging option as well as maximise all revenue opportunities of our website.”

Faster mobile internet he second largest mobile operator in Spain has announced that it will triple its speed of ser vice over the next weeks. Vodafone is using a new technology in its mobile system called HSPA+ which will allow speeds of downloading of up

Irish airline, Aer Lingus announced a loss of almost 93 million euros in the first six months of the year, compared with the 23.4 millions lost in the first half of 2008.

UK Polls



Airline problems The collapse of another airline in recent weeks has underlined warnings by the International Airline Association that the industry remains in, “intensive care”.


espite the slowdown in the rate of descent in the gross domestic product output, the outlook is still grim for the next 12 months in Spain according to some experts. Whilst manufacturing companies, led by countries such as China, Germany and France are now gradually seeing an increase in their production and consumption levels, Spain with an economy based more on tourism, agriculture and construction will take longer to recover. The Minister for Science and Innovation, Cristina Garmendia, admitted recently that the Spanish economy will go through a, “difficult” time in the Autumn, and won’t star t bouncing back for another 12 months. Some experts believe that construction will take several more years to recover in the

Travel warnings

Spain, taking advantage of new guidelines which drastically cut the charges Telefónica can make to their rivals. The result should be a downturn in ADSL costs across the board, so if you were thinking of signing on the dotted line, it may be wise to wait a few weeks.

Short breaks A UK poll shows that around 83 per cent of those asked intend to take between one and five short breaks rather than the traditional long holiday this year. Britain has become a nation of mini-breakers it would seem according to a new travel report from Visa Europe. More than one in five will be taking more holidays than last year despite the economic situation and a foreign holiday remains the preferred option. Most of the mini breaks are booked over the internet at short notice, 20 per cent at just one or two weeks before travelling the report showed. Main priorities were to relax and sunbathe with 60 per cent of those taking part confirming they looked for beach breaks followed by 36 per cent looking for city breaks. Adventure activities, camping and skiing were also popular. The good news is that Spain remains the favourite holiday destination.

Business NEWS

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009

Business in Brief Statistics

Youth unemployment Young people in the Canaries have less possibility of finding work than their counterparts in the rest of Spain according to a recent study. Over 90,000 young people in the Islands are looking for work, 36 per cent of the total affecting 32.9 per cent of the young women and 38.6 per cent of the young men. Worst affected are the 16 to 19 age group where unemployment is registered at 64.2 per cent and immigrants to the Canaries find it more difficult to get a job with 41 per cent unemployed in comparison with 34.7 per cent of Spanish nationals.

Help for unemployed

Back to work New grants are available to help the unemployed get back to work. For those faced with playschool costs, an amount of up to 150 euros is available over and above the amount received from the government for each child under three years old for a period of up to a year. Those signing contracts in September have until October 9 to apply for the grant and those signing in October and November have until December 9.


Inditex in Internet Textile high street giant, Zara, is to offer its products via the Internet from this autumn. It is the company’s response to their latest profits which have dropped by eight per cent to 375 million euros in the period from February 1 to the end of July. During this period Inditex have opened 166 shops in 35 countries, giving a total of 4,430 shops in 73 countries. The Internet service will initially be on offer in Spain, France, Germany, the UK, Italy and Portugal and then gradually introduced into the rest of the markets where they operate. Vice president of the company, Pablo Isla, called the Internet launch, “an important strategic move” within the Inditex plans to provide a better service for their clients.

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New face at Zurich L

ouise Hernández has joined the busy team at Zurich Insurance in Los Cristianos and is able to assist with any insurance enquiries.

Having lived in Tenerife for over 20 years, Louise has had work experience in tourism (Thomson Holidays and First Choice Holidays), public relations (Hospital Costa Adeje) and most recently in retail . Back in the U.K she was a local government Officer for Birmingham City Council. She is a mother of one, Felipe, and lives locally in the south of the island. TVT – the Zurich Insurance Agency office is situated in the building next to the Official Language School in Los Cristianos and it is open 09.00 am – 5.00 pm Monday to Friday. For contact or information: Susana Dias 922 7528 42, Louise Hernández



Business prizes

Guinea links on the way?


he conditions for the 14th annual business prizes have just been announced. There are three elements, business innovation, successful business people and new businesses and prizes of €3,100, €2,100 and €1,500 for new initiatives and honours for those with successful businesses, which have been up and running for five to 10 years, and innovation in the business world. Those who wish to apply have until 12 noon, October 30 to present their applications at the offices of the Fundación FYDE-CajaCanarias in the Avenida Reyes Católicos, 31-2º, Santa Cruz de Tenerife or you can send by registered post to arrive before that date (post code 38005). Make sure your envelope clearly states on the outside, ‘Premio FYDE-CajaCanarias-Consejería de Economía y Haciend Emprendedores/as 2009’.

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08.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 23.00 02.00 05.00

Breakfast Show with Gordon King The Golden Oldies with Katy Kennedy Saturday Scene with Pete Quilty Saturday Night with Saturday Power Love Show with Bernie Simmons In the Midnight Hour with Virtual Power Early Hours – Virtual Power Daybreak – Virtual Power

08.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 22.00 02.00 05.00



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ir links between the Canaries and Equatorial Guinea on Africa’s west coast could be a reality before long, according to the regional govern-

ment. A recent trade visit by the Canarian vice-president José Manuel Soria to the former Spanish colony was described as, “highly successful” by both sides and the Guinean authorities have announced they intend to ask Iberia to add a stop-over in the Canaries for its scheduled flights from Madrid to Malabo. If the request is successful, the link would open up major possibilities for investment in the country, not to mention increased tourism. Soria said talks had also been held with another airline, Spanair, to improve connections between the islands and Guinea.



EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS



Future jobs


n important report by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development outlines the employment outlook for the near future. It underlines the importance of preventing the recession from turning into a long-term unemployment crisis. According to the report, despite early signs of economic recovery, in most countries unemployment will rise further next year and remain high for the immediate future. The unemployment rate has already reached a postwar record high at 8.5 per cent in the OECD area, corresponding to an increase in more than 15 million in the ranks of the unemployed since the end of 2007. If the recovery fails to gain momentum, the OECD unemployment rate could even approach a new post-war high of 10 per cent, with 57 million people out of work. In light of this, the report argues, governments must urgently reassess and adapt their labour market and social policies in order to prevent people from falling into the trap of long-term unemployment. Most OECD countries have introduced measures

to support labour demand. These include temporary cuts in employers’ social security contributions and short-time working subsidies to compensate workers for working fewer hours or to encourage firms to hire. In the short-term, the OECD acknowledges that these measures are playing a positive role. However they warn they must be temporary and well-targeted otherwise they could become an obstacle to recovery by propping up declining firms and making it harder for expanding ones to hire new workers. AS AN OVERALL STRATEGY, THE OECD ADVISES GOVERNMENTS TO: Help young people who have been hardest hit by the crisis, especially those with few or no qualifications. Targeting this group will reduce the risk of a lost generation of young people falling into long-term unemployment and losing touch with the job market. Reinforce social safety nets to avoid jobless people falling into poverty: on average in the OECD area,


Staying together

37 per cent of individuals living in jobless households are poor - five times higher than for individuals living in a household where at least one person has a job. Increase spending on active labour market policies, such as job search assistance, and training, to help the unemployed back to work. Spending on these policies has risen in many countries over the past year, but only modestly compared with the magnitude and pace of job losses. In Ireland, Spain and the United States, which have seen the fastest rise in unemployment in OECD countries, spending per unemployed person on active labour market policies has fallen by 40 per cent or more over the past year. Foster skill formation to ensure that workers are wellequipped with the appropriate skills for emerging jobs, including green jobs. Overall, the OECD is pessimistic about the employment market within the most developed countries in the world, but the warnings for Spain are direct. They believe that by December 2010

almost one in five Spanish workers will be looking for jobs, more than any other of the countries. Only Ireland with an expected 15.1 per cent is anywhere near. Germany in third place is down at 11.8 per cent. However all is not doom and gloom as the study also announced that the direst phase of job loss is now over in Spain. That period was the second half of 2008 and the first half of 2009, the dole queues are expected to continue growing but not at such a frenetic pace. In Germany, France and Italy unemployment is expected to increase at a faster rate next year than this. All the experts looking at Spanish unemployment figures underline the fact that 85 per cent of the jobs lost were temporary contracts, many of them in construction, young people or immigrants. They are complementary over the Spanish Local Government Intervention Fund which has created 400,000 jobs, without which the job loss would have been much worse, but highlight the economic stimulation plans that have been carried out by Japan, America and Australia. Economy Minister, Elena Salgado, speaking from Madrid emphasised Spain’s support of the unemployed, one of the highest percentages of Gross National Product in the group. However the experts were united in their agreement that the Spanish labour market has to be reformed. On the one hand there are rigid fixed contracts and on the other temporar y contracts which give little or no protection to the employees. They also agree that the economy must be diversified with less reliance on tourism and construction. Just a change in the latter will mean a massive change in national financing as a high percentage of corporation financing comes from building permissions and licences.

It would seem that we are more successful as a couple when it’s ‘for worse’ than when it is ‘for better’ as divorce and separation numbers have dropped during the crisis against the trend. In 2008 the number of divorces dropped 12.5 per cent and the number of separations 24.4 per cent over the year before. However the Canarians are bucking the trend along with Melilla and Catalonia, with 3.28 break ups out of every 100,000 of the population. It’s unknown if the overall decrease in Spain is due to the financial uncertainty, whether the cost of the separations and divorces outweighs the advantages under present conditions or whether Spanish residents are quite simply better at facing adversity in pairs.

Juan Iranzo Financial proposal

Immigrants’ interest The Director General of the Spanish Economic Studies Institute, Juan Iranzo has proposed that immigrants should pay more for credit as they are the group which has the most debtors. Iranzo explained that currently, “one in five consumer credits are unpaid,” adding that the challenge for the sector is to improve the management of debt, reduce risks and work hard in the fight against fraud. His remarks were made during the presentation of a recent study on consumer finance during a crisis. He believes that the European Central Bank will reduce liquidity in the financial markets towards the end of the year to oblige lenders to select the best clients.

Over 65 Pensioners

Cheap holidays If you are over 65, resident in Spain and live on your own, you can apply for a grant aided holiday under the Imserso scheme. There are 1.3 million people over 65 who live on their own in Spain, the majority of them are women and this year they have the possibility to opt for one of 13,000 places under the Imserso holiday scheme between December 22nd and January 7th. Applications can be made from October onwards via 9,400 travel agents. Some of the destinations are seaside holidays, others thermal baths resorts for which the Ministry have budgeted a total of 169 million euros this year.


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ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009

Financial TAX RISE

Study points to global tax rise for high earners

Ireland is one of the countries proposing rate increases for top earners

By Bill Blevins, Chief Executive, Blevins Franks


he Individual Income Tax and Social Security Rate Sur vey for 2009 by KPMG shows that the top average personal income tax rate dropped 0.3 per cent worldwide in 2009 to 28.9 per cent, from 29.2 per cent in 2008. Globally, top personal income tax rates have declined over the past seven years. However KPMG anticipates that this trend will reverse due to the need for new sources of budgetary and stimulus funding among governments. Head of tax at KPMG Europe, Sue Bonney, said, “in the current economic environment where countries face increasing budget deficits and need funding for various economic stimulus packages, it is becoming clear that some are turning to those in the highest income brackets amongst their current tax bases to increase revenue. “Our study has recorded a general decline in top personal income rates over the past seven years, but in 2010 we are seeing indications that a reversal may be on the way, as there is speculation around increasing the top rates in the US

and a few countries in the European Union – here in the UK and also in Ireland, specifically – are already proposing rate increases for its top earners,” she added. According to the study, the highest personal income taxes in the world are still paid by the citizens of the European Union. However, with the introduction of flat rate taxes in a number of Eastern European countries, average rates have fallen from 41.1 per cent in 2003 to 36 per cent in 2009. Denmark has the highest personal income tax rate at 62.3 per cent (including social security payments). In the Asia-Pacific region, Japan has the top rate at 50 per cent. Chile has the highest rate in the Latin American region at 40 per cent. KPMG’s survey also included an analysis of social security rates, specifically examining income tax and social security rates for gross incomes of employees earning $100,000 to $300,000. Social security components can vary significantly by countr y, employer and employee type. “Social security is often a forgotten tax and many countries are talking about increasing contributions made to these programs,” Bonney said. KPMG’s 2009 Individual

Income Tax and Social Security Rate Sur vey is a cross-border survey of personal tax and social security rates with historical data from 2003-2009. The repor t covers 86 countries, concentrating on the highest level of personal tax payable to the central government. The study was commissioned by the global International Executive Services practice, comprising professionals from several KPMG International member firms. KPMG’s study only reinforces the belief that taxes will have to rise, not just in the UK, but in Europe and many other countries in order to get treasuries out of the red and into the black. Higher taxes, if applicable to you, would obviously reduce your income, wealth and any assets you plan to leave as an inheritance. If this concerns you an authorised and regulated financial and tax adviser like Blevins Franks Financial Management can help you with legitimate tax mitigation structures which can protect you from unnecessary and excessive taxation. To keep in touch with the latest developments in the offshore world, check out the latest news on our website www.





EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS


House Calls with HouseCalls Dr. De La Flor

FACTOR 1 & 2

Dear Dr. De La Flor, I seem to be having dr yer, itchy eyes lately. Added to that I noticed crusting of my eyelashes and the light seems to bother me even when I use my sunglasses. Any help? CATHERINE

Dear Catherine, Judging by the description you provide, you seem to have a common eye condition called Blepharitis. It’s an inflammation of the eyelids, usually caused by an excess growth of bacteria that is ordinarily found on the skin, and occasionally caused by allergies. Blepharitis causes the eyelids to be reddened, itchy, and somewhat swollen and scaly-appearing at the base of the eyelashes. As scales become coarser, the surface of the eye becomes irritated and forms crusts, which may cause the lids to stick together when waking up in the morning. Sensitivity to light is also an accompanying symptom. If this crust falls into your eye, you may feel like you have “something in your eye” or experience a gritty sensation. Blepharitis cannot be cured. However, it can be treated and controlled through proper eyelid hygiene. Take a clean washcloth and wet it in ver y warm water. Wring

Blepharitis is a common eye condition

the washcloth and place it over the closed eyelids for five minutes. Re-wet as necessary to maintain the desired temperature. This will help to soften crusts and loosen oily debris. Place the war m, wet washcloth over the index finger and apply a diluted solution of 50 per cent baby shampoo or mild soap. Cleanse one eye at a time, closing the eye you are cleansing, and rubbing the washcloth over the eyelashes and lid margins several times using horizontal strokes. Rinse thoroughly with a clean, warm, wet washcloth. Pat dry. There are several steps that you can take to prevent blepharitis. This includes: keeping your hands and face clean, avoiding rubbing your eyes with dirty fingers, a soiled handkerchief, etc.

Remove all eye makeup before bedtime and wear protective sun-glasses. It will also help to avoid driving with the windows opened. If you are in the early stages of treating blepharitis, avoid the use of eye makeup to prevent further irritation. Once you begin using makeup again, replace any liquid products because your old products may be contaminated. If the irritation or inflammation is too bad, ask your G.P. to prescribe some anti-inflammator y drops to relieve pain.

Dear Dr. De La Flor, I’m 28 and a bit confused about how often I should do a PAP smear.

Is it necessar y to do it ever y year? Do they test for sexual infections? TERRY

Dear Terry, A Pap smear is a test of a sample of cells taken from a woman’s cervix. The test is used to look for changes in the cells of the cervix that show cer vical cancer and other conditions that may develop into cancer. All women should start Pap screen testing about three years after the onset of sexual intercourse or by age 21, whichever comes first. Yearly screening is recommended for women under 30 and then every 2-3 years for women over 30 with three consecutive normal Pap tests and a negative HPV test.

Pap smears can occasionally show signs of infection but cannot be relied on to screen for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Other tests are necessary to determine the presence of an STD. There are several things you can do to help make the Pap smear as accurate as possible. These include avoidance of sex, douching, and vaginal creams for 48 hours before the test. Women with cer tain risk factors, such as being HIV positive, a weakened immune system due to c h e m o t h e r a p y, o r g a n transplant, chronic steroid use should continue to be screened more frequently. Pap smears may be discontinued after a total hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and cervix), unless the surger y was performed for cervical preinvasive or invasive cancer or other uterine cancers. Women who have had a partial hysterectomy with the cervix remaining should continue to have routine Pap smears.

Dr. De La Flor, G.P. is licensed in medicine & general surgery. He holds certificates in nutrition, medical exercise and human performance from the University of Berkeley in California, the American Council on Exercise and the U.S. National Strength & Conditioning Association. He is a strong believer in work/life balance and spends much of his time outside of his surgery on the tennis court or chasing his four kids around the neighborhood. 697.888.666

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Scientist wins legal battle A Tenerife biochemist who was forced to close his successful business by the Department of Health has won his legal battle for his so-called miracle products to be classified as food supplements not medicines. Enrique Meléndez-Helvia has fought a bitter battle with the Canarian government after it ruled that his secret products, which are known only as Factor 1 and Factor 2 and were sold to thousands of people in the Canaries, needed authorisation because they were being used for treating medical conditions such as obesity. After three years the Canarian High Court has decided they are not medicines and therefore can be marketed in their current format. The ruling could lead to a compensation claim against the government for loss of earnings.


Tell the doctor The local Lions Clubs are promoting an English-Spanish guide book, to help with translations of a medical nature. It features hundreds of necessary phrases and expressions that an Englishspeaker, not fluent in Spanish, will find useful if attending a clinic or surgery, with a medical problem. It covers a very wide range of anatomical problems. At a cost 3 .00 euros, it is something to keep in the house, in the car, or to have available for visitors. All monies going to Lions Clubs Charities, the book is available from M.D.I. furniture shop in Alcala, Megatone in El Varadero, the Lions Shop, Edificio Las Gaviotas, opposite Coral Mar Square, Pig in the Dip, P.H. Costa Silencio, Mr and Mrs Davies. 629 883 733 and the Anglican Chaplaincy of South Tenerife.

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009

Health Directory Hospitals HOSPITAL LA CANDELARIA Carretera Del Rosario 145 Santa Cruz de Tenerife 922 602 000 hospitaldelacandelaria. com HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO Carretera Cuesta-Taco San Cristobal de La Laguna (Tenerife), 922 678 000 COSTA ADEJE HOSPITAL Urb. San Eugenio. Edif Garajonay Adeje Tel.: 922 752 626 Fax: 922 753 636 HOSPITEN SUR Playa de Las Américas Arona-Tenerife Tel.: 922 75 00 22. Fax: 922 79 36 18 HOSPITEN C/ Pescadores, Edf. Discovery, Carretera Gral. La Cuesta. Taco 38108 La Laguna Tel.: 922 626240 Fax: 922 614355 HOSPITEN BELLEVUE C/ Alemania, 6 Urb. San Fernando. Puerto de la Cruz Tel.: 922 38 35 51 Fax: 922 37 03 12 HOSPITEN TAMARAGUA C/ Agustín de Bethencourt, 30 Puerto de la Cruz Tel.: 922 38 05 12 Fax: 922 38 08 50 HOSPITEN RAMBLA Address: Rambla General Franco, 115. 38001 Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Tel.: 922 29 16 00. Fax: 922 29 10 88

DIAL 112 Emergency Doctor DOCTOR DE LA FLOR Calle Tinerfe El Grande 9, Adeje 697 888 666 (Doctor), 637 245 270 Family medicine, home or hotel visits

Health SHIATSU Tel: 636 239940 T r eatment for poor circulation, pain, aches and cramps ORTOPEDIA tel: 922 812 807 Ctra. Gral, Orotava-Icod 41º La Mancha. Specialist shop for or thopaedic needs. English spoken BELLISSIMA Sports Centre Los Gigantes. Tel: 922 867 343 / San Eugenio Alto (next to Roy’s Pizza) 922 719 355 Osteopathy, acupuncture, Reiki, reflexology, chiropody and holistic massage


PHYSIOTHERAPIST / OSTEOPATH Officially registered Nº967 Philippe Hoogstoel Home visits Tel: 677 818 661 English, Spanish, French, German spoken

MISS NAIL Manicure & Pedicure Spa Parque Santiago III Local 6, Playa de las Américas, Arona Tel: 600 557 763


Health 5ELEMENTOS Feng-Shui / Chinese Astrology / Nutrition. Consultations on the spot, holistic health check, nutrition consultation Roger & Daniela 628 012 987.


CLÍNICA BARAJAS HEARING AID Assessments without obligation. Name brand hearing aids. English speaking personnel Los Cristianos 922 790 563 Santa Cruz 922 275 488

CLINICA ESTETICA DENTAL Urb. Miraverde, HLS Center, 1ª Planta Derecha, Costa Adeje Tel: 922 715307 General dentistry, implantology specialists, laser technology, multilingual team



DR MICHAEL THEIS Calle La Hoya 55 Puerto de la Cruz In the south on Saturdays at Hospital Las Americas Tel 922 370897 Specialist in gynaecology

Spa HOSPITAL SAN JUAN DE DIOS. Ctra. Gral. del Norte, 53. Santa Cruz. Teléfono: 922 64 55 11 Fax: 922 64 93 52


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DIAL 112 Emergency

TENERGIE CLINIC Aesthetics Medicine Dentistry. Personalised Programmes. CC D. Antonio. C/Juan XXIII -19º. Los Cristianos Tel: 922 796 634

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XAZZPERFUMERIA Excellent brandmarks and outstanding quality Cosmetics. Calle Perez Zamora, 28, (close to Plaza del Charco), Puerto de la Cruz, Opening hours: Monday – Friday 10h to 13h, 18h to 20.30h or make your own appointment Tel: 922 372 937


C/. Barranco de la Ballena, s/n. 35020 Las Palmas. Tel. 928 450 000 Fax: 928 449 100 HOSPITAL INSULAR

Plaza Doctor Pasteur 35020 Las Palmas. Tel. 928 313 033 MATERNO-INSULAR

Avda Maritima del Sur 35016 Las Palmas. Tel: 928 444 500 Fax 928 444 288 CLÍNICA SAN ROQUE – SUR

Mar de Siberia 1 Urb. Meloneras 35100 MaspalomasMeloneras Tel: 928 063 600 CLÍNICA ROCA

C/ Buganvillas 1 35100 San Agustín Las Palmas. Tel. (0034) 928 76 90 04 Fax: (0034) 928 76 12 48 CLÍNICA SALUS LAS PALMERAS

Avda. de Tenerife, 24 Centro Comercial Kasbah Playa del Inglés Tel: 928 762 992

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EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

Medical News / USP

Medical News FLU NEWS

Back to school



r Radtke, a pediatric specialist from the USP Hospital Costa Adeje, has suggested that your child’s school/ sleep schedule be gradually reintroduced after the summer holidays. During the vacation we all change our habits. However once Autumn is upon us we move, almost overnight, from a stress and routinefree lifestyle back into one of work and school time. Even the smallest members of our families have to adjust to the new hours, and for them particularly it is best to introduce the changes in a scaled manner, to help in making sure they are getting enough sleep. According to Dr Radtke, “children on holidays become used to going to bed later, their parents may have allowed them long daytime naps, and their sleep rhythm has been completely different, to the extent that they may have been waking up to three hours later than during the rest of the year.” For that reason it is important that the post-summer sleep patterns are introduced a few days before they head back to school. “Children under three should be getting at least nine hours sleep per day, and even the bigger children need at least eight consecutive hours of sleep. Without this they cannot properly face up to a hard day in school; sleep is vital if they are to have the levels of concentration needed for the following day”. As well as sleep, a good breakfast is fundamental in

Head lice have been around for centuries and they’re not going away any time soon. And it’s no harm to remind

As in previous years the vaccine is recommended for a various groups of individuals, including those working in the health and educational sectors, those working in public offices, the elderly, and those with certain preconditions. If in doubt, consult your doctor.

Prevention kits warning The Spanish consumers association has informed the country’s agency for medical supplies and health products (the AEMPS) that a number of web pages are now offering so-called ‘flu prevention kits’ and the antiviral drug Tamiflu for sale.

maintaining adequate levels of glucose needed to start the day. “And it’s not just younger children, adolescents who are used to skipping breakfast before school so they can enjoy a few more minutes in bed, have the same needs. To enable a child to play, concentrate and exercise as well as make the most of their classes they must have breakfasted well at home first. The ideal first meal is a fruit juice, a glass of milk (full milk unless there are dietary concerns), cereals, and/or toast”. And above all the doctor says that children must avoid mass-produced cakes or pastries for their mid-mor ning snack, and instead be given a juice or small sandwich. Children should also be encouraged to drink liquids, preferably water, and never given sugary or fizzy drinks. Another question frequently asked by parents at the start

Make sure the weight in your child’s rucksack is evenly distributed of the school year is the kind of school bag their children should be using. Dr Radtke says, “the important thing is that the weight is evenly distributed, and above all that any rucksack has adjustable straps so that the child wears it snugly on his/her back rather than has it hanging. Reflective strips on the bag to alert traffic to the presence of a child walking or crossing the road are another security plus. On a general note the pediatrician advises that parents should also ensure that chil-

dren have a permanent and suitable place at home where they can concentrate, a space that they identify as their study area, with a desk and chair appropriate for their height, in a quiet and well lit part of the home. She also recommends that “when your child comes home from school they should have half an hour of quiet play time when they can relax after their day at school, before they settle down to do their homework or concentrate on other things.” It is also a good idea to dine at least an hour before bedtime to allow for proper digestion and aid sleep, action films and video games should be avoided in this time otherwise the child will be too unsettled to go to sleep, and of course make sure your child washes her/his teeth at least twice a day, in the morning and at night to maintain good dental health.

Preventing head lice


As the world in general continues to be gripped with news of Swine Flu, the Canarian health service has announced the start of their annual vaccination campaign against the normal flu.

The Canaries are actually one of the first regions in Spain to begin the flu vaccine campaign and it will run until November 15th. To receive a vaccine call 012 and request a specific appointment for a seasonal flu jab (gripe estacional).

Unwanted guests

s your little and not so little ones return to school and the daily grind resumes, once again parents need to watch out for the arrival of a not-so-welcome guest.

Seasonal flu jab

parents that while their appearance on the heads of your offspring is not a pleasant sight, its not an indication of an unclean or unhealthy lifestyle, so don’t avoid going to the local chemist for treatment shampoos for fear of shaming the family. And don’t forget, adults are by no means immune, so if your child is infested you will

Prevention and early detection are the best weapons

Don’t buy Tamiflu over the internet or without a prescription

The kits include gloves, masks, disinfectants, thermometers and other paraphernalia. According to the consumer group the sale of medication that requires a doctor’s prescription, such as Tamiflu, is illegal, and further, there is no guarantee that the medication you are purchasing actually meets all the quality and safety standards. They have also slammed the sale of the kits, stating that they do nothing to increase personal protection against the flu, and accuse the web pages in question of using the Swine flu epidemic for commercial purposes only.

need to check that other members of the family are not also carrying nits and lice. Head lice are parasitic insects that live in the hair and scalp of humans. They need human blood to sur vive. They are spread easily from person to person by direct contact, can infest anyone regardless of personal hygiene. Head lice are usually treatable with lice-killing shampoos and creme rinses. ‘Direct contact’ is common during playtime, at school, on the bus. Lice can also be passed from one head to another by sharing infested clothes, using the comb or brush of a child who is already infested, or using their towels or pillows. While they need blood to survive, they can live for up to two days of f the head. However head lice do not jump and nor can you be

infested from contact with an animal. If your child is scratching his/her head frequently examine his/her hair and scalp. Of the nits (eggs), nymphs, or adult lice the nits are the easiest to see and are found stuck to the hair shaft. The lice themselves are the size of a sesame seed, light brown in colour, with six legs, but are harder to detect. To treat the lice, apply lice-killing medicine/lotion available from your pharmacy. Follow the instructions very carefully. Comb dead and remaining live lice out of the hair using a nit comb, usually sold with the treatment. Continue to comb and remove dead nits and lice from the hair every two to three days after the treatment. After treatment, if no dead lice are found and lice seem as active as before, the medicine may not be working. You may need to see your health-care provider for a different medicine.

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009


Around the world Phil Crean, Freelance photographer and author of our current Around the World series passed on the following letter for publication.

Dear Phil


ust to let you know how much we are enjoying your travels thro NZ.

As we live in El Tanque we don´t always find Island Connections but after reading the 597 edition we made sure I got the next edition!! My husband and I travelled around the world last winter, setting off from the UK then onto Capetown, SA, then West OZ then across to Eastern Oz (Camper van from Cairns to Sydney) before flying over to NZ, Christchurch first, then camper van round the South Island before returning that van and spending Christmas with my cousin near Christchurch. In Januar y we hired another van toured the north of the South Island then crossed over to the North Island, spending two


Chinese Horoscope

months in NZ altogether. On our Lake Tekapo photos the tops are all white with snow - yes it snowed in mid summer!! From Auckland we flew to Hawaii, then onto San Francisco we did a shor t tour up to Yosemite National Park, which was covered in snow - just so beautiful, then we flew over to New York for three days, (boy was it cold) then went back to UK to see the family before returning here to Tenerife. We tour ed fr om mid October to mid Februar y, we are retired, so had plenty of time (not enough money though), and just loved every minute of it. This is just a short resume of a wonderful holiday. Keep up the good work! LIZ & MIKE ASHCROFT

A waste of money? Dear Editor


oan moan moan, I know some times we seem to do


nothing but moan in the face of progress. But here’s a question. Who paid for all the lovely landscaping that took ages to do along the central reser vation of the TF1 motorway as you approached the Atalaya roundabout leading to Adeje, Guía and Playa San Juan? Anyone who has travelled this route on a regular basis in recent years will shake their head, many in a kind of “I told you so” way. We lived through so many roadworks along this stretch of motorway – in fact I think I remember reading in your paper that it was part of the most expensive piece of motor way in Spain. And then it was done, complete, all that was missing were the decorative touches. They too were finally in place, loads of plants and carefully planned out colourful sand and stone designs. How long did they last? A year? Maybe. Now I know they’re working on finishing the ring road, and building bridges and new exits and all sor ts. But please tell me how it is possible that two branches of the same regional body such as roads

can’t talk to each other and one let the other know what they are doing. Where the lovingly designed reservation was is now rubble and dust, and will be the base for part of the fly-over. Couldn’t they have saved themselves just a wee bit of time and money if they had known in advance? Would it have taken some of the much lauded rocket science to work out that if they were going to expand the ring road they would more than likely do so as an extension of the existing motorway, or would that be just too much information to process at one sitting? What next. Doesn’t bear thinking about, but what ever it is I’ll make sure that wherever I’m driving to it won’t be in a hurry. YOURS IN A JAM

One of a series of prize winning environment photographs currently on view at the CajaCanarias Cultural sala in Santa Cruz del La Palma. The exhibition runs until October 17th and features 75 different pieces. (below)

Click Pastimes

By Daniela Herzberg & Roger Keller / Tel. +34 650 830 506 /

Daniela Herzberg & Roger Keller are based in the southwest of Tenerife. They both are certified Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology consultants and Cosmic Healers and work and teach in Tenerife and Germany. Their comprehensive knowledge about Feng Shui, Chinese Astrology and the five elements is a result of their work with Derek Walters, one of the most respected Feng Shui masters in the world. They have published several books about Chinese Astrology and how to increase your health and vitality with the five elements, with recipes from all over the world.

Rat (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008) If you want to meet someone new in your life, this is the time to do so. Rats must be careful of extramarital affairs. Ox (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009) Those who are already in committed relationships should be a little careful now, since chances are your attractiveness may cause your other half to become a little jealous and over-possessive. Tiger (1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998) Tiger, you will meet up with old friends who can be very helpful for your business or trade. If you’re feeling a little worried about your health, go for a thorough medical check-up. Rabbit (1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999) It’s a good period for you to travel, but there’s a possibility of you losing your luggage so do take care. Dragon (1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000) Unexpected events will crop up, so it’s best to be prepared for any future occurrences. If you’re in need of assistance, seek the advice of seniors. Snake (1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001) Single Snakes, you finally may meet up with a potential suitable partner. Healthwise, be careful of your eyes – don’t spoil them by reading in the dark etc. Horse (1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002) Horse, you will be inundated with a very heavy workload and you won’t be getting any proper rest. Do not let your partner feel neglected due to your time constraints. Sheep (1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003) It‘s good for you to move on with your plans. But don’t rush anything, or you’ll be in for some legal issues and hassles.

At CajaCanarias Cultural Sala / Sta Cruz de la Palma

[ For Crossword and Sudoku solution see classifieds section ]

Across 1 - don (anag) (3) 3 - pledge (3) 5 - Australian mammal (5) 8 - undergarment (4) 9 - hatmaker (8) 11 - relax (10) 13 - treeless grassland (6) 14 - go up (6) 17 - long cliff (10) 21 - assumed (8) 22 - woody plant (4) 23 - small open pies (5) 24 - mixture of gases (3) 25 - downwind side (3)

Down 1 - midpoint (5) 2 - switched off (8) 4 - rotates quickly (6) 5 - ovens (5) 6 - tuna (anag) (4) 7 - irritated; wore off (7) 10 - plant yield (4) 12 - delay (8) 13 - bunker (7) 15 - tree resins (4) 16 - photographic device (6) 18 - amazes (5) 19 - subject; topic (5) 20 - heat; burn (4)

Monkey (1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004) Relationship troubles can create all sorts of disturbances in your private life. Spend more time apart if necessary – it could save your relationship. Rooster (1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005) Stomach aches are likely for the Rooster. Be careful of what you eat and avoid dining out if necessary. Take time for proper rest and recuperation. Dog (1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006) You may run into some problems, obstacles etc. Don’t let it get you down, because everything will be solved in the end. Pig (1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007) If you’re having some troubles at work, trust your seniors or your boss to help you out. Your career and wealth levels are both looking good.

The Chinese solar year starts around February 4. If your birthday is in January or at the beginning of February your Chinese animal sign belongs to the year before. Example 27.1. 1967 still belongs to the year of the horse.

Pure cotton jersey with striped front and plain back. Pure Egyptian cotton shirt. Jeans with belt and pure cotton coat.

Cotton cardigan, cotton and cashmere jacket with stripes, pure cotton shirt and bleached jeans with belt.

Twenties style dress trimmed with gemstones

Living & Lifestyle

tudio Classics, just one of the new Autumn ranges now in stock for both men and women at El Corte InglĂŠs, as well as an ample selection of footwear and accessories.


Blouse with mini-pleats on the neckline, ruffle and cuffs. Prince of Wales check skirt with elastic waist and double-breasted wool and cashmere coat

Chiffon dress with floral motifs and contrasting lining, with cotton fleece maxi cardigan

28 EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS


Looking forward to Autumn Lambswool striped polo shirt, striped pure cotton shirt and comfort-fit pure cotton trousers.

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009

Part I


Nails and nail products By Nicola Roberts dryness can result in a brittle nail which may not appear different but the way in which the nail breaks indicates its specific problem. If it snaps across it is brittle, if it tears it is weak. Very brittle nails can often appear more yellow in colour which often comes with age. Specific products are available to treat this problem, but with experience it seems to be that the nail requires feeding and hydrating! Ideally a specific oil and/or cream can be regularly applied (ideally morning and especially evening before going to bed) a small amount of oil should be applied to the cuticle area of the nail and gently massaged, this will hydrate and stimulate the cuticle and nail, also a small amount can be applied underneath the nail.


hen you make an appointment with a qualified manicurist or nail technician, the effectiveness of the treatment and the products will rest with her accurate diagnosis of the nail, nail products and recommended usages. As with any cosmetics it is ver y important to take advantage of the manufacturers’/distributors’ instructions and your nail technician’s own personal advice, knowledge and experience. It is possible to make a nail condition worse if the wrong product is used or is used for too long.

Normal A normal nail is obviously what everyone wants to achieve. It should be strong, that is to say it should have a good balance of strength and flexibility. It should be pink

over the nail bed and have no obvious ridges. There should be no evidence of peeling, breakages should be rare and any length of nail could be achieved if so desired. Every nail condition can be improved and every client, except those with any nail deformity should expect an improvement and be able to grow healthy nails.

Dry/Brittle Evidence of peeling is often present in dry nails. This is where the natural oils and moisture that cement the nail layers together have been destroyed. It is one of the most common conditions but can easily be treated over time and with a little patience. A dry nail can often look whiter in colour and the surface may be dull. Extreme

Weak/Soft This type of nail tends to be thinner and flexible and is often associated with a flat shaped nail bed. The hardness of the nail needs to be improved and some of the flexibility needs to be removed. This type of nail usually needs extra protection and will benefit from a regular application of a good quality nail hardener for a certain length of time and for all of the time. The success of the treatment depends on the condition of the nail which determines the length of time that the product should be used for.

Nicola Rober ts is the owner of Bellissima Hair and Beauty in Los Gigantes and San Eugenio Alto. For information or appointments please call 922 867 343 or 922 719 355.



Past its use-by date According to a recent survey, only 25 per cent of women throw away make-up which has passed its use-by date or bother to clean make-up brushes, sponges and applicators regularly. Make-up has a use-by date just as food does, and using it beyond that date

means that it will be less effective and it could be bad for your skin. Not only that, but old make-up can take on an odd or chemical smell. As a guide, eye pencils can last for up to two years, mascara from three to six months, lipsticks for twelve months, foundation for six months, liquid liner for six months

and eye shadow for nine months. It is also a good idea to clean all your make-up brushes, sponges and other applicators at least once a week. Diluted shampoo, washing-up liquid or even facewash will do the job. Rinse well afterwards and allow them to dry naturally.





EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

What’s On Gran Canaria Museums & Theatres



October 3, 7 pm, Romería Virgen del Rosario, Agüimes

Auditorium Tenerife

October 10, 5 pm, Romería Virgen del Pilar, Guanarteme, Las Palmas

www.auditoriodetenerife. com Av. Constitución, 1

38003 Santa Cruz Phone 902 31 73 27

Guimerá Theatre

Plaza Isla de la Madera, 2- 38001 Santa Cruz Phone 902 36 46 03

CajaCanarias Cultural Centre

Plaza del Patriotismo, 1 38002 Santa Cruz Phone 922 471 000

Museum of Science & Space (MCC)

THEATRE & SCENIC ARTS Until September 27, the best Mickey Mouse stories with Disney Live! Centro Insular de Deportes, Las Palmas October 4 to 10, Divorciadas, evangélicas y vegetarianas (divorcees, evangelists and vegetarians), Teatro Cuyás, Las Palmas


38200 San Cristóbal de La Laguna Phone 922 315 265

September 26, 9 pm, Heineken Campus Rock 2009, Infecar, Las Palmas, with El Canto del Loco, Sidonie, Nena Daconte and Taxi. Tickets: first 3,000 at 16 euros. Then 20 euros in advance, 24 euros on the night

Museum of Nature & Archaeology (MNH)

September 26, Queen, the Tribute. Duke’s, Avda Tirajana, Playa del Inglés. 5 euros

www.museosdetenerife. org C/ Vía Láctea, s/n

www.museosdetenerife. org C/ Fuente Morales,

s/n 38003 Santa Cruz Phone 922 535 128

Tenerife History Museum (MHAT) www.museosdetenerife. org C/ San Agustín, 20/22

38201 San Cristóbal de La Laguna Phone 922 825 949/43

Anthropology Museum www.museosdetenerife. org C/ Vino, 44

38270 Valle de Guerra (La Laguna) Phone 922 546 300

Casa Lercaro C/ San Agustín, 20-22 38201 San Cristóbal de La Laguna. Phone 922 82 59 49

Casa de Carta Tacoronte main road to Valle de Guerra, s/n. 38270 Phone 922 546 300

Gran Canaria Cuyás Theatre

Pérez Galdós Theatre

September 26, 10.30 pm, Freddy Cole, Rincón de Jazz, Sala San Borondon, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, Las Palmas October 10, 10,30 pm, Big Band de Canarias, Rincón de Jazz, Sala San Borondon, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, Las Palmas

CLASSICAL MUSIC September 25, 8.30 pm, Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria directed by Jesús Amigo with Sergey Galaktionov (violin) and Simonide Braconi (viola) performing works by Z. de la Cruz, Brunch and Dvorak. Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, Las Palmas October 2, 8.30 pm, Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria directed by Yaron Traub with pianist Till Felner. Works by Artero, Mozart and Prokofiev. Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, Las Palmas October 4, 12.30 pm, organ concert by Léon Berben including works by Sweelinck, Cabanilles and Bach. Auditorio Alfred Kraus, Las Palmas October 9, 8.30 pm, Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria directed by Nikolav Znaider. Works by Mendelssohn and Schumann. Auditorio Alfredo

Kraus, Las Palmas

EXHIBITIONS Until October 10, Bamako 07 en la ciudad y más allá. Casa África, Las Palmas Until October 18, Souvenir, souvenir. La colección de los turistas. Where the tourists are shown to the natives, the natives shown to the tourists, the tourists shown as natives and the natives shown as tourists. César Manrique Foundation, Taro de Tahiche, Teguise, Lanzarote Until October 10, paintings, Bracicarte, a collective exhibition by Brazilian artists Élon Brasil, André Crespo, Fernando Feierabend and Waldomiro Santa Anna. CICCA, Las Palmas October 10 and 11, Celebration of the 50th anniversary of Mini Islas Canarias, CC Terrazas, Telde Until October 30, photographs, Estampas (prints) of Rajastan, by Tania Abitbol Oevermann. Txiki, Diderot 15, Las Palmas

SPORT & NATURE Trekking: Local councils in various areas of the island organise guided treks and other open-air activities. For more information, call UPNature, Guanarteme 928 270084 or 928 473265, Arucas 928 621754, Maspalomas 928 764201, Tablero 928 140640, Mogán 928 158805, Aldea de San Nicolás de Tolentino 928.891.252 or, or Valleseco 928 618740.

Archaeology Guided visits to the principal digs in the island: Bentayga (Tejeda), Cenobio de Valerón (Guía) etc. For more information 928 219 229.

MARKETS Arguineguín: Tuesday, Gáldar: Thursday, Mogán: Sunday, Puerto de Mogán: Friday, Telde: Saturday, Terór: Sunday, Vecindario: Monday and Wednesday – all 8am to 2pm. Playa del Inglés, every day except Sunday, 7.30 to 11.30pm. Rastro, Sunday 8am to 2pm, bus station, Las Palmas.

Tenerife FIESTAS Until September 30, Fiestas de Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes, El Médano

CULTURE September 26, 9 pm, XV edition Folklore Festival Miguel Ángel Mesa with Artesanos de Ingenio, Acfal, Los Sabandeños and the folklore group Igara. Car park next to the health centre, Cabo Blanco September 27, 8 pm, XIII edition soloists Cantasur. Plaza de la Iglesia, Los Cristianos

MUSIC September 25, 9 pm, Heineken Campus Rock 2009, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna, with El Canto del Loco, Sidonie, Nena Daconte and Taxi. Tickets: first 3,000 at 16 euros. Then 20 euros in advance, 24 euros on the night September 26, 9.30 pm, DJ festival AguereDance September 26, 8.30 pm, opening concert of the Island musical bands congress, Auditorio Teobaldo Power, La Orotava September 30, 9 pm, concert by La Orotava Musical Band, Plaza de la Perdoma, La Orotava October 4, 9 pm, Benito Cabrera, music of the world. Auditorio de Tenerife, Santa Cruz. Tickets 12 euros

FAIRS Until September 27, VI African book fair. El Castillo cultural space, Puerto de la Cruz October 3 and 4, 10 am to 9 pm, ExpoOutlet, Arona, Los Cristianos October 11, 10 am to 8 pm, Diversaldo, Plaza del V Centenario, La Orotava Adult and children’s fashion, items for the home, etc, at real bargain prices.

OTHER EVENTS September 27, World Tourism Day, Tenerife September 27, Craft Fair, Tacoronte September 29 and 30, 5 pm onwards, Playstation championship, Pro Evolution Soccer 2009, and other table games. Casa de la Juventud, Tamaimo October 1, closure of IV DJ context, Máxima FM. Dreams Tenerife, Santa Cruz October 2 to 4, Adeje Lan Party 2009. Centro de Desarrollo Turistico, Adeje. Price 28 euros, 18 euros if you hold the carné joven de Adeje. More information on October 3 and 4, 10 am to 9 pm, Expoutlet 2009 Arona, Los Cristianos. At least 50 per cent discount on adult and children’s fashion and items for the home. Grab a bargain!

El Faro Chill Art Lounge Club, Torviscas: September 25, Cruise night September 26, I like house music

October 9, 9 pm, jazz with Kike Perdomo and the Big Band of the Canaries. Auditorio de Tenerife, Santa Cruz

September 27, Cool and Sun with Rayco Santos


Until September 30, Cristino de Vera, Canarian collections 19541984. Fundación Cristino de Vera, Espacio Cultural CajaCanarias. Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm and 5pm to 9pm. Saturdays 11am to 1pm and 5pm to 8pm.

Auditorio de Tenerife, Santa Cruz: September 24, 8.30 pm, Concierto Rossini. Tickets 20 and 30 euros October 6 to 9, 6.30 pm, La Cenerentola (Cinderella, children’s version). Tickets 6 euros

SCENIC ARTS September 24, 9 pm, Choreographic Centre of La Gomera, Auditorio de Tenerife, Santa Cruz. Tickets 10 euros (only available from the box office)


Arona Town Hall: Recortes de Africa Photographs by Oliver Yanes and Juan José Ramos Sala de Arte Pérez Enríquez, Los Silos: Watercolours by Tomás Estévez: 36 Vistas del Teide un par de grillos y dos de gambas. Monday to Saturday, 5pm to 8pm Cultural Centre, Las Galletas:


ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009

Castles Tours: Tenerife History

Until October 22, photographs, Rincones de Cantabria

Museum offers guided tours around the island’s castles for schools and groups. More information on 922 825 949

Civic Centre, Cabo Blanco: Until October 2, drawings, Naxos

Masonic Meetings in the south of Tenerife. Visitors always welcome. Tenerife Craft, Chapter, Mark. For more information phone 922 794 502 or 922 732 386.

Cultural Centre, Cho-Parque de la Reina: Until October 2, collective exhibition Cultural Centre, El Fraile: Until October 24, paintings by Heriberto Tapia

Ciudadanos Europeos

Cultural Centre, Los Cristianos: Until October 5, winning entries to the XVIII regional painting contest Arona 2009 Museum of Science and the Cosmos, La Laguna: Until September 27, Poética del Cosmos. Paintings by Arminda del Castillo and texts by Ferdinand de Bretillard. Until December 31, Photographs: Tenerife, un balcon al Universo Tenerife Espacio de la Artes (TEA), Santa Cruz All September, Expo Orca, sculptures of orcas in an exhibition promoted by the Loro Parque Foundation. Also, workshops for children where they can learn about the orcas and how to make their own sculptures Tenerife History Museum (Casa Lercaro), San Agustín 22, La Laguna: Until October 4, Souvenir, souvenir. La colección de los turistas. Where the tourists are shown to the natives, the natives shown to the tourists, the tourists shown as natives and the natives shown as tourists. La Caixa, Calle de La Carrera 17, La Laguna Until September 26, paintings, pictorial memories of La Laguna by Miguel Ángel Govea. Monday to Friday 10am to 2pm and 5pm to 8pm, Saturdays 10am to 2pm Parque Cultural Doña Chana, La Orotava From September 28, youth exhibition. Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm and 4pm to 11pm, weekends 10am to 2pm

SPORT & NATURE Golf September 24 to 29, Tenerife Ladies Open, Golf Costa Adeje

Tennis September 26 to October 10, tennis tournament, Los Silos Natural. Sibora tennis courts, Los Silos

Tourist routes 922 127 938 Every Tuesday: Montes del Agua 1st Saturday of each month: Teide National Park 2nd Saturday: Masca ravine 3rd Saturday: Volcanic tube at Cueva de San Marcos


4th Saturday: Kayak trip off Los Gigantes cliffs, Punta de Teno

Kayak routes Tours by kayak for all abilities which may be combined with snorkelling, hiking, climbing or potholing. From mid-July until end-September, hourly kayak sea trips of 45 minutes between 12 noon and 6pm from Punta de Teno. No booking needed. Special summer price 10 euros per person or buy a season ticket. More info on 922 127 938 or

telephone 922 781808 October 11, the coast of Los Silos. Difficulty: easy. Call 922 841086 to register

Discover Arona. More information about trekking routes. 922 725 180 or

All year round, guided walks for groups through the most emblematic buildings of the lovely northern town of Los Silos. Contact Oscar in their information office on 922 841 086.

Surfing Learn surfing and body boarding. North: Escuela de Surf y Body Board OAD La Laguna, for those aged 12 years and over. More information on 922 256 244 or South: Escuela Oficial de la Federación Canaria de Surf K16 (Playa de las Américas). Groups or individual training for those aged seven years or over. More information on 922 798 480 or September 26, 11 am, Surfing for handcapped young people in the programme: Jovenes K Sueñan. Meet in Playa de las Américas. More information

Hiking: September 27, Trekking in La Gomera – Barranco La Laja. 45 euros with Carné Joven, 55 euros for those registered on the padrón of Adeje, 75 euros for those not registered. Price includes transport, guides, insurance and lunch. Register (up until September 16) at the Casa de Juventud, Adeje or

National Padel Trainer Course Adeje 2009 From October 1st to 4th 2009 Places limited. Special price for Adeje residents Organised by Ayuntamiento Adeje Registration and information: Adeje Sports Department: tel. 922 756 248

La Baranda Wine Museum A renovated 17th century Canary Island hacienda used by the Island Cabildo to promote local quality wines. Autopista Gral. del Norte. Km 21, (El Sauzal exit), 38360 El Sauzal, Tel.: 922 572 535 Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 8pm. Wine tasting and shop until 10 pm, Sunday and Bank Holidays from 11am to 6pm, closed Monday.

Church Services: Living Spring Pentecostal Church Guaza Calle Almorejo 2, beside the Guaza sports complex. Rev. and Pastor (Mrs) Nelson Olajide Tel: 609 505 915.

The Anglican Parish of All Saints

(European Citizens Group). For more information contact the Secretary, Chris Stanyer on 922 751507 or the President, Harry Davies, on 922 781905. e-mail:

Puerto de la Cruz Sunday services 9.30am and 11am 29 Carretera Taoro. Parish Priest: David Jenkins. Tel: 922 384 038

A new group in Los Cristianos

Saint Francis Anglican Chaplaincy

Are you retired and have time on your hands? Do you live alone and would like someone to talk to? Do you want to widen your circle of friends? Then the new Wednesday Club is for you! Put the date in your diary now. The club meets on the last Wednesday of each month, starting 30th September from 11am to 1pm on the first floor, Apolo Center, Los Cristianos. Everyone is welcome, ladies, gentlemen, couples, or on your own, come and enjoy the company and the tea and cakes! For more information phone Edna on 922 732386 or 619 059577.

Tenerife South Chaplain Fr. Keith Gordon, phone 679660277 or 922742045

K9 and Friends of the Animals K9 car boot sales are held on the first Sunday of every month from 8am to 12 noon at Happy Days, Costa del Silencio. Nearly new sales are held on the second Saturday of every month outside Shimmers Bar, Callao Salvaje from 10am to 1pm. K9 also have a stall on the Playa San Juan market every Wednesday and at Alcalá every Sunday, from 10am to 2pm. The Friends of the Animals car boot sale is held on the last Sunday of every month in the Los Gigantes Sports Centre from 9am to 12 noon. Goods are desperately needed for these events which are great for bargains and a good rummage. For more information call the kennels on 667 638468 or Pat the Cat on 608 121081.

English Library



Calle Irlanda, Parque Taoro, Puerto de la Cruz: Monday 3pm to 5.30pm, Wednesday 10am to 12 noon, Friday from 4pm to 6pm and Saturday 11am to 1pm. Information: Julia Gaskell 922 37 25 79

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings in the South: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at 5.45pm, Friday at 11.45am. 1st Floor Apolo Centre, Los Cristianos (next to bus terminal). For more information call 630 478 448 (24 hrs).

Christian Fellowship Los Cristianos 1st floor of Apolo Shopping Centre Pastor Adrian McBride. Tel: 922 790 007. Costa del Silencio Coral Mar. Sunday Services 11am-6pm. Mothers & Toddlers group Tue.10.30 to 12 noon. Counselling and info: Pastor Bill Jeffrey Tel: 617291751. www.

Calvary Assembly International Church Buzanada Sunday 11.00am, Wednesday 7.30pm Nursery is provided during the Sunday morning service as well as Sunday School for children under 12. For more information, for counselling, or for information about the International Bible Institute, call: Missionary / Pastor Mark G. Baumgartner 628 107 316.

Catholic Mass Puerto de la Cruz International service Sundays (almost always in English) in the Nuestra Señora de la Peña de Francia parish church Los Gigantes Daily mass in English in the Espíritu Santo church

St. Sebastian’s Inclusive Church Mogán, Gran Canaria Sundays 7pm at Cordial Mogán Playa Chapel

Canarian C-Days Travel between the islands to cultural events is 50 per cent cheaper on certain days and for selected events with Fred Olsen, Islas Airways and Binter. Discounts on hotels and car hire are also available. You will need to book by telephone 902 292 999, Monday to Friday from 9am to 2pm or via the web Make sure you know the full price of the ticket (including Canarian residents’ reduction) to ensure you receive the full discount.



The Book:


OIKIA DUALIDAD If you enjoy a good read (only available in Spanish for now).Oikia Dualidad, first of trilogy from 21 year old Iván Morales Torres from La Laguna. Published by Ediciones Idea.

The Exhibition:

Havana here UNTIL OCTOBER 2ND Adeje Cultural Centre Exhibition of work by three Cuban artists, Ariam Pérez, Juan Carlos Sánchez and Yoel Díaz. The exhibition also features work from Tinerfeño painter Conrado Díaz Ruiz. C/ Príncipe Pelinor, s/n, Adeje 8am – 2pm, Monday to Friday

Spain top 10

EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS



Cine Gransur //

Inglourious Basterds I Director: Quentin Tarantino Written by: Quentin Tarantino Genre: War/Drama/Action/ Adventure Rating: UK 18 Runtime: 153 minutes Company: Universal Pictures Cast: Brad Pitt, Mélanie Lourent, Christopher Waltz, Eli Roth, Michael Fassbender, Diane Kruger, Daniel Brühl, Til Schweiger, Gedeon Burkhard, Jacky Ido, B.J. Novak, Omar Doom, August Diehl, Denis Menochet, Sylvester Groth and more

n Nazi occupied France, young Jewish refugee Shosanna Dreyfus (Mélanie Lourent) witnesses the slaughter of her family by Colonel Hans Landa (Christopher Waltz). Narrowly escaping with her life, she plots her revenge several years later when German war hero Fredrick Zoller (Daniel Brühl) takes a rapid interest in her and arranges an illustrious movie premiere at the theatre she now runs. With the promise of every major Nazi officer in attendance, the event catches the attention of the ‘Basterds’, a group of Jewish-American guerilla soldiers who were chosen specifically to spread fear throughout the Third Reich, and led by the ruthless Lt. Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt). As the relentless executioners advance and the conspiring young girl’s plans are set in motion, their paths will cross for a fateful evening that will shake the very annals of history.

Vamos a bailar

Twinkle toes celebration O

n October 4th the Callao Salvajebased dance school Vamos a Bailar are holding a presentation afternoon and show at 4pm at the Hotel Costa Los Gigantes, Puerto Santiago.


1. Pitbull I know you want me 2. David Bisbal Esclavo de sus besos 3. Shakira Loba 4. Black Eyed Peas I got a feeling 5. C. Baute/Marta S Colgando en tus manos 6. La Quinta Estación Recuerdame 7. Billie the Vision Summercat 8. David G./Kelly R. When loves takes over 9. Macaco Moving 10. Inna Hot

The afternoon is also a celebration of the school’s first excellent year in existence, a year that has seen children (and adults) from the wider Adeje area discover the fun world of dance in its many forms, and also uncovered more than one budding star in the making. The afternoon will also see the school present the children’s and adults examination results from their recent examinations by the IDTA. (International Dance Teachers Association). Since its inception the school has grown and has become an integral part of the region, with local dance displays not to mention the great cheerleading squad, a popular inclusion at many sporting events. The school have also expanded and introduced two new teach-

Celebrating a great first year on their toes

ers, Zoe May Harker (IDTA BT) who is teaching ballet, modern, tap, lyrical, pointe, cheerleading and song and dance for four- seven years, and Deolinda from Holland, who will teach hip hop/R & B, street, salsa and merengue. The duo join the staff and teachers, who include Jo

Holland, We Will Rock You, who recently won Tenerife’s Got Talent and is still teaching her very popular musical theatre and singing classes, and Beverley Corbett also, IDTA, who gives classes in ballroom, Latin American and music and movement. As well as the student

presentation, the show at the Hotel Costa Los Gigantes will also feature a solo from student Victoria Haslam. Victoria was recently asked to perform a showcase song at Tenerife’s Got Talent (she could not win it as she is only 13 years of age) and sang I Dreamed A Dream beautifully. Since then, she has been to the UK and had a song written for her and has recorded and had a photo-shoot. According to Vamos a Bailer owner Amanda Lambert, and just about everyone who has seen Victoria perform, “this girl is gonna be a star...for sure”. After the presentation of the examination awards and certificates, there will also be a Salsa workshop with Deolinda for the adults - their turn to show their children what they can do! Entrance to the show is by ticket only, and they can be bought from the dance school by phoning 646 067 471 at a cost of €5 per ticket, children free.


Mary leaves Peter and Paul

Mary Travers, of Peter, Paul and Mary, has died, aged 72, following a battle with leukemia. The group, with hits such as If I Had a Hammer, Lemon Tree and Puff, The Magic Dragon, also won five Grammys and had a huge following as much for their liberal political views as their folk songs.


Young talent festival Applications are being accepted from now until October 30 for talented young people aged 14 to 30 years who would like to take part in the eighth Arona festival for promising young people. Canarian residents within this age group and of any nationality can enrol within the categories of groups, instruments, modern or classic dance. Soloists aged 16 to 34 years can also apply. The event will take place on November 13 and 14 and prize money of 10,300 euros will be distributed among the winners of each category. Applications can be made at the Citizens’ advice offices in Arona, Las Galletas or Los Cristianos, the Arona youth information office or the Arona council youth department. More information on www.juventud.arona. org.


ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009

Pets Portrait


Fly like an eagle Sharif in full and power in motion...





t’s not ever yday that a dog falls off the back of a lorr y, but that is just what is thought to have happened in the case of a Spanish boxer dog named Angel. Since Angel was found earlier this summer straying in the B&Q car park in Taunton, Somerset County Council’s Animal Health and Welfare Team have been working with local organisations to help get the dog back to full health. Angel was handed in to the RSPCA at West Hatch where she was found to have a microchip linking her to an address in Málaga, Spain over 1,300 miles away from Somerset. It is suspected that the dog illegally entered the country on the back of a lorry. Attempts to contact her previous owners have proved unsuccessful. Somerset County Council’s Animal Health and Welfare Team have a duty to make sure any animals suspected of coming into the County in breach of current rabies laws are either placed in quarantine, deported or destroyed. However luckily for Angel,

Fallen Angel the South Western Boxer Club volunteered to take responsibility for her and support her six months in quarantine. And Somerset County Council confirmed to Island Connections that once her quarantine is completed, in early December she will continue to be well looked after. The council’s communications officer Rebecca Musto told us, “unfortunately the original owner has not

been found. However, Angel is doing very well. She has put on a healthy amount of weight and is half way through her quarantine. The South Western Boxer Club who are her ‘guardians’ at the moment have one or two people in line to possibly adopt Angel after her quarantine period. So all is looking good for Angel.” Glenda Tibbots, Secretary of the South Western

Boxer Club, said: “I am really pleased that we have been able to help Angel. I’d like to thank all those who have made donations, as without these we wouldn’t have been able to support Angel’s time in quarantine.” To watch a video about Angel’s stor y visit http:// w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / watch?v=WZ0vgNDozEg, or find out more at

DENTAL HEALTH Private beach

Pets’ paradise Dog lovers, who are tired and angry at the proliferation of ‘no dogs allowed’ signs on the beach, may want to think about booking a holiday in Rome. The city has just opened a dog only beach called Villa Bau Village along the banks of the River Tiber between the Ponte Milvio and the Corso Francia viaduct in the north of the Italian capital. It has a 50 metre swimming pool, two showers, two hectares of beach and a bar for dogs and their human companions. Those not accompanied by dogs are not allowed in. Entry is 15 euros per season and then four euros a day. Business is booming. Canarian businessmen take note.

4th October Celebrating animal life

World Animal Day World Animal Day is celebrated on October 4th, with its mission statement being: to celebrate animal life in all its forms, to celebrate humankind’s relationship with the animal kingdom, to acknowledge the diverse roles that animals play in our lives – from being our companions, supporting and helping us, to bringing a sense of wonder into our lives and to acknowledge and be thankful for the way in which animals enrich our lives. Events are going on all over the world and here in Tenerife just some of the happenings include an animal awareness day on October 3rd, hosted by the Santiago del Teide branch of Asociación San Francisco de los Animales, combined with a nearly new sale and fete in the square at Los Gigantes on Saturday, October 3. Live Arico will also mark the event with a Dog Show on Sunday October 18th. It will be held at Coral Mar Square, Costa del Silencio, and will commence at 3pm.

Healthy teeth O

ur cats’ and dogs’ teeth have to last for the whole of their lives, so it is extremely impor tant that we pay attention to their dental care and maintenance, as we would with our own teeth. As with humans, plaque and scale build-up can cause very painful gums as well as digestive problems caused by bacteria which has not been eliminated and which can enter the bloodstream and affect organs such as

Digs 4 Dogs Professional dog care at our purpose built

KENNELS 6 mins from San Isidro Only 10 € per day • Collection and return Service • Quarantine & UK return Service For rates and availability phone Allen or Lesley on 680 278 254 or 922 772051

the heart, kidneys or even joints. A good way to prevent this is by giving your pet an adequate diet in terms of both nutritional qualities and texture. If we care for their teeth in terms of hygiene as well, even better. An annual checkup with your vet will reduce the risks of serious dental problems, but the very best thing you can do is to get your pet used to a weekly clean at home, although this may be easier said than done. During the growth period, a

kitten’s milk teeth will be visible from the age of 12 weeks, at which time anything that can be bitten or chewed will be bitten and chewed. Give your pet toys for this purpose and do not allow him or her to bite your hands or ankles as this will be a habit which will prove hard to break. Cats or dogs who are only fed tinned or homemade soft food run the highest risks of dental problems. In adult cats or dogs, inadequate dental hygiene can result in halitosis (bad breath), loss of

appetite or excessive saliva production. As they enter maturity or old age, your pets need even more dental care. The tendency to accumulate plaque increases, and breakage or pure wear and tear can cause loss of a tooth. What will help is a regular diet of easy to chew food which will protect their teeth. In recent years, many brands have created specially formulated dr y foods and treats which prevent or at least limit the accumulation of dental plaque, which is not only your enemy but your pet’s as well. Your vet will advise you on the most appropriate food for your pet, according to his or her age and health.



EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS



Black gold Just coming into season, ripe, tasty and free, blackberries are a mine of dietary goodness. BLACKBERRIES IN WINE

Competition winner

Jeep winner


Some time ago we told you about a Nestlé competition to win a Jeep Compass.

150gr blackberries per person • 1 small glass of good quality red wine • 1 heaped teaspoon of brown sugar • Double cream or plain yoghurt

One of the four lucky winners, Hamet Chamlal González, is a Tenerife resident and is seen here collecting his prize from Victor Machado, manager of Imdicasa.





1. Pick, hull and wash the berries

Treat yourself and your friends to one of summer’s most refreshing cocktails, a mojito. A fine blend of rum, mint and lime, mojitos are becoming one of the most popular cocktails to sip on a warm evening and rum makers, Cacique, have prize packs to give away to lucky winners containing special glasses, an ice bucket and tongs and a bottle of Cacique

2. Sprinkle with the sugar 3. Add wine

T rum. Tr y your luck at


hey have a high level of dietary fibre and vitamins C and K, folic acid and manganese and the seeds contain rich amounts of omega 3. They are high in the table of antioxidant fruit because of their massive content of polyphenolic compounds including ellagic acid, tannins, ellagitannins, quercetin,

gallic acid, anthocyanins and cyanidins. Their ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) is 5347 for every 100 grams, making them one of the top ranked ORAC fruit and one of the top antioxidant strength foods consumed in the United States. In the UK there is an old superstition that the fruit should not be picked after

Michaelmas (29 September) as the devil has left his mark on them claiming them for his own and urinating on the leaves. The truth behind this is that the early autumn weather in Britain being wetter and cooler sometimes means that the fruit becomes infected by various molds which make the fruit taste unpleasant

4. Chill 5. Serve topped with whipped cream or yoghurt

and can be toxic. Our simple recipe is a popular favourite in Pamplona and truly gives the blackberries a totally different and delicious flavour.


Meliá hotel group

Win a holiday To celebrate the opening of five new hotels in Bilbao, Valencia, Oviedo, Luxembourg and Düsseldorf, the Meliá Hotels & Resorts group is giving away 500 weekend breaks. To enter go to their website and click on the competition. All you have to do is match the five hotels to the five cities and enter your email address.

CROQUANT British Bakery & Coffee Shop Sandwiches, sausage rolls, pasties, etc. Special cakes for special occasions The Apolo Centre - Los Cristianos Avda. Gral. Franco - Los Cristianos Mon - Sun 8am - 5.30pm Tel: 922 798 133


Honour for Las Aguas T

his superb up-market restaurant in the Gran Hotel Bahía del Duque has been selected to represent the Canaries in a new publication. The independent Andalusian ecological farming association, (CAAE) is publishing a new book with the cooperation of the farming department of the Andalusian region. It contains one recommendation for a restaurant which uses ecological products in each of the 17 regional communities and in the Canaries the choice was Las Aguas. The restaurant is overseen by Michelin star holder, Salvador Gallego, and managed by Stephane del Río. Río’s original combination which won the restaurant its place in such distinguished company as El Bohío, El Poblet, Martín Berasategui, Atrio and El Cenador de Amós, consists of a starter of tender green shoots with vegetables, tomatoes and basil, a main course of medregal fish in a smoked mojo sauce of giant red shrimp accompanied by squid ink noodles and a dessert of macadamia crumble and red fruit in a ginger and rose sauce with a prickly pear sorbet. The book will be available in time for Christmas.

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009




Rinconcito Calle la Marina 22 / Los Abrigos


ENGLISH RESTAURANT For the best English food, Sunday carvery and Canarian style garlic chicken 10.30am-late TABLE RESERVATIONS :

616 233 662

Garlic chicken has now arrived in Los Abrigos.


ot only can you enjoy crispy garlic chicken at the Rinconcito in Los Abrigos as we did, saving a trip to more traditional venues, but also a magnificent carvery on Sundays and a full menu all week except Mondays when the restaurant is closed. The garlic chicken, at only €4.95 for a generous portion, is easily affordable. Crispy on the outside yet moist and tender inside, and served with Canarian potatoes, mojo sauces and alioli, it is as good as, if not better than any you will find elsewhere on the island. We finished our meal off with a beautifully presented

barraquito coffee to die for. Rinconcito is indeed a cosy corner, situated amongst the fish restaurants on the idyllic seafront with views of the small fishing port. There is an additional access by lift for the disabled or those wishing to take advantage of easy parking behind the restaurant. Dave and Donna, with their chef Phil (formerly from La Finquita) also cater well for vegetarians and children, and their drinks prices are more than reasonable. They make every effort to ensure that good food and drinks are easily affordable. It is easy to see why the four course Sunday carvery

is already popular. Priced at only €10.95, it runs from 1pm to 9pm. It includes a selection of starters, three succulent roasts plus eight steamed or roasted fresh vegetables and all the trimmings, homemade and freshly cooked, followed by a selection of homemade desserts and a coffee. The children’s carvery for under 12s includes a soft drink and ice cream for €4.95, and of course there is a vegetarian alternative available. Tuck in to hearty breakfasts from 10am to 3pm and hot baps, sandwiches and salads. On the main menu, starters are priced from €2, and main courses include

chicken, steaks, poached salmon, pork steak and vegetarian duck and chicken (which look incredibly real), all served with fresh vegetables and potatoes. The large premises i n c l u d e s the spacious restaurant area adorned with paintings by a local artist plus an enormous back room which houses the open plan kitchen. A large bar area with Canarian and English style pool tables and plenty of seating is also available. Dave and

Donna are sponsors of Live Arico, the Tenerife Forum and the Lions, and are happy to host their functions and events. We thoroughly recommend that you visit

Rinconcito, for delicious homemade food, great service, relaxed atmosphere, wonderful views, excellent value for money and don’t forget parties can be catered for.




EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

Fun Cooking



HOME SMOKER Smoke your own.


2 and the mind. They are highly recommended for anyone who can understand the Spanish language.


A spoon rest that doesn’t clog.



Deep clean even awkward shapes.

ur recipes are translated with the generous permission of the author, Teresa Pérez Hernández, from the superb series of books, La Cocina Encuentada.

In the original Spanish, this series of books combines healthy, fun recipes with original short stories to feed the body


Asiaticoo Asiatic Buffet Libre As

Japanese, Thai and Chinese Cuisine Choose your sauce and our chef’s will prepare your Wok, Grill & BBQ in front of you.

A variety of Asian snacks, fresh meat & seafood

EAT WHATEVER AND HOWEVER MUCH YOU LIKE We invite you to eat whatever and however much you like from our wide variety of cold and hot dishes, desserts and ice-creams of all kinds.

All day buffet

7,99€ ONLY

Tel. 922 797 168 • Fax 922 795 618 Lunchtime 1 pm – 4.30 pm Evenings 6.30 pm – 11.30 pm B Blvd. Chajofe 10 • Los Cristianos (Formerly Mercedes-Benz)


Traditionally in the UK the season for mussels was when there was an ‘R’ in the month, from September to April. These days with modern refrigeration methods, they are safe and healthy to eat all year round. This soup is flavoured with saffron, the name of which comes from the Persian word for yellow, safrán. It was introduced into Spanish cooking by the Arabs who also used it as a dye and a medicine. It is one of the most expensive spices in existence because it takes between 110,000 and 170,000 flowers to produce one kilogram of saffron, which would cover a planting area the equivalent of two football pitches. Happily, a little goes a long way.

* Information and images from La Cocina Encuentada – Las cuatro estaciones (in Spanish) by Teresa Pérez Hernández. ISBN 978-84-96509-84-9 (around 12 euros).

Grill or oven use.

• 1kg mussels • Olive oil • 2 shallots • 1 tomato • 5 cloves of garlic • Two or three sprigs of parsley • 3 bay leaves • A few threads of saffron • Salt and pepper

Preparation 1. Clean the mussels, making sure to throw away any which are broken or do not close when tapped. Place in a large saucepan and add water up to only a centimetre in depth. The idea is to steam the mussels, not boil them. When open and a gentle peach colour remove from heat and take the meat from the shells. Save the stock. 2. Remove the heart from the garlic gloves and finely chop the rest along with the shallots and the tomato. Fry in a little olive oil and when almost soft add the parsley finely chopped, the saffron, bay leaves and the stock. 3. Bring to the boil and simmer for eight minutes, put 10 mussels in the blender with a little of the stock, blend and add to soup with the rest of the mussels whole. Simmer two minutes more, season and serve.

Suggestions A few prawns or pieces of fresh fish added to this soup would turn it into a gourmet feast.

Nutritional values Iron: 4.1mg/100g RDA: 9-12mg/day Vitamin B1: 4.35mg/100g RDA: 0.8-1 mg/day Vit B12: 10.63microg/100g RDA: 1.5-2microg/day


La Romántica International cuisine, flambées a speciality Superb food, stylish service, a touch of class in Callao Salvaje

Tel. 922 741 518 Open daily 12 midday - 11pm

El Ancla, nº 21. C/ El Jable Callao Salvaje, Adeje

By Gerald d Ruben n

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009

Wine in brief


Wine tasting Earlybird readers will still be in time to visit the marquee of the fabulous Tacoronte-Acentejo wines in Tacoronte on the 27th September. The Tacoronte-Acentejo group of producers is home to some of the best loved and known Tenerife guaranteed origin wines, including Monje, Hollera and Viña Norte. The marquee has been set up as part of the fiestas of the Santísimo Cristo de los Dolores and you will find it in the Plaza del Cristo from 11am to 4pm. A complete range of wines by the glass will be on offer, whites, rosés and reds. Don’t miss the chance to try some of the best wines on the island.


Pick the best

If you’ve never tried a morning’s grape picking, it really can be great fun. This year there are two vendimias to choose from, Tacoronte-Acentejo and Asviten. Both are scheduled to take place on the 26th September. The first is 18 euros and the second is 20 euros both with lunch. Growing methods and picking methods are explained. You will need a hat, suncream, comfortable shoes and a strong back. Booking is essential, for Tacoronte-Acentejo call 902 886 407 or 922 560 107 and for Asviten, the contact number is 922 355 125 The Asviten event in Cruz Santa is combined with a craft and local products fair and a vendimia party in the town square which starts at 8pm and goes on into the small hours. This year’s invited bands are Tigaray and Guayarmina Guayacsanta.


Wine Walk Keep an eye out for the opening of the next attraction at this ever improving bodega. From next year, small groups of individuals will be able to enjoy the bodega’s Jardín del Vino or Wine Garden. It’s a themed route around the bodega’s land, to see the vines and the endemic and autonomous flowers as well as learn a little of the traditions of the Canaries in an area ideally suited to the task. The final part of the route includes a visit to their vinegar bodega and a tasting menu of Canarian cuisine served in the open air or in the Casa de Campo, which has been fitted out for these events.



La Pergola Happy vine, happy wine, happy diners W

e were over in Puerto Santiago visiting some friends who had come over from Madrid for a few weeks holiday at their apartment and just below the complex is the restaurant La Pergola. La Pergola is owned by Joaquim de Juan who is multilingual and knows a great deal about food and wine. In the kitchen working as head chef is his son Daniel. Before joining his father in this venture Daniel worked in England in a French restaurant and then in the famous Hoffman Restaurant in Barcelona. Now he heads up the kitchen in this new family venture in Puerto Santiago overlooking the rock pools known as Las Bajas. The location of this restaurant could not be better as it has the most wonderful views over the Atlantic to La Gomera and beyond, the sunsets are stupendous so it’s important to book a table in advance so you get the best views. The menu has a large selection of interesting and different dishes along with some of the firm favourites that can be found in most restaurants. The ser vice is good and the waiters know how the dishes are put together as well as being able to recommend the wine that might suit the

Joaquim (seated) and son Daniel

Damana 5

dishes you have chosen. We were recommended to try a wine called Damana 5 which comes from Ribera del Duero in the town of Olivares de Duero. It is here that the Bodega Tabula grows the grapes that make this wine

on land measuring nearly 22 hectares. The vines just love the lime type soil that gives them good drainage along with the sun and cooling breezes that make vines happy and you know what they say “ happy vines, happy wine”. The bodega is not far from Valladolid where, as you are aware, excellent wine is being produced at good competitive prices. The harvest is hand picked in small plastic cases of 15kg so as not to damage the grapes. In the winery there are two sorting tables, on the first one they seek out the best bunches and on the second one they check every grape. The grapes are double fermented and this is carried out in wooden vats. After the wine has been developed it’s aged in

oak barrels for anything up to two years. Only 90,000 bottles are sold each year so the control is very exact. The wine we had was 96 per cent Tempranillo and four per cent Cabernet Sauvignon. It had been aged for five months in American and French oak. A good deep red colour with spicy hints and excellent finish, good balanced tannins and 14 per cent alcohol. At € 14.70 a bottle, excellent value. La Pergola is certainly wor th a visit, call them on either 922 860347 or 616973253. Parking can be reserved in advance as this area can get quite congested. They are open Monday to Saturday 11.30am until 11.30 pm and Sunday 11.30am until 5pm.













JA RED or TRECEPAS RIO EN of LE TT O B table FREE E WINE for each vert. IT H W A ED U R ad CASTELLO entation of this in the party di

delighted to lanco and is nt. Enjoy a B o in ol M restaura is back at Felipe Neri u to his beautiful from 6pm to midnight welcome yo ner in our restaurant ls from 6pm til late. Cocktai delicious din d join us for or come an

ning on pres

ys. losed Tuesda 2 796 282. Co Alto, Costa Adeje 92 ns io at rv ni Rese om Euge ino-blanco.c stria 5, San Avda. de Au • info@mol oin ol .m w ww O 5PM) TO




EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

Linea Directa The Linea Directa call centre is waiting to help you in your chosen language

Car insurance costs slashed A

ll new customers who take out a policy will get a month’s free insurance, which means they only pay for 11 months insurance but still get a whole year’s cover. This offer runs from September 1st to October 31st so you need to move quickly!

Additionally, existing customers who require insurance for their second or more cars, pay for only 10 months insurance – meaning that they get two months free insurance and cover for the whole year. It does not apply to renewals. This promotion is also valid for the same time period from September 1st until October 31st, and both are designed to help

customers save money, while protecting themselves with the best type of vehicle insurance. Plus, there’s an added incentive for those customers already with Línea Directa who wish to renew their insurance during the month of September and pay by credit or debit card. Because if they call during September from Monday to Friday, they will be entered into a daily draw to win free petrol vouchers worth €20 each. Add to this the fact that fully comprehensive car insurance starts from as little as €299, and you can see why Línea Directa car insurance certainly does provide a range opportunities for expat policies in English with even greater flexibility at competi-

tive prices. As well as considering the financial implications for their customers, Línea Directa strive to offer practical solutions for their safety. For example, with over 230,000 motorbike customers, Línea Directa has recently launched its new Night-time Assistance for Motorbikes scheme, which has been introduced to help reduce the high rate of accidents for two-wheel vehicles. The only service of its type in Spain, Línea Directa offers motorcyclists the possibility of being transported home free of charge when they have consumed alcohol or feel unwell. Since its inception in 2003, Línea Directa’s specialised team dedicated exclusively to motorbike insurance continues


New Chrylser, Jeep and Dodge showrooms B

ased in the Los Majuelos Industrial park, Imdicasa has just opened a new showroom as the official sale point for Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge in the province of Tenerife.

The company have already won many loyal customers as the exclusive dealers for MG, Rover and Land Rover over the years. Now, with over 3,000m2 of space, the

showrooms boast an impressive range of sale and post-sale services, a large workshop and repair services with fully trained mechanics and a full range of original parts, they are expanding their range. The showrooms also offer a full bodywork and painting service. Under the management of Victor Machado, and all personnel fully versed in the specifics of the Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge ranges, Imdicasa

promise a level of professional and individual service to all their clients. Call in and see them, on Calle Mercedes in Los Majuelos, in La Laguna, or phone for more information, sales 922.82.32.35, mechanic, 922 82 32 34, body and paint work, 922 82 30 76, spare parts, 922 82 32 33.

to offer a range of products specifically aimed for customers who prefer driving on two wheels. So whatever type of vehicle you drive – be it two wheels, four (or more), Línea Directa can offer the right type of insurance at the best price. The company is committed to their expatriate customers by providing a complete service and documentation in English. All

customers are assured that should they need advice and support as a result of an accident or fines assistance, Línea Directa have a team of highly trained, bilingual professionals who are at hand to guide them and carry out the procedures as smoothly and quickly as possible. If you are seeking competitive car insurance and want simple, jargon-free guidance, then phone Linea

Directa on 902 123 157 and speak to one of their English speaking operators for a quick and easy quote. Linea Directa Aseguradora continues to strengthen its position as Spain’s largest direct line motor insurance provider and a market leader within the expatriate insurance market, by offering value for money vehicle insurance without compromising on quality.


ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009


Aqua Club Termal

Aqua Club Termal


he philosophy behind Aqua Club Termal is waterbased leisure and enjoyment, together with relaxing treatments. Water is the key to this centre where you, your family and friends can spend some time pursuing activities which will benefit your health. Water forms a natural cure for many ailments. It helps with rejuvenation, improving health and beauty as well as giving a feeling of wellbeing. Water and its movement provides a vital stimulation, helping to increase body sensitivity. Hydrotherapy strengthens our capacity to regulate and stabilise the circulatory, nervous and lymphatic systems, relieves muscular, rheumatic

and articular pains, digestive complaints, exhaustion, insomnia and stress, as well as purifying the organism. Aqua Club Termal is unique in the south of Tenerife. Occupying 6,000 square metres, this modern installation divided into separate areas has been designed and conceived to improve the health and feelgood factor of its clients. A recreational area is centred around a large pool which has more than 300 jets, and this is where the star treatment takes place – the Thermal Circuit. This takes two and a half hours to complete and includes sessions in the fitness pool (34 degrees), relaxation in the seawater pool (38 degrees), toning pool (10 degrees), Roman spa (50 to 70

degrees), Turkish bath (45 to 99 degrees), Finnish sauna (90 to 10 degrees), flotarium with sea salt (38 degrees), mineral spray, showers (including Scottish and essential oils) plus relaxation, all supervised and guided by monitors. The health and beauty area consists of 11 cabins and this is where a professional team seek out new therapies and offer all types of beauty treatments including algae body wraps, hot stone massages, aromatherapy, reflexology, bio-massage, and many more. There are day, weekend or weekly relaxation, beauty and revitalising programmes as well as individual treatments – in fact they adapt to their clients’ styles, wishes and personalities, uniting the ben-

efits of the sea with today’s manual techniques. The result is a combination of techniques and the philosophies of the world, together giving peace and pleasure. There is also a 400 square metre fitness zone equipped with the latest generation Technogym equipment for muscular and cardiovascular training. This is computer linked to the revolutionary Wellness System with which clients can easily follow a training programme created by the gym’s professional team. A digital memory key programmes and times the exercise routines, automatically starting cardiovascular machines, selecting the ideal workout and controlling posture and movements. Outside, there are three padel courts with artificial


Bags of room! A

ENA, the Spanish airport authority, are running a number of promotional campaigns to encourage travellers to shop in any (or many) of the outlets in their network of airports.

During September for travellers who purchase

goods of €80 they will receive a hand bag and purse (spend €50 and you can choose between the two). You can accumulate receipts from a number of different shops and different airports, as long as they are included in the scheme, and your bag can be collected from one of the stands installed

for the promotions’ duration. The airports participating in the promotions are Barcelona (T1 and T2), Bilbao, Fuerteventura, Madrid, Menorca, Palma de Mallorca, Tenerife Sur and Zaragoza, and you will be able to spot which shops are involved as they will be displaying signs and promotional material.

This campaign runs until September 30th. From October 16th to 25th, in the same airports, AENA will give purchasing passengers scratch cards which will offer discounts on purchases of €20 and over, as well as vouchers for up to €50 to be used in the airport shops.

grass and there are also areas dedicated to classes, for example spinning (equipped with 20 Keiser cycles), step, maintenance, body sculpturing, gap, pilates, circuit training, and a heated pool for classes such as aqua-bike, aquagym and rehabilitation. There is a photon capsule with its many benefits and – unique in the Canaries – an Oxizen Bar in which you can take advantage of a 90 per cent oxygen concentration.

There is no need to book for the thermal circuit (except for large groups). Children over the age of eight only pay 50 per cent and there are special family days. Aqua Club Termal is open every single day of the year from 9am to 10pm, so there is always a day and time to suit you. It is situated in Torviscas Alto and has plenty of parking available. For more information, go to



EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

Update your current affairs knowhow Read the online edition of Island Connections’ newspaper daily

Constantly updated news Information & tourist guide Interviews & feature Yellow pages Newspaper archives Island Connections Media Group Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6 38620 San Miguel de Abona

Tel. 922 750 609 Fax 922 795 810

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009

Island Connections Media Group Karen Swift Classifieds Manager


Collection Points

Las Chafiras Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6º- first floor. Pol. Industrial Las Chafiras 38620 San Miguel de Abona. Tel. 922 750 609 Fax: 922 795 810


TF-1 to Los Cristianos Las Américas



To Cho - Guargacho - Las


To San Miguel TF-1 To Airport Santa Cruz

To Los Abrigos

Royal Palm Los Cristianos. Calle El Rodeo. Apt. Royal Palm Reception. Tel. 922 750 609 Los Alisios

Castle Harbour

Paradise Park CC Passarella Oasis

Cristian Sur



Reverón Victoria Court Mar y Jardines Sol Canarios

Beverly Hill


Rates Lineage classifieds: From 15.75 € Boxed Ads: Black& White 57.75€ Coloured 68.25€ Long Term: Ask for our special rates Island Connections Newspaper Daily News Site Tenerife Office Tel: 922 750 609 Mob: 609 581 632 Fax: 922 795 810 Classifieds Section:





Situations Vacant

FOR A NEW CENTRE IN ADEJE MUST HAVE: • Technical leadership • Responsible attitude • 5 years experience • Commercial skills an advantage • Fluent Spanish

CLASSIFIED’S DEADLINE The deadline for edition 601,which is published on 9th October is Thursday 1st October at 5pm. No classified’s will be taken after this date. Promotions company with more than 10 years experience in selling attractive, high quality products in Tenerife markets, 5 star hotels and superstores is looking for open minded full/part time promoters, which like to present and sell in live promotion. No selling experience is required. Contract + Social Security + fixed salary + commission is guaranteed. Feel free to contact us for further information. Office 922 781548, fax 922 781548, 629 493799

Tenerife Pearl / Perla Canaria is looking for models for its campaigns If you are between 18 and 30 years old, female, and you have all it takes to convert yourself into one of our models and do NOT possess a contract with any model agency, please e-mail us with the following information: • Personal info (full name, date and place of birth, phone nº, city, e-mail) • Measurements (height, breast, waist, hip, weight, eye and hair colour) • 3 photos (face, profile, body) - to

WE OFFER: • Salary + work related incentives • Company training • Permanent contract a possibility

Send your CV to Fax: 922 775 374

Succeed At The Highest Level Even in the current economic climate we need extra help in order to fulfil our customers needs... We require the best in the marketplace. Have you got what it takes? Our media group has traditionally led the field and will continue to do so by hiring the best and remunerating them accordingly.

Advertising Consultants (Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera)

Night Owl (Sales person) (Tenerife)

Sales Department: Gran Canaria Office Tel: 928 353 279/ Fax: 928 359 744

Class. Info For personal and professional help in placing your classified in Island Connections all you need to do is pop along to our new offices in Las Chafiras and speak to Karen. Not only is Island Connections here to ensure that your advertisement reaches it’s target market, we will also advise on sizing requirements for maximum exposure, with prices to suit your pocket.

Circulation controlled by: Distribución Gratuita

Publisher & Proprietor Tina Straub, Joe Schacher

Island Connections S.L. C.I.F: B-38748315 Printed by Artes Gráficas del Atlántico S.A. Dep. Legal: TF-287/93

Situations Wanted : 29 year old Hungarian professional with London experience is looking for sales or sales related job. Tel 618 344 667 email: gyuluss@gmail. com


Do you possess: Positive attitude and strong character. Self discipline and sales experience. Spanish or German language to negotiation level. Self motivation and team skills. Teachability and 100% integrity. Trustworthiness and references. If so then you could be what we are looking for. Media experience would be an advantage, but not essential as training will be given. If you would like to apply for any of the above positions, send your CV, two references, an up-to-date photo and covering letter to • • Fax: 922 79 58 10


EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS


Suzuki ltz 400CC Year: 2006 Price: 2000€ Tel: 651163432

Insurance : Car Insurance

02. Motoring Renault Scenic 4x4, reg: CC, ITV til August 2010, electric windows and side mirrors, roof-rack, air conditioning, CD player, radio/CD controls on steering wheel, full service, excellent condition, only being sold due to illness, would accept 5,750? o.n.o. or ideally would be interested in exchanging for an automatic car, please phone: 627 551 052 or 922 163 242

CARS TO RENT LONG TERM 250€ - 300€ PER MONTH INCL. INSURANCE Phone Terry on 661 264 080 Email: terrybury@gmail. com


For the best car hire around ring

Niza Cars on 922 792 919 or Fax 922 793868

Audi A3 - 1.8t Engine: 1.8litres Kms: 209000kms Year: 2000 Petrol Doors: 2 Price: 6800€ Tel: 606552281 Opel Astra G Caravan Engine: 1.7litr es Kms: 172000kms Year: 2000 Diesel Doors: 2 Price: 3900€ Tel: 617878616 Rover Rt 1.6 Engine: 1.6litres Kms: 77000kms Year: 1997 Petrol Doors: 4 Price: 1800€ Tel: 625692869 Nissan Patrol GR Engine: 3litres Kms: 114000kms Year: 2000 Diesel Sun Roof Doors: 2 Price: 13000€ Tel: 922716931 Ford A Doble Phaeton Engine: 0litres Kms: Year: 0 Petrol Doors: 2 Price: 15000€ Tel: 669767092 Toyota Land Cruiser Engine: 3litres Kms: 150000kms Year: 1997 Diesel Sun Roof Doors: 4 Price: 13000€ Tel: 620398646 Jaguar X-Type 2.0d Cla Engine: 2litres Kms: 83000kms Year: 2003 Diesel Doors: 2 Price: 16500€ Tel: 685501440

The family friendly car hire company

Family company 27 years on Tenerife

DANISH RENT-A-CAR We guarantee:

· A reliable and friendly service · Fully comprehensive insurance, no extras · Free child seats, GPS (3 Euros a day) Special offer: · Special long term rates Citroen Saxo 7 days only €139, · VIP hire car service all included Hotel drop off and collection Airport service, street maps, tour information Voucher for free entrance into theme parks

Poul's Auto – your car-hire company in South West Tenerife Mon-Fri, 8.30am – 12 midday, 5pm – 7pm / Sat 8.30am – 12 midday / Sun 10am – 12 midday

Tel: +34 922.740.742 ·

BMW X5 3.0 D Engine: 3litres Kms: 85000kms Year: 2003 Diesel Doors: 4 Price: 25500€ Tel: 651826200 Ford Mustang Cnvrtbl Engine: 4litres Kms: 165000kms Year: 1998 Petrol Convertible Doors: 2 Price: 15000€ Tel: 922743578 Seat Ibiza Engine: 1litres Kms: 150000kms Year: 1996 Petrol Doors: 2 Price: 1300€ Tel: 617507199 Nissan Patrol Gr Engine: 2.8litres Kms: 100000kms Year: 2000 Diesel Doors: 2 Price: 11950€ Tel: 669705242 Ford Focus Engine: 1.8litres Kms: 100000kms Year: 2002 Diesel Doors: 2 Price: 4800€ Tel: 634239960 Audi A4 Avant 1.9tdi Engine: 1.9litr es Kms: 127000kms Year: 2002 Diesel Doors: 4 Price: 14900€ Tel: 606304345 Mercedes-Benz Case 40xt Minip Engine: 2.5litres Kms: 5100kms Year: 2002 Diesel Doors: 2 Price: 19650€ Tel: 678239156 Ford Ka Engine: 1.2litres Kms: 60000kms Year: 2002 Petrol Doors: 2 Tel: 653158704

linea directa 902 123 157

Car boot items wanted will collect

Lanvertti mini moto cross 49CC Price: 270€ Tel: 922636211

Tel. 664 826 505

Motorbikes : Lanvertti City 125CC Price: 999€ Tel: 922636211 Lanvertti mini supermotar 47CC Price: 225€ Tel: 922636211 Lanvertti Vipper 250CC Price: 2399€ Tel: 922636211 Lanvertti Nitro 49CC Price: 999€ Tel: 922636211 Lanvertti mini trial 49CC Price: 330€ Tel: 922636211 Yamaha R1 1000CC Horsepower: 172HP Year: 2005 Kms: 19500kms Price: 7300€ Tel: 616811530

Mini Cooper S Engine: 1.6litres Kms: 3000kms Year: 2008 Petrol Doors: 2 Price: 22600€ Tel: 645912014

YamahaYZF 1000R 1000CC Horsepower: 145HP Year: 1998 Kms: 46000kms Price: 2800€ Tel: 660979848

Mercedes-Benz 500 Sl107 Engine: 5litres Kms: 150000kms Year: 1984 Petrol Convertible Doors: 2 Price: 19500€ Tel: 670834117

Honda CBR 600 RR 600CC Horsepower: 119HP Year: 2006 Kms: 8000kms Price: 6300€ Tel: 695200325

Mitsubishi Montero Engine: 1.6litr es Kms: 240000kms Year: 1997 Petrol Doors: 4 Price: 2200€ Tel: 605627067

Lanvertti mini buggy 49cc Quad 49CC Price: 525€ Tel: 922636211 Lanvertti Xeno0n reload 125CC Price: 995€ Tel: 922636211

Kawasaki Z750 750CC Horsepower: 110HP Year: 2008 Kms: 6300kms Price: 4900€ Tel: 616997396

Mercedes-Benz Sportcoupe 180k Engine: 1.8litres Kms: 65700kms Year: 2002 Petrol Sun Roof Doors: 2 Price: 16000€ Tel: 666228830

Piaggio NRG 50 Power DD 50CC Year: 2006 Kms: 99999kms Price: 1300€ Tel: 686907008

Items Wanted :

Citroën Berlingo Engine: 1.6litres Kms: 40000kms Year: 2008 Diesel Doors: 2 Price: 5999€ Tel: 639255741

Mercedes-Benz Clase A Engine: 1.7litres Kms: 120000kms Year: 1999 Diesel Sun Roof Doors: 4 Price: 10000€ Tel: 651837544

Kawasaki Versys 650CC Year: 2007 Kms: 20000kms Price: 4000€ Tel: 633317211

Lanvertti quat 49cc cross Quad 47CC Price: 365€ Tel: 922636211 Honda Dominator 650CC Horsepower: 34HP Year: 2001 Kms: 34800kms Price: 2800€ Tel: 609684639 Yamaha FZ1S 1000CC Horsepower: 150HP Year: 2007 Kms: 25000kms Price: 8000€ Tel: 675150617 Lanvertti miniquad Quad 43CC Price: 285€ Tel: 922514498 Lanver tti Minimoto 43CC Price: 280€ Tel: 922514498 Lanvertti Nitro Sport 49CC Price: 1399€ Tel: 922514498 Suzuki LTZ 400 Quad 400CC Price: 5999€ Tel: 922514498 Derbi Boulevard 125CC Horsepower: 15HP Year: 2007 Kms: 2600kms Price: 1350€ Tel: 636147845 Bimota Delirio 1090CC Horsepower: 110HP Year: 2008 Kms: 13000kms Price: 15000€ Tel: 630842116


Lanvertti Radom 250CC Price: 2500€ Tel: 922636211


Lanvertti Goes 125CC Price: 999€ Tel: 922636211

Los Cristianos, near the church square, Julia, discreet apartment .Nice and pretty girls. Open and visiting 24 H, tel: 666 773 761.

Lanvertti Quat 110 Quad 110CC Price: 1800€ Tel: 922636211 Lanvertti BBR- 2 125CC Price: 999€ Tel: 922636211 Suzuki LTZ400 Quad 400CC Year: 2004 Price: 2200€ Tel: 617628716


We buy used gold and diamond jewellery

BEST PRICES PAID We sell new gold & diamond Jewellery up to 50% discount Joyería Classic. C/ General Franco, 22, Los Cristianos Mob. 626 234 284 ·

Las Américas. professional massage (without clothes) artistic, relaxing, stress relief, sport massage, erotic and more... harmonise your body, heart and mind. natural and clean. Magic hands 627 114 090 English gentleman seeks passive women for mild BDSM friendship. I’ve lived in Tenerife for 10 years, own a restaurant in Las Americas, I’m genuine, affectionate and caring. Interested? Email me gentlemanjim2you@yaoo. Danna, New, Cristianos. Two friends, beautiful, sexy, erotic massage. Discreet

apartment, 634 273126 / 664 077390 Nice, sporty, young, Spanish lady, certified masseur, toys and naughty lingerie also available. Discreet hotel/home visits. Reasonable prices, tel 0034 608 724 359 Come to one of our popular Gentleman’s adult parties held in Tenerife south. For an invitation and hours of hot fun with horny girls and free refreshments call 672 841658 Transexual, new, 29 years, dusky, superfeminine, sweet, well endowed, big breasts, volcanic, all services, French, ½ hour 50 euros, Cristianos infront of Hotel Gran Arona, urb. Cristimar, 699 635040 Tenerife south, beautiful girl from Czech, 20 years, blonde, very hot, sweet, very sexy, erotic massage, body to body service, just hotels, 647 272045 Transexual, feminine, ardent, active / passive, hot, big breasts, dusky, tall, discreet, well endowed, erotic massage, sweet, nice body, Las Terrazas, Las Americas, tel 647 071038 Cristianos, sweet beautiful sexy lady, nice body, big breasts, you’ll have a great time, stress relief, erotic massage, other services, discreet apartment, apartment/home vists,630 72335 / 667 217814 South, pretty Russian girl. Blonde, tall, slim, young, sexy, I execute all your fantasies, visiting service, call me 686 323 685 Italian sexy girl. Blonde, slim, very sensual, beautiful, no professional, escort service, 24 hours, hotels, private apartment, call me 671 868681 A very attractive qualified feminine masseur offers a special tantric massage for a complete new experience, 672 854596 New girls, Hungarians, big breasts, fantastic bottoms, all services, Las Americas, discreet, 652 214412 Hot, Hot girls, Cari and friends, in front of Aguamar apar tments, Tenerife Sur hotel, all services, hotel and home visits, 2 hours contact 664 513700 / 686 111493 Catarina, beauty, 25 years, masseur, hotel and home visits, total fulfilment, appointments call 635 289530 Very pretty, slim, sexy young lady seeks discreet generous gentlemen for erotic friendship, please SMS first at 626 513777

Items for sale : Brand new quality english bedding for sale. Single ,Double ,kingsize and super kingsize flat and fitted sheets ,quilt cover sets ,polyester, memory and duck filled pillows, quilts ,bedspreads , valances ,towels, cellular blankets plus much more. All at discount prices. Please call 661932881

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009



Conveyancing • Criminal law • Wills Employment law • Family law • Personal injury

04. General Services


922 719 520 for friendly professional advice

Adeje ¡ La Cuesta La Orotava ¡ Tacoronte

Residencial Villaflor B20, San Eugenio, Costa Adeje. Email:

Buy Direct from the Importers, save â‚Ź100’s, sofas, bedding, mirrors, kitchenware, houseware. Home Style Direct, Las ChaďŹ ras, 922 736849

Simply Spanish Call: 665 495 888

Celebrating 25 years of expertise -

BEGINNERS’ DANCE CLASSES Adults’ Ballroom, Latin American, Tap or Freestyle Childrens’ ( 2 1/2 - 7yrs). Introduction to Dance. Many other classes in ballet, hip hop, modern, musical theatre for all ages. At Vamos a Bailar - Let’s Dance. CC Perla Blanca, Callao Salvaje ¡ Ring 636 817 265 or 646 067 471

• Spanish for beginners, intermediate and advanced. • 1-2-1 or group classes. • Simple to learn, simple to use. • Experienced Spanish Teacher.


The Number One Adult Toy Shop In The Canaries

Air conditioning & heating units Summer Special Air conditioning with heating from


Video tapes copied. Super 8 and VHS to DVD. Make it safe for the next generation. Phone 922 797 104


Skilled Builder Robert McAlees

As seen in “Dream Home DIYâ€? Tenerife Lifestyle magazine I listen to what you want and make sure you get the best. I can replace that faulty tap or renovate your home. Over 30 year’s experience. UK qualiďŹ ed to advanced skills status.

Call any time 922 814 073 / 605 469 352


Repairs,re-gassing & quality with experience

Fed up of not being able to speak the `lingo´? Never too late to learn or improve! Individuals or groups - tailor made to your level. Home visits available.

Tel. 664 826 505

Telf: 649 882366




HOMESTYLE DIRECT Quality Furniture Importers. Pol.Industrial Las Chafiras. Tenerife South 922 736 849

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Canaries & British Aluminium Systems S.L. A British owned company - Established in Tenerife 1992 VISIT OUR COMPREHENSIVE SHOWROOM "See the best display in Tenerife" We manufacture, supply and fit: All types of doors and window systems, insect screens, mirrored wardrobes, balcony screens and partitions. All types and sizes of gates, electric, manual and telephone entry etc. Garage doors, louvered shutters, fixed or adjustable louvers, pergolas, balustrades, cupboards, roofing, mobile roofs (manual or electric),extensions, conservatories, shower screens and cubicles, tiling, building. All types of glass mirrors. Security shutters, high security locks and glass. Take advantage of our free security survey.

NEW - GLASS CURTAINS 'Why spoil the view" *Frameless folding glass doors and windows* Ideal for balcony/terrace enclosures and for existing patio areas See all the above in our showroom and watch the manufacturing process. WE ONLY SELL WHAT WE MAKE - WE ARE NOT MIDDLE MEN. Directions: With Iceland on your right, take the second turn left after the ITV station and we are on your left behind Autos Tenerife.


EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS


Be forever comfortable – whatever the weather!



General Services


Lounge & Two Bedrooms

Items For Sale:

1 x 12000 BTU & 2 x 9000BTU

Real Bargain!!

Operational modes: cooling, heating, fan only or dehumidifying · *While Stocks Last

Computer for sale Compaq Presario PENTIUM 4 (2007) with Printer/Scanner HP Photosmart C6180

Swimming pool cold? Now use all year round! Pool Heaters – Latest Technology - Whisper Quiet – Maximum Efficiency. Affordable and Economic (from less than 1€ per day!) Private or Community - from 4499€ fully installed.

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www. tenertodo. com we have everything in the Canaries


902 886 226

aecc Join us and combat cancer

are recruiting; Beauty consultants Free training

922 127 679 or cv to

San Miguel Puerto de la Cruz


Drawn to the world of beauty?



For the best car hire around ring

Niza Cars on 922 792 919 or Fax 922 793868

For advertising that really works call Karen on 922 750 609

Tony the Welder • Security Grilles • Gates • Railings • Steel Fabrication • On-site Welding Fully Qualified Legal Craftsman 27 years experience, 14 years Tenerife

Tel: 659 489 690 Property Secured, Quality Assured

LODGE AVE FENIX MEET REGULARLY ON TUESDAY EVENINGS IN THEIR OWN NEW TEMPLE AT LOS CRISTIANOS ................ Please contact the Secretary John Donaldson on Tel. 922 17 91 74 e-mail:


LODGE TEIDE meets in Puerto de la Cruz on Wednesday evenings contact John Hughes on 922 38 22 29 email taffy007naeve@

Horse sharing! I am offering horse sharing for my 5 year old gelding. He is a very quiet horse and enjoys rides. Interested? Please call 609 929 278

ROTARY MEETING Every Monday at 8.20pm in the Hotel Conquistador. All visitors welcome

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009


course, front-door parking, gar den back and front (community maintained). Heated pool. No pets. Only 600 euros per month. 627 219 001


Callao Salvaje – 2 bedroom fur nished apar tment for long-let. Unique apartment, kitchen, lounge, separate dining room. Private terrace with Pergola and views over La Gomera. Quiet location. Non-complex. Pictures at

Property Business Opps :

At last a rent people can afford!

Tabaiba Alta

THE SOUTH’S NEWEST SHOPPING EMPORIUM 30 SMALL BUSINESS PREMISES UNDER ONE ROOF Prime Position Monday - Saturday 11am – 8pm Start a new business or expand on your present business Opens p October

The Adeje Galleries

Terraced house Las Candias 100.00m2 2 rooms 1000€ Phone: 670242080

Calle Doctor De las Casas Contact: Baratillo Los Verdes, S.L. Tel: Norman on 922 713246 or mobile 652 603 028 or Alvaro mobile 610 464 841 Email:


BUSINESS BAD? DON’T CLOSE IT MOVE IT! PAY A SENSIBLE RENT IN A SUPERB SHOWROOM AREA! For Sale: Chance of a Lifetime to aquire an entertainment bar in Tenerife’s finest area ‘Parque de la Paz’. Excellent Turnover; offers over € 100,000. Tel: 922781952 or 696336936.

Wanted : We will buy your property, whether it is a House, or apar tment for Cash, and complete in 28 days. No agents, no catches, no gimmicks. Call (0034) 922 720222 or visit www.

Tenerife Intermediary Services. We urgently require quality properties – apartments, houses, villa in all areas of South Tenerife for rental. Long / short term. Telephone (00 34) 922 716988, fax (0034) 922 718421, email: info@tistenerife. com

Rent : Studios, 1 and 2 bed apartments from 400€ for rent to mature-minded people in Tor viscas Alto. UK TV channels. For details, phone Nadine: 922 715 162 600 euros per month plus bills, no pets, tel 628 109274 Puerto de la Cruz: Well kept Studio for short/long term rentals (450 €/month). Communal swimming pool, off-road parking, full reception service. 660731913 Apartment Guargacho Location: central 1 room 440€ Phone: 663805740 Apartment Santa Cruz De Tenerife Location: central Views: mountain 85.00m2 3 rooms 600€ Phone: 922273239 Studio Puerto de la Cruz Location: central Views: sea 35.00m2 400€ Phone: 670242080 Terraced house Puerto de la Cruz Location: outskirts Views: mountain 166.00m2 3 rooms 800€ Phone: 670242080 Apartment Torviscas Alto Location: outskir ts 45.00m2 1 room 550€ Phone: 922751064 Apartment Fañabé Location: outskirts 2 rooms 795€ Phone: 922751064 Apartment Valle San Lorenzo Location: central 60.00m2 2 rooms 495€ Phone: 922751064

Restaurant with 2 bed apartment above in the south of Tenerife For rent 2500€ a month, rent-to-buy optional. Tel: 650 406 911

Sunny 3-bedroom apartment, 103 m2 , garden, 2 bathrooms, huge terrace with a wonderful ocean view, garage, small urbanization, sat TV, 5 minutes from the German school, 700 euros per month plus extra charges.

Studio Puerto de la cruz Location: central Views: sea 35.00m2 400€. Phone: 670242080

Duplex Maritim 80.00m2 1 room 800€ Phone: 670242080

Chalet El Durazno 275.00m2 3 rooms 1500€ Phone: 670242080

Studio San Fernando 27.00m2 360€ Phone: 670242080

Terraced house Durazno 150.00m2 3 rooms 800€ Phone: 670242080

Chalet Playa Paraíso 3 r ooms 2000€ Phone: 670242080

Premises Santa Cruz de Tenerife Location:central 120.00m2 750€. Phone: 922273239

P re m i s e s P l a z a D e l Charco 133.00m2 2500€ Phone: 670242080

Terraced house Green Golf 150.00m2 3 rooms 750€ Phone: 670242080 Apartment Tabaiba Baja Location: outskirtsViews:sea 50.00m2 1 room 400€. Phone: 922273239

Villa Tagoro San Eugenio Alto

Chalet Las Candias 100.00m2 2 rooms 1000€ Phone: 670242080 Apartment Santa Cruz de Tenerife Location: central Views: mountain 85.00m2 3 rooms 600€. Phone: 922273239


La Duquesa Playa Fañabé

Apartment El Amparo 50.00m2 1 room 450€ Phone: 670242080

Los Cristianos, El Mirador Sunny one bedroom apartment, quiet position, short stroll to beach and shops, fully equipped, English SAT TV, 695 euros per month all inclusive. Tel 686 576037

Apartment Maritim 80.00m2 1 room 800€ Phone: 670242080

Studio Playa Jardín 35.00m2 450€ Phone: 670242080

Terraced house Green Golf 150.00m2 3 rooms 750€ Phone: 670242080

Terraced house Green Golf 135.00m2 2 rooms 850€ Phone: 670242080

Apartment Armeñime 77.00m2 3 rooms 500€ Phone: 670242080

Terraced house La Quinta 130.00m2 3 rooms 800€ Phone: 670242080

Chalet San Jose 70.00m2 2 rooms 550€ Phone: 670242080

Tel: 922 710 515

For rent (as of November 2009) Parque de la Reina. 3 bed / 2 bathroom apartment, 550 euros per month (excluding electricity / water). Tel 639 152766


Terraced house Green Golf 135.00m2 3 rooms 850€ Phone: 670242080

New 3 bedroom luxury villa 750,000€ Tel. (0034) 655 914 691 (0034) 922 71 33 56

Port Royale Los Cristianos 2 bedroom apartment

3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, front and back garden, comunity pool. €425,000 Tel. 629 244 958 Excellent opportunity in Costa del Silencio

Terraced house Green Golf 135.00m2 2 rooms 850€ Phone: 670242080 Apartment Santa Cruz de Tenerife Location: central 190.00m2 5 rooms 850€. Phone: 922273239 Terraced house Urb. Green Golf 135.00m2 3 rooms 950€ Phone: 670242080 Apartment Puerto Viejo 54.00m2 2 rooms 550€ Phone: 670242080 Apartment Los Frailes 60.00m2 2 rooms 550€ Phone: 670242080 Terraced house Green Golf 120.00m2 3 rooms 850€ Phone: 670242080 Apartment Piedra Hincada 2 rooms 700€ Phone: 670242080

Callao Salvaje, 3 bedroom large ground floor furnished apartment, non complex. Lounge, kitchen with dishwasher etc. Dining room, 2 bathrooms, enclosed garden, private splash pool. Pictures at www.thedataweb. com 800 euros per month plus bills. Tel 628 430734, no dogs

Apartment Bajada al Pris 59.00m2 2 rooms 450€ Phone: 670242080

Studio La Paz 550€ Phone: 670242080

Studio Plaza Del Charco 20.00m2 420€ Phone: 670242080

Apartment Urb. Paraíso 52.00m2 1 room 650€ Phone: 670242080

Apartment Armeñime 49.00m2 1 room 380€ Phone: 670242080

A p a r t m e n t E l To p e 75.00m2 2 rooms 650€ Phone: 670242080

Terraced house Durazno 166.00m2 3 rooms 800€ Phone: 670242080

Apartment La Longuera 74.00m2 2 rooms 650€ Phone: 670242080

Studio Plaza Del Charco 40.00m2 400€ Phone: 670242080

Golf del Sur – pretty cottage-style house in quiet position overlooking golf

Studio San Fernando 33.00m2 400€ Phone: 670242080

Apartment San Antonio 70.00m2 2 rooms 680€ Phone: 670242080

Apartment Puntillo Del Sol 43.00m2 1 room 450€ Phone: 670242080

If it's great views that you're after then this lovely 2 bed, 2 bath apartment has some of the best. Great views over Los Cristianos out to sea with La Gomera on the horizon. To be sold furnished & fully fitted, the property consists of an American style open plan kitchen and dining area combined with the large airy & light living room with patio doors leading onto the large 36m2 terrace which enjoys the afternoon sun. Master bedroom is en-suite with patio doors leading out to the terrace and both bedrooms have fitted wardrobes. The complex benefits from a large communal pool, reception, supermarket and many other amenities within a short walking distance.

Reduced from € 270,000 to € 225,750 for a quick sale. Contact Horizon Property Group on 922 777 652 quoting ref C-1456

Apartment, 73m2, 2 bed, 1 bath, American kitchen, fitted wardrobes. Terrace, 40m2 with views over Teide and the complex. 2 community pools, one heated and one salt water, playground and other services. Price €82,000.

Tel. 629 244 958

Sale : El Médano, dir ectly from the owner!!! New, precious detached house, 3 bedrooms, 2 moder n bathrooms, indep. kitchen, 3 terraces,bbq, luxury complex with 2 swimming pools, 42m2 closed garage, very exclusive furnished. Quiet zone, Price: 330.000 euros, Tel: 650 792 742 La Gomera, peace lovers, rustic palm fringed natural retreat. Three dwellings (123m2), residence and letting for rural holidays. Matur e patio gar dens, beautiful mountain views. For sale 196,000 euros, tel (0034) 922 800888, email


EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS


Duplex Las Aguas 3 r ooms 167000€ Phone: 670242080

2 rooms 300507€ Phone: 670804067

05. Property Sale : Torviscas Alto/ Resid. Casablanca, directly from the owner!!! Very beautiful apartment (53m2) in the most exclusive zone of Tenerife, 1 bedroom and an small officeroom, ver y big bathroom, 35m2 terrace with precious views, luxury complex with swimming pool and gardens. Garage and store-room. Only 6 months old!!! Price: 183.000 euros, Tel: 650.792.742 Detached Villa in Callao Salvaje. Quiet cul de sac facing a barranco. 5 bedrooms,5 bathrooms, lounge,dining room,kitchen, utility and study. Garden, courtyard, heated swimming pool plus store rooms. Sea and mountain views. Can be divided into 2 apartments. Plot 400sq m. € 650,000. tel 607310854 Finca (4,400m 2 ) with main house and outbuilding for sale. Various uses, ie tourism / agriculture. Tel 650 980719 Rustic Land La Hoya Location: outskirts Views: mountain 12000.00m2

Apartment Los Cristianos Views: sea 56.00m2 1 room 150000€ Phone: 606394368

Terraced house San Clemente 174.00m2 3 r ooms 250000€ Phone: 670242080

Apartment Sta Cruz de Tenerife Location: central 157.00m2 3 rooms 235000€ Phone: 922273239 Apartment La Laguna Location: outskirts 110.00m2 3 rooms 270000€ Phone: 922273239

Chalet El Monturrio 190.00m2 4 rooms 189000€ Phone: 670242080 Terraced house Santa Cruz Location: central Views: sea 187.00m2 3 rooms 525000€ Phone: 663805740

Apartment Arona / Valle San lorenzo Location: central Views: sea 85.00m2 2 rooms 118000€ Phone: 627180081

Apartment Tabaiba Baja Location: central Views: sea 86.00m2 3 rooms 250000€ Phone: 663805740

Apartment Santa Cruz Location: central 210.00m2 5 rooms 619000€ Phone: 922273239

Apartment Santa Cruz Location: central 140.00m2 4 rooms 370000€ Phone: 663805740

Apartment Santa Cruz Location: central 120.00m2 3 rooms 174300€ Phone: 922273239

Apartment Santa Cruz Location: central 84.00m2 3 rooms 252500€ Phone: 663805740

Apartment Los Majuelos Location: central 103.00m2 3 rooms 183682€ Phone: 663805740

Apartment El Médano 1 room 125000€ Phone: 670242080

Terraced house Tegueste Location: central 3 rooms 247000€ Phone: 663805740 Apartment Santa Cruz Location: central Views: sea 105.00m2 3 rooms 126000€ Phone: 663805740 Apartment Santa Cruz Location: central 3 rooms 126000€ Phone: 663805740

Chalet Barranco Hondo Location: outskirts Views: sea 169.00m2 4 rooms 438000€ Phone: 663805740 Apartment Los Realejos Location: central Views: sea 74.00m2 2 rooms 225000€ Phone: 922245178 Chalet Candelaria Location: outskirts Views: mountain 180.00m2 4 rooms 222375€ Phone: 922273239

Terraced house Guayonje Location: countr yside Views: mountain 350.00m2 3 rooms 330000€ Phone: 922245178 Apartment Los Cristianos Location: central Views: mountain 50.00m2 1 room 100000€ Phone: 670804067 Apartment Los Majuelos Location: outskirts Views: mountain 113.00m2 3 rooms 285000€ Phone: 922245178 Apartment Santa Cruz Location: central 105.00m2 4 rooms 162200€ Phone: 922245178

55€ 65€

Adress ::............................................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................................................................

Tel / fax :: .................................................................................................................... ...

Text ::

Contact details :: Name ::

Address ::

325sqm, 15 rooms, indoor pool, car port extra wooden house (22sqm)in the garden, patio with bar, billard, TV, washhouse with machine and dryer, 440sqm Ground, perfect for private club or small pension. Tel. (0034) 609 504 380

Phone 922710515

Valle San Lorenzo Wonderful Villa with four seperate Living areas seaview, the second free plot is with building licence, 965m2, special offer, 550,000 euros for more information 667 387 459 / 922 765 446

3 bed, 2 bathroom duplex apartment for sale in Los Girasoles, El Madroñal Independent kitchen, downstairs toilet, office, living/dining room, 2 terraces approx 20m2 each. For more information email

Urb. Arco Iris Playa Postcode :: Country :: e-mail ::

Cut out this coupon and send it with Euro cheque, to: Subscriptions Department, ISLAND CONNECTIONS S.L., Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6, Las Chafiras 38620, San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Contact: for UK bank details.

Tabaiba Alta

(To pay in Sterling contact

Subscription Order Form

Classifieds Order Form

30€ 35€ / £27

El Camison, 247.56m2, very quiet, close to the park and Hospitan, tripex and private garage with electric doors. Three bedroom with three complete bathrooms. Independent kitchen, dining room with air conditioning, terrace with awning and BBQ. Independent water tank (750 litres). New electrical system. Own satellite system and community TV. Tel: 639 515154

Sunny 3-bedroom apartment, 103 m2 , garden, 2 bathrooms, huge terrace with a wonderful ocean view, garage, small urbanization, 5 minutes from the German school, parquet floors, 2 storage rooms. Private sale: 230,000 euros (o.n.o.).

Apartment Los Abrigos 62.00m2 2 rooms 115000€ Phone: 670242080

Canary Islands / Spain Europe / UK

Name :: ..............................................................................................................................

Apartment El Médano 2 rooms 175000€ Phone: 670242080

Premises Santa Cruz 125.00m2 2 rooms 540000€ Phone: 922245178

*All prices are plus 5% IGIC tax per edition

I enclose a cheque in euros for :: .............................................. €

Apartment El Médano 1 room 125000€ Phone: 670242080

Canary Countryhouse El Salto - Granadilla

12 Months 25 editions

Nº of words ................................ Nº of modules ...................................

Apartment Chalet Playa Paraíso 3 rooms 475000€ Phone: 670242080

Terraced house Aguamansa 190.00m2 3 rooms 200000€ Phone: 670242080

6 Months 12 editions

Nº of Insertions ..................... Section ........................................................

Apartment Los Abrigos 62.00m2 2 rooms 115000€ Phone: 670242080

Apartment El Médano 2 rooms 175000€ Phone: 670242080

Rates including 5% IGIC tax

From edition Nº............................. . to edition Nº..............................

A p a r t m e n t E l To p e 108.00m2 3 rooms 208000€ Phone: 670242080

Apartment La Laguna Location: outskirts 55.00m2 2 rooms 138200€ Phone: 922245178

Lineage 15€ / max 30 words [ extra words 50cents per word ] Module 55€ B/W, 65€ colour / 38mm x 42mm

Advertising details ::

Apartment Piedra Hincada 2 rooms 244300€ Phone: 670242080

For sale La Finca, private complex (Chayofa), five minutes from Los Cristianos, 3 bed terrace house, 1 ½ bathrooms, community pool and garden, own garage, community fees only 113 euros, quick sale 199,000 euros ono Tel 610 753675

Cut out this coupon and send it with Euro cheque, to: Subscriptions Department, ISLAND CONNECTIONS S.L., Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6, Las Chafiras 38620, San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Contact: for UK bank details.

Second line from the sea in Callao Salvaje. Duplex, totally furnished, 75m2, separate ktichen, totally equipped, toilet, dining room, complete bathroom, 2 bedrooms, SAT-TV, solarium 30m2 with views to Gomera and Teide, garage space, community areas with 2 pools, automatic gates, community fees 54/month, 145,000 euros

Tel 629 244 958

Urb. Oasis Dakota, Playa Fañabé 3 bed semi detached, toilet, complete bathroom, separate kitchen, totally equipped, furnished, 35m2 terrace, secure access to pool, infant park, good views, beside commerical centres, 800m from Playa Fañabe, community feees 30/month, 185,000 € Tel 629 244958

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009



Tenerife Dream Homes T.D.H. TENERIFE DREAM HOMES

Local 6, 6 Calle Taoro, Taoro Sueno Azul, Azul Callao Salvaje, Salvaje 38678, 38678 Adeje, Adeje Tenerife Tel: 922 740465 Mob: (SP/UK) 661 932881 / (UK) 663 844141 Email: Websites: /


Los Gigantes • Ref: GIG-A-09-2 2 Bed 2 Bath Apartment Situated on the third floor, offering spectacular views of the Atlantic American style fitted kitchen, Master bedroom with built in wardrobes & en-suite. Communal Pool BARGAIN 115,000 €

Fañabé • Ref: FAN-A-02-1 1 Bed 1 Bath Apartment Ground floor apartment in the sought after area of Mirar Verde - Fañabé. American style kitchen, large terrace, Large bedroom with built in wardrobes. Communal pool. Stunning views 126,000 €

Tijoco • Ref: TIJ-V-04-3 3 Bed, 2 Bath Villa Beautiful independent villa with incredible panoramic views of the atlantic, La Gomera and South coast. Situated in rural setting only 10 minutes from Adeje 320,000 €

Fantastic Business Opportunities in the South of Tenerife Please contact us for more information

Granadilla • Ref: GRA-V-03-10 10 Bed 7 Bath Villa This property is an absolute bargain. Situated in the heart of Granadilla, it has 10 beds, 7 bathrooms, 2 fitted kitchens, 2 dining rooms, double garage & garden of 700 sq m & private roof terrace 315,000 €

San Eugenio • Ref: EUG-COM-04 Freehold Bargain Well established diner in the centre of San Eugenio. The current owners have had the business for 12 years & the reason for sale is retirement. The bar caters for both residents & tourists & has excellent passing trade 35,000 € + Private Mortgage

Golf del Sur • Ref: GOL-V-17-3 3Bed 3 Bath Villa with stunning uninterrupted views Situated on the Fairways complex, comprises of 3 bedrooms with the possibility to construct a further 2. Fully fitted kitchen, large lounge & separate dining area. Private pool. 355,000 €

Aldea Blanca • Ref: ALD-H-11-3 3 Bed 3 Bath Bungalow The property briefly comprises of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, American style fitted kitchen, spacious lounge with patio doors to the 42m2 garden area. Air conditioning in all rooms. Roof terrace of 65m2 BARGAIN 175,000 €

INVESTORS / FUNDING WANTED Funding needed for various projects in the Canary Islands from Alternative Energy to Hotel Complexes Also investors required to purchase large business opportunities in various countries such as Lapland, Brazil, Canary Islands, Mainland Spain, Bulgaria & the Caribbean.

Callao Salvaje • Ref: CAL-V-01-4 4 Bed 3 Bath Villa ***Reduced for Quick Sale*** Opportunity to purchase a converted 3 bed villa now a 4 bed. American Style fitted kitchen, Private heated pool, Excellent décor throughout BARGAIN 255,000 €

Holiday Rental – Callao Salvaje 4 Bed, 4 Bath Villa – Sleeps 8 Heated Pool / Large Terrace Ref: HOL-CAL-18-4 - From 700.00 p/w

Holiday Rental – Callao Salvaje 3 Bed, 2 Bath Villa – Sleeps 6 Front Line / Private Pool Ref: HOL-CAL-16-3 – From 1000.00 p/w

Holiday Rental – Callao Salvaje 3 Bed, 2 Bath Villa – Sleeps 6 Private Pool Ref: HOL-SUE-03-3 – From 550.00 p/w



EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009

Puerto de la Cruz Casa de la Aduana C/Las Lonjas s/n Tel: 922 38 60 00 Open Mon-Fri 9am-8pm Weekends 9am-5pm

La Palma Tenerife

South Costa Adeje Open: Mon-Sun 10am-5pm Playa de Troya: Avda Rafael Puig 1 Playa Fañabé: Avda Litoral Arona Open Mon-Fri 9am-9pm Sat 9am-3.30pm Playa de las Américas: CC City Center Tel: 922 797 668 Playa de Las Vistas: Paseo Marítimo s/n Tel: 922 787 011

Santa Cruz de La Palma C/O’Daly, 22 Tel: 922 412106

La Gomera San Sebastián C/Del Medio, 20 Tel: 922 141512 Valle Gran Rey Tel: 922 805458 Hermigua Tel: 922 144101

El Hierro Valverde Tel: 922 550302

Gran Canaria

Los Cristianos: Cultural Centre Tel: 922 757 137

Las Palmas Parque Santa Catalina Tel: 928 219600

Las Galletas: Paseo Maritimo Dionisio Gonzalez Delgado Tel: 922 730 133 Mon-Fri 9am-9pm

Playa del Inglés Avda de España Tel: 928 771550

Golf del Sur: Avda Galván Bello s/n Tel: 922 73 86 64 Open Mon-Fri 9am11.30am and 12 noon to 5.30pm Sat 9.30am-1.30pm Santiago del Teide CC Seguro el Sol (in front of Playa de la Arena)

c/ Manuel Ravelo, 20, Local 35 Tel: 922 86 03 48 Open Mon-Fri 9.30am3.30pm Sat 9.30am-12.30pm

Lanzarote Arrecife Parque Municipal s/n Tel: 928 801517 Puerto del Carmen Avda de las Playas Tel: 928 515337

Fuerteventura Puerto del Rosario Avda 1 de Mayo, 33 Tel: 928 851024

Granadilla de Abona Tenerife South Airport (arrivals)

Tel: 922 39 20 37 Open Mon-Fri 9am-9pm Sat 9am-1pm El Médano Plaza de los Principes de España Tel: 922 176002 Open Mon-Fri 9am-3pm (winter) 9am-2pm (summer) Sat 9am-1pm

La Laguna C/ Carrera, 7º (Casa Alvarado Bracamonte) Tel. 922 631 194 Open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Weekends 9am-3pm

hello Infoturismo Tenerife

902 00 31 21



902 404704

Tenerife South 922 759200 Tenerife North 922 635635 La Palma 922 426100 La Gomera 902 404 704 El Hierro 922 553700 Gran Canaria 928 579000 Lanzarote 928 846000 Fuerteventura 928 860500 Flight information:

Honorary Consul of Ireland. León y Castillo 195, 1st Floor on right, 35004 Las Palmas. Tel: +34 928 29 77 28 Fax: +34 928 29 77 28

United Kingdom

Maritime Rescue & Safety

A consular officer makes routine visits to the islands and is available to meet anyone who wishes to call for assistance and advice. Fuerteventura. The consular officer will be available in Hotel Atlantis Palace, Corralejo. Lanzarote. The consular officer will be available during the day in the lounge of Hotel Los Fariones in Puerto del Carmen. Hononary Consul for Lanzarote, Susan Thain, will also be available to offer consular assistance to British Nationals. Please call the Consulate in Gran Canaria (+34) 928 26 25 08 for information and appointments.

Santa Cruz Las Palmas

900 202202 928 467757


DIAL 112 Emergency Single emergency line

080 092 091 062 016


Missing Children> 116000

Consulates TENERIFE United Kingdom British Consulate Plaza Weyler, No. 8, 1st Floor - 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Office Hours: Mon- Fri 8:30am to 1:30pm Tel.: +34 922 28 68 63 Fax: +34 922 28 99 03 24-Hour Emergency Service Out of office hours the Consulate telephone number (+34 922 28 68 63) provides details of how to contact a duty officer in an emergency. ayto/

North Santa Cruz Plaza de España Tel: 922 289394 Fax: 922 284965 Open: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm Sat 9am-1pm (to 5pm and 12 noon respectively, July, Aug & Sept) Free city guides Mon-Sat from the kiosk at 11am

Useful Numbers

24-Hour Emergency Service Out of office hours the Consulate telephone number (+34 928 262 508) provides details of how to contact a duty officer in an emergency.

Post Office Prices


Honorary Consul of Ireland Calle de Castillo 8, 4th Floor 38002 Santa Cruz Tel: +34 922 245 671 922 245 035 Fax: +34 922 249 957

EU 0.20 gr. Normal 0.62 € / Urg. 2.76 € Large 1.07 € / Urg. 3.58 € 21-50 gr. Normal 1.29 € / Urg. 3.79 €

Rest of World 0.20 gr. Normal 0.78 € / Urg. 3.10 € Large 1.38 € / Urg. 3.90 € 21-50 gr. Normal 1.66 € / Urg. 4.15 €


Honorary Vice Consul of Ireland C/Ginés de Castro Alvarez 12, 3B,/ 35500 Arrecife, Lanzarote Tel: +34 928 815262 Fax: +34 928 802200

Honorary Consul of India Villalba Hervas 15, 1st Floor PO Box 336, 38002 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Office Hours: Mon- Fri 9:30am to 2pm Tel: +34 922 24 35 03 922 24 14 16 Fax: +34 922 28 97 55.

Fred Olsen info: 902 100 107 Naviera Armas info: 902 456 500 Acciona info: 902 454 645

Air-transport Binter Canarias info: 902 391 392 Islas Airways info: 902 477 478

Good Luck Why not have a flutter on one of Spain’s popular lotteries? Look out for the ONCE kiosks, or the Loterías y Apuestas del Estado shops, and good luck!.

United Kingdom

British Consulate Calle Luís Morote 6, 3rd Floor-E-35007 Las Palmas. Office Hours: Mon- Fri 8:30am to 1:30pm Tel.: + 34 928 262 508 Fax: + 34 928 267 774 This office also covers Fuerteventura and Lanzarote (please check website for dates of consular visits and how to arrange appointments).

vocabulary English


Please Thank you Good morning Good afternoon Goodbye Public telephone Chemist Doctor Health Centre Hospital Ambulance Firemen Police Airport Bus Taxi Tram Plane

Por favor Gracias Buenos días Buenos tardes Adiós Teléfono público Farmacia Médico Centro de salud Hospital Ambulancia Bomberos Policía Aeropuerto Autobús/guagua Taxi Tranvía Avión



Cº / F 11 52 12 54 13 55 14 57 15 59 16 61 17 63 18 64 19 66 20 68 21 70 22 72 23 73 24 75 25 77

Cº / F 26 79 27 81 28 82 29 84 30 86 31 88 32 90 33 91 34 93 35 95 36 97 37 99 38 100 39 102 40 104

until they take you to El Mojón.



Holiday illnesses and emergencies requiring medical treatment or hospitalisation are an unfortunate fact of life.

Expert Advice

esidents can show their Health Card (Tarjeta Sanitaria) for full health care at Social Security hospitals. If you are not entitled to one you should make sure you have adequate private medical insurance.


f you require immediate assistance dial 112 and ask for an ambulance.

f you are on holiday alone and are hospitalised, contact the Consulate who will arrange for someone to visit you and can contact your family or friends if you wish on your behalf.




o receive free healthcare in Spain a non-resident will need to show their European Health Insurance Card, in the public health system. Please be aware that private hospitals, even if they are associated with the public health system, will not accept the card and you may have to pay before they will treat you.

F Conversion Chart



Island Transport Health Maritime


Spain & Canary Islands 0.20 gr. Normal 0.32 € / Urg. 2.38 € Large 0.39 € / Urg. 2.46 € 21-50 gr. Normal 0.43 € / Urg. 2.55 €




Tourist Info points

Tenerife North Airport Tel: 922 635192 Open Mon-Fri 8am-9pm Weekends 9am-5pm


or that reason if you are a ‘walking wounded’ case, i.e. concious of what is happening make sure in the South of Tenerife that you go to El Mojón emergency centre in Arona for referral on to a public health hospital. If a taxi takes you anywhere else refuse to get out or pay

La Palma

hey can also arrange for a translator or help you with the mechanics of bringing money into the country if needed but they cannot pay your medical bills for you.


f you run out of your medicine whilst on holiday, or leave it too long in the sun or whatever be aware that not all UK/Irish medicines are stocked here, although a substitute should be available. Certain medicines are only available on prescription and you will need to see a doctor. It would help enormously if you can get your friends or family to fax or email your medical record before your appointment.

Canary Islands Lanzarote Tenerife

Sta.Cruz Las Palmas

Gomera Hierro

G. Canaria




EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

Lexus LF-Ch L

ooking incredibly like a BMW 1 Series, the Lexus LF-Ch full hybrid concept car debuts at the 2009 Frankfurt Motor Show.

This is Lexus’s first venture into the competitive European premium compact segment and production should begin next year. It reflects increasing demand for smaller and more fuel and CO2 efficient cars, but with no compromise in levels of refinement and driving pleasure. The LF-Ch concept combines compact dimensions, a stylish fivedoor, full hybrid technology and low emissions to satisfy the most demanding requirements and to appeal to

a new, younger generation. The LF-Ch concept presents a powerful evolution of Lexus’s L-finesse design philosophy. Rooted in Japanese culture, L-finesse is expressed in every aspect of the car, not only in the visual harmony between the interior and exterior design, but also in the combination of leading-edge engineering and technology with a userfriendly simplicity of use. In its design, intriguing contrasts are created between the powerful, machine-like bodywork and the painstaking detail of even the smallest elements, creating a fluid, handsculpted quality. Note the absence of door mirrors and the presence of little cameras. Subtle finishing touches include discreet Lexus hybrid blue badging and sharply tapering chrome mouldings. The harmonious

design is further expressed in the contrasting, lively yellow exterior finish and calming blue illumination inside the car where a powerful simplicity blends with handcrafted quality to create a calm, efficient and elegant design. The cabin features a strongly asymmetric dashboard which is firmly driverfocused with outstanding ergonomics. The driver’s needs are seamlessly anticipated in several surprising elements, for example, when the car is started a greeting is presented on the navigation screen and an ambient lighting pattern appears in the headliner, creating a sophisticated lounge feel. Extensive use of semianiline leather, polished aluminium, wood and softtouch materials reinforces the theme of harmonious contrast in the dashboard,

door panels and seating. The seat design is inspired by high quality furniture, with exposed metal frames, lightweight leather and grained black wood used in inter-related layers, shaped to reflect the intrinsic nature of each material used. The driving position is low and well-supported, with a wide-grip steering wheel with paddle shift controls and an instrument binnacle housing large twin dials embellished with a turbine motif. Distracting instrumentation and switchgear has been kept to a minimum by using Lexus Remote Touch controls. Using a multi-information display on top of the dashboard, Remote Touch works like a computer mouse, letting the driver access, control and customise a range of information, entertainment and vehicle set-up programmes.

The LF-Ch’s comprehensive entertainment package includes iPhone docking for rear passengers. Allied to a wide track, long wheelbase and low centre of gravity, the LF-Ch’s full hybrid powertrain is engineered to deliver all the performance expected from a premium compact hatchback, while at the

same time returning low fuel consumption and emissions. With the benefit of the full hybrid technology of Lexus Hybrid drive, the car can be driven in a fully electric EV mode (battery level permitting), a power option not available to drivers of mild hybrids. This allows for urban driving with minimal noise and zero emissions.


ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009

Fans guide to CD Tenerife

Part II

Pre-match Refreshments:


Eurobasket 2009

Golden Gasol Photo Credits: Rafa Casal and FIBA/FEB

One of the advantages of having the stadium slap bang in the centre of town is the fact that there are many bars to be found. A bottle of Dorada will cost between €1 and €1.50 and numerous bars show live Premiership football.

Fan Clubs: CD Tenerife boasts several noteworthy fan clubs with each one occupying its own particular zone within the stadium. The largest and most vocal group are beyond doubt the Frente Blanquiazul (Popular Baja) who have been the heart and soul of the stadium since they were formed in 1986. They often produce some fantastic displays to greet the players onto the pitch. The Armada Sur 1992 is a largely international fan club and has members in all parts of the stadium. They travel to matches from the south of the Island in hired coaches. Fairly new group Zoneros come from the popular fan forum ‘zonablanquiazul’. They have certainly livened up the Herradura end of the stadium. What to Wear: Do not be fooled by the sizzling hot afternoon in Playa de las Américas. Santa Cruz can be cool and blustery come kick off time, and there is only cover on one stand (Tribuna) where tickets are, yes, you have guessed it, €60. Stadium Characters: Every ground has a guy who stands out from your normal supporter. At Tenerife we have two! One is the legendary ‘Super-Mario’ who entertains fans with his non-stop clowning about and the other is ‘Chano’ who waves a massive Tenerife flag behind the goal for the full 90 minutes of the game. Matches would not be the same without them. Songs and Chants: There are scores of different songs sung in the Heliodoro. Some originate from the Barras Bravas of Argentinian football and some are sung to the Great Escape theme tune. One particular chant, the ‘Rick-Raka’ is fairly unique and unites all corners of the stadium. Of course the referee gets his fair share of abuse.


There is no official match programme but a half decent free magazine called Tete Hoy is handed out to fans prior to games.

Rivals: The obvious choice is UD Las Palmas from Gran Canaria. The Canarian derby has been rated by the World Soccer magazine to be in the top 50 of world football derbies. Souvenirs: There are several stalls above the stadium selling official merchandise on match days. Plans have been made to open a club superstore at the lower end of the stadium, which should open sometime next year. Famous players to have graced the Heliodoro Stadium: Diego Maradona played against Tenerife for Sevilla back in 1992 with the blanquiazules coming off 3-0 winners. Maradona almost caused a riot as he was sent off late in the match! Dixie Dean travelled to the Island with his Everton side in 1934 to take on Tenerife in a series of friendly matches and a young José Mourinho sat beside the late great Bobby Robson on the Barcelona bench as CD Tenerife thrashed the Catalan Giants 4-0 in 1997. Curiosities: The last match that Tenerife had postponed was on the 26th January 1997. Their rivals on the day Atletico Madrid went down with food poisoning (it was not lasagna!) CD Tenerife received approximately nine million euros for their return to La Liga for the current season. This compares to over 500 million euros that FC Barcelona and Real Madrid acquired. The Tenerife B side now play in the Spanish 2nd Division B after their promotion last season.

Pau Gasol, part of Spain’s winning team, and MVP


pain’s purple patch in international basketball shows no sign of ending following the latest championship success. The current world champions and Olympic silver medallists confirmed yet again they are the only serious rivals to the United States

with a demolition of opponents in the recent European Championships in Poland. After a stuttering start which saw them lose to Serbia and Turkey in the group stages, LA Lakers’ star Pau Gasol and his teammates put paid to any doubts that they had lost their appetite by crushing France

and Greece in the knock-out phase and then steamrollered Serbia in the most onesided final ever. Gasol was voted MVP of the tournament and fellowNBA star Rudy Fernández joined him in the tournament’s Best Five side. The gold medal makes up for the disappointment of two

years ago in Madrid when Gasol’s missed shot in the last second meant Spain had to settle for the silver behind Russia. The success in Poland caps a historic year for Spanish basketball at all levels, with European championships won in almost every age category, male and female.

Greek grumbles

Vitolo given bodyguards A

former Tenerife player may have been accustomed to the inter-island rivalry with Las Palmas but says it pales in comparison with the enmity between his new Greek club and its city rivals. Victor Anino, better known by his football nickname Vitolo, spent last season on loan to

Aris Salonica and then signed for neighbours PAOK in the summer. His new club has had to provide private security for the Canarian midfielder due to the protests his move has sparked. Speaking on a recent sports programme, Vitolo said he was getting used to the idea of being shadowed by bodyguards when out in

the street and it was “something he would have to live with” until the fuss dies down. “When my move was made public, things began to go missing from my flat in Greece, which was owned by Aris” said the player. Vitolo may need more than a wing or a prayer to protect him in Greece


‘I knew I’d be back’ T

Alfaro during an earlier break in La Gomera

enerife striker Alfaro opened his heart within weeks of returning to the club after one of the transfer sagas of the summer. The 22-year-old ended his loan spell at Tenerife within days of the side’s promotion to the first division in June and went back to Sevilla, expecting to play a big part in the Andalusian club’s bid for a Champions League place. However, the surprise deci-

sion by Sevilla to sign Alvaro Negredo, who was offloaded by Real Madrid at the last minute, changed the situation completely. “I wasn’t prepared to sit out the season after the great year I had last year. Tenerife wanted me back and there was no question in my mind where I would play once Sevilla made it clear in signing Negredo that I was not needed. They paid 15 million euros for him so the pecking order was clear”, explained Alfaro, whose partnership with Nino last year was the most prolific in the history of the second division.



EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS





1. 44 Oxford Street A 2. Target Bar 3. Palms Bar A 4. Ten Hammers A 5. Amigos Bar 6. Toscales Old Boys 7. Trap Door B 8. Trap Door A 9. Men Of Atlantis 10. Nauta A 11. Atlantis Sharks 12. Rat Pack 13. Phoenix Knights 14. Legends 15. North & South 16. Lupain 17. Ten. Hammers B

PL W D L P 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 4

4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0

1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 1

0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 3

13 13 10 10 10 8 8 7 6 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 1


1. Hoops Bar 2. Rinconcito 3. 44 Oxford Street B 4. Dreamers Bar 5. Terrace Bar A 6. Oasis Bar 7. Palms Bar B 8. Summerland 9. The Office 10. Nauta B 11. Globe A 12. Nauta C 13. Terrace Bar B 14. Whippys 15. Trap Door C 16. Ten. Hammers C 17. Barracuda 18. Globe B

5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 4

5 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0

0 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 5 4 4

15 12 11 10 9 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 6 4 3 0 0 0


Friendly blood drawn

Tuesday Singles League Week 13 Miguel Rodríguez (6) Rhiannon Russell (2) Dave Dixon (6) Sue Long (2) No Player (0) Steve Carter (8) Forfeit No Player (0) Dave Simpson (8) Forfeit Allan Billing (8) No Player (0) Forfeit Duncan Wallace (6) Martin Gronvall (2) Jeff Lemm (4) Chris Rose (4) Ron Howling (4) Avril Capper (4) A fine 215 and a clean game for Sue. 209 for Dave Dixon, 208 for Duncan and Ron.

Week 14 Jacquie Gibb (2) No Player (0) Forfeit Duncan Wallace (6) Chris Rose (2) Sue Long (6) Allan Billing (2) Ron Howling (7) Martin Gronvall (1) Miguel Rodríguez (4) Dave Simpson (4) A superb 241 for Duncan and 226 for Ron.

The new-look squad

of Alejandro Martínez, with much more powerful allround forwards this year, won both games, the first in Adeje and the other in Santa Cruz. Socas look to be betterequipped in all sectors of the court than Tenerife Rural, whose coach Iván

Deniz has yet to hit on his ideal starting line-up. Injuries to Kevin Freeman and Eric Sánchez meant Deniz could not field a full-strength side in the second game, which saw Socas earn the right to play Gran Canaria in the final of the regional cup.


Ferrari move closer? Speculation that Fernando Alonso may move from Renault to Ferrari has increased following the recent sponsorship deal between Spanish banking giant Santander and the Italian Formula One team. Santander remained as the chief sponsors of McLaren despite Alonso’s acrimonious departure in November 2007 but the bank’s boss Emilio Botín

Alonso, a move to Ferrari sooner rather than later?

has made no secret of his desire to renew the link with the two-times world champion, who has driven for Renault for the past couple

of seasons. News of the five-year sponsorship deal with Ferrari, announced earlier this month, has rekindled suggestions that Alonso, who is sponsored personally by Santander under a separate agreement, will switch to the Italians as soon as the current season ends, although it is thought that Ferrari do not want to make the announcement official while Felipe Massa is still recovering from his crash injuries.

Megabowl Poppets (18) Canal Ocio Dayu (6) Delfin Computer San Isidro (18) Tasca de Tranvia (6) Golf Costa Adeje (18) Tasquita Damián (6) 201 bowled by Rafa (Canal Ocio Dayu) and 200 for José (Tasca de Tranvia).

Sunday Doubles League Week 10 Buccaneers (2) Nothing But Trouble (6) Him + Her (4) Market Taverners (4) No 200s this week but a clean game and 193 for Dave Dixon (Buccaneers).

Smart as a Frog (0) Buccaneer Bar (8) Pearl’s Pantry (8) No team (0) Forfeit Happy Days (8) Monkey Foreheads (0) You’ll Never Bowl Alone (6) Los Inflamantes (2) No team (0) Megabowlers (6) Forfeit A fine 225 for Dave Stell (Buccaneer Bar).

Week 40

Monday Fun League

Happy Days (2) No Team (0) Forfeit Buccaneer Bar (8) No team (0) Forfeit Los Inflamables (2) Monkey Foreheads (6) Monkey Foreheads on form, Steve bowled a 201 and partner, Bob, a 200.

Week 12 The Bears (6) Dream Team (2) Mega Tramps (6) Chicas Malas (2) No team (0) Steptoe + Son (4) Forfeit

Monday Pub League Saturday International League Doubles Canal Ocio Dayu Week 32


Week 33

Buccaneer Bar (2) Market Taverners (6) Rack ‘Ems (1) Nothing But Trouble (7) Pinseekers (5) Him + Her (4) A superb 247 and 207 for Pinseekers’ Ron, an excellent 242 and 203 for Jacquie (Nothing But Trouble) and 238 for Steve (Him + Her). Ron had seven strikes in a row and Steve had six consecutive strikes and a clean game. Dave Simpson (Pinseekers) had a fine 208.

Week 39

The Socas Canarias squad in La Laguna

Delfin Computer San Isidro (6) Megabowl Poppets (18) An excellent 228 for Tasquita Damián’s Frank March and a fine 211 for Rafa (Canal Ocio Dayu).

Week 11 Saturday doubles League

Two pre-season friendlies between Tenerife’s senior basketball sides have served to show that Socas Canarias are the stronger of the local clubs as the LEB league season gets under way.

Compiled by Doreen Lemm

10 pin bowling league results

Tenerife 8 Ball DIVISION ONE


Tasca de Tranvia (6) Tasquita Damián (18) Canal Ocio Dayu (24) Golf Costa Adeje (0)

Week 14 Fisherman’s Bar (8) Tenerife Royale (0) F.C.U.K. ‘Em (8) No team (0) Forfeit Café Royale (6) Maurelly (2) Buccaneer Bar (6) Cherry Bakewells (2) A superb 2-7 split for Ivana (Maurelly). A fine 206 for Jacquie (Buccaneers), the only bowler to break 200 today.

FORMULA 1 FIA and Renault

Suspended sentence The FIA have handed Renault a two-year suspended ban from the Formula One world championship after admitting to race-fixing, lasting until the end of the 2011 season, while former team boss Flavio Briatore was banned from any further involvement in Formula One, including driver management. Briatore and Pat Symonds

had resigned from the team the week before the hearing into the Singapore 2008 race, where Renault did not contest the claims that they had indulged in race fixing, and ex-driver Nelson Piquet Junior testifying that he was ordered to crash during the course of the race, helping team mate Spaniard Fernando Alonso to victory. Alonso was cleared by the body of any misconduct and thanked by the body for “cooperating with enquiries”.

By George Reed

ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009

Death where is thy sting!



Choose your guide wisely

John Conteh (Former world champion) “Boxing was a quick way out of being poor.”

Repsol Guide 2009


hadn’t time for a five year apprenticeship and no-one was going to send me to Hollywood. Boxing was never a sport to me. It was a deadly game, it was a path I was forced to follow”.



George with Alexis Argüello in Canastota, in 2005

Gun’ Maxim. Freddie invested his ring earnings into restaurants and a nightclub. Troubled by personal and financial problems, it all ended suddenly and tragically when he was found dead, shot in the heat in his parked car outside his club in London in 1965. His sad demise still remains something of a mystery to this day. Britain’s other post World War II hero, Randolph Turpin, would sadly suffer a similar fate as Mills a year later, when, unable to take the burden of financial and domestic pressures, he went upstairs in the café he was running with his wife at the time in Leamington Spa, and shot himself. He was only 37 years of age. Turpin was born in Leamington on 7th June 1928 and never knew his father, a British Guiana merchant seaman who died when Randolph was only a few months old, leaving his white wife with five children to support on a pension of only £1.7 shillings a week. Randolph and his two brothers Dick and Jackie would all become top-notch British boxers with Randolph reaching the pinnacle of his chosen profession in 1951 when he beat the great Sugar Ray Robinson for the latter’s undisputed world middleweight crown, and taking into consideration that at

the time Robinson was the biggest name in world boxing and had only one defeat on his record in 91 fights, it must surely be classed as the greatest win ever by a British boxer, Sadly it was downhill for the Leamington Licker in later years and in 1958 he retired from the boxing game. He dabbled in wrestling for a while at £25 a bout, and at the age of 30 he was driving a scrap metal lorry through the streets of Leamington. He was a tragically depressed man. In 1962 he was unable to pay the £17,126 the Inland Revenue claimed on his boxing earnings and he was declared bankrupt. He took his own life a beaten man. Throughout boxing history there have been many tragic endings for the fighters involved but I can’t recall anything quite like the tragedies which occurred during July of this year. Within a few short weeks three world champions died. The first shocking news came at the beginning of the month upon learning that the former three-weight world champion Alexis Argüello had shot himself through the heart at his home. He was 57 years old. The Nicaraguan was forced to endure poverty and political strife in his younger days and sought to make ends meet with his family what-

ever way he could. He took up professional boxing at 16 and within a few years he became a huge favourite in the States. He retired from the ring in 1994 after being diagnosed as having a heart problem. The boxing legend had many problems during his life. He lost millions of dollars of assets when the leftwing Sandinista government came to power in his native Nicaragua and confiscated his assets and had problems with cocaine and alcohol abuse. When I met the former champ in 2005 at the International Hall of Fame in Canastota, he told me that the year before he had become deputy mayor of Nicaragua’s capital, Managua, having joined the Sandinistas, and was involved in building health clinics for the needy. In 2008 he was elected mayor, and appeared to have found some new meaning to his life. However apparently there was still a lot of emptiness! Only a few days later news arrived that Arturo Gatti had been found dead in a hotel room in Brazil, having hung himself according to police. A world champion at junior lightweight and light welterweight, Canadian-raised Gatti became a real crowdpuller in America and was

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Boxing is thought by many people to be a simple sport, but to others it is more a summary of life’s triumphs and tragedies. Fighters literally place their lives at stake every time they step into a ring, willingly sacrificing their bodies on the altar of their art. Throughout boxing history we have had many true legends in the game who faced physical and mental ruin, illness and sometimes tragic death. It appears that in many cases they cannot escape their roots no matter how much cash they earn. When I was a youngster after the second World War, I was mad on boxing and a big fan of two of the most popular fighters of the time, Freddie Mills and Randolph Turpin. In all sports, yesterday’s heroes always seem to become bigger and better in the mind, especially in boxing, but these two English battlers will always be recalled with pride when boxing fans reminisce about the fight game. Freddie Mills was born in Bournemouth on 26th June 1919, and during his boxing career he gave the fans thrills galore. Not a classic boxer, he was a fighter who went about his work in the only way he knew, by striving to lay the opposition on the canvas, fighting until he himself was stopped by his opponent, or the final bell. British fight fans loved Mills for his courage and ‘never-say-die’ attitude in the ring, and he finally reached his goal by taking the world light heavyweight title from the American Gus Lesnevitch in 1948. He then took on some of the world’s top heavyweights and giving stones away in weight he took some savage beatings before losing his world light heavyweight crown to the American Joey ‘Machine

Tel: 922 750 609 / Fax: 922 795 810 / involved in a couple of the greatest fights that I’ve ever seen and I’m sure that he will be remembered as the ultimate blood-and-guts warrior of the past 10 years. He certainly packed a hell of a lot of living into his 37 years on this earth. Sadly it wasn’t long enough. At the end of July boxing lost another former champion in a tragic way when Vernon Forrest, who twice beat the current WBA wel-

terweight champion Sugar Shane Mosley a few years ago for the title, was shot in the back at a petrol station after chasing a couple of hoodlums who had stolen his wallet while he sat in his car. A man has subsequently been arrested. It’s hard to believe that all three former world champions would go in the same month and in such circumstances. Surely they deserved much better than that.



EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009 :: ISLAND CONNECTIONS

Soccer Experience Sponsored by : Island Connections Media Group &

Soccer Experience teams

Flying start for over-35s league S

occer Experience’s over 35s league has finally kicked off, seeing the real masters of the game in full glory! In an action packed week the over 35s supplied us with non stop slow motion action and plenty of goals.

Rovers have had decent results already this season and will be looking to build from them. Looking to find form we have Tenerife Warriors, Dreamers United, Harleys American Diner and Cold Flow. All are still looking for their first win, all four teams are full of experience and will surely be picking up points very soon.



The first game of the season was between Exiles Veterans and a strong Morfitt Rentals side. This was a tight encounter with both sides out for the perfect start. Exiles bar captained by brothers in arms Blair and Callum Macrorie have made huge improvements of late and now have the look of a real football team. They held on to a slender lead throughout the game and stayed organised to win 8:6 with forward Shammy claiming a handful of the goals. Second up saw Phil’s Grandee O’Donnells boys take on new boys Stringfellas in another game which didn’t disappoint with plenty of goals and great almost not slow motion football. Grandees just nicked it 10:8 but real credit must go to Stringfellas for a great show as they are sure to get better under Captain Steve as the weeks go on. Last up saw the two early season favourites go head to head, L.A. Veterans under Captain Shaine Hope and Ironcraft led by inspirational (some would say Grumpy) Captain Darren Kemp. This was a game that had it all - great goals, wonderful football and the odd goal keeping error from Ironcraft’s stand

This league is ideal for players and teams who have not played for a while and that are wanting games at a slightly easier pace so they can build up fitness and level of play. Dreamers United

in goalkeeper! L.A. Veterans, newly formed this season, had a little too much on the day and went out winners 9:7. Big congratulations must go out to all teams in making a success of the first week, putting slow motion football firmly on the map.

PREMIERSHIP ROUND-UP With only three games gone the season is really heating up and Taylor’s Lounge are grasping it with both hands, a great win for them over the newly promoted Canarian team sees them take top spot in the league and with Gary Boyd on great form and captain John Parkes hitting the back of the net amazingly three times. They look in a strong


position yet again. Christian Lee’s The Living Room side were knocked off the summit by Blair’s Exiles Bar in a great game, The Living Room went 17 matches undefeated last season but to be beaten so early will give hope to all for a tight title race. Exiles Bar are looking stronger with every game and under captain Blair’s guidance along with some good play from Dean Wise and others they are sure to make a good challenge. Morfitt Properties who are beginning to find strength after losing their front man Edgar in the transfer window are putting in some solid performances and will improve even more as the season goes on. Special mention must go to Nico, Cholo and Sergeant Major Larry who are making it very tough for other teams to score against them. The Jones boys of Eclipse Café Callao are now building a team that is putting in some

a Car


The first foreign Rent a Car in Tenerife!

good performances and they had great comeback in their last match to draw with Morfitt Properties 5 - 5.

MASTER’S LEAGUE SUMMARY With four games gone the Masters is really heating up with Taylor’s Masters leading and in probably their best ever form with goals coming from every member of the squad with four wins out of four games. The favourites are looking good to make up for last season’s disappointment. Hole in the Wall also have made a great start winning their opening four games in style and with Captain Keith Valentine at the helm there will be no slip-ups in

the chase for top spot. L.A. Masters lie in third place with some great performances of their own. Captain Shaine has made lots of changes this season including possibly the most improved player this year in all the leagues in Paul Connelly playing so well and it has done the trick as they look to challenge for the top spot. Morfitt Masters lie in fourth position after some great results climbing the table with every game they play, new addition Lyden Smithers is chomping at the bit. They have great strength in his squad with Nico recruiting some quality players. New to the Masters League this season are the Chafiras FC team who are making great strides early on and with captain Neme they look to push the leaders all the way this season even notching up a win against reigning champs Tenerife Warriors with only six men! Exiles Masters and Hoops

The new season is about to get started and we are delighted to announce our very first Argentinian team led by their very own Maradona (a.k.a. José)! Already with their first friendly game you could see some real South American skills from the team and Soccer Experience are truly thrilled that we now have Spanish, British and South American teams within the various leagues!

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ISLAND CONNECTIONS :: EDITION 600 :: 25/09/2009 - 09/10/2009


First Division 21/09/2009

No picnic


By Chris Todd Nino’s first goal in the division against Osasuna

13/09/2009 CD Tenerife 2:1 Osasuna


This was the first match in living memory played at The Heliodoro Stadium with a 4pm kick off. The new TV schedules dictated that all games in Spain must start at the same time in spite of the Canary Islands being one hour behind the mainland. The Spanish F.A. showed no flexibility on the matter which led to official complaints made by both CD Tenerife and their opponents Osasuna. This resulted in the match being played in scorching conditions for the 18,300 spectators present in the stadium as the temperature peaked at 34ºC at pitch level. But Tenerife, playing their first home match in La Liga for over seven years were out to please and the blanquiazules started the match at a brisk pace testing ex-Man.Utd goalkeeper Ricardo on various occasions. The first half came to a goalless end as the fans rushed to find some shade and take in some refreshments but not before they had whistled referee Carlos Carballo from the pitch. That self same match official was to play an important role in the outcome of the affair as he sent off Osasuna player Monreal for collecting two yellow cards within one minute at the start of the second half. From the resulting free kick, midfield playmaker Ricardo (or Richardinho according to Sky Sports TV) chipped the ball over the defensive wall into Nino’s path and the pocket-sized striker pounced to slot the ball under Osasuna keeper Ricardo. It was only Nino’s second ever goal in the first division after a very successful Spanish second division career, his previous goal being scored for Levante against, yes, you have guessed it, Osasuna. The tough Basque outfit now had the bit between their teeth and just four minutes later they were level when ex-Birmingham City front man Walter Pandiani rose to score from a near post header.

The game had sprung into life and the supporters, including 200 or so Osasuna followers who had made the long trip from Pamplona were enjoying a great spectacle. Tenerife piled the pressure on the visitors’ goal and on the hour mark their persistence was about to pay off as local lad Ricardo scored one of the best goals seen in the Heliodoro for some time as he unleashed a rocket from some 25 yards out. It was a great goal and as the local radio pundits remarked, if that had been Cristiano Ronaldo it would have been screened the world over. The blanquiazules really should have added to their lead and wrapped the game up in the last part of the match and this could well be their downfall in the unforgiving quality of the Spanish top league. With 15 minutes remaining Osasuna were reduced to nine men as Nekounam was given his marching orders for a stray elbow that struck Roman Martínez and from that point on Tenerife controlled proceedings and won the game comfortably. It had been a fine win against a side that would most probably be fighting with Tenerife for survival at the end of the campaign.


19/09/2009 Mallorca 4:0 CD Tenerife Tenerife were given a harsh lesson against Primera Liga regulars Mallorca who produced a slick attacking performance to continue their excellent start to the new season with a 4-0 win. Mallorca made their early dominance count as they went ahead through Luis Suarez after 16 minutes, and went out of sight in a one-sided second half, when Aritz Aduriz, Julio Alvarez and Pierre completed a happy evening for the team from the Balearic Islands. But it was a miserable match for blanquiazules as they finished the match with only nine players on the pitch following the dismissals of defenders Ezequiel Luna and Marc Bertrán. Mallorca came racing out of the blocks early on and looked dangerous. The home side came into this match with four points from six after beating another promoted outfit, Xerez, on the opening weekend and drew away on the second day of matches. Josemi blasted over from closerange after six minutes and Aduriz saw his header saved

by Tenerife keeper Sergio Aragoneses just short of a quarter of an hour as the home side sought an early lead. The opening goal was scored minutes later in controversial circumstances, when Luis Suarez pounced on a loose ball in the area and lashed home a powerful drive. Tenerife players claimed that keeper Aragoneses had been fouled and replays validated their anger. CD Tenerife did fight back during the rest of the half and enjoyed plenty of possession and the odd chance of equalising. Mallorca had their keeper Aouate to thank as the Israeli keeper denied Richi in a oneon-one position. It was just a shame the chance did not fall to Nino! After the break Mallorca were 2-0 up as Aduriz crashed home an unstoppable header from Ayoze Diaz’s cross with 50 minutes on the clock. And eight minutes later, the home side went three up as the unmarked Álvarez swept past an exposed Aragoneses


1. Real Madrid 3 2. Barcelona 3 3. Ath.Bilbao 3 4. Mallorca 3 5. Valencia 3 6. Sevilla 3 7. Almeria 3 8. Valladolid 3 9. Racing 3 10. Sporting 3 11. Malaga 3 12. Getafe 3 13. Dptvo La Coruna 3 14. Zaragoza 3 15. Espanyol 3 16. Tenerife 3 17. Villarreal 3 18. Osasuna 3 19. Atletico Madrid 3 20. Xerez 3

3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0



0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 3



11 10 5 7 8 6 1 4 4 3 4 4 5 3 3 2 4 2 3 0

PTS 2 2 2 1 4 3 1 5 6 5 3 4 6 6 6 6 5 5 9 8

9 9 9 7 7 6 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 0

Second Division 21/09/2009 CLUB


1. Cartagena 2. Betis 3. Recreativo 4. Las Palmas 5. Numancia 6. Rayo Vallecano 7. Hercules 8. Gimnastic 9. Cordoba 10. Levante 11. Real Sociedad 12. Albacete 13. Huesca 14. Salamanca 15. Villarreal B 16. Girona 17. Murcia 18. Celta Vigo 19. Cadiz 20. Real Union 21. Castellon 22. Elche

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

following ex-West Brom player Borja Valero’s pinpoint pass. Tenerife lost their shape and their discipline after that and frustration got the better of them with 15 minutes left, when Luna was shown a second yellow card for an elbow on Aduriz and the visitors were reduced

3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



1 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 0 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 1

0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 3

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PTS 2 4 4 2 4 3 3 3 4 5 4 9 3 4 7 5 3 5 3 5 9 10

10 9 9 8 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1

to 10 men. And with three minutes left, things got even worse for Tenerife, when Bertrán brought down Victor and Mallorca were awarded a penalty. Webó fired home the spot-kick to complete the rout. Hopefully Tenerife will have learnt many lessons from this thrashing.

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