IslandConnections Edition 604

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1984 - 2009

The Canary Island’s biggest fortnightly English newspaper read by thousands of tourists & residents 20th Nov. - 4th Dec. 2009

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Index ADVENT CALENDAR 24 chances to win a Christmas prize with our exclusive Advent Calendar


a Orotava, Puerto de la Cruz and Los Realejos are still counting the cost of the deluge that washed out their towns and surrounds on the afternoon of November 16th. While the weather exper ts had been aler ting people to heavy rainfall, no-one had predicted the volume and intensity of the precipitation when it did arrive. The Met office had suggested that up to 60 litres per square metre would fall over a 12 hour period; the regions worst affected in fact were inundated with 180 litres per m2 in a three hour period bringing chaos to many parts of the North. Roads were blocked, traffic came to a standstill and barrancos collapsed with at least 12 cars swept away. TV Canarias were on the air reporting the deluge as it happened, in contact with emergency services and local authorities, and some commuters who were trapped in their cars as a result of the disaster. One or two houses were evacuated, and a school in La Vera was reported to have been completely flooded. The Playa Jardín beach “practically disap-

Pages 28-29

Edition # 604 /

Behind the wheel Drive carefully

- a comprehensive break down of new licence points deductions Page 2

South West Flyover to be finished soon Good news for commuters Page 13

Switched on Watt bulb? A guide to low wattage bulbs and a look at which give you value for money Page 4 peared” under the rain, and trees and other materials were swept down the barranco de San Felipe in Puerto de la Cruz. However while material damages are still being calculated, at least there were no lives lost, as people remembered the flash flooding in March 2002 in Santa

Cruz, when unfortunately there were human losses and the rains in Puerto de la Cruz in November 1968 in which two people died. The day after the floods Tenerife president Ricardo Melchior was critical of the lack of resources at the disposal of the personnel in the Island’s meteorological cen-


The Sports Megastore, 8.000m

Motorway Santa Cruz La Laguna, Exit “Las Chumberas”. 38205 La Laguna, Tenerife. Tel: 922 62 79 00, Fax: 922 82 11 07 © IC/542/2007

tre. He said that during the previous legislature, when he was a national senator, he was given assurances by the then environment minister Cristina Narbona that the issue would be examined and a suitable radar system installed for the purpose of assessing likely rain fall. The radar, he says, is broken

and is likely to remain so for another three months, through no fault of the local team. “I have confidence in the meteorological personnel, but if they don’t have the right equipment they cannot know, as in the case of yesterday, the ‘vertical development of the clouds’”.

Vaccines H1N1 Swine flu vaccinations are now being administered to risk groups throughout Spain Page 13

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