The Magazine 51

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the magazine 51

APRIL 2010

lifest yle GUIDE for the canary islands

Win a luxury holiday in Madeira

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editor‘s letter editor‘s ditor‘s letter e ditor‘s letter



the magazIne the magaz theIne magazIine

Welcome news A goodnews place Welcome to live

Fax: 922 750 795 609 810 Tel: 922 750 609 Tel: E-mail: Fax: 922 795 810 Fax: 795 810 E-mail: E-mail: Publisher and Proprietor Tina Straub,and Joe Proprietor Schacher Publisher and Proprietor Publisher Tina Straub, Joe Schacher Tina Straub, Joe Schacher Editor




the magazine 41

42 41

lifest yle reference for the canary islands

JUne 2009

JULY 2009 JUne

Design a garden

health & beauty

Fitness revolution feng shui


healthdining & beauty fashion Summer Fitness revolution Tenerife Moda feng shui health and beauty

Design a garden

Design a garden Non-surgical


Summer dining

liposuction restaurants Summer dining

JULY 2009

AUGUST JULY 20092009

Non-surgical liposuction

royal visit

King and Queen in the Canaries health & beauty

Mesoestetic for men

driving fashion

The Forgotten Tenerife Moda health andRoad beauty feng shui Non-surgical The 5 Qi’s liposuction golf


royal visit

september AUGUST 20092009

King and Queen in the Canaries health & beauty

Mesoestetic music royal visit for men 5-star music King and Queen inreview the Canaries excursions health & beauty

feng shui

The 5 Qi’s driving driving golf

Mercedes-Benz The Forgotten Pro tip E Class Coupé Road fengshui shui feng

fabulous Mesoestetic trips for men

Personalise The 5your Qi’s Feng Shui golf Profashion tip Okaïdi

Pro tip excursions


Purchase in the Canary Islands


Purchase in the excursions Canary Islands Loro Parque and golf Siam ProPark tip

Purchase inyour the Harmonise Canary Islands living space

Win Pretenders tickets


Pro tip

santa cruz auditorium

Henry Cruz Director Commercial Director Commercial Henry Cruz Henry Cruz Coordinator

golf golf


fabulous driving music trips Porsche 911 Carrera S4 5-star music review profile Benito Cabrera excursions fabulous excursions trips Cueva del Viento Dive and Sea

feng shui

Personalise your Feng driving Shui Mercedes-Benz fashion E Class Coupé Okaïdi feng shui

Personalise your Feng Shui






Clio O’Flynn, Sheila Collis, Features Writers Features Writers Gerald Ruben,Sheila Theresa Willson Clio O’Flynn, Sheila Collis, Clio O’Flynn, Collis, Gerald Ruben, TheresaGerald Willson Ruben, Theresa Willson Design Design Mariusz Firek

Advert design Javier Gomez Sales Julie Lourens, Giusi Pomilia, Veronica Merics

Harmonise your living space golf

Pro tip

Javier Gomez Advert design Javier Sales Gomez

Julie Lourens, Sales GiusiLourens, Pomilia, Julie Veronica Merics Giusi Pomilia, Veronica Printers Merics

Jiménez Godoy S. A. Printers Printers C.I.F. A-73037293 Jiménez Godoy S. A. Jiménez Godoy S. A. Dep. A-73037293 Legal: MU-1696-2009 C.I.F. A-73037293 C.I.F. Dep. Legal: MU-1696-2009 Dep. Legal: MU-1696-2009 Circulation controlled by Circulation controlledCirculation by controlled by




the magazine

the magazIne

the magazine

the magazine

the magazIine

the magazine

the magazine

oc tober 2009

lifest yle reference for the canary islands

noVeMBer 2009 oc tober 2009

Porsche 911 Carrera S4 profile

lifestyle yle reference reference for forthe the canary canary islands islands lifest

Benito Cabrera in the fraMe excursions driving 100 years motoring Cueva del of Viento

Porsche Dive and911 SeaCarrera S4 restaurant profile Alhambra del fashion Benito DuqueCabrera Carolina excursions Herrera nightlife Cueva Tibu del Viento Dive and Sea


47 46

in the fraMe

noVeMBer 2009


lifest yle reference for the canary islands

DECEMBER 2009 noVeMBer

48 47

100 years of motoring restaurant

Alhambra del Duque

LIFESTyle YLE reference REFERENCE for FORthe THE canary CANARY islands ISLANDS lifest




january 2010 DECEMBER 2009

49 48

lifestYLE yle REFERENCE reference FOR forTHE the CANARY canary ISLANDS islands LIFEST

january 2010

lifest yle reference for the canary islands

february2010 2010 january

lifestyle yle reference reference for forthe the canary canary islands islands lifest


50 49

february 2010

lifest yle reference for the canary islands

march 2010 february 2010

lifestyle yle reference GUiDe for for the the canary islanDs lifest canary islands

in the fraMe nightlife

100 Tibuyears of motoring restaurant

Alhambra del Duque nightlife



5-Star Christmas Top 40


Carolina Herrera

health & beauty

Festive makeup music

5-Star Christmas Top 40 health & beauty

Festive makeup

music Fashion

5-Star Christmas Festive Top 40 party wear health & beauty

Festive makeup


feng shui

Loro Parque and Siam Park

Mariusz Firek Art Director Design Mariusz Firek Advert design

the magaziIne


feng shui

Win twin park tickets

Theresa Willson Coordinator Theresa Willson Features Writers

the magazine 46 45


Mercedes-Benz E Class Coupé

lifestyle yle reference reference for forthe the canary canary islands islands lifest

Coordinator Theresa Willson

the magazine


lifest yle reference for the canary islands

oc tober 2009 september 2009

Harmonise your livingexcursions space Loro Parque and golf Siam Park Pro tip

property feng shui

Pro Protip tip


5-star music review

Carolina Herrera

Loro Parque and Siam Park

september 2009

the magazine 45 44


The Forgotten Road

lifestYLE yle REFERENCE reference FOR forTHE the CANARY canary ISLANDS islands LIFEST


the magazine 44


the magazIine 44 43


Tenerife Moda



the magazIne 43


the magaz magazIne 43 42

health & beauty

Fitness revolution

LIFESTyle YLE reference REFERENCE for FORthe THE canary CANARY islands ISLANDS lifest feng shui


the magaz magazIne 42

lifest yle reference for the canary islands

magaz the m agaziIne

JUne 2009

Clio O’Flynn Editor Clio O’Flynn Director Commercial

Editor Clio O’Flynn

As we go to press news has come in that for the first time in As we go to press news comenews in that the in first time As we go has to press hasfor come that forinthe first time in 18 months the number of tourists to Spain increased, and that 18 months the18 number of the tourists to Spain increased, and increased, that months number of tourists to Spain and that increase is also reflected in tourists visiting the Canary Islands. Sometimes it’s easy tovisiting forget thatCanary the Canary for most of the time, increase is alsoincrease reflectedisinalso tourists the Islands. reflected in tourists visiting theIslands Canaryare, Islands. While it’s far far too early to breathe anything but a whisper a pretty place breathe While it’s far far too early breathe anything but aanything whisper but a whisper While it’sgood fartofar tooto early of relief, it’s no bad thing to let people know that corners just Ifbad you have spent more than a that few years here and corners set up home, of relief, it’s noof thing people know corners just relief, it’sto noletbad thing to let people know that just are working and might be about to be turned. So much of the brunt of this raising a family, youmuch forget theofpluses might be aboutmight to be be turned. oftothe about So to betend turned. Sobrunt much ofthis the concentrating, brunt of this as you do, on the global economic crisis has fallen on small shoulders, those of daycrisis to economic day keeping the fridge now and global economic hasstuff, fallenmortgages, on small shoulders, those of full, school global crisis has fallen on small shoulders, those runs...So of individuals struggling to keep heads above water – not easy with then it makes sense and smell theeasy Canarian roses. individuals struggling to keep headstoabove water – above not with– not individuals struggling tostop keep heads water easy with a financial burden of these dimensions bearing down upon you. very few of places indimensions the world have the enviable climate we can a financial burden ofare these dimensions bearing down that upon you. aThere financial burden these bearing down upon you. And given that most of our readers depend either directly or pretty much rely upondepend ineither the Canary Apart from And given thatAnd mostgiven of our readers directly or that most ofhere our readers dependIslands. either directly or the odd wet indirectly upon tourism the effects have been felt heavily. In time (ok, in recent times very wet!) day, of the islands experience indirectly uponindirectly tourism the effects have been feltmost heavily. In time upon tourism the effects have been felt heavily. In time delightful of belt tightening luxuries such as foreign holidays are among climates, with a trip to the such beach all-year-around of belt tightening luxuries such asluxuries foreign holidays are among of belt tightening asan foreign holidays arechoice. among the first things to go, and they went... The thing that we went... take for granted, or perhaps don’t allow the first thingsthe to go, theyto went... fiother rstand things go,maybe and they No-one wants to be over optimistic, nor start looking to spend, ourselves tooptimistic, experience, the richness the diverse No-one wants No-one to be over norisoptimistic, start looking tostart spend, wants to be over norof looking cultures to spend,around us. We spend spend. And across the board it is forecast that even when live in a realthe salad bowl nationalities, identities andeven backgrounds. Taking spend spend. And across board it isofforecast whenthat spend spend. And across the boardthat it iseven forecast when the crisis is well and truly over and there is more disposable your child school likelihood isthere that isthere parents from Spain, South the crisis is wellthe and trulyisto over there is more crisis well and the truly over anddisposable moreare disposable income around again, people will continue to look for value for America, France,will Germany, Italy, Russia, England, Belgium, income aroundincome again, people continue towill look for value around again, people continue to for lookIreland, for value for Croatia, money in a way they didn’t do before the financial bubble burst. allthey chatting away in their levels Spanish,bubble exchanging money in a waymoney didn’t do they before thediffering fido nancial bubble burst. in a way didn’t before theoffinancial burst. news about That’s good news for quality destinations and tourist businesses their who arefor and represent the next generation of Canarians. With just That’s good news forkids, quality destinations and tourist businesses That’s good news quality destinations and tourist businesses though, and is the right kind of spur to those looking to emerge athe smattering Spanish we can delvetointo thelooking rich cultural mix that we have though, and is though, rightand kindisofof spur tokind those to emerge the right oflooking spur those to emerge from these doldrums. Quality, and a good price:value ratio will here, these and making friends with people we might meet will living our ‘old’ or from these doldrums. Quality, and a good price:value ratio willnever ratio from doldrums. Quality, and a good price:value win out in the end. other lives. It’send. a huge plus, one we might not make the most of, but there to be win out in the win end.out in the exploited. If someone is asking about coming to live in the Canary Islands it’s hard to know what to advise – if you live here and made the move you often know instinctively who is going to make it and who won’t. But those who are almost guaranteed to get the most out of their time here are those who see the full picture and are willing to take the plunge and find out what the real Canaries, beyond the sea and sun, are all about.

the magazine

The Magazine IslandMagazine Connections Media Group The Magazine The C/ Francisco Feo Rodríguez, 6 Island Connections Media Group Island Connections Media Group LasFrancisco Chafi C/ Francisco Feo Rodríguez, 6 ras Feo Rodríguez, 6 C/ 38620 San Chafiras Las Chafiras Las Chafi ras Miguel de Abona Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain 38620 San Miguel de38620 AbonaSan Miguel de Abona Tenerife, Canary Islands, Tenerife, Tel: Spain 922 Canary 750 609Islands, Spain


Festive party wear

Festive party wear

Win a rural weekend for two

Win a barbecue for five

Win spa treatments

Win a Porsche

Win Mamma Mia! Tickets

Finca La Hacienda

with the sporting legends

at the hotel Gran Meliá Palacio de isora

for the weekend

The global smash hit comes to the Canaries

Win tickets to see the london Philharmonic orchestra in tenerife

Win a flight ticket to the uK with

Win Pretenders tickets

Win Pretenders twin park tickets Win tickets

Win twin a rural weekend Win park tickets for two

Win aa rural barbecue for five Win weekend for two

Win aspa treatments Win barbecue for five

Win spa a Porsche Win treatments

Win aMamma Win PorscheMia! Tickets

Win Mamma tickets toMia! see Tickets the Win

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tickets Win atwo flight ticket

santa cruz auditorium

Loro Parque and Siam Park santa cruz auditorium

FincaParque La Hacienda Loro and Siam Park

with the sporting legends Finca La Hacienda

at thethe hotel Gran legends Meliá Palacio de isora with sporting

thehotel weekend atforthe Gran Meliá Palacio de isora

Thethe global smash hit comes to the Canaries for weekend

london Philharmonic orchestra in Canaries tenerife The global smash hit comes to the

to the uK with london Philharmonic orchestra in tenerife

to the see uK 50 with cent in tenerife to

4 4




cultural events

TEA exhibition: Estancias, residencias, presencias



island scene

Slava‘s Snow Show


health & beauty

The advantages of implantology




51st Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week





Business guide




Tenerife drives: Isla Baja

Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG


Garibaldi homes &gardens



in the frame 39


Home sweet home

40 42

Wine tasting at La Muse Vin Belgian flavour Packing a punch profile


43 48

Madeira travel


Cruising golf


Summer golfing in Tenerife golf


Golf products must have

52 the magazine




cultural events

Estancias, residencias, presencias

Una construcción particular

This exhibition forms part of the ample contemporary art collection Los Bragales, one of the most important private collections in Spain, and one which has taken the collector 20 years to amass. Organised and produced by TEA, it contains 50 works created between 1998 and 2009, the majority of which are photographs. This is the first time that the public have had the opportunity to view the result of this collector’s efforts, and contemplate a different perspective of that which is universal. The exhibition is presented in three sections, beginning with Estancias which contains 21 pieces depicting for example, grand libraries containing nothing and no-one, empty corridors leading to

Sala B, Tenerife Auditorio de Tenerife, Espacio de Santa las Artes Cruz (TEA), Santa Cruz April 7 & April 8, 8.30pm April 10, Until May6pm 2, Tuesday & 9pm to Sunday April 11, 10am to 5pm 8pm & 8.30pm

mysterious places which you never see, or rooms in which only one chair can speak to anyone who contemplates its history. Emptiness within an area created by man. The second section, Residencias, takes you to streets and plazas, making them look as though they have just stepped out of the rural countryside, or complex urban scenes, and like Estancias, man is present without actually being there. In the third section, Presencias, the difference is that the centre of attention is man: we see faces, bodies, contemplative looks, hands, legs and gestures. This exhibition offers a private look at the Universe, each exhibit telling its own story and providing much food for thought.

APRIL 2010

What’s on

Tenerife Island Authority Cultural and Leisure Activities

Exhibition “Carlos Schwartz”

Vídeos from the Colección Ordóñez Falcón de Fotografía Dates: Until 11 April Time: 10.00 – 20.00 (closed Mondays) Venue: TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 849 057



TEA Cinema: “Amazing Grace”

Dates: 2nd, 3rd & 4th Times: 19.00 & 21.30 Venue: TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 849 057



DATE VI Poetry Marathon

Time: 10.00 – 22.00 Venue: Cabildo Bookstore District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 151 650


Exhibition “A world of wine and surrealist impressions”

Hans Peter Albert Dates: 9-23 April Time: 09.00 - 21.00 (except Mondays) Venue: Casa del Vino District: El Sauzal Information: 922 572 535



Spring Music

Tenerife Brass Brands concerts Dates: 11th, 18th & 25th Time: 11.30 Venue: Auditorio de Tenerife District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 902 317 327




The Muses Tour

Dates: 17th & 18th Times: 10.00 a 14.00 Venue: Museo de Historia y Antropología (Casa de Carta) District: La Laguna Information: 922 825 949




Expohostel Food Fair

Dates: 19-22 Time: 10.00 a 20.00 Venue: Centro Internacional de Ferias y Congresos de Tenerife District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 238 400

Picasso and African Sculpture

The origins of “The ladies of Avignon” Dates: 29 April-22 August Time: 10.00 – 20.00 (closed Mondays) Venue: TEA District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 849 057 This guide may be subject to last minute changes.

The Muses Tour

Dates: 3rd & 4th Times: 10.00 a 14.00 Venue: Museo de Historia y Antropología (Casa Lercaro) District: La Laguna Information: 922 825 949



TEA Cinema: “Home”

Times: 19.00 & 21.30 Venue: TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 849 057



Music Recital Sergio Linares y Colaterales

Time: 20.00 Venue: Cabildo Bookstore District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 151 650



Poems in concert with Joel Angelino

Time: 20.00 Venue: Cabildo Bookstore District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 151 650





Audiovisual Talk by Ramón Santos



Tenerife Symphony Orchestra Concert

Conductor: Lü Jia. Soloists: Guillermo González (piano) & Alberto Feria (bass). Time: 20.30 Venue: Auditorio de Tenerife District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 849 080



TEA Cinema: “Je veux voir”

Dates: 16th, 17th & 18th Times: 19.00 & 21.30 Venue: TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 849 057



Reymala: “La reunión de los Zanni”

Tenerife Theatre & Dance Tour

Time: 11.00 Venue: Auditorio Municipal District: El Sauzal

Time: 20.00 District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 151 650

Time: 20.30 Venue: Museo de Historia y Antropología - Casa Lercaro District: La Laguna Information: 922 825 949



Reymala: “La reunión de los Zanni”

Tenerife Theatre & Dance Tour

Time: 20.30 Venue: Teatro Unión de Tejina District: La Laguna



Clapso: “Alice in Wonderland”

Tenerife Theatre & Dance Tour

Time: 20.30 Venue: Teatro-Cine-Auditorio District: Guía de Isora



TEA Cinema: “El niño pez”

Dates: 23rd, 24th & 25th Times: 19.00 & 21.30 Venue: TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 849 057

Pedro Guerra Concert

Time: 21.00 Venue: Auditorio de Tenerife District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 902 317 327

Conductor: Lü Jia. Solist: Li Wei (violonchelo) Time: 20.30 Venue: Auditorio de Tenerife District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 849 080

Slava’s Snow Show

Dates: 7th, 8th, 10th & 11th Times: 20.30 (7th & 8th), 18.00 & 21.30 (10th) and 17.00 & 20.30 (11th) Venue: Auditorio de Tenerife District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 902 317 327


Tenerife Symphony Orchestra Concert

The density of the air, the lightness of the earth Dates: Until 30 May Time: 10.00 – 20.00 (closed Mondays) Venue: TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 849 057




Exhibition “La Colección 2”


Time: From 11.30 to 13.30 Venue: TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 849 057


Museum Nights

Rita Marrero Dates: Until 9 May Time: 10.00 – 20.00 (closed Mondays) Venue: TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 849 057

Experimental photography workshop for kids

Musical Whims Isla Baja



Exhibition Área 60 “Normas sobre fugas”

Workshop “El ojo instantáneo”

Piano recital by María Lorenzo Time: 20.00 Venue: Ex convento de San Francisco District: Garachico Information: 922 239 269 / 922 830 204

Time: 19.00 Venue: Auditorio de Tenerife District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 902 317 327



Colección Los Bragales Dates: Until 2 May Time: 10.00 – 20.00 (closed Mondays) Venue: TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 849 057




Tránsitos Festival 2010

World Music


Exhibition “Estancias, residencias, presencias”

Cuarto Oscuro “Impressions”

Carlos Schwartz Dates: Until 11 April Time: 10.00 – 20.00 (closed Mondays) Venue: TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 849 057




Lyrical Tuesdays

Dates: 13th & 20th Time: 20.30 Venue: Auditorio de Tenerife District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 902 317 327



Tenerife Symphony Orchestra Family Concert

La Casa de las Cosas Conductor: Domingo Hindoyan. Narrator: Manuela Mira Time: 12.00 Venue: Auditorio de Tenerife District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 849 080



Tenerife Symphony Orchestra Concert

Conductor: Muhai Tang Time: 20.30 Venue: Auditorio de Tenerife District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 922 849 080



La Casa de las Cosas

Children’s Musical Time: 18.00 Venue: Auditorio de Tenerife District: S/C de Tenerife Information: 902 317 327

Plus... Castles tour: a guided, dynamic tour for schools and the general public around the castles of Tenerife. A chance to discover these attractive listed buildings which are under conservation order (Heritage Protection Law). School visits: from Oct-June (every Wednesday). Other groups: all year round (Saturdays). Reservations required. Please telephone 922 825 949 / 43. Educational Activities: a selection of courses staged by the Tenerife

History & Anthropology Museums at Casa Lercaro and Casa de Carta. Reservations required. Please telephone 922 825 949 / 43 (Casa Lercaro) and 922 546 300 (Casa de Carta) Guided Tours: guided tours of exhibitions at TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes are available on Saturdays (at 18.00) and Sundays (at 12.00). For further information please call 922 849 098 (Mondays to Fridays 10.00 - 14.00) or at the ticket office at TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes.


island scene

, Slava s Snowshow Slava’s Snowshow is unlike anything you have ever seen before – a world of wonder combining hilarity and poignancy with stunning spectacle and breathtaking images; an unmistakably unique comedy masterpiece. The ensemble cast of clowns use water, cobwebs, bubbles and dry ice to dazzling effect; a world of wonder in which a bed becomes a boat, a cotton spider’s web envelops the audience and one tiny piece of paper begins a blinding, heart-stopping snowstorm that engulfs an awestruck audience in a blizzard of sparkling snowflakes. This is an original interactive show which brings different natural phenomena to the theatre stage as well as forming a new way of viewing the tradition of circus and mime.

Auditorio de Tenerife, Santa Cruz April 7 & April 8, 8.30pm April 10, 6pm & 9pm April 11, 5pm & 8.30pm

This internationally acclaimed show, winner of the Time Out, Olivier awards and Drama Desk award for ‘unique theatrical experience’ has already delighted and touched three million theatregoers in 100 cities in 30 countries. Slava Polunin co-founded the Circo del Sol and people call him the ‘best clown in the world’. His show is celebrated as a ‘theatre classic of the 20th century’. Now Slava brings this amazing show, of which the audience forms part, to Tenerife. The show is appropriate for all the family, but recommended for those over eight years of age. Tickets €37 to €45 from www.generaltickets. com,, or at the Auditorium box office. A blizzard of snowflakes falls over the audience

APRIL 2010

(,/ `

Closer than you think

f l o G ’ t s o C ‘LTheow The The t’ Golf s o C w o L f f ‘ l l o o G G ’ ’ t t s s o o C C w w o o ‘LThe ‘L The The



N MOTHIO TELS PRO G O ion RMIN at CHA mmod d acco % nts an

25 -30 - May


% il r p A

ade in

Canariasviaja - Agencia Minorista-Mayorista I.C.94 C.C.Bulevar loc 56, 38003 S/C de Tenerife.

Madeira. Pure beauty in spring eZg eZghdc

LOS PALOS Quinta Perestrello 4* GHeritage O L F CHouse E N T(3Rnights) E



9Flight H O+ L Quinta E S · P(in A doble R 2 room 7 BB)

f l o G ’ t s o Cost’ G C w w o o L L ‘‘L‘ (for

gs m bookin

LOS LOS PALOS Golf Club during May. FreeValid from Driving Children’s Sports G O L Fbefore CPALOS EApril N T RE * Prices applicable any island withChipping no additional cost (for reservations made 30). Teacher Rental Trolley Range Green Restaurant Playground G O L F C EShop NTRE G O L F C E N9T H RE Limited availability. Discounts included. Departures Thursdays and Sundays. O L E S · PA R 2 7

· Pat: A R 2 7 H O L E S · P A R 29 7 H O L E S Book Ctra. Guaza, Las Galletas, Km. 7, 38636 Arona, Tenerife • Tel: 922 169 080 • Fax: 922 169 238 • Email:9 Fly with: •



Free ClubDriving Trolley Rental Range

Golf Free Golf Teacher Club Rental Teacher Teacher Rental Trolley


Free Chipping Range Trolley Green

LOS Chipping




Driving Sports Children’s Sports Children’s Green G Chipping Shop O L F Restaurant C E NRestaurant T R E ShopPlayground RangeRestaurant Green Playground Shop Playground You can see more offers online, or call 902 003 949 (9am to 5pm) 9




2 7

Ctra. Guaza, Las Galletas, Km. 7, 38636 Arona, Tenerife Tel: 922 169 169 238 Email: •Arona, • Guaza, Las Galletas, Km. 7, 38636 Tenerife Tel: 169922 080 922•169 238 • Ctra. Guaza, Las Galletas, Km. 7,Ctra. 38636 Arona, Tenerife 922 169 080 922 169 238•922 Email: •080 • Fax: • • Tel: • Fax: •Fax: •Email: Chipping FreeGolf Club Free Driving Driving Chipping Children’s Sports Green Trolley Teacher Rental Trolley Range Range Green Restaurant Playground Shop

We offer a variety of legal services to English- speaking visitors andWe Expats Weincluding: offer a variety legal services to Englishspeaking visitors offer aalike, variety of legal to Englishvisitors We offer a variety ofservices legalofservices to speaking Englishspeaking visitors and Expats alike, including: and Expats alike, including: of legal ser vices to We offer a variety of legal services to English- speaking visitors and Expats alike, including: ENGLISH LAW SPANISH LAW

ona, Ctra. T enerife el: 69 080 Guaza, Las Galletas, Km. 7, 38636 Arona, TenerifeT 922 169 080 922 Email: • • Fax: • Tel: • Fax: 922 169 238 •1 •

ncluding: and Expats alike, including: (MATTERS WITHIN SPANISH LAW SPANISH LAW






(MATTERS WITHIN THIN (MATTERS WITHIN • Property Sale and Purchase / Conveyancing •Law Witnessing / Swearing documents • Property Sale and Purchase / Conveyancing • Witnessing / Swearing documents • Spanish Wills • Family & Divorce ENGLAND & WALES) TENERIFE / SPAIN) ENGLAND & WALES) PAIN) TENERIFE / SPAIN) • Spanish Wills • Spanish Wills • Family Law & Divorce • Family Law & Divorce • Translation of Spanish Documents • Landlord & Tenant • Translation of Spanish Documents • Translation of Spanish Documents e / Conveyancing • •Property Sale andand Purchase / Conveyancing / Swearing documents •/Landlord & Tenant Property Sale and Purchase / Conveyancing • Witnessing • Landlord & Tenant • Witnessing Swearing documents • Family Law • Family Law and Divorce • Family Law andDivorce Divorce lls • Spanish Wills • Disputes & Debt Recovery • Family Law & Divorce • Disputes & Debt Recovery • Spanish Wills • Disputes & Debt Recovery • Family Law & Divorce • Legal Disputes &&Debts • Legal Disputes & Debts • Legal Disputes Debts • Translation of Spanish Documents h Documents • Landlord & Tenant • Wills & Probate • Wills & Probate • Wills & Probate • Translation • Contracts • Contracts • Contracts Divorce • Family Law of andSpanish Divorce Documents • Landlord & Tenant • Disputes & Debt Recovery • Company Law • Company Law Law • Family Law and• Timeshare Divorce Issues • Company & Debts • •Legal Disputes & Debts Timeshare Issues • Timeshare Issues • Disputes & Debt Recovery Wills & Probate s • Contracts • Business Start-ups •• Business Law ••Business Start-ups Legal Disputes &• Business Debts Law • Business Law • Business Start-ups

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Club Atlantis, San Eugenio Club Atlantis, San Eugenio

Club Atlantis, San Eugenio

pm pm discus s your . for a no-obligation quotation or toSolicitors discuss needs yournow needs. Hours: 9.30am - 1.00 pm / 2 pm - 6 pm Opening Hours: Mon - Thu:Opening 9.30am - 1.00 /Mon 2 pm --6Thu: Call Tenerife on Club Eugenio am Atlantis, Alternatively, visit our website Fri:/ 9.30 -am1 pm / 2 pm -pm5 pm. Sat / Sun: Closed Fri: 9.30 - 1 pm / 2 pm -San 5 pm. Sat Sun:amClosed website Alternatively, visit our website pm pm

922 71 78 45

or email us at

Hours: Mon - who Thu: 9.30 1.00 / 2who are- 6 Op Hours: Mon -& Thu: 9.30 1.00 -- 6Solicitors Tenerife Solicitors is-aare trading name/ of2 HATRICK & CO SOLICITORS, regulated by both the Solicitors Regulation Tenerife Opening SolicitorsOpening is a trading name of HATRICK CO SOLICITORS, regulated by both the Regulation ors .com am pmofofEngland Authority ( the College Abogados (Lawyers) in Tenerife ( We also Authority of England & Wales ( the Abogados (Lawyers) in Tenerife ( Weof also am pm pm Fri: 9.30 -9.30 1 pm /and 2 pm ./Sat /&Sun: Closed Fri: --College 1for5separate 2 pm -Wales 5Indemnity .and Sat / and Sun: hold Professional Insurance Policies forClosed £2 Million hold separate Professional Indemnity Insurance Policies £2 Million GBP in England €3 Million EU in Tenerife in the GBP in England and €3 Million EU in Tenerife in the or email us at for a no-obligation quotation or to discuss your needs. event of a professional claim against us. n e r i fe S o l i ci t or email us at unlikely event a professional claim bothunlikely Te Tenerife Solicitors is a trading name of HATRICK & COofSOLICITORS, who are against regulated the Solicitors Regulation Tenerife Solicitors is a trading name of College HATRICK &Club CO SOLICITORS, who( are regulated the Solicitors Regulation Au t h o r i t y of En Authority of England & Wales ( and the of Abogados (Lawyers) in Tenerife We by alsoboth Atlantis, San Eugenio tors .com h o lWe d hold separate Professional Indemnity Insurance Policies for £2 Million England and €3 Million EU(Lawyers) in Tenerife in the Authority of England & Wales ( andGBP theinCollege of Abogados Tenerife ( also s e p a r ate P Alternatively, visit our website unlikely event of aInsurance professionalPolicies claim against hold separate Professional Indemnity for us. £2 Million GBP in England and €3 Million EU in Tenerife in the


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am Opening Hours: Mon Thu: - 1.00 pm / 2 pm - 6 pm unlikely event of a professional claim-against us. 9.30 Fri: 9.30am - 1 pm / 2 pm - 5 pm. Sat / Sun: Closed

Tenerife Solicitors is a trading name of HATRICK & CO SOLICITORS, who are regulated by both the Solicitors Regulation Authority of England & Wales ( and the College of Abogados (Lawyers) in Tenerife ( We also hold separate Professional Indemnity Insurance Policies for £2 Million GBP in England and €3 Million EU in Tenerife in the unlikely event of a professional claim against us.

Your new Marks Marks & Spencer Spencer SIMPLY FOOD FOOD Your new new Marks MarksYour & Spencer Spencer SIMPLY FOOD SIMPLY new & Your & SIMPLY FOOD Y our new M Your new Marks & Spencer SIMPLY FOOD Y our new Yourbe & Spencer SIMPLY FOOD will be as as fresh as the the bread baked baked there. there. M will benew as Marks fresh as the bread baked there. will be fresh as bread will as fresh as the bread baked there. will be as fre will be as fresh as the bread baked there.

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will be be as as fresh fresh as as the the bread bread baked baked there. there. will Your new new Marks Marks & & Spencer Spencer SIMPLY SIMPLY FOOD FOOD Your will be be as as fresh fresh as as the the bread bread baked baked there. there. will

Bethencourt Alfonso, 10 Bethencourt Alfonso, 10 Bethencourt Alfonso, 10 Bethencourt



health & beauty

The advantages of implantology The loss of a tooth, for whatever reason, be it accidental, from a lack of general dental care or tooth decay is not such a dramatic event as it used to be. The advantages of implantology give us the chance to smile once again.

When to have an implant The loss of a natural tooth has always been a problem whether for the function it performs or from the aesthetic point of view. Replacement only used to be possible by using a prosthesis which would be fixed to the teeth next to the missing one – a complicated operation to prevent chafing, and house the crown to replace the missing tooth. When the number and quality of the teeth was not sufficient for the construction of a fixed prosthesis, we had to make a moveable total or partial prosthesis. Thanks to implantology, this type of prosthesis is on the way to disappearing completely.

What is implantology? Dental implantology consists of inserting posts into

the mandibular or maxilar bone and once the post has




1. Minimally invasive flapless approach with the tissue punch 2. Implant placement 3. Final zirconium oxide ceramic abutment 4. Temporary acrylic crown for provisional non functional loading 5. All-ceramic zirconium-oxide crown as a final fixed prosthetic restoration


APRIL 2010

health & beauty

Conscious sedation is ideal for nervous patients

integrated with the bone, it can support an artificial tooth. Most posts are cylindrical and they come in various widths and lengths, so that they can be used in situations with different bone conditions. They are made of titanium, a metal which is often used in surgery for its biological neutrality, meaning that they are easy for the human body to accept., with minimum risk of rejection. After insertion of the post into the bone, we have to wait no more than four months before we mount the artificial tooth on the post. This tooth can be made of ceramic metal, resin or composite, and all these materials are of optimum aesthetic value.

Implant techniques With the traditional method, we have to make an incision in the gum and pull it away from the bone, and for this reason we have to use a large amount of anaesthetic. The good news is that the insertion of an implant using the latest techniques is done very quickly and is painless. The new ‘transmucosa’ or ‘flapless’ method is the least invasive. We insert the implants by creating a small opening with a calibrated dentist’s drill, without the use of a scalpel. This method has the following benefits: n

The patient needs less drugs prior to surgery n A smaller dose of anaesthetic can be administered n Scalpels are not used n No stitching is required n There is less bleeding n The surgery takes less time n The operation is simpler and poses less risks n It is easy to take a plaster cast




It is easier to create provisional teeth The surgery costs less n There is no bruising n There is no swelling n Post-operative discomfort or pain is reduced by 90 per cent n The patient needs less drugs following the operation n The risk of post-surgery infection is low n The return to normal life is rapid n

Conscious sedation The latest service offered is conscious sedation with maximum safety levels for the patient. This type of sedation consists of provoking a level of slightly depressed consciousness where the patient retains the ability to breathe independently and continually, and to respond to physical stimuli and verbal instructions. Throughout this process, the patient is checked and monitored by a specialist. This type of sedation can be used for adults and children, during implant operations or any other speciality treatment. For more information or for appointments, contact Clìnica Dental It, C/Mar del Norte 31, Local 3, Playa San Juan. Tel: 922 138 887

the magazine





All photos: w w

Spanish fashion at its best was displayed in Madrid for six days in February, during which 51 designers showed their collections in 43 fashion shows. Here are just a few of their creations for Autumn and Winter 2010.


APRIL 2010


the magazine






APRIL 2010


the magazine






APRIL 2010


the directory

the magazine

the essential business guide to tenerife


health & beauty




night life








trade /professional






health & beauty


directory CC Fañabé Plaza Av. Bruselas, Local 355 2nd Floor, Playa Fañabé 10am – 6pm

922 714 225 CC El Camison, local 53 Playa de las Américas 10am-12pm & 3pm-7pm appointments available outside these hours

922 798 587 Los Cristianos Puerto de la Cruz Monday to Friday 9am – 1pm / 4pm – 8pm

922 788 328 Calle Perez Zamora 28 (close to Plaza del Charco) Puerto de la Cruz Monday to Friday 10am - 1pm and 5pm - 8pm

922 372 937 Los Cristianos Calle Montaña Chica s/n

922 795 021 Playa de las Américas CC San Eugenio

922 715 891

C/ Mar del Norte 31, loc. 3 Playa San Juan Monday to Friday 10am - 1pm and 3.30pm - 7.30pm

922 138 887



Dental Clinic Fañabe Plaza Wide range of cutting edge dental techniques including laser treatments and computer guided surgical procedures, guaranteed results. Achieve a great smile with the most up-to-date therapies.

emergency phone

687 744 225


Zenzi Now exclusively offering Nora Bode Oxyjet System. Outstanding customer care, an extensive range of treatments with quality products at competitive prices. Guinot & Matis stockist.

Dental Implants and Periodontics

Instituto Europeo de Implantologia Dental Qualified in dental surgery and periodontics, member of leading academies with diplomas obtained in France and the USA, this Implantology Institute can solve all periodontal problems.


Xazzperfumeria Excellent brands and outstanding quality. Cosmetics: Leading Beauty Farms, Clinica Ivo Pitanguy, Bakel, Ingrid Millet, Sensai. Perfumes: Bond No. 9, Creed, Serge Lutens, Etro etc.

DENTAL clinic

Family Dental Plaza A team of professionals dedicated to offering a holistic dental service for all the family, established 15 years ago. Payment financing up to five years possible.

Dental Implant Specialists

Clinica Dental.It We offer the latest in dental technology and expertise to ensure that you receive the highest possible standards of dental care, with the latest pain free techniques for dental implants.

APRIL 2010

Jewellers & major stockist of ‘Guess’ handbags

Royal Crown We are an established name you can trust with 24 years of experience. Wide selection of jewellery, designer watches, „NAO“ Figurines & a breathtaking collection of ‘Guess’ bags and purses.


TIBU Luxury, quality, style and sophistication. World renowned music, artists and performers with a service and hospitality that makes everyone feel like a VIP.

sealife and adventure excursions

Want Maximum Family Fun? We have family adventure trips for families wanting a boat excursion with more to do. Call for details now because of booking constraints. Book risk free - money back guarantee.

chinese Restaurant

China Town To experience true Asian cuisine visit this restaurant with style and taste, dine in a special place and try one of their Din Sun specialities.

chinese restaurant

Slow Boat 1 Exquisite Chinese cuisine with the new Japanese Teppanyaki. Ideal for parties. Delivery service available. THE original Slow Boat.

the magazine

Calle Galván Bello Edificio Ocean Golf Golf del Sur Monday to Saturday 10am – 4pm and 5.30pm – 9.30pm Sunday10.30am – 2.30pm



922 749 742

922 737 130 nightlife

Specialists in quality Swiss prostheses and implants using the latest conscious sedation techniques for extremely nervous patients. High standard clinic adapted for the handicapped.

Next to the Hotel Las Palmeras Playa de Las Américas

630 718 940 excursions

Medical Implant

Avenida Los Abrigos, 21 Los Abrigos Granadilla de Abona Monday to Friday 8.30am – 7.30pm

Puerto Colón 8am to sunset info@

616 971 613 CC Las Carabelas, Loc. 1 San Eugenio Bajo 12.30pm – 3.30pm 6.30pm – midnight Wednesday to Sunday


dental clinic

922 714 615 1st Floor Puerto Colón 6pm – 11.30pm



I health & beauty


922 713 416





CC Passarela Oasis Los Cristianos Alto

spanisch / canarian

steak house


Kitchen open Monday to Saturday 1pm – 11pm Sundays 7pm – 11pm

922 788 872 Peatonal Estocolmo Between Avda Juan XXIII and Avda Suecía Los Cristianos from 3pm every day Kitchen closes 11pm

Bianco Duo Italian restaurant and cocktail bar bringing something new to Los Cristianos. Live background music every night, lunch and children’s menu available. Easy parking.

steak house

Texas Best quality meat served in a traditional atmosphere. Look out for the T-bone steak and the rack of lamb.

922 791 103 El Ancla 21, Calle El Jable Callao Salvaje Midday – 11pm Closed Wednesdays

922 741 518 Parque Cattleya Avda Santiago Puig Playa de las Américas


1pm – 4pm and 6pm – late


922 752 303 Avenida Manuel Hermoso Rojas, 2 Santa Cruz de Tenerife

922 595 200 trade / professional

italian restaurant

Club Atlantis San Eugenio

922 717 845


spanish & canarian Restaurant

La Romántica Mediterranean cuisine in the seaside village of Callao Salvaje. Excellent kitchen, stylish service, flambéed crêpes a house speciality. Open daily from midday.


Balkonen Great food served in a good atmosphere. Stroganoff and Lebanese dishes are highly recommended. Don’t miss the hubbly bubbly pipes.


Miguel Torres Canarias SA Supplying the finest wines and liquors to the Canary Islands from the Torres bodega, world leaders in the top wine and brandy sectors.


Tenerife Solicitors Tenerife Solicitors can advise and assist you with a variety of legal matters in both Tenerife and in England and Wales without you having to leave the island.

APRIL 2010

ACI RENT A CAR Chauffeur driven Hummer for hire for hen parties, corporate events and any other special occasions. ACI RENT A CAR can provide exotic vehicles for photo and promotional events.

holiday rental

Nexus Villas and Vistas Villas and Vistas specialises in rental both short and long term in both the North and South of Tenerife.

Calle Araujo 13 Las Chafiras

693 986 121 Calle AceviĂąo 49 Urb. La Paz Puerto de la Cruz



I trade / professional


922 378 500

Premier Properties Tenerife The Premier Estate Agent in the South of Tenerife. We believe very strongly in traditional family values, quality of service and sound professional honest advice at all times.


Hotel Gran Rey Close to the beach, the hotel allows guests to take advantage of its natural surroundings, with different activities and tours. If you love nature, Hotel Gran Rey is the right place for you.


Hotel Botanico Classic, elegant and peaceful, this 5-star luxury hotel offers accommodation combined with high class restaurants and leisure facilities including the Oriental Spa Garden.


Hotel JardĂ­n Tecina Standing atop a cliff overlooking the Atlantic, this unique tourist complex is set in lush gardens and close to Tecina Golf. Ideal for a healthy and relaxing break.

the magazine

La Baranda, 14 Calle Alemania San Eugenio Alto, Adeje info@premier

695 822 120 La Puntilla, Valle Gran Rey La Gomera

922 805 859 Avda. Richard J. Yeoward 1 Puerto de la Cruz

922 381 400 Lomada De Tecina s/n Playa Santiago, La Gomera hotel_jardintecina

902 222 140 21


estate agency


Tenerife Drives

Isla Baja To get to Isla Baja from the south, take the TF-82 through Santiago del Teide, and from the north, the TF-5 through Icod, and you will see some beautiful villages which are not frequently visited by the majority of tourists.

All photos: w w w.inselt



Isla Baja, situated in the north-west of Tenerife, has many viewpoints (miradors) where you can park your car off the road, admire the stunning views and take photos. Take a look at the panoramic views which can be seen from La Atalaya or from the Lomo Molino viewpoints. It is a very relaxed and laid-back way of life in Isla Baja, or at least that is the way it seems to the visitor. Of the four municipalities making up the area, Garachico was originally the most important. It was the commercial capital of the island until its busy port and much of the town was buried under lava during the eruption of the Trevejo volcano in 1706. The lava flows which reached the sea can be seen now in the form of numerous natural rock swimming pools. These are a must for visitors as you can walk along the many paths and spend hours watching tropical fish in their natural habitat. The olde worlde town centre still contains reminders of times gone by with its important historical buildings and cobbled streets. The old monastery of St Francis of Assisi, now

APRIL 2010



This is an outstanding area for natural landscapes

the magazine




The stunning countryside of Buenavista del Norte


a museum, is the starting point of a highly recommended walking tour. To reach El Tanque from Garachico, drive uphill towards San Pedro de Daute along the TF-421. El Tanque is a small country town which has benefitted from emigration in the past, with the money the emigrants sent back forming a large part of the local economy. It is situated within an agricultural district, surrounded by potato and cereal crops, grapevines and fodder for cattle which have formed the income of the local population for centuries. It is the only place in Tenerife where you can find vegetable patches for threshing. Alternatively, to get to Los Silos, take the TF-42. Los Silos is a picturesque little town whose initial commercial success was in the production of grain, cereals and sugar, hence its name. Surrounded by rolling green countryside suitable for trekking enthusiasts, it contains attractive plazas, traditional Canarian architecture and cobbled streets. Its church, the 16th century Iglesia de Nuestra Se単ora de La Luz forms the main attraction and is well worth a visit.

Further along the coast, we arrive at Buenavista del Norte, a small town with numerous attractions, now the home of a magnificent golf course, located next to the rugged and rocky natural coastline which houses enticing coves and which has a good footpath. This is an outstanding area for natural landscapes which has seen a growth in coastal and rural tourism in recent years. Despite this, it remains loyal to its traditions and has some beautiful settlements such as the valley of Palmar, Teno Alto, Masca and Los Carrizales. Along the coast you will find many places ideal for a swim and most importantly, an array of restaurants where you can stop and enjoy fresh fish with Canarian potatoes and mojo sauce at more than reasonable prices. The Teno Rural Park is a protected natural space where traditional architecture fits naturally into the beautiful landscape. It is a true paradise for nature enthusiasts, especially bird lovers, and belongs to the districts of Buenavista del Norte, Los Silos, El Tanque and Santiago del Teide.

APRIL 2010





A fascinating supercar


APRIL 2010


Design elements from the worlds of aviation and motorsport are apparent throughout

The Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG is a fascinating supercar which features a distinctively pure design, superior dynamics and levels of safety and everyday practicality which are the hallmarks of Mercedes-Benz. The ideal weight distribution (47:53 percent between front and rear axles) and low centre of gravity underline the uncompromising nature of its sports car concept. With its unique gullwing doors, the SLS AMG is a true icon of automotive design with striking looks. The exciting interplay between concave and convex surfaces, combined with understated features such as retractable rear spoiler, create an unforgettable visual impact while classic sports car proportions, the long bonnet, wide track and short overhangs, heighten the car’s dynamism and power. The characteristic curved design of the opened gullwing doors extends to other parts of the car, the side mirrors, tail lights, the 3-spoke steering wheel, and the flow of the contrasting top-stitching from the centre console to the instrument panel. The interior offers the same level of sports styling as the exterior, with design elements from the worlds of aviation and motorsport apparent throughout. The SLS AMG is the first vehicle launched

the magazine

by Mercedes-Benz and AMG to feature an aluminium chassis and body, generating a significant weight saving compared with traditional steel construction. The new bodyshell comprises an aluminium spaceframe weighing a mere 241 kg. By

This vehicle creates an unforgettable visual impact





Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Capacity cc Engine Acceleration 0-100kmh Fuel consumption av. CO2 emissions av., g/km Compression ratio Transmission Top speed Kerb weight (kg)

6,208 AMG V8 petrol, belt-driven supercharger 3.8 seconds 13.2 litres/100km 308 11.3 : 1 7 speed Speed shift DCT AMG 197mph/ 317kmh 1,620 using cast aluminium, components can be tailored for thickness depending on their load requirements, so maximum strength can be achieved at high stress points such as the roof side member which supports the gullwing doors. Where less strength is required components can be significantly thinner, offering major weight savings. This exclusive design offers outstanding rigidity, gives extremely dynamic handling and the aluminium spaceframe meets all passive safety requirements specified for a new Mercedes-Benz vehicle. The advanced AMG 6.3 litre V8 engine produces a peak output of 571 hp (420 kW) at 6,800 rpm, making this one of the most powerful sports cars in its segment. Accelerating from 0-62mph takes just 3.8


seconds. The 8-cylinder engine reacts with agility to the accelerator and demonstrates greater responsiveness across the entire engine speed range. Dry sump lubrication allows a significantly lower engine mounting position, with the resulting lower centre of gravity enabling high lateral acceleration and scintillating vehicle dynamics. The interior delivers authentic motorsport functionality, legendary Mercedes safety standards and outstanding ergonomic qualities. A range of fine materials, including nappa leather and real metal trim (real carbon trim available as an option), emphasise the hand-finished character of the SLS interior and reveal meticulous attention to detail. Electrically adjustable sports seats with integrated head restraints provide optimum lateral support and excellent comfort for long journeys. The AMG Performance leather steering wheel in 3-spoke design with flat lower section and 365mm rim, gearshift paddles, and real metal highlights emphasise the vehicle’s authentic hand-finished character, as does the attractive instrument cluster. Standard features include hand-stitched Designo leather with contrasting topstitching on the instrument panel, sports seats, door interior trim and armrests. The Media Interface and DVD changer also feature as standard. Comfort can be enhanced with an attractive range of optional extras, including the new Bang & Olufsen sound system and the interior carbon package. The latest news is that there are plans for the SLS AMG to be produced with electric drive, meaning zero emissions. This would transform the vision of powerful emissionfree super sports cars into reality thanks to an innovative drive system: powerful forward thrust is provided by four electric motors with a combined peak output of 392 kW and a maximum torque of 880 Nm. The four electric motors are positioned near the wheels, substantially reducing the unsprung

APRIL 2010

driving masses compared to wheel-hub motors and giving a low centre of gravity. One transmission per axle transmits the power. This intelligent all-wheel-drive system allows dynamically optimised power transmission without any losses by means of Torque Vectoring – in other words the specifically targeted acceleration of individual wheels. In its first pilot phase, the SLS AMG with electric drive incorporates a liquid-cooled high-voltage lithium-ion battery of modular design with an energy content of 48 kWh and a capacity of 40 Ah. The 400-volt

the magazine

battery is charged by means of targeted recuperation during braking whilst the car is being driven. The electrically driven SLS AMG delivers an unequivocal statement: the swingwing model accelerates from zero to 100 km/h in around four seconds, putting it on the same high level as the SLS AMG with a 6.3-litre V8 engine.

For more information about the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG, call 902 996 460, visit your nearest branch of Grupo Rahn or

This is a true icon of automotive design with striking looks





Garibaldi Garibaldi is the second restaurant to be featured in The Magazine which is managed by the Sides family. Cristobal Sides divides his time between his other restaurant, La Torre del Mirador in Costa Adeje and the Garibaldi, which has been open for some two and a half years. Centrally situated at Park Club Europe opposite the Hotel Conquistador in a quiet area to the east of Playa de las AmĂŠricas, this enchanting restaurant is not only close to the coast but also easy to find with plenty of parking available nearby. Open from 5pm through to midnight and only closed on Tuesdays, this is definitely

a venue for the more discerning diner and perfectly suitable for a business meal or a romantic evening. You can even just pop in to the small attractive bar area to enjoy a drink and the excellent live music provided every evening from 8.30pm by Darrell Dean Walker who has been entertaining residents and tourists alike in Tenerife for many years. Inside the restaurant, the dĂŠcor is warm and sophisticated with areas which can be curtained off to provide maximum privacy while you dine. Wall and pillar lighting gives maximum effect to the paintings and decorated alcove areas, contrasting with the crisp white tablecloths adorning each table.

Enjoy a perfect evening at this gem of a restaurant


APRIL 2010

All photos: Mark T hornton


Perfect for business gatherings, parties, or a romantic dinner

the magazine






APRIL 2010


The menu at Garibaldi includes an excellent variety of national and international dishes and is designed to suit all nationalities. The presentation of each dish is a delight for those who eat with their eyes. For example, feast your eyes on the speciality which is a marinated tuna salad, or an avocado and king prawn salad for starters. Even a very light melon with ham starter is made to look really special. During your meal, service is quiet, efficient and unobtrusive so you will hardly notice that your table has been cleared and prepared for your next course. For your main course, choose from the separate sections of the menu: fresh local fish and seafood, rice, meat or pasta. Those who enjoy meat could select a succulent steak, veal or lamb chops, duck, or roast shoulder or leg of lamb prepared in Segovian style. From the fish and seafood section you could choose dorada or lubina (both can be served รก la plancha or with a salt crust), merluza, tuna, salmon, cherne, a kebab of fish and king prawns, or a fish and seafood platter for two. Your meal can be served with salad, vegetables, chips or Canarian potatoes, and bread and butter if you wish. Garibaldi also caters for the younger members of the family, and includes items such as chicken nuggets, fish fingers, spaghetti bolognese and chicken breast with chips on the menu. They know that if the children are happy, you will have a wonderful evening. Take your time, relax and enjoy the excellent food and entertainment at Garibaldi and you may even be tempted to try one of their delicious

homemade desserts, ice creams, cakes or fresh fruit in season to round off your meal. Whatever you choose, you can be sure of a perfect evening at this gem of a restaurant, one suitable for very special occasions and which you are bound to want to repeat. Large parties can also be catered for at Garibaldi, make your reservations on 922 795 303.

Darrel Dean Walker provides excellent entertainment

Choose from a variety of national and international dishes

the magazine




homes & gardens

Home sweet home A home is a sanctuary, a comfortable place to be, to escape from the stresses and strains of life, relax, and to enjoy the company of your family and friends. With spring here, maybe all your home needs is a good spring clean, or it could be that you need a few inspiring ideas to bring your pad into the 21st century and give it a totally new look.

A bedroom can be instantly transformed with a new set of bedclothes and matching curtains


You could paint the walls, have your bathroom expertly refurbished and equipped with luxury fittings, decide to have a high technology kitchen, or buy new bedroom and lounge furniture. Sometimes, all that is needed to revive a bedroom is to purchase a new set of sheets, duvet covers, pillowcases and matching cushions and curtains. Within a matter of minutes, you will have transformed the room and if you choose to buy more than one set, you could change the room whenever you wish to match your mood! If you do need to replace your bed, then take a look at the excellent space saving divans available nowadays at most good furniture stores which either open up completely or contain large drawers to provide lots of hidden storage space. The trend for modern bathrooms is to have very compact furniture, raised off the floor, with the emphasis on creating lots of space and using dramatic colour contrasts. With more space available, it is somehow easier to

APRIL 2010

homes & gardens

A little colour goes a long way

the magazine




homes & gardens

Modern kitchens are easy to keep clean

maintain that squeaky clean look. There are many excellent outlets in Tenerife, including some where you can not only buy all the furniture, baths, shower cubicles, sinks, taps and plumbing fittings and accessories that you need, but you can have it all individually designed, made to measure and professionally fitted as well. Complement the furniture and fittings that you have chosen with

the latest in designer wall and floor tiling and you will never want to get out of your bath or Jacuzzi again. To complete the project, visit a specialist in bathroom accessories and buy some lovely fluffy towels and bath mats to match. Modern kitchens are designed to be spacious, even if only in appearance. They also need to be labour saving and easy to wipe clean with lots of smooth surfaces. With new look cupboard units and doors available in a wide choice of colours, marble, granite or other worktops which are virtually indestructible, the latest technology ovens, hotplates and extractors, washing machines, dryers, fridges and freezers,

Ask for design ideas to save space


APRIL 2010

Much more than just a furniture shop Sofas and curtains made to measure

Furniture upholstering

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in the frame

you could have a kitchen equipped to a level which almost takes it into the space age. The top brands, including Balay, Siemens, Miéle and many others are all available at reputable suppliers. Don’t forget to ask your dealer about the government subsidy scheme which applies when you change an old highenergy consuming appliance for a new low consumption model. Tenerife has many excellent kitchen design and fitting companies, some of which are quite exclusive and chic. Ask for a free estimate and your kitchen will be measured by an expert, and a computer generated plan of the suggested new design will be created. If you are tired of cold tiled floors, then why not consider creating a warmer look and feel with wooden parquet flooring. At some more professional outlets, floors can be individually designed to suit your room, or your complete home. Light grey is actually this season’s musthave decorating colour. For textiles such as cushions, flower motifs are the


Modern ideas and shapes bring bathrooms up to date

current trend, especially if they are in lilac or light mauve tones which contrast beautifully with a neutral background such as beige or light grey walls and lounge suite. Play around with pastels, see how light affects them and you will find that just a little colour will go a long way. Finally, if you have a big garden then you could equip it with the latest in quality teak garden furniture, freely available on the island, and maybe a hot tub for the ultimate in luxury.

Teak furniture for your terrace, patio or garden

APRIL 2010

in the frame

Wine Tasting at La Muse Vin

Over 60 gourmets attended this food and wine tasting event organised by Gerald and Vivienne Ruben at La Muse Vin, Marazul. The food was excellent, a great evening was had by all and the wines tasted were: n Prius de Mora単a 2008 n Tajinaste (La Orotava) n Roodeberg 2006 (South Africa) n Albat Elit n Primitivo di Manduria 2007 (Italy) n Enate 2007

the magazine




in the frame

Belgian flavour A recent well attended reception held at Archiauto in Las Chafiras, united various foreign communities and businesspeople. Tenerife’s Belgian community attended the event, at which there was a visit from the Belgian Consul, Don Karel De Pelsmaeker. The Alcalde of San Miguel de Abona and the German, French and Guatemalen consuls also attended.

A good time was had by all

JosĂŠ Manuel and Patro


Alain Villemur and son Christian

APRIL 2010

in the frame


Marco Hernรกndez and Victor Chinea Niebla

Georges de Wintere and Stan Weytjens

the magazine

Belgian Consul Karel De Pelsmaeker with Guatemalan Consul Silvia Vassaux

Dominiek Deknock



in the frame

Divine Soul, Playa de las AmĂŠricas

Packing a punch 1



1. Nicky Cook, Ex WBO Featherweight Champion and Trainer


2. Neil, Robbie and Martzio 3. Rebecca Jade Ruddigan, Darren Jenkins and Mayling Ng 4. Jasmine and Charlene 5. Martzio presenting the trophy to winner Ross 6. Sue Collins and Barbara Gorse 7. Nicole Gorse and Lauren Kirk

5 6



APRIL 2010


Escapea mansion to in

Madeira Less than two hours flight away from the Canaries, Madeira is world famous for its natural beauty and is often referred to as the floating garden in the Atlantic. Awaiting you there are Las Quintas, historical and luxurious mansions situated within lush gardens.

the magazine




profile Step inside and see the splendour of times gone by complemented by all the comforts of a modern hotel with top class service, but offering a more intimate and relaxing atmosphere. Las Quintas often have a gourmet restaurant located within the original building. To stay in a Quinta is to enjoy the essence of Madeira, sleep surrounded by gardens, chill out and enjoy special moments, gourmet dinners, English-style afternoon tea and a personal service. Madeira is relatively small, belonging to Portugal, and for its size it has much to offer. There are historical monuments, squares and streets in the capital, Funchal, plus picturesque villages, delightful gardens, stunning landscapes, volcanic caves, natural rugged coasts, natural beaches and much more to discover and enjoy. Visit one of many museums or the Madeira Story Centre, an interactive museum which teaches you about the island’s history. There are also several churches to visit, or just wander around the centre of Funchal where many buildings have survived from the sugar producing days of the 15th and 16th centuries. You will find new shopping centres all over the island, but the real cultural treat is to visit one of the island’s traditional markets. Originally created for the sale of flowers, nowadays they sell all kinds of agricultural products and local food specialities which you can eat there or take away, plus other

items. Funchal has a coastal promenade and lido area lined by palm trees and bordered by splendid gardens as well as several swimming pools and restaurants from where you can admire amazing sunsets. Madeira’s coastline is known for its crystal clear water and natural swimming pools, but most beaches are pebbled. Imported golden sand can be found in Calheta and Machico, but the most beautiful beaches are to be found in Porto Santo. You could take a ferry or a short flight to this nearby paradise island, known as the golden island. No lush green vegetation there, but miles of golden sand beaches. Madeira lives up to its name, the island of flowers, with its wide variety of colourful gardens and parks which are carefully maintained, displaying a vast array of flowers, plants and trees. Parks and protected areas occupy two-thirds of the island including a laurisilver forest (try the famous levada walks) and several nature reserves. The best time to take a short break and see Madeira’s impressive scenery is during April, May and June when this enormous floating garden is in its moment of splendour. together with Canarian airline BinterCanarias specialise in short inter-island breaks, and Madeira and Marrakesh are ideal for a weekend break to discover what another nearby country has to offer. In Madeira there are Quintas in all the places you have ever dreamed of: in lush gardens on the hillsides overlooking Funchal with wonderful views of the coast; in rural areas within vineyards where you can enjoy the gastronomy and wines of Madeira; Quintas equipped with spas to revive your body and soul, all of these have something special that you will fall in love with. The packages Flight plus Quinta offered by of 3, 4 and 7 nights (flights leave Gran Canaria on Thursdays and Sundays and include connections from the rest of the Canary Islands) are attractively priced during May and June, the ideal time to visit this beautiful The lush green Fountains Path


APRIL 2010


The fabulous Quinta do Furao

island which you can now fly to directly from the Canaries with leading airline BinterCanarias. All offers are available on-line. The offer which stands out is for the Quintas from the Charminghotels Chain (Quinta das Vistas Palace Gardens, Quinta de Monte Panoramic Gardens, Quinta do Estreito Vintage House and Quinta Perestrello, Heritage House) which offer clients staying on half board the opportunity to dine every night in a different Quinta with

free transport (more information on www. has a telephone service in English to answer any questions or to prepare special packages for groups or for golfing breaks: 902 00 39 49 (9am to 5pm weekdays) and you can also request information by email to More information about the Quintas concept is available at www.

Win a trip to Madeira with 3 nights at a Luxury Quinta The prize is for two people including flights connecting with Gran Canaria, and from there direct to Madeira, including a three night stay, bed and breakfast (Thursday to Sunday), in the five star Quinta das Vistas Palace Gardens. Valid for 2010 (subject to availability). Quinta das Vistas is the jewel in the crown of Charming Hotels Madeira, surrounded by 12,000 square metres of centenary gardens featuring fountains, a pond with swans, a pavilion and a minigolf (nine holes). It reflects the luxury and elegance of life in Madeira at the beginning of the twentieth century. Newly created from a prominent manor house, it is superbly positioned on the brow of a hill with fabulous panoramic views of the mountains, the ocean and Funchal city centre which is only five minutes away. To enter, answer the following question and send your answer, along with your name and a contact telephone number, by mail, email ( or fax (details on page 4). The closing date for receipt of entries is Monday April 26th and the winner will be drawn and notified on Tuesday April 27th. Island Connections Media Group staff and their families are not eligible to enter. One entry per person only. If the first name drawn is unavailable after a 24


To which country does the island of Madeira belong?

hour period, the second name chosen will be deemed to be the winner and so on.

the magazine





Around the world on a cruise ship

Photo: Light K night

Photo: Kale v k e vad

by Gerald Ruben


We are now going to leave New Zealand and after a day at sea will be putting into Nuku Alofe, which is situated in the centre of the Northern shore of the island of Tongatapu, which with Eua forms one of the three groups of Friendly Islands. There are about 170 islands although only 36 are inhabited, straddling the Tropic of Capricorn, almost on the International Date Line. Tonga claims to be the first place in the world to see the sun. Their dry land area is about 270 square miles, roughly one-sixth the size of Kent. Tongatapu is the largest, 17 miles long by nine miles wide, about the size of Malta. The population is around 100,000 with almost 99.9 per cent pure Tongans. The word Tonga means South, and the ancient Tongans migrated many centuries ago to their present home, probably from Samoa about 500 miles to the north. The Tongans are a very peace loving and hospitable people who enjoy life to the full. Cannibalism was never a way of life. They have always treated their women with great consideration and descent through high born females was more valued than through male chieftain ancestors. The Tongans are very religious and Sunday is a day for church with Above: One of the many small churches in Tongatapu Below: This Tongan family sit casually on their outrigger canoe – the most natural activity in the world.

APRIL 2010


Photo: Light K night


Calling to the blow-holes of Houma. A couple of small spouts can be seen on the right.

the magazine

work and noise out of the question. The island is run by Taufaahau Tupou the fifth, the son of Queen Salote who won the hearts of the British people at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth. The king has considerable powers and appoints cabinet ministers who hold office until they retire. There is a Prime Minister but there are no political parties. What a wonderful way to live! The dry winter season runs from May to July and December to March is a period of high humidity and heavy rain, and when it rains it rains, but it soon clears up. The major occupations of the female population are Tapa-making and mat weaving with the men involved in agriculture and tourism. Dancing plays a big part in the lives of the people, but men and women will not dance together in Western style. The solo dance is usually performed by a girl who has to be skilled and pretty which in Tonga means soft, supple and shapely. The group dances can involve anything from 20 to 900 performers. Costumes are eye-catching and made from leaves and seeds, flax, flowers and shells, time consuming to make but spectacular to see. The Royal Tombs are just west of the town on the road to Kolovai. The terraced tombs at Mu’a, 12 miles east, are memorials to the ancient Tongan chiefs, Bat Wood 11 miles west is the curious colony of flying foxes, regarded as sacred to the Tongans. These can only be hunted by the Royal family. At

Houma, nine miles south west, are the mighty blow holes, sending water spouts up to 50 feet in the air. One place you must not miss is the cultural centre where you will see everything Tongan as well as one of the most fantastic dance routines that is performed on drifting canoes. Food is top of the list for Tongans, and they have a wonderful selection including roast suckling pig, chicken, crayfish, octopus, pork and vegetables, all steamed in an ‘umu’ an underground oven, as well as a great variety of tropical fruit. The local non alcoholic drink is kava, be careful however, it can produce a state of euphoria if you imbibe too freely. Shopping is mainly for local arts and crafts with coral and pearl jewellery a firm favourite. There are beaches all around the island so swimming, diving and general water sports are everywhere. The official currency is the Paanga but as you will find on most of these islands, the US Dollar, Pound and Euro are accepted in most restaurants and large stores. If you are shopping in local markets or want to take a taxi it would be wise to have some local currency with you. Some useful telephone numbers: Police 922, Hospital 933, British High Commission 24395. One other thing, due to their religious beliefs and so as not to upset the local population revealing dress is unsuitable anywhere. Our next port of call will be Apia, see you there.




Summer golfing in Tenerife A tropical paradise with a natural beauty unique in the world. This is the perfect setting which surrounds the golfer in Tenerife. What really makes Tenerife a privileged destination in the golfing market is its mild and moderate climate all year round, with temperatures ranging between 20 and 25 degrees C creating perfect conditions for playing golf whether it be in the winter or the summer, when many other destinations in the south of Europe experience extremely high temperatures which spoil the golfer’s enjoyment of a good game played on a good course. Tenerife provides a stage which is ideal for golf, with more than 200 different species of native plants, waterfalls, lakes and unrepeatable views of the Atlantic Ocean and Mount Teide. The island’s golf courses have been created amongst these wonderful stage sets by prestigious designers such as


Seve Ballesteros, Dave Thomas, Donald Steel, John Jacobs and Pepe Gancedo. The range of hotels for the golfer is impressive, with more than 20 four to five star establishments and other touristic accommodation offering specialist golfing services. Records indicate that annually, an average of 52,000 golfers visit Tenerife, and that each one plays at five golf courses during his or her stay. Most courses in the province cater for all levels of difficulty and offer an enjoyable route with views over the Atlantic. Tenerife also complements all this with an attractive range of activities related to health and fitness such as luxurious and exotic spas with professional health experts who will pamper golfers following a game.

Summer golfing: Circuit Tenerife La Gomera This, the most important amateur golf circuit in the Canaries to take place in the summer months in the province

APRIL 2010


of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, has been celebrated three times. The circuit is played to the Stableford method of individual handicaps, with three categories for gentlemen and two for ladies, as well as the senior classification and the much valued scratch prize. This year the circuit consists of seven tests which will be played at six of the province’s golf courses: Abama, Buenavista Golf, Golf Costa Adeje, Golf Las Américas and Tecina Golf, including a grand final which will take place at Golf del Sur in which the best classified golfers of general ranking will play. Eager to make each year better than the last, the IV Circuit Tenerife La Gomera will bring new ideas. For the first time the circuit will be open to foreign players who do not have a

the magazine

Spanish federation licence by creating a special mixed category with the condition that there must be a minimum number of entries. The summer golfing season in Tenerife ends in October with the Canarian Champions Tournament which is also a first, an idea of the Federación Canaria de Golf. This tournament will bring together the three highest classified players of each category in the Circuit Tenerife La Gomera, and of the circuit of the province of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

By Tenerife Isla de Golf The Association of Golf Courses in Tenerife and La Gomera





TaylorMade drivers Three years after unveiling Burner 07, the most successful driver in TaylorMade history, the No. 1 driver company in golf is unveiling the next generation of this phenomenal franchise, named simply Burner SuperFast. Weighing just 284 grams (an astounding 14 grams less than the Burner 07 and Burner 09 drivers), Burner SuperFast is a speed demon, designed to deliver increased clubhead speed and superior distance.

Largest clubface of any TaylorMade driver The Burner SuperFast driver’s improved performance starts with a new 460cc clubhead shape that’s sleeker and more aerodynamic than past Burner drivers. This new head also boasts high MOI for tremendous forgiveness, and incorporates the largest clubface of any TaylorMade driver. Measuring an expansive 4,500 square millimetres, the new clubface is 14 per cent larger than Burner 09’s clubface. The larger face is important in light of the fact that the longer club-length of Burner drivers, like Burner SuperFast, makes it more challenging for the average player to make square contact consistently and the larger face gives them more area to strike the ball with. The Burner SuperFast face also features a new bulge and roll design that’s optimised to work with the higher MOI head to maximise forgiveness on off-centre hits. Finally, the clubface incorporates TaylorMade’s renowned Inverted Cone Technology, which promotes faster ball speed on off-centre hits. The Burner SuperFast driver also incorporates TaylorMade’s proven Dual-Crown technology, which both lowers and pulls back the centre of gravity to promote a higher launch angle and increased spin. Introduced in the TaylorMade Tour Burner driver two years ago, and also used in the Burner 09, Dual Crown technology is tremendously valuable.

Longer, Lighter Shaft Promotes Higher Launch Also critical to the Burner SuperFast driver’s performance is its Matrix Ozik XCon 4.8 shaft, which is both ultra-light and tip-soft, helping the golfer generate more ball speed, a higher launch angle and more spin to promote more distance. And at 46.5 inches in length, Burner SuperFast automatically promotes a wide and fast swing arc.

Burner SuperFast: Our Lightest Driver Ever Another vital upgrade to the Burner SuperFast is the new Winn Lite grip that weighs just 30 grams, which is a full 14 grams lighter than the Burner 09’s grip, yet it sacrifices nothing in terms of feel and traction. It’s a critical component to the overall quest to make this club, at 284 grams, the lightest driver ever produced. Put every element of their newest version of SuperFast technology together and you’ve got a driver that screams through the hitting zone to promote more pop at impact for more clubhead speed and distance than any Burner driver ever has and that’s saying something. The best news is that all players can take advantage of Burner SuperFast’s speed and distance benefits, as the driver will also be available in a ladies’ version in its own colour palette. The Burner SuperFast driver is available in three lofts (9.5, 10.5, HT) and Golf products can be purchased at five shaft flexes (L, M, R, S, X). Available Tenerife Golf Shop now at the Tenerife Golf Shop for €279. under new management Say you read this article in The Magazine and get yours for €179, a saving of €100.

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APRIL 2010

f l o G ’ t s o C ‘Low The


Golf Teacher

Club Rental

Free Trolley

Driving Range

Chipping Green





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APRIL 2010

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