APOCALYPSE_NOW IN THE MARKET FOR A CONDO? HOW ABOUT ... A BUNKER? The Day After Tomorrow. Doomsday. This time it was very easy to find a fitting title for this article. Yes, what you are looking at is a high-end nuclear underground bunker, a place for the world elite to prepare for the apocalypse. Many of the 1% have chosen to design their own secret shelters to house their families and staff, a booming business that has seen construction at private estates skyrocketing to 700% in recent years. But while some prefer to bunker down alone or with their families, others prefer the idea of a community to avoid the side-effects of loneliness. Most of us would imagine a concrete room filled with cots and canned goods when it comes to a bunker. And as much as the threat of global annihilation may feel as present as it did during the Cold War, today’s high-security shelters could not be more different from their 20th century counterparts.
There are several developers of community shelters, often using decommissioned military bunkers or missile silos with walls up to 9 ft. thick, avoiding the cost of building these structures. Instead, they take these existing fortified structures and add modern power, filtration and water purification systems. They include food supplies for a year or more, and some even include the comforts of a small town with spas, gyms, a clinic, classrooms and even a movie theater and supermarket. One of these companies offering luxury doomsday condos is Survival Condo. An inverted skyscraper, using a Cold War US government missile silo in (or, better below) central Kansas, has been converted to what must be the most lavish and sophisticated bunker-structure in the world. It reaches 60 meters or 15 stories deep, and will shelter up to 75 people for 5 years from nuclear, chemical, and biological threats. Resort-style. And yes, the filters will also prevent COVID-19 from entering the complex (just make sure no fellow condo owner brings the virus with them). Boasting a total of 54,000 square feet, seven floors are for luxury living with condos that have all the goods a luxury