1 minute read
UNIT 1 Lesson 2
from Teacher's Guide 3
by idiomagic
To acquire the concept of the words boy/girl and their meaning.
Flashcards of the unit, Hello hands (Games), Happy together (Games), Sunshine / Peek ing out / Moon glow (Games).
Playful activities
1 | Begin the class with a revision of the words you have previously taught: Hello, Bye bye, Hi5. Next, holding the masks of boy and girl ask each child which is the one that represents him/her. It is a good idea that as they answer they place the mask on their face.
Teacher: Are you a boy or a girl?
Child: I’m a…
2 | Place the cards of boy, girl, teacher, Hello and Bye bye on the floor. With one big hand touch a character and a greeting, so that your pupils are able to say the corresponding expression.
Children: Bye-Bye, teacher! / Hello, girl! / Bye-Bye, boy!
In order to vary the activity a little, you can ask the children to touch the flashcards they choose, always saying the corresponding expression afterwards.
3 | Now the students will form couples. Start with one team, giving each of them a big hand, so that they can greet each other. Another option is that you take one of the big hands, and give the other one to a child chosen at random.
Children: Hi-5!
4 | Put the cards on the floor and ask a volunteer to select and name one. Then he /she will have to jump on that flashcard. Allow all of your pupils to participate.
5 | With the help of the puppets you will teach Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good Night, ask the children to identify the different elements they see (sun, cloud, moon). Being aware of this notion will be helpful for them in order to differentiate the greetings with regards to the moments of the day. Make them repeat the expressions several times.
6 | From this moment on, you will be able to teach more complex structures that involve the word teacher. Swap the puppets faster to make the activity more entertaining.
Children: Good Morning, teacher! Good Afternoon, teacher!
Go to Let’s Sing!
Page 7 - Find and mark an X For this activity your students will have to explore the scene, looking for a boy and a girl. Once they find them, ask them to mark the characters with an X, using different colors.