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Student's Book

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UNIT 2 Lesson 4

UNIT 2 Lesson 4

Lesson 5



Final revision of the words learnt throughout the unit. Identification of objects based on touching. Flashcards of the unit, paper tape, balloons of different colors, ball, crayons made out of paper, blindfold, beans, glue, objects of your selection.

3 | Propose playing Hot Potato: once the children are in a circle one of them will throw a ball to his/her classmate while they name a color. The second pupil will do the same mentioning another color. The aim of the activity is not to take long mentioning the colors.


Playful activities

1 |

Blow up balloons of different colors and place them in one corner of the classroom. Name a child and ask him/her to grab a balloon of the color you require. He /she will be allowed to keep it: once everybody has their balloon they will deliver a sentence:

Child 1: I have an orange balloon.

Child 2: I have a red balloon.

2 | Using the balloons once again, leave them in a corner of the room and divide the children in two teams. All of the students will be at the opposite side of the classroom. Mention a color and a child from each group, so that they run in search for the required balloon. The one who does it first will score for his/her team. Continue with the activity until everybody has participated.

4 | Use real crayons. After having named them with your students, place them in the midle of the classroom making a sequence. Repeat it a few times so that the pupils familiarize with them and then remove them from their original position. Next, rearange the sequence, this time with the help of your students.

5 | Now place the crayons in the middle of two groups of students. One member of the first team will mention a color, and a child from the other group will look for it. Once he/she finds it, his/her team will do the same with the first group.

6 | Blindfold a child and provide him/her with an object that could be easily recognized by touching it. A good idea is to use fruit and vegetables: a tomato, an orange, a banana, etc. If this student guesses what the object is, and therefore infers it’s color, he/she will be able to continue playing, otherwise a different child will participate.

Page 23 - Color and play

After listening, ask the children to repeat the mentioned sequence. Encourage them to continue naming other colors.

After this activity is finished stick all the flashcards of the unit on the board. The children must choose four colors of their preference and color the stains on the page. Once everybody is ready put your set on cards inside a bag. Take them out one by one and show them to the class. The one who has the color shown will place a bean on it. The first child to complete the card must shout ‘Bingo!’

Audio Script

Listen to the sequence: Blue, blue, blue, blue, black! Black, black, black, black, white! Now, continue the sequence: White...

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