1 minute read
Student's Book
from Teacher's Guide 3
by idiomagic
Listening activities. Interpretation of a dialogue. Flashcards of the unit, colored chalk or fibers, popsicle sticks, Sunshine / Peeking out / Moon glow puppets (Games), ball.
Playful activities
1 | Suggest the Musical chairs game: place the chairs in the middle of the classroom making a circle (remember that there should be one less than the total number of children). While listening to the song of the unit, your students will run around the chairs, and when the music is paused, everybody will try to sit down. The pupil who cannot find a seat will have to choose a card and name it, and will have to leave the game.
2 | Now place the cards on the floor with the image facing down. Name a volunteer, mention a word of the vocabulary for him/her, and let them turn over a flashcard. He/she must find the one you requested for: give everybody two opportunities to do it. Teacher: Where is the boy?
You will be holding a small ball and the cards of the unit. Show a flashcard to the first child: if he/ she mentions it correctly, he/she will be able to take the ball and pass it above his/her head to the pupil behind. You will take a different card for the second student, and the procedure will be the same. In case there is someone who does not recognize the image shown, the ball must go to the beginning of the line once again.
4 | Show your students different flashcards, and name them incorrectly. They will have to correct you on each case:
Teacher: Good Morning! (Show the image of Good Afternoon)
Children: No, no, no! Good Afternoon!
5 | On the board draw a big window inside of which you will stick a flashcard. The children will tell you what greeting the card represents. Another option is to put the flashcards on the table; name a greeting and call a pupil. He/she will take the card, stick it inside the window, and greet you back.
Page 11 - Color and cut
While listening, your pupils will have to point at the Greetings mentioned. Then ask them to color the figures from page 107, which will be cut out to be transformed into puppets, with Popsicle sticks stuck behind. Last, name different expressions for them to rise the corresponding puppet. It would be great if you also used your set of puppets of greetings, to guide your students.
Audio Script
Listen, repeat and show me:
• Good Morning!
• Good Afternoon!
• Good Night!
3 | For the next activity the children must sit on the floor one after the other, with their legs stretched.