1 minute read
Student's Book
from Teacher's Guide 3
by idiomagic
Lesson 1
First contact of the children with colors. Recognition of the objects around us, and their colors. Flashcards of the unit, paper tape, Hello hands (Games), stones made out of paper, Magical Bag.
have to name it. Continue the activity with the other cards, making everybody participate.
Playful activities
1 | Present the colors with the help of your flashcards. Then focus your attention on the clothes your students are wearing. You can describe the colors expecting the children to infer who you are referring to.
Teacher: Who’s wearing something blue?
2 | This time ask the pupils to either individually or in groups, show you the colors you request. They can make use of the Hello hands for this activity:
Teacher: Show me something red, show me something pink…
3 | Put the cards in your Magical Bag and mix them. The children will be in a circle around you. Close your eyes and when you open them, ask the child in front of you to take a flashcard from the bag: he/she will
4 | On the board stick all the cards and ask the pupils to make a line in front of it. To each of them deliver an incomplete sentence naming an object of the classroom. They will have to complete the expression naming the color that element has. If they do it right, they can take the card off the board: Teacher: The table is…. Child: Red!
5 | Beforehand, make balls of colored paper of the size of a tennis ball, each with one of the colors you are teaching. During the lesson, ask the children to make a line and put all the colored balls in your Magical Bag. Taking turns, each of them will take a ball and will try to throw it inside a basket that you will have placed in front of them. The child who manages to score must name the color. The winner of the competition will be the one who scores the most.
Page 15 - Listen and color
As the children listen, they will repeat the names of the mentioned colors. Afterwards they must color each brush. Keep in mind that they can color the brush they wish: the important thing is to color according to the track.
Audio Script
Listen, repeat and color:
• It’s blue.
• It’s yellow.
• It’s red.
• It’s green.
• It’s black.
• It’s white.
• It’s orange.
• It’s pink.