2 minute read
Complementary material
from Teacher's Guide 3
by idiomagic
Extra Activities
• You can propose great games with the masks of Happy together:
With the children sitting on the floor in a circle, hold both masks. Put the one of the girl in front of your face and say I´m a girl! All the girls of the class will rise on their feet, repeat the expression and sit down right away. Do the same with the mask of the boy. After a while say the expressions faster, or repeat them, to make sure the activity is entertaining and engaging. This time and with the children in the same position, make them pass both of the masks among them. They will be listening to the song of the unit, and once you keep the music on hold, or when you say ‘Stop!’, the ones who have the masks in their hands will have to place them in front of their face and say the corresponding sentence: I’m a girl/boy!
Allow all the students to take part in the activity.
• Another option to consider is to place the cards of greetings on the floor. Call a boy and provide him with the mask that belongs to him, following the same procedure with the girl. Both of them will place the mask in front of their faces and after listening to your sentence will jump to the required image:
Once they jump the rest of the children must repeat the expression.
Teacher: Hello, girl!
Girl: (Jumps to the image of Hello)
Children: Hello, girl!
Teacher: Bye bye, boy!
Boy: (Jumps on the card that represents bye bye)
Children: Bye bye, boy!
Give everybody the opportunity to participate, using different commands.
Teacher: Hello, I’m a boy!
Later and using the same puppets act out a short dialogue. Do it slowly to give the children the opportunity to understand the expressions and imitate your movements.
Teacher: Hi, girl! Good Morning!
Hi, boy! Good Afternoon!
Bye bye girl!
Bye bye boy!
If you think that your students will be able to answer you, you might want to include questions such as:
“What’s your name?” /“How are you?”
Page 131 - Let’s color and cut!
In this case the children will be allowed to color their character as they wish. Cut them out and do not forget the little hole where their fingers will be. You might want to consider pasting construction paper behind the figures, or making copies in thicker sheets of paper so that the puppet has a better presentation.
It would also be good if you possessed your own puppets to interact with your students. For example you can rise the puppet of the girl, and with a higher voice say:
Teacher: Hello, I’m a girl. The girls will have to imitate you. Follow the same procedure with the puppet of the boy. Make your voice lower in this case:
Go to Extra Activities
You may also consider inviting two children to go to the front and interpret the conversation using their puppets. Remember to pay attention to your pupils’ performance, and help them if they need it.
Page 132 - Let’s paint!
The teacher will paint the students hands and they stamp it on the character’s arm. It is a good idea to use red paint to represent hello!
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Pages 133, 134 and 135
Students will color the greetings then you will help them cutting them and stick a piece of elastic thread at their backs, so students will wear them as masks. Students will produce sentences.
Students: Good morning boys!
Page 137
Give to each student the half picture of a boy or girl according to their gender. The students will join the missing part, color and perform a sentence.
Students: Hello! I am a boy / girl.
Page 136
For this activity you will need some color paint. Paint the students hands and they will stamp it on the picture.