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Student's Book

Student's Book

Extra Activities

Use the Color spots for the next activities. The children will be sitting in a circle. Place the spots at the center with the image facing down. Ask a volunteer to turn over two cards, looking for a matching pair. If this pupil does it right, he/she will continue playing: if not, another classmate will participate.


Another thing you can try is to draw the outline of a spot on the board (make sure it is quite big). The colored stains will be on the table with the image facing down. Name a volunteer to go to the board: ask him/her what color the stain is. This pupil will have to go to the table, turn over a stain a stick it on the board. Then he/she will be ready to answer your question.

Teacher: What color is it?

Child: (looks for the stain and sticks it as he/she names it) It is blue. You can even stick the sets of spots on the board. Call a child on every opportunity to go to the board and match the same stains either with chalk or a marker. Allow everybody to participate.

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In order to take advantage of the two sets of spots, call sixteen children to go to the front and on the chest of each of them stick a color. They will dance while listening to the song, and when you stop the music each pupil must look for his/her partner. Finally each couple will go to the front to present their color.

Also, as a variation of the game you can ask all the pupils who have a spot stuck on the chest to sit down in a circle. Mention a color so that the two students who possess it can stand up and change their seats. If you say Colors! everybody will have to change places. If you have more tan sixteen students you will need to carry out the activity a few times.

the colors, so as to obtain a neat result. Teacher: A yellow balloon. A blue balloon. A green balloon. A red balloon. An orange balloon. A pink balloon.

Page 140 - Let’s glue!

Bring to the class pieces of paper with the colors blue, green, red, yellow, orange and pink. Place the papers in different bowls and put them on the tables. Dictate a color at random for the children to look for the little pieces: they must paste them inside the balloon. Remind the students no to mix

Page 141 - Let’s paint!

Students will paint each spot using some paint of different colors. The teacher will indicate the color for each spot.


Page 142

Ask students to color each splash with a different color. After that, cut them and ask students to place the splashes on the palette, then they will come to the front and expose their works.

Page 143

Give to each student a paint can to color with their favourite color. Then, they show it to the rest of the class as they produce a sentence. Student: My favorite color is pink.

Page 144

In this activity students can work in groups of four. Each group will color the crayons and the crayon box. Finally they will glue the crayons in the box.

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Use the Step and speak for the following proposals. Ask the pupils to sit in a circle and at it’s center place a card from this unit. At the same time, in a box or bag put the colored footprints. The children will pass the box/bag from one another, while listening to the song. When you say stop!, the one with the bag will shut his/her eyes and will also take out a footprint. The objective is to obtain the same color as the one exposed; if it is correct, the child can place the footprint on top of the card, otherwise the game starts again. If the student guesses correctly you should place a new card another of the circle. As with all the activities we suggest you, make sure that every pupil participates.

Another suggestion is to stick a card on the board: call a child and stick a footprint on the soles of his/ her feet. This volunteer will have to walk lifting his/ her feet, so that the rest of the children can guess what the colors are. Once the pupil reaches the board, he/she will have to name the color exposed.

Page 145 - Listen and color

Your students must listen to your commands to color the pencils.

Teacher: A yellow pencil. A blue pencil. A green pencil. A red pencil. An orange pencil. A white pencil. A pink pencil. A black pencil.

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Page 146 - Let’s draw!

Students will draw the balloons. The teacher will indicate the color for each one.

Teacher: My balloon is red. My balloon is yellow. My balloon is green. My balloon is blue. My balloon is pink. My balloon is orange.

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