IEmmensity Newsletter Issue No. 4

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Paolo Isip


AY 2015-2016

Six Years of Unbeatable Excellence, IE Thanksgiving Day, First of More to Come PIIE BulSU-SC Dominates the Region PAGE 4

―Still the Finest within the Region‖ – Juan C. Tecson, PIE. PIIE Northern and Central Luzon Regional Student Congress, an annual event

TEAM BulSU, Finalist on

held with Regions 1, 2, 3, and CAR, which our proud department took part and been dominating since it started, was held at the CCA Theatre of Saint Louise University in the Summer Capital of the Philippines, Baguio City, with the theme: ―Industrial Engineering building a sustainable nation through Industrial Engineering towards Asian Integration.‖


The said event was attended by different schools within the said region. In the conference, there were different talks given by some vibrant speakers, they gave words of wisdom about Substantiality and other relevant areas in the field of Industrial Engineering. After the said talks, in the afternoon session, different competitions such as, Inter-University/College Quiz-con, Research Competition, Feasibility Competition, Talent Contest and lastly the Mr. And MS PIIE CAR123 happened. Those competitions were dominated by our delegates. PAGE 3

Get to Know Your Professors Well:

Jasper Kevin Dionisio


Sir Tec Alumni Corner:

Harold Enriquez


PAGES 10 & 11

IE Blast: Victory for the Department


―We successfully finished this school year with Flying Colors‖ – Engr. Ivy Mar J. Ramos. After a couple of months of waiting, the result of the AACCUP (Accrediting Agency of Charted Colleges and Universities of the Phillipines) LEVEL III Phase 1 Accreditation of the BS Industrial Engineering Program of Bulacan State University that was conducted last August 4-6, 2015 finally came out and as expected by the BulSU Administration, the program passed with flying colors. With an over-all score of 4.18, the BSIE Program has met the standards of AACCUP Level III Phase 1 Accreditation being 5 as its highest possible score. Ten (10) key areas have been examined by the AACCUP before the said accreditation was awarded; this includes Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives as Area I, Area II – Faculty, Area III – Curriculum and Instruction, Area IV – Students, Area V – Research, Area VI – Extension and Community Involvement, Area VII – Library, Area VIII – Facilities, Area IX – PAGE 3


Industrial Engineering Bulacan State University VISION STATEMENT

Industrial Engineering Affiliates

IEmmensity The official newsletter of Industrial Engineering Department

A recognized leader for excellence in instruction, research and extension services, a key player in the education and formation of professionally competent, service-oriented, and productive citizens, and a prime mover of the nation‘s sustainable socioeconomic growth and development.


College of Engineering MISSION STATEMENT


The quizzer‘s club of Industrial Engineering Department

The official multimedia team of Industrial Engineering Department

The primary thrust of the College of Engineering is to provide instructions and training in the various engineering disciplines reinforced with desirable work attitude and ideals, leadership skills and work competencies capable The official research team of of responding to the needs of the region and the demands of global Industrial Engineering Department standards.



The official marketing group of Industrial Engineering Department


The alumni of BS Industrial Engineering, three to five years after graduation shall:  Pursue the career as Industrial Engineers, including a leading role in The official extension team of the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems of Industrial Engineering Department people, materials, information, equipment and energy.

IEconz Dance Crew

Demonstrate specialized knowledge and skills in the mathematical, physical and social sciences together with the principles and methods The official dance club of Industrial Enof engineering analysis and design to specify, predict and evaluate the gineering Department results obtained from such system. Assume supervisory positions in the manufacturing and service industries.

IE Falcons

The sports team of Industrial

IEmmensity would like to acknowledge and to extend their gratitude to Mr. Jose Cundangan—Chairman of BulSU PTCA, to the PIIE-BulSU SC , and to the whole Industrial Engineering Department for helping the affiliate in pursuing this issue with much pride, dignity, and success. 2

What are your greatest strengths? What Engineering Department else are the things you want to improve? Use them! Explore your Industrial Engi- IEnvest neering world! There’s a lot more to learn here!

The official credit cooperative of the In-

Join any of these affiliates and be the dustrial Engineering Department next asset of our organization! Just approach your class president or any IE organization officer if you’re interested. Koro Inhinyero


The chorale group of College of Engineering


NEWS Six Years of Unbeatable Excellence, PIIE BulSU-SC Dominates the Region

IEntelligents, under Engr. Dyan GonzalesRodriguez, quizzers Steven Co, Michele Monsayac, Catherine Joy Jaohico, John Mark Nanip, and LetPAGE 1

Members of the IEntelligent, with Engr. Rodriguez, poses after successfully defending their 5-peat championship in Regional Quiz-con

trele Montes defended their Championship for 5 consecutive years. Meanwhile, IExplore Research Team under Engr. Hazel Caparas together with Khen Nagasawa, Jenebeth Herbosana, Myrhha Santiago and Jemile Venturina placed 2 nd in the Research Completion. IExplore Feasiblity Study Team under Engr. Juan Tecson and team, John Paolo Isip, Jeffrey Michael Sillano, Deserie Langi, and Chris Ian de Belen, clinched the 1st place on the Feasibility Study Competition. IE Dance troupe Jenielyn Ramirez, Renzei Ivany Manez, Eichelle Villareal, Roselle Joy Enriquez and Rjay Dela Rosa placed 3rd on the Talent Competition. Lastly, Rellie Boy Quilantang mentored by Arch. Jeana Venturina won best in Organization Shirt and brought home the crown as MR.PIIE CAR 123. Making another remarkable year and worthy event for our Department within the region not just once, twice of thrice but for 6 consecutive years, 6 years of Excellence and dominance within the region.

Engr. Caparas with the members of IExplore, who won in the Feasibility Study Competition last PIIE CAR 123 Conference in Baguio City



Laboratory and Area X – Administration. Each area was overseen by the faculty members of the IE Department. With positive comments from the Accreditors during the Accreditation proper, the Administration of Bulacan State University has expected that the IE Program will surely pass. Months before the release of the result, Dr. Alfredo G. Mendoza, Director of the Internal Quality Assurance Unit, sent an early congratulatory message to the IE Department with its high hopes that the IE Program will pass. The Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Antonio L. Del Rosario and the Dean of the Student Affairs, Dr. Nicanor C. Dela Rama, also shared the same thoughts with Dr. Mendoza. According to the AACCUP Accreditors, among the factors that made the BSIE Program passed the AACCUP Level III Phase 1 Accreditation is that, ―the success is evident in the output and achievement of the Department‖ also, ―Despite of the absence of licensure exam, the graduates success rate is 80 – 100% ―. The extension area was also lauded. Last August 2015, Prof. Gerald Perez, AACCUP Accreditor said ―Hindi lang okay, okay na okay [ang extension programs ng BulSU IE]. Nasasagot ang needs ng company so talagang nagwowork‖ after visiting the IE‘s extension partners. These were only the few factors why the BSIE Program passed. According to the AACCUP, programs that have passed the standards, and are awarded accreditation status lend prestige to member institutions, justified by the possession of quality standards and unremitting efforts to maintain them at high level; help parents to know which program they may send their children to for quality education; make all those engaged in education aware of standards of excellence which they should strive to attain; make possible for those proposing funding and those who are to fund, to know what to support and how much support is needed; and make possible for an evaluated program to know its strength and weaknesses, and in what aspects it needs to develop. In addition to that, AACCUP Accreditation can be used as a criterion for SUC (State Universities and Colleges) leveling and ranking and as a factor in the selection of CHED (Commission on Higher Education) Center of Excellence (COE‘s) and Center of Development (COD‘s). Currently, the IE Department prepares itself for another challenge, the AACCUP Level III Phase 2 Accreditation, which was scheduled to be held this September 2016.

The IE Faculty as presented by the Dean of The College of Engineering in the Opening Program of the AACCUP Accreditation of different programs in BulSU



Ann Paulene W. Villanueva

IE Thanksgiving Day, First of More to Come

Industrial Engineering Department outsets the first IE Thanksgiving Day to celebrate on April 4, 2016. This was participated by IE Students and IE Professors. This was the first time to have an IE Thanksgiving Day for the Department. The event was celebrated in Valencia Hall with the theme: ―Celebrating Success: Inspiring Excellence for the Years to Come.‖ In the morning, Rev. Fr. Boyet presided the thanksgiving mass, he emphasized the quote ―We Dare to Do it Better.‖ as said in our orgshirt. He talked about how an IE Student must accept challenges, and survive it with the help and inspiration that our Almighty God is giving. He dared us to be the successful youth of tomorrow. He also congratulated our dear fifth year students for the upcoming graduation. After the mass, students were asked to change their clothes in their summer outfit because the theme of this IE Day event was Summer 2016. Student who has the best outfit of the day will win. Two representatives from each section were chosen to be judged with their summer outfits. But before roaming and ramping of the candidates, each head of the affiliates discussed the progress report of their respective affiliates. Engr Ivy Mar Ramos congratulated and acknowledged the winners for every contest participated by the different affiliates. And also, Sir Ivy together with Jasper Kevin Dionisio, IE 3B introduced the new affiliate which is the IEnvest. IEnvest would be the official cooperative of the Industrial Engineering Department. IE Day also happened to recognize different sections who gave their very best while producing, shooting, and making their short film for the 2nd IE Short Film Festival that was spearheaded by the IEnteractive last December 2015. IE-3A‘s entry was Pitch Imperfect, IE-3B‘s entry was The End Where I Begin. IE-4A‘s Entry was It‘s Okay, It‘s Love. IE4B‘s entry was Kapitulo Siyete, IE5A‘s entry was #FTW: For The Win, and lastly, for IE-5B‘entry was The Position. The following were the


2nd IE Film Showing Goes on Track Zarah Bianca Camposano

The 2nd Industrial Engineering Film Showing event was set on track last December and was held at the Natividad Hall Room 102. The said IE Students who won the First Price in the games organized by the org event was notably organized by the IEnteractive, The Official Multimedia winners from the 2nd IE Short Film Fest: Group of the IE Department. The Best Ticket Design: The End Where We Begin, IE 3B film showing which started DecemBest Tarp Layout: It’s Okay, It’s Love, IE 4A ber 7 lasted for 2 weeks. Best Selling Film: The Position, IE 5B Best Cinematography: #FTW: For The Win, IE 5A Blockbuster Film: #FTW: For The Win, IE 5A Best Director: Jasper Dionisio, IE 3B Best Supporting Actor: Rian Sebastian, IE 5A Best Supporting Actress: Kathleen Barcarse, IE 3A Best Actor: Emjhay Pagdanganan, IE 3B Best Actress: Pamela Lorenzo, IE 5B

―Sir Ivy proposed this event to be held yearly.‖ said by John Abiel, the Head of IEnteractive. The 6 films presented have the participation of all the section from Third year to Fifth Year IE students. This was the second of its kind for the IE Department. The IE Department, with a After the awarding of short film, the start of differ- successful turnout form the 1st IE ent games for students begun. IE students are grouped Short Film Fest, decided to continue and they need to finish different station and the group with this activity. the fastest time to finish is the winner, third group got the first place. Before continuing the awarding, the oath for The Film to watch out includes Pitch the new set of the PIIE BulSU SC Officers occurred. Then, Imperfect, The End where we the awarding of Best Summer Outfit for the boys and for Begin, It‘s Okay; It‘s Love, Kapitolyo the girls proceeded. Receiving the Best Summer Attire for Syete, #FTW-For the Win, the PosiGirl and Boy was Myrrha Santiago of IE 4A and Kevin tion. The films would be on track Quiambao from IE 5A respectively. This year has from December 7-11, and the upbeen stressful to all but also successful. It is proper to coming week from December 14-18. thank our Lord for all the strength, inspiration and guid- The IE 3A‘s Pitch Imperfect showance He has given to the IE Department. With its achieve- cases a sibling rivalry between two ments, the IE Department pledges to continue to aim big equally talented singers who duels and soar high and to engage itself to new and better ideas not only in the singing arena but that will come for the betterment of this department. also for the attention of their parents. Pitch Imperfect stars Jomie Dela Rama and Patricia Valdez. The End Where We Begin was based on a true to life love story produced by the IE 3B. It offers a plot-twist of two broken hearts meeting and fixing each other after a break-up from their past relationships. Emjhay Pagdanganan and Denise Mae Unsay portrayed the main role in the film. Another love story was presented by IE 4A. It‘s Okay, It‘s love was about a couple who broke up but still find a way to mend their broken relaIE Faculty, on their summer get up, poses their smiles towards the end tionship. -Turn to page 5 of the First IE Thanksgiving day

NEWS From page 5 A different story was given by Kapitulo Siete of IE 4B. The adventure of a circle of seven friends, each evidently committing one of the seven deadly sin, was the main plot of the story. John Mark Nanip, Danina Santos and John Paolo Isip, were among the cast of the Film Giggles and laughter were given by the film #FTW: For The Win of IE 5A. This romantic comedy shows a rivalry between two guys who grew up together who happens to fell in love with a girl boiling down to a love triangle. In the end, only one guy won. The Position, which was the official entry of IE 5B, was a story of how six job applicants apply for a job which turnout to be a personality test revealing their true personality. Pamela Lorenzo, Steven Co, and Bam Viloria were among the cast of the movie.

Difficult. After the difficult round, Bulacan State University and University of San Carlos tied in the third place. To break the tie, the two schools competed in the sudParticipants from BulSU IE with Engr. Tecson den death round. This was an intense battle for the BulSU- IEntelligent since it was a long time since they landed on the top 3. After the 4 sudden death questions, Bulacan State University got the 4th place with a total score of 140. The De La Salle University Manila landed on the 1st place with 240 points followed by the University of the Philippines- Diliman and University of San Carlos with 150 and 145 points respectively.

The said event was pursued to regenerate funds especially for the IEnteractive and the PIIE BulSU-SC and to reveal the talent of IE Mr. and Ms. PIIE 2016 was also held by selecting potential students from each Students, not only academically outstanding but participating school. The selection was done by capturing photos of all the students also competitively versatile. present in the convention hall. Khen Nagasawa and Myrha Santiago was chosen to represent our school. After the quiz contest, the candidates showcase their beauty and talent. For question and answer portion, the candidate will pick a number which has a corresponding picture. The candidate should explain the relationship of the picture to Industrial Engineering. After the Q and A, Mr. Khen Nagasawa was crowned as the Mr.PIIE 2016 1st runner up.

First Step to the Top

Catherine Joy Jaochico In line with the 13th PIIE National Student Congress last February 26-27, 2016 with a theme of ―Modern IE: Leading the Charge on Growth and Change‖, Bulacan State University (BulSU) was hailed as the 3rd runner up for the PIIE National Quiz Contest held at J Center Convention Hall in Mandaue, Cebu City.

The seminar brought a lot of awareness about the modern IE. The boredom was never felt because of the very entertaining and energetic emcee. The event was really a success and the BulSU IE department really enjoyed in spite of the struggles and long distance travelled.

The nerve-racking National Quiz Competition—where the IEntelligent of BulSU IE placed on the 4th spot.

Athena Lei Bada

IE 5 travels to Bicol Region Last March 2, the 5


year Industrial Engineering students travelled for 12 hours towards the Bicol Region‘s main manufacturing The PIIE National Student Congress held at the J Center and production companies as a requirement for the subject Sem 501D, ―Seminars and Convention Hall, Mandaue, Cebu City Plant Visits‖ which lasted for 4 days. Industrial Engineering students from Tiwi, a town in Albay, is a location for several manufacturing plants that aldifferent part of the Philippines were gathered lowed student observation, and conduction of tours where certain processes were witto join the 2 day event. For day 1, the Research nessed from molding of clay to produce vases, pots, and figurines at PhilCeramics Arts and Feasibility Study Competition was conductand Craft Center, and the Philippine Geothermal Production Company‘s complex steps ed. Our winners from the Regional Congress of generating electricity from the heat of the Earth. As the students travelled to Camajoin the said contest. For day 2, a seminar lig, the place where the Goodfound Cement Corporation (GCC), a limestone-mining about Green Manufacturing and CIE Exam was company to produce high-quality cement, is located - its management formally preheld in the morning and the most anticipated sented the company‘s background, products, protective measures and social activities quiz contest was in the afternoon. The quiz within the area. GCC also discussed their computer-operated operations after the contest was participated by 21 universities. It presentation. comprises of three rounds: Easy, Average, and



IE BulSU partakes in IEshikawa X’s Exemplify Athena Lei Bada Selected delegates from Industrial Engineering department participated in the 3rd day of one of the biggest events for Industrial Engineering students, IEshikawa X with the theme of ―Nexus: X Marks the Spot, Converging Minds Across the Years‖. The said day aimed to exemplify which consists of two parts: workshops and major talks held at the University IE 5A and 5B tours a Geothermal Power Plant in Tiwi as part of their Field of the Philippines (UP) – Diliman Campus, and Ateneo de Manila UniverTrip to Bicol sity (ADMU), respectively, last November 21. Dom‘s Handmade Factory was the first stop for the Spearheaded by the UP – Circle of Industrial Engineering Majors, the second day of the tour where handmade paper and crafts are workshops that were provided includes the following topics: Production produced like greeting cards, paper bags, organizers, and several varieties of artworks displayed. At Pili, Camarines Sur‘s capital, lies the sugar cane milling and manufacturer, the Peñafrancia Sugar Mill (Pensumil), Inc. Napa‘s Handicraft, on the other hand, specializes on weaving abaca fibers in creating furnitures and decorations known internationally. To enjoy the Bicol Region‘s rich Catholic history, and majestic sceneries, the group also visited several tourist spots like the 18th century-made Daraga Church in Albay, the display of the remnants of a church at Cagsawa Ruins, trekked for 20 minutes towards the peak of Ligñon Hill Nature Park that is 156 meters above the ground, and enjoyed the shores at the Legazpi Boulevard – all places overlooking the sight of Mayon Volcano‘s perfect cone. The next day included the travel to holy places of Naga City like the home of Our Lady of Peñafrancia, the Peñafrancia Basilica Minore; her past home, the Our lady of Peñafrancia Shrine; Naga Metropolitan Cathedral, and the Holy Rosary Minor Seminary Museum where relics and artifacts from the region are collected and displayed for public viewing.

Participants from Bulacan State University in IEshikawa X Nexus: X Marks the Spot held in UP Diliman and Ateneo De Manila University—Photo Courtesy of UP CIEM

Systems Engineering, Social Entrepreneurship, Viral Marketing, Data Mining, Root Cause Analysis, User Interface Design Ergonomics, Technopreneurship, Product Management, Jumpstart: Preparing Yourself for your 1st Job, Facility Layout and Design, Safety Engineering, Ergonomics (Product Design), Branding and Marketing, and Logistics. Speakers are mainly founders, owners, managers, instructors, and professionals in their own chosen fields. Upon arrival on ADMU‘s Henry Lee Irwin Theater, the major talks started with adhering the situations and issues of the Transportation Sector with the undersecretary of the Department of Public Works and Highways for Planning and Public-Private Partnership, Catalina Cabral, Ph. Fifth Year IE Student in Legazpi, Albay. IE Department goes to Bicol for their Yearly Field Trip and Plant D., CESO I, followed by the instructions in selfVisits branding by Ms. Marisyll Pengson, John Robert Powers‘ Curriculum Director wherein 4th-year Winston Camus won a 5,000-peso worth of gift certificate. Next, Operations Head of Protek Telecommunications Support Incorporated, Victor Paolo Reyes discussed the potential of Small Scale Industries, and the talks has been ended by Li Fung Logistics‘ Senior Vice-President, Santiago Guttierez. IEshikawa‘s Exemplify drew the curtains with the presentation of the winning teams: Saint Louis University (Case Study Competition) and Technological Institute of the Philippines (Undergraduate Project Competition).




Jasper Kevin Dionisio

with its members, Khen Nagasawa, IE 4B, Ian De Belen, IE 5B, Daniel De Chavez, IE 5B, John Mark Nanip, IE 4B and Mark Anthony Dacullo from Mechanical Engineering Department, and faculty advisers, Engr. Hazel A. Caparas and Engr. Dyan G. Rodriguez, came up with a solution to an unelectrified community in Doña Remedios Trinidad, Bulacan. They designed a gravity powered generator named ―Enggranahe‖. It creates power as gravity pulls down a weighted object providing electricity to light up LED Bulbs and other small electrical devices. Ending up as a finalist, Team BulSU, being the only state university to be on the list, brought pride and honor not only to the Industrial Engineering Department but also for the whole Bulacan State University Community. Prior to the culminating activity, the 2015 Sikat Design Challenge undergone different activities such the Inspire Conference, Community Engagement, where the participant would be immersed in their chosen community to search for their problems and needed to be addressed, Concept Development, where brainstorming of ideas took place in line with the needs of their chosen community, and Prototype Development, where the ideas were materialized.

Team BulSU with Engr. Capars and Engr. Rodriguez, finalist to the Sikat Design Challenge 2015—Photo Courtesy of Sikat Foundation Next year, for the 2016 edition of Sikat Design Challenge, Bulacan State

Team BulSU, composed of five (5) Industrial Engineering students and a Mechanical Engineering student, landed as a semi-finalist on the 2015 Sikat Design Challenge together with Ateneo De Manila University, De La Salle University, Mapua Institute of Technology, Siliman University, and University of Santo Tomas on the culmination night for an almost-a-year long competition last February 2, 2015. It was held on Rockwell, Makati City.

University created a more diverse team with three (3) Industrial Engineering Students, two (2) Mechanical Engineering Students and an Electrical Engineering Students. They are set to start their Sikat Journey this A u g u s t 2016.

Participants of the 2015 Sikat Design Challenge from various schools in the Philippines— Photo courtesy of Sikat Foundation

De Belen and De Chavez of Team BulSU shows how Enggranahe works—Photo courtesy of ABS-CBN News

Sikat Design Challenge is a competition where students from colleges and universities in the Philippines are challenged to produce the best renewable energy solutions to the needs of far-flung rural communities especially their energy problems. It was organized by the Sikat Solar Challenge Foundation Inc. (SSCFI or Sikat), a non-profit organization that harnesses the creativity and talent of undergraduate students in developing practical and sustainable renewable energy (RE) solutions for the unelectrified rural communities, in cooperation with companies under the Lopez Conglomerate which includes, First Gen Corporation, Electric Development Corporation (EDC), and First Philippine Holdings Corporation (FPH). Headed by Hyacinth De Guzman, IE 5B, the Team BulSU,

Christmas Party, year ender for IE Department Ann Paulene W. Villanueva On the 22nd day of December in the year 2015 marks the celebration of Industrial Engineering Department for the yuletide season. Christmas party planned, as to reciprocate all the efforts and success made this year. Together with our dearest Professors and with the heads and members of affiliates, and the Org Officers, they made this celebration a success. Before starting the celebration, of course it is proper to ask for the guidance of Almighty God. After which the bi-monthly meeting was held. Agendas discussed include the success of the IE Department on its AACCUP Level III Phase 1 Accreditation. Discussion of the progress report of each affiliate and the PIIE-BulSU SC follows. Engr. Ivy Mar Ramos, Chairperson of the IE Department, announced that Industrial Engineering Department passed the Accreditation, and be ready for the next phase of accreditation


NEWS next year. The happenings, the improvement made by each affiliate, the changes that took place, suggestions, and the different contests and seminars attended and participated by the affiliates and the organization was talked about. Affiliates include IExtension, IEmmensity, IEntelligent, IEducate IExplore, IEnteractive, IE Dance Troupe and IE Falcons, Koro Inhinyero. After the reports of each affiliate, the usual celebration for Christmas party took olace. Different party


Jasper Kevin Dionisio study. Meanwhile, IE 3A researchers presented their studies in the morning. Ways on how to improve the company Steel Frame Works Inc., was presented by Olarte et. al., moreover, Delos Santos et. al., gives recommendation on the enhancement of Apalit Ice Cold Storage. Development on the company Native Craft and Arts Industries was presented on the third day by Espiritu et. al., also, Cano et. al., presented their recommendations for the company, Anjene Industries Inc. In the afternoon, Ricafort et. al., provided some points on the improvement of the production of PPLA Films, a firm who manufactures plastic sheets and films. Moreover, Unsay et. al., proposed to improve the production time of Northway Bag Manufacturing. On the penultimate day, the fourth day, San Mateo et. al., explained their study on the enhancement of the company Xamjar Basket Fashion Shop to the panel members during the morning session. In the afternoon, Chlomars Sportswear Company‘s improvement in terms of production rate was presented by Ramos et. al. Also, Villanueva et. al., proposed to minimize the production time of the company Teh Hsin Enterpise Philippines Corporation. During the last day, Catanghal et. al., proposed to improve the productivity of Manuela Gonzales Concrete Pipe Incorporated while, Cruz et. al., suggested reducing the production time of Philshirt Uniforms Inc. Improvement of Mighty Corporation and Knitech Incorporated was presented by Venturina et. al, and Cortez et. al. respectively. An overview of when it all started: “The Turning Point” ―This is the turning point‖ as Engr. Ivy Mar Ramos exclaimed from the very start when he first met his junior industrial engineering students for their subject Methods Engineering or MTS as IE‘s call it. As explained by Engr. Ramos, the subject is the point where the sprouting industrial engineers would experience to be on the field to work as a real-life industrial engineer in a system, most especially in a production system, where people, materials, equipment, information and energy were integrated. With this subject, the junior in-

The latter part of the month of March was a nerve-racking experience for the Third Year IE students for those days were the days their oral defense for their plant study for the subject Methods Engineering took place. That happened last March 17-23, 2016, as the junior industrial engineers present and defend their findings on their three-month long plant visit on different manufacturing firms IE Faculty and Students attends the departments Regulat Bi-monthly within the boundaries of Bulacan as the Meeting partial fulfillment of their requirements for the said subject. Six groups were scheduled to present games were cheerfully participated by IE students togeth- each day on a five-day defense period, er with the professors. At exactly one in the afternoon, three groups in the morning, and three in the afternoon. Researchers from IE 3A professors and students ate their lunch together, as a presented their work in morning sesfamily. After lunch, the last program for that day was the sions, and IE 3B for the afternoon. drawing of raffles. Twenty (20) minutes of time was given ―With an enthusiastic team you can achieve al- to each group in presenting their study, starting with the introduction, followed most anything.‖ Truly, we are. Industrial Engineering Deby the presentation of the company‘s partment continues to dominate and attain success in to present system, the problem and its different aspects. This year has been grateful to us, off- analysis, the alternatives and recommenkilter year, it is. dation, and lastly, their conclusion. After the presentation, a maximum of one (1) hour was allotted for the cross examination or oral argumentation wherein the panel members would ask questions to the researchers on matters they wanted to be clear with. The Distinguished Panel Members The junior industrial engineers presented their plant study, wherein the principles of Motion and Time Study were used, in front of the distinguished panel members whose expertise were on the field of production systems engineering, ergonomics, operations management, facilities planning and methods engineering. The prestigious list includes Engr. Dyan Org Officers, Heads, Co-Heads, Faculty during the IE Christmas Party G. Rodriguez and Engr. Hazel A. Caparas, both Certified Industrial Engineers and currently finishing their Masters Degree in Industrial Engineering. Also on the list are Professional Industrial Engineers in the person of Engr. Marianne B. Calayag and Engr Juan C. Tecson. An adjunct faculty member of Industrial Engineering Department was also included on the list and that is Arch. Jeanna S. Venturina, an expert on her field, whose responsibility is to ensure that the layouts of the plant in each of the study are accurate. Five Days of Jam-packed Oral Defense On the first day of defense, some of the groups presented their plant study on garments manufacturing firms such in the case of Quilantang et. al., who proposed to improve the production rate of Hello Baby Garments Manufacturing, and Dacanay et. al., who presented their findings recommendations for the company, More than Air Industrial Sales. It is unusual in the case of the second day of defense week. The researchers from IE 3B namely; Cruz, Dionisio, Pascobillio and Soriano, together with the panel members went all the way to Uratex Plaridel Plant to present their study on how to improve the production time of the cutting department of the said plant. The Production team of Uratex Plaridel Plant hears the Dionisio, Pascobilio, Soriano and Cruz together with the Production Officers of URATEX Plaridel presentation and wishes to adopt some of the recommendations of the


EDITORIAL dustrial engineers would meet different persons from different walks of life, from person who holds the topmost managerial post down to the lay personnel of a company and would encounter different environments where some of them were not used to be with. This endeavor would be new to the third year IE studs for they would experience a completely different environment – outside the four corners of the university – in the field, thus, adding more excitement for the junior industrial engineering students. Something new: MTS draws mixed emotions to Junior Industrial Engineers. After a two-year drought of purely mathematical concepts and scientific theories in general engineering course, the junior industrial engineers seek a new place where they can apply their knowledge in ―real life‖. ―Nung una s‘yempre naexcite ako, kasi parang kakaiba eh, bago ‗to. Nung mga nakaraang taon puro math and science subjects pero ngayon, maeexperience ko na ‗yung subject na sa tingin ko magagamit ko talaga pag nagtrabaho na ‗ko.‖ Godfrey Luis of IE 3B exclaimed. Most of the junior industrial engineers share the same sentiments with that of Godfrey

thoughts. ―Kinakabahan talaga ako, s‘yempre first time naming mag-defense pero nung after na ng defense, so far, so good naman.‖ She also mentioned that the time after their defense was the time she felt relief. Going back to Alyssa Soriano she said that after the defense of her team she gained the most important thing other than skills and knowledge. ―Dahil sa experiences [ko] sa pagpa-plant study at MTS, nag-gain ako ng selfconfidence at na-inspired lalo na magpatuloy sa IE course.‖ Sleepless nights, physically and mentally challenging tasks, countless revisions, nervewracking oral defense, after all, the third year IE‘s plant study and defense went well.

EDITORIAL The “August to May” Calendar

With that sentiment from the ASEAN, some universities in the Philippines, being the only country with a ―JuneMarch‖ academic calendar in the ASEAN Region, have shifted the opening of their school year. 2014 when the University of the Philippines (UP) system and the Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU) moved their school years from June to March to August to May. The University of Santo Tomas (UST) followed as well as the De La Salle University (DLSU) the following year. Now, it‘s the BulSU‘s turn to make the shift. With the consideration to the enacting Philippine law with regards to that matter, RA 7797 states that the school year should start on the first Monday of June but not later than the last day of August. Meaning the BulSU‘s move was in conformance with the law.

Junior IE’s as they defend their Motion and Time Studies to the IE Faculty as part of their Methods Engineering Subject

when it comes to what they felt when they first heard about what‘s with this subject. ―Masaya [ako] kasi third year palang pinalabas na kami para maranasan ang totoong mundo ng Industrial Engineers, athough isa lamang sa maraming scope ng IE ang MTS.‖ said Alyssa Soriano, a third year IE student. She also added that it‘s a one of a kind experience because aside from the learnings she got inside the COE 309 and 102, lecture rooms for IE students, she also got to know how to apply it in real life. She also mentioned that this subject might help them to gradually cope with the physical, mental and emotional demands of her chosen fields. ―Naexposed agad kami agad sa mahabang lakaran, paghahanap ng company at sa pakikipag-usap sa mga tao mula sa big boss hanggang sa mga trabahador, which is good kasi sa mga susunod na study, sa OJT, or even sa magiging trabaho namin in the future ‗di na kami mabibigla.‖ With regards to her experience during their actual actual defense, Ann Paulene Villanueva, another third year IE student, shared her

here in the Philippines with the universities outside the country would make a university more open for more academic exchanges both inbound and outbound making it easier for foreign students to study here in the Philippines and vice versa, curriculum and lessons would also be easily aligned with the universities in the international arena, and students would also grow in a more culturally diverse international landscape enabling them to grow as a globally competent individual

Calendar shift has been the ―talk of the town‖ among BulSUans when the BulSU Administration takes the cue on the viability of opening the Academic Year 2016 – 2017 on August instead of the ―traditional‖ June following other universities in the country‘s neighboring nations in the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nation). Opposing sides has also been floating since the ―rumor‖ came out. Last August 1, 2016, during the recently concluded First Regular BulSU Board of Regents Meeting, the ―rumor‖ came into life. In 2007, the members of the ASEAN countries approved a ―blueprint‖ to guide each member on initiatives and measures to achieve regional integration which is scheduled for 2015. ASEAN integration allows its membercountries (and the citizens of those countries) to join in the free flow of capital, labor, services, goods, and foreign investments. With the ASEAN‘s recognition of the pivotal role of education in the ASEAN Community building process, education was also part of the agenda of ASEAN integration, and one of those is the uniformity of school systems allowing easier transition for students who will enroll in further studies in these jurisdictions.

It‘s not only the ASEAN that made some universities, including BulSU, to make this shifting of school calendars. It was also done for the avoidance of class suspensions due to inclement weather conditions, but looking into the history, for the last 10 years, tropical cyclones happen between the months of July and September thus, the ―August - May‖ is still not exempted to suspensions due to bad weather. For the College of Engineering, some student sees the calendar shift as an opportunity, not in the future, not in enrolling future studies in the other countries as the ASEAN wants this to be, but a chance to be a regular student again. Tagged as the ―Summer Capital of the BulSU‖, the College of Engineering has the most number of enrollees in the summer classes. The calendar shift would be opening the door to the university to offer two summer terms, meaning a more chance for irregular students to be regular again.

The BulSU administration will also took advantage of this calendar shift in spending the intervening months in repairing of classrooms and construction of additional facilities. Also, the IndustriAligning the school calendar of a university al Engineering Department, in par-


FEATURES ticular, would be spending the 5-month summer break in preparation for their upcoming activities for the coming school year especially its AACCUP Level III Phase 2 Accreditation. However, CHED (Commission on Higher Education) sees this calendar shift as ―not advisable‖. Giving insights on this after looking on its implications stating that still, June opening is ―most feasible‖. Its commissioner raises concern for the students whose family‘s income depends on agriculture, and that August opening would be difficult to then ―because the agricultural cycles cause them to run out of financial resources in August‖. Another argument on the foregoing matter is that the calendar of the colleges and universities must in congruence with the calendars of the basic education unit with ―June – March‖ Academic Year to avoid a five-month break for the High School Graduate.

FEATURES Get to Know Your Professors Well: PIE,

―A good teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way for others.‖,anonymous.

Juan C. Tecson, LLB, or simply Daddy Tec or Sir Tec, is one of the professors in Industrial Engineering Department who exerted so much eff or t a n d s h a re d h elp f ul knowledge in the development of

Sir Tec

Rose Angeline Geronimo

Also, the ―August-May‖ calendar would include school days that will coincide the hot season of March to May, making the learning less conducive for schools having no ample ventilation such as BulSU.

young minds to achieve fruitful futures. He is indeed a perfect example of being a father while being a professor.

Many arguments regarding this issue has been talked about in the university‘s corridors, comfort rooms, ―tambayans‖ but it seems that the administration is firm with its stance, BulSU‘s calendar would be ―August – May‖ which is believe to be beneficial, not only pointing out a diplomatic relation and signed agreement with the international community, but also opening the university more to the world inviting more opportunities abroad.

A Professional Industrial Engineer and a Law Bachelor, Engr. Tecson became a notable personality in his field with his dedication and excellence in his work.


How good are your grammar

Most people prefer being a businessman, employee of huge companies, or work outside the country to earn money, more than enough to support their families. But Engr. Tecson chose being a professor not just to earn for a living but to earn a different kind of fulfillment in life, which is to see the success of those young engineers in the making with his help.

Students sometimes are being judged because of constructing incorrect grammar. Others may notice it while others may not. Students grasp and learn the usual saying that grammar is unimportant com―Daddy Tec as fondly called is the pared with expressing yourself and your thoughts. But that‘s not it father of BulSU IE Department was supposed to be. Imagine if you want to play an instrument, of that is why he is called Daddy course you can play it but, with a crazy harmony you can‘t underTec. He‘s full of wisdom and a stand what exact song you‘re playing. So, you must first study how responsible IE professor.‖, said to use it before playing the instrument. Do you have a good gramEngr. Marianne Calayag. mar? Do you agree that it is important to express your thoughts and its content rather than the correctness of it? ―Sir Tec is like a father to me Of course there‘s nothing wrong of expressing your since he became my adviser in thoughts in English language and making sure your grammar is corIExtension. He is a cool professor. rect, students now are afraid to speak and write in English because He knows so many things that is they knew that others will correct them tremendously. It is not fine why I‘m proud whenever he‘s that you just know how to speak in English; you should also know around because I feel like I am how to construct it correctly so others can understand what you realbecoming intelligent as well. Kidly mean. Because of saying that expressing your opinion is far more important than having a good grammar it is actually dumbing us ding aside, he is approachable down and possibly making us lose out on jobs in the future, by tellespecially if it is regarding the ing all of us that grammar doesn‘t really matter anymore just the lesson he is teaching, he will surecontent. ly help you. And most especially, By the use of the social media, it is also one of the factors even if his voice isn‘t that loud, all Engr. Juan C. Tecson or simply Sir Tec, Daddy why students nowadays are grammatically incorrect in constructing Tec the lessons that he taught is very sentences. Sometimes it is a place where incorrect grammars got useful at work. That‘s how imignored. Expressing how you feel in English language is important, so is the structure of it. It is not always fine that you can express portant his strategies he has shared for IE‘s. ―, said Jazmyn Rianne yourself. What‘s more important is constructing it correctly. Practical- Dominguez, head of IExtension. ly speaking, who will hire someone whose grammar‘s not properly What are the reasons to become dedicated at work? According composed? You may be the most brilliant engineer in town, but if to research, good feedbacks or positive statements from people you are you don‘t notice the significance of your grammar and its usage, it working with can help you improve and feel comfortable at work and may be indistinct. Teachers should make sure that more than other factors, their students must have a well and deep understanding probably the reason why Engr. Tecson becomes so eager to fulfill his using the English language. duty as Daddy Tec of IE.


FEATURES ―Sir Tec is the kind of serious-looking and silent type Kong Limited, Metro Pacific Investments Corporation, and Maof person but funny sometimes when he‘s teaching.‖, said nila Electric Company. Renzei Ivanny Mañez, IE- 4B. As an individual with such amazing journey, Engr. Enriquez started with ―I will apply and work for any major ―It is the supreme art of teacher to awaken joy in Philippine player‖. From blurred beginning to clear and continucreative expression and knowledge.‖, -Albert Einstein. ous path of working with passion. ―His Famous advice is always say ―Yes‖ when asked The first step of becoming ―him today‖ is when to do something, because IEs never say no. And he believes he entered Meralco as a Quality Audit Analyst in 2006. that we can learn and do all things if we are determined to ―In two years, I became a Management Staff do it.‖, said Engr. Marianne Calayag, IE Professor. where I was exposed to the operations on a macro level. In ―The most unforgettable advice from Sir Tec, ―Don‘t 2010, the company established its Corpotell, do it first, all things can be learned and be solved in rate Governance Office and I was asmany different ways. You can do it.‖, said Jazmyn Rianne signed as its pioneer analyst until I left in 2013. After Meralco, I worked as a corDomingo, head of IExtension. porate Governance consultant in Metro Engr. Tecson proves how efficient, dedicated, innova- Pacific Investments Corporation. In tive, excellent, tactful, and resourceful an IE is, he never gets 2014, I entered Morgan Stanley Capital tired. He proves that a candle, even in different sizes can International (MSCI) as an Environlight the way of every great minds in the making. He shows ment, Social and Governance Ashow the candles can be of different colors and believes that sociate (ESG) where I do govno matter what, if things are supposed to be done, it should ernance research and assessbe done. ―You can do it.‖, -Engr. Juan C. Tecson. ment. After my short stint in MSCI, I entered ADEC Innovations in late 2014 as a Research Specialist for its ESG business initiatives. Finally, in 2016, I entered Silver Finance as its Corporate Planner‖, Engr. Harold Enriquez—BulSU IE Alumnus Batch 2006 . said Engr. Enriquez. Currently working at Silver Finance as Corporate Planner

―The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we The Jolly Sir Tec with the IE Faculty, his second family, Mam Jeana, Mam win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at Marianne, Sir Ivy, Mam Hazel and Mam Dyan hand‖, - Vince Lombardi. A mongo seed develops its leaves by the help of water and daytime light. How does Engr. Enriquez grow as an Industrial Engineer?

Alumni Corner:

Harold Enriquez Alyssa Soriano How a does a mongo seed develop its leaves? Ten years ago, Engr. Harold Enriquez graduated with a degree in Industrial Engineering in Bulacan State University, year 2006. Another door was opened by the key of passion. It does not stop him from learning new things, because he finished his Master of Business Administration degree from De La Salle University – Manila, year 2013. Ten years of exposure in Corporate Planning; Corporate Governance; Environment Social and Governance (ESG) Research; Business Development and Quality Audit. He was Previously Connected with ADEC Innovations, MSI Hong

“Know what you want, Set your objectives, Focus on your goals, Do not stop learning, Dream Big, Pray hard, Work harder”, said Engr. Enriquez.



The words you longed for Words are powerful. Words could either break you or make you. Words are the bridge to one’s heart, a rope to capture one’s soul. Words are letters that gives life to things and feelings. But what are words for if one cannot utter even a simplest “Hi” to the one he longed for. When actions are just not enough, words come in just like the wind that was blown from the east to the west. When time was consumed, when the sun already sets back to its origin, when weariness crept in your heart, when courage lacks on you, will the gift of arts through spoken poetry be enough? Spoken poetry – a new norm. Spoken poetry is a kind of literature where people do not need to write poems with pens and papers, nor do they need to memorize and create poems strict with rhymes and patterns. Urban Dictionary described spoken poetry as poetry intended for onstage performance, rather than exclusively designed for the page. While often associated with hiphop culture, it also has strong ties to storytelling, modern poetry, post-modern performance, and monologue theatre, as well as jazz, blues, and folk music. But for normal people, spoken poetry is an outlet. It is a way of expressing yourself when you find it hard to throw words directly to that one special person you wanted to converse to. Spoken poetry maybe a scapegoat for some or a courage bank where people could withdraw all the courage they need to express their pain, their happiness, their sadness, or even their longings. Many use spoken poetry to persuade people to listen to them as they try to reach their hearts by simply expressing everything into the void. Where do spoken words go? In the air? Above the ground? Or in their hearts? To those poets, it does or it does not matter anymore, for as long as this little art defined what you longed to say, spoken poetry will bridge the gaps and fill the empty vessel in our hearts and souls. Naaalala kita Sa aking bawat pagpikit, naaalala kita Sa aking bawat salita, naaalala kita Sa aking bawat paglingon, naaalala kita Ikaw at ikaw lamang Kung paano mo bigyan ng ngiti ang aking mga labi Kung paano mo bigyang sigla ang aking puso Kung paano mo ako nagagawang patawanin Kung paano kumislap ang aking mga mata sa iyong pagsilay Ikaw at ikaw lamang Ngunit bakit nagkaganito Bakit, mahal, ako’y iniwan mo Hindi ba naging sapat na ang naging mundo’y ikaw? Kulang ba na pinili kong tumingin lamang sa iyo Tayo ba o ako na lamang? Naaalala kita sa t’wing nakikita ko ang buwan Tuwing masisilayan ang bituin, naalala kita Lahat ng pangakong isinalaysay at pagsasamahang nabuo Lahat ng hirap at sakit na dinulot mo Nagsusumamo ako, sa huling pagkakataon, Pawiin mo ang lahat ng ito, kahit pa maalala kitang muli.

Written by: Hazelle Faith G. Cervantes Former Editor-in-Chief, IEmmensity


IE FACULTY GOES TO VIETNAM Engr. Marianne B. Calayag, Engr. Juan C. Tecson, and Engr. Ivy Mar J. Ramos, faculty members of the Industrial Engineering Department, flew to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and attended the 16th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference last December 8 – 11, 2015. The Core value of APIEMS is associating and exchanging the better industrial engineering education, researches, and exchange information from different countries.

17 BulSUans PASS THE IE CERTIFICATION Seventeen (17) BS in Industrial Engineering graduates from Bulacan State University joined the list of the new Certified Industrial Engineers. The following are the CIE passers from BulSU: Viviane A. Balastigue, CIE

Jennifer Y. Manuel, CIE

Jeremy Laurence M. Banez, CIE

Paul Joseph T. Manuel, CIE

Jonna V. Bautista, CIE

James Q. Nicdao, CIE

Hazel A. Caparas, CIE

Aila Bianca Pardo, CIE

Bernie Roy A. Esguerra, CIE

Jasmine Clarice C. Rigor, CIE

John Noel S. Gamboa, CIE

Bing B. Saquing, CIE

Van Melle M. Gonzales, CIE

Ayra M. Valmocina, CIE

Rio Gracia D. Lamotan, CIE

Michelle M. Marcos, CIE

Jacob B. Manalad, CIE They took the examination last December 6, 2015 and formally inducted by the Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers last January 29, 2016 in Pasay City.


cating student about Power in the Philippine Context, last June 13 – 17, 2016 at the Eugenio Lopez Last March 8, 2016, the Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers – BulSU SC elected it‘s new officers for the Academic Year 2016 – 2017. They formal- Center, Antipolo, Rizal. The event was organized by First Gen, the ly took their oath of office last April 4, 2016. leading provider of Renewable Energy in the Philippines and an President: Daisy Asilom affiliate of Lopez Conglomerate. Executive Vice President: Jemille Venturina VP for External Affairs: Myrrha Santiago VP for Marketing: Roxie Delos Santos ENGR. RAMOS, ENGR. VP for Academics: John Mark Nanip GONZALES-RODRIGUEZ: VP for Finance: Danina Santos NEW PIE’s Auditor: Lhyka De Castro Secretary: Hazelene Cruz Ambassador for Nationals: John Paolo Cruz Ambassador for Regionals: Jomie Dela Rama Engr. Ivy Mar J. Ramos and Engr. Dyan Gonzales-Rodriguez was conferred the title of Professional Industrial Engineer (PIE) by the Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers last June 6, 2016. By having this title, Engr. Ramos and Engr. Gonzales-Rodriguez joined the list of the distinguished professionals in the IE practice.



After being appointed last July 17, 2016, Christian Quinto joined the Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers - National Student Chapter AY 2016 - 2017 Core Team as one of the Directors for Curricular Activities under the Academics and Research Team.

Winston Camus was the new Director of the Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers Northern and Central Luzon Student Chapter for the Academic Year 2016 – 2017 after being elected last May 28, 2016. Meanwhile, Engr. Ivy Mar J. Ramos was appointed as the organization‘s Adviser.

3 IE STUDENTS ATTENDES 2016 FIRST GEN POWER CAMP Khen Nagasawa, John Mark Nanip, and Jasper Dionisio attended the 2016 First Gen Power Camp, a five-day live-in course that aimed at edu-





IE Blast: Victory for the Department Haven Bryan C. Duran and Zarah Camposano ―This is not the foundation week, this is not the intramurals week, this is the Engineering week.‖ Message from Arch. Jeana Venturina, one of the faculty members of the PIIE, and with her retro outfit she lightens up the opening program. The audience were very excited for the opening of the 7th annual Engineering week with a theme of ―Future Engineers: Reaching success through Jubilation and Sports‖ held at the Bulacan State University, Activity Center on December 10, 2015.

Ms. Jeana S. Venturina in her Retro Outfit hosted the Opening Program of COE Week 2015

sent to the program, One of the two highlighted activities for the opening of engineering week was started by the presentation of the judges of the Ms. COE Competition by PICE BulSU Student Chapter President Aldrin Echaore. And as the competition started, the College of Engineering witnessed the alluring beauty of all the ladies of each department wearing their retro outfit. The muse of the PIIE Ms. Danina Santos ramp on the floor of the Activity Center with her sexy outfit and hand held disco ball with initials IE on it, and even though she didn‘t bagged the crown she definitely showed the beauty, pride and confidence of an IE student. The competition was concluded by the announcement of the winning ladies for that night, Ms. Purple Dragon took the 3rd place, Ms. Red Stallion was placed as 2nd, and the Ms. Gold Minotaur won the crown as Ms. Coe 2015. And for the most awaited part of the program Ms. Romarise May Reymundo, President of the IIEE BulSU SC, presented the judges for the dance competition the Step Up Revolution V2.0 Retro Competition. The competition was hip hop dance showdown of different departments that will highlight the chosen object that will represent the theme, retro which is a hula-hoop. The first part of the competition was a start up show down, each group was represented by three members that showed some hip hop moves. The dancers‘ enthusiasm really infiltrated the audiences, full of amazing moves and grooves. The dancers move with the dance groove of retro music playlist such as the Material Girl, My Humps, Can‘t hold us by Pentatonix, Stay Alive, and Going Down for Raid. The starting

The program started with an opening prayer as to pray for the success of the program and followed by the singing of the national anthem led by the college pride choir group, The Koro Inhinyero. Then, an opening remarks from the father of College of Engineering, Dean Romeo Robles who inspires all the engineering students on the program, the opening remarks of Dean Robles should be preceded by the newly elected BulSU President Cecilia Gascon to give her inspirational message but unfortunately didn‘t made it to the program. On the other hand, to continue the program College of Engineering Local Government President Eric Villafuerte made an organizational roll call, all the department of the COE, the MEE Gray Dolphins, CPE Yellow Lycans, IE Pink Falcons, Pink Dancers—The IE Dance Trope competes to the Step Up Revolution CE Green Vipers, MEM RETRO Of COE Week 2015 White Tigers, EE Red Stallion, ECE Purple Dragons, ME Blue Bison and the newly built GE group was full of energy; the fire was on the Gold Minotaur joined the battle. And for floor every time dancers move with their the Oath of Sportsmanship, President Eric body and hips. Judges were all astonished Villafuerte invited the representative of while the dancers owned the floor showing each department, the captain ball of the their unique dance signatures. When the 5th year IE basketball team Jolo Macam dance floor was given to the IE dance troupe, took the oath for the PIIE department , their colleague really went crazy. With pink led by Engineer Oliver Mariano. The facul- and black combination of their retro outfit ty of the college of Engineering was pre- they started their number with a ―boom‖, because the audiences were amazed


SPORTS NEWS even it was just the start. All along their dance revolution they showed fantastic dance moves and energetic routines and definitely mark the floor. The other groups continued the excitements. After the dance contest and before the announcement of winning groups, Assistant Dean, Mr. Audie Geronimo gave his closing message to the future engineers at the activity center. ‖ We s h o u l d have faith, dream big and congrats to all‖, are some of his w o r d s . Then the final verdict for the winning group was laid. The audiences were very eager to know the winners. All the IE students at the program were expecting more for their fellow IE students. Then, when the placers were announced, all the IEs felt sorry because of the result. The IE dance troupe became so emotional. But then the final score given by the judges were irrevocable and they had to accept the results. But behind all of what happened the opening was a success. And the battle for greatness, intelligence and power began. On the following week come different ball games and indoor games played by different participants of IE Students, Billiards, and Table Tennis. Basketball and Volleyball in both boys and girls division was also a part of the ball games. IE Players hit the win in three set game for volleyball boys and girls. Aside from ball games, IE Students also participated in the Quiz Con, General Information category of the different department in college of engineering. Jasper Kevin Dionisio, John Mark Nanip, and Cath Jaochico are the entrant for this competition who luckily won the first place. Aside from the ball games, IE students especially section 3B gave their blast in joining the Battle of the bands participated by College of Engineering. The Engineering week run off with many activities and fun for COE students. It was closed on Dec 21 2015 held at Activity Center.

IE Falcons soars high in the Regional Sports fIEsta. Jasper Kevin C. Dionisio The Bulacan State University Industrial Engineering Department once again proved that it‘s students are not only academically equipped but also well inclined when it comes to sport as it shines and soared high during the recently concluded Regional Sports fIEsta of the Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers Northern and Central Luzon Student Chapter [PIIE – NCL SC] last November 14, 2015 held at Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University [DHVTSU] in Bacolor Pampanga. The BulSU IE brought home two golds, as its Men‘s


B a s ketball team w a s hailed as the Champ i o n for the s a i d division. T h e other gold was from Arlu Mapili of IE 4B. Arlu clinched the highest title in the Singles Division of Table Tennis. Meanwhile, BulSU IE bagged silver medals as it took the second place in Mixed Volleyball and in Women‘s Basketball Division. Kiel Gonzales and Hazelen Cruz, IE 4B and IE 3A, also placed second in the Badminton Doubles Division. Another second place was from Rosechel San Juan of IE 3A who won the silver for Badminton Singles Division. In the end, BulSU landed as the 1st Runner-up on this year‘s Regional Sports fIEsta next to DHVTSU who was hailed as the Overall Champion. Among the participating schools were Tarlac State University [TSU], Baliuag University [BU], University of the Assumption [UA], Holy Angels University [HAU] and the host university, Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University [DHVTSU].

Paolo Isip

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