Over To Peta
ara Groom, of Hitched, and I always drive up to Harrogate on a Sunday morning, fuelled by coffee. En route we put the bridal world to rights, and often come up with crazy schemes and great ideas which further down the line we work on. It’s like a bluesky meeting room in a Smart car. (My Micra got us up there for years through thick and thin, snow, wind, rain, petrol shortages, lorries catching fire in front of us, but when the final windscreen wiper wiped itself off the windscreen, 68 ♦ W E D D I N G T R A D E R ♦ N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 1
Wow! Entering Harrogate on the Sunday morning was like time travelling; we stepped through the doors, and the past 18 months of Covid chaos were completely eradicated