“I still have not got over Harrogate! Seeing people I have only met on Zoom for close to two years was one of the biggest thrills – so many smiling faces and warm welcomes from suppliers. Really makes you realise how much you’ve missed that face-to-face thing.”
“As much as I enjoyed being back in the thrust of things, I personally would have felt far more relaxed if the Harrogate show organisers had implemented their own restrictions and insisted everyone wore masks all the time. Having had three members of the family suffer with Covid early on, and recently my 11-yearold nephew, I felt uncomfortable and in fact left a day early.” “Some suppliers who were less than supportive in the early days of lockdown, actually apologised when I saw them at Harrogate and one took the time to explain the problems they had been trying to deal with. It did make me see I’d been only focused on my own problems.”
“I’d be really interested to know if other shop owners are finding that brides have become more demanding than ever. It goes without saying that we have been overwhelmingly understanding about the problems the pandemic has brought to their plans, for some more than once, but twice in the past few weeks I’ve been faced with a ‘what are you going to do about it?’ attitude. I’m not sure what they think we’ve been doing for the past 18 months. I know, of course, this is all about demand for big discounts, but it is really hard for me and my staff to remain polite and supportive. Are others dealing with the same attitudes and how are they coping?”
“I bought with care at Harrogate. Less than I’d planned in terms of spend, but much more than I’d expected in terms of new looks. I picked up two new labels, which I love, and came away ready to clear the rails when they arrive. The excitement of the good old days is back!”
And Finally We knew this one would be full of positivity!
“I got some brilliant advice from the Get Savvy team and I will certainly be taking many of their suggestions on board. I guess the more questions you ask, the more information you gather, and the clearer, then, the way forward.”
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