Wedding Trader - issue 30

Page 14

First Person Sometimes in life, we have eureka moments; times when things fall into place; when something just finally makes sense. Laura Daly knows all about that


had such a moment last week and it really got me thinking about how fragile we can be, as customers, when we’re going through life’s many varied unpredictable episodes and how, as service providers, with a well-timed word, a caring action or a smile, we have the power to transform lives, quite literally. So, I’d like to take a moment, if I may, to talk about customer

service. In the world of bridal retailing – it’s a given that we all offer excellent customer service. I don’t believe any of us would still be in business these days if we didn’t. But when was the last time you stopped to consider the important effect on your customer of your words and actions? You can genuinely change someone’s life for the better. Or, with one misjudged

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word, a soul can be crushed, a shopping experience marred and a wedding ruined even before it’s taken place. Until I found myself in just such an emotional life moment, I don’t think I’d ever really appreciated the degree to which this maxim is true. My lovely Mum has Alzheimer’s, a wicked disease that is slowly stealing her from me and the family. She lives in an altered state of

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