Wedding Trader - issue 30

Page 42

Second Opinion The thinking process covers so much ground, from pondering solutions to day-to-day business problems, to baring one’s soul to friends and colleagues. Sue Lovell runs through the gamut of emotions that affect her life

shop owner that evening, re-living the events of the day, and she said that at times, she too doubted herself, questioned who she really was, as so many people saw her as her business, and didn’t think she had an identity other than that of her ’Shop Persona’. For so many of us, outside of our family we are known more for what we do for a living, rather than for the people we really are. But then, we often are so tied up with our own businesses, that it is hard to separate our work life from our real life. Work can be so all consuming, his week I heard myself utter the focus is on how other people those dreadful words, “Do you know who I am?” I drove are feeling, and we somehow lose ourselves. Is that just me, and does home from a meeting, in a everyone else feel totally whole, and stunned daze that I had actually said those words – out loud. Other people completely put together? It certainly feels like that sometimes. around me had heard me say it, and I see amazing women, so selfafter an awkward silence and pitying glances I left, distraught and mortified, assured, so complete, and so in control, and I am in awe. I honestly and so embarrassed. hurtle from one chaotic situation to For some reason, asking that hideous question, made me question another, trying to give off an air of calm, but I am sure everyone can see who I actually was, I found my me flapping, can see me falling. confidence was knocked and I was I do not like to appear on social questioning my own identity, and my media, I hate being in photos or videos own self worth. and will complete obstacle courses I was talking to a friend, another


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worthy of the SAS to get out of a group picture. But still, not being recognised stung! I have been in places, miles away from home, and met people who know me through my business. I have been in airports and introduced as “My wedding dress lady”. In March of this year, I was recognised at the London Show from appearing in the pages of The Wedding Trader – fame at last. But in general, I am a wallflower, I like to go through life, anonymous, I don’t feel I need validation or recognition, I just like to get through each day with everyone around me safe and as little drama as possible. Changes 2022 will no doubt be memorable for many reasons. A year when weddings finally happened again, without Covid complications. For those of us who do alterations, as well as sales, it truly is a whirlwind season of boobs and ankles, as we pin, fit and get to see our storage rails empty, and our alterations rail swell. I have never had so many alterations, as three wedding seasons merge into one. For many brides, so

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