exclusive 18
COOL GADGETS Gadgets form an integral part of our lives. They are essentially small tools or machines intended to perform a specific function. Some of them make our lives easier, faster and more stylish. With the evolution of modern age, more and more gadgets see the light, and we found some of the coolest ones to share with you. The main concept was to find something easy to use and transfer, minimal and useful.
WEARABLE CALENDAR COUNTDOWN TIMEPIECES The ‘Piece of Time’ is a new minimal timepiece, which will help you to eliminate the need of checking your schedule on your smartphone. Designed by Ben Koros, the small device works by being attached to your body as a pendant, a clip or a bracelet. It alerts you when your next task or appointment is ready to be completed. It has a countdown LED indicators that help you to know how much time you have left. ‘Piece of Time’ helps you be organised and in schedule without distracting you from what you are doing or losing time checking your smartphone.