8 minute read

Teens and their health

Health is one of the most important and precious things that a person can and should have and, because of it , wemustpreserveit.

First I must say that health is more than just the absence of diseases in our body.Health is a person's physical, psychologicalandsocialwell-being.


When teenagers reach a certain age, it becomes increasingly difficult to preserve it due to the various challengeswegothrough.

With the pressure to be perfect, to belong to a certain standard created by society, people begin to develop physical illnesses such as bulimia and anorexia, which often lead to bigger harm.This stupid standard makes people create a false image of themselves, which makes them need to change aesthetically just to reach the standard, often without caring about the serious consequences they will have to face, such as depression and anxiety,that are already psychological illnesses.

For this to change, there is more and more information on how people can be their best version. Some things that are scientifically proven to help prevent physical and psychological illnesses are:practice physical exercise, meditate, round us with friends who really want/do us good, eat fresh and natural food, take time forourselves…

It is obvious that we, students, have an enormous amounts of stress due to the phase in our lives that we have passed, which will follow us for the rest of our lives,but we mustn't forget that with the right work and dedication we can reach the infinity, because organizationisthekeytosuccess!

Work made by : Clarisse Sousa, 10º A

Mental health

Mental health is an area of health that is found in the psychological and emotional well-being of people. Mental health can be affected by several factors, including stress, family problems, financial difficulties, amongothers.

Good mental health is essential to a person's overall well-being and can be influenced by many factors such as genetics, life experiences, social environment,lifestyleandphysicalhealth. It is also important to be aware of signs of mental health problems, such as mood swings, social isolation, sleep problems, difficulty in concentrating, changes in appetite, and so on. In cases of persistence of these symptoms, it is important to seek professional help, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, for proper evaluation and treatment.

Diana Carvalho, 10º D

Mental health is a state of emotional, psychological and social well-being. It is a state of balance between thought, relationships,emotionsandbehaviour

Having a good mental health can bring us many benefits, the benefits are: feeling of well-being, motivation boost, selfconfidence and self- esteem, less anxiety, better ability to be focused, more discipline, improved learning ability, and other benefits.

In my opinion, mental health is something that we must take care of and preserve, as having good mental health can improve our days.

Mental health is very important for everyone's life, because without it we become less productive, more tired and unmotivated. A good method to have a good mental healthisdongsports,aswhenwepracticeitwefeelbetter with ourselves, it occupies us time so we don't think about badthings,anditendsupbeingagoodentertainment. We think that nowadays, students have less and less mental health because they end up exhausted and feeling insufficient due to excessive tiredness and studying.

Schools could create campaigns and activities on this subject, because it could lead many students to realize that we also need time for ourselves and not only to live forschoolactivities.

In conclusion, mental health is the crucial to have good self-esteem,agoodmoodandnotfeelinsecure.

Alice Bessa e Juliana Costa, 11º A

Mental health is a much spoken topic nowadays. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being It affects our daily lives, m a k i n g u s l e s s p r o d u c t i v e , communicative, sociable and it can also affect our physical well- being, because the lack of these aspects brings us to stop eating, stop sleeping and even sometimestohurtourselves. It might not seem like it, but maybe a lot of people that we socialize on a daily basis might suffer from something and we don't even know. Most of these victims don't tell anyone about it and keepitasecretforaslongastheycan. So, take this as a warning for us to pay attention to the people that surround us all.

The practice of some kind of sports is important to ensure good health, not only physical but also psychological. As two federated football athletes, we have experience in this case, as we can see that sports has significantly changed our lives, as it has brought us much happiness and achievements. In addition to these two things, sport stimulates our concentration, ability to think and also good motor regulation,whichisveryimportantforeverythingwe do throughout the day Sports allows us to meet new people, realities different from ours, new feelings and brings us a sense of unity with others. Sports enables a better physical and mental development of us, which makes it possible for us to have good physical and mental health, which is very important. With this text we want to show that sports is very important for a good general health andthatitisalsoveryimportantinourschoollife.

Henrique e Rodrigo, 11º A

School has a significant impact on a teenager's overall healthandwell-being.

Studies show that academic demand and social pressures can lead to high levels of stress and anxiety, leading to poor mental health outcomes.Additionally, lack of physical activity, poor sleep habits, and unhealthy diets can contribute to poor physical health outcomes. It is therefore important for schools to prioritize the overall health and well-being of their students by providing opportunities to address stress, promoting healthy lifestyles, and providing access to mental health resources.

Speaking about our school, it has some things that need to get better, for example the food in the canteen could be better so the students didn't have to eat unhealthily outside school.Another example where our school can be better is try to get in touch with students to know how they feel. Encouraging healthy habits during the school years can help develop habits that contribute to better long-term healthandwell-being.

Bruno Silva e Beatriz Leite, 11º A

We are at a phase in our lives where mental illnesses are combined with school, family and social life. With this, it is very important to know that everything in this life goes by quickly and most importantofall,itmakesusgrowandsee things differently We have to know how to abstract from what hurts us, who hurts us and, above all, stop blaming ourselves for things that happen in our lives. Life is too short so, let's not waste time painting life black. If you are at peace,therestdoesnotmatter

Mental health is a subject that conditions people's lives, and therefore it is very important for our wellbeinganddailylives.

For us students we have to take this into account, sinceitisimportantforourschoolperformance. For those who want to enter those courses with higher grades, the thought of disappointment when a grade does not correspond to our work, the feeling of pressure to do everything and deliver everything on time and the tiredness of having to keepdoingsomething,isalmostinevitable. In our case, what worked for us was having a more open mind in relation to our options, being more organized so we don't feel so overwhelmed, prioritizing personal care (relaxing, going out with friends ) so we don't have always the same routine.

After all we need to take care of ourselves and always prioritize our well-being, and as our math teachersays"ourworkisalwaysrewarded".


In our opinion, mental health is a very important issue as it affects our psychological, emotional and social well-being. It helps us in making decisionsandinthewaywefacelife.

Throughout life, everyone can be affected by mental health problems, of greater or lesser severity. Some stages of life, such as starting school, adolescence, aging, can be the cause of mental health disorders. Genetic or traumatic issues can also contribute to serious mental illness.

First, mental health is the foundation of general well-being and concerns a level of cognitive or emotional quality of life or the absence of a mentalillness.

Secondly, the most frequent psychological problems are depression, continuous stress, anxiety, addictions and dementia, but there are forms of prevention and strategies to help with this disease, such as therapy, healthy eating and physicalactivityandsleepquality.

On the other hand, people with psychological problems are often excluded from a social group, which should not be done as they must be supported to feel integrated, for example in the family,school,workplaceandcommunity healthy body healthy mind happy human!

In conclusion, as mental health is fundamental for people's well-being, we must raise awareness of society to its importance and what the population should be taught to identify the signstoprotectthemselves.

Currently, when talking about mental health, most people give it little relevance, as they think that most of the time those who say they are facing problems related to this are just exaggerating or tryingtocalltheattention.

In our opinion, as teenagers, we believe that everyone has the right to be heard and not be judged for what they are feeling This is a necessary topic and anyone with mental health issues should not be judged by the stereotype of oblivious people who just want to make drama. Therefore, in line with this, we believe that there are some services that should be free, such as psychologists, in order to help and in order to be helped.

With this example of a solution, our quality of life, as citizens, would be able to improve, because mental problems are as important as physical problems.

As we've always heard it said, "Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you", and think if you were in their position Shouldn't they be helped?

Hello dear readers, I (Margarida Sousa) and my colleague (Joana Oliveira) are two students who attend the 11th year of the scienceandtechnologycourse.

To be quite honest, we think the best words to define our degree are “challenge” and “resilience”.

Since it is quite a difficult degree, it is important that outside our school life we are healthy, happy and in good mental health, because that is the only way we can move forwardandnotgiveup.

Seeking help is not a problem, when we are not well the solution is not to keep it to o u r s e l v e s We s h o u l d n ' t k e e p accumulating things because then it's like a “snowball” that gets bigger and bigger and it getsharderandhardertosolve.

Choosing a good group of friends with whom we can share life, have good food, have good sleep and good support at home isessentialtokeepourhealthuptodate.

Cidadania e Desenvolvimento

Asdiferentesculturas Fazem-nosaprender Eajudam-nosaentender Comoébomconviver!

René Monteiro, 7º B

Nãoimportaaculturaoudeondeviemos Nãoimportasesomosnegrosoubrancos Ouquelínguafalamos PoissomostodosseresHumanos!

Euseiqueés Deoutranacionalidade, Masamigospodemosser Qualquercoisajásabes Sóprecisasdedizer!

Rodrigo Lopes, 7º C


Duasnaçõestodososdiasacordam! Parecemiguais!Sobrevivererespirar Porém,quandotentamseentrelaçar, Paramnaprópriabarreiraquecriaram!

Barreiraresistente Entretantodemolida Pelorespeito,pelainclusão Pelapartilhadaculturaedavida!

Diálogo,cumplicidade Respeito,uniãoecompreensão INTERCULTURALIDADE.

João Guilherme Costa, 7º B

Nãoésmuitodiferentedemim Sóporteresoutranacionalidade. Seiquenãoéimpossível, Pessoasdediferentespaíses TeremumaAMIZADE!

Rodrigo Marques, 7º C


Quenãoimportadeondesomos. Viver,crescer,comer,beber Omesmotodosfazemos. Diferentesculturas,omesmosorriso,omesmoamar Somosiguaismesmosendodiferentes Poistemostodosamesmaterraeomesmomar

Sofia Silva, 7º C

Durante o segundo período, na disciplina de Cidadania e Desenvolvimento (7ºano) foi trabalhado o domínio “Interculturalidade”.

Os alunos desenvolveram diversos trabalhos relacionados com esta temática que culminaram numa Palestra “Interculturalidade na Escola”, que se realizou no dia 29 de março, com a participação dos alunos do 7º ano e que contou com a participação/colaboração das alunas da Bruna Paola Pereira, do 9ºA, Sanie JasminAmarilla, do 11ºL, Kémilyn Pires, do 12ºE e Laisa Marçal, do 12ºF, oriundas de outros países, e ainda dosalunosAdolfoMonteiroeEliasMonteirodecomunidadecigana.

Esta atividade foi organizada pela docente Lia Santos (Coordenadora de Cidadania e Desenvolvimento), pela docente Susana Barros, que leciona a disciplina e pela Drª Ana Paula Costa do SPO, com a colaboração do docente Camilo Dias, da Equipa da Educação Inclusiva e do docente Pedro Ribeiro, de Educação Física. Teve como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento de relações de diálogo, interação, cooperação, respeito e aceitação, entre as diferentes culturas e indivíduos, pretendendo-se desta forma preservarasidentidadesculturais,proporcionarapartilhadeexperiênciaseoenriquecimentomútuo. É de salientar que os alunos participaram nesta atividade com bastante interesse, tendo a mesma se reveladonummomentodepartilhabastanteenriquecedoremuitoapreciadoportodososparticipantes. A todos os que participaram e colaboraram, um muito obrigado pelo interesse, empenho e esforço, sem o qualnãoseriapossívelatingirosobjetivospropostos.

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