West Drayton Sept 14

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West London Monumental & Architectural Stone Masons

     We are pleased to announce the opening of our new showroom in Yiewsley High  Street.   

We are a family run masonry company that has been producing quality memorials and masonry work in the West London area since 1888.

We offer a wide range of traditional and contemporary memorial designs and inscriptions for placement both at home and abroad. We also specialise in Renovation and cleaning of Memorials. For centuries the timeless beauty of stones such as Granite, Italian marble, Nabresina have been the esteemed choice for commemorating and marking the last resting place of those departed from this life. All our work comes with a BRAMM 10 year workmanship Guarantee Come in to our showroom and have a chat with our friendlystaff who will be able to advise and guide you through our services and offers.

We have a special offer of A Best Grade Black Granite 2’6 Lawn Memorial with concrete foundation and 100 Gild Gold Leaf or painted letters and optional flower container included for £575.00 (other colours are available in the offer for £675) And Best Grade Full Black Granite memorial 3’OG Headstone with concrete foundation and 100 Gild Gold Leaf or painted letters and soil centre optional flower containers included £1599.00! (other colours are available in the offer for £1749) 117a Yiewsley High Street.Yiewsley.Middlesex.UB7 7QL.Telephone 01895 435558 Email yiewsleysales@kenwardandson.co.ukwww.kenwardandson.co.uk


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  As AsI Iwrite writethis, this, we’re we’reflying flyingtowards towardsthe the end endof ofAu Au gust gust and and sadly sadlyleaving leaving Summer Summer behind behind us. us. Many Many of of you youwill will have havebeen been and andreturned returned from from your yourholi holi days days and and kids kids and and parents parents are are psyching psyching them them selves selves up up for for the the return return to to school. school. (note (note to to self: self: need needto tobuy buydaughter’s daughter’s school schooluniform uniform inin next next few few days). days). Whilst Whilst I’m I’m yet yet to to take take aa holiday holiday this this year, year, I I have have recently recently discovered discovered the the joys joys of of camping. camping. Now Now don’t don’t get get me me wrong, wrong, I’m I’m not not sure sure I I could could do do aa whole wholeweek week(although (althoughI Imay maysurprise surprisemyself), myself),but butaa couple couple of of nights nights most most definitely. definitely. Having Having recently recently set set off off to to Gloucester Gloucester with with complete complete trepidation, trepidation, aa new newtent, tent,of ofwhich whichno noone onehad hadaaclue cluehow howto toerect, erect, and and aa car car full full of of blankets, blankets, I I had had the the calming calming back back up up plan plan ofof booking booking into into aa hotel hotel around around the the corner corner should shouldititall allgo gowrong. wrong. Arriving Arrivingwith withabout aboutan anhour hour of of daylight daylight left, left, we we not not only only managed managed to to erect erect two two tents, tents, grab grab aa takeaway takeaway and and spend spend the the evening evening having having aa drink drink under under the the stars, stars, but but we we were were even even up up and and cooking cooking aa full full English English breakfast breakfast on on our our newly newly purchased purchased stoves stoves the the following following morning. morning. ItIt was wasfun, fun,ininfact factI Ihaven’t haven’tlaughed laughedso somuch muchininages ages and and we’re we’re all all now now eagerly eagerly planning planning our our next next es es cape. cape. If, If,like likeme, me,you youhaven’t haven’tbeen beencamping campingsince since you youwere wereaakid, kid,I’d I’drecommend recommendgiving givingititaatry. try. Just Just make make sure sure there’s there’s at at least least aa BB && BB around around the the corner corner(just (just inincase) case) and and aa pub pub within within walking walking dis dis tance! tance! Well, Well,I’m I’moff offto tobuy buyschool schoolshirts shirtsand andmaybe maybeaafew few more morecamping campingaccessories. accessories.

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History: History:What Whathappened happenedininSeptember September2001 2001 Computer ComputerHelpdesk Helpdesk

66 88

RSPCA RSPCARe ReHoming HomingAppeal Appeal

10 10

Road RoadTest: Test:Volkswagen VolkswagenPolo Polo1.2 1.2TSI TSI

12 12

Tech: Tech:Pick Pickaaside sideApple Appleor orAndroid? Android?

14 14

The Themyths mythsthat thatjust justwon’t won’tdie die

16 16

Coffee CoffeeBreak BreakPuzzles Puzzles

20 20

Reader ReaderTravel TravelOffers Offers

22 22

Beauty: Beauty:The Thescience sciencebehind behindskincare skincare

24 24

Wordsearch Wordsearch

28 28

Local LocalEvents Events

30 30

Your Yourguide guideto toheart hearthealth health

32 32

Interiors: for building work Opinion: Planning Car Insurance

34 34

Recipe: Recipe:Spicy Spicybake bakeapple applewith withwalnuts walnuts

36 36

How Howtotomake makemoney moneyfrom fromcrafting crafting

38 38

Pets PetsCorner Corner

40 40

Garden GardenFeature Feature

42 42

Clubs, Clubs,Groups Groups&&Classes Classes

44, 44,46 46&&48 48

Puzzle PuzzleSolutions Solutions

49 49

Tel: Tel: 01895 01895835907 835907 Mob: Mob:07759 07759536494 536494 In Inand andAround AroundMagazines Magazinescover: cover: West WestDrayton Drayton..Iver Iver..Denham Denham..Uxbridge Uxbridge Ickenham Ickenham..Ruislip Ruislip Angela AngelaFisher Fisher 01895 01895835907 835907//07759 07759536494 536494 info@inandaroundpublishing.co.uk info@inandaroundpublishing.co.uk  

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What happened in... ... September 2001?

   

He was finally tracked down and killed in Pakistan by American On 11 September 2001, at 8:45 forces almost ten years later. am US time (UK – 1:45 pm) a 1st: The German national passenger jet crashed into the football team lost a World Cup North Tower of the World Trade qualifier to England (managed Centre in New York, in what by Sven-Göran Eriksson) at the most people assumed was Olympic stadium in Munich. a terrible accident. Eighteen 10th: Despite searching all his minutes later another plane pockets and looking down the crashed into the South Tower and the world realised that this back of the sofa, US Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsden, was no accident. failed to find a missing 2.3 A third plane crashed into trillion dollars, giving rise to all the Pentagon and a fourth sorts of conspiracy theories into a field after passengers about burying bad news when overpowered the al-Qaeda all records were destroyed in terrorist who was piloting it. the next day’s terrorist attacks. Al-Qaeda was founded by Who wants to be a millionaire? Osama bin Laden in the late Well, Charles Ingram did, but Eighties and he was blamed for after winning £1,000,000 on master-minding the hijackings. the TV game show he was

Petrol cost about78p per litre The average price of a house was £92,000

Three of the bestselling singles this year were: Can’t Get You Out Of My Head - Kylie Minogue Too Close - Blue Mambo No. 5 - Bob The Builder

accused of cheating and the payment was suspended. It was alleged that his wife, who was in the audience, gave him coded signals by coughing. They were both convicted and had to pay a total of £115,000 in fines and costs, although each protested their innocence. I can’t help thinking that a bottle of Cavonia would have been a lot cheaper. 11th: In the worst piece of timing in the history of music sales, Ben Folds released his album, Rocking the Suburbs. 15th: Part of the Queen Isabella Causeway in Texas collapsed after being struck by four loaded barges being towed by a tugboat. The missing sections were near the brow so the gap was not easily spotted by approaching traffic. Eight people were killed when their cars plunged 85 feet into the water. Five cars and three survivors were recovered. 17th: The New York Stock Exchange reopened following the terrorist attacks.

Patrick D Cousins’ Short Shorts is available on Kindle for a trifling £1.99. His double novella, Rainbows, Dreams and Angels is available from Amazon and other major outlets. You can hear the song on YouTube. 




 Those who remember the 1980s, and the vogue for wearing towelling wristbands if you were even vaguely considering any form of exercise, will have been wondering how long it would take for this trend to come round again. Well, I’m happy to say that it has – and today’s must have fashion accessory for sporty types does a whole lot more than stop the palms of your hands from getting sweaty. There are a plethora of products on the market; let’s take a look at a few of them. Probably the most popular is the Nike Fuelband – it’s already on its second generation. This chunky device is intended to be worn most of the time; it isn’t fully waterproof so you can’t go swimming in it and it needs to be recharged periodically. It contains an accelerometer to measure arm movements and a small LED display that provides a limited amount of information. The Fuelband can connect to a computer or mobile device via Bluetooth and a USB port. Initially, you set up your profile on a computer including your height, weight and so on. Then you set up the sports and activities that you intend to perform and set yourself a series of goals, for instance running 3km each day. When you achieve a goal, the wristband sends you a message of encouragement. Real lovers of data can sync their wristband with the Nike Fuel website and view graphs of their performance, then brag about it to their friends via the built in social media site. The Fuelband costs around £129. Next up is the Fitbit Flex. This has an advantage over the Fuelband in that it is a tiny module that fits in a replaceable rubber wristband, which means that you don’t have to wear the band all the time. The Fitbit is more geared towards lifestyle and wellbeing rather than sporting prowess; it will tell you how many steps you have taken and calories you burned but not how quickly you finished your run. One thing it does do better than the Fuelband is to measure and learn your sleep patterns. This means that you can set the alarm to wake you as you move into a light sleep, therefore reducing. tiredness. On the face of it, the Fitbit represents pretty good value too, a snip at just £80. Our final contender is the Jawbone Up. This seems 

like the most complete product out of the group and is geared towards helping athletes manage their potential and help those who want to lose weight. You can enter in a variety of sports and the band will give you real time feedback on performance and calories burnt; you can even enter the number of calories consumed during the day – ideal for those seeking to lose weight. It also monitors sleep patterns in the same way that the Fitbit does. The sculpted nylon band, available in a range of colours, really looks the part too. At £124, the Jawbone comes in cheaper than the Fuelband and seems to be a superior product. While I have to admire the way that these products make use of state of the art technology at an affordable price, I’d have to question how they fit in with the modern lifestyle of most people. Serious athletes and sportsmen (and women) will already have a training program worked out in conjunction with a nutritionist and their coach. They don’t need any of these products. For those who just want to get a bit more exercise, they represent complete overkill – they don’t need all that data and they’d probably rather not have a hefty bracelet attached to their wrist for 24 hours a day. As for people who want to lose weight, all these devices have a fatal weakness; they tell you how many calories you’ve burnt but not how many you’ve consumed, something most overweight people have a real problem in calculating. Never mind, wearing a sport band says all the right things about you – you’re sporty, body conscious and dedicated. Money well spent!


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Benny, Billy, and Bobby are 2 year old male guinea pigs. These 3 lovely boys were signed over to us when their owner was no longer able to look after them. Ideally, we'd prefer them go to a loving home together but would consider homing them separately. As with all guinea pigs, they will need a large run and plenty of space to stretch and exercise. Please get in touch if you can offer love, care and spacious accommodation to these rather handsome boys We have more than 30 kittens currently in our care, all looking for that special, loving home. Their ages vary from 10 weeks to 5 months. Please, please get in touch if you could adopt one or more of these beautiful kitties. Ring   or visit our website  to download an application form if you are look ing to adopt 



   The VW Golf has long been the king of the massmarket family hatchbacks, but the Polo has never really enjoyed the same plaudits in the super mini sector, in the UK anyway. Admittedly, it always tops the class for build quality and re finement but it’s never been able to match the good looks of the Vauxhall Corsa or the driving dynamics of the Ford Fiesta. However, a freshly face lifted version of the Polo has just hit the showrooms. Can it do anything to redress the balance? The Polo is actually the sec ond bestselling car in Volks wagen’s line up, so inevitably they are very cautious about making any major changes to a winning formula. As a result, you’d have to look very hard to spot the differences to the exterior, basically new LED headlights and slightly different bumpers. Even so, the clean styling and neat proportions are understated and classy, rather like a scaled down Golf. Inside it is the same story; apart from new instruments and a tidied up centre console, all is much as before. This is no bad thing, the quality of materials, excellent fit and finish and comfortable seats are all those of a bigger more expensive car, well ahead of the competition. The main changes are all un der the skin. There is a flashy


new infotainment system that is reminiscent of a smart phone; you swipe your finger over the screen to select from the menu. ESP now comes as standard on all cars, as does a Post Collision Braking System that applies the brakes after an impact to bring the car to a halt. An automatic cruise con trol system is available as an option, coupled with City Emergency Braking which performs an emergency stop if it detects a likely collision be low 19mph. A few years ago you’d have to buy a Mercedes S Class to enjoy this sort of technology. More importantly, the car has a new line up of engines that deliver class leading refine ment and economy, if not out right performance. At the entry level is a 1.0 litre three cylinder petrol with either 59 or 74bhp. The lower powered engine is just too weedy while the 74bhp version is equally as economi cal. Then there is a 1.2 litre turbo that offers 90 or 110bhp. I drove the 90bhp version and was very impressed. It was remarkably refined and flexi ble, particularly at motorway speeds, and, while hardly a hot hatch, delivers all the perform ance you need. 61mpg in mixed motoring is not to be sniffed at either. The Polo is very relaxing to drive, the controls are light and easy to use and the suspen

sion soaks up the bumps with ease. With the allround levels of refinement and that flexible engine, it is like driving a much bigger car. The handling suits the character of the car too, safe and predictable, though hardly what you would call fun. Ask most motoring journalists and they will rate the Ford Fiesta as the best car in this class, largely because of the excellent handling and lusty performance from the Zetec engines. However, they forget that not all super minis are driven by teenage boys and petrol heads; in fact they are far more likely to be driven by young mums or even grand mas. Volkswagen are fully aware of this; that is why the Polo shares many of the vir tues of its bigger sister, the Golf. It is supremely well built, refined and practical and has an understated class that Ford could never hope to emulate. Ask a used car dealer which car they prefer and they’ll plump for the Polo every time. There is only thing it is lacking; VW invented the hot hatch with the Golf GTi and after all these years it is still the car to beat. They also offer an 189bhp Polo GTi which is searingly fast but it will never enjoy the same cachet.   

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Pick A Side: Apple or Android? Is Apple where it’s at, or are Android gadgets better buys?  

Apple is due to launch the latest, greatest iPhone this September along with iOS 8, the latest version of its smartphone and tablet software. The phone will have a bigger screen and a better camera, but one thing won’t change: like all Apple gadgets, it won’t be cheap. Apple isn’t the only game in town, though. Google’s Android system has been updated too, and Android phones and tablets from the likes of Samsung, HTC, LG and Sony are often just as pretty and just as powerful as anything Apple makes - and in many cases they’re a good bit cheaper too. Android isn’t quite as simple or as elegant as Apple’s iOS, but there’s not much in it - and where Apple only makes a handful of devices, with Android there are dozens of phones and tablets to choose from. Unless you’re a big Apple fan then, is Android the smarter choice? Unfortunately it’s a bit more complicated than that. Apple and Google don’t just want to be your friend when you buy a phone or a tablet. They want to be part of your entire life. They want to be the 

companies you from whom you buy your music, movies, TV programmes and books, the companies who provide your in-car entertainment and navigation systems, the companies who handle all your messages, voice and video calls, the companies who connect all of the appliances in your home and who track your health and fitness. By the end of this year both firms will have smart watches or wristbands that monitor your vital signs, set-top boxes that stream music and video to your TV, software that connects to cars from the likes of Volvo, Nissan, Audi and Mercedes, music and movie streaming services and home automation systems - and that’s just the stuff we know about. This means you need to consider the bigger picture. It’s not just about the particular phone or tablet you want to buy, but what techy types call the ecosystem: the various things that the phone or tablet connects to and gets content from. For example, if you fancy Apple’s clever Apple TV system, you won’t get the best from it unless you also have an Apple phone or tablet; if you

want to use an Android smart watch, it’ll work best with an Android phone; if you’re a fan of iTunes Match you can’t use it on Android, and so on. Consider what your friends, family and colleagues use. Apple’s iMessage offers free SMS and MMS messages (and soon, voice messages too), but only to other iMessage users - and iMessage isn’t available on Android. FaceTime offers free video calling, but it can’t call Android users (although Google’s alternative, Hangouts, does work on Apple devices. As a rule of thumb Google services work on Apple kit but not vice-versa. Increasingly, then, choosing a phone or tablet is more like picking a football team to support or voting for a political party: the available choices all do essentially the same thing, but they do it in very different ways - and your choice might colour your life for many years to come. Images left to right: Apple family sharing only works on Apple devices, Both Apple (pictured) and Google have TV set-top boxes, Car firms are embracing smartphone tech: this is Apple CarPlay, Fancy a smart watch? Android ones work best with Android phones.


The Myths That  Just Won’t Die! 

You would imagine in the 21st century with the internet at our fingertips, we’d all be wise to the old wives tales and myths that are bandied around. But no, sometimes it takes it little longer for us to absorb and accept that all is not as we’ve long believed.


You shouldn’t put bananas in the fridge

There’s a small element of truth in this in that if you put unripe bananas in the fridge, the cold kills the enzymes that makes them ripen and they’ll stay green even when removed. However if you put bananas in the fridge once they are fully yellow, they’ll stay edible for up to four days longer than if left at room temperature. The skin may discolour, but the flesh inside will stay white.

You should feed a cold and starve a fever

This is an expression misquoted: it was originally “Feed a cold, stave a fever”, suggesting that by eating well you will recover from your cold more quickly. And the correct version has some truth in that giving your body the energy and vitamins to fight a virus is beneficial. But that same benefit applies even when you have a fever, although you may feel less inclined to eat.

You need to drink 8 glasses of water a day

Even if you still believe this, chances are you aren’t following the advice. In reality 

you will take in a considerable amount of water in your food and in other drinks. Although you might think that tea and coffee are diuretic, they do actually count toward our overall water intake. In general if you drink enough so that you rarely feel thirsty, you’ll be fine.

The Great Wall of China is the only man-made object visible from space Not only are there many other objects visible from space, but the Great Wall is actually really difficult to see. It is after all of a similar material and colour to the land around it, so it is not easy to pick out. There are many other man-made objects visible though, including the pyramids in Egypt and major cities, particularly at night.

Carrots will help you see at night

It’s not that carrots aren’t good for you, but eating them will not improve your day or night vision unless you are deficient in vitamin A. The myth is believed to come from the Second World War when the MOD had a technology which enabled their pilots to pinpoint enemy bombers at night. Somehow the public picked up

the idea that this success was due to their pilots eating lots of carrots. As carrots weren’t rationed, the Ministry of Food didn’t rush to debunk the myth and it still hangs around to this day. More info: www. thecarrotmuseum.co.uk.

Cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis

When someone cracks their knuckles, the noise comes from bubbles of air and gas bursting inside the joint. However in all the research tests conducted, not a single knuckle-cracker studied, later developed arthritis. It could lead to other problems later in life though, like a decrease in flexibility and ligament damage.

Saturated fat is really bad for your health

We’ve been told for years that saturated fat increases our total cholesterol and chance of heart disease and a stroke. But a 2010 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that there wasn’t proof of this correlation. Heart disease and obesity are caused by inactivity, trans fats, refined carbs, and overeating — but not specifically saturated fat.

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In and Around Reader Travel river cruise party Breaks by rail or Air


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 OVER 40S ONLY




GN Holidays & Voyages is exclusively chartering the MPS Princess to bring you a great selection of themed river cruises. You’ll visit a host of must-see destinations with free drinks, good food, great hospitality and plenty of fun along the way. Travel is by midmorning Eurostar from St Pancras International to Brussels, continuing by coach to the ship. Flights from UK regional airports are also available - supplements may apply.

SALE £80 Save up to. .


and just £50pp deposit when you book a Princess river cruise by rail by 30 September 2014

Free Drinks - all cruises include free beer, wine by the glass, choice of 2 Dutch spirits and soft drinks served at lunch and dinner and from 6pm to midnight at the bar Princess Fan Club “Everything was 1st “Just wanted to say “We thoroughly “The break was thank you for another enjoyed our holiday excellent. The boat and class, would do it great Christmas market and the trip was over crew fantastic. A1 again.” trip.” much too soon.” service – would like to Mr & Mrs Scott

Mr & Mrs Kennedy

Mrs Church

do it again.” Mrs Sharp

Call 01895 83 33 33 GN Voyages Open 9am to 5.30pm weekdays 9.30am to 12.30pm Saturdays. GN Holidays & Voyages www. gnvoyages.co.uk • Email: info@gnvoyages.co.uk Higher Denham, Uxbridge UB9 5EL



ABTA No. Y0291 ATOL 9362

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Belgium, Holland & Valkenburg Christmas Party 4 days semi-all-inclusive • 21 November, 2014 Join us for a relaxing river cruise taking-in: Valkenburg, with its unique Christmas Market Caves; Hasselt, a charming Belgian town with a festive Winterland; Maastricht, home of world famous musician Andre Rieu; and Brussels, the Belgian capital. There’s also an optional visit to Aachen Christmas Market in Germany. INCLUDED: Escorted throughout abroad • Return rail travel from London St Pancras or Ebbsfleet to Brussels or return flights from a choice of UK airports - supp’t may apply • 3-night semi all inclusive cruise sharing a twin bed, rear cabin on main deck - upgrades available • Entertainment • Embarkation and departure transfers








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Quote pc11-3-Ap

Bruges & Valkenburg Christmas Markets Plus Ghent, Brussels & Hasselt new improveD itinerAry 5 days semi-all-inclusive •24 November, 2014




Join us for a super river cruise taking-in: Valkenburg with its unique Christmas Caves; beautiful Bruges’ with its festive markets; Hasselt, a charming Belgian town with a festive Winterland; lovely Ghent; and Brussels, the Belgian capital. INCLUDED: Escorted throughout abroad • Return rail travel from St Pancras or Ebbsfleet to Brussels or return flights with luggage from a choice of UK airports - supp’t may apply • 4-night semi all inclusive cruise sharing a twin bed, rear cabin on main deck - upgrades available • Entertainment • Embarkation and departure transfers


new improveD itinerAry

4 days semi-all-inclusive • 28 November & 1 December 2014 Join us for a fun-packed river cruise taking-in three great Christmas Markets. Lille, Northern France, with a giant Christmas tree, ferris wheel and dozens of stalls. Bruges festive markets, just a short stroll from the ship’s mooring. In the Belgian capital, Brussels, explore the Christmas Market and shops galore. INCLUDED: Escorted throughout abroad • Return rail travel from St Pancras or Ebbsfleet to Brussels or return flights from a choice of UK airports - supp’t may apply • 3-night semi all inclusive cruise sharing a twin bed, rear cabin on main deck - upgrades available • Entertainment • Embarkation and departure transfers


Quote pc11-4-Ap

Christmas Markets Spectacular

Bruges, Brussels & Lille


£379pp sAle From


Quote pc11-5/12-1-Ap

Call 01895 83 33 33 GN Voyages GN Holidays & Voyages, Higher Denham, Uxbridge UB9 5EL

Open 9am to 5.30pm weekdays 9.30am to 12.30pm Saturdays. www. gnvoyages.co.uk • Email: info@gnvoyages.co.uk

ABTA No. Y029 ATOL 9362


Beauty Explained: The Science Behind Skin Care antioxidants. Vitamin E has great moisturising properties and makes skin soft and smooth, whereas Vitamin C helps to diminish the look of brown age spots and hyper pigmentation, green tea is a strong antioxidant and a staple ingredient in most anti-ageing products. Hyaluronic acid, when applied topically, gives the skin a fresh, smooth look and helps it to maintain moisture - which is vital for youthful looking skin. It’s a naturally occurring carbohydrate in the body, but levels diminish with age, especially after you reach 40. Ceramides help in the fight for youthful looking skin thanks to their ability to prevent water loss and promote skin-cell renewal. They’re commonly used in moisturisers as they effectively re-hydrate dry skin. Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) are naturally occurring acids, commonly found in citrus fruits (citric acid), dairy products (lactic acid) and sugar (glycolic acid). They work to aid the skin’s natural exfoliation process by loosening dead surface cells. When applied in the form of cream to your face, AHAs reduce fine lines and unclog pores. Glycolics work similarly to AHAs - they speed up the process the skin goes through to shed dead outer cells, which in turn reveals new, smoother skin cells Collagen is found naturally in the skin, the protein maintains the skin’s elasticity and keeps it looking plump. Over the years though, the body’s production

By Helen Taylor

of collagen drops dramatically. Used in many anti-ageing creams, collegan is found to be a very effective water-binding ingredient. Retinoids are derived from Vitamin A. They have been found to help to renew the skin and stimulate collagen production, minimise the appearance of wrinkles and bolster the skin’s thickness and elasticity; which makes them a popular ingredient in anti-ageing creams. Growth factors are used to help to build collagen and diminish lines and wrinkles, whilst softening the skin. Their natural function in the body is to control cell growth in different areas. Soy isoflavones are a type of plant hormone thought to be useful in treating dark spots by blocking the pathway of melanin. They can aid in preventing collagen loss in postmenopausal women as they have an effect on skin that is similar to oestrogen. Copper makes an appearance in some anti-ageing products as it is thought to promote the production of collagen and elastin - two of the most important factors in younger looking skin. Hydroquinone is useful in suppressing pigment producing enzymes in the skin, thus fighting age spots. It’s therefore, often recommended by experts to lighten those dark spots on the skin.

    How many times have you been completely baffled by some scientific sounding jargon when you’ve gone to buy a new antiageing cream? Unless you were top of the class in chemistry, you probably don’t know your AHAs from your Ceramides. So that’s why we’ve compiled our guide to the most common ingredients you’ll come across today. Once you’ve read our skincare glossary you’ll not only understand the terminology, but you’ll be able to find the best cream for your skin’s needs as well. Antioxidants serve to protect skin from those damaging free radicals to which our skin is exposed on a day-to-day basis. Free radicals - or oxidants - are unstable molecules which are caused by environmental factors like smoke, pollution and UV rays. Free radicals are responsible for causing those annoying visible signs of ageing like lines and wrinkles. Vitamin E, Vitamin C and green tea are some of the most common 

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cameo bathrooms & kitchens 5, High Street, Iver, Buckinghamshire. SL0 9ND Tel: 01753 655255 email: colin@cameobathrooms.co.uk Established 25 Years

Answers on Page 49



Local Parks & Events (Sep14)_Layout 1 22/08/2014 19:22 Page 1

In and Around Reader Travel  september events

harlington Wi Produce & handicraft show sat 6th september from 1.30pm hayes and harlington Community Centre, albert Road, hayes UB3 4hR members will be exhibiting in the following classes: Handicrafts, Cookery, preserves, vegetables, Fruit and Flowers. Floral Art, photography and Literacy. sales table and refreshments will be available.

michael sobell hospice Fundraiser ‘Jail & Bail’ Fri 3rd october 10.30am Get arrested and locked up in a cell at ruislip police station until you raise £1,000 for michael sobell Hospice. If you fancy taking in this challenge and being an inmate for a while please contact trish mule on 01923 844726 or see our website www.michaelsobellhospice.co.uk

river cruise party Breaks by rail or Air macmillan Coffee morning Fri 26th september, 10am-2pm Byrons Urban Farm shop, 3 Byron Parade, Uxbridge Road, UB10 0lZ. Come and join us for coffee and cake and with your 50p entry fee get a Free cup of coffee. We will donate 50p to macmillan for every slice of cake that we sell!


Local Events

Country Fayre & art exhibition/sale sat 6th september 12-4pm st marys Churchyard, Denham Village Includes an art sale by local artists, serpents & dragons raffle, tombola, vestry teas with homemade cakes and bbq. Lots of stalls; home produce, hat/bag stall, bric-a-brac, children’s stall, selection of reptiles to handle, classic cars and motorbikes and more. All welcome contact barbara 01895 237498 or Wendy 01895 832667 for details.



national macmillan Cancer Coffee morning Fri 26th september, 10am-1pm Denham Garden Village, Denham Village hall, Denham Green lane. everyone welcome to come and browse our stalls, books, cd’s, dvd’s, cake stall, white elephant & others, great tombola and raffle prizes. Come and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and cakes. please come and support this very worthy charity.



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Quiz night sat 27th september, 7pm Denham Village infants school tickets sold in aid of FODvIs, priced at £10 each includes fish & chip supper. tables of up to 6 bring your own drink contact Wendy 07826 685098 for more.

SALE £80 Save up to. .

and just £50pp deposit when you book a Princess river cruise by rail by 30 September 2014

Call 01895 83 33 33 GN Voyages




michael sobell hospice Fundraiser hUBB Business Breakfast ‘Brain Box Quiz night’ thurs 11th september Wed 8th october, 7.30pm 8am-9am michael sobell hospice, Bay lodge, mount Vernon hospital, 36 harefield Road, northwood, ha6 2Rn Uxbridge UB8 1Ph Our popular quiz night is back so all A free event in partnership with the you wise owls come and show us how Hillingdon Chamber of Commerce. OCtOber events bright you are. tickets sell out fast, GN Holidays & Voyages exclusively the MPS Princess “How tois charm your bank tochartering lend you so book early. tickets cost £15 and money”. Guest speaker eddie Lavery, to bring you a great selection of themed river cruises. You’ll visit a Biscotti Uxbridge Business includes a fish & chip supper (veggie relationship manager at Lloyds bank Wed 1st october, 8.30am-10.30am option available) there is also a cover what information host of must-see will destinations with freea bank drinks, good food, great Devonshire Business Centre, licensed bar. Free parking. looks for when assessing a lending hospitality and plenty of fun along the way. Travel is by midBoundary house, Cricket Field barclays bank willPER matchCOUPLE funds to application, and how best to present Road, Uxbridge, UB8 1QG make your donation go further. We would delighted if you morning Eurostarit. from St bePancras International to Brussels, If you want to network, make tickets can be booked online at could join us for this networking continuing by coach to the ship. Flights from UK regional airports contacts and forge business www.michaelsobellhospice.co.uk or event (Continental breakfast inc.). relationships in an informal you call 01923 844730. are also available - supplements may apply. environment then Uxbridge business ‘Butterflies’ table top sale and apple Day biscotti is for you. no need to book, Community Coffee morning Free Drinks - all cruises include free beer, wine by the glass, choice 2 october Dutch spirits sat of 18th just come along and buy a cup of tea sat 13th september and soft drinks served at lunch and dinner and from 6pm to midnight 11am-4pmat the bar or coffee to support the venue! visit neW time - 9am-1pm home Cottage Farm, www.businessbiscotti.co.uk/greaterickenham Village hall Princess Fan Club Bangors Road south, london/uxbridge. anyone require to hire a table “Everything wasshould 1st “Just wanted to say “We thoroughly “The break was iver heath or require more information please A great family fun day with and thank you for another enjoyed our holiday excellent. Theoutboat contact vera on 01895 635224 or class, would do it for local charities, great Christmas market Don't and the tripthe was over numerous Chris on 676900. crewstalls fantastic. A1 miss producers and traders – from toffee again.” trip.” much too soon.” – would like to Ruislip Central horticultural society applesservice and pumpkins to bric-a-brac DeaDline! Mr & Mrs Scott autumn showMr & Mrs Kennedy Mrs Church do itLots again.” Mrs Sharp and crafts. of children’s If you would like us to sat 13th september activities and events for all ages to publicise your event in 1pm-4pm watch & take part – face painting, Great Barn, punch & Judy show, ferret racing, our october issues Bury street, archery and craft-making plus contact us no later Ruislip ha4 7sU. refreshment tents & a bbQ. entry ABTA No. Y0291 Open 9am to 5.30pm weekdays 9.30am to 12.30pm Saturdays. GN Holidays & Voyages than Friday 12th sept. For more details visit our website will be ATOL £1 per9362 adult & £3 parking. www. gnvoyages.co.uk • Email: info@gnvoyages.co.uk Higher Denham, Uxbridge UB9 5EL www.ruisliphorticulturalsociety.org.uk Children go free.

september into October


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Belgium, Holland & Valkenburg Christmas Party

    






4 days semi-all-inclusive • 21 November, 2014 Join us for a relaxing river cruise taking-in: Valkenburg, with its unique Christmas Market Caves; Hasselt, a charming Belgian town with a festive Winterland; Maastricht, home of world famous musician Andre Rieu; and Brussels, the Belgian capital. There’s also an optional visit to Aachen Christmas Market in Germany. INCLUDED: Escorted throughout abroad • Return rail travel from London St Pancras or Ebbsfleet to Brussels or return flights from a choice of UK airports - supp’t may apply • 3-night semi all inclusive cruise sharing a twin bed, rear cabin on main deck - upgrades available • Entertainment • Embarkation and departure transfers






Quote pc11-3-Ap

Bruges & Valkenburg Christmas Markets Plus Ghent, Brussels & Hasselt new improveD itinerAry 5 days semi-all-inclusive •24 November, 2014




Join us for a super river cruise taking-in: Valkenburg with its unique Christmas Caves; beautiful Bruges’ with its festive markets; Hasselt, a charming Belgian town with a festive Winterland; lovely Ghent; and Brussels, the Belgian capital. INCLUDED: Escorted throughout abroad • Return rail travel from St Pancras or Ebbsfleet to Brussels or return flights with luggage from a choice of UK airports - supp’t may apply • 4-night semi all inclusive cruise sharing a twin bed, rear cabin on main deck - upgrades available • Entertainment • Embarkation and departure transfers


new improveD itinerAry

4 days semi-all-inclusive • 28 November & 1 December 2014 Join us for a fun-packed river cruise taking-in three great Christmas Markets. Lille, Northern France, with a giant Christmas tree, ferris wheel and dozens of stalls. Bruges festive markets, just a short stroll from the ship’s mooring. In the Belgian capital, Brussels, explore the Christmas Market and shops galore. INCLUDED: Escorted throughout abroad • Return rail travel from St Pancras or Ebbsfleet to Brussels or return flights from a choice of UK airports - supp’t may apply • 3-night semi all inclusive cruise sharing a twin bed, rear cabin on main deck - upgrades available • Entertainment • Embarkation and departure transfers


Quote pc11-4-Ap

Christmas Markets Spectacular

Bruges, Brussels & Lille


£379pp sAle From


Quote pc11-5/12-1-Ap

Call 01895 83 33 33 GN Voyages GN Holidays & Voyages, Higher Denham, Uxbridge UB9 5EL

Open 9am to 5.30pm weekdays 9.30am to 12.30pm Saturdays. www. gnvoyages.co.uk • Email: info@gnvoyages.co.uk

ABTA No. Y029 ATOL 9362


Your Guide to  Heart Health 

By Alison Runham www.alison.runham.co.uk


The British Heart Foundation estimates that around 82,000 people in England suffer a heart attack annually; one in three die before reaching hospital and around half of the survivors are under 75. So it’s vital we look after our hearts – and that we can recognise the symptoms of a heart attack. Keeping Your Heart Healthy Diet Keep it balanced. Avoid high sugar and high fat foods, and eat plenty of fruit, vegetables and several sources of protein (meat, eggs, dairy products, fish, legumes and pulses). Choose wholegrain carbohydrates (pasta, bread, rice). Alcohol Alcohol can damage heart muscle and cause abnormal rhythms. Stick to the recommended maximum safe limits: men, 3-4 units per day (21 per week); women 2 – 3 per day (14 per week). 1 unit = 1 small bottle of (4%) alcopop; half a pint of beer/lager/cider (4%); a single measure of spirits (40%). 2 units = 1 standard 175ml glass of wine/champagne (12%); 1 pint 4% beer/lager/cider; a double measure of spirits. Smoking Smokers are twice as likely to have heart attacks, so quit or at least cut down. Ask your doctor for advice or order The British Heart Foundation’s guide, ‘Time to Quit’, for free at http://bit. 

ly/1ltpgIc. Exercise Ideally we should do 150 minutes of exercise weekly that raises our heart rate keeping our cardiovascular system healthy. If you don’t exercise, start small and find an exercise you enjoy. Symptoms Of Heart Attacks Heart attacks don’t always present with sudden intense chest pain. Sometimes symptoms can be mild and build gradually, particularly in diabetics, or come and go. Although chest pain is the most common symptom, more than a third of sufferers don’t experience it. • Chest pain (often a squeezing sensation or fullness, which may linger or come and go) • Dizziness or light-headedness • Sweating (normally a cold sweat) • Shortness of breath • Nausea or vomiting • Pain elsewhere (usually jaw, neck, back, left arm or abdomen) • Heartburn • Coughing or wheezing • Severe fatigue • Overwhelming anxiety Heart Attack Symptoms In Women Women may experience all these symptoms or none, but they’re more likely to experience the less common symptoms: pain in other areas (particularly the upper back), shortness of

breath, sweating, nausea or vomiting, dizziness and unusual tiredness (sometimes for days). Without chest pain, they may not realise they’re having a heart attack. What To Do When A Heart Attack Occurs Don’t panic, but do act swiftly. If in doubt, always call 999. If you’re an angina sufferer, the NHS recommend taking your glyceryl trinitrate (‘GTN’) tablets or spray and repeating the dose 5 minutes later, then 5 minutes later again, if there’s no improvement. Phone 999 immediately if the pain doesn’t improve. The NHS recommends that people who suspect they’re having a heart attack should chew and swallow one aspirin (300mg) tablet, providing they’re not aspirin-allergic, to thin the blood and maintain blood supply to the heart. If you’re the patient: Move as little as necessary and call an ambulance. Take an aspirin if it’s nearby – but don’t exert yourself to reach it. If you’re attending the patient: Phone the ambulance immediately. If the patient isn’t aspirin-allergic, give them an aspirin – providing it’s nearby. Keeping your heart healthy is one of the most important things you can do – but ensuring you can recognise and deal with a heart attack is vital too.


Ickenham OPINION (Sep14)_IN! Tipss Style Editorials (Mar13) 22/08/2014 17:17 Page 1


Car Insurance and why I don’t comprehend it

   

There are very many things in this world that I don’t understand; quantum mechanics, molecular biology and why the Kardashians have been given their own reality TV show to name a few. But after my recent experiences, I will have to add car insurance to the list. People keep saying that car insurance is getting ever more expensive and this is all down to those “flash for cash” lowlifes who drive into the side of other cars and then make fraudulent claims for whiplash. But, as far as I can tell, the opposite is true. Last month I renewed my insurance – fully comprehensive with legal cover and a named driver for a car that can do 150mph – and it cost me £279. That’s ridiculously cheap; four years ago I paid £700. It’s the same for a friend – she paid £210 this time round to insure her whizzy little roadster; three years ago it cost her £480.

You might think that this is all down to building up lots of no claims discount but, actually, I have made a claim in the last year – 12 months ago I watched my car float off down the street after it got caught in a flash flood (not something you see every day, not something I’d WANT to see every day). The insurance company had to stump up the cost of replacing the car but, strangely, this did not affect my insurance premium. I had always thought that insurance companies are run by cold hard people using cold hard statistics, but no; as it could hardly be said to be my fault, they felt it would be mean to penalise me for what was effectively an act of God. A few weeks ago, my wife broke her arm and it will be some time before she can drive again. Rather than leave her car parked on the road, she decided to lend it to a friend who was temporarily carless. We needed to add the friend onto her policy so I checked how much it would cost to put him on for a month. I was horrified when the insurance company quoted £79; 

the original policy only cost £211. Then I tried one of those comparison sites that specialises in temporary cover. The prices quoted were truly jaw dropping, around £250. Finally, more out of curiosity than anything else, I went back to the insurance company to see how much it would cost to add him to the policy for the full year. The answer came back… £36! Will someone please explain where the logic is in that? So there you have it; despite all the scare stories in the Daily Mail about unscrupulous youths disconnecting their brake lights so you ram into the back of them and they then claim millions in compensation and despite the EU passing laws forbidding insurance companies to charge high risk drivers more because it is discriminatory, car insurance is far cheaper than you expect, they don’t reduce your no claims discount when you make a claim and it costs a fraction of the price of one month’s temporary cover to insure someone for a year. Yet, despite all these things, it is estimated that, in some areas, as many as 30% of drivers don’t have insurance. Even though, if caught, they automatically get 6 points on their licence, can be fined thousands of pounds or even put in jail, there are still 1.4 million people driving around without valid insurance. Years ago, an uninsured driver ran into the back of my car. He cheerfully admitted he didn’t have a driving licence either and had TWOCed his dad’s car. Asked why he thought it necessary to break so many laws simultaneously, he explained that he had to get down to the shops to buy a packet of fags. I still don’t understand much about car insurance, but one thing I have learnt is that people who drive around without it tend to be very stupid.

Howard Clemmow

 BUCKINGHAM HOUSE  LUXURY CARE HOME Gerrards Cross  

MMCG welcomes you to an exclusive open day event at

Buckingham House Luxury Care Home

Grand Opening Friday 19th September 11am - 6pm

• V.I.P. tours of our 5 star Luxury Care Home • Entertainment • Champagne & Canapés

Saturday 20th September 2pm - 5pm

• Family Day • Entertainment • Games and Prizes.

Tel: 01753 468200 Email: Buckingham.House@mmcg.co.uk Web: www.mmcgcarehomes.co.uk Off Oxford Road, Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire SL9 7DP 



Finance  Boost Your Income:  How to Make Money from Crafting

By Ann Haldon www.cornerstonewebcontent.com The growth in popularity of knitting, sewing and jewellerymaking has provided skilled crafters with a golden opportunity to supplement their income. Not only is it possible to make good money from a creative hobby such as this, people young and old are starting successful businesses doing what they love. Many people make gifts for family and friends, but don’t always realise the potential to earn money from their hobby. Diverse influences including media interest, the economic collapse, and TV programmes such as The Great British Sewing Bee have all been instrumental in bringing about the revival of crafts once regarded as old-fashioned. So if you want to use your creativity to make some money, what are the best ways to sell, and how easy is it to get started?

Selling at craft fairs

Craft fairs are considered the ‘traditional’ route to selling handcrafted items. They remain a good option if you can spare several days a month to focus on selling, in addition to the time needed to produce your items. Craft fairs and vintage markets are held regularly throughout the year, but because they are so popular, it is advisable to book well in advance. Some venues provide tables, 

equipment and electrical sockets, but in most cases you’ll have to provide your own table and lighting. High quality spotlighting is a good investment for sellers with a long-term plan, and can encourage sales if the venue is dimly lit.

Selling online

Selling online involves a little more planning and considerably more effort to be successful. In its favour it has the advantage of being flexible, and may fit more easily into your life. Not only will you need to produce items to sell, you’ll also need to develop your ‘shop,’ take and upload photos of each item, describe them well, estimate postage and packing charges, and continually market the business. If this is what you envisioned, there’s probably no better way to make money from crafting. Two websites set up to help you succeed in this respect are Folksy and Etsy, both being designed specifically for independent craftspeople and artisans.


With more than 15,000 sellers on Folksy, this has become a strong community for crafters and buyers alike. A UK-based site that has been around since 2007, Folksy provides a great opportunity to create your own brand without it costing a

fortune, get your creations in front of a global audience, and build a bona-fide craft business. • Basic account - 15p + VAT per item - Items listed for 120 days - 6% + VAT commission • Folksy Plus - Annual charge of £45, inclusive of VAT - No individual listing fees - 6% + VAT commission


If you start selling on Etsy you’ll be joining an established community of over 8 million members and 800,000 online shops. Launched in 2005, Etsy is based in America but also has a loyal following in the UK. It’s possible to link your Etsy account to a Facebook business page for additional exposure in this country. • Seller account - no membership fees - $0.20 to list an item for 4 months - 3.5% commission Lovingly handcrafted items of a high quality have more personality than mass-produced goods, and their unique nature makes them appealing to discerning buyers. Although not a get-rich-quick scheme, making items to sell has the potential to bring in some valuable extra income and provide much-needed job satisfaction.


Pets Corner... (Sep14)_Layout 1 22/08/2014 12:35 Page 1

Autumn Awareness The shorter, cooler days herald the onset of autumn and as we mourn the end of a particularly pleasant summer here are some tips to keep your pets safe and disease free this autumn.

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intestinal obstruction. After the warm summer there will be an abundance of grass seeds or darts about. These commonly find their way into dog’s ears and between their toes and can be extremely painful. It is always best to check your dog’s coat after any walks near long grass and remove these before they can cause trouble.

One disease that can strike dogs from August through to November is Seasonal Canine Illness (SCI). This is a potentially fatal condition which causes serious vomiting, diarrhoea and lethargy although Finally, be aware that this year has been many affected dogs will recover with a bumper one for slugs and snails and intensive treatment. Symptoms of SCI many are still around. eating these can After effects of a Tick bite most commonly occur 24-72 hrs after cause lungworm in dogs so again keep dogs have been walked in wooded areas. Whilst most treatment for this potentially fatal disease up to date. reported cases of this disease has centred on forests in M C Atkinson BVSc MRCVs the east Midlands and east Anglia cases have occurred www.stmartinsvetclinic.com all over the country and we are still little closer to understanding the cause. There has been some links to harvest mites which are abundant at this time of year and there has also been a suggestion that fungus found in woods in the Autumn may be implicated. harvest mites live in long grass and appear as clusters of orange dots on the feet, ears, eyelids and belly and can be very irritant even if they are not associated with SCI. Fortunately outbreaks of SCI are rare and sporadic but it is advisable to keep dogs on the lead in wooded areas, keep to pathways and maintain anti-parasite treatment current with a product that treats mites which most pet shop products don’t do. Other parasites that are more common in Autumn are ticks which also live in long grass and rough ground and although they usually detach in a few days they can carry some serious diseases. Fleas also usually reach epidemic proportions in late Autumn especially if, as like this year, the summer has been warm and humid. Unfortunately there is no single product that treats mites, ticks and fleas so it is important to discuss with your vet which products are best for your pet’s circumstances. Another hazard to dogs is eating fallen Autumn fruits and acorns which can cause stomach upsets and conkers which can cause a potentially fatal 


Credit Crunch Gardening by Pippa Greenwood

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If you feel that your garden has become an expensive hobby, check-out my top tips for Credit-Crunch Gardening.

• Apply for an allotment. An allotment opens up a whole new opportunity to grow almost unlimited food at very little cost, get exercise without paying for the gym, and learn a lot from your neighbouring plot holders. • Gardeners are a very generous bunch, so don’t feel embarrassed to ask, friends, neighbours, or fellow allotmenteers for cuttings or seedlings of plants that you have admired. It is part of what gardening is all about. • Collect softish, deciduous leaves to make free soil improver. Just make a ‘cage’ from galvanised wire with posts at the corners or cram the leaves into bin liners and puncture a few holes. • Make the most of every bit of fruit and veg that your garden or allotment produces. Make jams, chutnies, jellies and of course bottle or freeze just about anything else. • Make your own wasp trap. Use a jam jar part filled with stale jam, mixed with water and topped with tin foil with a few holes in it made using a pencil. • Many local councils offer 

really good value composters and compost bins. Better still, if you’re at all handy with the hammer and nails, create your own from old pallets or floor boards. Fill a flowerbed with colour by sowing it with hardy annual seeds – some can be collected from existing plants, others from packet seed, often at under £1 per packet. Ask your local pub to give you any stale beer from the driptrays and use it as slug bait. Use an old plastic beaker part filled with beer and placed so that the rim is about 1cm above soil level in a slug and snail prone area. Enjoy some wild food. Many garden plants are edible, and don’t forget the old favourites such as hedgerow blackberries - great for crumble, stewed with some apple or for making into bramble jelly. Many fruits sold in the supermarket come in smart, clear-plastic trays, which can be used as miniature seed trays, and most even come with a clear plastic top, the perfect mini propagator lid. Growing your own vegetables really can save you a packet. Right now you can order in seed for crops, and onion sets and garlic for crops early

next summer. Then early in the year start planting potatoes and sowing seed. • Look after your garden tools. Store them in a dry shed or garage, wipe over any metal parts with an oily rag to keep rust at bay and they’ll last years longer. • Invest in a few raspberry canes. This has to be the best money saving crop, as they are expensive in the shops. Once established autumn fruiting varieties yield heavy crops and can give you ‘posh’ fruit....for just pennies. • The garden furniture is probably the most costly item in your garden and statistics show it’s what gardeners spend most money on replacing. Remove washable seat-pads and cushions first, wash and dry these and then cover the furniture up or move it into a shed or garage if possible. Visit Pippa’s website www. pippagreenwood.com for a great range of gardening products including Pippa’s favourite weeder, Nemaslug, Nemasys caterpillar, slug, ant and other biological controls, Enviromesh & Envirofleece and lots more besides.


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Afternoon Leisure Painting Monday 2pm to 4pm and Wednesday 1.30pm to 3.30pm. The advanced and fundamental concepts of art in any media. Enthusiastic people welcome to learn. Southlands Arts Centre telephone 01895 632171 Crafty Cards Have fun creating your own cards. 2nd and 4th Friday, 10am to 12noon. Contact 01753 652 459 Craft evening Group Tuesday 7.30pm. Members own projects and workshops to share experience and further skills at Southlands Arts Centre. Tel: 01895 442980

handicraft - Morning Group Tuesday 10am to 12 noon, needlecraft and any handicraft with material. Paper 3D decoupage, patchwork, cross stitch, soft toys etc., at Southlands Arts Centre. Tel: 01895 442910 harlington Locomotive society Every Thursday, 8pm at the club in High Street, Harlington, Hayes, Middlesex UB3 5ET. For details call Peter Tarrant on 01895 851168 hillingdon Family history society Based at Hillingdon Park Baptist Church, Hercies Road, Hillingdon. Our research room is open (10am-1pm) on the first Sat of the month and every Fri (except the Fri before the first Sat). A wide variety of records, and help is always available. General meetings once a month. See www.hfhs.co.uk or Call Mrs Pat Reynolds 01895 444442 e: hillingdonfhs@onetel.com hillingdon Railway Modellers Club Meet every Thursday, 7.30pm at Yiewsley Methodist Church. Contact tonymoth@Hotmail.co.uk hillingdon Natural history society Meets 1st wed of the month at the Scout HQ, Gatting Way, Uxbridge. enquiries@hillingdonnaturalhistorysociety.org.uk


iver Flower Club The Coppins Room, Iver Village Hall, Grange Way, Iver, SL0 9HW. Meets 4th Thursday of month, 7.30pm. Call Jayne on 07730 249876. www.bbando.org.uk/clubs/iver

Knit & Knatterers Hand and Machine Knitting, Crochet 2nd & 4th Monday of the month 7.309.30pm at Southlands Arts Centre. Tel: 01895 421777 Les Artists - evening Wednesday 7.30pm to 9.30pm. A mixed ability class for still life, portraiture etc. All welcome at Southlands Arts Centre. 0208 797 4635 outline Theatre Group At St. Matthews Church, Yiewsley. Every Tuesday 7.30-9.30pm. All welcome from 8yrs+. See www.outlinetheatre.co.uk or call Robert Jones on 01895446352 Painting Group - Morning Tuesday 10.00am to 1.00pm. Experienced watercolorists very welcome at Southlands Arts Centre Tel: 01895 421328 spinning & Weavers Group Tuesdays 7.30pm-9.30pm at Southlands Arts Centre. Tel: 01895 443481 The Language Clubs of hillingdon From late Sept until mid-July. Speak some German, Spanish, French or Italian? Want to practise speaking & listening in friendly groups? Each club meets on a different Fri of the month at 7.30pm in St Giles' Church Hall, Swakeleys Road, Ickenham UB10 8BG. For details: German Club 01895 254 723 starts 26th Sept; Spanish Club starts 3rd Oct & French Club starts 10th Oct 01895 253 472; Italian Club starts 17th Oct 020 8863 3468.

West Drayton & District history society The society meets on the last Tuesday of each month Sep-May (excluding Dec) at St Martins Church Hall, Church Road at 7.30pm. inland Waterways Association Each month there is a talk of either Meet 2nd Tues of every month at Hillingdon Canal Club, Waterloo Road, local or national interest. During the summer months a programme Uxbridge, UB8 2QX, 7.30pm. 

of visits and walks are arranged. Membership £6 per year. Call either Paul 07980 483182 or Cyril 07704 837042 for details. Yiewsley Angling & West Drayton Fishing Clubs Every Thursday 8-10.30pm Yiewsley & West Drayton Community Centre. For more details call 01895 443423 KeeP-FiT, DANCe & DRAMA... bagot stack (Fitness League) Term Time Only. Vyners School, UB10 8AB on Tue 7.30 - 8.30pm. Also in Windsor Monday & Thursday. Call Rosemary 01628 776838 www.thefitnessleague.com bokwa Fitness Tone & Core African craze via the US - hits all your fitness targets in one - 07771 872592 learningmoves@hotmail.co.uk Dance, Gymnastics and Free Running Classes Presented by Futunity Uk in Uxbridge Town Centre & Hillingdon Sports & Leisure centre. Ages 2-adults catered for and all styles of dance from RAD ballet, Contemporary & ISTD Tap to Break Dancing , Street Dance, Hip Hop & Zumba. Check out our website for full class listings, www.futunityuk.com. Contact Futunity Uk Head Office 01895 251224 or email admin@futunityuk.com Fitness Club St Catherine School, Money Lane, West Drayton, UB7 7NX. Thursday 6-7pm. Circuits, Fitness and Boxercise. £5 a class. Shaun Thompson, www.tauruspt.co.uk Tel: 07906 087749 irish Dancing classes For boys and girls from age 5 upwards. Beginners and advanced classes available. Monday, 6pm at Hayes Conservative Club, Church Rd Wednesday, 6pm at Greenford Visitation Catholic church hall Contact Deidre e: Deirdreosullivan@ hotmail.co.uk t: 07956 346383 continued over...

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WD What's On... (Jun14)_Layout 1 24/05/2014 09:20 Page 2

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keep-fit, dance & drama continued...

Ladies only kickboxing club Wednesdays, 6.30-8.00pm at Watts Hall, Redford Way, Uxbridge, UB8 1SZ. First Class FREE! Just turn up or call Instructor Leanne Phillips on 07518 848285 e: leanne @kickboxing-longdon.co.uk www.kickboxing-london.co.uk Linedance for improvers Tuesdays 12-2pm Royal British Legion, Station Road, West Drayton. Call Instructor Ann 0791 435 8050 Line dancing Thurs 12-2pm. St Martins Church Hall, Church Road, West Drayton. Call Susan 01895 832837 susanwynne376@gmail.com Linedancing Tuesday evenings 7.30-10.30pm. Yiewsley & West Drayton Community Centre. Call Ann on 0791 435 8050 modern Jive classes Mondays, 8-11pm, West Drayton Community Centre Thursdays, 8-11pm, Uxbridge Civic Centre. Beginners welcome, first night entry and free lifetime membership with this advert. Contact: Alan 0208 933 4350 or 07860 250961 or email: alanandsue@clubceroc.com.

nordic Walking & Wellbeing Explore our borough’s green spaces . with all round exercise in the open air 4 wk courses various days and locations pre-booking essential contact 07771 872 592 / learningmoves@hotmailco.uk pilates, movement and matwork Tuesdays 7.45-8.45pm, Yiewsley & West Drayton Community Centre. Penny 01895 420409 or 07771 872 592 / learningmoves@hotmail.co.uk pinewood fitness The Fitness Room, Pinewood Studios, Pinewood Road, Iver Heath, Sl0 0NH

Mon 20.00-21.00, Wed 19.30-20.30 Booking only. Various Fitness Circuits, Boxercise, Gym Work £5 a class. Shaun Thompson, www.tauruspt.co.uk 07906 087749

Salsa classes Every Monday: The Middlesex Arms, Long Drive, South Ruislip, HA4 0HG. Beginners class starts 8pm. Improvers/Intermediates: 8.459.30pm. Freestyle dancing/practice time til 11pm. Every Wednesday: The WatersEdge, Canal Cottages, Packetboat Lane, Cowley, UB8 2JS. Beginners class starts 7:30pm. Improvers/Intermediates: 8.309.30pm. Freestyle dancing/practice time til 11pm

tai chi classes Sat 10-11am, Yiewsley Methodist Church, Fairfield Road, UB7 8EY. Call Dan on 07880 601429 to book. tap dance Mondays 7.30-8.30pm at Meadows Community Centre, West Drayton. Adult Beginner/Intermediate tap. No exams. Contact 01895 420409 / learningmoves@hotmail.co.uk. Yoga for all Wednesday 7.30-9.00pm Yiewsley & West Drayton Community Centre. Priya 01895 440712

pre-SchooL & kidS groupS...

hart Baby Yoga For class details www.zoehart.co.uk Stage 1 (3-6 months) 10.30am11.30am. Stage 2 (6-12 months) 11.30am-12.30pm at 26 West Drayton Park Ave, UB7. £35 for a 5 week course, £8 drop in, free trial class, concessions available Slough Sea cadets Parade nights on Mon and Thu 19.30-21.30 at Langley Pavillion, Langley Road, Slough, SL3 8BS. Male & Female Junior Cadets (age 10-12yrs) & Cadets (age 1218yrs). Fees £2 per week, courses from £5 for a weekend. Email: sloughseacadets@yahoo.co.uk

muSic... faraday country music club in Slough SL2 1RN. Join us for the best live Country Music every Thursday for listeners, western partners, freestyle or line dancers. From 8-11pm. Call Deb 07986 050742 www.faradaycountry.co.uk guitar lessons Complete beginners welcome. Contact Sam for a FREE lesson 07798 588496 sam@uxbridgeguitarlessons.co.uk

Zumba Mon 6pm, Walter Pomeroy Hall, Royal Lane Hillingdon UB8 3QU. Tues 7.30pm, St Marys Church Hall, Hemmen Lane (off Church Rd, Hayes) UB3 2JQ. All welcome. £5. Ann-Marie Samuels 07701 012927

Yiewsley & West drayton Band Rehearse every Wednesday and Friday 8-10pm at St. Matthew's School, Yiewsley. To join or book the band for an engagement contact Lynne on 07976 824152 or email Lynne@ywdband.com

Zumba fitness class Weds 8-9pm at Langley Grammar School Sport Centre Reddington Drive Langley, SL3 8LL. Thurs 7-8pm at Yiewsley / West Drayton Community Centre, Harmondsworth Rd, West Drayton. UB7 9JL. Call Gabriel 07735090325 or email gabrielzumba@instructor.net www.gabriel84.zumba.com

Yiewsley & West drayton training Band This is open to all ages wanting to learn to play a brass instrument or those of you wanting to 'brush up' your skills. Rehearse every Wednesday during term time 6.457.45pm at St. Matthew's School, Yiewsley. Contact Abi on 07985 302 856 or emailtraining@ywdband.com continued over...



WD What's On... (Sep14)_Layout 1 22/08/2014 19:52 Page 3

PETS... Iver Dog Training Club Every Tue and Fri 6.30pm-9.00pm at St Andrews Church, Richings Park. Call Diana 01753 732907 Iver Heath Fields Dog Club 'Outdoor Training' every Sat at 10.15am, Wed at 11am. Call Mike on 01753 817852 or 07795 031335 SElF DEFEnCE...

children (£2), 7-9pm adults (£5). The Barn, Kingston Lane, Uxbridge. Call Dan 07776 421957. www.sk.harrow.ac.uk Silat Kuntao Indonesian Self-Defence Traditional self-defence, includes empty hand, weapons, meditation and healing massage. Adult classes only. Mon and Wed 8pm-10pm at Denham Village Memorial Hall, Denham, UB9 5BN. Call Philip Davies 07790 496 346 or kuntao.matjan.uk@gmail.com.

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Close Quarter Combat Based in Richings Park. Specialising in speed, strength and conditioning training. Pad work combinations. Suitable for men & women of all ages. 1-2-1 sessions. Call Mark 07525 366126 e: mj.wilding@hotmail.com

SElF HElP & SUPPorT...

Alcoholics Anonymous Meet every Sunday, 7.30pm at St Leonards Hall, St Leonards Walk, Richings Park, Iver, SL0 9DD. For more call Howard 07816 315688

Karate Club of Denham For ages 5 years and upwards. Sundays 9.15-11am at New Denham Community Centre, Oxford Road. Call 07988 743725

Hillingdon Brain Tumour Group Support group held every 2nd Thurs of the month 12.30-2.30pm, Hillingdon Baptist Church, Hercies Rd, Hillingdon, UB10 9LS. Call Cyril or Becky 01895 637444.

Karate Club of Uxbridge For ages 5 years and upwards. Wed 5-7pm at The Greenway, Uxbridge. Call 07988 743725

rosemary Conley Every Thursday 10-11.30am, Yiewsley & West Drayton Community Centre. Call Sarah on 0208 569 0181

Kung Fu Club West Drayton A work out for everybody, attractive trainings for children & adults on: Tue 5.30-6.30, Fri 7.30-8.30, Sun 5.306.30. West Drayton Community Centre, Harmondsworth Road, UB7 9JL. Contact Ella: 07702 479 435 or sportsclubuk@gmail.com

Slimming World The Salvation Army, Cowley Road, Uxbridge. Tuesday 7pm Tel: Nicki 07826 698360

Heathrow Boxing Club Men & women, boys & girls Junior Boxing Club: Tue & Thu, 5pm. Senior Boxing Club Mon, Tue & Thu, 8pm. 422 Bath Road, Longford, Middlesex, UB7 0EB. Tel: 0208 123 1271. Martial Arts Bujinkan Kuri Dojo Ninjutsu and Bujutsu, Unit 21 Bridgeworks, UB8 2JG. Tel: 07878 471124. Training: Sun 10.30am12.30pm, Tue 8-10pm, Thu 8.3010pm www.bujinkankuridojo.co.uk Shorinji Kempo self defence Learn the practical self defence techniques of this traditional Japanese martial art. Tue 6-7pm 

Slimming World New Denham Community Centre Tuesday, 10-11.30am. New joiners turn up at 10am to register Tel: Mandy 07879 897578 Slimming World Yiewsley Methodist Church, Farfield Road, Yiewsley. Wednesdays 5pm or 6.45pm. Tel: Nicki 07826 698360 Weight Watchers Every Tuesday, 5.30pm and Friday at 10.00am Yiewsley & West Drayton Community Centre. Call 01784 256974 or 07879 455882 SoCIAl GroUPS... Bingo Club Tea & Bingo, 1-3.30pm, meet on 4th Wed of month, transport available. We also go on outings throughout the

year and welcome new members. Pop along to the West Drayton Community Centre or call 01895 443423 Harlington Women’s Institute Every 1st Wed of month, 7.309.30pm at Landsdown House, St Peter's Way Hayes UB3 5AB. Call Sarah Wilson 0208 759 0019 Southlands ladies Group Talks, outings, own evenings. Mon fortnightly. Call 01895 445766 Senior Citizens Welfare Association W/D & Yiewsley Bingo played every 4th Wednesday of month 1- 3.30pm. Yiewsley and West Drayton Community Centre. Transport available. 01895 443956 Tea Dancing 2-4pm every Tuesday at Yiewsley & West Drayton Community Centre Women’s Social Group Looking to make new friends? Social group for women. We meet regularly for coffee, a chat and have organised trips. Call Seema 07730 898635 or seemaa@seemaa.co.uk SPorT... Hayes & Harlington road runners Every Wed, 8pm at Hayes and Harlington Community Association, Albert Road, Hayes. Email: michsampson76@aol.com (ladies) jack.nisbet@talk21.com (men) www.hhroadrunners.com. Pink ladies netball Club All levels and abilities welcome. Training at Stockley Academy, West Drayton every Tues evening. Senior training 16+yrs 7.30-9pm. Back to Netball 16+yrs 7.30- 8.30pm Under 16s - call Rhiannon 01895 448878 email: plnetball@hotmail.co.uk visit www.pinkladiesnetball.co.uk Uxbridge Squash Club All welcome. Uxbridge Cricket Club, Park Rd, Uxbridge. E: squash@ uxbridgesquash.org.uk or visit: www.uxbridgesquash.org.uk. Yiewsley & West Drayton Bowls Club Interested? Come along, just bring your flat shoes! Tuesdays 2pm. Call Kenny Smith 07957 140627.





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