There is no doubt, I love the Spring and Summer and the extended hours of light they give, the social gatherings outside and that general feeling of want ing to get up in the mornings because it’s sunny outside. They’re definitely my favourite months and I never look forward to entering into the Autumn and Winter ones. However, I’m trying to embrace Autumn with the same enthusiasm as some of my friends, who re mind me how cosy it is to light the fire and candles and snuggle up in front of the tv. Together with the fact that Halloween, Bonfire Night and whilst I say it with trepidation, yes, Christmas are all around the corner. Well, I haven’t gone so far as to light the fire yet, but the heating has already been on more than once, and I’m giving the candles a fair chance to convince me that I may eventually prefer them to the solar lights that I’d previously been enjoying in the gar den. The jumpers are slowly replacing the t shirts and the brolly is back in action. I really am doing my very best to appreciate the change of seasons, but I’m clinging onto my flip flops for dear life. Those boots aren’t coming out until my toes go numb with cold. .
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Cake & Bake Page 74
Children’s Puzzle Page 6 Wildlife Zone 8 Beauty: Little Luxuries 10 Life Begins: When it’s wiser to expect the worst 12 Wordsearch 14 RSPCA rehoming appeal 16 Finance 20 Local Events 24 Coffee Break Puzzles 26 Richings Players 28 & 54 Iver Heath Residents Association 30 Travel: Vatican City 32 Could you survive as a (car boot) seller? 34 Schools Update: Iver Village Junior School 36 Health: OCD Awareness Week 42 Golden Years: Memories of 50 Years Ago 46 Motoring: Renault Clio dCi 110 Dynamique 48 Rotary Club of Langley & Iver 50 Technology: Get amazing internet everywhere 52 Richings Park Residents Association 56 Puzzle Solutions 57 Gardening Feature 58 Pets Corner 60 Interiors: Art Deco Style 62 Citizens Advice Bureau 64 Microchipping your dog 64 Clubs, Groups & Classes 66,68,70 & 72 Cake & Bake: Chocolate & Orange Battenburg 74
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The Wildlife Zone...FP (Oct16).qxp_Layout 1 30/09/2016 18:12 Page 1
HOLY LAND Andy Mydellton FLS (pictured right) is an environmentalist journalist, the founder and leader of the British wildlife charity, the Foundation for Endangered Species. They are members of the United Nations agency UNESCO with Andy Mydellton being Chairman and the Environmental Concern Advisor to the UNESCO Schools Group. Andy is a Fellow of the Linnean Society. He writes for many publications, mounts photographic exhibitions, gives presentations and broadcasts the 'Andy Mydellton Wildlife Zone' radio programme.
ISRAEL has also been named Palestine, Canaan, Judea, the ‘Holy Land’; it is the region of the Bible, Jesus’ dominion, the home of the prophets as well as other heroes and villains throughout history. The area has suffered continual conflict and warfare, but despite this many people still celebrate what happened there thousands of years ago, which is what I did one Christmas. But because I am a conservationist I toured this vibrant country and successfully examined some of its lesser known wildlife in ways that most visitors have never done. I visited rivers, lakes and coastline; wildlife habitats and home for many wonderful but remote animals. The Eilat tourist resort on the Red Sea is very well equipped to accommodate snorkelers and scuba divers looking for colourful fish on coral reefs. Unfortunately, our hotel booking was fouled up and so our plans for exploring this glorious nature reserve. Instead we were forced to travel through the Sinai and Negev Deserts to end up at the Dead Sea. These areas seemed to be devoid of life under the parching sun which reflected the empty and desolate images of the Biblical ‘Wilderness’. The Dead Sea got its name because of its life destructive saltiness, and only humans bathe in it for health purposes. So we took full advantage of this unique natural sea, swam in it and soaked up its healing qualities - all before breakfast. As morning wore on we explored the haunting Qumran Caves nearby, high in the steep rocky cliffs where the Nag Hamadi Codices were found. Afterwards we combed our way through the narrow labyrinths of the spectacular hill fort at Masada. It was a marvellous day, but as regards wildlife, this was our second successive ‘dead duck’! As we continued we reached the nature reserve of Ein Gedi, a mountainous retreat with fast flowing rivers and spectacular waterfalls. One of its main attractions is the rare Arabian Leopard, a subspecies of the ubiquitous leopard which ranges from Africa to South East Asia. We didn’t catch a glimpse of this dangerous cat, which was just as well because we were on foot with an unarmed guide, who only carried a small penknife for peeling apples! We managed to get close up to other animals including the rabbit-sized rock hyraxes, a strange furry creature closely related to elephants. Various lizards came out of rock crevices to spy on us, only to disappear again when they became bored with their human visitors. Mountain fish swam in surprisingly deep rock pools of crystal clear water making them easy to see. The world’s oldest surviving flying animals, dragonflies also fluttered around us as did butterflies and other flying insects. The Sea of Galilee was next; the lowest freshwater lake in the world where unknown and hidden surprises from its depths were waiting for us. We walked along the pebbly beaches to find out about Galilee’s fascinating and exotic animals, usually overlooked by most visitors. Throughout our forays we collected many shells which were the remains of freshwater crabs, mussels and cockles; soft bodied bottom dwelling creatures which revealed the Sea’s kaleidoscopic biodiversity. To determine if they could have entered the food chain, I classified them into scientific groups of gastropods, molluscs, bivalves and cephalods. Two thousand years ago these freshwater animals seemed indistinguishable from their marine based counterparts, so it was possible that the large amount of indigenous shellfish was one reason why this huge freshwater lake was sometimes described as a ‘sea’. Only in recent years have people wrongly introduced foreign shellfish into Israel’s waters. Some of them have acclimatised to local conditions and have subsequently caused problems to native wildlife resulting in the newcomers being classified as ‘invasive species’. I remain hopeful that many smaller species will remain benign, and that the others may enter the food chain and limit their adversity. As we continued our amazing shell finding walks, we noticed some water-fowl flocks in the distance, just bobbing up and down on the gentle surface towards the middle of the Sea. We managed to distinguish gulls, geese and ducks although it was difficult to define them further. At Tagbha near Capernaum and the Mount of Beatitudes, where the feeding of the 5,000 took place, I stood on some rocks which pierced the water’s surface. I looked into the shallows and saw obscure images of fish, but nothing like the shoals that were mentioned in the New Testament. They were local species of sardine, tilapia or barbell. Tilapia is an endemic plate-sized silvery fish named by restaurateurs as the historical ‘St Peter’s Fish,’ because it increases business and profits! The Sea of Galilee is filled up by the rivers coming down from the northern Golan Heights which eventually allows the legendary River Jordan to flow out from its south. It is a fine ornithological habitat where we saw many songbirds flitting in and out of the reeds, rushes and sand banks. Some were affectionately described by birders as ‘little brown jobbies’ or ‘LBJs’ for short. Then, right out in the open, I saw Israel’s national bird, the rare hoopoe (pictured left) brazenly declaring its territory to the world. It is an unforgettable magpie sized avian, bright orange with black and white markings and a brilliant raisable head crest. Throughout my tour I saw fantastic buildings, holy shrines and inspiring historic places, but I loved investigating the region’s diverse, rare and curious animals. It was thrilling stuff!
The charities’ contact details are www.ffes.org.uk email: info@ffes.org.uk 8
1 .
much longer. One coat is ideal for everyday, while two provides the wow factor for a night out. It’s also enriched with panthenol, to help strengthen lashes.
Little Luxuries
Makeup bags do tend to get rather grimy, and can be a bit of a breeding ground for bacteria. Mine can’t be bunged in the washing machine, more’s the pity, so I’m planning to treat myself to some new ones very soon. I have my eye on the Kit The Cat Make Up Bag, £15, and Washbag, £22, from Oliver Bonas.
We all need a little pick-me-up now by Kate Duggan www.kateduggan.co.uk
and again, whether it’s a new dress, lipstick or bar of chocolate. If you fancy treating yourself this month, these beauty buys are all under £30… You should never feel guilty about devoting half an hour to some muchneeded ‘me-time’. A bubbly bath, glass of wine, music and face mask and you’re ready to face the world again. Neal’s Yard Remedies Rose Formula Antioxidant Facial Mask, £26.50, suits most skin types, even us sensitive souls. Kaolin and pink clay help to exfoliate and draw out impurities, but the mask doesn’t leave skin feeling dry or tight after use. It’s very gentle, and helps to hydrate and soften tired skin. What’s more, as it’s packed with plant extracts and essential oils, such as geranium, rose and marigold, it smells lovely.
I have two make up bags – one for my essentials and one for all those extra eyeshadows, lip glosses and other cosmetics that I might only dig out occasionally. I only keep the bare minimum in the smaller bag, so that I can find everything within the 30 seconds I usually have free before rushing out on the school run. Clarins’ new Supra Volume Mascara, £21.50, has found a well-deserved space amongst my other essentials. It glides on easily, without clumping, and makes lashes look 10
I love gel effect nail polishes. Nails Inc.’s are amongst the best out there, and they’ve added four new colours for autumn. The new range - All Fired Up - also includes charcoal to ‘help protect nails against toxins and pollutants’. I can’t testify to how successful it is at keeping those pesky pollutants away, but the gold shade (Crown Place, £15) goes on like a dream, gives nails a smooth shiny finish and lasts for ages. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so do take a minute to check yourself out. While a lump is one of the most common symptoms, it’s not the only one. Others include pain, redness and a change in shape, size or texture. Head over to www.breastcancercare. org.uk to find out more. Several brands have released products to fundraise for breast cancer research. Not all come with a decent charity donation though, so do check before buying. I’m tempted by Aveda’s BCA Hand Relief, £20. It’s a lovely product anyway, being rich in antioxidants and very hydrating, and a portion of sales will help to support the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
5 uk
When It’s Wiser To Expect The Worst by Kate McLelland Since 1974 the number of people aged 65 and over in the UK has almost doubled. Although this is a cause for celebration, bereavement, financial problems and ill health can adversely affect older people’s mental health. Researchers estimate that 22% of men and 28% of women in the 65-plus age group currently suffer from depression. On the 19th October this year, local authorities will come together with health, social care and voluntary sectors to discuss some of the pressing issues that affect our aging population, particularly tackling loneliness and isolation. It’s a complex problem, and a solution may still be some years off. Meanwhile, is there anything we can do as individuals to safeguard our own mental health? We can’t predict what will happen as we grow older, but we can try to look ahead to some of the challenges we may face, however painful that may be. By anticipating the worst that can happen, we can put plans and strategies in place to help us cope if we are faced with life-altering events. Build up a network of friends Julie and Tony Crossley 12
were forced to abandon their retirement plans when Julie was unexpectedly diagnosed with terminal cancer, leaving Tony to face a future on his own.
“I’ve always had a lot of female friends,” confides Julie. “But Tony never really kept up with his mates after we got married.” She fears that without anyone to support him, Tony will become withdrawn and isolated. Julie’s story demonstrates the importance of maintaining ties with the wider community. While nothing can make up for the death of a partner, having a strong, supportive group of friends can help you get your life back on track after a bereavement. Don’t rush to make big decisions Before George Panagopolous retired from his high level, stressful executive job, he had always dreamed about retiring to a place in the sun. Straight after retirement he sold his UK home and moved to France, but soon became bored with his leisurely existence. “I tried to find a job, but my French wasn’t up to scratch,” says George. “I felt trapped and fell into a deep depression.” George had rushed to fulfill
his dream without first taking time to adjust to retirement: “Spending a few months in the UK, doing a part-time job or volunteering, would have helped me slow down and decide what kind of retirement I really wanted.” Forgive and forget Barbara Meaden fell out with her younger sister Carrie over arrangements for a family Christmas party. Although Carrie later offered an apology, Barbara refused to be reconciled. Some years later when Barbara suffered a stroke, she moved closer to her son, but his busy job left little time for her. She admits: “Now I’m less mobile than I was, living in an unfamiliar city and finding it hard to make new friends.” Families can provide a valuable support system, particularly in later life, so if your pride is holding you back from rebuilding family ties, let it go. As we look towards old age, most of us would prefer not to dwell on negative thoughts, but these real-life stories show the importance of thinking and planning ahead. In fact, preparing for the worst could be the first step towards securing a brighter future.
Home & Interiors Art Deco Style
DecaDent Deco the luxe looks of art Deco never go out of fashion – and, according to a recent survey by olympia’s art & antiques Fair, it’s the nation’s favourite design style. We take a look at the history of this glamorous, good-looking movement. The Roaring Twenties saw the jazz age in full swing from London to Berlin and Paris to Chicago. Just think flappers, slick automobiles, the talkies and skyscrapers: it was all about glamour, drama and modernity. Consumerism had arrived, and the timing was just right for a brand new style. Also known as Art Moderne, Jazz Moderne or simply Deco, Art Deco style was rooted in the world of pre-First World War leading French design, Answers butpg only 57became widely recognised after the 1925 Paris 14
By Katherine Sorrell
Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes, an exhibition which aimed to modernise French interior design. As they moved into a new era, French designers were combining classical features and rare, luxury materials with exciting new influences such as contemporary art (Cubism and Fauvism), the exotic Ballets Russes and a fascination with all things Egyptian, as well as the art and artefacts of Japan, Africa, native America, Mexico and the Middle East. The result? An irresistible new style that perfectly expressed the excitement of the changing times. Early Art Deco furniture was exclusive and luxurious, made from costly materials such as hardwoods, lacquer, mother of pearl, shark skin, tortoiseshell and leather, and frequently featured extravagant
veneering and inlaid decoration. For collectors, then, this period is highly desirable and correspondingly expensive. However, as the style spread around Europe and became hugely popular across the Atlantic, designers gave the look a twist, employing the latest technologies and less expensive materials, such as stainless steel, chrome and Bakelite plastic. In the States it became known as Streamlining, and its curvy lines were the must-have look for a host of new buildings from Miami to New York – one of the finest examples being the 102storey Empire State Building, completed in 1931. In terms of furniture, the Art Deco look was low and upright in design, featuring geometric outlines with rounded corners, and often the shell, fan or sunburst shapes that are key to this style. Two completely new pieces had recently been invented: the coffee table and the cocktail cabinet, the latter something that has become inextricably associated with the style. Functional and spacesaving, fitted kitchens became increasingly widespread, while the Art Deco bathroom (still a relatively new room in most homes) featured solid yet elegant shapes and glamorous looks, with plenty of chrome and bevelled-edge mirror. To decorate walls, botanicals or geometrics were frequent motifs, while upmarket homes might have lacquer or wood panelling, mirror tiles or even
trompe l’oeil murals. And this was the era of fabulous parquet flooring, perhaps with the addition of a zebra skin or a boldly abstract rug (today’s fashionable chevrons are a descendant). Soft furnishings were, in high-end interiors at least, sumptuous and costly, with silk and velvet (tasselled and fringed, of course) especially desirable. However, as the look filtered down it was cotton, chenille and moquette that gained in popularity, often featuring graphic patterns in bold colours or the monochrome of black, white and grey. Everything was bathed in a new form of artificial light – electricity – and the widespread use of new-fangled electric fittings meant that designers paid increasing attention to their appearance. Often strikingly dramatic, they were made from
ground-breaking materials such as aluminium, plywood, tubular steel, plastic or pressed glass; typical styles included pendant lights in the form of an inverted bowl made from marbled glass and hung from chains, ziggurat, shell or fan-shaped wall lights, and column-based table lamps boasting Art Deco motifs such as a sunray, borzoi dog or stylised naked figurines. And, since this was, essentially, a decorative style, the right accessories and ornaments were key, from Clarice Cliff’s ground-breaking ceramics to Bakelite radios, cocktail shakers and silver dressing table sets. As time went on, and Art Deco design was more widely disseminated, it became less sophisticated and more mass-produced. Those initial qualities of opulence and luxury
became, especially in 1930s Britain, more utilitarian and suburban. Though essentially still a ground-breaking style that bridged the old world and the new, it was commercialised to the point of kitsch. House builders employed features such as rounded bay windows, doorways with stepped surrounds and garden gates with sunrise motifs. The vocabulary of brightly coloured zigzags, chevrons, exotic animals and stylised flowers was added to furnishings, accessories and practically any type of homeware possible – and thus what had been a luxurious look available only to the few had become an everyday style that was found in all sorts of ordinary homes. Image - Artworks Art Deco bathroom, Original Style, 01392 473000; www.originalstyle.com
Registered Charity No: 263515
Eugenie & Patch
Strange times at the RSPCA Hillingdon shelter this week when a PINK chicken was delivered! The bird had been abandoned and was rescued by an RSPCA Inspector. Everyone gathered round, ex cited to see this rare bird, as one of the shelter’s guests educated the team all about this special breed which has pink feathers; that is, until it started to rain, and the pinkyred dye washed out over everyone’s hands! We still don’t know why or how the chicken had turned pink, but the chicken is otherwise healthy, now back to a normal colour, and off to a happy home. In other news we still have a lot of adult cats need ing homes, so if you or someone you know is think ing of getting a cat, please please think about res cuing one of our marvellous moggies. Adoption Application Forms can be downloaded from our website, www.rspcahillingdonclinic.org.uk, or picked up from our Clinic in Hillingdon. With ‘Black Cat Day’ coming up next month, you could have your own black cat moved in between now and then – we have several waiting to meet you (and we think they are all due a bit of good luck). We also have quite a few small furries at the moment – check out our website or our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/RSPCAHillingdon) to see pictures of our guinea pigs, rabbits and chinchillas.
these two are now looking for a home together. Eugenie is a quiet cat who enjoys a fuss and her home comforts. Patch is still a little timid, so needs someone prepared to offer lots of TLC and the time to grow in confidence. This delightful duo are ide ally looking for a quiet home without any other animals or children. If you can offer Eugenie and Patch that special home, please get in touch.
Nelson is a very handsome chap who came to us as a stray. His tail had been recently amputated but sadly he wasn't microchipped so we've been un able to locate his owner. He is a big boy with lots of character, who can be quite vocal. He does enjoy a tickle under the chin. Being longhaired, Nelson will need regular grooming to keep his coat in good condition. If you could offer Nelson a fresh start and lots of love, please get in touch. Thank you for your support . We can’t do it with out you! *We have an Amazon Wish List*
If you think you can offer one of our animals a lov ing home then please ring RSPCA Hillingdon Eugenie (female, 1 year old white/tortie) and her Branch on or visit our website three kittens were signed over to us from a house to download hold with too many cats to cope with. This lovely an application form. mum has developed a particularly strong bond with her tortie daughter Patch (female, 13 weeks) so
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By Ann Haldon
What Benefits And Concessions Are You Entitled To In Later Life?
element, Savings Credit, is for people who have saved a small amount towards their retirement.
As you grow older, you become entitled to certain age-related public benefits and concessions that can help with day-to-day living. The most obvious is the state retirement pension, but what are the other less well-known top-ups and concessions that might be available? Although pension credit is a well-established benefit, not everyone realises they are eligible to claim it, so it’s worth checking whether you’re missing out on this valuable supplement to your state pension. Additionally, there may be local authority concessions available in the area where you live - for adult education or fitness classes, for example. Here are some of the benefits that you might be missing out on, plus a brief guide as to the current eligibility criteria. Pension credit There are two elements to pension credit – Guarantee Credit which guarantees a minimum income of £155.60 if you’re single, and £237.55 for couples. The second 20
Single people and couples could receive up to £13.07 and £14.75 of Savings Credit per week respectively. You may be entitled to one or both elements if you’ve reached state pension age, and are on a low income.
AttendAnce AllowAnce Attendance Allowance is a benefit available to people aged 65 or older, who have care needs at home. You don’t have to receive professional care to be eligible for this benefit, and it’s often the case that a careprovider is a spouse or family member. There are two different rates available, depending on the level of care needed: • Lower rate: £55.10 per week. • Higher rate: £82.30 per week. People who claim the lower rate often need help with washing and dressing, and the higher rate reflects greater care needs during the day and night. cArer’s AllowAnce If you care for someone for 35 hours a week or more, and they are in receipt of certain benefits, you could get Carer’s Allowance at a weekly rate of £62.10. If you’re eligible, you will also automatically receive National Insurance credits. It’s worth noting that Carer’s Allowance can affect other benefits that you and the person you are caring for
receive, so you should factor in the possibility that these may reduce or be taken away. winter fuel AllowAnce You can receive between £100 and £300 from the government to help with your winter heating bills. To qualify for the winter payment this year, you need to have been born before 5th May 1953. Once you’ve claimed, you should receive the payment automatically between November and December in future years. cold weAther PAyment If you’re in receipt of pension credit, you could also be eligible for a cold weather payment if the average temperature where you live falls, or is expected to fall, to 0°C. This must be for seven consecutive days between 1st November and 31st March, and the payment is £25 for each such period. AnnuAl flu VAccinAtions The annual flu vaccination is free for anyone over the age of 65 years old. It is available in pharmacies as well as from your GP, and is usually provided between September and February each year. tV licence You can apply for a free TV licence if you are aged 75 and over. The government also offers concessions to older people in residential care, and the cost for a licence in these circumstances is £7.50.
Public trAnsPort free bus pass There are various concessions available for older people using public transport. Both men and women are entitled to a bus pass at the female state pension age, giving free offpeak travel on local buses. london 60+ oyster card People over the age of 60 living in London, can apply for the 60+ London Oyster photo card, and enjoy free travel on London buses, tubes, and a range of other types of local transport. senior railcard and coachcard The senior railcard allows people aged 60 and over to save money on rail fares in the UK. There is a one-off cost to buy the card, and it is available online. The senior coachcard currently costs £10 plus £2 p&p, and will save you a third
off standard fares in the UK if you are over 60.
and evening classes for retired people of state pension age and older.
PrescriPtions Those aged over 60 are also entitled to free prescriptions and NHS sight tests. You will need to complete the back of your prescription and let the pharmacist know that you’re eligible – you may also need to provide proof of age in this respect.
locAl Authority fAcilities Some local authorities provide free or discounted access for older people to their leisure and educational facilities. You may find that your local sports and leisure centre offers concessions to people over state pension age, for fitness classes and swim sessions. Additionally, some colleges provide discounts on daytime
The government website (www. gov.uk) is a good resource for finding out more about these benefits, and you may be able to make a claim for them online. https://www.gov.uk/pensioncredit https://www.gov.uk/attendanceallowance https://www.gov.uk/carersallowance https://www.gov.uk/winter-fuelpayment/overview https://www.gov.uk/coldweather-payment https://www.gov.uk/freediscount-tv-licence https://www.gov.uk/apply-forelderly-person-bus-pass http://www.nationalexpress. com/offers/coachcards/seniorcoachcard.aspx
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Dated Events (Oct16).qxp_Layout 1 30/09/2016 14:13 Page 1
october events Hillingdon Arts & Literature Festival Throughout October Culture Bite presents this Arts & Literature Festival find out more at your local library or visit www.hillingdon.gov.uk/bigfest
Ruislip-Northwood Flower Arrangement Society 4th October David Martin, national Demonstrator presents Visions of Cornwall. tea & coffee available. Flower arrangements are raffled. tickets on the door £6 for details call 01923 829621.
Fostering Event
Local Events Please send your details to be included in the November issues by Friday 14th October. 24
27th October Javitri Restaurant, 112 High Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1JA. An evening of delicious food and dance performances amongst other treats, not to forget a raffle with superb prizes. tickets £28 call to book 01895 263888 visit www.javitri.co.uk for more details.
Quiz Night
11th October, 6.30pm-8.30pm The Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1UW. Interested? then why not come along to this free event. For more details see the website www.hillingdon.gov.uk/fostering or email: fost-adopt@hillingdon.gov.uk
Hillingdon Canal Club Talk 11th October Waterloo Road, Uxbridge, UB8 2QX. Jeremy batch – ‘The Ins and Outs of Being a Lock Keeper’. email: middlesex.socials@ waterways.org.uk for details.
Ickenham & Swakeleys Horticultural Society 12th October The United Reformed Church, Swakeleys Road, UB10 8BE. Ken Panchen presents a talk on 'red Kites' see www.ickenham-horticultural.org.uk
HUBB Business Breakfast Event 13th October, 8am-9am Bay Lodge, 36 Harefield Road, Uxbridge, UB8 1PH. tony neocleous, a partner with Bird & Lovibond Solicitors will host a presentation 'Protecting your assets from family fallouts'. to book email: helen.thompson@wardwilliams.co.uk or visit www.wardwilliams.co.uk
Free Tasting Event
october into november 2016
‘Bollywood Delights’ in aid of the Mayor's Charity
15th October Iver Flowerland, Norwood Ln, Iver, SL0 0EW. taste a whole host of delicious food & drink and speak directly to the men & women who grow, create & cook your favourite products.
Ruislip Stamp Fair 15th October The Ruislip Methodist Church Hall, Ickenham Road, HA4 7DG. For details call 01895 637283.
29th October, 7pm Iver Heath Village Hall, St Margaret's Close, Iver Heath. come to the ever popular Quiz night with a Fish/chicken & chips supper, fun game and raffle. tickets £10pp (15yrs & under £6). come on your own or make up a table of 6. Please bring your own drinks, glasses etc. For details and entry forms call Pat on 01753 647674. www.iverheathvillagehall.co.uk
noveMber events Ruislip-Northwood Flower Arrangement Society 1st November Lee berrill, national Demonstrator presents Deck the Halls. tickets on the door £6, for details call 01923 829621.
Quiz Night in support of Paul Strickland Scanner Centre 4th November, 7.30pm Fairway Inn, Rickmansworth Golf Club, Moor Lane, Rickmansworth, WD3 1QL. We are taking bookings for teams of 6 at a cost of £14 per person which will supper. to book call 01923 844290.
LIve MusIc events Champers Bar 184 Field End Road, Eastcote, HA5 1RE. 16 Oct Joe Henderson Jazz band 23 Oct Jeff Freeman ska & reggae Party 30 Oct Marky Dawson & Piano The Falcon Inn Village Road, Denham, UB9 5BE. 29 Oct DJ rossi northern soul & Motown
The WatersEdge Packet Boat Lane, Cowley, UB8 2JS. 14 Oct blonde Moment 28 Oct Halloween Party
The Whip & Collar
Lunchtime Classical Music Concert
Swallow Street, Iver, SL0 0HU. 16 Oct Mark Kelly, 4-7pm
26th October, 12.15pm. St Martin’s Church Hall, corner Eastcote Road & High Street, Ruislip, HA4 6DG. Mengyang Pan (piano) plays beethoven and Liszt.
2 High Street, Iver, SL0 9NG. 7 Oct 2 tone 14 Oct solace 28 Oct the Loops trio
The Swan at Iver
RICHINGS SPORTS PARK IS PERFECT FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS EVENT THIS YEAR Let us take care of your festive gathering this year with beautiful decorations and sumptuous food in beautiful surroundings. Whether it’s a work party or friends and family, our package is perfect. Wellesley Avenue, Richings Park Iver, Buckinghamshire, SL0 9BN t: 08450 262 466 w: www.richingssportspark.co.uk
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Marking the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death, The Richings Players, in their 90th year are proud to be presenting "A Midsummer Night's Dream" directed by RP Chairman, Evelyn Stafford Allen. The woods outside Athens are a busy place on this magical 1950's night! Four runaway lovers find themselves smack bang in the middle of a dispute between the King and Queen of the fairies, and, as if that wasn’t enough, a troupe of amateur actors are trying to rehearse a play. Between these unlikely groups flies Puck, armed only with a wicked sense of humour and a love potion capable of making anyone fall for the first person they set eyes upon. What could possibly go wrong? This comical play is not only suitable for lovers of Shakespeare but anyone who fancies an entertain ing night out. Director Evelyn StaffordAllen com ments: "I believe everyone can understand Shake speare. It's all about the actors believing in what they are saying. If they are true to their perform ance, then you will understand what they are say ing." Tickets cost £10 and £8 Concessions (senior citi zens, disabled, children). Performing in Iver Village Hall from Wednesday 12th to Saturday 15th Octo ber at 8pm. Tickets can be purchased from calling the Box Office on 01753 654550 or online at www.richingsplayers.co.uk
Wake Up! Open Mic Nights Monthly events for musicians, singers, poets and storytellers to raise money to help build a school in a remote part of Uganda where a generation of children are being educated for the first time.
1st Wednesday of the Month Doors open 7pm, performances 8pm-10pm @ Richings Park Sports Club, Wellesley Ave, Richings Park, Iver, SL0 9BN
Live accompaniment provided for vocals or bring along your own instruments
Contact Sally - 07715 109151 w w w.fb.com/wakeupopenmic
We help people in their later years to enjoy the life they always have. Whatever you want to know about elderly care, please come and talk to us. Our home will be open in June this year when you can view our facilities, sample our bar & bistro and ask any questions you might have about the home and your care requirements. Whether it’s for you or a friend or relative, we look forward to seeing you soon. Our innovative care concept includes: Chauffeur-driven car | Cinema room | Bistro & Bar | Private dining | Hair Salon and Spa | Library All-inclusive pricing | Creative events | 50% higher staffing than average Paying above the living wage 29
For the last two years, the IHRA has been actively involved in many important issues on behalf of residents including: • • • •
Major infrastructure projects Consultations on traffic and school transport Protection and enhancement of the local environment Fundraising initiatives for important causes e.g. Cancer Research and a local Defibrillator
Please support us …
Apart from an excellent opportunity to help shape the future of Iver Heath, residents who join the IHRA benefit directly from: • Regular meetings and newsletters providing up-to-date news on latest local events, projects and activities • Early-bird invitations to local events e.g. Pinewood Film Nights • Special offers from selected local businesses • Social Events Join today – let your voice be heard and enjoy the benefits just £5 covers your household for the year!
To join, simply send your £5 subscription fee (cheques MUST be made payable to Iver Heath Residents’ Association) to The Secretary, Iver Heath Residents’ Association, 166 Ashford Rd, Iver Heath SL0 0QE together with your name, address, email and telephone number.
IHRA – your voice in the community www.iverheathresidents.co.uk 30
149 St Paul’s Avenue Wexham Road Slough SL2 5EN 01753 770707
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Get more information, advice or a quote on 01753 770 707 or visit www.space-station.co.uk space-station.co.uk Looking after your valuables since 1983 31
Vatican City By Solange Hando
Most of us know what the Vatican looks like but when you first set eyes on St Peter’s dome at the far end of an avenue festooned in olive trees and obelisks, it simply takes your breath away. Rising to 136 metres, all silvery blue, it holds your gaze and you hardly notice the white line as you cross the border into the Vatican State. Then, suddenly, the view opens up on St Peter’s Square, where broad semi-circular colonnades topped by 140 statues welcome the world with open arms. Claiming just 44 hectares on the west bank of the Tiber and a population of around 800, Vatican City is the world’s smallest state and the only one where men can vote but not women, though some hold a Vatican passport. Created by the Lateran Treaty signed with Italy in 1929, it employs over 2,000 people, among them the Swiss guards who still wear full regalia on special occasions. Traditions are strong but Pope Francis turned down the Papal Palace for a more modest dwelling, while in this ‘Jubilee Year’ millions of pilgrims are expected to pass through the ‘Holy Door’, open only every 25 years. Pilgrims or tourists, the basilica 32
leaves no one untouched with its 186 metre long interior draped in chapels, relics, tombs, statues, medallions and other treasures. One barely knows which way to turn but pride of place goes to the dome soaring above St Peter’s tomb and the papal altar with its canopy of twisted bronze columns sculpted by Bernini in the 17th century. Bernini also designed St Peter’s Square but work had started on the basilica in 1506 on the site of an earlier church. It took around 120 years to complete with plans redesigned along the way by Michelangelo, then aged 72. He didn’t live to see completion but you feel his presence all around, from the magnificent dome and the beautiful marble Pieta - the only work he ever signed, sculpted when he was just 25 - to the illustrious Sistine Chapel. In the late 15th century Pope Sixtus IV began to embellish the chapel, now named after him, commissioning some of the best Renaissance artists to decorate the walls with scenes of the Old and New Testaments. The ceiling was blue with gold stars until 1508, when Julius II ordered Michelangelo to paint the 800 square metres
of vaulted surface. From the Creation to the Fall from Grace and the Last Judgement on the wall, these powerful frescoes send shivers down your spine, restored in their bright original colours and almost threedimensional. Tourists gaze in awe, as no doubt do the red-caped cardinals when they gather in the chapel to elect a new Pope. But to reach the chapel which is part of the Papal Palace, tourists must first pass through the Vatican Museums, where sumptuous galleries display precious items gathered over the centuries, including rare books and ancient manuscripts. There is so much to see that the last ticket is sold two hours before closing time. But after such overwhelming splendour, climbing up to the dome offers plenty of fresh air and unrivalled views: St Peter’s Square at your feet with its obelisk, colonnades and statues, the long avenue leading to the castle of Sant’ Angelo, glowing honeycoloured in the setting sun and beyond the river, Rome, the eternal city, spreading as far as you can see towards the darkening hills.
Could You Survive As A (Car Boot) Seller? By Kate McLelland As you browse the stalls at a car boot sale, intent on bagging a bargain, have you ever wondered what it’s like to be on the other side of the table?
sale a few weeks before the date you plan to sell there. Walk around and make a note of the spots where people tend to congregate.
should get you started. For security reasons it’s better to wear a bag across your body than to leave money in an open tin or box.
With early starts and lots of loading and unloading in unpredictable weather, you’ll need true grit to become a regular seller. Here are some tips and tricks of the trade to help you survive:
Get up with the lark Preparation is all-important, so pack your car or van the night before, being careful to ensure that the tables you’ll use aren’t trapped underneath your stock. Allow plenty of time to get there so you can grab a good spot: that way you’ll be able to catch the early bird buyers before your rivals have opened their first box.
Don’t scare the customers A pushy sales pitch is a definite turn-off for buyers. While some customers want to talk, others will be reluctant to engage in conversation, so think twice before you start chatting.
Sort out your stock Make it easy for buyers to see what you have by sorting items into categories, creating clear signage and marking items individually. No one wants to buy wrinkled clothing or dusty china, so it’s worth putting in a bit of effort to iron, rinse and polish your stuff before you put it out on the stall. Think about offering a box of items marked at £1 or 50p: people love rummaging for bargains and these boxes are a good way of attracting people to your stall. Pick the best pitch Pitches set up beside the food tent, or close to the entrance and exit, are generally the best for footfall. If you can spare the time, try to visit the car boot 34
Be super-organised Make sure your collapsible table is big enough to take your stock. If necessary bring a plastic sheet so you can display more items at ground level. If you are selling clothing, consider buying a portable, sturdy clothes rail (but don’t forget to weight it down on a windy day). Most buyers aren’t put off by a bit of rain, so if the weather turns nasty, cover up with clear plastic sheets so they can still see your items. Always bring some change with you – a float of about £25
Everyone knows that a car boot sale is a place for haggling and you’ll sell more if you are willing to be flexible on price. Have a fallback price in mind and don’t take offence if someone makes an unacceptably low offer. Keep your response polite and friendly and they may just return with a more acceptable bid. Being a car boot stallholder isn’t guaranteed to make you rich, but at least you’ll meet some interesting characters, earn some spare cash and get out in the fresh air. There’s a lot of preparation and hard work, but you’ll also have plenty of fun … even if you’re still scraping the mud off your boots in midOctober.
Parkway, Hillingdon, Middlesex, UB10 9JX Independent School for boys and girls aged 3 - 11
An ‘OUTSTANDING’ School A family-run school with a caring atmosphere. Pupils achieve excellent results in academic subjects, music, sport and drama. For further information, or to arrange a visit, please telephone 01895 234371 Parkway, Hillingdon, Middlesex, UB10 9JX - www.sthelenscollege.com 35
If you would like to join many other residents in supporting this important community project please get in touch & sign our petition !
• ‘Village Stuff’ Drop‐in Community Events [Crooked Billet 28‐09‐16 & 26‐10‐16] – meet the project team other residents / stakeholder representatives and share your ideas and suggestions !
• On behalf of the CLT the preparation of detailed proposals for the CRTBO for examination by SBDC and the wider community – ultimately to be voted upon in a local referendum
• Formation of a Community Land Trust [CLT] to deliver the project using a Community Right to Build Order [CRTBO]
• Presentation of a petition to Iver Parish Council urging it to encourage and support proposals as an integral element of the new Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan.
Next steps include ....
With the encouragement of many local residents the project team continues to explore financially and environmentally sustainable options for this open space that offers the widest benefit to the local community.
Proposals for 9 acres of land between Slough Road and Church Road for a Dementia Care Home and 6.5 acres of Public Open Space have been widely circulated and the subject of extensive community consultation over the last 18 months.
A Community‐led Legacy Project for Iver Heath – Latest News
Gams’Field ...
(e) info@ap‐studio.co.uk
Online Petition www.care2.com/go/z/e/AVmvz/zoyY/CqMKo
(t) 01753 655391 (w) www.2‐hedz.com/ihclp
For more project information contact details are;
Open Space
our petition !
By Alison Runham www.alison.runham.co.uk
OCD Awareness Week 9th-15th October
While people may joke about being “a bit OCD,” this trivialises a serious and potentially debilitating condition. OCD Awareness Week aims to correct the misconception that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder merely concerns harmless habits or quirks. What Is OCD? 12 in every 1,000 people suffer from OCD, experiencing a range of compulsions, obsessional thoughts and repetitive behaviours that seriously affect their day-to-day life. On average it’s undiagnosed for 10-15 years, yet 50% of cases are severe, meaning symptoms occupy more than three hours a day. Sufferers typically develop OCD in their late adolescence or twenties, but it affects people of all ages, genders and backgrounds. They may recognise their condition, yet find it hard to believe their compulsions won’t relieve their anxiety or prevent harm. OCD’s four step cycle: 1. Obsession: intrusive, repetitive thoughts, images or impulses. 2. Anxiety: caused by the obsession. Paranoia or a feeling of over-responsibility may develop and sufferers may believe they or their loved ones are in danger from something harmless - or that their actions can prevent or cause unrelated harm. 3. Compulsion: behaviours 42
or thoughts patients are compelled to repeat as a result of the anxiety – although often, they’re not realistically connected. 4. Temporary relief when the ‘necessary’ actions are completed. Types of OCD • Checking: e.g. rechecking locked doors or checking that intrusive thoughts aren’t real memories. • Contamination / Mental Contamination: a fear of germs or verbal abuse, which makes sufferers feel dirty/ unworthy. • Hoarding unnecessary and/ or excessive items. • Ruminations (prolonged, time-consuming thoughts on harmless topics) or Intrusive Thoughts (disturbing and repetitive in nature, e.g. imagining violence). What Causes OCD? Genetics: OCD seems to run in some families; this may be a genetic link or ‘learned behaviour’. Brain differences: In some sufferers, imaging shows increased activity and blood flow in brain areas that handle emotional response and a lack of serotonin (a neurotransmitter influencing memory, mood and sleep). Trauma and Emotional Upset: Suffering neglect, abuse, isolation or trauma such as a break-up or bereavement seems to increase vulnerability to developing OCD. Personality: Certain personality traits, such as perfectionism, may increase the likelihood of developing OCD. While many people exhibit OCDtype symptoms when stressed, OCD is only clinically diagnosed
if symptoms: • Consume over an hour a day. • Cause significant distress. • Interfere with ability to function in day-to-day life. OCD symptoms may wax and wane, but if left untreated they usually become more severe. Treating OCD Fortunately, OCD can usually be treated with professional help, although improvement may take several months. CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) encourages people to talk through their fears and behaviours and find healthier ways of thinking. Behavioural exercises including ERP (exposure and response prevention) support patients to face fears one at a time and let obsessive thoughts run their course without ‘correcting’ them with compulsive behaviours. Over time, this challenging treatment can help patients reduce symptoms or sometimes achieve complete recovery. Some people may need medication alongside or before CBT to relieve their anxiety enough to undertake therapy. Medication: SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) increase serotonin levels. At higher doses they’re often highly effective in treating OCD, but need to be taken for 12 weeks before benefits are noticeable. Patients with moderate or severe OCD may need long-term medication. Further Information and Support: • OCD-UK: www.ocduk.org/ contact; Email: support@ ocduk.org; Tel: 0845 120 3778 or 0345 120 3778. • OCD Action: www.ocdaction. org.uk; Email: support@ ocdaction.org.uk; Tel: 0845 390 6232
Iver Village Infant School
Open days
Wednesday 12th October - 9.30 am Thursday 20th October - 1.30 pm Wednesday 9th November - 9.30 am You and your child will be able to explore and discover life in all parts of our school. Please contact the school for a full tour with the opportunity to talk to the Head teacher, Reception class teachers and pupils. We look forward to offering you a warm welcome.
“Iver Village Infant School is a very well-led and managed school where children achieve well, behave well, are happy and safe.” Ofsted 2015 Iver Village Infant School, Grange Way, Iver, SL0 9NT Tel:01753 655104 www.iver-inf.bucks.sch.uk office@iver-inf.bucks.sch.uk 45
Golden Years
Memories of 50 Years Ago by Ted Bruning returning from assembly to their classrooms, those assurances proved hollow as 40,000 cubic metres of saturated shale tore down the hillside and smashed into the school. If the mudslide had struck 10 minutes earlier while the pupils were still in the assembly hall, which was undamaged, no-one need have died.
knew nothing of the stream that spoil had been dumped on – even though it was marked on Ordnance Survey maps! The NCB’s own counsel had to advise the inquest jury to disregard Lord Robens’s evidence. Later, the NCB aroused national ire again when it extorted a donation from the Aberfan Disaster Fund towards the cost of removing the remaining spoil-heaps.
My mother, like most people of her generation, is not much given to public displays of emotion, and one of the very few occasions when she has ever admitted to breaking down in public was on 21st October 1966, when news of the Aberfan mudslide was broadcast.
Aberfan was egregious among disasters not just for the number of dead, 144, but for the proportion of children among the fatalities: 116 or half the children in the village. What made it appalling was that it was not a natural disaster at all. It was man-made. It had been foretold. And the authorities had done nothing to prevent it. Spoil from the Merthyr Vale Colliery had been piling up on the spongy sandstone hillside overlooking the village, near Merthyr Tydfil in South Wales, for more than 50 years. In 1963 the local council started warning the National Coal Board that the spoil-heaps were becoming unstable due to the many springs and even a stream underneath them. The NCB responded with bland assurances but at 9.15 on that fateful day, just as the children of Pantglas Junior School were 46
But the timing was only the first of the morning’s cruelties, for worse was to come as hundreds of frantic villagers rushed to the school in a vain attempt to dig the children out. People from neighbouring villages joined in, clogging the narrow roads and obstructing the trained rescue teams deployed to the disaster from local collieries. As a result, hardly any children were dug out alive, and bodies were still being recovered days later.
The national sense of shock and grief was profound. Here was a disaster that could have been avoided, but where every circumstance conspired to deepen the tragedy, and where the victims were mostly children. Even the Queen, a young mother herself at the time, was seen to shed tears on her visit eight days after the disaster. And then the National Coal Board, instead of admitting responsibility, started a cover-up. There was national outrage when the head of the NCB, Lord Robens, told the inquest that area officials
One of the consequences of Aberfan was the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, whose most important provision was to make employers solely responsible for ensuring the safety of their workforce. People might have forgotten what made the Act necessary; they might regard it as ridiculous bureaucracy, as yet more red tape. So whenever you hear anyone use the words “health and safety gone mad,” just remind them that a few minutes before they were buried alive those children, mostly aged 7-9, and the teachers who died with them, had been singing All Things Bright And Beautiful.
Happy 50tH BirtHdays to David Cameron (9th); Tony Adams (10th); Luke Perry (11th); Mark Gatiss (17th); Roman Abramovich and Simon Danczuk (24th); Judge Jules (26th) and Ad-Rock (31st).
Cake and botox to you all!
By James Baggott
Renault Clio dCi 110 Dynamique S Nav
Previously seen as the teenager that refused to grow up, the Renault Clio celebrates its 25th birthday this year – and with a host of new styling and design cues, could this be the most mature Clio yet? What is it? Originally launched in 2012, this is Renault’s facelifted fourthgeneration Clio. Mechanical upgrade comes with the new 1.5-litre dCi 110 diesel powertrain, previously seen in Nissan’s Qashqai, and the option of a manual transmission coupled with the pre-existing TCe 120 petrol engine. Renault has poured a lot of resources into styling – the exterior includes a new grille, re-profiled bumpers and an LED light signature, while Cshaped daytime running lights can be specified on certain models. Cabin quality has improved significantly, with new upholstery, matt chrome trim and soft-touch materials – no more scratchy plastics to be found here. With 30 different colour combinations, five roof decals, and four exterior customisation packs, the model has been dubbed ‘the most stylish Clio yet’. What’s under the bonnet? The pokey dCi 110 diesel 48
powerplant is linked to a six-speed manual gearbox, providing 108 bhp. 0-60mph takes 11.19 seconds, and top speed is 121mph. The diesel engine can be noisy when the car is at idle or moving slowly, but fades to an indistinct hum at 3,000 revs. The dCi 110 returns an impressive 80.7mpg, while emitting just 90g/km CO2. What’s the spec like? Spec on the £17,755 dCi 110 Dynamique S Nav is extensive, with an updated sound and infotainment system with Bose speakers and the new R-link connectivity system featuring as standard. However, the new diesel engine is only available in this top-level trim, meaning that drivers looking to spend less are left with the option of one of the pre-existing powertrains. The basic spec Clio starts from £10,495, meaning the range includes both affordable and high-end (for the B-segment) options. Any rivals? There are a host of affordable rival superminis including the DS3, Citroen C4 Cactus and Ford’s Fiesta. Drivers wanting a more premium experience can opt for the Audi A1, which the Renault is no match for. What’s it like to drive? This longer and wider Clio, with its sportier appearance and increased cabin space, delivers better handling. The car’s agility and body control is improved, but not enough to make the drive markedly different to its predecessor. The 108bhp engine is powerful
enough and the car accelerates with ease in any gear. The stop/start feature, standard on some models, works well and doesn’t cut out at unfortunate moments - as it does in some of the Clio’s Bsegment competitors. A driver-activated Ecomode, which is standard on the Dynamique Nav model and above, reportedly improves fuel economy by up to 12%. Verdict Renault claims the Clio is more versatile and mature than its predecessor, but with the new diesel powertrain only available in the top-spec model, we feel the carmaker is shoehorning itself into the more upmarket end of the B-segment. The facelift does well to refresh the product and keep it relevant. But with 13 million units sold worldwide since it was launched in 1991, and 12,589 sold in the UK alone between January and June this year, we very much doubt the Clio will be going out of fashion any time soon.
The Knowledge Model: Renault Clio dCi 110 Dynamique S Nav Price: £17,755 Engine: Four cylinder, 1.5 dCi 110 Power: 108bhp 0-60mph: 11.19secs Max speed: 121mph Economy: 80.7mpg Emissions: 90g/km
Rotary Club Has a New Home The Rotary Club of Langley and Iver now meet at the Pinewood Hotel. George Green. The venue gives the club the flexibility to use all the hotels facilities. The range of conference rooms and the ease of parking added to the superb food menu allows the club to welcome more members and visitors. The club dates back to 1972 with a varied membership of men and ladies from all walks of life. We are proud of our mix of members with different beliefs, faiths and backgrounds. We meet on Thursdays at 7.00pm, enjoy a two course meal followed by some form of entertainment. We have some great speakers, discussions or just sit amongst our friends and chat. One meeting a month we plan our next ventures. Many of you will be aware of our Christmas street collections when we tour the area with Santa playing carols. You may have seen us at the local bonfire party at Richings Sports Park or at Langley Carnival. We arrange fund raising events and support local schools and youth groups. You may have taken part in our all night sponsored walk in the Chil tern’s called ‘Moonraker’ which we have organ ised for the last thirty years. One of Rotary’s aims is to rid the world of polio. Alongside the Gates Foundation Rotary has pro vided vaccine to protect children in vulnerable parts of the world. This year we will support Thames Hospicecare. Alexander Devine Chil dren’s Hospice and Slough Crossroads the carers organisation. Some of our members volunteer at Slough Talking Books, others at the food bank.
We help the local scout groups, provide advice for ‘Youth Enterprise’ and help at Uxbridge Auto Show. Over the years we have funded community benches in Langley, Iver and Datchet. There are three in High Street Iver. We planted the daffodils that line local roads. Talking about that we need help to plant a further 5000 bulbs this year, why not bring your spade or trowel and give us a hand. Call Malcolm on 07867 929303 to find out more. The Peace Garden in St Peters Church Yard was built by our Rotaract Club backed by the Rotary Club. The projects we have instigated or sup ported over the years is vast. Look out for Rotary Santa Collections in early December. Thank you all for supporting us over the years. Many good causes have benefitted from your generosity.
Do you like helping others, being part of a team and having fun taking part? Why not pick up the telephone or visit our website. Rotary welcomes Men and Women of all faiths, beliefs and backgrounds. Come and meet us, have a chat, find out what we do. Go on pick up the phone we would love to hear from you.
Get Amazing Internet Everywhere
Home or abroad, here’s how to get the best connection
For many of us an internet connection is essential - so what can you do if your connection is slow, unreliable or barely usable? The good news is that most internet connection problems are really easy to fix. To identify the problem, it’s important to look in the right place. If you’re connecting to your broadband via a wireless router, that wireless connection could be the culprit. Wi-Fi signals can be obstructed by things such as radiators, metal mesh in the walls, pipework and even furniture, and you’ll often find a poor wireless connection can be fixed by moving the router, or upgrading to a faster one if the existing router is getting old: Wi-Fi technology has improved dramatically in recent years, and a router you buy today will be much faster with much better range than a similarly priced one five years ago. If your home simply isn’t Wi-Fi friendly - because it’s huge, or made out of really thick stone - then a Wi-Fi range extender can boost the signal, or you can opt for something called Powerline networking. This uses your house’s electricity circuit to transmit data between plug sockets, which sounds like madness but works really well. Look for Powerline AV if you want to 52
have connections fast enough for streaming high quality video. If the Wi-Fi is fine or you’re connecting directly to broadband with a cable, it’s worth checking out the Speedtest.net website. This tells you exactly how fast your broadband connection is. You’ll never get the “up to” speeds advertised, but if your connection is falling far short so for example if you’re getting around 1Mbps on a line that’s supposed to be good for 12 to 20Mbps - then it’s time to have harsh words with your internet provider. Most broadband connections are ADSL, which uses existing copper wires to bring broadband alongside your phone line. But there’s a newer, faster technology called fibreoptic. That’s what super-fast services such as BT Infinity and Virgin Media offer, and if you’re lucky enough to live in an area where fibre broadband is available it offers a massive increase in speed. What happens if you can’t get any kind of wired connection? Many areas with ropey broadband get decent mobile phone coverage, and if you’re in a 3G (or even better, 4G) coverage area you can use your phone as a personal
hotspot. That turns your phone into a personal Wi-Fi hotspot that you can connect to; it then sends and receives data over the mobile phone network on behalf of your connected device. Beware, though: such usage can quickly rack up lots of data, so if you’re on a limited mobile data deal - which is the most common kind of package - you might find yourself needing a more generous data allowance. Be particularly mindful of data if you’re using your phone as a hotspot abroad. It’s often a better idea to turn off data roaming on your phone and look for public Wi-Fi hotspots instead, because something as simple as checking email and Facebook can easily result in big bills. Some networks offer roaming deals that enable you to use mobile data when you’re abroad for a small daily fee, but if you don’t take advantage of them you’ll soon discover that mobile data can be more expensive than gold, oil or printer ink. Images L to R: Netgear wi-fi router; BT powerline broadband extender; Speedtest.net internet speed checker; Pokemon Go (to illustrate mobile data - this app will bankrupt you abroad)
You shall go to the ball with The Richings Players The classic and beloved pantomime, reimagined with a modern twist comes to Iver Village Hall in January 2017. Sophie Torrent is making her Richings Players directorial debut with the “ragstoriches” tale of living under the rule of her and of course, her ! The ques tion is: will she get to the royal ball and meet her ? Well if has anything to do with it, she certainly willjust maybe in a differ ent way to the one you remember Friday 7th October, 6.30pm7.30pm (Children aged 614) / 7.3010pm (Over 14), St Leonard's Hall, Richings Park Sunday 16th October, 4pm8pm, Huntsmoor, Iver Village Hall 25th – 29th January 2017, Iver Village Hall Lots of principle parts and chorus roles too. Audition pieces will be available for download on the RP website and at the workshop. For more information, email Sophie on: torrent90@hotmail.co.uk
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By Ann Haldon
What Benefits And Concessions Are You Entitled To In Later Life? receive, so you should factor in element, Savings Credit, is the possibility that these may for people who have saved reduce or be taken away. a small amount towards their retirement.
winter fuel AllowAnce Single people andand couples hold a meeting possible. Youifcan receive between £100 could receive up to £13.07 and version South Bucks’ of from this from a planning and £300 the government The latest information we have is that an £14.75 of Savingspoint Creditofper view should also available on to help withnow yourbe winter heating announcement of runway expansion will be week respectively.their You may webbesite. bills. This To is qualify the distillation of the for the winter made during the October session of entitled to one or both elements original questionnaire foryou comments paymentasking this year, need Parliament. This is likely to be a statement of if you’ve reached state pension and suggestions where further toofhave been born development before preference and will be followed by a public As you grow older, you become age, and are on a for lowbusiness income. and5th residential could be May 1953.housing Once you’ve consultation with age-related a final decision sometime in entitled to certain located. claimed, you should receive the AttendAnce AllowAnce late 2017. public benefits and concessions payment automatically between Attendance Allowance is a thatcontinue can help to with day-to-day We represent Richingsbenefit Park on the to November and December in available people aged living. Theforums most obvious is We care are getting information various instituted by Heathrow to have future years.that Crossrail have 65 or older, who the state retirement pension, decided not to upgrade the ticket office at the involve their surrounding communities their You needs in at home. don’t have but whatoperations. are the other less cold weAther PAyment station due current to receive professional care to to cost overruns elsewhere in the well-known top-ups and If you’re in receipt of pension This has hit other stations apart from be eligible for this project. benefit, and concessions that might be credit, you could also be our one. it’s often the case that a careavailable? eligible for a cold weather We were pleasantly surprisedprovider to receive is a spouse or family payment if the average communications from is Bucks County Council Although pension credit member. temperature wherearticle you live that imply they arebenefit, not just merely sitting back As always we finish this monthly with a a well-established There are two different rates falls, or is expected to have fall, to not and watchingrealises but intend participate request to those households who not everyone theyto actively available, depending on the 0°C. This mustfor be for in public consultations However, are eligible to claim it, soonit’sthis issue. renewed their subscription thisseven year to level of care needed: consecutive days between 1st ifworth one checking were to whether compareyou’re Slough BC with BCC make the effort to return the subscription • Lower rate: £55.10 per week. November and 31st March, and and useouta on dog be a missing this analogy, valuable SBC •would envelope to their road steward or to Costcutter Higher rate: £82.30 per week. the payment is £25 for each Rottweiler BCC would be a poodle. We supplementand to your state mislaid the envelope then People who in claim Stores. the lowerIf you have such period. will therefore continue to be prominent pension. any envelope will do, just put your address on rate often need help with pushing BCC to get the best deal for Richings AnnuAl flu VAccinAtions it so we it came from! Additionally, there may be local washing and dressing, andknow the where Park and Iver as is possible and not let Slough The annual flu vaccination is authority concessions available higher rate reflects greater care take more than their fair share. free for anyone over the age in the area where you live needs during the day and night. of 65 years old. It is available education or fitness If- for youadult missed the Slough dropin consultation cArer’s AllowAnce in pharmacies as well as classes, on for example. Here session this subject in are September, there is If you care for someone for from your GP, and is usually some of one the benefits that another going to beyou held on October 27th 35 hours a week or more, and provided between September might4pm be missing on, plusThe Worker Church from to 8pmout at Christ they are in receipt of certain and February each year. a brief guide as to the current Centre in Parlaunt Road, Langley. benefits, you could get Carer’s eligibility criteria. tV licence Allowance at a weekly rate of You can apply for a free TV £62.10. If you’re eligible, you Pension credit Hopefully, by now, you will have received licence if you are aged 75 and will also automatically receive There arethe two elements through post theto Iver Parish Council National Insurance credits. over. The government also pension credit – Guarantee consultation questionnaire. The importance of offers concessions to older Credit which guarantees It’s worth noting that Carer’s getting responses to a this cannot be over people in residential care, and minimum income of £155.60 Allowance can affect other emphasised in terms of future planning for the the cost for a licence in these if you’re single, and £237.55 benefits that you and the area including parking at the station. Please circumstances is £7.50. for couples. The second person you are caring for
make an effort to respond. They will also try
Public trAnsPort free bus pass There are various concessions available for older people using public transport. Both men and women are entitled to a bus pass at the female state pension age, giving free offpeak travel on local buses. london 60+ oyster card People over the age of 60 living in London, can apply for the 60+ London Oyster photo card, and enjoy free travel on London buses, tubes, and a range of other types of local transport. senior railcard and coachcard The senior railcard allows people aged 60 and over to save money on rail fares in the UK. There is a one-off cost to buy the card, and it is available online. The senior coachcard currently costs £10 plus £2 p&p, and will save you a third
off standard fares in the UK if you are over 60. PrescriPtions Those aged over 60 are also entitled to free prescriptions and NHS sight tests. You will need to complete the back of your prescription and let the pharmacist know that you’re eligible – you may also need to provide proof of age in this respect. locAl Authority fAcilities Some local authorities provide free or discounted access for older people to their leisure and educational facilities. You may find that your local sports and leisure centre offers concessions to people over state pension age, for fitness classes and swim sessions. Additionally, some colleges provide discounts on daytime
and evening classes for retired people of state pension age and older. The government website (www. gov.uk) is a good resource for finding out more about these benefits, and you may be able to make a claim for them online. https://www.gov.uk/pensioncredit https://www.gov.uk/attendanceallowance https://www.gov.uk/carersallowance https://www.gov.uk/winter-fuelpayment/overview https://www.gov.uk/coldweather-payment https://www.gov.uk/freediscount-tv-licence https://www.gov.uk/apply-forelderly-person-bus-pass http://www.nationalexpress. com/offers/coachcards/seniorcoachcard.aspx
Tools Of The Trade
by Pippa Greenwood
With the arrival of autumn, there is plenty of maintenance work needed in the garden. Using the right equipment will ensure that jobs are completed as easily and quickly as possible. It really is worth buying as good a quality garden tool as you can afford. Poorly made and badly designed tools can work out a lot more expensive (and frustrating!) in the long run, so start with a few good ones and build up gradually. A good quality fork and spade are essential and they need to be sturdily built. The neck and head of the spade should be moulded from one piece of metal for added strength. The shaft is usually constructed from wood or metal and you should make sure that it is firmly attached at both the head end and the handle. Ensure the metal parts have been treated to prevent rust. A hand fork and trowel are essential for smaller jobs such as weeding or gardening in confined spaces, and they are also great for moving and dividing smaller plants, for planting bulbs and for mixing up small amounts of compost. It is definitely worth feeling the handle to ensure that that the 58
grip is comfortable.
Next decision: stainless steel or coated steel? Stainless steel does not rust and many people find they move through the soil better, but they are pricey. Coated steel tools are much cheaper and provided you keep them clean and oil them periodically and at the end of each season, they last well. You will need a hoe for weeding between small plants and for aerating the surface of the soil. Sharpen your hoe regularly and it will last for ages and slide rapidly and easily through the soil. Most hoes have a 1.5 metre (5 foot) shaft but if you are very tall, then longer ones are available from some manufacturers. My favourite is the SpeedHoe, UK designed and with an unusual almost heart-shaped head with a blade running around all edges and a pronged rear, making it the easiest and most effective hoe I’ve ever used. A spring-tined rake is really useful because it has thin flexible wire tines which make it perfect for raking up lightweight debris and fallen leaves or, of course, lawnmower clippings. Although a garden rake can
also be used to rake up leaves, its main purpose is to break up lumps of soil and help you to create a fine level area for sowing seed, whilst at the same time removing stones, lumps and other debris. If you plan to grow vegetables, then a small hoe known as an onion hoe is an invaluable tool and allows you weed between fairly closely spaced crops. For really tight spaces and weeding between paving, I’m addicted to my SpeedWeeder, a small red-handled tool l which is the best I have used for hoiking out dandelion roots in one piece too! Finally, if the tools carry a guarantee then make sure that you keep the receipt and any relevant label from the tool itself or else it may well be difficult to prove precisely when and where you bought it. Visit Pippa’s website www.pippagreenwood. com to book Pippa for a gardening talk or peruse Pippa’s favourite gardening items including Nemaslug to control slugs, pop-up crop covers, SpeedHoes, SpeedWeeders, pull-out EasyTunnels, biocontrols, signed books and lots more.
Pets Corner... (Oct16).qxp_Layout 1 27/09/2016 17:40 Page 1
Fireworks - sensible precautions and some new ideas...
NOVEMBER 5TH is only round the corner and with religious festivals then Christmas and New Year the fireworks season last much longer these days so if you know your dog or cat is afraid of fireworks it is important to think about preparing well in advance. Obtain a pheromone diffuser: (Feliway® for cats, Adaptil®) for dogs from your vet to reduce your pet’s anxiety and start using it now, these work better if used for some time before. Pets that are traditionally kept outdoors, like rabbits and guinea pigs, are best taken inside when fireworks are going off or, at the very least, their hutches covered with thick blankets. Cats and dogs should be kept indoors in the room furthest from the source of the fireworks with curtains closed. Leave a light on and play some background music – something with a repetitive rhythmic beat is best but not too loud or this itself might cause alarm. It is important not to get excited yourself, just keep calm and ignore what’s happening outside. Most essentially, avoid paying attention to your frightened pet. You may feel that fussing/reassuring them is the most caring and obvious thing to do but it will only act as a reward for, and reinforce, the unwanted behaviour. If your pet has found somewhere it wants to hide, wherever that may be, don’t force it out from there but allow it to stay and insulate that place from noise as well as possible. While these precautions will work well for most pets, some still develop phobias which may include other loud noises. These phobias can be treated but this can take weeks or even months so you must act early. Vets are frequently asked for sedatives but the most knowledgeable ones will no longer dispense these as short-term sedation can make the problem worse in the long term. Your pet may seem calm but it will still be frightened and simply cannot react – imagine wanting to run away from something scary but your legs just won’t work! There are several non-sedating products now available which contain natural products that reduce anxiety, some 60
of which act very quickly but it is much better to start a long-term plan with appropriate medication together with a CD of the noises your pet is afraid of which gradually de-sensitises it. However, in the very short term, to get over a particular event, your vet may advise giving anxiolytics similar to valium (these are only available from the vet) - these won’t heavily sedate your pet but will at least help it forget the experience and therefore not make the fear worse.
M C Atkinson BVSc MRCVs www.stmartinsvetclinic.com
Home & Interiors Art Deco Style By Katherine Sorrell
DecaDent Deco the luxe looks of art Deco never go out of fashion – and, according to a recent survey by olympia’s art & antiques Fair, it’s the nation’s favourite design style. We take a look at the history of this glamorous, good-looking movement. The Roaring Twenties saw the jazz age in full swing from London to Berlin and Paris to Chicago. Just think flappers, slick automobiles, the talkies and skyscrapers: it was all about glamour, drama and modernity. Consumerism had arrived, and the timing was just right for a brand new style. Also known as Art Moderne, Jazz Moderne or simply Deco, Art Deco style was rooted in the world of pre-First World War leading French design, but only became widely recognised after the 1925 Paris 62
Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes, an exhibition which aimed to modernise French interior design. As they moved into a new era, French designers were combining classical features and rare, luxury materials with exciting new influences such as contemporary art (Cubism and Fauvism), the exotic Ballets Russes and a fascination with all things Egyptian, as well as the art and artefacts of Japan, Africa, native America, Mexico and the Middle East. The result? An irresistible new style that perfectly expressed the excitement of the changing times. Early Art Deco furniture was exclusive and luxurious, made from costly materials such as hardwoods, lacquer, mother of pearl, shark skin, tortoiseshell and leather, and frequently featured extravagant
veneering and inlaid decoration. For collectors, then, this period is highly desirable and correspondingly expensive. However, as the style spread around Europe and became hugely popular across the Atlantic, designers gave the look a twist, employing the latest technologies and less expensive materials, such as stainless steel, chrome and Bakelite plastic. In the States it became known as Streamlining, and its curvy lines were the must-have look for a host of new buildings from Miami to New York – one of the finest examples being the 102storey Empire State Building, completed in 1931. In terms of furniture, the Art Deco look was low and upright in design, featuring geometric outlines with rounded corners, and often the shell, fan or sunburst shapes that are key to this style. Two completely new pieces had recently been invented: the coffee table and the cocktail cabinet, the latter something that has become inextricably associated with the style. Functional and spacesaving, fitted kitchens became increasingly widespread, while the Art Deco bathroom (still a relatively new room in most homes) featured solid yet elegant shapes and glamorous looks, with plenty of chrome and bevelled-edge mirror. To decorate walls, botanicals or geometrics were frequent motifs, while upmarket homes might have lacquer or wood panelling, mirror tiles or even
trompe l’oeil murals. And this was the era of fabulous parquet flooring, perhaps with the addition of a zebra skin or a boldly abstract rug (today’s fashionable chevrons are a descendant). Soft furnishings were, in high-end interiors at least, sumptuous and costly, with silk and velvet (tasselled and fringed, of course) especially desirable. However, as the look filtered down it was cotton, chenille and moquette that gained in popularity, often featuring graphic patterns in bold colours or the monochrome of black, white and grey. Everything was bathed in a new form of artificial light – electricity – and the widespread use of new-fangled electric fittings meant that designers paid increasing attention to their appearance. Often strikingly dramatic, they were made from
ground-breaking materials such as aluminium, plywood, tubular steel, plastic or pressed glass; typical styles included pendant lights in the form of an inverted bowl made from marbled glass and hung from chains, ziggurat, shell or fan-shaped wall lights, and column-based table lamps boasting Art Deco motifs such as a sunray, borzoi dog or stylised naked figurines. And, since this was, essentially, a decorative style, the right accessories and ornaments were key, from Clarice Cliff’s ground-breaking ceramics to Bakelite radios, cocktail shakers and silver dressing table sets.
As time went on, and Art Deco design was more widely disseminated, it became less sophisticated and more mass-produced. Those initial qualities of opulence and luxury
became, especially in 1930s Britain, more utilitarian and suburban. Though essentially still a ground-breaking style that bridged the old world and the new, it was commercialised to the point of kitsch. House builders employed features such as rounded bay windows, doorways with stepped surrounds and garden gates with sunrise motifs. The vocabulary of brightly coloured zigzags, chevrons, exotic animals and stylised flowers was added to furnishings, accessories and practically any type of homeware possible – and thus what had been a luxurious look available only to the few had become an everyday style that was found in all sorts of ordinary homes. Image - Artworks Art Deco bathroom, Original Style, 01392 473000; www.originalstyle.com
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IVER What's On... Aug16.qxp_Layout 1 28/07/2016 21:02 Page 1
regular events...
keeP-Fit, danCe & draMa...
Free Family games event Second Saturday of every month - for parents, carers and guardians with children of all ages, at the Kings Church, Iver, 10am-midday - visit www.hartentertainment.co.uk for details or call 07747 063149 to let us know your coming. Open to all.
adults Zumba Classes Running on Wednesdays 6-7pm at Iver Heath Village Hall, St Margaret's Close. Call Diane 07926 854184. ballet Classes Iver Heath Village Hall, Friday 4.457pm. Call L Killian 01753 814280
8-9pm, Thurs 7-8pm. St Lawrence Church Hall Bridle Road Pinner Fri 9.30am. St Lukes Hall Love Lane Pinner Wed 7.45-8.45pm, Sat 910am. Wendy Whitefoord 07803 602142 e: wendy.whitefoord@ btinternet.com. See www.jazzerciseuk.com or facebook.com/ JazzerciseDenhamNewDenham
bokwa Fitness tone & Core Energetic workout that anyone can pick up, dancer or not. Wednesdays 6.15pm-7.10pm, Yiewsley and West Drayton Community Centre. Penny, 07771 872592/01895 420409; learningmoves@hotmail.co.uk
ladies only kickboxing Club Wednesdays, 6.30-8.00pm at Watts Hall, Redford Way, Uxbridge, UB8 1SZ. First Class FREE! Leanne Phillips on 07518 848285 email: leanne @kickboxing-longdon.co.uk www.kickboxing-london.co.uk
Children's Zumba (Zumbatomic) Classes Wednesdays at 3.30-5.30pm at Iver Heath Village Hall, Saint Margaret's Close. Call Diane on 07926 854184
Military Fitness Class A good way to get fit and enjoy the outdoors, suitable for beginners Monday 7-8pm, Iver Heath Rec, Church Road, Iver Heath, SL0 0RD. £2 per session. 1st session FREE! info: Leon 01895 837334.
art Classes Come & Join Us! Isabel Hunt, your local artist, teaches a new project every week, which can be a landscape, seascape, still life, pets, portraiture, etc. In the first 2 sessions equipment/materials are provided. at St Marys Church Hall St Marys Rd Langley SL3 7EN info: 07411 125407 or 01753 542209 chavi2000@hotmail.com Chinese brush Painting group We meet on Saturday mornings. The class is guided by an experienced tutor. Learn to compose and develop your own Chinese painting style as well the finer points of Chinese calligraphy. At Harefield Library, Park Lane Village Centre, Harefield or contact Phyllis Nash on 01895 476 644 / phyllnash@gmail.com French sessions in iver French Intermediate Class. Small friendly group with French Native Teacher meets every Tues. Iver Village Hall 7.30-9.30pm from Sept 22nd 2015 Call 07940 281233 e: c.marionnet@blueyonder.co.uk inland Waterways association Meet 2nd Tues of every month at Hillingdon Canal Club, Waterloo Road, Uxbridge, UB8 2QX, 7.30pm. middlesex.social@waterways.org.uk Mandarin tuition In Iver Heath. All welcome. Experienced teacher. Call Yuan on 07932 649107 or ynhyuan@yahoo.co.uk
Futunity Street Dance and Hip Hop for children age 7-11 years. Fri's from 4-9pm call Cheryl on 01753 651754 or email childcare@ivercommunity.org donna’s keep Fit Iver Heath Village Hall. Call Donna 01753 674945. Tue 9.45-10.45am Fitness Club St Catherine School, Money Lane, West Drayton, UB7 7NX. Thu 6-7pm Circuits, Fitness and Boxercise. £5 a class. Shaun Thompson, 07906 087749 www.tauruspt.co.uk iver health & exercise sessions for over 55's. Designed to keep over 55's fit and to suit all abilities. Session includes light lunch and activity. £5 includes lunch Fridays 10am-1pm Evreham Sports Centre, Swallow Street, Iver, SL0 0HS. Jazzercise Classes Jazzercise Classes New Denham Community Centre Oxford Road Mon 9.30-10.30am, Tues 6.45 - 7.45pm , Wed, Thurs , Fri 9.45-10.45am. Denham Village Memorial Hall Village Road Thurs 6.30-7.30pm. Ruislip Sports & Social Club Grosvenor Vale Mon 6.45-7.45pm Tues 9.30am, 7-8pm, Wed 9.30-10.30am. Pinner Methodist Church Love Lane Mon
nordic Walking & Wellbeing All round exercise in the open air, 4 week courses various days and locations pre booking essential contact 07771872592 / learningmoves@hotmailco.uk Personal training Looking for some extra help to get fit & into shape? For more info and prices call Rachel on 07745 622011 Pilates Iver Heath Village Hall on Thurs 7pm8pm call Mrs S Webb 01923 721335 Pilates Class Thursdays 9.30-10.30am. St Peter's Centre, Iver. All levels, booking essential. Call Rachel 07745 622011. Pilates and tai Chi Fit courses Tuesdays 7.30-8.30pm, Yiewsley and West Drayton Community Centre. Contact Penny 07771 872592/01895 420409; learningmoves@hotmail.co.uk PiYo® Classes Sweat, stretch & strengthen all in one low-impact, music -driven, body sculpting workout. Tues 7-7.45pm. St Peter's Centre, Iver. £5 per class booking essential. Call Rachel on 07745 622011. continued overleaf...
IVER What's On... Sep16.qxp_Layout 1 23/08/2016 20:31 Page 2
Yoga Iver Heath Village Hall.Mon 6.307.45pm. Jon Bell 07790 682238.
The Windsor & District Big Bands Appreciation Society Meet on 2nd Wed of each month at 7.30pm, Datchet Hall, Horton Rd, Datchet. Meetings feature the music of the big bands of the 40s & 50s Swing era. Two recitals from records, tapes & CDs, along with a raffle and sometimes a live band. If you like to reminisce, do come along and join us! Contact Derek on 01753 654398
Pinewood Fitness The Fitness Room, Pinewood Studios, Pinewood Road, Iver Heath, Sl0 0NH. Mon 20.00-21.00, Wed 19.30-20.30. Booking only. Various Fitness Circuits, Boxercise, Gym Work. £5 a class. Shaun Thompson, 07906 087749 www.tauruspt.co.uk Salsa Classes Every Monday: The Middlesex Arms, Long Drive, South Ruislip, HA4 0HG. Beginners class starts 8pm. Improvers/Intermediates: 8.459.30pm. Freestyle dancing/practice time til 11pm. Every Wednesday: The WatersEdge, Canal Cottages, Packetboat Lane, Cowley, UB8 2JS. Beginners class starts 7:30pm. Improvers/Intermediates: 8.309.30pm. Freestyle dancing til 11pm
Tap Dance Mondays 7.30-8.30pm at Meadows Community Centre, West Drayton. Adult Beginner/Intermediate tap. No exams. Contact 01895 420409 / learningmoves@hotmail.co.uk Taurus Circuits Pinewood Studio. With Personal Trainer Shaun. Monday 8pm-9pm Booking only 07906 087749 Tai Chi Classes Tues 10am at the Evreham Sports Centre, Iver. Call 01753 672610 Every Saturday 10-11am, Yiewsley Methodist Church, Fairfield Road, UB7 8EY. Call Dan 07880 601429. Toddler & Junior Fitness Fun Junior Trampolining Weds 4.30pm5.30pm held at the Evreham Sports Centre Iver. Call 01753 672610. Weight Watchers Chalfont St Peter Community Centre SL9 9QX. Wednesdays, 7pm. Iver Village Hall, SL0 9NW. Thursdays, 6.30pm. Iver Heath Village Hall SL0 0DA Saturdays, 9am Call Nicky 07443 567244 nicky_iverww@hotmail.com www.weightwatchers.co.uk 68
ZUMBA in Langley Mon 7-8pm & Tues 7-8pm St. Mary's Church Centre. Thurs 7-8pm St. Francis Church Hall.
ZUMBA ® Fitness Classes Mon & Thurs 7-8pm. St Peters Centre, Iver - all levels welcome! Call Rachel on 07745 622011.
Zumba Fitness Weds 8-9pm at Langley Grammar School Sport Centre Reddington Drive Langley, SL3 8LL and Thurs 7-8pm at Yiewsley / West Drayton Community Centre, Harmondsworth Rd, West Drayton UB7 9JL.Call Gabriel 07735 090325, gabrielzumba@instructor.net www.gabriel84.zumba.com MUSIC... Faraday Country Music Club in Slough SL2 1RN. Join us for the best live Country Music every Thursday for listeners, western partners, freestyle or line dancers. From 8-11pm. Contact Deb 07986 050742. www.faradaycountry.co.uk Iver Singers Singing for Fun Tuesday during term time from 19:00-20.30 at Iver Heath Village Hall, St Margaret’s Close, Bucks, SL0 0DA. New members welcome. FREE first session. No auditions. Call 07733 466177 www.iversingers.com.
Learn to Play in a Rock Band At a professional recording studio taught by expert musicians. Open to 7-18 year olds, we teach guitar, bass, drums and vocals in small groups and as a band. Sessions will run after school at R'n'R Studios, Uxbridge starting October. Contact Conor for details on 07946 402797 or email wlsr.uxb@gmail.com Richings Players Amateur theatre group perform three shows per year at Iver Village Hall. Contact Evelyn on 07950 039827 richingsplayers@mail.com See www.richingsplayers.co.uk.
Signature A Cappella singers Monday night at Iver Heath Village Hall, St Margaret’s Close, Iver Heath SLO 0DQ. 7.45-10.30 with a ten minute break.If you enjoy singing please come along or visit www.signaturesingers.com Stoke Poges Singers A friendly four-part choir singing a wide variety of music. New members always welcome - no auditions. Rehearsals on Thursday evening at St Andrews Centre, Rogers Lane, Stoke Poges from 8pm. Come along to a rehearsal or contact Naomi on 07831 217575 or Cheryl on 01753 655682. www.stoke-poges-singers.org
The Rock Project Greater London We teach 7-18 year olds how to play guitar, bass, drums and vocals in small groups and as a band. Wed's at Nower Hill High School, Pinner and Thurs at Vyners School, Ickenham. Juniors (7-11) 4.15-6.15pm and Seniors (11-18) 6.30-8.30pm. £20 per two - hourly session. Contact Pritpal on 07855 863058 or email uxbridge@therockproject.com Yiewsley & West Drayton Band Rehearse every Wednesday and Friday 8-10pm at St. Matthew's School, Yiewsley. ontact Lynne on 07976 824152 or Lynne@ywdband.com Yiewsley & West Drayton Training Band Open to all ages wanting to learn to play a brass instrument or 'brush up' your skills. Rehearse every Wed during TT. 6.45-7.45pm at St. Matthew's School, Yiewsley. Contact Abi on 07985 302 856 or emailtraining@ywdband.com continued overleaf...
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IVER What's On... Oct16.qxp_Layout 1 30/09/2016 14:36 Page 3
PETS... Iver Dog Training Club Meet Tuesday & Friday 6.30-9pm, St Andrews Church, Richings Park. Call Diana 01753 732907 Iver Heath Fields Dog Club 'Outdoor Training' every Sat at 10.15am, Wed at 11am call Mike on 01753 817852 or 07795 031335 or see website www.ihfdc.com PRE-SCHOOL & KIDS GROUPS... Iver Village Pre-School open Mon-Fri from 9am-3pm, we take children between the ages of 2-5 yrs. Funding is available for 2, 3 & 4 year olds. For more details contact Sandra Davis on 01753 654859 or theoffice@ivervillagepreschool.co.uk French for Children with La Jolie Ronde, 5-11yrs. In Iver, Saturdays. Call Estelle 07831 779888 Rainbow Guides Iver Heath Scout Hut on Tuesday, 5.30-6.30pm. Call Cindy Gordon 01753 795724 or Tracey Glynn 01895 469804 Iver Village Infant School Nursery (formally Richings Park Pre School) St Leonards Hall, St Leonards Walk, Richings Park, Iver, SL0 9DD. Monday to Friday 9.15am-12.15pm. Extended days Monday to Thursday until 2.15pm. 15 hours per week funding available for 2-3 year olds per week. Call 01753 655104. Email: nursery@iver-inf.bucks.sch.uk Shooting Stars Pre-School An innovative pre-school setting for children aged two-five years open from 7.00am – 6.00pm Monday – Friday. Iver Village Hall, High St, Iver, SL0 9NW. Call Rafia 01753 651754 or e: childcare@ivercommunity.org Slough Sea Cadets Parade nights on Monday and Thursday 19.30-21.30 at Langley Pavillion, Langley Road, Slough, SL3 8BS. Male & Female Junior Cadets (age 10-12 yrs) and Cadets (age 1270
18 yrs). Fees £2 per week, courses from £5 for a weekend. Visit us on Facebook, pop-in or email: sloughseacadets@yahoo.co.uk
Karate (Adults & Children) Iver Heath Village Hall on Tues & Thurs. Kids 7-8pm, Adults 8-9.30pm. Call Sensei R. Baker 07898 946330.
Sticky Fingers Mothers & Toddlers Iver Heath Village Hall, Wednesday 9.30-11.30am. Call Janet Beale 01753 652375
Karate Club of Denham / Uxbridge For ages 5 years and up. Sunday 9.15-11am at New Denham Community Centre, Oxford Road. Wed 5-7pm at The Greenway, Uxbridge. Call Dominic on 07988 743725.
The Launchpad A breakfast club for children aged 511 and after school club for Infants. We also offer holiday play schemes. Iver Village Hall, High Street, Iver, SL0 9NW. Call Cheryl on 01753 651754 childcare@ivercommunity.org The Pod An after school club for Junior school children combining childcare with specialist ed. activities. Iver Village Junior School, High Street, Iver, SL0 9QA. Call Cheryl on 01753 651754 or email: childcare@ivercommunity.org Tiny Talk Baby Signing Classes Tuesday classes at St Mary’s Church Hall, High Street, Harefield UB9 6BX, 10am, price £5 pre-paid per family. Thursday classes at St Giles' Church Hall, 1 High Road, Ickenham UB10 8LE, 10am, 11.15am and 1pm, price £5.00 pre-paid per family. Friday classes at The Uxbridge Centre, The Greenway, Uxbridge UB8 2PJ, 10.30am, price £5.00 pre-paid per family. Please call Bev Meier to book 01895 824935 or 0781 8025993 Tiny Toes Childcare Full day care nursery for children aged six weeks to five years open from 8am-6pm Mon-Fri. Evreham Centre, Swallow Street, Iver, SL0 0HS. Call Susan on 01753 655650 tinytoes@ivercommunity.org SELF DEFENCE... Close Quarter Combat In Richings Park. Speed, strength and conditioning training. All types of pad work combinations. Suitable for adults of all ages. 1-2-1 sessions. Call Mark 07525 366126 email: mj.wilding@hotmail.com
Kung Fu Club West Drayton Great Kung Fu work out for children & adults on: Tuesday 5.30-6.30, Friday 7.30-8.30, Sunday 5.30-6.30. West Drayton Community Centre, Harmondsworth Road, UB7 9JL. Contact Ella: 07702 479 435 or email: sportsclubuk@gmail.com Martial Arts Bujinkan Kuri Dojo Unit 21 Bridgeworks, UB8 2JG Tel: 07878 471124. Training: Sun 10.30-12.30pm, Tue 8-10pm, Thu 8.30-10pm www.bujinkankuridojo.co.uk Silat Kuntao Indonesian Self-Defence Traditional self-defence art from Central Java, includes empty hand, traditional weapons, meditation and healing massage. Adult classes only. Mon and Wed 8pm-10pm at Denham Village Memorial Hall, Denham, UB9 5BN. Call Philip Davies 07790 496 346 or kuntao.matjan.uk@gmail.com. SELF HELP... Alcoholics Anonymous Every Sun, 7.30pm, St Leonards Hall, St Leonards Walk, Richings Park, Iver, SL0 9DD. Call Howard 07816 315688. Slimming World Tuesday 5.30pm and 7.30pm and Wednesday 9.30am at Evreham Sports Centre, Iver Heath Contact Kate: 07432 107089 Weight Watchers Chalfont St Peter Community Centre Weds 7pm. Iver Village Hall Thurs 6.30pm. Iver Heath Village Hall. Sats 9am. Contact Nicky 07443 567244 nicky_iverww@hotmail.com continued overleaf...
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SOCIAL GROUPS... Coffee Shop At St Margarets Church, Church Rd, Iver Heath. Wed 10.45-11.45am. Enjoy a coffee and a chat in a friendly, informal atmosphere. Colne Valley Park Conservation Volunteers Every second weekend of the month. Hands on help to protect the wildlife and landscape of the regional park. For more details contact Steve Ord steven.ord@groundwork.org.uk or call 07718 043080. Heathway Ladies Group Every second Tues of the month at 2pm. You’re welcome as a visitor at the cost of £1.50, as we have a waiting list. Contact Secretary Tricia Cooper 01753 817749 or e: tricia.cooper3@virginmedia.com Inspirations Spiritualist Group Spiritualist group for like-minded people. Weekly services with a guest Medium every Thursday at The Walter Pomeroy Hall, Royal Lane, Hillingdon, UB8 3QY. 7.15pm for 7.45pm start. Admission £5 Concessions £4.50 Accompanied Children u16 - FREE. Enqs: 07968 039426 or 0208 841 4901. Iver & District Countryside Assoc., If you enjoy walks in the country and social evenings, why not join us? Call Paul Graham 01753 655183 Iver Evening Women’s Institute Iver Village Hall, meets 2nd Monday of month, 7.30pm. Call Margaret 01753 653751 for details. Iver Heath Ladies Meet 2nd Tuesday of the month in Iver Heath Village Hall at 2pm. A group of ladies who enjoy speakers, outings, lunches and more. Visitors welcome, £1.50 admission. Contact tricia.cooper3@virginmedia.com or call 01753 817749. Iver Heath Community Library The Library is open: Tues 9.30-1pm & 2-5pm . Thurs 9.30-1pm & 2-6pm.Sat 10am-1pm. Free membership of all Bucks libraries Free public pc & Wi-fi. Reading Group, craft group, bounce and rhyme for toddlers, childrens crafts , coffee mornings enqs: 0845 2303232 lib-ivh@buckscc.gov.uk 72
King's Friends A group of older men and women enjoying life. Contact 01753 651178 for our latest programme. Probus Club of Langley & Iver is always looking for new members, we meet for lunch at The Pinewood Hotel, Wexham Park Lane, George Green, SL3 6AP on the last Tuesday of the month (except Dec). We are friendly and attract retired persons of both sexes who usually are from a professional background although there is nothing rigid about background. We normally have a speaker and cover a wide range of interests. Call 01753 653571. The Rotary Club of Langley & Iver meets on Thursdays, 7pm at the Pinewood Hotel, Wexham Park Lane, George Green, SL3 6AP. We are a small friendly club that welcomes everyone. If you are interested in improving the lives of others and have fun doing it contact Graham Jones 01753 540148 or 07802 784024 or visit http://langleyiver.rotary1090 .org/email: akahold@hotmail.com Women’s Social Group Social group for women in West London. Looking to expand your social group and make new friends? We meet regularly for coffee, a chat and organised trips and welcome women of all ages. Please call Seema on 07730 898635 or email seemaa@seemaa.co.uk for more. SPORT... Back School Small Osteopath lead rehab excercise sessions designed to help strengthen the back with lots of self care advice. Held at Lotus Wellbeing Clinic call 01753 677 604 for further details. Basketball (starting 7th June) Drop-in sessions for adults age 16 and over. Saturdays 12-2pm. £3 per session. At the Evreham Sports Centre, Iver. Call 01753 672610. Darts Richings Park Sports & Social Club Wellesley Avenue. Men & Women Players. Tuesday & Thursday Nights. Call Gerry 07957 804204
Iver Heath Tennis Club Church Road, Iver Heath, Bucks. SL0 0RW. New members always welcome, adults and juniors, visit our website for details www.ihltc.co.uk or call John Stephenson 01895 441033 Iver Heath Bowls Club Interested in playing bowls? Ring Brian Carter 01753 817794 or Hon. Sec. Betty Hemsley 01753 651775 Iver Short Mat Bowls We are open on Wednesdays 2-5pm & 5-10pm in Iver Village Hall, experience not necessary. Age 18yrs+. Cal Bob 01753 654049 or Ron 01753 819644 or Mary 01753 654765 Iver Veterans Golf Society For men and women over 60. We meet every Tuesday morning at Iver Golf Club. Handicap not necessary. Regular competitions held at Iver and other courses. You do not need to be a member of Iver Golf Club, just come along and play and make some new friends. Special rates for IVGS members. Contact: 01753 654246 Ladies Golf Meets 10am every Monday & Wednesday at Rickmansworth Golf Club, new members welcome. Email ladies-captain@ rickmansworthgolf club.co.uk or call 07941 589445. Learn to Sail! We are an RYA approved training centre and are open to new members, www.kingsmeadsc.org.uk FREE sailing taster sessions! Nordic Walking Taster Session Iver Starts Wednesday 30th January, 10am-11am, £5 at Evreham Sports Centre, Swallow Street, Iver, Bucks, SL0 0HS. Session is £5 with poles included. If you would like to book onto the course or require more details call the Evreham Sports Centre on 01753 672 610. Pink Ladies Netball Club All levels and abilities welcome. Training takes place at Stockley Academy, West Drayton every Tuesday evening. Senior training 16+yrs 7.30-9pm Back to Netball 16+yrs 7.30- 8.30pm Under 16s - please Rhiannon on 01895 448878 for details email: plnetball@hotmail.co.uk visit www.pinkladiesnetball.co.uk
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Cake and Bake Chocolate & Orange Battenburg Cake This cake looks really impressive but it’s easy to make – just two flavoured sponge cakes cut into thin strips and wrapped in marzipan.
1. Preheat the oven to 180C, 160C fan, Gas 4. Sift the
• • • • • •
2. Divide the mixture equally between 2 bowls and
• • • •
225g self-raising flour 1tsp baking powder 225g caster sugar 225g butter, softened 4 medium eggs, beaten 2tsp finely grated orange zest 1tbsp orange juice 1tbsp cocoa powder blended with 1tbsp hot water 4tbsp apricot jam, warmed and sieved 450g marzipan
Makes 2 Cakes (each serving 8) Ready in 1 hour 10 minutes, plus cooling
Once made the cakes will keep in an airtight container or wrapped in foil for up to 3 days. 74
flour and baking powder into a large bowl and add the sugar, butter and eggs. Beat with an electric mixer until the mixture is pale, smooth and creamy.
fold the orange rind and juice into one bowl and the blended cocoa powder into the other.
3. Spoon each mixture into separate greased and base-
lined 18cm square shallow cake tins and level the surface. Bake in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes until the cakes are risen and just firm to the touch. Cool for 5 minutes then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely.
4. Trim the edges from each cake then cut each cake
into four even-sized strips. Using a little of the jam, sandwich 2 of the chocolate strips with 2 of the orange flavoured strips to create a chequered effect oblong cake.
5. Roll out half the marzipan on a surface dusted lightly
with icing sugar to an 18 x 30cm rectangle. Brush the top of the assembled cake with a little more jam and press onto the marzipan. Brush the remaining sides of the cake with jam and carefully wrap the marzipan all around the cake. Use your fingertips to crimp along the top edges of the cake. Repeat with the remaining cake strips and marzipan to make a second cake.
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