Dear Readers Welcome to the June issue of
Inside this month’s issue
In and Around Denham And already nearly half way through the year. Having returned from a week in sunny Portugal, it was quite a shock to land back here on a rather cold and wet night, knowing that in the morning I would be back at the computer desperately trying to catch up. There’s a lot to be said for taking a break and recharging your batteries. It seems that whilst I was left with little time to get the usual month’s work done, my newly found energy meant I flew threw things at twice the usual pace and with renewed enthusiasm. Maybe it was the sunshine, possibly the sangria, but whatever it was, I’ll be booking my next break very soon.
Seventies Chic Pg 28
Karen Munro: Careers
Beauty: Sensational Skin
Denham Against HS2
Puzzle Page
Volunteers Week
The weather here has been lovely this last couple of weeks and having gone straight into garden tidying mode, things are shaping up and the usual array of pots and baskets are growing nicely on the patio. Unfortunately little SummerHope finds soil and compost irresistible, and likes to scoop out heaps of the stuff from the containers, because it obviously looks so much better strewn around the patio or used to decorate the poor dog as she walks past. Only the coming weeks will tell whether my geraniums will still be sporting flowers, or if they’ll be joining the compost on the floor.
Short Story: The Petrifying Well
Clean Air Day
Tales from Britains Food War Zones
Have Manners Gone for Good?
Parenting: Encouraging a love of reading
Interiors: Seventies Chic
Denham Parish Council Annual Meeting Report
Tech: The Great Outdoors
Motoring: Driverless Cars Explained
Driving: Oh! Suits You Sir!
Until next month
Puzzle Solutions
Midsummer Meanings
Finance: short-term or long-term mortgages?
Children’s Puzzle Page
.Angela & Sammy
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Publisher: Angela Fisher Phone: 0800 038 5001 / 07759 536494 Email: info@inandaroundpublishing.co.uk Information and Details of Rates at
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Gardening: Houseplant Heaven Clubs, Groups & Classes
54 56, 58 & 60
Citizens Advice Bureau
Useful Telephone Numbers
Pets: 4 Summer Pet Health Hazards
JULY COPY DEADLINE 19TH JUNE We are grateful for the support of local businesses whose adverts appear in this publication and whilst every care is taken to ensure accuracy, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for any errors, omissions, claims made by advertisers or endorse companies, products or services. This publication, its contents and advert designs are © of In and Around Publishing. Any copying or reproduction in part or fully, is strictly forbidden without our prior consent.
The Curtain Gallery
Sols pg 81
Dear Resident,
2019 06
If you attended our Annual Parish Meeting last month, you will have noticed that I was unable to be there due to sickness. Thankfully Cllr. S Williams agreed to cover for me. She did an excellent job and I am sure everyone really appreciated it. My sincere thanks to her. Unfortunately at the same event, our Transport for Bucks Local Area Technician was also off with an injury and there was no cover for him. I understand this caused problems with the residents as many had attended the event to hear what was happening about hot highway issues. Whilst your wishes were for a further meeting to be held where residents could ask questions of tfb, our County Cllr R Reed has also been on the case and we are given to understand the FLOODING issues along the A40, A412, A4020 are being scheduled to commence work in July. We have also requested SBDC to sweep the roads, particularly between the traffic lights and Denham roundabout and Denham Green shops down Moorfield Road where the gutters are full of dust and dirt. We can only wait and see if these items are actioned. During May we held another Afternoon Social with Bingo and Live Music by John at the New Denham Community Centre. The afternoon went well and we have another one planned soon. If you are over 65 we welcome you to join us. You are the reason we hold these events. Just provide your name, address and telephone number if you don’t have an email address and we will contact you. We will also arrange to pick you up if you don’t have transport. May also saw our childrens play equipment supplier, Proludic, running the Alderbourne Egg hunt and Way & Tillard gift voucher competition officially opening our new outdoor Adult Gym. We hope our residents are taking advantage of this equipment towards a healthy life style. 30
Another two events were held in May, namely Jazz on the Green and also Beating the Bounds Route 7, for which we gratefully thank Paul Graham for leading this Annual event along part of our boundary. This walk finished on the green in Denham Village where tea & biscuits were provided whilst the walkers could enjoy the Jazz. Last month also saw the cleaning of the Misbourne stream along Village Road as it enters from under Denham Place. This was sponsored by The Falcon Inn. Several trees needed pruning together with the removal of dead Elm and numerous falling branches. Overgrown weeds and mud were removed revealing the original gravel bottom. Perfect for regeneration. In due course new trees and water plants will be introduced, also to be sponsored by The Falcon Inn. The following pages give you a summary of the work done under each committee for the year April 2018 to March 2019, as reported at our Annual Meeting.
Sunday 16 June, 2-5pm Jazz on the Village Green with ‘Electica - Nicole Smith Saturday 29 June Armed Forces Day Denham Parish Council meets on the 2nd Monday of every month (except August) at 7.30pm in the Parish Office at the rear of Denham Village Memorial Hall, Village Road, Denham. Residents are always welcome to attend.
Marilyn Heath Chairman, Denham Parish Council Our grateful thanks to ‘In and Around Denham’ for providing this Platform for us
Summary Report of the Denham Parish Council Annual Meeting For the Year April 2018 - March 2019
Annual Report on behalf of the Chairman of the Parish Council 2018/19 Chairman, Cllr. Marilyn Heath Good evening, we would like to welcome all of you to this our Annual Meeting and thank you for attending. I would also like to thank my colleagues, Councillors and staff, for their support and diligence over the past year, together with all our volunteers for giving their time and energy to assisting us. We recently appointed Jagjit Brar as our Parish Clerk, working alongside our Co-Clerk Roy and Administrator Susan. Jag has already made a considerable contribution to running our office and preparing for this event. We would like to extend our thanks to the publishers of ‘In and Around’ for their continuing support enabling us to regularly communicate with residents across the Parish at no cost to us all. There are a number of others who we work closely with and deserve our thanks, these include – Artemis Tree Services, tfb, The Neighbourhood Police Team, BCC Local Area Funding team, our County Councillor Roger Reed and the Members and Officers of all of our Community Groups and Centres giving support to the myriad of work done by the Parish Council. We have also been successful in gaining support from the District Council in making Denham a Single Ward Parish instead of the current 3. This will legalise the fact that our councillors represent the whole Parish instead of just those living within a specific area. All we now need is for Parliament to find time to agree the necessary Parliamentary Legislation for it to become Law. Over the last year we have operated with 12 elected councillors, 3 vacancies, 3 Associate Members, and numerous other volunteers. We have seen volunteers take up the responsibility of running the Allotments, those helping with delivering of leaflets, others giving office support and individuals and community groups. This and the assistance and activity in the Good Neighbour Scheme are all showing positive signs for the future. Volunteers are the backbone of this Parish. Without them we wouldn’t have the sterling work done by the luncheon clubs, coffee mornings and other support groups vital to the wellbeing of many of our residents. Under normal circumstances, 2019 would have been the year for Parish Elections but due to the introduction of a Unitary Council for Buckinghamshire this has been delayed until 2020. However, we have just received resignations from 2 of our councillors no longer able to commit the time. So, if there is anyone present who would like to know more about working with us on the Parish Council please speak to me or our Clerk. At the end of the day we all have a collective responsibility to make Denham the best place it can be to live and work in. In conclusion, l would like to thank everyone present and hope you would all agree this has been a successful progressive year and trust that this will continue.
Annual Report on behalf of the Finance Committee 2018/19 Chairman, Cllr. Amarjeet Hans I’d like to give you a short run down on the major decisions proposed/achieved by the Finance Committee this past year: We continue to carry out detailed reviews of our budget particular attention paid to ‘ear marking reserves’ for items that regularly need funding. For example, our play area equipment will probably need renewing after they’ve been in-situ for 20 to 25 years, so in order that we don’t enough funds in one single year we save a little each year towards the renewal bill by ‘ear marking’ that money in our reserves. This practice can make our reserves look high but it is monies accounted for. We also need to be prudent and have enough resources in hand for the regular maintenance and improvement of the existing facilities.
We maintain stringent financial and procedural controls, our internal auditors will be with us this month, followed by external auditors some weeks later. A continued reduction in funds from the government into the County & District Councils, has put pressure on the Parish Council to address more queries, complaints and requests coming in from residents. We have also been continually working under pressure this year and our office staff have managed very well with the continued support of all the councilors and our team of volunteers. Denham Parish Council continues to ensure that it provides the best possible service to its residents at an affordable price. Initiatives such as introducing a litter picking along residential roads at the same time as the grass verges are cut have proved effective. We also continue to update our Play Areas and recreational facilities including a brand new outdoor gym at the Way and Tillard to encourage residents across the Parish to become more active. Another initiative being introduced is CCTV coverage at the railway station end of The Pyghtle. As you can see there is an awful lot to achieve and we have set ourselves some high targets to meet. We are determined to do our utmost on behalf of the community and look forward to pushing ahead with our projects. I would also like to point out that Denham Parish continues to have one of the lowest precepts in South Bucks, and although the percentage increase is high for 2019/20, the increased costs, per week for a tax band D household is only 57p per week. I think you will agree that the relative amounts involved are very small relative to the wide range of work that is carried out by the Parish Council.
Annual Report on behalf of the Planning Committee 2018/19 Chairman, Cllr. Sylvia Jefferys Whilst the Parish Council is consulted by the District and County Councils on many planning matters, this is in an advisory capacity only. With the benefit of local knowledge, the Parish Council endeavours to give practical local views to South Bucks District Council and hopes these are taken into consideration when making their decisions. The committee is always keen to hear resident’s views on developments occurring near them and encourage you to copy us in on any communication you have with South Bucks District Council, so that we are aware of your views and can consider this when passing comments on behalf of the Parish Council. The DeLuxe Studios site in Broadwater Park, North Orbital Road, is now fully underway with some residents already moved in. It has planning permission for the redevelopment of 70 new houses, 105 apartments and the conversion of the film laboratory building into 49 new apartments, with the retention of the existing cinema for resident’s use. Some properties are available under an affordable housing scheme, so if you would like to know more about this we would encourage you to contact the site office to discuss further. As you will hear from Neil Homer earlier, Denham Parish Council are moving forward with a neighbourhood plan, as he explained the purpose of this plan is to help shape the future of the developments required in the area. Once a neighbourhood plan is in force, it carries real legal weight, developers are obliged to consider proposals for schemes in the neighbourhood against the neighbourhood plan. A series of meetings have already gone ahead in the 5 geographical areas of Denham in which residents were invited to come along and discuss their suggestions and ideas for future planning in the area. Please contact the council office for details of any future meetings in your area. And of course, HS2 is now starting to impact on our area and we as a Parish council are actively speaking to them to do our utmost to ensure this impact is kept to a minimum. If you have any issues please do catch them at their stand here tonight.
Annual Report on behalf of the Communities Committee 2018/19 Chairman, Cllr. Sharon Williams We have held a number of events in the past year including: Social afternoon with Bingo and music. Thank you to New Denham Community Association for kindly letting us use their hall. We have held three events last year with tea and cakes and the feedback has been excellent. We held five ‘Jazz on the Green’ events in Denham Village. Alongside the event we collected small donations which will contribute installation of defibrillators around the parish. Armed Forces Day was held at St Mary’s Church We ran our third Denham Green Christmas Fayre Organised Christmas Carols with both primary schools, Brownies and church choirs on Denham Village Green around the Christmas Tree kindly donated by the Buckinghamshire Golf Club and decorated by village residents. Our Parish Map and Street Guide has now been printed and the new areas that have been developed Kings Island, Landmark Place and the Denham Film Studios have been added. Maps are available for purchase for £1. In commemoration of the ending of WW1 we held an event at the Denham Village School in Cheapside Lane as the school were also celebrating 140 years as a school. We also had a silent soldier silhouette displayed around the parish and then in the churchyard for Remembrance Sunday. We will be conducting a survey on concerns/suggestions/events/facilities in the Parish please take time to tell us your thoughts. This Year - Please keep looking at our website
Annual Report on behalf of the Services Committee 2018/19 Chairman, Cllr. Marilyn Heath The Services Committee has had an extremely full year and I am pleased to be able to report on what we have achieved across the Parish. After a number of false starts we finally saw the total re-surfacing of The Pyghtle and the removal of the trees and hedgerow that had created difficulties for those using the path. We were fully supported and helped by our County Cllr Roger Reed and attracted Local Area Funding towards achieving this. The number of people who have contacted and thanked us for this, shows how important this path is to residents. After several years of trying to get the A412 footpath illuminated from Denham Green to Village Road we finally saw the lights working early 2019. This work was funded by HS2 following our representation to the House of Lords. We are now working on solving the problem of the footpath regularly flooding, due to blocked drains on the main road, and hope that we will be able to get that rectified and finally see a footpath that is fully fit for purpose.
We established a user group committee for the Allotments which is already proving to be very popular and very successful. They have managed to attract a lot of help and funding to improve the site. In addition, we have been able to install secure storage facilities for them thanks to the donation and support of Skyline Roofing and David Brench who have also helped with our efforts to provide storage facilities for the Denham Cricket Club. Again, with the support of County Cllr Roger Reed we received further Local Area Funding for the improvement to the entrances at Knighton Way Lane Play Area and for the installation of CCTV along The Pyghtle near the railway bridge. We have now completed the replacement of all the streetlights to LED across the Parish. This is already showing us significant savings both in energy consumption and in maintenance costs. We have continued with all of the Devolved Services that we have provided for the last three years with the regular cutting of residential roads grass verges and the care and maintenance of some Public Rights of Way and Bridleways. We received a substantial sum from David Brench towards the upkeep of the village green and he is currently funding and working on planting along the bank of the Village Road stream. One of our Bridleways, between Higher Denham and Denham Green, is recognised as the only safe pedestrian route between these communities and is very regularly used. We are working with the County Rights of Way Team to try and attract sufficient funding to improve the surface thereby making it easier, and more pleasant, to use. There remains a lot of concern about the state of the A40 and the amount of dust and dirt constantly present along the road. We have represented residents’ views and complaints to SBDC, BCC, Environmental Health and The Environment Agency. We continue to try and get TfB to find a permanent solution to the flooding on the A40 at the top of Old Mill Road and Cheapside Lane. We have been assured that a ‘Super Sucker’ has been commissioned to resolve the problem which hopefully will be done soon. Additionally, we’ve been advised that sometime during June or July works will be completed to solve the flooding issues on the zebra crossing at the junction with the North Orbital and Moorfield Road. We are also one the few Parish Councils who provide regular weed spraying of pavements and public areas. We are also proud of the continuing partnership with Artemis Tree Services which has provided a very much improved environment along the wide grass verges along the A412 from the A40 traffic lights and through Denham Green. The Parish Council has included within its budget for additional litter picking to be provided in conjunction with grass cutting. We are trying everything we can to help make the area a more pleasant place to work and live in and welcome the vigilance and help from residents across the Parish. Over the last year we have been able to update the Alderbourne Play Area including the installation of a roundabout suitable for use by young people who are also wheel chair users. We would like to see more inclusive equipment installed across the whole area and will be doing further research into this. Additionally, we have installed an Outdoor Gym at the Way & Tillard Recreation Ground and there are early indications that this is proving popular, together with a small seating area installed. We have an on-going dialogue with Martin Baker Ltd about the future community use of the Martin Baker Sports and Leisure Facilities and are hopeful that we will soon see those facilities bought back into community use. We are also pleased to see the Denham United Ladies Football Club continue to thrive following the support we gave to extend and improve their facilities.
Denham Good Neighbours Scheme Cllr. Marilyn Hagon What does DGNS stand for? Denham Good Neighbour Scheme stands for simply what it says - a scheme for offering friendship and companionship to people in the Denham Parish Why have a Denham Good Neighbour Scheme? The Denham Parish Council realise that in Denham as in all areas in the country, there are people who are housebound, lonely, isolated or in need of friendship. About 18 months ago the idea began of setting up a group of volunteers who would simply give their time to contact any of these people and possibly befriend them by telephoning regularly or visiting. The Aims To try to identify anyone who would benefit from a friendly phone call or visit and then to simply befriend them as much or as little as the person would wish and would welcome. What Have we done so far? The Parish have established a co-ordinator to organise, record and communicate with all volunteers and people identified for befriending. A group of volunteers has been set up and all volunteers will have had training, received a training pack and been DBS checked. We are proud to say we have a super group of 18 volunteers who are positive and willing. We have contacted all local services such as the doctors, care agencies, health visitors etc. in our aim to work collaboratively in befriending lonely or isolated residents. We have leafleted all of Denham Green residents and have held a very successful tea/cake afternoon. This has been repeated and a second tea/cake is to be held this Thursday at St Marks Hall. We are negotiating the use of tea/cake venues in Higher Denham, New Denham, Tatling End and Denham Village so that we can spread the word and make people aware of our work, who we are and what we can provide in our Parish. Our Plans To hold more tea/cake afternoons around the Parish with the aim of establishing relationships with any resident who would welcome regular phone calls or visits. We are a group of very willing volunteers who want to befriend people who would welcome communication and friendship on their terms. If you are aware of anyone who would like one of the DGNS volunteers to contact them, please do contact me.
**** In conclusion, I would urge you to get involved in the work of the Parish. Interested in being a Parish Councillor? Join us as an Associate and get involved to see if you enjoying helping us in maintaining the area and running events.
Continued over page
This coming November will mark thirty-five years since Ashford Kitchens & Interiors was first established. Along the way, we’ve developed our knowledge of kitchens, bedrooms and home-offices and we’ve carried out thousands of bespoke installations around the local area. We’ve expanded our team while remaining, at the core, a family-run business. Every passing year, we have grown and we’ve loved every moment of it.
The company continues to expand from its humble origins as a family owned and family run business. The Flowers still operate the two showrooms and Ashford remains a local, friendly, family-run business. Last year the Ashford Middlesex kitchen showroom was relaunched after undergoing a three-month refurbishment that saw ten new kitchen displays, nine modern bedroom and home-office displays as well as an entirely new shopfront. Stephen summarised Ashford’s desire to keep developing and renewing Ashford’s two showrooms:
‘Over the years we have firmly believed in the importance of showcasing the very latest design ideas in kitchAshford Kitchens & Interiors began thirty-five years ago ens & bedrooms. Customers want to see and touch the in 1984. Founders Richard and Tracey Flower decided to product in a stylish setting which is why our showrooms open their first showroom in Ashford, Middlesex and are regularly updated.’ have been part of the Kitchen Bedroom Specialists Association (KBSA) ever since. When the doors first opened Ashford Kitchens & Interiors will be celebrating later this the company was known as Ashford Fitted Furniture. For year with a special event this Autumn, so keep your eyes the next thirty-five years, Richard and Tracey designed, peeled for more information coming soon! supplied and installed quality fitted kitchens, bespoke Want to know more? Feel free to pop into one of Ashbedrooms and innovative home-offices. ford Kitchens & Interiors two showrooms in Ashford, In 2010, twenty-six years after Richard and Tracey Middlesex and Farnham Common, Buckinghamshire. founding the company, their son Stephen joined the Both showrooms are open Monday to Saturday 9.00am team. His wife Grace joined him soon after, followed by — 5.30pm exhibiting a range of state of the art kitchens, their brother-in-law Guy. Four years down the line, bedrooms and home offices. Or get in touch with our following the success of their initial Ashford showroom, Ashford Showroom on 01784 245964, or our Farnham the team launched their second showroom, this time in Common Showroom on 01753 642362. Buckinghamshire’s Farnham Common. A Short History of Ashford Kitchens & Interiors